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A couple of years ago, he wrote a book because he felt he had some valuable knowledge to share with the rest of the world.

To sell the book, he followed the usual tactics that all of the so-called “internet experts” were peddling…

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Dear Friend,

Let me tell you an amazing story about one of my students, Jay.

A couple of years ago, he wrote a book because he felt he had some valuable knowledge to share with the rest of the world.

To sell the book, he followed the usual tactics that all of the so-called “internet experts” were peddling…

Give away some content from the book for free… Build an email list… Follow-up with these leads on a regular basis…

But the big problem with this approach was:

He Was Attracting Mostly Freebie Seekers To His Business Who Would Just Hoard Information And Never Buy Anything.

Needless to say, he only sold 225 copies in the first 4 months of its launch:

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It may sound like a lot but if you break it down:

That’s only 1-2 copies a day, on average… Or, £22.46 in revenue per day.

That wasn’t enough to cover the daily groceries, let alone make a full-time income!

Anyway, so Jay was starting to lose hope…

He was running out of money and didn’t know where to turn to next.

On top of that, some of his friends and family were telling him to quit and get a full time job.

However, the thought of working in a 9-5 job for the rest of his life really put him off so he gave his book-business another try…

But this time he did the complete opposite of what everybody else was doing and preaching…

He sold his book upfront to people who had never heard of him before!

After all, if he had something valuable to share that could genuinely help people, then why make it difficult for them to buy it right?

That’s like going to your local Pharmacy and asking them for something to treat your cold but they turn around and say: 

“Here is the exact solution you need but we’re not going to give you that. We’re going to give you a free leaflet instead which tells you all about the cold.”

I know, it’s absurd.

Hence why Jay decided to sell his book outright… but in order to convince total strangers that his book was the ideal solution for them… 

He came up with a unique 3-step sales approach… And shortly after putting it into practise, his sales literally exploded!

He went from selling 1 or 2 copies a day to selling well over 1000 copies a day!

Look, here are a couple of sales screenshots taken from his PayPal account:

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And those were sales that were generated through his own website.

An extra 50% of sales were also generated through Amazon:

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Get Zero Resistance Marketing – Saj P & Jeevan S , Only Price $127

That’s over 1500 sales a day!

Or in other words, £20,000 in revenue a day!

His family actually started getting a little annoyed with him because he was shipping out the orders himself and he turned their home into a warehouse!

He continued to fulfil the orders himself until Royal Mail (the largest postal service in the UK) called him one day and told him to use a fulfilment service instead.

They said his mail was taking up too much space in their van and they had to make arrangements for a second van to collect mail from all the other businesses in the local area.

He routinely achieved these results for several months and as a result:

He became the bestselling author in the entire country, outselling all his competition including famous TV celebrities who have massive followings on social media…

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What’s more amazing about this is…

Jay didn’t have a well-known brand. He did not have an established following and he didn’t actually spend any money on marketing!

(You can find out how he achieved the last part towards the end of this post so keep reading…)

He has recently won his second Million Dollar Award by the website builder, ClickFunnels.

The first of which he is holding in the image below (By the way, he is the fastest person in the ClickFunnels community to generate 7 figures for an author):

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He used the money he made to invest in 2 new properties in London which, as you may know, is one of the most expensive cities in the world for real estate.

He paid most of them in cash so he has virtually no mortgage payments and he rents them out, netting him an easy $40,000+ a year in hands-free, passive income:

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It’s also allowed his father to take an early retirement after being stuck in the corporate rat race for over 20 years.

It’s quite remarkable when you consider the fact that he achieved all of this from just one book!

A book which he couldn’t sell, and was regarded as a “flop”, only a couple of years ago.

Now, I know you might be a little sceptical at this point, especially with all the wild claims people are making on the internet these days…

That’s why I’m going to show you an email Jay received recently from his accountant, verifying his results:

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(Note, some of the accountant’s personal details have been removed on request – he’s a private individual)

Jay’s rapid success caught the attention of another author (called Stuart) who was eager to know exactly what he was doing to achieve such incredible sales figures.

At first, Jay was a little reluctant to share his strategy with him, but as Stuart offered to work on a profit-share basis, Jay figured it would be a good way to see whether his 3-step formula would work on other books and wasn’t just a “one-hit wonder”.

