Original price was: $444.00.Current price is: $72.00.

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Great question. Once you get inside, you’ll immediately be taken through a few phases.

In Phase 1, all you have to do is sit back, watch the designated videos, and let the information “download” into your brain. We’re basically going to mind-fuck you. This is stuff we could never put on Youtube because the masses just wouldn’t “get it.”

Purchase this course you will earn 72 Points worth of $7.20!


Buy Project GO Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Great question. Once you get inside, you’ll immediately be taken through a few phases.

In Phase 1, all you have to do is sit back, watch the designated videos, and let the information “download” into your brain. We’re basically going to mind-fuck you. This is stuff we could never put on Youtube because the masses just wouldn’t “get it.”

Purchase Project GO courses at here with PRICE $444 $72

What’s in Project GO?

MASSIVE library of videos and podcasts:

Advanced video lessons, podcasts, and step-by-step tutorials. Includes actual breakdown and analysis of real-life hidden camera footage of approaches. You will not find this material anywhere else.

24/7 Support:

No, not customer support. Community support. If you’re on a date at 1am and don’t know what to do – post on the private forum and somebody will literally answer you within minutes.

Project Go is a Family:

Every single person on the facebook forum understands this journey. You will never be alone; no matter where you are in pickup, there are thousands of guys right alongside with you.

A Gift a Day:

Who doesn’t want a gift a day? We write down every single epiphany and revelation and send it straight to YOU. Every. Single. Day.


Let’s just say we aren’t allowed to publish many Project Go videos to YouTube. They’re a little… risqué. You’ll see what I mean when you get inside.

Personal Stories:

Over the years, Jesse and I have made some pretty shitty rookie mistakes. I’m all for learning from your own mistakes but you will save years worth of time by avoiding the mistakes WE made.

You have questions, we have answers:


Watch the video above. It’s absolutely necessary for understanding why you should even be here in the first place.


That’s what I’m here for, shoot!


(I still don’t understand what’s going to happen once I’m inside…)

Great question. Once you get inside, you’ll immediately be taken through a few phases.

In Phase 1, all you have to do is sit back, watch the designated videos, and let the information “download” into your brain. We’re basically going to mind-fuck you. This is stuff we could never put on Youtube because the masses just wouldn’t “get it.”

You’re going to be mentally exhausted by the end of phase 1…but something extraordinary and beautiful will also happen. You’re going to be infused with a sense of hope – because you know that your life is about to change. And you’re going to feel secure about it, because you’ll know exactly what you need to do.

If ALL you did was go through Phase 1, your outlook on life would change. But that’s just the beginning…

In Phase 2, you’re going to join our thriving Project Go community. You will be connected to the thousands of other Project Go members around the world, and you’re going to make friends with some of them. In fact, you’re probably going to meet a few people that end up being life-long friends. These people will hold you accountable and push you to reach your goals.

On top of that, you’ll have direct access to the Simple Pickup team. If you have a question, Kong, me (Jesse) or another member of our team will be here to answer you. There will be no question of “what do I do next?”

In Phase 3, the real fun begins. You’ll receive our “infield” videos. Essentially, you’ll be watching real life hidden camera footage of us interacting with women. More than that, we break down each interaction for you and tell you how to do exactly what you just witnessed. We will NEVER explain something to you without showing you real world proof that it actually works. This is the difference between us and everyone else on the internet.

You’ll also receive our podcasts. A good percentage of our members say this is the best thing Project Go has to offer. They’re designed to constantly put you in the mindset of someone who is successful with women (and life). Don’t underestimate these. You’ll also be able to download them to put on your phone, so you can listen and learn wherever you are.

The coolest thing about Phase 3? When you get in, you’ll immediately have access to our library of content — over 80 hours of videos and podcasts you can reference to build up your real skills. That’s right: over 80 hours. You’ll have access to our foundational material before you can say, “Go.”

In Phase 4, we focus on getting you real world results. We’re going to kick your ass into gear and literally force you to take action. I’m talking about:

  • Teaching you how to text a girl in a way that makes her begging to go out with you. Most people underestimate the power of a simple text. What if I told you that you could get her to ask YOU out, just by sending a few short texts?

