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You're One Step Away from Building a Successful SEO Empire (Even If You Don't Know a Thing About SEO)

"Introducing the exact business model we've followed to generate millions of dollars online"

HEY THERE. WE'RE GLEN & DIGGY. As you can tell, we don't have any professional photos together, but we have both followed just one online business model for the last three years. It generates us huge monthly profits without needing to work more than one hour per day. 


You, Running an SEO Empire from Anywhere in the World!

"Introducing the exact business model we've followed to generate millions of dollars online"

Dear Reader, 

My name is Glen Allsopp. 

In 2006 at 16 years old I started my first ever marketing agency on the domain ViperChill.com. 

I had just ranked my DJ website for terms like "DJ Forums" and "DJ equipment" and wanted to do it for other people. 

So, being new to the internet and believing "anything was possible" I set-up my agency website with a free ASP.net template and waited for the clients to come. 

The site didn't look too bad for my first attempt…

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I had this website online for 18 months. 

In that time I learned everything I could about SEO. 

I created a blog to write about SEO. 

I contributed to forums on the topic of SEO. 

And in those first 18 months I didn't land a single client

Even though I was just a kid working in his bedroom, I used words like "we" to sound like a real company and used a pen name so people wouldn't find out I was still in college. 

I knew how to do SEO, but I couldn't find anyone who wanted me to do it for them.

I Couldn't Land Clients…But I Did Get the Strangest Private Message Ever

I was fairly well "liked" in the SEO forums I frequented as I tried to help people without ever asking for anything in return. 

While it didn't result in me receiving any clients, I did get a strange private message on one such forum. 

It read. "Would you be interested in heading up a social media / SEO department in South Africa?" 

I ignored the message because it was just too odd. While the forum member had a few thousand posts and we had connected before, I was still in college and had a part-time job in a clothes store. 

Plus, I didn't know a single person in South Africa. 

When my mom came home that day I told her about "this crazy guy in South Africa who wanted me to go and work there." 

The first thing she said totally surprised me… 

"So are you going to go?" 

She explained how she knew I hated college, had no desire to work in a clothes store forever and spent all day on my computer trying to do marketing…so why not go and do it. 

Two weeks later I was at Newcastle airport ready for the journey of a lifetime.

I had the time of my life in South Africa and got to work with some of the biggest brands in the world like Bacardi, Hewlett Packard and Land Rover. 

I had thought that being able to work with big brands like this would be my dream job…but I was wrong. 

I absolutely hated working with clients

That seems odd to say when I'm pitching you on the idea of running your own SEO agency, but it's the truth. 

Any change I would recommend on their website for SEO, or in their social media strategy for more traffic, would take weeks to go through legal channels just to get approved. 

What I could do for myself in 24 hours would more likely take 24 days when working with a big client. 

This took all of the fun out of internet marketing for me, so I started building my own websites on the side using the SEO skills I had developed. 

This turned out to be a smart move.

Ranking My Own Sites Worked So Well I Quit My Job and Moved to Amsterdam

I so wanted to love my job in South Africa but when you have little control over the work you do, the enjoyment in your work quickly disappears. 

Fortunately, my own niche-focused websites were starting to rank, and making money. 

When I had made more money in one week than I was going to in a month at my job, I knew it was time to leave the company and return to England. 

For the next few years I spent a lot of time in Amsterdam and also returned to South Africa where I had made a lot of friends (I was still working for myself at the time). 

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My business was growing, I had started a software company that generated hundreds of thousands of dollars.

My Software Business Was Making 6-Figures Per Year. I Never Thought I would Get Involved in SEO as a Service Again…

Until one day I received a phone call. 

It was from my best friend, Diggy. 

For as long as I've known him, he has been trading currency with his father. 

He had some websites now and then but had certainly never been interested in SEO. 

That's why it was very surprising SEO is all he wanted to talk about. 

He said he had this "new method" to ranking websites higher in Google. It was a little bit on the greyhat side of things but there was a minimal budget required so there was little to lose. 

A few weeks later my niche sites were ranking faster in Google than they ever had before. 

I had to scale this experiment. 

I got in touch with someone who had dozens of websites – my old boss from South Africa, funnily enough – and asked him if I could try this new tactic on his sites. He agreed to pay a few thousand dollars and off I went. 

I ranked his sites. 

I ranked his client websites. 

And since that day he has paid thousands of dollars per month for SEO services that I offer. 

We then opened up this opportunity to more people, and the results just blew us away.

