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Believe The Hype…

Four Life Altering Days Of Brain Hemorrhaging Immersion

Traveling DEEP Down The “Rabbit Hole” To The Most Advanced

Understanding Of Dating, Social Dynamics,

And Self-Actualization In Existence

The Program That I Practically Murdered Myself To Create…

That In Spite Of Impossible Expectations Has ROCKED Live Audiences

In Sydney, New York, London, And Los Angeles … And Now Recorded In

Room-Rocking High Definition For YOU To Experience


Hey what’s up, it’s Tyler, and I’d like to tell you a little-known story…

You might find this story to be a little bit crazy… You might find it to be literally insane.

I really haven’t spoken about this much, but what I’m about to reveal to you is absolutely true.

Back in 2004 I had this dream…

To put it bluntly, I wanted to create something that would forever alter the terrain of how men related to women – and so I set out to produce the most extensively researched, ultra advanced, 110% field-explosive “Success With Women” program ever done.

This was going to be the program that really left my mark in this area. The program that would basically be my legacy after I’m dead and gone.

Now if you know me, you know that when I decide on a goal, I go after it like an all-out crazy person.

Would that mean going out and sharpening my skills with women, over and over, virtually seven nights a week ever since 2002?


Would that mean teaching live in-field “bootcamps” weekend after weekend, sparking reality-shattering breakthroughs for ecstatic clients all over the world??


And would that mean searching with obsessive hunger for the absolute core truth of all attraction and sexual chemistry… working my mind to the break-point to discover how to get these “killer insights” to go “click” in your head??

Ch, ch, ch, CHECK…

I mean, I spend very little time doing publicity or pushing my “image” into the public eye.

Instead I’ve been building RSD, the dating workshop company that’s privileged to work with the highest number of clients every year worldwide.

My day-to-day focus has always been on mastering my craft and refining my teaching ability to a level of dangerous sharpness – so you know that the continued demand for my time and attention is based PURELY on the quality of the material and the personal transformations that I’ve been able to produce.


Obviously the type of program to fulfill my vision here would have to be EXTREMELY AMBITIOUS (to say the least).

In order for me to be happy with it, it would have to be a TRUE REFLECTION of the level of time and energy that I’ve put into this over all these years.

It would have to be like a B52 Bomber flying overhead, dropping a bomb that inspired an intense, powerful change in every single sane-minded person who experienced it (to the point where you’d look back on this for the rest of your days as being a catalyst for an EPIC EVOLUTION in every aspect of your day-to-day life).

There was only one problem, little did I know…

And that was that to create this soon-to-be “masterpiece” was going to require a level of intensity that I had never really experienced.

This would be of the massive magnitude that I, myself, could never have foreseen when I dreamed this up back in 2004.

This Is The Program That Nearly Destroyed Me… But Finally…

The Deepest Secrets Of My Journey Into The Heart Of Seduction And Self-Mastery Are Laid Bare

Now in a lot of ways I really screwed up…

I basically bit off more than I could chew – and wound up taking years and years to get this done, making a lot of folks “a little bit antsy” to get their hands on it.

Most people thought that this was never really going to be complete.

The general consensus was it would go down in history as an urban legend like the never-released “Chinese Democracy” album by Guns ‘N Roses – where the goal of making it “perfect” drove me insane and caused me to never put it out.

And you know what? I really don’t blame them.

I DID want it to be perfect… or at least as air tight as I could damn well manage.

And if you want to go a bit deeper, maybe I wanted to prove something – and not to all the people out there, but to myself.

Honestly though?

Most of the time, my motivation was just the fact that I found this journey into undiscovered territory to be the most fascinating and rewarding of my entire life.

See, while everyone was waiting for this blueprint to finally come out, I wasn’t “creatively stifled” or “stuck in the mud”.

I was working… writing… theorizing… testing… and teaching live programs in the field to see how the new ideas impacted all of the people I worked with.

The thing was, as I started to lay down every hard-hitting dating principle and technique that I knew existed, I realized more and more that there was just so much that I didn’t know.

It got to the point where it really started to drive me nuts…

I was working constantly. I’d roll out of bed in the morning, start working on the project, and oftentimes not go back to bed until the sun was back up the next day.

It was a lot like being a mad scientist, oftentimes to the point that I became kind of socially-weird because I was in my head thinking and thinking and thinking all the time.

I’d be at the store and have a new realization and I’d be jotting down notes up against the wall, or wake up in the middle of the night and scream over to my girlfriend “GIVE ME A PEN!!”

You should see the stash of notes that I have, it’s unreal.

A lot of the time I’d go to sleep frustrated and confused because the ideas that I wanted to communicate were so subtle and advanced that I couldn’t find the right way to explain them (even after working on it the entire day).

I dedicated at least 10 hours a week to this project over the past four years, but there were also months at a time that I went “underground” to work on this non-stop.

There were a lot of tough times where I wanted to put it off or just release it at a “decent” level just to get it out.

But as funny as it sounds, there was ONE THING that pushed me through…

The prospect of being able to reveal to you the most intricate-secrets and hard-earned wisdom necessary to get the level of results (and subsequent MORE FUN quality of life) that are enjoyed by the absolute “top guys”.

I knew that it was possible, and more than anything, I knew that if I could NAIL this thing that it was in fact PROBABLE.

So I kept at it, for several years, ignoring the continual frantic prodding and pushing from EVERYONE (especially my business team) to put it out.

And the pressure mounted…

Because the longer this took to come out, the more the anticipation built, and the EXPECTATIONS of this program became SO RIDICULOUSLY INSANE that most people thought the final product could never live up to the impossible hype.

For a while it even messed with me a bit…

But as I continued “down the rabbit hole” of this new deeper, more powerful understanding of success with women I was gaining I felt a silent confidence that everything was going to be JUST FINE.

And you know what??

As you’ll soon discover, sticking to my guns was the best decision I ever made.

Because the result is now sitting in front of you in the form of “The Blueprint Decoded”.

And this program, or better put, this EXPERIENCE, has not only enriched my own life (in terms of OBVIOUS MEASURABLE RESULTS) to the point where my own mastery with women and over “the self” has rocketed upwards easily 500% or 1000%…

It is also going to set off a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION of fierce, powerful epiphanies for YOU – which will be the seed of the most drastic (not to mention FAST and SUDDEN) improvements in your own life that you’ve ever experienced.

The Blueprint Decoded Will AWAKEN YOU To The Most Profound Secrets Of “Dating Mastery And Actualization” Like A Syringe Of Adrenaline Punched Straight Into Your Heart

Alright so by now you probably “get it” that this is a big deal.

But really, what you want here are STRAIGHT FACTS about the program.

So onto the million dollar question…


Right off the bat, you’ve probably noticed in all of the success stories that even the people who attended have a hard time breaking everything down you’re about to experience into words.

That’s because this program is very much “experiential”.

The Blueprint Decoded not only pummels you mercilessly with laser-specific knowledge, arming you to the teeth with every theoretical and practical golden-nugget that you need to hit the “next level” – but it is also going to ACTIVELY push you through the types of emotional experiences that invoke IDENTITY LEVEL CHANGE.

I accomplish this very much through “leading by example”, or, as they say in hypnosis “going first”.

Have you ever had a night out meeting women where you were “dragging” or “not in state”??

Well throughout the four epiphany-saturated days of this program I am CARRYING YOUR STATE THROUGH THE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE.

Get The Blueprint Decoded – RSD only price 74$ 

I’ve learned how to do this from years and years of going out – to the point where I can carry the energy not only of myself but an entire audience for pretty much as long as it takes.