So the 3-step formula was applied to Stuart’s book,

and the results were just as impressive:

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And remember, these were just sales on his own personal website. 

Since applying Jay’s formula, Stuart has become a national bestselling author himself and sold well over 25,000 copies of his book.

It was clear that Jay was on to something very powerful here… But before he could share it with the general public, he thought he’d test it again…

Only this time, with a totally different book.

You see, Jay’s and Stuarts books were non-fiction books. The ultimate test would be if it worked on a fiction book…

So Jay gave his 3-step formula to somebody he knew (called Jason) who wrote a storybook.

Jason already had a bunch of copies lying in his basement collecting dust…

But that changed quite quickly after he followed Jay’s revolutionary 3-step sales method.

In fact, here is the message he posted on Facebook about his success:

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Since then, Jason has applied Jay’s 3-step formula to other projects, including selling Music CDs!

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(By the way, Jay’s first name is Jeevan but we call him Jay for short)

When I saw this post by Jason, I was amazed. I thought, if he could apply Jay’s formula to music CDs, then surely it would work for my business…

So I used it to promote two, separate, live workshops in London, teaching entrepreneurs the latest strategies in digital marketing…

And the result was?

I Sold-Out Both Live Events Using His Formula! Hundreds Of People Attended Each One, And We Made A Profit On The Front-End Ticket Sales Alone Which Is Very Rare In This Industry…

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I also used it to promote a live webinar training I held recently… 

And once again, I maxed-out the attendance. Almost 1000 people showed up… even though, half-way through the promotion, there was a national holiday (Independence Day) in the U.S!

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If you have run any kind of live workshop in the past, then you would know that these type of results are simply unheard of!

At this point, I persuaded Jay to document his ground-breaking 3-step approach and make it available to the wider public…

Because at the end of the day, I felt he was doing a disservice by keeping this valuable information under wraps…

I mean, just imagine all the extra sales, revenue and profits entrepreneurs are currently missing out on just because they are not applying this 3-step formula in their business. 

But more importantly, think about how many more lives are not changing for the better because business owners are simply unaware of the most effective way to sell their products and services…

The great news is, Jay has just finished compiling his 3-step formula into a short 48-page ebook and you can get instant access to it below for just $7.

Why $7?

Because as I mentioned earlier, people don’t tend to value free information.

By placing a small price tag on it, there is a much greater chance that you will take the time to read through the ebook and apply the knowledge in your business.

Not only that, but I feel $7 is a fair price to pay considering the huge amount of time and work that Jay put into developing, testing and verifying his 3-step formula.

Not to mention, all the additional revenue it can bring to your business – potentially 6 or 7 figures in return.

So if you’re an author, course creator or a person who sells any product or service for that matter… I urge you get a copy of Jay’s brand new ebook below now.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover in this amazing ebook:

  • “People don’t buy products or services, they buy solutions" right? Wrong! The only reason somebody will buy from you is because of your “PI” factor. Jay explains what it is and how you can use it to get a significant edge over your competition (page 12)
  • How Jay went from selling 1 or 2 books a day to selling up to 1500 books a day by making a small tweak to his marketing message (Note: this is what ultimately lead to Jay becoming the bestselling author in the entire country, outselling many famous TV celebrities who have massive followings on social media, and being interviewed by a national TV news station) (page 15) 
  • An often overlooked tool to find out what your target market is really thinking and feeling. Your prospects are revealing their deepest desires and frustrations here. It’s a goldmine for marketers and you cannot find this level of personal insight anywhere else. The best part? It doesn’t cost you a cent to access… (page 18)
  • How Jay reached number 4 on the Amazon marketplace for books, selling up to 500+ copies a day, without promoting his Amazon listing or running a single paid, Amazon ad. (page 24)
  • The best price to charge for your book or product to maximize your sales and profits when selling to an ice-cold audience who have never heard of you or your product before. (page 24)
  • Where to find a massive pool of potentially millions of people on the internet who have their cash-in-hand and are ready to buy your product now. (pages 27 – 28)
  • How Jay ethically used an image he didn’t own on Facebook to promote his book and scale his business to the 6 figure level in a matter of weeks (page 44)
  • How a fitness company went from being a complete disaster, losing millions of dollars in advertising, to a billion dollar empire, by adding two words to their marketing campaign. (page 13)
  • An 8-step checklist you must follow if you want to ensure your next marketing campaign is a home-run, potentially bringing-in an extra 6 or 7 figures in sales. After studying hundreds of advertising campaigns in the past, I found that 95% of business owners fail to adopt this simple checklist in their marketing and that’s why they get below-par results (page 17)
  • Why brushing your teeth in the morning can help you develop a blockbuster marketing campaign that will take your marketplace by storm (page 20)
  • Did you know that 4500 new books and info-products are being released to the marketplace every single day? That’s why you must include this key element in your offer if you want to stand out from the crowd and make your product irresistible so prospects choose you every time. (page 24)
  • A two-part criteria Jay follows to ensure he only offers his product to passionate buyers. Most business owners ignore this basic criteria and that’s why they spend all their time and money trying to convert “looky loos” who were never interested in buying their product or service in the first place! (page 26)
  • How Jay made a ton of sales and profits on Instagram without having an Instagram account. Even till this day, Jay does not know how Instagram fully works or how to use it yet he is able to generate sales on there like clockwork. (page 40)
  • How Jay gets hundreds or even thousands of dollars in free advertising spend on Facebook every single day (pages 44 – 45) 