  • How to have a conversation with a woman that subconsciously turns her on. There are things you can say during an approach or a date that will make her wet. She won’t be able to control it, it just…happens. Once you try it, and see it working – your world will never be the same *insert evil laugh here*.

  • How to use your shortcomings to your advantage. You’ll learn how to use what is holding you back as leverage to be better than anyone you know. This mindset shift requires literally no work. You just need to hear it.

  • The secret “trick” to bulletproof confidence. This alone is worth the price of admission (and more). Confidence is like a switch that you can “turn on” in your brain. You just need to do a few ridiculously simple exercises. You’ll feel like you just took the “limitless” pill.

  • Setting up dates with multiple women. Project Go users often complain about having too many women to handle. Yes, this is a real problem.

  • How to stop getting friendzoned. Ooooh. This is a good one. We’ll get to this problem in just a bit 🙂

This is just scratching the surface. Putting everything you’re going to experience and learn in Project Go would be very impractical, so I’m just going to tell you the bottom line: we made it so ridiculously easy for you that failure will not be an option.

Whatever reason you’re subscribed, we’ll be able to help you out. Promise.


Because every week we are going to be giving you brand new, never before seen content. Let me explain…

Pretend tomorrow is your birthday. Remember when you were a kid, and you woke up to these gift-wrapped boxes outside your room, the ones your parents snuck there in the middle of the night, and the only thing you could think of was whether or not it was exactly what you asked for?

I felt that every year. I shredded the wrapping paper, ripped off the tape – and it didn’t matter – because it was my fucking birthday. And then, the best feeling in the world: that glorious moment, when you open the box – and what’s inside is exactly what you needed. Well, that’s the exact feeling you’re going to get every single week as a member of Project Go. Every week, you’ll be getting two NEW videos and two podcasts. The weekly content is carefully crafted based on where you are on your journey.

Every time we release new content on the system, it’ll feel like your birthday.


This is the only course that has been tested with 50,000+ paying customers, in 34 industries, over 3+ years. You get the Simple Pickup System, our massive library of “uncut” interactions, podcasts and the bomb private forum we use to support each other daily.

Project Go is based on the idea of “visual retention”. We’ve done a ton of digging — years and years of research, stretching back before we started YouTube — and no other “dating product” online is based on this. Visual retention is based on the first human mode of learning — remember when you were a baby? Your brain hadn’t yet developed the ability to distinguish language, and so you imitated your parents by watching what they did…

That same process you used to learn how to walk will be how you learn how to get good with women.

You’re programmed from birth to learn through visual retention. It’s the BEST way to learn. Period. By watching someone successful do what you want to do, you’ll become good yourself. Your unconscious mind will pick up on tricks that Kong, Jason and I use, and when you see the girl of your dreams at a Chipotle next week, you’ll go up to her and get her number using the techniques that you’ve imbibed from watching us. It’s almost like you’re “tricking” your mind into dating success, just from watching experts perform it over and over again.

Again, this process is as much unconscious as it is conscious. Psychologists have proven visual retention occurs by letting your unconscious mind absorb images of ideal outcomes. Our videos will teach you how to SEE it happening. Attraction will be yours to conquer.

No other course comes close to this.


You’ve seen the examples and case studies of other Project Go students. You’ve seen the details of the program on this page. And you may have watched us on YouTube for years. You have enough information to decide. Now it’s up to you. I encourage you to look inside and decide if this is right for you. It’s natural to have doubts. We all do. The excuses we come up with often hold us back for years.

If Project Go truly isn’t for you, don’t join. We’ll part as friends with no hard feelings, and you can continue watching our free videos on YouTube, and reading our awesome emails. But if you’re ready to gain true confidence, date the women you want, and live an adventurous life – join us in Project Go.


There’s this huge myth that in order to get good with women, you need to bust your ass off for years and years. While you do need to put in work, we’ve (fortunately) done all the “hard” stuff for you. We went through every kind of failure imaginable, and we tell you exactly what to avoid. It won’t take you years and years… It will just take a few short months. Seriously. In a few short months, you’ll learn the skills you need to have with women for the rest of your life. From what our community has told us, over and over, it’s the best investment you can make in your life.

