Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $57.00.

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Discover your body’s ability to communicate and guide you in healing today’s most common health challenges.
Receive proven practices to intuit the healing information your body is sending you — and live in ‘right relationship’ with your body, other people, and nature.

High stress levels. Anxiety. Fatigue. Depression. Insomnia. Digestive Disorders. Diabetes. Heart disease. Cancer. And so many other ailments…

What’s causing all these widespread health issues and chronic illnesses that so many of us face? Why does the human body seem so mysterious at times?

Often, physicians can’t or don’t know how to help, leaving their patients feeling crazy or hopeless. Do these painful experiences ring true for you too?

Purchase this course you will earn 57 Points worth of $5.70!


Buy Your BodyWise Path to Healing With Rachel Abrams Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Discover your body’s ability to communicate and guide you in healing today’s most common health challenges.
Receive proven practices to intuit the healing information your body is sending you — and live in ‘right relationship’ with your body, other people, and nature.

High stress levels. Anxiety. Fatigue. Depression. Insomnia. Digestive Disorders. Diabetes. Heart disease. Cancer. And so many other ailments…

What’s causing all these widespread health issues and chronic illnesses that so many of us face? Why does the human body seem so mysterious at times?

Often, physicians can’t or don’t know how to help, leaving their patients feeling crazy or hopeless. Do these painful experiences ring true for you too?

Purchase Your BodyWise Path to Healing With Rachel Abrams courses at here with PRICE $297 $57

Your BodyWise Path to Healing With Rachel AbramsYour BodyWise Path to Healing With Rachel Abrams

Discover your body’s ability to communicate and guide you in healing today’s most common health challenges.
Receive proven practices to intuit the healing information your body is sending you — and live in ‘right relationship’ with your body, other people, and nature.

High stress levels. Anxiety. Fatigue. Depression. Insomnia. Digestive Disorders. Diabetes. Heart disease. Cancer. And so many other ailments…

What’s causing all these widespread health issues and chronic illnesses that so many of us face? Why does the human body seem so mysterious at times?

Often, physicians can’t or don’t know how to help, leaving their patients feeling crazy or hopeless. Do these painful experiences ring true for you too?

The truth is, many of these difficult symptoms — including body pain, digestive disturbances, brain fog, and more — aren’t easily explained by Western medicine…

… but they are puzzles that can be solved when we look at ourselves in the context of perhaps the most reliable predictor of health problems: a lack of “right relationship” with other people and the planet.

“Living in right relationship,” says integrative primary care doctor Dr. Rachel Abrams, “increases the beauty, integrity, and resilience of the organism.”

The Healing Intelligence of Your Body’s Rainforest

When you align with nature’s intelligence and come to view your body as an extension of nature with its own microbiomes, this wisdom becomes your compass for healing and balancing your cells and organ systems… as well as your past and current relationships (including with your very own bacterial microbiome!).

In Dr. Rachel’s new live video training, you’ll discover how your body has its own ecology that’s always at work, and that it’s full of friendly bacteria, fungi that live with you, and plenty of other microorganisms…

As Dr. Rachel puts it, your body is its own rainforest. Just as the rainforest and other natural phenomena know how to self-regulate — shedding leaves, soaking up rain, and essentially weeding its own garden — we were also born to be naturally body intelligent as we navigate and tend to our 10,000-year-old physiology.

Even as you read this, your body is sending you the information you need to heal your health issues — and holds the wisdom that can help you transform your genetic expression. ..

You just have to learn how to intuit the messages your body is sending you… to live in right relationship with it.

A Master Practitioner to Guide You Into Right Relationship
In this brand new 6-week live video course, Dr. Rachel will show you how to use your own body intelligence to guide you to right relationship with your body, your past (ancestors), your present relationships, and the natural world of which we’re all an intrinsic part.

Studies show that simply seeing a tree outside of an urban apartment window can improve the physiology and health of the people living inside.

Nature is also soothing to our adrenal stress response and nervous and immune systems — lowering cortisol levels and increasing balanced immune function.

A renowned integrative medicine practitioner, Dr. Rachel’s wisdom is both eminently practical and inspiring.

After practicing primary care medicine for more than two decades — and opening the award-winning Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine Clinic in 2008 — Dr. Abrams treats many of the world’s most influential people, from CEOs to billionaire entrepreneurs to Nobel Peace laureates.

She’s been voted “Best Doctor” in Santa Cruz County from 2009 through 2019. Along the way, Dr. Rachel has had many, many patients come to her with symptoms they can’t explain and don’t understand — and the cause, she says, has always traced back to not being connected with other people and nature…

Dr. Rachel points out that as a human, you’re a pack animal, designed to be with and care for other people. The world population is higher than ever — and yet, we’ve never had as many humans isolated from each other, and from nature.