(If this sounds like an ability that might come in extremely handy for you “in the field” you’re absolutely right).

How is this possible??

Well it comes down to one of the major breakthroughs you will experience in this program, which is to “Draw your state from within, not from your ever-changing environment…” (which many people theoretically understand but few can actually ACCOMPLISH).

Follow me here…

The key understanding is you have to find your sense of feeling GOOD and SUPER CONFIDENT independent of ANY external-circumstances.

Women can feel this coming off of you on a level where they feel a “masculine polarity” and become exceedingly attracted to you pretty much instantly.

It’s what gives you the power to “draw women into your reality” and pass their “congruence tests” automatically without even trying.

I’ve been going out and meeting women for years and years, and at this point holding myself in an awesome “100% internally based” state is just second-nature (frankly a joke) – and this program is going to teach YOU the shortcuts to doing the same.

(This also by-passes the need for most “tactics and techniques” and transforms you into a “true natural”).

Now one of the reasons this program had to be FOUR DAYS TOTAL IMMERSION is that, being very blunt, by LIVING the experience day after day it will finally click to you “THIS GUY IS *NOT* KIDDING…”

It’s not like on Day 1 I’m feeling great and by Day 4 I’m worn out.


With The Blueprint Decoded the first day is chill and laid back, and by the FOURTH DAY I’ve pushed myself and YOU THE AUDIENCE so deeply “into the moment” that the energy in the room is just SURGING.

The experience builds and builds…

The major epiphany here is that “Drawing

our state from within is not only ACTUALLY POSSIBLE but actually EASIER than dealing with the day-to-day nonsense of trying leech it from your environment like 99% of guys try to do.”

By the end of this program you will fully understand what it means to be in alignment with your world, and to fully experience your power as a man.

And this results that this will give you with women??

We’re not just talking THEORETICAL (like a lot of programs that teach this type of stuff).

It means MEASURABLE – as in once you have it down, you are pretty much guaranteed to have those “on nights” where you just OWN IT out there with women ALL THE TIME.

(And if you don’t, you’ll still be able to precisely pin-point exactly where you went wrong and fix it for next time).

This is going to make being attractive to women “Something you ARE, not just something you DO…”

It’s going to teach you how to create massive attraction with women not just in SUDDEN SPIKES (like when you launch off a single “pick up line” and wait for the reaction) but in a CONSISTENT SIMMER where your ENTIRE PERSONALITY is creating the attraction for you at all times – not just a finite number of lines that’s bound to run out very soon.

Sound like fun??

Well that’s really just the tip of the iceberg…

“See The Entire Matrix” And Gain  GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING To Calibrate Social Interaction Like A F18 Fighter Pilot In Real Time

Have you ever been curious about all the ADVANCED CONCEPTUAL IDEAS that exist when it comes to success with women??

I mean, obviously being good with girls is about “getting in the field” and APPLYING the skills.


But at the same time, there are all these ADVANCED PICKUP ARTISTRY CONCEPTS that the “top guys” seem to possess, which on some level DO make a big fat increase in their results.


Because it’s like the “software” that they’re operating on…

The “program” that’s running up in their heads during every second that they’re interacting with women.

Now think of it this way…

I hate to use the played-out “Neo In The Matrix” analogy, but that is EXACTLY what this is.

One of the reasons the most skilled players have the ability to “attract any girl in any situation” is because they SEE THE PLAY A MILE OFF.

I know this might sound strange, but when you really “get” this stuff you can see layers upon layers, levels upon levels of social communication going on at all times.

It’s not tough or scary or anything, it’s just a new level of input.

You develop an understanding of the “programs that people are running on” – their predictable thought-loops, their belief-systems, their models of how the world works, and the types of stimuli that pushes their buttons.

THAT is why when you see a dangerously skilled player he seems to possess such staggering power and social-control.

He’s cultivated the ability to “see the matrix” (like when Neo finally discovers his powers and everything looks like fluorescent-green computer code) and then he’s developed the ability to navigate it in his day-to-day life over the years.

Well, up until now, the ability to read the play on this level has really been something you’ve had to earn through YEARS of hardcore field-work.

And you know, going out and interacting with people (especially hot women) is always going to be the cornerstone of improving at this…

At the same time though, with The Blueprint Decoded now you’ve got the WHOLE MATRIX broken down for you – which instantly cuts years away from your steep learning curve.

Exactly HOW is this possible??

Look at the title of the program: The Blueprint Decoded.

That’s exactly what this is – a highly advanced “blueprint” that’s been “decoded” for you in vivid, meticulous detail.

Every concept, definition, principle, and terminology that’s necessary for mind-blowing, rocket-fuelled, SHOCKING SUCCESS with women is pummeled up into your thick skull.

Now obviously this is really about LIVING these concepts, so bear the following in mind…

Many of these concepts and definitions I worked on and refined for YEARS, updating and re-doing them over 100 times (as my understanding got better and better) until they were LASER precise.

There’s also a ton of BRAND NEW absolutely cutting-edge concepts and terminology that you have never, ever been exposed to before that will ROCK YOUR WORLD.

This might not sound glamorous but let me make this absolutely clear…

Getting this stuff “down pat” will literally THRUST you to a point of full CONSCIOUS COMPETENCE and AUTOCONTROL over all of your social interaction.

Right off the bat this is going to give you a freaky-genius THEORETICAL understanding of this entire game, from top to bottom, which is a great place to start.

Moving beyond that though, you’re also going to learn how EVERY CONCEPT relates to one another so that you can calibrate flawlessly like an F18 fighter pilot in REAL TIME.

This will make all social interaction so OBVIOUS to you that you can make extremely subtle distinctions about EVERYTHING that’s going on between men and women (and people in general) WHILE IT’S HAPPENING.

Sound kind of freaky-intense??

Well here’s the best part.

There are two different kinds of learning. The kind that makes things more complex, and the kind that makes things simple.

The Blueprint Decoded is of the second kind.

This program is ABSOLUTELY VAST, but simultaneously, it will simplify social interaction for you – not complicate it.

It’s all about taking the confusion and breaking it down to total simplicity so you never need to think about the “social matrix” ever again.

This is crucial – it’s not just something “about” this program…

It is in fact THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PROGRAM. To shatter the binds that the “social matrix” has on you and hook you into a genuine authenticity and self-esteem.

This is going to grab you by the neck, and shake all “nonsense” and “inner noise” out of your head MERCILESSLY until all that’s left is a massive, surging skillset with women and a deep, potent sense of inner calm.

That’s the deal.

And you know what?? There’s still more for you to discover here…

Discover RSD’s Most Insanely Field Tested,Ragingly Powerful, Never-Revealed Principles

That Will Make 80-90% Of Old Pickup-Up Techniques Redundant, And In Many Cases, Utterly Obsolete

OK, so what are these “ragingly powerful” principles you’re now hearing about??

Well first up, ragingly powerful is easily an UNDERSTATEMENT (as you’ve seen in the countless rabid testimonials about the skills of instructors in the RSD bootcamp reviews, especially in recent years).

This is the type of “veteran insight” that takes most people a good half a decade to realize and internalize and understand.

The key you “need to know” here is this:

Whenever you’re learning something new there’s really TWO major factors you have to figure out:

technique and principle | eSy[GB]

With dating and “success with women”, the techniques are like the specific ways of opening, the lines, the humor, the flirtation, the extraction back to your place, etc.

