Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $123.00.

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Streamline Design Profit is a step-by-step framework to design (or re-design) a web design business that works for you.

SDP helps you by streamlining the admin work, and selling the value you provide your clients. Everything from attracting the right clients, to closing sales, to managing the project, to handing the completed website off to your ecstatic clients is included.

Purchase this course you will earn 123 Points worth of $12.30!


Buy Streamline. Design. Profit Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Streamline Your Web Design Business

Stop wasting time on admin work.

Reduce stress.

Charge higher prices.

Create raving fans from your clients.

Get referrals flowing in.

Does this sound like your life currently?

Psst! Watch the video below!


  • You started your business for more freedom, but you're not sure when you last wrapped up work before 2am, what a weekend is, or if you have children. (Who ARE these small people with sticky fingers in your house?!)
  • You're making way less $$$ than you need to be for the amount of work you're doing and you feel like you might be better off playing guitar on a street corner–and you've never even held a guitar. (Don't stop believin'.)
  • Projects are disorganized and you're responding to clients in your email, on Facebook, via text message, and they're even hitting you up on Instagram. (OMG, STOP!)
  • Scope creep is out of control and that "simple" website is now an ecommerce site with membership and soon you'll be turning it into the next social media platform. (Too bad you're not getting paid like Zuckerberg!)
  • You wonder if you made the right choice in starting a business, or if you should go back to a "real" job. (As horrible as it sounds, it sounds less stressful.)


It does not have to be that way. You've got it in you to make this work.

That's why you're here. You're not giving up.

You absolutely can organize your web design business to run more efficiently, turn that side-hustle or hobby into a real business, cut down on your work hours, or crank up your income on what you're already doing, even if you can only work part-time!

I teach you how in Streamline Design Profit.


Streamline. Design. Profit!

The accelerated step-by-step framework to designing a web design business that attracts great clients, runs smoothly, and allows you to spend time doing what you love (and not admin work or chasing down content).

Streamline Design Profit is a step-by-step framework to design (or re-design) a web design business that works for you.

SDP helps you by streamlining the admin work, and selling the value you provide your clients. Everything from attracting the right clients, to closing sales, to managing the project, to handing the completed website off to your ecstatic clients is included.

What you won't learn? Generic BS that kind-of-applies-but-not-really that they teach in other programs.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

Streamline Design Profit is now available in two parts.

You can snag them separately, or together. Whatever you need to design the business you want.

Part One – Foundations

Lays the foundation and helps you establish your pricing, target audience, and start marketing to them. No more wondering if you're in the right niche, charging enough, or wishing and hoping that clients will find you. You set your prices, bring in the clients, and feel confident in the value you're providing.

Part one is perfect if you're new to business, struggling with pricing, wanting to shift to a new target market (one that has more $$$), or don't have consistent clients.

Part Two – Systems

Organizes ALL the things, and comes with all the templates you'll ever need to streamline your web design process. You'll always know what happens next, and spend a heck of a lot less time doing admin work. You can simply copy and paste and be up and running with your new systems in no time.

Part two is perfect if you've already established your target audience, set your prices, and have clients coming in consistently, but need to get organized!

And if you need both? Girl, you've got both.

I'll be digging in deeper to each section shortly, but I want you to take a minute and imagine…

This could be your life after joining SDP…

  • You don't work nights or weekends, and you have a real relationship with everyone who lives in your house–and even some people who don't! (You even LEAVE the house sometimes wearing real pants! …Actually I'm not sure that's a positive.)
  •  You're making more $$$ and spending far less time managing your projects. (Hold on to that feeeeeeliiiin'!)
  • Projects are organized with all their files in one place, along with client communication so both you and your clients always know where everything is and the proper way to talk to each other. (Systematized AF.)
  • Scope creep? No way! But if your client wants to add a feature it will cost $XXX… and be scheduled at your next available opening. (BOOM.)
  •  You feel confident in your business. You know you've created both a business and lifestyle that's sustainable and enjoyable for years to come. (Cubicle? Never again!)Sound freakin' amazing? You should join.

Streamline Design Profit is for web designers who are ready to…

Make more money.

Stop competing on price.

Get more (and better) clients.

Spend less time doing admin work.

Stand out in a highly-saturated market.

Provide their clients with an amazing experience.

Spend more time doing what you love with the people you love.

