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The Roadmap to Success

Welcome to Viral Academy 3.0! Before we jump into the course, here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect.


What Is Virality?

In this video, you’ll learn what “viral” really means in terms of social media and content creation.

Summary: What is Virality?


Recap of what you learned in the “What is Virality?” video, including the exact definition of virality as it applies to social media content.

Why Virality Matters

When you go viral, you gain a lot of attention – here you’ll find out just how valuable that attention can be.

Summary: Why Virality Matters


Recap of what you learned in the “Why Virality Matters” video, including the growing value of attention on the internet.

What Contagious Content Is Not

Here we’ll be debunking the 3 most common virality misconceptions.

Summary: What Contagious Content Is Not

Recap of what you learned in the “What Contagious Content is Not” video, including the 3 types of content that are most commonly mistaken as being viral.


Why We Share

Here, we’ll be breaking down the science and psychology of why people share.

Summary: Why We Share

Recap of what you learned in the “Why We Share” video, including the three types of social connections.

Social Media Sharing Secrets

In this video, you’ll learn 3 fundamental types of social connections and how they motivate us to share content.

Summary: Social Media Sharing Secrets

Recap of what you learned in the “Social Media Sharing Secrets” video, including emotions and the Emotional Contagion.

The Most Popular Emotions

Want to go viral? Just get emotional. Here we’ll discuss why content needs #thefeels in order to go viral.

Summary: The Most Popular Emotions

Recap of what you learned in the “The Most Popular Emotions” video, including the seven most shareable emotions.

Emotions Recap

In this video, you’ll learn the 7 most viral-inducing emotions to evoke when creating content.


Introducing The Patterns of Virality

Uncovering the Patterns of Virality is what allowed us to turn going viral into a repeatable science. Before you dive in, here’s what you need to know.

Remixing Viral Content & Trending Topics

Our number 1 strategy for creating successful content. Learn the two types of “remixes” and how to best create your own here.

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Summary: Remixing Viral Content & Trending Topics

Recap of what you learned in the “Remixing Viral Content and Trending Topics” video, including how to implement this viral content creation strategy yourself.

Incorporating Taboo Subjects

Taboo subjects are emotionally charged to an extreme extent which makes them perfect for generating eye-catching content.

Summary: Incorporating Taboo Subjects

Recap of what you learned in the “Incorporating Taboo Subjects” video, including how to implement this viral content creation strategy yourself.

Challenging Or Confirming Assumptions

Our ears perk up whenever we hear something that confirms or challenges our core beliefs. Here, you’ll learn how to take advantage of this phenomenon.

Summary: Challenging Or Confirming Assumptions

Recap of what you learned in the “Challenging or Confirming Assumptions” video, including how to implement this viral content creation strategy yourself.

Adding A Twist To A General Topic

Every generic topic can be presented in a unique way. Here, you’ll learn how to make sure your content breaks through the noise and stands out from the crowd.

Summary: Adding A Twist To A General Topic

Recap of what you learned in the “Adding a Twist to a General Topic” video, including how to implement this viral content creation strategy yourself.

Putting Things Together That Don’t Belong

There are certain things that just don’t fit together. And when they are? We can’t help but glue our eyes to them.

Summary: Putting Things Together That Don’t Belong

Recap of what you learned in the “Putting Things Together That Don’t Belong” video, including how to implement this viral content creation strategy yourself.

Telling A Story

Humans have used stories to emotionally connect for millennia. Here, you’ll learn what makes a compelling story so incredibly shareable.

Summary: Telling A Story

Recap of what you learned in the “Telling a Story” video, including how to implement this viral content creation strategy yourself.

Bonus Strategies

BONUS: Here are 4 extra strategies you can use to enhance your odds of going viral significantly.

Summary: Bonus Strategies

Recap of what you learned in the “Bonus Strategies” video, including how to implement this viral content creation strategy yourself.

Platform Priming

Before the next module, here are some best practices for successfully building your audience regardless of what content you make.

Summary: Platform Priming

Recap of what you learned in the “Platform Priming” video, including a review of which platform is best suited for different types of content/businesses.


Discover Your Passions and Interests

In this lesson, we’ll help you build on the interests and passions you already have to help you find a channel idea that you’re excited about.

Worksheet: List Out Passions and Interests

This questionnaire will help you figure out what type of channel you should create.

The Remix Strategy

Most people think you need a completely new idea to be successful on YouTube, and most people are wrong. We’ll show you how to use popular styles of content to inspire your own videos.