An example of a technique would be like starting a conversation with “You’re either the coolest girl I’ve ever met, or you’re a total weirdo…” or teasing with silly nonsense like “You’re such a diva… What’s up MISS THANG??”

Go out and use them, and you get the girls giggling and happy – just to get yourself a bit of “instant gratification” and give yourself a quick pat on the back.

Principles, on the other hand, are like the overarching rules of social interaction that MAKE THE TECHNIQUES WORK.

So for example, from reading the RSD newsletter or the forum you might recognize principles like:

“In any social interaction, there is always one person reacting more to the other person than that person is reacting to them…”


“Any time that you’re amusing yourself and pumping your own state it’s offering value, any time that the other person becomes a part of your ego structure and your state depends on their reaction it’s taking value…”

Usually these types of principles take a few years to go “click” in your head, like on a really deep level.

They personally took me about six years…


Because I was never aware of them before…

And for a lot of people it really takes around 10 years, just because when you’re taking the pursuit of “total mastery” to a level that’s THIS ADVANCED it’s extremely difficult to find a teacher who’s qualified to explain it all to you.

Now as you’ve probably figured out, the pattern for learning a new skill usually goes something like this:

  1. You find a new area you want to learn about (in this case dating) and you chase after the “surface level techniques” and “magic pills” for instant gratification and fast results.
  2. You use your new techniques for a while until you realize you can never maintain your initial level of improvement that way, and then you get frustrated and maybe quit or drop out for a while.
  3. You COME FULL CIRCLE and seek out the PRINCIPLES that you should really have known ALL ALONG in order to make the techniques actually WORK, and in the process you even wind up DISCARDING a lot of your old techniques because they’re now redundant and obsolete.
  4. You reach a level of total mastery and internalization, where you’ve got the new skill-set you want and you can enjoy maintaining it in the course of your day-to-day life.

Now just by the law of averages, most people reading this are probably in phase #1 or #2.

(Which is absolutely solid because it’s “not too late” to cut STRAIGHT TO THE GOOD STUFF here, and spare yourself a bunch of wasted time on supposed “shortcuts” that wind up being the long, annoying SCENIC ROUTE that doesn’t actually have any nice views).

But guess what??

EVEN IF you’re in phase #3 or #4 you’re probably GASPING at the prospect of an ultra advanced program like this.

That’s because you’re experienced enough to know how dangerously effective it is, and if nothing else, it’s pure, massive reinforcement of your existing skills.

So yes… The Blueprint Decoded is a program that will speak to you on a lot of levels.

The value and epiphanies you’ll take from it will have ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MEANINGS the first year that you watch it, the second, and every year after for the rest of your life.

It’s called “sucking the marrow” out of it, which happens when you come back to it every few weeks and you’re FREAKING OUT like, “Damn, I didn’t even understand what he was saying before!! I didn’t even notice!!”

That’s because The Blueprint Decoded is about YOU and YOUR DEEP IDENTITY LEVEL CHANGE.

It’s an experience that inspires a deep, FREAKY change in you, and as a result the principles that are contained will continue to evolve and change as YOU DO.


Well keep reading what’s crammed in here, because that’s what’s REALLY going to freak you out.

This Is About YOU And Living A Lifestyle Of YOUR Design – An Entirely New Body Of Knowledge For “Rapid Identity Level Change” That Will Live On For Years To Come

The key understanding here is that The Blueprint Decoded is not just an “inner game” program where you learn how to be confident or feel good about yourself or whatever.

We’ve ALL been bombarded with that sort of thing – and while it’s fantastic, this is literally about 1000X more potent and hard hitting.

This is ALL-ENCOMPASSING, and will teach you the PRACTICAL STEPS to making the “rubber” of this knowledge “meet the road”.

You will be exposed to hardcore PRACTICAL knowledge that takes you from Point-A to Point-B.

The first rehearsal for the HD-recorded final official event was in Sydney Australia – and as you’ve probably seen in all the rabid testimonials it was a runaway success (leaps and bounds ahead of anything I’d ever done).

I did another event in New York and another in London – and each kept getting better and better.

Finally we did the official recording in Los Angeles…

The production value on the project on this was ABSURD, with the room covered top to bottom in uber-high-tech cameras and audio to create an experience like you’re literally at the live event.

Why did I go this route??

Very simply, this is the most important piece of work I’ve ever done and will basically define my legacy in self-development in my twenties.

This is the program that people are going to associate my name with for years to come. It’s the sum of all the intense work I did, my masterpiece and my pride and joy.

Let’s put it this way: For years people have been saying to me “With all the delays there’s just no possible way that The Blueprint can live up to the impossible hype…”

Well as you’ve probably seen, every single review that’s come in from the four events have stated one thing in common:

The Blueprint Decoded takes the overblown expectations and stomps them into the ground.

Experiencing this program is going to change your entire life.

Your life will NEVER be the same after this. Point blank period.

Every aspect, from how you interact with women to how you walk through the world in general – it’s all about to change.

This is going to teach you to see the truth of your life, how it relates to women, and how to get the type of massive success that’s normally reserved for the top guys (who’ve not only gone out for years and years, but who also had the mastermind group to “decode” in detail all of their experiences).

Expect that your brain will melt out of your ears after this…

Most people in attendance couldn’t sleep during the program (as you’ll see on video, at one point I asked “Who hasn’t been able to sleep during this program” and over half of the room shot their hands up), and many couldn’t sleep for several days after the experience.


Because this program is going re-wire your reality, re-wire the way you interact (and get massive success) with women, and re-wire the way that you experience the world.

The last thing that I’d leave you with is this…

I created this program for myself and myself only.

The time I spent, I couldn’t have cared less what anyone else thought of it. I created this because I wanted to live my own life to the fullest.

I needed to know this stuff… for me.

What I’m about to reveal to you… these are the secrets that have carried me through a lot of tough times, through crippling challenges, and to a level of success with women that’s enabled me full choice and abundance for the rest of my life.

If you’ve taken value from any of my writings on the blog and RSD Nation, in the newsletters, or any of my past speaking engagements…

Well, that stuff is like a pale joke compared to what you’re about to experience (so be ready for it).

This is the secret knowledge that I use to train my instructors, the stuff that I use to do rapid-fire “change work” with everyone who takes my live programs… and ultimately, the keys that I’ve used to demonstrate a world-class level of skill with women on a professional level that blows people away every time.

You’ve been waiting for this a long time… You will not be disappointed.


Discover The Secrets Of The Most Advanced Program In Seduction History: I Leave No Stone Unturned To Deliver The Most Cutting Edge, Sickeningly Effective Seduction Secrets In Existence

This entire day is dedicated to an atomic breakdown of the fundamental dynamics of social conditioning. This brutal demolition will permanently damage the roots of your insecurity.

Piece by piece and brick by brick, the mental walls that imprison you will be torn down, cracking you “out of the Matrix” and setting you free.

You'll achieve a level of personal insight that some people never achieve in their whole lives – and in doing so, you'll be given the clarity of purpose that triggers immediate and dramatic gains in seductive force.