We’ll show you how to “turn on” your confidence so that the question of motivation won’t even be a question AT ALL, and then lead you down a proven, step-by-step system to turn it into massive attraction from women. Project Go shows you every step of this process.


You get everything immediately, just as fast as you can enter your information on our secure checkout page. You’re going to get to the introduction video in literally less than two minutes.


Yes. Yes, it is. 🙂


Um, yes, yes they will. Once you start implementing the things you learn, you’ll find that a staggering amount of “bitches” will be sucking your “cawk”.

With that said, this isn’t some “magic pill” either. You will need to put in work. Becoming a man that is attractive to women (and people in general) doesn’t happen overnight. If you’re looking for a “magic” solution, then please – for your sake and mine – leave this page.

A certain % of people who join Project Go cancel the service on the first day. These are the people we want to keep OUT. These are the people who are victims of the “instant gratification” society we live in. Frankly, these are people who are destined to lose. If this sounds like you, then I don’t want to talk to you.

On the other hand, if you’re someone who understands and is *excited* to put in the work – then I would love to work with you. Listen, there are no easy answers. But, with Project Go we’ve made meeting and dating beautiful women as easy as it can possibly be.


Take it from me: you will.

I truly believe that there are amazing girls everywhere you look. Girls who are genuine, funny, and sweet. Girls who are confident in themselves and their careers. Girls who are looking for a man to share their lives with. There are definitely plenty of girls who are just looking for a quick hook-up, too — and I’ll teach you exactly how to get them, if you want it — but, more importantly, your dream girl is probably out there right now, waiting for someone to sweep her off her feet. That someone can be you.

A mentor of mine once told me, “Being prepared is half the battle.” Actually, I tend to think that it’s even more important: being prepared is ALL the battle. You need to be ready when you meet your dream girl. With Project Go, you’ll be ready. She’s going to walk into your life, and you’ll know exactly what to say to her to grab her attention, attract her, and have her fall for you.


You’re about to read something that might sound confusing at first. Re-read the following sentence as many times as you need, this is important:

When you try to be “less awkward” around people, you actually come across as “more awkward.”

Really let that sink in. In your attempt to “not be awkward,” you’re actually making people around you more uncomfortable. A perfect example of this? When guys do “the hover hand.”

If you don’t know what that is, the hover hand usually takes place in photos at conventions when a nervous, nerdy guy is posing with an attractive female, actress or model. The guy usually wraps his arm around the chick’s back, while his hand hovers over her shoulder or waist, afraid to touch her.

In this guy’s mind, he’s trying to be LESS AWKWARD by not touching her. But in reality, the girl is thinking, “why is this creep hovering his hands an inch above my skin, instead of just touching me?”

You see? Less awkward = more awkward.

This principle applies to every single social interaction you have. When you get into Project Go, our lessons are tailored for you to recognize when you’re being awkward — things you’ve never even considered. We’re going to fix all those things for you — both physical AND mental traits. This will literally never be a problem for the rest of your life. Huzzah!


Every man on this planet has been an obligatory visitor of “the friendzone.” It sucks. It’s torture. It makes you feel like less of a man. It’s literally one of the most frustrating feelings you will ever have in your life.

I’m here to help you avoid all of that nonsense.

Getting out of the friendzone is one of the first things you’ll tackle once you join Project Go. Instead of being pushed off to the side, you’ll end up talking to her, and, during the conversation, she’ll say to herself:

“Wow, this guy really seems different… I’m really feeling attracted to him.”

Then she might start hitting on you. You might not feel as if you’re doing anything differently, but Project Go will help you with your communication so much that you’ll start conveying yourself differently. And it’ll take her to a certain place mentally, one filled with visions of you and her cuddling, biting your lip, grinding her body against yours, taking off her clothes…

I’m getting sidetracked here…Yes, Project Go will help you escape the friend zone.


This is probably the single most frequently asked question we get. And because of that, we’ve been forced to develop a plan of action for getting “that one girl”.

We have a name for this sort of situation. We call it “chasing bigfoot.” This is because you’ve likely tried for a very, very long time to catch her…but you just can’t seem to do it.

To answer your question, yes – we will teach you exactly how to attract that “one girl.” We’ve been put through that situation more times than you can count, and there’s a certain number of steps and mindsets that you have to adopt in order to pull her into your world. We’ll show you exactly how to do this.