Summary: The Remix Strategy

A quick summary of what the Remix Strategy is, and how to use it.

Pattern Recognition

How do successful creators keep making compelling content? They utilize simple, repeatable patterns to do 90% of the work for them. We’ll show you how.

Worksheet: Identifying Patterns

This worksheet will train you in the art of identifying the secret patterns hidden beneath all successful content.

Finding 15 Channels in Your Niche

To help you understand the niche that you’re going to build your channel around, you’ll first research 15 successful channels within this niche.

Worksheet: Finding 15 Channels In Your Niche

You’ll explore YouTube and find 15 distinct channels in your chosen niche.

Finding 15 Channels Outside of Your Niche

Because you can glean invaluable tricks from content outside your own niche, we’ll show you how to find great content in other categories on YouTube, too.

Worksheet: Finding 15 Channels Outside Your Niche

You’ll continue to explore YouTube, this time finding 15 channels from outside your own niche.

Brainstorming Channel Ideas

Once you’ve landed on which repeatable patterns you’ll use in your channel, the next step is to figure out what pattern you want to use for your own videos.

Worksheet: Brainstorming Channel Ideas

We’ll give you helpful questions and a numerical scorecard to help you narrow down your channel ideas until you find the right one.

Naming Your Channel

Your new channel needs a name, and we’ll share our best tips for coming up with one.

Worksheet: Naming Your Channel

Simple tips for coming up with a name to get your channel started.

Setting Up Your Channel

Setting up your channel on YouTube might seem daunting, but we’re here to walk you through the process one step at a time.

Worksheet: Setting Up Your Channel

We’ve already walked you through the process; now it’s your turn to set up your YouTube channel.


Equipment: What matters and what doesn’t

No, you don’t need a $50,000 video camera, professional video production crew, and fancy editing software to have a viral hit. In fact, you can get started with just your smartphone. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Equipment: What matters and what doesn’t

Don’t worry about researching what equipment to buy (or skip buying). We’ve already done it for you. In this comprehensive guide, we break down the right equipment for any budget. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

Copy Your Favorite Content

In school you learned that copying other people is bad, but now it’s time to break that rule to recreate a piece of content you love.

Worksheet: Make Your Recreation Video

A reminder of the steps you’ll need to follow for making your recreation video.

Making Your First Video

You’ve named and set up your channel, and now it’s time to create some content to live there.

Worksheet: Make Your First Video

This one is simple: go out and make your first video.

Creating a Title for Your First Video

Before you create your first video, it needs a title. We’ll give you some tips to make it easy.

Worksheet: Name Your Video

A refresher on our tips for coming up with simple titles for your videos.

Creating End Cards and Thumbnails

You have your first video, so now it’s time to create an attractive end card and thumbnail to capture attention and attract fans.

Worksheet: Create your End Card and Thumbnail

Links to resources and templates for creating your end card and thumbnail.


Upload Your First Video

You now have everything you need to put your first video on your channel, and we are going to walk you through the process so that you don’t miss a thing.

Worksheet: Upload Your Video to YouTube

We’ve shown you how to do it, and now it’s your turn to upload your video to YouTube.


Next Steps

Now, you have your YouTube channel and dozens of viral ideas on the backburner, ready to be created. Up next, you’ll learn how to turn this channel into a full-time career.


Why You Need a Hacker’s Mentality

Learn how to strategize like a master viral marketer. This is the key to our success and so many other YouTubers. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Why You Need a Hacker’s Mentality

A hacker’s mentality is a key piece of being an influencer. Why? Because there are unlimited ways you can grow, market, and build your channel. Get creative, because it pays off. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

Set a Goal for Yourself

Where do you want to be in 1 year? 5 years? One of the most important factors that determine if you reach it is whether or not you set a goal. Here’s why. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Set a Goal for Yourself

Use this planning worksheet to set a big goal for yourself. And then crush it, and set another. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

Getting Your First 10,000 Subscribers

Learn how to get journalists, bloggers, and other social media influencers do all the heavy-lifting for your self-promotion. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Getting Your First 10,000 Subscribers

Getting your initial hardcore fanbase built does not need to be stressful. Approach it in a systematic way and you’ll hit 10,000 subscribers in no time. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

How to Locate Blogs for Free Promotion

Blogs are dying for awesome content. As long as you find the right sites, they’ll gladly promote your content and drive serious traffic to your channel. Here’s a bulletproof way to do this.