  • Sear a new understanding onto your brain, forcing your innate abilities with women into full, permanent awakening.
  • Your jaw will drop as that you experience that elusive 'click' that breaks the back of the struggle. You'll accelerate your learning to a speed where you'll be blown away by the ongoing increase in your ability to get girls.
  • You'll enter a world where women are irresistibly attracted to you, as who you truly are shines out like a seductive beacon.
  • See the core of attraction summed up in a single word. This revolutionary insight will allow you to tap instantly into the invisible channels of communication that women use to rate how attractive you are… and ramp that electric sexual energy through the roof.
  • You'll learn the single thing you need to do to blast your sexual presence into a whole new dimension.Once you start thinking in these terms, 90% of your 'sticking points' will simply melt away.
  • Expose yourself to the mind-blowing difference between the male and female mechanisms of attraction. Obliterate all paranoia about the way you look, the money you earn or the car you drive!
  • Discover the primal triggers of female sexual desire… Once you know what they are, you can focus on unleashing these innate drives, resulting in a dramatic increase in your seductive power.
  • You'll discover that women have two personalities – one that shuts the door on any man trying to get with them… and another that opens the floodgates. With this underground know-how you'll discover the magic of 'no-resistance' seduction.
  • Learn the one 'cardinal sin' of pick-up. Once you discover the single principle that causes 90% of 'blow-outs' to occur you'll freak out at the cascade of sexual abundance your life will become.
  • Learn how to channel your authentic core to the extreme… you'll discover about how a conversation about TAXES can lead directly to blistering sexual encounters with hot girls you've only just met!
  • Forge a core confidence so strong that no woman will EVER be able to dictate your identity to you,allowing you to breeze through all social 'tests' like they're not even there.
  • Transcend the knee-jerk reaction that causes guys to scramble for ineffective techniques and tactics, and hook yourself up with a true sexual magnetism that actually works!
  • See the true principles at play beneath every successful tactic and routine ever invented. Once you've seen the world from this perspective, you'll find that the 'Blueprint' for seductive success is burned into your psyche forever.
  • Deal with the root cause of insecurity, and shine with an 'inner light' that will mesmerize women, making your pickups effortless and simple.
  • Learn the power of “self-trust”… this core mind-structure of the perpetually attractive male will be hammered into your brain, permanently boosting confidence with women and instantly increasing results.
  • Discover exactly how to handle any physical shortcomings you feel you have in a way that actually increases the attraction she feels for you! Your biggest insecurities will become your silent wingmen – holding women in your thrall.
  • Discover the dynamics behind the phenomenon of 'losing your cool.' Once you discover exactly what goes on, criticism and bitchiness will bounce off you like rain off a bulletproof vest.
  • detailed series of insights about the phenomenon of 'putting up a front' for others… now you'll be able to radically reshape your life to live authentically, drawing women to you like a magnet.
  • The beating heart of creativity itself is laid bare, allowing you to supercharge your creative faculties for massive success in life…. and with women. Call forth your creative powers to improve not only your social life, but professional life as well.
  • Draw back the curtain on the crazy phenomenon of 'social pinging'… and understand the way that 95% of the planet builds their view of the world. Your identity will rest on solid rock, with a deep foundation that women will instantly respond to.
  • Discover how to keep your cool even in the midst of an extreme emergency. This 'superhero' level of internal strength will be instantly visible… and instantly compelling to those 'super hot' babes.
  • You'll freak and laugh when you realize just one insight that blasts you miles ahead of the pack,guaranteeing you massive interest from the opposite sex.
  • Hear a cool idea that will instantly defuse any awkwardness on the date, giving her a compelling experience that she loves.
  • An anatomy of the perfectly successful approach… that you can adapt in any way to suit your mood, and still get an amazing level of consistency.
  • The four pillars of a strong reality: how, as time goes on, you can increase the force you are able to exertthrough sheer force of will, drawing women into your universe.
  • Become so centered that the system of values imposed upon you by society shatters, rooting you in your own path in life and making you immune to intimidation in the face of the most amazingly beautiful women.
  • Break free of old destructive patterns of behavior and forge your own identity, integrity and dignity as a man.
  • Understand the shocking link between the very language that you speak and all the traps and problems in your life. Your sense of who you are will become stronger than steel, and women will swarm you wherever you go.
  • You'll discover the subtle delusions that render us prisoners in our own minds – and you'll be breathless with gratitude when these delusions are broken, allowing you to develop the true authenticity that women openly crave.
  • You'll fracture and cripple the destructive illusion of what society tells you 'love' is – and instead you'll discover a genuine love that strengthens you, and has no dark side.
  • You'll gain a detailed map of precisely what happens when you 'chode out' in a relationship, killing the vibe and losing the girl… so you'll never, ever do it again, EVER.
  • Bypass 'outcome dependence' and discover the foundation for all successful relationships. With this 'underground' knowledge you'll finally get what you're looking for in life.
  • Reach that crazy level of success where women are jumping at you, desperate to be your plaything for the evening – once you realize the pure simplicity of this awesome truth you'll never be the same again.


Learn To Surf The Edge Of Chaos Itself – This Life-Skill Will Give You Invincible Confidence That Will Make You The Uncontested Center Of Your Social Universe

The second day has one purpose – to ignite the fire of masculine power that lies dormant in your heart. This is about learning how to tap into that shining part of you that society has suppressed.

No matter where you are, and no matter what you've been through, this whole day is focused on driving deeply into – and resurrecting – your primal core.

This seething essence will rivet women to you, injecting a sexual resonance and charismatic power into every word you speak – and every move you make.

  • Evolve past “approach anxiety” – you'll develop such ironclad confidence that you'll be cool as a cucumber even if you're talking to your perfect 'fantasy' woman… you can just kick back and enjoy the rapid chemistry that will naturally explode between you.
  • You'll discover how to make attraction automatic between you and the hottest women you'll ever meet.
  • Master the subtle dynamics behind 'giving your power away' in a social interaction. Once you've got this rock solid definition in mind, you'll be able to instantly obliterate the thousand invisible 'micro-behaviors' that cripple your ability to 'get the girl.'
  • Discover the secret to becoming that guy who always pulls, who always gets the girl, and who lives a rockstar lifestyle of total abundance.
  • Learn the secret of the sexworthy guys who get laid relentlessly. This pivotal, five-word definition will force you into a potent mindset that fills your life with the sexual abundance you deserve.
  • You'll learn how you unconsciously feed off the certainty of others to create your perception of reality itself. Take control of how you view the world, generating that powerful masculinity that all women love.
  • You'll discover the unconscious 'imprint' of your highest self. You'll be brought in alignment with it at a profound level of being, making your success with women a total inevitability.
  • The secret to REAL courage… you'll hear a raw expose of what courage actually involves on a daily basis. Once you understand the visceral reality of courage, you'll punch through social sticking points like they're not even there.
  • Learn how to hold yourself in a cool, alert and razor sharp mindset even in the most hectic club environment, and reap the whirlwind as beautiful women vie for your crystal clear attention.
  • You'll discover how to motivate yourself to act without beating yourself up… this one insight will remove the single greatest obstacle to your self-esteem – your own negative thought processes.
  • You'll learn how to program the internal 'thermometer' that decides when you go into 'the zone' – and fix the system so that you're permanently attracting beautiful women every moment of every day.
  • You'll laugh… then lapse into stunned silence when you see how easy it is to override social conventions of what's 'attractive,' and have a fantastic night even if you've got mustard smeared all over your face!
  • You'll get a detailed breakdown of the different 'identity criterion' that you can use to dominate your social environment, inflaming full confidence in seconds, so you're always ready to get that awesome girl!
  • Tap into the sexual charisma that most guys never fully experience. Without needing to radically change your appearance, you’ll find that the “mojo” will radiate out from the core of your being and women will notice you immediately.
  • Exhibit such a dominant 'reality' that women bend to your will and their sense of identity melts and warps around your presence alone.
  • Develop a flexible and dynamic identity that can adapt it's immovable core to any situation… and become that irresistible guy that all women desire.
  • Develop genuine rootedness that goes way beyond the confidence you draw from your friends, the places you feel comfortable or what you own (when your roots sink deep inside yourself your unshakable confidence enraptures women instantly).
  • Get a clear, simple, working understanding of how people structure and change their internal universes… allowing you to dominate all your seductive interactions for phenomenal, rapid sexual connections.
  • Learn how to 'suck' people into your view of the world… project a vortex of sexual power, obliterating your competition and transforming women into doe-eyed groupies.
  • Dominate the 'cold approach.' You'll get an exact, profound breakdown of the advanced simplicity behind flawless approaching and see huge gains in your success with women.
  • How to avoid all 'cock-blocking' by a girl's peer group… without even needing to engage them. You'll instantly halve the work you need to do while in a nightclub with this single insight alone.
  • Learn how to use your interactions with men to massively increase the attraction women feel for you… turning them into giggling schoolgirls trying to get your attention.
  • Become super-smooth and calibrated, able to cruise through any logistical issues in an seduction, and get any woman begging to come back to your house.
  • Discover the secret to achieving such towering internal strength and skill that getting the hottest, sexiest girls in the world literally becomes an afterthought.
  • Connect with your deepest self-esteem, your deepest sense of who you are, and bring that power up like a tsunami of seductive force that women will chase, jumping through hoop after hoop in order to capture your attention.
  • Discover the power of the 'entourage' – generate the vibe of a cool group of guys who bring the partyand have their own fun… even when you are ALONE, sucking women toward you like a whirlpool of sexual presence.


