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You, A Millionaire Marketer or Copywriter?

"Discover the Single Internet Skill That Will Surely Make You a Millionaire, Even if You Suck at Everything Else"

As a preferred client, I'd love you to join the ranks of numerous "regular" everyday people who I've helped bank over a million dollars with today's highest paid skill—that of a copywriter!

Whether you create powerful copy to promote your own business, or write successful copy for clients.

Or instead you may want to hire a professional copywriter. But to do so requires that you have some knowledge about copywriting to choose a good one.

In all cases the result of understanding copy in any case can be a massive six- or even seven-figure annual income!

And remember this fact. No matter what business you may be in, or what product or service you market, you must employ powerful, persuasive, great copy or you will not succeedBeat the recession! Good copy is always needed, especially during tough economic times like today!

Dear Friend,

Do you really want massive success? There is one skill you simply cannot afford to be without. It is, of course, writing powerful sales copy.

It makes no difference whether you are an entrepreneur or a copywriter (or want to be either one). Most are starving to death to make it without knowing how to write copy that attracts orders like a magnet.

No other skill you may possess will bring you income and wealth. You must prepare sales copy that pulls in orders like crazy!

The real secrets to what make sales copy successful are finally revealed in my home-study course. And four of the world's most successful copywriters are your mentors.

Did I actually say the world's most successful?

Yes, I certainly did!

Do you wonder on what basis I make such a claim?

The reality is there is just one basis.


While there are thousands of professional copywriters, only a few are so successful they are in a class by themselves.

Sales results are the only objective basis upon which to judge the abilities of a copywriter.

Matt Furey, Bob Bly Trevor Crook and I have achieved combined sales of over 10 Billion Dollars.

Terry Brock, our world-renowned M.C., will reveal how he routinely sells tens of thousands of dollars in products directly from the platform!

I, alone, have sold over 7.9 Billion in sales copy via direct response.

Compare our total with any other four copywriters in the world. I don't believe you'll ever find any whose results are anywhere close to ours.

Why am I telling you this?

For one simple reason. You see, I conduct seminars around the world on copywriting. When I planned my most recent Florida copywriting seminar, I had but one main goal.

To create the ultimate copywriting seminar! And I succeeded! It's called the ULTIMATE MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING BOOTCAMP.

I invited the three most successful copywriters besides myself to reveal their innermost copywriting secrets. The goal was to share everything they know about successful copy.

Indeed, I twisted their arm to hold nothing back. And boy did they ever deliver!

About the speakers:

Your featured speakers on the home-study course, along with myself include:

Matt Furey – Matt is a best-selling author of numerous books, including Combat Conditioning. A dynamic public speaker and writer, Matt will share his amazing story. He’ll tell you his hard-won marketing and copywriting secrets.

During his life Matt Furey has been a world champion in karate. He even beat the leading Asian contender. In his university days he was collegiate champion.

Matt began direct marketing on the internet in 1995. He started with zero money. In fact, less than zero. He was actually over $100,000 in high-interest credit card debt.

Since his standing start, Matt has made an absolute fortune selling his products on the Internet and in the process became a multi-millionaire.

Matt is the #1 copywriter of emails on the planet!

There are lots of ways to earn money on the Internet. But Matt used just one, writing emails, to produce his amazing success, year after year.

Matt is certainly one of the top five most successful internet marketers in the world. (

But how does Matt do it? With powerful e-mails that consistently produce successful results! Best of all, he’ll teach you how he does it. So you can too!

Bob Bly – Is the author of an astonishing 73 books! Bob is not only an accomplished world-class writer earning over $600,000 per year from freelance copywriting alone, without including information products. He is also a dynamic public speaker.

He has written 70 + books. McGraw Hill calls him “Americas top copywriter.”

Bob has written highly successful copy for numerous well-known clients including Agora, Phillips Publishing, Rodale Press, Network Solutions, IBM, KCI Communications, Crain Communications, Intuit, ITT Fluid Technology, Medical Economics, Business & Legal Reports, Brooklyn Union Gas and Allied Signal.

Bob is particularly effective in writing successful copy for information products. He’ll share exactly how he creates profitable copy over and over again.

Plus, invaluable to copywriters, Bob will reveal the fees he charges for various forms of copy, including e-mails, sales letters, websites, post cards and brochures.