We Made $10,000 in 3 Hours of Selling SEO…But This Made Me Really Angry


That's the question I asked myself when I saw the sales coming in. 

Not why was I angry, but why was I able to sell SEO? 

After all, just a few years earlier I couldn't land a single client in 18 months, and now I had dozens within three hours. 

And it had nothing to do with the size of my audience.


I Discovered SomethingWeird About the Inc 500

63 of America's Fastest-Growing Companies Offered Marketing Services

Upon my random browsing the web to 'figure out' what happened, I came across an agency that had reported millions of dollars in earnings for the previous year. 

I surprisingly lost interest in them, and curiously checked to see how many marketing companies were making millions of dollars in the Inc 500. 

To my surprise 63 of the fastest growing private companies in America were in Marketing & Advertising. That's over 10% of them even including every industry in the world. 

The next step was to find out who they were, what they did, and how they were so successful.

Who They Offered Marketing Services to Blew My Mind

It seemed to me that the Marketing companies which were successful – particularly those offering digital marketing – were not trying to be a marketing company for anyone and everyone. 

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They weren't trying to get anyone in the world to pay them for SEO or Socail Media Management. 

Instead, many had clearly defined that they only offered marketing services to one particular niche whether that was real estate, education, finance or those in medical fields. 

This was quite mind-blowing to me – I had always assumed trying to reach more people would make me more money – yet here I was looking at data that painted a completely different picture.

A $7.3M Case Study Forced Me to Change My Strategy

The first brand I looked into in detail are known as NPE. They posted $7.3M in revenue for 2014 but when I checked it two years earlier their figure was around the $3-5M mark. 

NPE offered a lot of the same internet marketing services I felt I could offer (SEO, online training, help with webinars, etc.) but they only accepted gym owners and personal trainers as clients. If you weren't one, they wouldn't help you. 

Although cutting down your potential audience size didn't make a ton of sense to me, I did think that it would be so much easier to reach the right people to offer my services to.

Then Just Like That…

Our Success Transformed Overnight

"Introducing the exact business model we've followed to generate millions of dollars online"

I know it sounds too good to be true, but that's exactly what happened. 

The change was so simple but so counter-intuitive. 

I stopped trying to market my services to anyone and everyone, and started creating SEO agencies just for specific industries. 

In 2015 my SEO business generated more than $1.4M

It doesn't even feel real that I'm actually typing that, but there's some proof in a screenshot below to show it actually happened.

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The sad thing for me is that I had to pay almost $40,000 in fees to Paypal. 

Thankfully we did receive over $400,000 paid to us directly so we didn't make them even richer. 

I went from being desperate for anyone to pay me anything to do SEO for them to having some of the biggest brands in the world asking if I can do SEO for them.

I couldn't believe I was receiving SEO enquiries day after day, by actually reducing the potential size of the audience I was offering services to.

Yet day after day, the emails just keep coming in.

I haven't revealed the best part, which is that I suddenly loved working with clients again. 

I could finally pick and choose who I got to work with, rather than accepting anyone with a budget. 

I actually set criteria for who could pay me (imagine that!). 

I only accept clients who aren't going to send me a lot of emails. 

I only work with clients who let me do my work and not question my methods. 

I only work with clients who will actually implement changes I recommend, that we both agree on. 

It's actually ironic that when you set boundaries like this, companies actually want to work with you more.

I Shared This New Strategy with Others…

Just to make sure I wasn't being "lucky" or experiencing some kind of "fluke". 

That wasn't the case at all. I truly had stumbled on a completely new way to run my business, and others were reaping the benefits from this discovery. 

Today I run 11 niche-focused SEO agencies that I can run from anywhere in the world while choosing exactly what clients I want to work with. 

Now I get that you may be skeptical. If someone is having so much success with an idea, why would they share it? 

The truth is that I learn far more from students of this method than I have on my own. 

Daryl taught me how to block certain web crawlers from finding my clients backlinks. 

Another student taught me an email outreach method which saved hours every week. 

And plus, it's really fun to be on a journey with other people who are succeeding as well. There are far too many potential clients out there than I could ever handle myself. 

Another reason people share their success with a business model is because the opportunity has died. That just isn't the case here…

Why I Believe This Is the Ultimate Online Business Model

There's a common trend in the internet marketing world to only promote something once there is no opportunity left in the business you're promoting. 

With this business model, that simply isn't the case. 