As your guide and mentor on this 6-week adventure, Dr. Rachel will help you achieve higher levels of vitality, connectedness, and peace in your life and in your health…

Join her on this journey to deeply understand your own body — and your place in the universe.

You’ll also discover:

  • How to use your genetics, epigenetics (the social influence on genetic expression) and your ancestral line of experiences to reveal exactly who you are — and why your body reacts as it does
  • A guided, medically grounded practice to develop body wisdom for your healing and life
  • How your relationships with others affect your digestion and immunity
  • The most important ways to understand and address your stress and anxiety
  • How to take good care of the bacterial cells in your body… and why they’re actually your closest friends
  • Discover your own natural exercise — how you can move in a way that’s in alignment with your nature
  • Decide what you want to give to the world — and what you might be able to give when you are loved, bodywise, and connected to the worldwide web of nature
  • Why NOW is the time to master the four steps to restoring right relationship: Perspective, Acceptance of What Is, Compassion, and Discernment (connection or letting go)
  • And so much more…

Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video

So you can better connect with Dr. Rachel and her teachings, all of her sessions will be live streamed on video. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Rachel’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio only, either through the internet or on your phone.

What You’ll Discover in These 6 Weeks
Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

In this 6-week transformational intensive, Dr. Rachel will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to become fluent in your own body intelligence — the powerful tool you’ll be using as a compass to navigate your life map of relationships, and your health.

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Dr. Rachel. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to align with the healthy life your body was made for.

Module 1: Your Path to Healing — Body Wisdom & Right Relationship (September 25)

During your first class with Dr. Rachel, you’ll discover what cultivating integrity, resilience, and beauty in your life and relationships really means — and how that can play out in your life, specifically.

During this first class, you’ll also:

Discover and implement the 4-step process to becoming body intelligent
Navigate your decisions using the Right Relationship framework
Dive deep into the reasons you need body intelligence — and why you’ve lost touch with it
Listen to the language of your body and learn how to heal yourself
Align with your evolutionary health — and the life your body was made for
Become fluent in your own body intelligence — the powerful tool you’ll be using as a compass to navigate your life map of relationships
Explore why figuring out what was going on when your grandmother was pregnant with your bio mom — and when your mom was pregnant with you — can unlock powerful information about your health
Using plenty of patient stories and real-life examples, Dr. Rachel will explore the multitude of influences that impact your health, and how the 5 Fundamentals of Health — Eat, Sleep, Move, Love, and Purpose — underlie your ability to heal.

Module 2: Tapping Into Your Body Wisdom to Heal (October 2)

It’s time to tackle the real-life medical issues you’ve been facing. Dr. Rachel will collect information from you and your fellow participants at the beginning of the class so it will be tailored to your specific needs.

She’ll walk you through a truly integrative approach, including a thorough examination of the contribution of the 5 Fundamentals of Health for each person (Eat, Sleep, Move, Love, and Purpose), using actual patient stories — and possibly even your story!

This week, you’ll also discover:

How your eating habits can better align with your evolutionary nature — and what your body was built for
The reason sleep is the most important factor in preventing your cells from aging
Why moving your body is VITAL for your physical and mental health
How your relationships with others affect your digestion and immunity
Why you’re tired — and what you can do about it
The most important ways to understand and address your stress and anxiety
How to take good care of the bacterial cells in your body… and why they’re actually your closest friends
How your earth-belly, your own microbiome (the bacteria in your gut), relates to the microbiome in your sink — and in your yard, garden, and more
How more nature — animals, dirt, mushrooms — can improve your immune system
Dr. Rachel will cover all the most common health complaints, including fatigue, stress and anxiety, digestive issues, and allergy and autoimmune issues — and how each of these is connected to your “not-so-right” relationships to your body, the people in your life, and the world…

You’ll also consider the implications of genetics, epigenetics, personal history, and ancestry — and use the best of modern medicine and functional medicine to understand each issue.

Module 3: The Importance of Finding Right Relationship With Others (October 16)

In this session, you’ll use your body intelligence to identify your most important health challenge — and design a strategy for surrounding it with all the attention and support it needs to heal.

Did you know that data suggests that your social contacts and the love in your life are more important to your health than any other lifestyle factor? This week, you’ll dig into the neurobiology of how love heals you — and what’s happening with the current waves of depression, anxiety, hatred, and violence in our world.

