Original price was: $894.00.Current price is: $94.00.

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If you really want to become the equivalent of a “Michelin Star rated” Hypnotherapist (operating at a rarefied level way above other hypnotherapists) this message is definitely for you.

That’s because you’ll find out about a genius of a man who was (and still is) without parallel in his field.

The first thing you should know about this man is that he was not a hypnotherapist in any way.

Purchase this course you will earn 94 Points worth of $9.40!


Buy Practioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis Training Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

If you really want to become the equivalent of a “Michelin Star rated” Hypnotherapist (operating at a rarefied level way above other hypnotherapists) this message is definitely for you.

That’s because you’ll find out about a genius of a man who was (and still is) without parallel in his field.

The first thing you should know about this man is that he was not a hypnotherapist in any way.

Purchase Practioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis Training courses at here with PRICE $894 $94

ANNOUNCING: The Brand-New Practitioner Of Ericksonian HypnosisTraining Program will make you become the equivalent of a…

“Michelin Star rated” Hypnotherapist…

(ALSO: read on to find out the unusual “link”between a Nobel Prize winning theoretical physicist and WHY Igor Ledochowski is the bestperson to teach you Ericksonian hypnosis)

If you really want to become the equivalent of a “Michelin Star rated” Hypnotherapist (operating at a rarefied level way above other hypnotherapists) this message is definitely for you.

That’s because you’ll find out about a genius of a man who was (and still is) without parallel in his field.

The first thing you should know about this man is that he was not a hypnotherapist in any way.

He was a theoretical physicist. But not just any theoretical physicist.

First of all, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics (in 1965). Secondly…

He “thought about things differently” compared to any other physicist of his time (and perhaps since)

His name was Richard Feynman and, curiously enough, the way Feynman’s mind worked for theoretical physics holds a great “parallel” for the way Igor Ledochowski’s mind works for Ericksonian hypnosis.

Let me explain:

It was said of Richard Feynman (and his ability to “see” things in physics that other physicists just couldn’t):

‘It required this really amazing physical intuition – an insight into what was really going on.’

Well, when it comes to “seeing” what is really going on in all the nuances and subtleties of Ericksonian hypnosis — Igor Ledochowski possesses an amazing intuition and a deep insight into what is really going on in all facets of Ericksonian hypnosis.

It was also said of Richard :

‘He could explain things in different ways than the professionals thought about them. He could break things down into their constituent pieces and speak a language that you already shared.’

Well guess what?

When it comes to Ericksonian hypnosis — Igor Ledochowski can explain things in ways no other hypnosis teacher can.

He can also break things down into their constituent parts and explain it all to you in a language you already understand.

Look, if it’s not clear by now, the point is this:

The way Richard Feynman could break things down AND break-new-ground in theoretical physics – Igor Ledochowski can break things down AND break-new-groundin Ericksonian hypnosis

It’s why those interested in hypnotherapy… do whatever they can… pay just about whatever it costs… and fly to wherever they have to go in the world… just to attend an Ericksonian hypnosis training put on by Igor Ledochowski.

That’s certainly what happened when Igor held a rare live training for Ericksonian hypnosis in Dublin, Ireland recently.

As soon as this new Ericksonian Hypnosis training event was announced, veteran hypnotherapists and eager-to-learn novices alike cancelled whatever other engagements they had to be at that training.


Because as just about everyone involved in hypnosis knows, Ericksonian hypnosis is really the capstone of all other types and styles of change-work hypnotherapy.

It was actually modeling Erickson’s style of hypnosis that most other styles of hypnotherapy were created from – as well as entire areas of the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

So… as any hypnotist, therapist or NLP consultant worth their salt knows…

…when you get really good at Ericksonian hypnosis

ALL your other hypnosis, therapy and NLP skills and abilities naturally evolve to a greater degree of proficiency

But back to you – and how you can now take advantage of Igor Ledochowski’s latest, most in-depth training on Ericksonian hypnosis.