Trevor Crook – A former banker from Australia, Trevor is a well-known successful copywriter and entrepreneur online and offline. He can provide any entrepreneur with top-class copy.

He has been called the “Crocodile Dundee” of direct response copywriting. Why? His copy enables his clients to slash competition with an advertising knife!

Trevor began his career in marketing private label rights products. Today he writes for numerous industries including information publishers, real estate entrepreneurs and diet product marketers.

He’ll reveal examples of direct response success and astronomical response rates of 8%, 9%, 18% and more. One two-page letter, for example, grossed $4.9 million dollars.

Trevor also has a mellifluous voice and is a dynamic public speaker. To me his most outstanding quality is his terrific teaching skills. And sincere desire to help aspiring writers.

He will share with you the most valuable lessons he’s learned about successful copywriting.

These three guys and myself will teach you all you need to know in my new, ground breaking 2011 ULTIMATE MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING BOOTCAMP.

Plus, by popular request we're including an entire bonus segment. It's called: "Secrets of Public Speaking and Selling From the Platform!" As you may know, public speaking skills enable you to massively increase your income. Especially copywriters.

I know the secrets of public speaking, having done hundreds of live successful seminars since 1991. I'll reveal tips that will have your pulse racing with excitement. You'll be delighted about what can happen to you very soon – as early as the next 90 days.

Imagine…You, a Millionaire Copywriter!

I’m looking for an elite group of men and women determined to be among the most successful and highest earning copywriters, authors and marketers in the world.

Why bother listening to what I have to say on the topic? In case you are not immediately familiar with my track record, here are a few career accomplishments of which you should be made aware.

I’ve written and self-published 15 best-selling books. I’ve sold over 5,000,000 copies.

I’ve also published 57 best-selling books by other authors. I’ve promoted my own products or those of clients. These include newsletters, special reports, CDs, DVDs and software.

However, the achievement of which I’m most proud is the success record of the people I've coached, including Yanik Silver, Andrew Reynolds, Mark Joyner, Matt Bacak and Matt Furey.

But marketing information is not all that I do. Actually, I’ve successfully used my marketing and copywriting approach in 47 different industries.

To date I’ve sold 7.9 Billion dollars worth of products and services for clients, as well as my own products.

 I’m extremely proud of my track record. No one, not a single marketing “guru,” can match or even come close to my revenue and profit figures.

Does my track record qualify me to teach you? You must decide this question.

Copywriting is where the real money is. This is the time. Whether you create for outside clients. Or just for your own business, or both! .

But one thing is certain. Of all the work I've performed for clients or myself, using my copywriting skills is my very favorite.

Copywriting is also the field I most recommend that my children, relatives, friends, and loved ones pursue.


For at least 8 good reasons. They include:

  1. I've learned that once you can write good sales copy, if you are interested in doing so, you can also write fabulous books!
  2. You have no competition! Under the copyright laws no one can legally copy or duplicate your work, which is your intellectual property
  3. You can live and work anywhere in the world! I live in three countries. And so can you.
  4. You can set up your business on autopilot! With royalty income from advertising and books included, you can enjoy cash flow 24 hours a day even while you sleep.
  5. You do not need employees! You can hire independent contractors for all your needs.
  6. You can begin with incredibly low start-up costs!
  7. You can get paid over and over for work you do just once!
  8. It's the #1 recession-proof business. Clients always need effective sales copy, especially in tough times. That means you can succeed and make big money no matter the economic climate

At the risk of sounding immodest, another hugely important reason to jump at the chance to be trained by me is simply this. I’ve influenced and mentored many of the world’s most successful direct marketers online and offline. Many started with nothing. I can help you to achieve success part time or full time at almost any level you choose!

I intend to reveal all my secrets I’ve discovered since I began my direct marketing career in 1973.

Please be aware of this. My approach to copywriting, while enormously successful, is unlike any other.

It is unique in all the world and, of course, the only place you can learn it is from me.

What I have in store for you is exclusive. It’s prepared for those who sincerely want to become very rich in the field of copywriting.

And, best of all, you can help change the world for the better at the same time.

It's just for special attendees with special unique values. We humans cannot want the same things in life. And should not. As you can understand, it’s not for everyone.

After all, there is no shame in living a modest life. In a modest house. Holding down a mediocre job. Millions do just that and seem content with their lot.

