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Activate the 5 Dimensions of the Self and Awaken Your Heart to Deeper Love, Bliss & Wisdom
Experience the Power of Heart-centered Yogic Wisdom and Practice & Awaken Your Highest Potential Through Yoga’s Holistic Path for Body and Mind

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Activate the 5 Dimensions of the Self and Awaken Your Heart to Deeper Love, Bliss & Wisdom
Experience the Power of Heart-centered Yogic Wisdom and Practice & Awaken Your Highest Potential Through Yoga’s Holistic Path for Body and Mind

Purchase Yoga of the Heart With Saul David Raye courses at here with PRICE $297 $85


Yoga of the Heart With Saul David RayeYoga of the Heart With Saul David Raye

Activate the 5 Dimensions of the Self and Awaken Your Heart to Deeper Love, Bliss & Wisdom
Experience the Power of Heart-centered Yogic Wisdom and Practice & Awaken Your Highest Potential Through Yoga’s Holistic Path for Body and Mind

Humankind has been to the peaks of the highest mountains, the depths of the oceans and into outer space…

Yet it’s still a great challenge for us to calm our minds and know the depths of our own hearts.

Both spiritual traditions and modern science recognize the power and importance of the human heart, yet it remains among the greatest of mysteries.

According to yogic wisdom and practice, the human heart holds the key to awakening greater, more expanded levels of energy, accessing our deeper soul wisdom and experiencing inner peace.

Yoga is often taught as mainly a physical practice in the West with the main importance on bodily postures, strength and flexibility. Like a branch is part of a tree, the physical aspect of yoga, or asana, is one branch of the great tree of yoga.

Though well over 5,000 years old, yoga has incredible relevance today. It’s practiced all around the world by people from all walks of life and is a major force in shaping the emerging consciousness on the planet.

The true, deeper yoga is a path for body, mind and soul. It transcends differences and speaks to the heart each of us. Yoga is the technology of awakening the heart, the space of pure consciousness within us, the space where all polarities dissolve and we experience our connection to source and the unity of all things.

The 5 Energy Layers of Your Being
Sacred yogic traditions have long worked with the 5 subtle energy layers orkoshas… and the heart as the center of being, wisdom and energy.

Your yoga practice can help bring awareness, expression and healing to these five layers of your being — giving you direct access your authentic Self, powers of intention (Sankalpa), more love and greater compassion.

World-renowned teacher Saul David Raye draws on the depth of the Yoga tradition, Bhakti, Tantra and universal light. Through his heart-centered, holistic teachings, you can awaken to the subtle energy layers of your being, navigate your soul’s journey more skillfully and engage in daily life with more ease and purpose.

He’ll share teachings that will affect how you experience yoga and give you tools and support to embrace your own authentic yoga and path. He’ll reveal the profound, universal wisdom at the heart of Yoga.

Annamaya kosha is your first layer and translated, means, “made of physical matter.” This first layer is your physical body, including bodily functions and all physical aspects of your being. When you are stuck in this layer, it’s easy to forget you are MORE than your body…

Pranamaya kosha is your second layer or your “Prana” layer, the life force that vitalizes and holds together your body and mind. It permeates your entire being and governs your biological processes. Without it, your body would cease to function.

Manomaya kosha, or your “body made of thought processes,” is your third layer and encompasses your nervous system and brain. It receives input from your five senses and responds, shaping your experiences by the stimuli you receive. If you receive too much sensory input (negative or positive) you can experience energetic blocks or overwhelm your system.

Vijnanamaya kosha is your fourth layer, translated as “the power of judgment or discernment,” is your layer of intellect which discriminates, determines and wills. This layer distinguishes humans from animals. Regular meditation and focus on your yogic path, strengthen and balance your clarity, intuition and connection to inner guidance.

Anandamaya kosha is your fifth layer and is your subtle energy body of truth, beauty, and spiritual bliss. This innermost layer is extremely important in yoga because it’s where spirituality and matter meet. It’s the final and thinnest veil between your general awareness and connection to your higher Self.

The Practice of Living From Your Heart

Saul’s teachings provide a framework for understanding what yoga is (and isn’t!) and how it works. “Vichara” is the Sanskrit word for inquiry and according to the ancient yogis, the act of doing yoga is the most profound form of self-inquiry… inquiry into the true nature of being.