Of course, if you end up marrying her after we show you how to get her, please send us an invitation to the wedding. We have a wall of cards we’d like to add to.


It’s pretty common that guys will overlook the relationship benefits of Project Go. A lot of times they get so excited about being able to attract women, that they forget the reason why they wanted to start dating more women in the first place…to find that one perfect girl that’s worthy of spending your life with.

Project Go is going to teach you to understand women on a deeper level. It will help you understand why they act a certain way, why they test guys, what makes them intrigued, what turns them on, what makes them chase a guy, and what they need in a man. Thousands of guys who have joined Project Go have found not just a girlfriend, but even a wife. It’s always surreal when a member sends us his wedding pictures.

Feels good man.


We call this “Special Snowflake Syndrome” where we believe something in our lives is so unique, nothing will ever help. At some point, you’re looking for an excuse not to join. My goal is to show you that this is not true, that it’s just a crippling excuse.

Project Go has been tested with EVERY type of person: fat, old, young, skinny, short, tall…and every personality type: shy, awkward, anxious, quiet, loud – you name it.

I hate to break it to you (not really), but you aren’t a “special snowflake”. In fact, whatever your situation is, there’s someone on Project Go who has had it 10X worse. AND they’re absolutely crushing it in terms of success. If you truly believe that you are so unique that 8+ years of the most comprehensive material on confidence and dating will not help you, please don’t join!


Reality check: human beings are human beings. We all operate on the same principles. Your geographical location is irrelevant (Yes, I’m talking to you, India).

Much of what attracts women is non-verbal — what’s underneath the words themselves. That’s why there are so many stories of men going to other countries and finding love, despite not speaking the language. Women are women anywhere, and they respond to the same behavior regardless of where they live. If that’s not enough, there are videos in Project Go that show you how to deal with the specific cultural differences for women of different ethnicities — that’s just icing on the cake…a little advantage that can push you over the top.

Still don’t believe me? Alright, you’re a tough crowd – but you can’t deny numbers. Here’s a demographic breakdown of Project Go users based on country:

Project%20GO%201 | eSy[GB]

40% of users are from the U.S. and the other 60% is scattered across X countries.

Remember: No matter where you are in the world, there’s likely Project Go users who are doing incredible things there. Once you join our private forum, you’ll notice people from everywhere in the world having success.

P.S. We just got back from a trip to Europe… and a couple things:

  1. I’m jealous of you Europeans. Your women are stunning.

  2. I’m also disappointed in you Europeans. The women we hooked up with ALL complained about how the men in their country were “pussies”. I’m not kidding. This seems to be an actual problem. These women want to be fucked, with no real men to do the fucking. Step up, soldier!


If you think $1.20 per day is too much of an investment to make into your future, you probably shouldn’t join.

I’m 100% serious. If you’re not willing to make that investment, then you won’t be invested in anything we teach.

The investment you’re making today directly signifies how serious you are about change. If it was free, you wouldn’t do anything with the information. That’s just the nature of human beings. We work harder when we’re invested.

I actually think we are grossly undercharging for Project Go. BUT here’s the rub: we want to keep the price low enough so that money wouldn’t be the only reason you’re not going to change your life.

At the end of the day, our goal is to give you ZERO IRRATIONAL EXCUSES to make this investment in yourself, and take your confidence to another level. This program is going to transform you.


It’s simple: Try Project Go and see for yourself. If it doesn’t work, I want you to email me, prove you tried it, and I’ll refund you 100%. This guarantee is extended for a full 30 days. If you don’t love it, just email me at ANY TIME during the course and show me you’re doing the exercises and not getting results. I’ll refund 100% of your price.


Take a deep breath. Being nervous is good — it means you’re human. This nervousness is going to metamorphosize into excitement once you’re inside Project Go…

We have a name for this phenomenon: “The Moment.” It’s when you realize that much of what you were taught was dead wrong. It’s the moment you feel a little scared, because you know something big is on the horizon. It’s the moment you let go of your ego and accept that you will change. It’s the moment that signifies an end to your old self, and the beginning of a new life. The grayness will be lifted. You’ll see.

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Project GO
Original price was: $444.00.Current price is: $72.00. Add to cart