Igor’s latest, most in-depth Ericksonian hypnosis training is called the:

peh horizontal | eSy[GB]

The Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training program includes all the same training that attendees of the live event training paid $3,995 for (not counting their air-fare, hotel bills and other expenses).

And now – for a limited time – you can get the entire training – Including the full transcripts!

Bottom line though?

This: the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis is a cutting edge training (and ONGOING RESOURCE)…

That no serious hypnotist, therapist or NLP user would want to be without

Now, before we delve into the “content” of the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training program – there’s something else important to bring to your attention.

It’s this:

There are other trainings (by other hypnosis trainers) out there that touch on Ericksonian hypnosis but… at best, they can only turn you into the equivalent of a “fast-food”-type hypnotherapist.

By contrast…

Igor’s Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis will short-cut the process of transforming you into the equivalent of a “Michelin Star” Hypnotherapist (operating at a rarefied level way above other hypnotherapists).

That’s important to know – because…

Not all Ericksonian hypnosis trainings are created equal

And the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis is without equal (it stands head and shoulders above any other Ericksonian hypnosis training out there).

So just know that if you want to operate at a level well above otherhypnotherapists – you need look no further than the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training.

It goes into more DEPTH and BREADTHthan any other training on Ericksonian hypnosis.

It is also designed to teach you not just through information but through INSIGHT (where all true understanding comes from).

In fact, taking the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training will develop the skills and principles behind all the techniques in hypnosis to an entirely new level of understanding.

It will enable you to internalize all the techniques of hypnosis (through INSIGHT learning) and really trust your unconscious when doing all the hypnotic processes.

That in itself is HUGE (as all the best hypnotherapists are able to trust in their own unconscious and let hypnosis “come out of them” in a totally fluent way).

But it gets better still – because:

The Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosistraining will also get you to that “happy place” of being able to trust the unconscious mind of the person they’re working with. That really is KEY in hypnosis – setting this absolute trust that everyone’s unconscious mind knows what’s best for them and “wants” to make amazing changes in their lives.

Another “added benefit” of going through the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training?

It’s the deeper understanding you will get from the aspects of Ericksonian hypnosis will also play out in your life in every personal interaction in your life.

You will suddenly have a much better understanding of all facets of human nature.

It will allow you to look behind the facade of the conscious personality to “see” who every person really is – enabling you to bond and connect with all types of people in ways that will remain a “mystery” to those who have never taken the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis Training.

Again, all-in-all (and for all the reasons given above) the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis is an ONGOING RESOURCE

That no serious hypnotist, therapist or NLP user would want to be without

That said, here is an overview of the “content” of the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training:

Here’s a breakdown of the Practitioner Ericksonian Hypnosis Program delivered in 23 Modules:

  • Module #01:
    Ericksonian Hypnosis Insights & The “MW” Principle

  • Module #02: 
    (1) Standing Trance
    (2) Power Words & Trance Themes
    (3) The Ambiguous Touch Arm Levitation

  • Module #03:
    Language Softeners To Reduce Resistance,
    (4) Eliciting Trance Phenomenon
    (5) Building Anticipation & Frustrating The Response

  • Module #04:
    Hypnotic Patterns With Embedded Suggestions, Tag Questions
    (6) Erickson’s 4 Key Trance Inductions

  • Module #05:
    Simple & Positive Negation, Ericksonian Hypnotic Intensity &
    (7) Group Induction: Covering All Possibilities

  • Module #06:
    Combining The “MW” Principle With H+ and How Humor Can Help Bypass The Critical Faculty

  • Module #07:
    The 3 Step Formula For An Ericksonian Hypnotic Blitz, Erickson’s Hypnotic Sets
    (8) Slowing Down Your Subject

  • Module #08: 
    Putting Erickson’s Hypnotic Sets Together, Trance Signals As A Biofeedback Loop &
    (9) The Ratification Set

  • Module #09:
    The Contact & Appreciation Sets
    (10) Mind/Body Dissociation
    (11) “CUD” – Parts

  • Module #10:
    Group Learning Induction,
    (12) Trance Training, Trance Training Cycles To Determine Purpose, And Priming For Work