You’ll also discover why:

We need each other: oxytocin, prolactin, and the neuro story of love and affection
The U.S. is the most anxious nation on earth — and what we can do about it
Using a “pill for the ill” helped create the current mental health crisis
Your social network can keep you from getting a cold… or cancer…
It’s time to master the 4 steps to restoring right relationship:
Acceptance of What Is
Discernment (connection or letting go)
Introversion, overwhelm, and the need to be alone are often misunderstood
Come prepared to assess your own social relationships and strategize ways to improve your social support with Dr. Rachel’s guidance — or maybe figure out how to have more solitude, depending on your situation.

Module 4: Healing Your Ancestral Line Through Epigenetics (October 23)

Genetics are certainly important, but did you know they only determine 10% of your health outcomes? However, epigenetics — the social influence on gene expression — has a lasting and even intergenerational effect on everyone.

This week, you’ll discover how your romantic relationships and spousal relationships play a big part in determining your health — it’s more complex than you think! You’ll also practice using the 4 Steps to Right Relationship with an important person in your life.

You’ll also discover:

Why figuring out what was going on when your grandmother was pregnant with your bio mom — and when your mom was pregnant with you — can unlock powerful information about your health
How your intrauterine experience can influence your health, your susceptibility to disease, and even your temperament and intelligence for the rest of your life
Why it’s important to think through whether there were any traumas or deprivations in your familial line
How to use this information to create right relationships with your family and your romantic partner
The “red flags” to be avoided in any relationship
Module 5: Finding Right Relationship With the Natural World (October 30)

As a human being, you are nature itself — from the smallest subatomic particle… to the water that flows through you like tiny river arteries… to the 50 trillion bacterial cells that are your necessary companions. Indeed, you are a walking rainforest of life… and not just human life, but bacteria, fungi, and archaea life as well.

Your human body produces pheromones that affect the other humans, animals, and even plants around you — and vice versa.

People were made to be outside — with other living beings, and with circadian rhythms and menstrual cycles coordinated by the moon and sun. It’s no wonder there are hundreds of known benefits to being in the presence of other natural life!

This week, you’ll discover how to access the healing in your own body through finding your right place in nature as you:

Discover how body wisdom plugs you into the healing intelligence, beauty, and resilience of nature
Learn about the deep interconnections of trees — how they mother their young and communicate — a world wide web, just like ours
Reclaim your own human animal nature through the 8 Gateways to Embodiment and Nature Connection
Find your “get-in, get-healed” nature plan
Discover your natural exercise — how you can move in a way that’s in alignment with your nature
Learn about neurotoxins in our food supply and rising rates of neurological disorders, such as autism, ADD and learning disorders, anxiety, and Alzheimer’s disease
Find out how to create a non-toxic home
Learn how to detoxify naturally
Module 6: Aligning Your Life With Integrity, Beauty & Resilience (November 6)

As you reach this final session, you’ll be ready to put it all together.

Using your body intelligence as your guide, you’ll determine exactly what you need for your psychological and physical health and relationships.

You’ll also set intentions for how you can impact your 5 Fundamentals of Health so you can experience more vitality and resilience.

During this final week, you’ll:

See yourself in your world-connected context and in the lineage of your ancestry
Understand the wisdom your body has for you around your health and purpose in the world
Find community — to live like a normal human animal!
Allow yourself to be loved
Decide what you want to give to the world — and what you might be able to give when you are loved, bodywise, and connected to the worldwide web of nature
Dr. Rachel will lead you through an Inner Smile heart meditation to help guide you in your love and relationships. As you’ll discover, a change at any level affects all the levels.

Finally, Dr. Rachel will end with an exercise in finding your purpose — on choosing the area of life in which you’re willing to commit to working in right relationship with integrity, resilience, and beauty.

The BodyWise Path Bonus Collection
In addition to Dr. Rachel’s transformative 6-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Wilding: How Deep Connection With Your Body & Nature Can Restore Your Vitality & Sexual Aliveness
Video Interview With Dr. Rachel Abrams and Saida Désilets

This 36-minute dialogue between longtime colleagues and friends Saida Désilets (expert on sexuality, spirituality, and re-wilding ourselves) and Dr. Rachel Abrams, explores how getting back in touch with the natural world — and seeing yourself as a part of nature — is essential to your sense of vitality and belonging. This frank, practical, and titillating conversation is sure to energize your day.

Saida Désilets, PhD, is a thought leader, speaker, and “Succulence Revolutionary” on the leading edge of researching how women can use their minds, bodies, and spirits to create richer lives through their sensual selves. She’s the world’s leading authority on the Jade Egg practice, and founder of the Désilets Method, a system that creates more pleasure, sexual aliveness, and deep self-love. She’s a co-contributor to the bestselling books of Dr. Christiane Northrup and Dr. Rachel Abrams, and has led transformational workshops and seminars for women around the globe for the past 13 years. She’s the author of Emergence of the Sensual Woman: Awakening Our Erotic Innocence, and serves as a guide to women who believe in transformation as a lifelong path of learning, discovery, and freedom.