But if that’s you, there is no point in your reading further because…

This letter is not about being mediocre. It’s about you making a fortune with my personal help

I'll concentrate on building on the three skills that will pay you the most money in the fabulous and profitable field of copywriting.

Get The Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – Ted NicholasThe Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – Ted Nicholas, Only Price $85

What are the three most important skills you need?

  1. Product development — I’ll show you how to create “hot” products
  2. Marketing — you can’t succeed without it. It makes possible your “cash cow” business. The way you position your product can ignite the prairie fire of successful and profitable sales
  3. Copywriting is crucial — It is the communication skill you need to capture the attention and hordes of "cash with order customers." Both online or offline. (I like to use multiple marketing channels and usually start with the low/no cost internet!)

I haven’t even mentioned the biggest benefit of all that Information Publishing provides you.

An unbeatable lifestyle!

You can live anywhere in the world. Work anywhere in the world. Set up your operation anywhere you choose.

My customers don’t care if I am in the Caribbean, Switzerland, Cyprus, Australia, or anywhere I wish to travel. Yours won’t either.

When I’m not conducting seminars I live mostly in Switzerland, Cyprus and Florida.

But we’re all different, and you may prefer living in Spain, California, New York, North Carolina, the South of France, Ireland or Monte Carlo, Australia, or New Zealand. It makes no difference. You can tailor make your career as you desire.

As a successful copywriter, my point is this. The choice of how and where you spend your life is yours alone to make!

You will be successful on just one condition. You simply must apply yourself.

Do you want a blueprint for success?

How do I know for certain you will succeed? I’m going to present to you nothing less than an easy-to-follow blueprint for success!


  • Discover how you can instantly know you have a great book idea rather than spend months, or even years on a flop, as do most authors
  • You’ll get a treasure chest of knowledge based on experience with over 100 Million Dollars in measured advertising tests where every marketing dollar is accounted for
  • Only two things you need to achieve massive success:
    (I) Specialized know-how
    (II) Study an exact step-by-step plan of how to apply what you’ve learned

I, Ted Nicholas, will do at least 50% of the training personally

  • Without a template to follow, successful copywriting and direct marketing is tough.
  • Publishing is also brutally tough. With the template and the rules you will discover, it becomes surprisingly easy
  • The easiest and fastest way to boost response 100% and more without changing a word of copy
  • The easiest way to come up with free gifts and premiums to help sell the main product. (Prospects will often buy the main product just to get the free gift)
  • How to prepare irresistible e-books and hard-cover books without having to be a great writer
  • The best way I’ve found to test a product idea without investing a single penny. Perhaps the hardest job in the world is launching a successful new product. I’ve found a way which increases your success by at least 1,000%
  • The simple 9-word sentence I say to myself that will help you become enormously persuasive and happier too!
  • How to price your product for maximum sales. There is a secret to effective pricing that not 1 in 10,000 entrepreneurs know
  • How to use Fear of Loss (which is far more motivating than Hope of Reward) to sell more of your product
  • How to close 300% more sales with a simple technique I’ve never disclosed before
  • How to approach a busy producer or reporter of a big name show as to why they should put you on the air. I’ve successfully used hundred of radio and TV interviews to sell, without any cost whatsoever, massive quantities of books! Discover how you, too, can book interviews on shows such as Oprah Winfrey, Regis Philbin, Maury Povich, John Gambling, Don Imus, Good Morning America and the Today show
  • How to test your audience quickly and inexpensively to see what the market will actually spend their hard-earned money to buy
  • How you as an unpublished author may be able to get a $1 Million advance
  • How to turn your books into a profitable million dollar training and seminar business
  • Discover exactly how to go from an idea to millions in your bank account
  • Little-known wealth strategy. How to maximize your exit. Secrets of what you need to sell your business in 5 years for at least 3-5 times what it’s worth
  • Price magic. How to go from a book that flopped at $20 a copy to a whopping success at $70. My own case history will reveal exactly, after failing at first, how I sold 200,000 copies at $70 (that’s $14,000,000.) Would you like to know the price strategy? Ask yourself – what could this mean to your pocketbook?
  • You are 17 words or less away from a fortune!
    • Discover the amazing technique I’ve developed that will empower you to create incredibly effective headlines. The art of preparing powerful headlines is at least 90% of my successful sales messages.
    • I’ll teach you my very own method (with examples) which continue to bring me and my clients million of dollars each year! (Even Richard Branson is using this technique.)
  • Secrets on how to attract clients who pay you big money as both a copywriter, marketer, and/or a publisher, whichever you decide to specialize in
  • How to absolutely fall in love with your products, your customers and, no matter your current position, even how to love your life!
  • Discover where the big money really is in copywriting, about which few copywriters have a clue. That’s why most are starving to death
    • I will show you how a single piece of copy can earn you $1,000,000 or more. And the wealth secret has nothing to do with charging big upfront fees
  • How to prepare a series of e-mails that make your ultimate online offer almost irresistible
  • How to “fail forward” so that your so-called failures propel even greater success
  • How to create successful space advertising which has become nearly a lost art. Discover exactly why my space ads, some written years ago, continue to earn fortunes for my clients
  • Secrets of writing successful million dollar books in the shortest possible time, in as few as 30-90 days
  • As a home-study course graduate who follows the program you may qualify for a personal testimonial from me for your product. Imagine how this could impact on your sales!