First of all, we can look at the Google Trends graph for various internet marketing services that business owners are looking to implement

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The amount of money that businesses are spending when it comes to SEO is increasing as well. The numbers show that this is far from a dying industry. 

In 2017 companies are expecting to spend $65bn for SEO-related marketing and services

Thanks to Search Engine Land we can see that this figure is only going to increase in the coming years.Even if you don't build an incredible empire, SEO, or Search Engine Opimtisation is one of the hottest skills to learn. 

In fact, in LinkedIn's 2015 survey of the most important skills that resulted in being hired, SEO was number 4 on the list, up from number 5 a year prior. 

Another skill that made the list was 'Marketing Campaign Management' which doesn't directly relate to search engine optimisation or search engine marketing, it does contain elements of each. 

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SEO is a growing industry. 

It beats out all other forms of search engine marketing. 

And employers are looking for people with SEO skills more than ever. 

If that doesn't show the potential this industry – and learning SEO as a skill – has, then I don't know what will.


Marketing, Inc. A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Highly Profitable SEO Business

Three years in the making, we're incredibly proud to share Marketing Inc with the world. 

We first launched Marketing Inc for one week in 2014. 

Then launched it for a week in 2015. 

In 2017, the doors have never been publicly open, until today. And that's for less than seven days. Here's what your access gets you… 

Over 21 Hours of Video Training

SFmcOHk | eSy[GB]That's not a typo. We really do have around 9 full-length movies worth of content inside Marketing Inc. 

And 100,000+ words of text also, for those who prefer to read. 

Private Forums with Over 21,000Discussions

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I'm incredibly proud of our forums and the discussions we have going on inside. With over 1,000 posts in there myself, they're somewhere I spend a lot of time. 

To be more specific, there are over 2,700 discussions and 21,000 posts all solely about landing SEO clients and ranking and renting out websites. 

The Only Rank & Rent Keyword Tool in the World (With 165,535Rentable Keyp

This is something I built myself and I'm extremely proud of. 

A database of keywords specifically aimed at ranking and renting websites, showing the search volume and cost per click of every result. 

Not only that but we also have an 'Opportunity Score' algorithm which rates all keyphrases out of 10, giving you an idea of good industries to enter with just seconds of research. 

11 Case Studies of Profitable SEO Empires (With Actual Websites Revealed)

Unlike Other Training Products, There's Nothing More You Need…Than Yourself

You Don't Need a Huge Budget

We simply wouldn't have any success stories with our training if people had to invest hundreds of dollars to get started. 

If you're building an agency you need to spend $9 for a domain, $2/m for hosting and $30 once-off if you need a website theme (or don't use the free one we give you. 

If you're following the Rank & Rent method (revealed below) each site you set-up (including content) will cost no more than $18.

You Don't Need to Start Full-Time

None of the success stories you see on this page or in our videos are from people who do this full-time. We understand that you have responsibilities and quite likely a full-time job. That is why we based this course around being able to achieve success with as little as 1 hour per day. 

Whether you want to wake up an hour earlier, go to bed an hour later, work an hour during your lunch-break or even put in multiple hours on your day off, we’ll show you how to build your agency part-time and help you land clients, even when you have responsibilities and a full-time job already.

You Don't Need an Existing 'List'

To build a successful agency, you don’t need to have an existing email list. You don’t need to have an audience. You don’t need to be famous online. You can get started as a totally unknown individual. 

We will show you how to build up your brand and authority in such a way that you will have businesses and clients coming to you, and begging you to work with them. There is also no need for you to be in the spotlight in order to have a successful agency.

You Don't Need to Meet Clients

Out of over 300 clients that have personally paid me for SEO work, how many do you think I met in person? 

Take a guess. 


I'm a self-admitted introvert and would honestly hate this business model if I needed to have meetings with clients. 

That one person I met already was a friend long before I worked with him. All clients care about is that you can get results, and one other little thing we'll reveal inside.

You Don't Need to Be an SEP Expert

We're going to teach you everything we've learned about SEO from 11 years of practicing it. 

We'll take you by the hand from beginner ranks to advanced topics you don't need to be smart to understand (I personally failed college, after all). 

And even if you don't want to learn SEO yourself, we'll show you recommended people you can outsource the work to for a fraction of the money you make.

You Don't Need to Buy Traffic

I've had a Google Adwords account for around seven years and haven't spent more than $500 there. I honestly have very little knowledge about buying traffic. 

I learned SEO to help others, so I use it myself in order to get clients (plus many other avenues we'll share). 