  • Module #11: 
    “Hypnotic Offers”, Dr. Unconscious Cycles
    (13) Doubtful Arm Catalepsy I
    (14) Doubtful Arm Catalepsy II
    (15) Doubtful Arm Catalepsy III

  • Module #12: 
    (16) Arm Levitation, The “Arm Levitation” Cheat Exercise & DEMO:
    (17) Trance Training Using Dissociation

  • Module #13:
    The Apposition Of Opposites, How To Expand Hypnotic Dissociations
    (18) Using Dr. Unconscious Work Cycles
    (19) Amnesia Regression

  • Module #14:
    The Amnesia Protocol, Group Learning Trance & Erickson’s 5 Key Trance Skills

  • Module #15:
    How To Do Powerful Ericksonian Revivifications
    (20) Revivification Using Hypnotic Summaries
    (21) The Objective Review

  • Module #16:
    In-Depth Q & A, How To Invent Your Own Protocol & The Importance Of Ensuring “Emotional Release”

  • Module #17: 
    How To Train A Subject To Release Emotion
    (22) Stabilizing An Emotion
    (23) Ericksonian Deep Emotional Release

  • Module #18:
    Group Induction: Forming New Memories, The “Rossi Review”
    (24) Content Free Therapy With Double Arm Levitation

  • Module #19: 
    How To Troubleshoot Subjects Who Resist You & The Pressure Resistance Exercise

  • Module #20:
    More Methods For Handling Resistance Caused By Miscommunication, Inappropriate Identity, Lost Cause & “Being The Martyr”

  • Module #21:
    Group Learning Induction
    (25) Eliciting Ideomotor Signals
    (26) Ericksonian Content-Free Therapy

  • Module #22:
    In-Depth Q & A, How To Create “The Inner Healer”
    (27) Putting It All Together And Activating The Inner Healer

  • Module #23:
    (28) Working With A Medical Issue By Activating The Ericksonian Inner Healer At The Unconscious Level, Final Thoughts & Conclusion

Naturally, all the Ericksonian hypnosis techniques and processes will be fullyexplained and more importantly demonstrated (in a strategic best-use way) at various points throughout the Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training.

Just as long as you take action today while the initial limited stock is available because just 125 USB Hard Drives have been printed up.

If you’d like to have this program shipped to you then all you need to do is make $3995 6 simple monthly installments of only $149.

What to do now:

To get one of the 125 USB Hard Drives of the full Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis training while stocks last, just click on the “Add to Cart” button below and follow the simple instructions:

Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis

Discover how to become a Michelin Star rated Hypnotherapist and get an arsenal of “show you how” demos as well

I’m super excited to short-cut the process of transforming me into the equivalent of a “Michelin Star” Hypnotherapist (operating at a rarefied level way above other hypnotists and therapists).

I understand that:

  • My Practitioner Of Ericksonian Hypnosis training program will be shipped to me immediately! I’ll get the entire system shipped straight to my door on a USB Hard Drive (the training is 24 hours 30 minutes)
  • Plus I’ll also get FULL Transcriptsof the videos as well (672 pages)
  • My investment is only $3995 just 6 simple monthly installments of only $149
  • Plus I’ll Get FREE Worldwide Shipping
  • Extra Bonus: A Super Discounted90% OFF Alumni Ticket To A Future LIVE Version Of This Training. Instead of the $3995 to attend the 6 Day live version of this training I can get in for just $399!red point list | eSy[GB]And I will also receive a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee as well. If I’m not happy with this training, I can return it for a full refund. No questions asked!

On that basis, I’m clicking the “Add-To-Cart” button below now so I can get this training while stocks last…

$3,995 Today Just $149 x 6

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Purchase Practioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis Training courses at here with PRICE $894 $94

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Unlock your full potential with Practioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis Training courses. Our meticulously designed courses are intended to help you excel in your chosen field.

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Practioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis Training
Original price was: $894.00.Current price is: $94.00. Add to cart