Building Your Audience with Online Communities

There are already online communities where your audience hangs out. Getting involved and using them to promote your content offers a massive shortcut to audience building. Find out how. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Building Your Audience with Online Communities

Use this online community cheat sheet to leverage audiences that are already built and drive significant subscribers to your channel. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.


Priming Then Pitching

One of the most common mistakes that YouTubers make is not treating their channel like a business. Be a YouTube Entrepreneur, not a starving artist. We’ll teach you the keys of building a profitable channel… not one that barely gets by. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Priming Then Pitching

There’s a specific sequence you need to follow as a YouTube Influencer to build a strong relationship with an audience that trusts you before you can successfully make money from them. We call it: Priming then Pitching. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

Case Study: 6 Ways to Monetize

There are a variety of ways you can successfully monetize an audience on YouTube. Here’s how to figure out which one (or what combination) is best for your specific channel. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Case Study: 6 Ways to Monetize

Here’s our in-depth breakdown of the 6 different ways you can monetize a YouTube channel. Find the methods that fit your personality and channel best and start making money. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

Information Product Blueprint

Information products are some of the most scalable, highest-value ways you can monetize an audience. It’s how we were able to build a multi-million dollar channel. Ready to learn everything we know about building and marketing digital products? Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: Information Product Blueprint

Information products are powerful ways to build authority and monetize an audience. Learn our most powerful lessons on crafting valuable digital products that have propelled our channels into multi-million dollar businesses. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

Worksheet: Advanced Marketing for Info Products

Having a digital product is a great first step. But then what? You need to learn how to market it effectively, which is exactly what you’re going to learning here.

How to Triple Your Revenue with Merch

Want to know how a 19 year old YouTuber was able to make over $20,000 in one month just by selling t-shirts with a funny slogan? Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: How to Triple Your Revenue with Merch

Selling merchandise is an extremely effective way to monetize a YouTube audience. It’s low cost. Low risk. And can work for almost any channel. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.

6 Figure Crowdfunding

Here’s how you can get fans to pay for your content even if you aren’t selling anything at all. Check out the accelerator worksheet for this lesson after watching the video.

Worksheet: 6 Figure Crowdfunding

Patreon (and other similar services) have become massively popular in the past year. Learn how to best leverage these services to get large donations from your most hardcore fans. Watch the video lesson before working through this worksheet.


Getting Started With Brand Deals

We’ll get you started with brand deals and show you how to avoid the common mistakes that lead new creators to getting taken advantage of by brands.

The Four Types of Brands

After teaching you about the four types of brands, we’ll focus on how to negotiate with big brands. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of working with massive brands.

How to Land Deals With Small to Medium Sized Brands

Now that you know how to work with major brands, we’ll talk you through working with medium and small sized brands. We’ll also talk about the advantages of starting with smaller mom and pop brands that can hook you up with free merch for a simple mention.

Working With Ad Agencies

We’ll show you how to use ad agencies to connect you with brands, and then talk about how to establish good relationships with agencies so that they find deals for you. We’ll also discuss some common mistakes you can avoid when working with an agency.

What Brands Want From You

Brands can want a lot of different things from you, so we’ll break down all of the types of branded content you might be asked to make, and talk about how you can satisfy brands while maintaining your creative voice.

How to Know Your Value

You can’t negotiate if you don’t know your value, so we’re going to show you to figure it out. We’ll then teach you about CPM, and how it can help you make sure you never get underpaid. Finally, we’ll talk about how understanding your channel’s niche can help you find lucrative partnerships.

Negotiating Using the Chinatown Method

If you don’t know how to negotiate, you’ll be at the whim of whatever brands want to offer you. So we’ll show you how to negotiate with a little help from some Chinatown wisdom.

Why You Should Always Upsell

We’ll show you how upselling can help you multiply the income you can make from brand deals, and we’ll talk about the importance of knowing your own limits so you know when to sell out, and when to stand firm.

Contracts and Conclusions

The final step of the processes is negotiating contracts. We’re going to show you some of our actual negotiation emails so you can see the simple strategies we use to get maximum income from the brands we work with. Finally, we’ll leave you with some concluding wisdom.

Worksheet: How to Make Bank with Brand Deal

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how some of the top YouTubers negotiate with brands. These tactics will help you not only get brand deals, but also get way more revenue from them.

The Resource Bible – An Appendix of All Tools to Use

We’ve collected a massive resource book filled with the best tools, services, and growth hacks. Check it out and start using these tools, tips, and tricks for your own channel.

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Viral Academy 3.0 – Jumpcut