In this powerful all-new training, Saul will guide you into some of the most essential yogic teachings and give you daily practices and techniques to support you in awaken your heart and deepening your connection to the rhythms and cycles of the Earth and Universe.

In this comprehensive, 7-module training with Saul David Raye, you’ll discover:

  • Yoga’s sacred map of the Self (Being)
  • The 5 layers (koshas) of the soul — and how to access them and experience your radiant heart
  • The power of Sankalpa (intention) and how to use it for positive change
  • 3 essential yogic teachings: Dhri = Dharma (Universal Truth), Kri = Karma (Action) = Soul Force, Ritam (Cosmic Rhythm, Evolution)
  • The Power of OM for individual and global healing
  • The quantum power of the spiritual heart (Hridaya) at the center of your being
  • A guided Yoga Nidra session — a deep yogic relaxation practice to release stress and anxiety and connect all layers of your being
  • Practices to awaken your energetic heart for greater health, energy and peace
  • The core yoga philosophy, Pancha Maha Bhoutas (5 great elements)
  • The Cosmic Pulse known as Ritam and how everything is connected through rhythm
  • Your own practice of meditation and prayer using mantra, heart-centered techniques and other practices

The little space within the heart is as great as the vast universe.
The heavens and the earth are there, and the sun and the moon and the stars. Fire and lightening and winds are there, and all that now is and all that is not.
— Prabhavananda, The Upanishads: Breath from the Eternal

Living from the heart is a practice. This course will offer support, inspiration and practices that will deeply affect your yoga practice. Join master teacher Saul David Raye for this journey into essential and illuminating yogic teachings on the heart.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Saul will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully deepen the essential heart practices of a true yogi.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your mastery of these yogic heart practices and live in a beautiful and sacred way.

Module 1: The Yogic Map
Understanding Life as the Journey of the Soul

The deeper teachings of yoga and yogic map of consciousness allow us to reframe how we see ourselves and the world, as an expression of one interconnected, quantum reality.

In this first module, you’ll learn about the five koshas of energy that surround the Soul and how to bring awareness, expression and healing to each level and explore the concept of dharma, a container for all of yoga and life itself. You’ll experience a guided meditation to connect to a sacred awareness of being, along with a teaching and meditation on the power of the sacred vibration — OM!

In this module, you’ll discover:

Yoga’s map of consciousness and the different dimensions of energy around and within us
The Dharma Code, the Power of Purpose and the Purpose of Power
The 5 Sheaths of Soul — the 5 energies around the Soul and how to access them for greater power, energy and connection
The power of Sankalpa (intention) and how to use it for positive change
3 sacred roots of yoga Dhri = Dharma (Universal Truth) , Kri = Karma (Action) = Soul Force, Ritam (Cosmic Rhythm, Evolution)
The Power of OM for individual and global healing
Module 2: The Power of the Heart

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Since ancient times, great masters and sacred traditions have spoken of the power of the human heart, as the center of our being and the seat of greater wisdom and energy. Modern science continues to reveal and validate the incredible power of the human heart and though we all seek greater energy, happiness and fulfillment, there is still no greater mystery than our own hearts.

The yogic map is about exploring the power of the heart and its different levels. In this session, you’ll learn how to tap into the energy of the heart for greater health, energy and peace.

You’ll discover:

The importance of the heart (Hridaya) in sacred traditions, daily life and healing relationships
A guided meditation to awaken, harmonize and support healing through the layers of the heart
Techniques for tapping into the heart energy field for expanded energy and connection
Sound, poetry and sacred teachings to tune your heart
Module 3: The Power of Nature & the 5 Elements

We come from nature and we return to her. We are made of the five elements, they exist both in elemental and subtle forms and pervade the whole Universe. To understand them is to understand one’s own essence and to immerse into them with love is a key to rejuvenation of body, mind and soul.
— Saul David Raye

Understanding the five elements is an essential part of every holistic healing system and sacred wisdom tradition — and the five elements and Mother Nature (Prakriti) are at the very foundation of yogic wisdom and practice.

In this second session with Saul David Raye, you’ll explore yogic teachings on the five elements and create a relationship with them to bring you more energy, healing and balance.