BodyWise Companion Journal
PDF Guide From Dr. Rachel Abrams

As you move through this collection of Dr. Rachel’s wisdom, personal anecdotes, and powerful exercises designed to improve your wellbeing, you’ll discover your own body intelligence for lifelong health and healing.

The Gift Within Conflict
Audio Dialogue With Rachel Abrams and Nate Bagley

Nate Bagley (relationship expert and host of the Loveumentary podcast) sits down with Dr. Rachel Abrams to discuss the wonderful benefits and treasures you’ll discover when you approach relationship conflict with the right tools and mindsets.

Nate Bagley’s goal is to help rid the world of mediocre love. He’s the founder of Unbox Love, a date-in-a-box subscription service, and the creator of The Loveumentary, a project capturing the most compelling love stories in America. Each week, you can find stories from couples around the country, along with interviews from experts in the field of love and relationships. Follow along at Loveumentary.com as Nate travels across the country to capture the story of true love.

Understanding the Human Animal, Love & Right Relationship
Audio Dialogue With Rachel Abrams and Amy Baglan

Entrepreneur Amy Baglan is the founder of the MeetMindful app, designed for the millions of mindful singles who desire deep, intentional relationships. In this powerful audio dialogue, she digs deep with Dr. Rachel Abrams into Rachel’s belief that we’re in a cultural crisis — and why relationships and a sense of connection are the answer.

You’ll also learn a bit of neuroscience that explains how all living beings are connected to each other and to nature. Amy and Rachel’s conversation also touches on money, sex, family, dreams — and what in the world “naked Shabbat” is. You’ll finish this episode feeling inspired to connect more deeply with yourself, with others, and with the earth.

Amy Baglan is the founder of MeetMindful, an online dating site where mindful singles connect with one another to find true love. MeetMindful is a relationships company that inspires people to make meaningful connections every day.

Join the Global Community

Your BodyWise Path to Healing offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available, in a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from around the world in the live interactive sessions or our online community to support and learn from each other while you discover how to open your mind and expand your paradigm of reality.

This international community is at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Six 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. Rachel Abrams
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with author, speaker, and founder of the award-winning Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine Clinic Dr. Rachel Abrams — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to engage your body’s ability to communicate and guide you in healing today’s most common health challenges. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

Six Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Six Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Six PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Six 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions
With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share, and do additional practices with to help further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are available for live attendance only, not recorded for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The BodyWise Path Bonus Collection
Wilding: How Deep Connection With Your Body & Nature Can Restore Your Vitality & Sexual Aliveness
Video Interview With Dr. Rachel Abrams and Saida Désilets
BodyWise Companion Journal
PDF Guide From Dr. Rachel Abrams
The Gift Within Conflict
Audio Dialogue With Rachel Abrams and Nate Bagley
Understanding the Human Animal, Love & Right Relationship
Audio Dialogue With Rachel Abrams and Amy Baglan
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Your BodyWise Path to Healing Virtual Training
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Dr. Rachel’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about living in “right relationship” with your body, other people, and nature, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

About Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams

Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University, received her MD from UC San Francisco, and a Master’s degree in Holistic Health from UC Berkeley. She is board certified in family medicine and integrative medicine.

In 2008 she opened the award-winning Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine Clinic. Dr. Abrams treats many of the world’s most influential people, from CEOs to billionaire entrepreneurs to Nobel Peace laureates. She has been voted “Best Doctor” in Santa Cruz County from 2009 through 2019.

Dr. Rachel has published five books, most recently BodyWise: Discovering Your Body’s Intelligence for Lifelong Health and Healing, and Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love with John and Julie Gottman.

Dr. Rachel’s other publications include The Man’s Guide to Women, The Multi-Orgasmic Woman, The Multi-Orgasmic Couple, and the audiobook, Taoist Sexual Secrets.

Dr. Rachel has given keynote addresses throughout the country and has taught more than 50 classes and workshops throughout the world. She has been an expert consultant on holistic health for national magazines, radio, and television for the last 20 years.

Dr. Rachel loves the ocean and the redwoods, and is addicted to beach volleyball. She is happily married and the mother of three fabulous young adults. She and her beloved husband, Doug, live in Santa Cruz, California.

Purchase Your BodyWise Path to Healing With Rachel Abrams courses at here with PRICE $297 $57

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Your BodyWise Path to Healing With Rachel Abrams
Your BodyWise Path to Healing With Rachel Abrams
Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $57.00. Add to cart