OK, Ted, but how do I know the Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp is for me?

By now you probably have a "gut feel" about whether you really should own this home-study course no matter what it takes. Owners of my home-study courses from all over the world are thrilled with what they've gotten. Although my normal seminar ticket is from $7,500 to $15,000, attendees have been absolutely delighted with what they've learned.

There is just one way to lose out

There is only one possible way to lose – to choose NOT to grab this course!

By not learning the skills you need you clearly will not be in the game at all.

Instead you will be choosing to sit on the sidelines.

You’ll be letting another year go by in a “status quo” state, without positive change in your life.

You’ll be fully aware of others becoming very wealthy writing copy and writing and/or publishing books.

You’ll still be an outsider peering in wondering “why not me?”

Why not indeed?

“The price of education is paid just once The price of ignorance is paid forever!”

Successful entrepreneurs value all the real-world education they can get. Why? Because it’s so rare.

For example, Yanik Silver, currently one of the Internet’s top marketers and presently already financially independent, continues to invest at least $50,000 per year on his educational materials.

This includes seminars, books, CDs and DVDs. Do you think Yanik is a fool? Or a very weak man? Yanik attributes his achievement of financial independence at such a young age (32) to his habit of continually learning.

In fact, I've found many of the Olympic champions who study my courses regularly are also perpetual students looking for one big idea.

I, too, each year continue to invest tens of thousands of dollars in books, tapes and seminars. I’m always seeking to increase my knowledge. And I’m always looking for big new ideas from any source I can find. Aren’t you?

Who should own my Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp Home-Study Course?

  • Copywriters and marketers who want to be more successful
  • Entrepreneurs who want to enter the profitable field of copywriting
  • Those who wish to turn their idea into a million dollar business
  • Entrepreneurs who want to make their business recession proof and to prosper even during hard times
  • Entrepreneurs who want to uncover the secret of earning more while working less
  • New book authors who want to have a competitive advantage
  • Speakers and experts with books and other products to sell
  • Speakers who want to develop products and earn a separate income stream from intellectual property
  • Entrepreneurs with a product or service to sell
  • Publicists who want to discover more about book promotion and marketing
  • Anyone who wants to publish faster, easier and less expensively
  • Authors working on a book proposal or manuscript
  • Authors who are negotiating a book contract
  • Publishers who want to better promote authors and their books
  • Anyone wanting a real world overview of what it takes to succeed as a best-selling author
  • Anyone with a book, CD, DVD, software, or other intellectual property idea to develop into a valuable and saleable product

Get The Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – Ted NicholasThe Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – Ted Nicholas, Only Price $85

What is the world’s highest paid skill?

The ability to sell, especially in print, separates the haves from the have-nots.

Please understand this. Selling is the highest paid profession in the world. But in personal sales normally you must learn how to tolerate numerous "Noes." Otherwise, the law of averages will not work in your favor.

I probably have experienced more “No's” than anyone you’ve ever known. But since I began direct marketing, naturally I don’t get to meet most of my prospects personally. Therefore I’ve never had to listen to a single “no” reply. Not even once! And once you learn direct marketing, neither will you! This is a fantastic advantage!

Plus, what is also crucial to understand is this. I’ve also gotten more “Yeses” than perhaps any marketer on the planet! Once you learn direct marketing you will experience exactly the same thing.