Exposed: How YOU Can Trigger, Magnify And Sustain An Inferno Of Sexual Chemistry With Any Woman, No Matter How Beautiful Or “Inaccessible”

This is where the intensity really steps up…

You've been broken out of the 'Matrix' of social conditioning, and you've had your primal masculinity re-ignited. It's time to stoke that fire… hardcore.

As the spark we've ignited triggers an avalanche of furious power, waves of authentic “presence” will radiate off you like a physical heat.

And as funny as this might sound, women's minds will become FLUID and warp around the world-view you project, resulting in unprecedented levels of intense, uncontrollable attraction.

  • Create a strong balance between how responsive you are to women, and how strong you are in yourself… with this simple principle all confusion will leave you when it's time to get that girl back home with you.
  • Generate attraction from masculinity itself with uniquely male ways to get hard, solid attraction from the craziest, hottest chicks out there.
  • Get the secret to 'being at home in your environment.' This one ability creates an unassailable vibe of powerful attractive force that every woman will feel, and very few will be able to resist.
  • Trigger megastar/celebrity fascination from the women in your life using authenticity, even if no one in the room even knows your name!
  • Discover… and destroy… the beating heart of 'performance anxiety,' turning you into a rock-solid, cool guy who is unshakable (and highly charismatic) in the face of extreme beauty.
  • Learn how to meld with your 'pick-up persona,' absorbing its best aspects into the core of your being and supercharging your magnetic presence with the power of authenticity.
  • Peel back the 'layers' of your personality to reveal the power of your true self at the deepest level, splintering your insecurities and gaining true self-confidence.
  • Tap into natural calibration, a visceral power innate to your being that will mean you always say 'the right things' to get her hooked on who you are.
  • A simple 'advanced super-mastery' technique to open a gateway to the humanity of the hottest babes in the building… making you the most interesting guy they've spoken to all year.
  • You'll discover the power of supercharged eye contact… pump the 'energy of attraction' directly through your gaze and into the depths of her being. She'll have no idea why she can't resist you.
  • Power up your presence whenever you want to access your best self, and blow women away with your fully unleashed charisma.
  • Connect with your inner wild man, unleashing the fury of your masculine essence in a way that will drop women into a submissive 'trance' where your wish is their command.
  • Satisfy the raw sexual needs of the craziest chicks… discover how extreme they often (secretly) want you to be – and you'll know how to deliver that amazing experience without stepping over the line.
  • DETAILED… the simple way that anyone, even the scummiest, nastiest looking guy in the room, can get a full makeout in 30 seconds. This will blow your mind, and make your evenings into crazy orgies of sexual debauchery.
  • The final word on how to deliver jokes in so they cripple girls with sidesplitting laughter, leaving them sobbing and aching for more.
  • Learn the main responsibility of a man… everything else will fall into place in your abilities with women, and you will see rapid gains in your seductive power.
  • Discover the power of living in the present moment. This insight, shattering in it's simplicity, will connect you to a life of massive positivity that all women will love to be part of.
  • Develop true leadership that men and women will follow, and deploy that like a howitzer shell to get any woman you want.
  • Eliminate all obsessive and compulsive striving from your mindset and your life. You'll realize that your ability to learn skyrockets… and your skills with women will follow suit.
  • Permanently damage the core structures of negativity and blame in your own mind. This will massively raise your tolerance to intense social pressure, keeping you cool in the face of the hottest women and holding them rapt.
  • Learn to “melt into the moment” becoming razor sharp in any seductive interaction.
  • Harness your innate faculties – the hidden powers of universal intelligence that make you a social juggernaut all women respond to.
  • Develop a hard-line connection between the core faculties of your humanity and the instant-by-instant demands of a seduction. Your responses will sparkle with wit and intelligence, supercharging your ability to pull any girl.
  • A single insight that will sever the emotional chains that bind you to your past, allowing you to walk through life with ease in a way that is instantly appealing to women.
  • Bind your confidence to the heart of your being, giving you that 100% total belief in yourself that women desire so strongly.
  • How to generate that 'aura of sexual confidence' and totally transcend the need to accumulate possessions to impress women. You can get rich for YOU… but you'll never need money to capture a woman's interest.
  • Break the 'self-development' cycle and become truly self-actualized. This seminar will rip away your ability to remain a 'self-help junkie' by forcing such massive, permanent gains to your confidence, self-belief and abilities with women that you'll be incapable of slipping back… even if you want to.
  • Avoid the 'fear of success’ that keeps 90% of men in desperate mediocrity: you'll explode to new heights of seductive brilliance once you break the invisible chains that hold you back.
  • Discover the secret to reverse-engineering amazing insights from naturally seductive guys, and use that to augment your own charismatic power.
  • Generate a critical mass and explode into shocking, consistent and permanent gains in your abilities with women.
  • You'll learn the psychology behind the 'hater' mentality – once you've had this piercing evolutionary insight blasted into your skull you'll never again be emotionally shaken by the harsh words of others, leaving you free to cultivate a hurricane of irresistible confidence.
  • Learn how to be the best wingman in the world – you'll develop a two-way positive feedback loop with your friend that explodes his confidence – and yours – to levels where you dominate the room and women flock to you.
  • Discover the insider method to rapid learning – how to open up a funnel of learning like a swirling vortexthat sucks information from your environment in real time, filters out the irrelevant, and hits you with hardcore epiphanies that smash you toward your goal of social mastery.


Gain Total Possession Of The Deep Identity-Level Change Needed To Forge You Into A Full Champion Of Attraction

This day is the ultimate climax and fulfillment of everything that's been laid down leading up to it.

This is where you'll move beyond “learning” as you feel the electric power of authenticity literally WOVEN into the very fabric of your being.

Your presence will transcend all social, personal and sexual issues, generating a field of infectious positivity that is palpable and real.

And if you employ precisely what you’ve been taught, women will react to you with helpless, mesmerized desire – and men will react with deference and humility.

You will become the uncontested center of your social universe.