Get Streamline. Design. Profit. – Erin Flynn, Only Price $127

Are you ready?


Who am I and why am I the person to help you organize your web design business?

I'm Erin Flynn, and I've been running my own web design business since 2012 (and making websites since 1999!). And to be honest, the first few years of my business, sucked.

In my first year, I worked really hard and made a lot of websites, but by the end of the year, I only had $12,000 to show for it. I knew I couldn't sustain what I was doing–slashing prices to land jobs and putting up with endless revision cycles from ngihtmare clients–so I started to raise my rates.

My next year was better, but I was still doing it wrong. I was focusing on selling the wrong things, to everyone.

Then I finally figured it out. And I started attracting clients I loved, who were willing to pay my rates with no hesitation.

Here's what happened: My clients weren't hiring me to make them a website, they were hiring me to solve their problems, and because I was giving them a MUCH better experience during the project than anyone else.

My processes (aka organizational skills) allowed me go from charging $500 per website, to my rates today–which start at $10,500.

And no, the websites I make today aren't any more complicated technically than the ones I was making at $500. In fact, many of them are less complex! But the value and experience that I'm giving my clients makes them happy to pay.

I provide real value and results, and I love my clients.

And you can do it too. Let me show you how.

What You'll Learn in Streamline Design Profit

Inside Streamline Design Profit, I take you step-by-step through my entire process, from potential client inquiry to website launch. Each module includes worksheets, scripts, and/or templates to make it easy for you to make REAL progress and complete the course.

Streamline Design Profit now comes in TWO parts.

Take just the one you need, or take them both. The choice is yours!

Part One Foundations

Start or re-start your business on the right foot by setting firm foundations around your income goals, who you'll be working with, the value you're selling, and marketing to your audience.

Pricing + Targeting

  • Discover why YOU need to charge premium prices for your services
  • Learn how to determine exactly how much money you need to make to create your highly-profitable web design business.
  • Then, find a niche you adore working with and that has money to pay you.
  • Next, narrow down to your ideal clients (who can afford you) and learn how to attract them.

Packaging + Selling

  • You're selling the wrong thing. Learn what you need to focus on selling that will have your ideal clients practically throwing their money at you.
  • Streamline all of your services so that you're selling only what you enjoy and what your ideal clients want to buy.
  • Sell the value of working with you, so that you're no longer competing against others, but become the clear no-brainer choice to your ideal clients.
  • Package and sell your services in a way that has clients saying "YES!" before they even contact you.
  • Wrap up the module by outlining your payment schedules so you get cash coming in regularly.


  • Now that you know what you're selling and who you're selling it to, it's time to market your business!
  • Learn the BEST ways to market your web design business–and why most marketing tactics you see online are DEAD WRONG.
  • Utilize your existing network to minimize your time spent marketing, while getting clients consistently.
  • Grow your network with easy to follow tactics that will increase your referrals.
  • To blog or not to blog? Discover if blogging is right for you and your business.
  • Tap into email lists to nurture your clients, without having to attract thousands of people.
  • Decide on a social media platform to engage your ideal customers.
  • Wrap up the module by creating a marketing plan that works for YOUR business.

Get Streamline. Design. Profit. – Erin Flynn, Only Price $127

Part Two Systems

It's time to create an incredible experience for both you and your clients by setting up systems to ensure that everything runs smoothly and on-time.

Client Screening & Sales

  • Who wants to work with bad clients? Not you. And you don't have to anymore. Learn how to automatically screen out bad clients before you waste any time on them.
  • Set up your inquiry forms so that potential clients give you the information you need to know if they're the right fit for you or if you should pass on the project.
  • Create an intro packet that will weed out bad clients and get great ones excited to work with you.
  • Then hop on a discovery call to truly understand your client's needs (and I promise this isn't as scary as it seems!).
  • Create a proposal template that will cut down your proposal time to just minutes–but will convert clients like a dream.

Client Onboarding

  • You've got a client, now what?! Welcome your client aboard with a welcome packet that will outline everything they need to know during the project, and keep things running smoothly.
  • Set up your project in a project management system to keep your projects on-time and on-track.
  • Assign your clients homework to get what you need from them–including login info, a strategy questionnaire, and a website content guide, so you never have to wait on your clients again!