One of the many beauties of direct marketing online or offline, because you never are face to face with your prospects, you never, ever experience a single “No” response! No one enjoys hearing “No.” At first it can even seem like a personal rejection.

For lots of people, including myself, never hearing anything but “Yes” is a huge advantage! And a lot of fun too!

Plus, this will allow you to bank millions in sales and profits without stress or worries.

At the risk of seeming overly blunt or arrogant,
please read the following carefully

Are you rushing to complete your home-study course application right now? Remember this. It's unconditionally guaranteed for a full 60 days.

If you are not looking forward to getting started learning the described material now…

Please do not order it!

This course is a golden opportunity. But it is solely for entrepreneurs seriously motivated to learn and profit from writing killer copy.

If this does not fit your needs, I sincerely wish you well in your job or other endeavors. Copywriting, while by far the best business opportunity in today's world, is not for everybody.

If you are happy working 50 hours or so a week for an ordinary income, then my Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp is definitely not for you.

Maybe you should give up now and give up the dream of making and real money.

But if you are really sincere about the secrets of copywriting, don't miss this one-time opportunity. This limited edition aspect is not some marketing "gimmick." Those that know me will realize I'm not kidding when I state that copies of this course will be strictly limited in number.

We will not distribute more than 217 copies during the next 48 hours.

As I mentioned before, I can easily charge $7,500 or $15,000 for the seminar. And I know it still would be a tremendous value.

Imagine yourself with this lifestyle!

As a freelance copywriter, you can have your very own cash-on-demand business which produces staggering results.

And if you market information products too, you will be proud to own your mini – or maxi-publishing empire, depending on how far you want to take it.

All you need to operate this business is a laptop which you can operate from anywhere in the world.

 You can set it up so that 90% of your activities are automated, giving you the best benefit of all—lots of free time.

I can tell you this. The opportunity will not come around again.

I’ll show you exactly how to run a both a copywriting business, as well as a publishing house in your home just like I run. This brings me an annual income from publishing and copywriting alone of between $30,000 and $60,000 a week. (That’s without my other business interests and related income.) That’s $1,500,000 to $3,000,000 a year from copywriting and publishing alone. The big variable is how heavily I promote at any given time. I’ll show you how it works. And you could copy what I do.

I’ll genuinely help to change your life as I’ve done for so many others.

I’ve already helped others gain their first million very quickly!

I’ll coach you. I’ll teach you. And so will my
featured speakers

I’ll also reveal a business very few individuals know anything about.

I’ll introduce you to a business you’ll be proud of. Proud to show to your friends and family.

Think about what it would be like just by using your laptop to have at least $1,000,000 in cash in your bank account!

It may all seem like an impossible dream

But it’s definitely within your grasp

So please don’t throw it all away!

So take this opportunity. ORDER now.

While there are still copies of the course available, click here for all the exciting details:

Valuable Free Bonuses!

How would you like to get valuable bonuses worth far more than my course absolutely Free!

Providing your order for my ULTIMATE MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING BOOTCAMP HOME-STUDY COURSE is received within 72 hours, you will also get the following bonus items:

(1) A full copy critique by me, Ted Nicholas, personally, any time you wish within 6 months of your purchase. Clients pay me a minimum of $5,000 for this service. As an owner of the home-study course it's yours Free!

(2) One free copy of the best-selling e-book "MAGIC WORDS THAT BRING YOU RICHES" valued at $37

(3) One free copy of the best-selling e-book "HOW TO TURN WORDS INTO MONEY" valued at $37.

(4) An exclusive copy of the valuable questionnaire I use with my own clients products, as well as my own, before I write a single word of copy. This will give you a valuable edge.

Plus you will receive:

(a) A full audio and video set of the entire ULTIMATE MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING BOOTCAMP Home-Study Course.

(b) A complete seminar workbook.

(c) A word-for-word written transcript of every presentation and Q&A session.

You'll be able to study by the three best ways to learn, (1) listening; (2) viewing; or (3)reading it!

Money Back Guarantee

Live attendees paid over $10,000. Get the entire course for a tiny fraction of what others paid.


If it's not everything I say it is, and more, you may return it undamaged for a prompt and courteous refund or credit.

Plus, you may keep your bonus products for your trouble in any case.

Get The Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – Ted NicholasThe Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – Ted Nicholas, Only Price $85

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The Ultimate Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – Ted Nicholas
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