That's not all… If you download it right now, I will also give you the Audiobook for free! (Value $7)

So you can listen to Jay break down his game-changing formula himself, step-by-step, whilst travelling on the train or driving in your car.

Look, you’ve just seen how this 3-step system has transformed Jay’s business and his life…

It’s helped turn his book “flop” into a national bestseller…

Shifting 1500 copies a day and outselling all his competition including famous celebrities who feature regularly on TV and have massive social media followings…

It’s also earned him 2, Million Dollar awards by ClickFunnels… 2 brand new investment properties in London… And an early retirement for him and his father who’s slogged away in his dead-end job for the past 20 years…

You’ve also seen how it’s helped his clients, Stuart and Jason, sell their unknown books and CDs in droves and become bestselling authors themselves… 

And you’ve seen how I used this formula myself to sell-out 2 live events in London, making a profit on the front-end ticket sales alone, and achieve a record-breaking attendance on a webinar I held recently…

At this point, you can only take 1 of 3 options:

Option #1: Do nothing, exit from this page, perhaps check out what your friends are up to on Facebook and continue your life as you are.

If that’s the case, I hope you took some inspiration from reading Jay’s story today and it’s broadened your horizons a little to show you what’s possible.

However, if you are a serious business owner who wants to experience a rapid boost in sales, that leaves you with 2 other options:

Option #2: Go it alone and try to figure it out yourself.

If so, we wish you the best of luck because I can assure you, it won’t be an easy ride…

There will be a lot of painstaking trial and error, wasted advertising spend and continued frustration.

Even after all of this work, there is a high chance that you will not stumble across Jay’s 3-step formula or anything remotely close to it.

As I said before, I’ve studied hundreds of advertising campaigns in the past and 95% of them fail to adopt Jay’s 3 principles and that’s why they get mediocre results.

Now to the final option… which I feel is the most logical and easiest one for you to take…

Option #3: Download Jay’s new ebook now for a mere 7 bucks. Read through it and apply his revolutionary 3-step sales system today. 

Watch as your sales go up considerably and your life changes for the better.

Remember, there are only 2 types of people in this world… 

Those who dream about achieving success but never build up the courage to go after it…

And those who know exactly what they want and take action as soon as the opportunity arises.

Since you’ve read this far, I can see you are one of the more dedicated individuals…

So don’t wait a second longer.

Download Jay’s new ebook right now.

And I will personally send you an email with the access link in the next 3 minutes.

To your future success,

Saj P

P.S. If you are not happy with Jay’s new ebook (3-Steps To Selling 50,000+ Books A Year) for whatever reason, just shoot me a message and I’ll give you a full refund.

I will even let you keep the ebook and audiobook (value $7) just for giving it a try.

That way, you have absolutely nothing to lose but a whole new, cash-generating business and lifestyle to gain.

Get your new ebook above. 

Trust me. You won’t regret it. 

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