  • Hear the entirety of 'game' broken down to a single principle. These two words will give you a core around which to easily and rapidly understand everything about seduction, giving you the clarity needed to get any woman anywhere.
  • You'll discover and eradicate the core mechanism that underlies all weak behaviour – forever purging yourself of the self-hate that women are repulsed by, and shooting to total confidence in any interaction.
  • Exploit the weird power of the 'self-fulfilling prophecy'. Instead of being trapped by this success-killer, you can use it to amplify the speed of your success.
  • Discover a simple, true but little-known belief that will bring out the friendliest, most open side in women.
  • Use the power of 'conscious assumptions' to transcend the need for any clever opening lines when meeting women – you'll trigger a massively positive response through your own internal processes alone!
  • Discover the secret to keeping women in your life – you can allow them to express the sexiest, most uninhibited parts of their personalities with you, and have them love you for it.
  • How to escape from those high-accuracy insults when you don't have a comeback! This 'conversational Kung Fu' principle means you'll never get blown out again!
  • Cement faithful behaviour in any woman's mind so that you never have to deal with the pain of being cheated on.
  • A “Jedi mind-trick” you can deploy if anyone, guy or girl, tries to undermine you in conversation… you can use this and they'll convince THEMSELVES that you're an awesome guy!
  • Hardcore epiphanies hammered into your skull unleash true integrity from the core of your being, giving you the 'Inner Game' of a Jedi and access to a universe of lifelong sexual abundance.
  • Generate total internal belief and self-confidence from absolutely nothing. Regardless of how down on yourself you sometimes feel, you'll easily unleash the true potential of your masculine essence.
  • Develop new 'bearings' on the world – a process you can use to become a true leader of men, and a charismatic force to be reckoned with.
  • Cross the “indifference threshold” and feel true liberation from fear. The success this will trigger will feed your sense of self-belief as women display interest in ways you cannot doubt.
  • Discover how you can go develop a resonant voice and dominant presence that brims with masculinity, strength and power.
  • You'll have the concept of 'unstifling' rammed into your skull with full power, forcing you to levels of personal freedom and communicative potency that you've never believed possible.
  • Free up the mighty power of your genuine self, and allowing you to dominate your environment in ways that women love.
  • See simple, easy-to-understand diagrams of the dynamics of social vibing itself. Once you hear this, you'll never be lost for something to say, and your interactions with women will gain a permanent spark of sexual chemistry.
  • Quick wit broken down and stripped bare! – The fundamental core of what it means to have a razor sharp comeback will be explained to you in ways that will make you permanently funnier and more attractive to girls.
  • Discover your innate ability to make instant conversational connections that drive any interaction in fun and sexy ways. You won't even need to think about what to say once you've tapped into your inexhaustible seductive goldmine.
  • Discover the true beliefs about sex that the masters of seduction all share. This never-before-discussed secret will push you over the boundary to greatness the second you internalize it, making sex with beautiful women an inevitability.
  • Exposed – the exact forces that make the 'seduction community' so seductive. You'll discover how to strip-mine the positives from the experience without being sucked in and destroyed by it.
  • You'll be armored against the 'false ego' that arises when you begin to truly excel with women – you'll wear your mastery easily and won't lose your integrity when you get that crazy-level success you're looking for.
  • Navigate the confusion of 'learning pickup' without getting lost in the process and without bailing on it entirely. You'll be so massively far ahead of everyone else because you'll be enjoying permanent and real success with women.
  • Discover the core of human nature – the division between who you really are and the false self that your mind creates every day. This 'Zen Master' knowledge will give you the internal strength of a pillar of steel,blasting you straight to seductive dominance.
  • Discover the power of value giving – and unlock the highest, best part of yourself. This is the true power of authenticity – you'll realize that you can hold to what you've always believed in the most in such a way that women will be captivated by you, always.
  • Smash the cycle that society locks you into, where you see the surface and not the depth. With this new mindset, you'll 'click' instantly with women, regardless of how achingly beautiful they are.
  • You'll have the core insight of the Blueprint driven into your skull in one of the most intense and passionate speeches ever recorded on camera. This will forever distill in you the truth that confidence itself is the default state of the human male, blasting away all fear and doubt.
  • Get a clear and simple map of how your 'false self' can rise again inside you – you'll be given theweapons to stop it from destroying your success with women (or sense of personal worth).
  • Discover the esoteric secret to making women lose control and leap all over you in a crazed sexual frenzy… even in public, or in front of their friends.
  • You'll be given total clarity about the cause of all personal wounds. With this insight you'll be able to lance the pain of your past, escaping pain forever and moving into a world of total emotional freedom and sexual plenty.
  • The baseline mechanics of the 'fictional self' are laid bare – stripped down and exposed for what they really are, giving you the power to free yourself forever from self-delusion, self-sabotage and insecurity with women.
  • Experience live emotional redemption as humiliation and victimization are purged from your psyche, shattering the chains and setting you free to forge electric connections with beautiful women.
  • You'll sit in stunned amazement as you're smacked with an epiphany of such blistering force that time itself will become an irrelevance to you. Freed from constraint, you'll live 'in the moment,' and experience life with such vibrant passion that women will be blown away by everything you do.
  • Hook into the infinite consciousness shining from the eyes of every woman you speak to, transcending all logistical, social and personal concerns, and making a 'sexual hookup' as simple as opening or closing your hand.

Over These 20+ Hours We Will Tear Down All Layers Of Social Conditioning To Reveal The Purity And Simplicity Of Attraction Itself

What I hope you've realized by now is that this program is completely unique.

One of the main challenges that I had in describing it to you (in a way that you can wrap your head around it) is that there's really nothing to compare it with.

Nothing like this has ever been done before… Ever.

In these four days nothing will be assumed. You'll be taken on a journey from wherever you are to a place of total authenticity.

It doesn’t matter if you’re completely green or totally skilled…

On this journey, you’ll all arrive at the same destination – complete authenticity and unlimited, infinite self-esteem.

The blistering power of this headspace cannot be described entirely in words… but by the end of the fourth day of this seminar, that won't matter.

You'll be able to feel it. You'll be able to feel the raw power of authenticity itself.

You see, this isn't a set of guidelines, and it's not a how-to manual. This goes beyond instructions and step-by-step lists.

This isn't even just a presentation of the distilled results of one guy's obsessive quest to understand the core dynamics of seduction, attraction, and what it means to truly tap into the source of your masculine power.

This is about eliminating all doubt from your mind, and scorching the roots of it so that it never returns.

It's about bringing total clarity to the mess of theory, concepts and white noise in the “Dating Industry” so that you never need to be confused ever again.

What you'll learn very quickly once you start experiencing this is a master-tool to navigate yourself… and your abilities with women… from wherever you are to a place of total clarity and dominance.

Imagine plugging yourself into the Matrix and having the core understandings of the Zen Masters downloaded directly into your brain.

Imagine having attraction, confidence and social power explained in such clarity and depth that you understand them implicitly – without even having to think.

I will sound a warning though. The effects of this program are permanent and irreversible.

When your finish the last video, I promise you that your previous world-view will be lying in pieces on the floor.

What you'll discover in its place is what we've spent the program building… direct access to the core power of your authenticity itself.

And once you get a taste of the crackling potency of the real power that your evolution has placed at your disposal, you'll be hooked.

…and once you're hooked, you won't be able to stop this quest you're on to unlock the true power of your dormant-self.

Not until you're permanently ablaze with sexual magnetism. Not until you've nailed this quest to the ground.

What I'm saying is this – this is your last chance to bail. Be aware.