I have never done it, so you definitely don't need to.

You Don't Need Expensive Software

You don't need any software at all for that matter. 

Inside Marketing Inc we have a tool for keyword research, a tool for competition analysis and an SEO plugin for creating additional pages on your website. 

There are additional tools you may wish to purchase (one is $99/year) but it's completely unnecessary until you land your first client.

You Don't Need to Make Cold Calls

I've never made a cold call in my life, nor have I ever made a 'warm call' to land clients. 

The truth is I get far more people asking me for SEO via my various agencies than I could ever handle. 

If you're comfortable on the phone and want to use this skill, there's no harm in doing so, but it is absolutely not required.

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Our agency hit $60,000/m in recurring revenue after 8 months. Here's what you'll learn…

  •  The four most important pages you must include on every single Rank & Rent website.
  •  The one thing clients care about more than the rankings you get for them (ignore this and it's better not to start).
  •  Access over 65,000 keyphrases in our rank & rent keyword tool to quickly find which niche to enter (organised by our own algorithm)!
  •  Our student Daryl reveals how we helped him get to over $10,000/m revealing the exact services he offers and the price he charges.
  •  A $21,000 one-week launch case study I did with one student (his niche will surprise you).
  •  How to price SEO services so you don't lose a clients interest early on.
  •  The one page every agency must have if you want to show authority in your niche (and fast!).
  •  Real-world case studies of ranking for local SEO terms (we reveal our actual websites).
  •  How to build legitimate backlinks for clients…without having to resort to setting up PBN's.
  •  Actual, reliable people to outsource the SEO work to if you don't want to do it yourself.
  •  The "frictionless close" technique which gets businesses contact us for services, rather than us reaching out to them.
  •  The sales tactic that quadrupled my business overnight, which no other SEO service provider has caught on to.
  •  The web host we use (worth hundreds of millions) which charges just $2/m to host 10 websites we rent out
  •  A social network most people overlook which is incredible for getting targeted leads (Hint: It's not Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest or Instagram).
  •  A 60-minute video of me entering a brand new industry and showing how I would dominate it
  •  One student reveals how Marketing Inc landed him a $100,000 car in return for offering marketing services
  •  Azzam's 20-minute case study video on how he now generates more than $14,000 per month
  •  BPC reveals the exact source of backlinks he used to make $43,760 in his first 90 days
  •  We reveal our actual agency which receives constant enquiries from some of the largest brands in the world (and it's a 5-page website)
  •  We reveal a recent Google update (which only a small blogger in Australia noticed) that gives you the potential to close over 100,000 clients
  •  A competition analysis tool which means you never need to manually analyse search results again
  •  A 60 day step-by-step strategy guide so you can succeed with this model. Follow the steps and get the results.

And so much more. That's not all…


Let's talk about the price.

We had to cover this eventually. Here's a recap of exactly what's included with your Marketing Inc access…

Lifetime Private Forum Access

In the last 30 days hundreds of posts have been written in the forums, and you'll get to see them all.

100,000+ Words of Content

If reading is your thing, we've got you covered. With over 100,000 words of content there's enough to fill two published marketing books and change.

21 Hours of Video Training

We've had students land clients within 24 hours of access without even building a website. Remember, every single business in the world wants more leads. You don't need more than a $9 domain and $5/m for web hosting before making money.

11 Real-World Agency Case Studies

While of course we can't guarantee or promise fast results, our entire training is focused around helping you land your first client within 60 days. This is based on working 1 hour per day. If you have more time to dedicate to this then you can land clients much faster.

Agency Website Template

Out of more than 300 clients that we've worked with, we've only met one in person (and that's because he was a friend, first). We like to travel and wouldn't love this business if we had to meet clients face-to-face.

Custom SEO Plugin

Build hundreds of pages for your website, automatically, covering every single state and / or city for the niche you're targeting thanks to our custom LeadMonster plugin for WordPress

.Rank & Rent Keyword Tool

With over 160,000 keyphrases, this is the only rank and rent keyword tool on the planet. It was literally designed to only help you find highly targeted keyphrases with minimal competition.

Custom SERP Analysis Tool

Want an overview of search results to see how difficult the'll be to rank in? We've got you covered.

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The Rank Rent Model by Glen Allsopp of ViperChill | eSy[GB]
The Rank & Rent Model by Glen Allsopp of ViperChill – Glen Allsopp of ViperChill
Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $25.00. Add to cart