You’ll discover:

The core yoga philosophy of Pancha Maha Bhoutas, the 5 great elements
A guided healing meditation on the 5 elements to help awaken and balance the 5 elements within you
Guided shamanic meditation to the heart of the earth
Techniques integrating the elements to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul
The Cosmic Pulse known as Ritam and how everything is connected through rhythm
The Tree of Life as a way to understand and work with the 5 elements
The relationship between the chakras and the elements
Module 4: Mantra Yoga
The Power of Sound

ALL is vibration, everything is made of sound and light. Mantra is the sacred science of sound and vibration and the key the unlocks the door of the Uni-Verse.
— Saul David Raye

Every sacred tradition refers to the power of sound vibration within creation. In this session, you’ll explore sacred sound and mantras — how they work and specific mantras and sacred chants for meditation, personal healing and awakening.

In this module, you’ll discover:

Yogic teachings on sacred sound and mantras
The true vibrational power of OM
How to use mantras for meditation, self-healing and awakening
The Yogic principles of Saraswati (creativity and wisdom), Lakshmi (abundance and love), Durga (strength and power) and Sat-Chit-Ananda (truth, consciousness and bliss)
Potent affirmations and sacred prayers
Module 5: Yoga
Accessing Expanded Levels of Energy, Wisdom & Consciousness

Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of wellbeing, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul.
― Amit Ray

Yoga is a practice for your mind, body and soul and in this fifth session, Saul will show you how to cultivate a powerful, simple personal practice. You’ll explore the yoga of breath, the power of sun salutations and the sacred Gayatri Mantra as well as the foundation of yoga known as the eight limbs.

You’ll discover:

The 8 limbs of yoga
A powerful, simple personal practice
Pranayama, or Yoga of Breath
Gayatri Mantra — activating and attuning with the sun and its energy
A guided practice of sun salutations, yogic breathing and gayatrimantra
Gentle yoga sequences for healing and rejuvenation
How to develop positive energy states through your yoga practice
The Sacred Feminine as the source of life
Module 6: Meditation
The Key That Unlocks the Door

If we truly want inner peace, we can find a few minutes a day to devote to inner peace, this is enough to change our lives and the world for the better. True meditation is coming home to our deeper Self, it connects us to the source within.
— Saul David Raye

Meditation is at the heart of all the world’s great spiritual traditions. It has been scientifically shown to reduce stress, increase productivity and give one a deeper sense of calm and peace.

True meditation is the inner connection and resonance of all parts of Self — body, mind, emotions and spirit. There are many techniques of meditation, the key is finding one that works for you… and then your entire life becomes a meditation.

In this module, you’ll discover:

Life as yoga and a meditation
Types of meditation — including heart-centered and mantra meditations
Practices for awakening the Intuitive Mind
Prayer — your heart-to-heart connection with the Universe
The power of the Infinite in silence
3 guided meditations to awaken intuition, balance the masculine and feminine energies within and for spiritual awakening
Module 7: Putting It All Together
Yoga as Conscious Living & Loving

The heart of Yoga is a path of conscious connection to all of life. In this last session with Saul David Raye, you’ll explore creating simple and powerful daily rituals that help you to stay connected to your heart and the flow of life.

Saul will help you connect all the pieces so far, and in the ancient practice of Tantra, an all-embracing path to wholeness.

In this final module, you’ll discover:

Tools and practices to support your sacred life and service (Seva) to others
Your Divine Design… which makes YOU, you
Exercises for body, mind and soul, including Spirit Walking
The power of gratitude and what it really means to “follow your bliss”
A guided Yoga Nidra session — a deep yogic relaxation practice to release stress and anxiety and connect all layers of your being
The Yoga of the Heart Bonus Collection
In addition to Saul’s transformational 7-module course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

5 Elements
Video Series From Hanuman Academy

Join Saul David Raye, Sianna Sherman, Janet Stone, Juan Pablo Barahona, and Sreedevi Bringi for an inspired educational journey through the five elements and the corresponding chakras.

You’ll discover how to work with these BONUS teachings in your yoga practice (and your life) to create deep physical, emotional, mental and spiritual alignment. If you teach yoga, you will gain powerful insights to uplevel your teaching skills.

Earth — Saul David Raye guides us on the teachings of mother earth and the root chakra (Muladhara Chakra).

Water — Sianna Sherman takes us on a journey into the water element and the sacral chakra (Svadhistana Chakra).

Fire — Juan Pablo Barahona ignites our practice with teachings on the fire element and the solar plexus chakra (Manipura Chakra).

Air — Janet Stone inspires us with her teachings on the element of air and the heart chakra (Anahata Chakra).