And before you start jumping up and down, saying “great – that sounds wonderful” just stop for one second and really think.

Are you prepared to handle this?

Are you prepared to take this step, knowing that there's no going back?

Are you prepared to leave behind the security of your comfort zone, and smash your future onto a whole new path of real power?

Are you?

Because if you're not, I'll be blunt: This is basically going to fry your brain.

But if you are prepared to take a step out of the 'spectator culture' of this modern age and become a fully authentic man, then The Blueprint Decoded is a doorway of unimaginable power.

I sincerely hope you take advantage of the RISK-FREE guarantee we're offering…

But if it's too much for you, and if you don't think you can handle all the things that come with true presence, true power and true magnetism… I'll understand. And I won't judge you.

I hope you change your life today. I want you to become who you were meant to be. Just remember – this is it. There’s no turning back.

Once You Watch The Blueprint Decoded, Your Existing World-View Will Be In Ruins

There's something I want you to think about before you make a decision about whether or not to finally liberate yourself from the limiting beliefs that this society has embedded in your brain.

The world you see around you, the world of ideas, judgments, labels – all of that – can seem like the whole world… and to most men, it is.

They get their job, they “settle down” and they work all day while waiting to retire.

Now it's so easy to judge that, but the truth is, many of them are content. They don't have big dreams, and they don't want big dreams.

It's so easy, and I believe, so arrogant, to look down on anyone because of the choices they've made in their life. I fight the impulse to do that whenever it arises in me.

So without any judgment or condemnation I want you to know that if you are one of those guys who doesn't have big dreams, this is not the program for you.


Because once you watch The Blueprint Decoded, your existing world-view will be in ruins.

Really read the following words carefully, because I want you to know what's going to happen when you hit the Play button.

Once you watch The Blueprint Decoded, your existing world-view will be in ruins.

Look, let me explain it like this:

Think of your identity like a building.

It's something that you've been adding to, consciously and unconsciously, for years, ever since you were a child.

Every new experience puts another brick in the walls and carpet in the rooms. The building grows up, and out, and develops.

And that's great.

What isn't great is that sometimes we get hurt, we lose confidence or we take emotional damage. The fear, confusion and self-blame we feel gets buried, and becomes a piece of our “identity” – another wall in this “building” overall. What this means for you is simple. The identity you have… the “building” you have… is not something you've designed for yourself. You may have started out that way, but over time you absorbed a lot of building materials from outside sources. Some of these sources are experiences; some are people. For a lot of guys, their “building” has some great beliefs… and an awful lot of limiting ones about the outstanding possibilities in this life, especially regarding women.

These negative beliefs hold you back.

These negative beliefs blunt your edge.

These negative beliefs destroy your ability to forge rapid, sexual connections with stunningly beautiful girls.

Now, with therapy, you can take years to go into that building and re-build it from the inside, brick by brick.

That's safe.

But it's also extremely, painfully slow… and you've got to be very wealthy to afford the whole thing.

So think of it like this.

The Blueprint Decoded is a wrecking ball.

It's a wrecking ball for all your insecurities.

It will smash your old world-view into splinters, unleashing your masculine power.

It will tear down the invisible wall that divides you from your true self, blasting you to unheard-of levels of seductive dominance.

It will annihilate the fear you feel when faced with beauty.

It will demolish all the parts of your “building” that aren’t you. It will leave only the authentic you standing. It will create in you a strength you’ve never known to exist. It will change you life, adding to it things you never thought possible.

It will connect you to the raw energy of true attraction.

Confidence… real confidence… will blaze from you like a “shining beacon of holy light.”

And the best thing is… each time you watch it, this effect will get more and more intense.

But if you “want in” you are going to have to kiss the old “you” goodbye.

And that's not something many people have the courage to do.

So, you'd better decide.

You'd better decide what kind of life you want. You'd better decide what kind of man you are.

And you get to choose, right now. No judgments, no pep talks. Just a cold, hard choice. You do it or you don't.

So what's it going to be??

Get Your Hands On A Program That Will Eliminate Your Ability To Fail… At No Risk To You

Now, you may well be able to reach this type of “authenticity” on your own. You might find it by going out every night for years on end, trying to find your authentic voice in the chaotic universe of a nightclub.

You might find it under the gaze of the one woman you'd lose everything to get.

You might find it in the swirling hurricane of advice on who you are and who you can be – advice that's screamed from every billboard and advertisement you see, and from a thousand places online.

You really might succeed in this, but you know as well as I do that most men grow old and die and never make that connection, and never unleash the potential they have to make every woman they speak to melt with desire.

The truth is, you need a roadmap. You need a navigational chart.

More specifically, you need a navigational map that's been:

  • Drawn up by a man whose skills with women are globally notorious, and recognized as world-class by friend and foe alike.
  • Meticulously constructed to break down the most hardcore, extreme and sophisticated seduction insights into bite-sized chunks that even an idiot could immediately understand.
  • Polished and honed to a level of clarity and force that upon delivery alone will drive these insights so deeply into your skull that they become permanent features of your very identity.

And you should never forget that.

You should never sell yourself short. You owe it to yourself to go for the real deal – to cut to the chase and get downright INDUSTRIAL about your success.

You'll Be Brought To A Place Of Total Understanding Where You Can See The Pure Simplicity Of Attraction Itself

Most guys expect this course to be GOUGINGLY EXPENSIVE. This is THE pillar program in the dating industry it contains 4 YEARS of my blood, sweat and tears.

That's four years of work, including a whole year I just took 'out' of my life so I could finally crack the core engine of attraction itself.

I very nearly lost my mind…

Maybe at a couple of points, I did. I don't know.

Once I'd cracked it, I started teaching bootcamps over and over, taking guys out almost every weekend for two years and honing my teaching skills.

I needed to know that I could get this truth out of my head and into yours.

So I worked and worked at it. I never stopped, not for one second, to get this thing to a level where I'd be able to set things straight in the seduction community, where I'd be able to sweep away the manipulation and the creepiness… and create something that laid my true self out there.

And as you can imagine, when it came time to film the final seminar (after 3 full live rehearsals on 3 continents), I'd put a lot of myself into it.

So we went all out. We hired the best film crew we could find. We got the nicest conference suite we could get.

You want to know how much we spent on the filming, post-production, graphics, and editing?

Well, I mentioned the exact price a few times during the pre-launch of this site, and people were FLABBERGASTED.

We’re talking very nicely into the six figures here. VERY NICELY.

Into this ONE SEMINAR.

So when we came to decide what price tag we should put on it, our backs were against the wall.

I mean, The Blueprint Decoded has been 4 years in continual conceptual development. No other “Success With Women Program” in existence could even come close to matching that.

Moreover, I've been teaching this material live in our in-field bootcamps during that 4-year period.

And on top of that, even by the standards of the epic programs we release at RSD, this one's huge.

You get 20 hours… that's TWENTY FULL HOURS… of the most hardcore hyper-potent cutting-edge clarity laid out for you in vivid and painstaking detail.

You'll know if you watched any of our programs that RSD is obsessive about releasing sickeningly honed productions, loaded with next-level information – information that will make a massive and immediate impact on your life.

But the blunt truth is that this program is a different order of thing to all that's come before.

This program means more to me than anything I've ever released – and so we really went crazy with it.

I can say, without a trace of sarcasm or irony, that there is no program even remotely like this one, anywhere.

Open This Portal And Tap The Seething Power Of Your Masculine Essence, Something Any Sane Man Would Kill To Unleash

So could we get $2499 for this??