Website Build

  • It's time to make a website! Learn how to design strategically so that your website designs do more than just look pretty, they solve problems for your clients (which means you can charge more for them!).
  • Host a successful strategy call with your client to make sure you're both on the same page.
  • Dive into the mockup and learn a faster way to create websites.
  • Present your work to your client like a professional, and cut down on revision cycles.
  • Learn how to extract feedback from your client that you can actually use to make changes–but be prepared for a lotfewerrevision requests!
  • Finally, test the website to make sure it's all working perfectly.

Website Launch

  • 3…2…1…LAUNCH! Launch your excited client's website into the world!
  • Hand off the project smoothly with your goodbye packet that will cut down on support after the website is live.
  • Collect feedback from your client that you can use to make improvements to your processes, as well as turn into testimonials and case studies that will attract more amazing clients your way.
  • Pop the champagne and pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

You'll also get…

All the templates SDP students are raving about!

Included in Part 2

Want to make things as easy as copy+ paste? I've written everything for you. From your responses to initial inquiries, to your proposal, to your communication during the project, and your goodbye packet—it's all ready to go. All you have to do is copy, paste, and tweak to fit your business!


Student Community for Support + Collaboration

Included in Parts 1 & 2

Stop competing and start collaborating! Inside the student-only community, you'll get access to the brains of hundreds of other designers who know what it's like to run a web design business and can offer feedback and advice.

Value: $1,000+

Guest Expert Trainings

Included only when you purchase the full program

Want to uplevel your web design business even more? These guest expert trainings will help you do just that!

When you purchase the full program, you'll also receive:

  • Raise your rates and build a happy waitlist with Kyla Roma
  • Content Compass masterclass with Lydia Kitts
  • How to write better landing pages with Meghan Hartman
  • The secret to getting paying clients through LinkedIn with Andrea Jones
  • Follow-up strategy for prospective clients with Natalie McGuire
  • Sharing your work on Instagram effectively with Shaina Longstreet
  • Getting content from clients with James Rose
  • The 3 most important pieces of an effective web design with Krista Rae
  • Create a landing page using Beaver Builder with Joe Casabona

Value: $1,000+

Think you don't have time for another course?

Streamline Design Profit is fluff-free and actionable. Watch a short video, implement. Move on with your day.

By committing to your business and implementing the systems in SDP you'll save YEARS of time testing things on your own and coming up with your own systems, templates, and processes.

Everything inside is tested and made to be as easy and fast to implement as possible so you don't waste time, and start seeing results quickly.

How much time will you waste by NOT using a done-for-you system?

Enough scrolling? Jump to sign up!

Is Streamline Design Profit right for you?

SDP is for you if you…

  • Are a new or experienced self-employed (or side-hustling) web designer or website builder who wants to charge more for your services without creating more complex projects
  • Are a web designer who wants to streamline your web design processes and create better experiences for your clients
  • Want to take your side-hustle full-time, but still have free time and flexibility with your schedule

SDP is NOT for you if you…

  • Don't make websites–this course is specific to website creation
  • Don't have any experience creating websites–you don't learn how to make websites in this course
  • Want to take the long way and spend years figuring this out on your own instead of taking the shortcut I'm offering
  • Are not willing to make the time to implement what you learn–you can't improve if you don't implement

To Recap…


Here's what you'll do in Streamline Design Profit:

  • You'll have the tools and knowledge you need to set solid foundations and systems in your business
  • You'll finally be able to charge the prices you deserve for your work
  • You'll create your own streamlined processes to create websites for your clients
  • You'll have the confidence to keep on track!

I'll be walking you through how to do this with step by step lessons, downloadable resources, checklists, and more. You get tons of templates to copy+paste so you actually get the work done and implemented!

When you buy Streamline Design Profit you're getting:

  • Fluff-free video lessons focused on creating a streamlined business
  • Worksheets, templates, or checklists to accompany the lessons and help you get the most out of what you learned and save you years of work coming up with everything on your own
  • An amazing Facebook group full of your new best friends where you can get help and make connections
  • The confidence, skills, and processes to deliver an amazing experience to your clients, design more strategic websites, and charge MORE for your services

Get Streamline. Design. Profit. – Erin Flynn, Only Price $127


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Erin Flynn E28093 Streamline Design Profit | eSy[GB]
Streamline. Design. Profit
Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $123.00. Add to cart