Ether/Space — Sreedevi Bringi activates our understanding of the element of ether/space and the upper chakras of the throat, third eye and crown (Vishuddhara, Anja, and Sahasrara Chakras).

You will find in all spiritual traditions teachings on the five elements. In the yogic traditions, the elements are referred to as the Pancha Maha Bhutas – earth, water, fire, air, and ether (space).

The elements appear within physics, chemistry and science as the building blocks of our universe and give evidence that our vast physical universe, and our spiritual universe, is intrinsically connected. The understanding and embodiment of the five elements leads to our experience of connectedness and wholeness within the greater universe, and to our true nature and one another.

Transformation & Awakening Through the Chakras
Audio Dialogue With Saul David Raye and Anodea Judith

Join us for this powerful class on the chakras, in the form of a dialogue between two leading teachers in spirituality and yoga. Anodea and Saul will explore the map of the chakra system from different perspectives, find common ground and share practices and techniques for transformation and awakening from their years of experience. This is a special event and not to be missed.

Yoga Nidra
Audio Meditation From Saul David Raye

Yoga Nidra (literally meaning sleep of yoga) is a yogic practice designed to guide us into a deep conscious state of relaxation and presence. It is a powerful technique to quiet the mind, release tension and anxiety within the layers of our being and connect us back to the source within. Saul will share a form of this practice which is easily accessible and deeply healing. It’s a technique wherein Saul’s a great guide in the beginning, but you can learn to do it on your own for deep healing, peace and rejuvenation.

Heart of the Earth, Heart of the Sky
Guided Meditation From Saul David Raye

This powerful meditation practice draws upon the essence of yoga, tantra and shamanism. Sacred cultures regard the heart as the center of being — the place where heaven and earth, spirit and matter meet. The heart space is where all polarities dissolve, entering into a unified state of consciousness. In this healing practice, you’ll be guided through a short teaching, simple breathing practice and chanting of mantra. This meditation is being offered by Saul to bring you into a deeper awareness of the power of your heart space and the deep peace, joy and energy that reside there.

The River Song (Om Shanti)
Song by Saul David Raye & the Atma Recording Project
Featuring Toni Childs

…The river is flowing, flowing and growing. The river is flowing, down to the sea. Oh mother carry me, your child I will always be. Oh mother carry me, down to the sea…

The River Song (Om Shanti) is a moving and soulful track from Saul David Raye and the Atma Recording Project’s debut album. The recording is a duet with Emmy Award-winning singer Toni Childs and also includes artists Dave Stringer, Sheila Nicholls, Jim Beckwith and Sheela Bringi.

Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven recorded 90-minute Class Sessions With Saul David Raye

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher Saul David Raye — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format . You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning.

The Yoga of the Heart Bonus Collection

5 Elements
Video Series From Hanuman Academy
Transformation & Awakening Through the Chakras
Audio Dialogue With Saul David Raye and Anodea Judith
Yoga Nidra
Audio Meditation From Saul David Raye
Heart of the Earth, Heart of the Sky
Guided Meditation From Saul David Raye
The River Song (Om Shanti)
Song by Saul David Raye & the Atma Recording Project
Featuring Toni Childs
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Yoga of the Heart Virtual Training
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Saul’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!

If you’re serious about transforming your yoga practice into a deep, devotional heart practice, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

About Saul David Raye

Saul David Raye is an internationally acclaimed teacher, healer and spiritual activist known for his empowering and transformational approach to yoga, healing and spirituality. Saul’s teaching draws on the depth of the Yoga tradition, Bhakti, Tantra and all forms of universal light, love and wisdom. Through the grace of his teachers and guides he is able to bring alive the ancient wisdom teachings for modern seekers. The depth of Saul’s teaching allows students to connect deeply with their own authentic power, spirit and truth.

A pioneering and inspiring presence in Yoga’s evolution in the West, Saul’s authentic and heart-centered teaching has influenced thousands of students and teachers around the world. He holds certifications in Yoga, bodywork and energy healing and is an ordained minister and musician who infuses his classes with healing music and chants. He has been on the faculty of international and national conferences and festivals for years, and has presented alongside many luminaries in the spiritual world. Saul shares this work through teacher trainings, workshops, classes, sacred journeys to ancient power sites and sacred music.

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Yoga of the Heart With Saul David Raye
Yoga of the Heart With Saul David Raye
Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $85.00. Add to cart