Of course we could. We could just hit the mailing list with some patronizing “only a few hundred copies have been made” nonsense, add a bunch of pointless, flashy packaging and all that jazz.

We've been approached time and again by the very guys who pioneered that very marketing approach – and every time I've sent them packing… even though they've guaranteed paydays far in excess of anything I've ever seen from RSD.

I'll be honest with you – the pressure I've been under to price this program at around the $2499 mark has been relentless and intense.

I refused point blank, and I'll tell you why.

A lot of that hardcore “scarcity marketing” was developed for small, underground niche markets.

It's a technique you can use to “twist the nipple” on folks by basing your campaign around guru-appeal.

To price a program REASONABLY means that we'll make less revenue for the business from the initial launch… but it also means that we make our work available to the people who absolutely NEED it.

And why?

Because with all my heart, I want you to see what I see. I want you to understand what I understand. I want you to experience this, because I know it can help more than any other program you can buy.

I'll be blunt with you… I expect this program to forever alter the face of the “Dating Community”.

Oh – and the personal reason why I'm not going to price it at $2499?

Are you kidding?

Four years!

I spent FOUR YEARS of my life, my MID-TWENTIES, honing this ONE program!!

You think I’d sell out after four years?!

There's no price tag I could put on this that would make up for the oceans of effort I've poured into this project.

All I wanted to do was to offer this for a price that everyone can benefit from.

As such, we decided to offer it to you for $999 – less than half of the initial price.

So I guess you should, ask yourself…

Is this artillery barrage of cutting edge information, the kind that will revolutionize who you are, making you irresistible to women, worth $999?

Is it?

Honestly ask yourself if it's worth taking that risk.

What do you think? Compared to what you pay for a laptop or a new car, is it worth paying just $999 for a gateway to an existence in a world of blistering seductive power?

You buy a TV for $1500. You buy a sofa for $2000.

You get a portal to hidden sexual magnetism of who you are at the deepest level for $999.


After All The Blood, Sweat And Tears, I Couldn't Sleep Until We'd Dropped The Price As Much As We Could

Four years is a long time.

It's a big chunk of my life. It's a big piece of myself that I've invested in this.

I can hardly believe that I've finally managed to put together the program that I'd always wanted to make.

A program where I break down the seductive process to it's fundamental core, giving any who watch it a totally unrivalled 'mastery-level' understanding that it would take them untold years to gain on their own.

Really… I look back on the journey I've travelled, and I can hardly believe what I did.

I immersed myself FULLY in learning the dynamics of attraction, and how hook-ups work in real life.

I've immersed myself FULLY in applying what I've learned, and teaching what I've learned, so that I can supercharge the social and sexual success of any guy, no matter how 'advanced' or how 'green' he is… or thinks he is.

So even though we could easily sell this 20-hour magnum opus for $2499, I just wasn't prepared to compromise myself like that.

We'd set the price at $999 because we felt that that was a ludicrously cheap price for The Blueprint Decoded.

I felt that price was cheap enough so anyone could afford it if they really wanted to.

But 3 days before the launch I was lying in my bed, and I couldn't stop thinking.

I remembered what I felt like when I'd just started to go out and approach women.

I remember how pathetic I felt, and how screwed up.

I also remembered that the biggest reason I wanted to produce the Blueprint Decoded was that I wanted to reach out to YOU who’s lost in the chaos of information in the internet “Dating Community”.

I remembered how all that chaos had trapped me for years, and how that chaos had made me doubt myself a thousand times over.

So I picked up the phone, and called my long-time friend and colleague Nick (RSD's CEO, Papa).

“Nick, about the Blueprint Decoded.”

“What about it?”

“What's the cheapest price we could possibly do it for?” I asked.

“Tyler,” Nick said, “why are you asking this?”

“Honestly? Look – I don't want ANYONE who NEEDS this to have some B.S. EXCUSE to talk themselves out of it.”

“Tyler, The Blueprint is beyond any of those concerns. You know that's not even an issue.”

“Nick, I know. But it's still an issue for me.” There was silence on the line for a while.

“Ok, hold on,” said Nick. I held on and listened to the hiss on the phone line. Then I heard Nick's voice again. “Ok. We could do it for $599 for the streaming video edition. Any less than that and we'd be losing money on the production costs.”


I hung up the phone, and lay back down. It felt like the end of a very long journey.

The Blueprint Decoded WILL Unlock The Full Attractive Potential Of Your Authentic Core

Look, this is it. The real enemy isn't outside you.

The real enemy is that part of yourself that keeps throwing obstacles in your path.

The real enemy is that part of yourself that keeps thinking up reasons why you should “put off” doing what it takes to get this handled once and for all.

So really, don’t screw around…

Do this now. The price is insanely low, we have eliminated ALL RISK from the decision – and grabbing yourself a copy of this program will take mere moments.

We've taken the risk out of this so you can just do it, right now.

We're taking all the financial risk WITH A FULL 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEEso you can make this life-changing decision without any doubt or concern.

Get this program and take advantage of all the ridiculously potent “hyper-advanced secrets” that will immediately crank your “game” to crazy levels of scorching electric power.

Leaving aside for one second the years of constant development that have gone into this massive, 20 hour “monster” of a program – and just understand that there are insights here that will double your ability to date stunning women before you've even finished even one quarter of it.

Right here, and right now, you get to decide if the next time you go out you're still stuck in the slow-lane, learning by pain, trial and error…

Or if you're going to be on the fast track to the advanced-level seductive brilliance that is right now waiting for you to seize.

This is a vast reference library of the most advanced pickup theory in existence… it's the “big one”.

Think of it like a massive atomic bomb you can use to destroy any last shred of incompetence you have, getting you to that sick level of elite success with women… in dramatic and rapid leaps that will leave you breathless.

Now look – you might not be ready for this kind of hardcore, reality-shattering experience. Many guys (I used to be one of them) are addicted to moaning and complaining about being alone.

But if you're a guy who's had enough (I was one of those too), if you're a guy who wants REAL results NOW, then get this program, and get it today.

We've taken all the worry out of the mix for you with the money back guarantee, so you can make the decision with a totally clean conscience.

Remember – each time you watch this program it will hit you on a deeper level. And every time it hits you deeper, your skills with women will explode to new levels.

So prepare to have your reality shattered like a crystal vase under a jackhammer.

The Blueprint Decoded WILL unleash the full attractive potential of your authentic core.

Here’s What You Get…

  • Instant Access to 20+ Hours of Densely Packed, Life-Changing Digitally Recorded Content

What's the price for a unique package like this?

To be honest, I don't even want you to know what I COULD have charged for this. Let's just say if I'd have put the price in the five-figure range, the massive interest surrounding The Blueprint would have led to mass sales, and a huge payday for everyone at RSD.

We also had a great many “top marketers” and “marketing gurus” knocking on our door telling us about all the tactics and techniques they could use to get us that massive launch.

I dismissed the idea out of hand.

No – I wanted to get this seminar out there at a price so compellingly affordable that every guy who NEEDS this program will have NO EXCUSE WHATSOEVER.

Now, this is the top-of-the-line RSD program. This is the capstone of what we do here, and the most advanced stuff that exists on the subject of women and dating – anywhere.

So now, even though you'll save untold thousands of dollars and YEARS of pain, defeat and frustration, your investment,

Get The Blueprint Decoded – RSD only price 74$ 

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The Blueprint Decoded E28093 RSD | eSy[GB]
The Blueprint Decoded – RSD
Original price was: $599.00.Current price is: $70.00. Add to cart