Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $93.00.

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Online Launch School is a 12-week program designed to take the guesswork out of sold-out launches, whether you’re looking to start an online business or scale one… Online Launch School – BossBabe

Purchase this course you will earn 93 Points worth of $9.30!


Buy Online Launch School – BossBabe Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Online Launch School – BossBabe

Firstly, when we say launch, we’re not just talking about a business launch, even though that might be one of the reasons you join us in Online Launch School.

You might have already started your business and be looking to scale it, by launching a new product or service.

Or maybe you really want to give your bank balance a boost, by re-launching a product or service you already have.

Perhaps you have a membership or program that opens and closes its doors periodically – this counts as launching, too…

…basically: a launch is a period of enrollment for or sales of your

product or service – nothing more, and nothing less.

So, if any of these situations sound like you, let’s dive a little deeper to

understand if OLS (Online Launch School) is a fit for you, shall we?



Great question. Lemme quickly go over the 5 types of people Online Launch School IS for so you can figure out if it’s a fit…


Online Launch School is for you if you’re an entrepreneur-to-be who is armed with a killer idea for a product or service, but you have no idea what to do next. You’re excited to learn more about launches so you can get your first product/service out into the world – you’re oh so ready to birth this business baby and serve as many people as you can!


Your launches are filled with more stress than success. Your product/service is not the problem… your problem is making money from them. You can’t seem to hit your revenue goals no matter what and how hard you try, and you’re ready for that to change – ASAP.


You launch your product or service periodically and throw everything you’ve got at those launches – each and every time. You’re making sales but the problem is, you’re completely and utterly… mentally and physically… exhausted! All the time! You’re looking to find a better way of doing things. It has to be easier than this, right?!


Your launches were going so well… until they weren’t anymore, when you realized you’d sold your product/service to almost everyone in your audience. You want to keep the momentum going and for your launches to get bigger and better than ever before… but you’re not sure how to do that.


Having to hire seems like a great problem to have, until you realize you can’t scale without people who can do things as well as (or better than) you can. This course isn’t for you, but it is for your new team member – give it to them and step aside, we’ll take it from here for you.

… to sum things up real quick: Online Launch School IS for you if you have a coaching, membership, or service based business – AND it’s also for owners of product-based businesses. Do you fit into any of these 5 categories above? If so, it looks like you’d be a perfect fit for this program, right?




  • OLS is not for you if you have no clue what type of business you want to launch.
  • OLS is not for you if you don’t have any idea what product or service you want to sell within your business.
  • OLS is not for you if you have a brick and mortar business and don’t want to make sales online.



Here’s what we want you to achieve with Online Launch School….


Imagine checking your bank account to see that your business has finally had its biggest cash injection of all time? We’ll show you exactly what you need to do to make sure your next launch delivers the most profitable results you’ve ever seen.

Oh, and this is totally possible for you without having to hire new team members, outsource to contractors, or add more bells and whistles to your business. Let’s simplify in order to amplify, ok?!


Imagine waking up the day after your launch has ended and realizing that you’ve sold out of every single thing you had? We’re going to walk you step by step through the framework you need to make sold out launches your new normal.

Instead of getting anxious or upset about not hitting your goals again, you can put your feet up, pour yourself a nice almond milk latte (or something stronger) and proudly watch all the puzzle pieces finally falling into place.


Imagine ending your launch and saying, “Wow, I could do that all over again tomorrow – no problem.” That’s the level of energy we want you to be feeling pre, during and post-launch. Building a business doesn’t need to go hand in hand with burnout, and we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to change the way you do business, forever.

Oh, and you’ll definitely be feeling abundant enough to airplane-mode your phone, book a bougie spa day, and toast your success with a glass of champagne, btw – more stress doesn’t equal more sales, trust me!


I know the feeling of wanting to step away from managing every single launch yourself and have someone else on your team take care of it… and that’s actually how this program came around. We developed our frameworks, systems, trainings, and templates to teach our team how to execute launches for us… so now YOU can purchase Online Launch School as a plug-and-play training program to teach your team how to execute launches for you, too.

Imagine opening up your Stripe or PayPal account after the launch to find out your team has done an even better job than you did last time?! Trust me, it’s possible and Online Launch School will hold their hand each and every step of the way. That means more time you can stay in your zone of genius + spend on other things that’ll boost your bottom line.


We’re going to help you create your very own launch playbook that will help you execute successful launches time and time again. You’ll continue to inject cash into your business during launch periods, whilst also having the energy to focus on making money in between.

Say goodbye to stomach knots – and say hello to butterflies in your tummy from making more money + impact on the world.




Hey! We’re Natalie and Danielle, the two co-founders behind BossBabe, one of the world’s largest communities of ambitious women and female entrepreneurs.

Whilst I (Natalie) am the one behind BossBabe marketing, Danielle is the one behind operations… a total tag team, we’ll be standing right beside you to make sure you’ve got all your business bases covered.

Oh, and we have experience in every type of business you can imagine, btw: from coaching, ecommerce, and courses to brick and mortar businesses… so, we know what it takes to successfully launch a business and its products or services.

We’ve worked together on multiple incredibly successful launches for our own businesses, as well as for our clients. In fact, we have worked with 16K+ clients over the last few years and have helped our clients collectively generate over $8M in revenue. From brand new entrepreneurs looking to make their first $100 to those at the 6, 7 and 8 figure mark.

The reason that we decided to bottle our know-how and put it out into the world, is because we see entrepreneurs struggle time and time again with this one problem:

Launches can be complicated, stressful and unsuccessful. They can either fail, stop working, or not be scalable beyond you.

…and we know the solution to that issue, BossBabe.

Because your launches can actually be incredibly profitable, enjoyable, AND repeatable. Hell, they can even be energizing!

We’re launching something every single month at BossBabe… whether that’s a new product, a re-launch of an existing product or a re-opening of our monthly membership…
…so this lather, rinse, repeatable process became essential to us so that we could crush it whilst maintaining our sleep schedule, sanity, and serious revenue goals.

Oh, and we’ve made it so easy to follow, that this framework will work for you whether you’ve never launched a thing in your life or whether you’re a seasoned expert.

We’re going to show you how to have your best launch yet without the anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion or frustration.

See you in there?




I see you and I hear you. It’s scary, right?

Or at least, it was before you found us.

We don’t believe in fluff, making things any more complicated than is necessary or doing things that don’t generate a great return on time, energy or monetary investment.

We follow a few simple guiding principles to help you get the best results ever, without feeling swamped by all the to-dos on your list.

1. THE 80/20 RULE

You might find that 20% of your effort brings you 80% of your results… which is now making you question what on earth you’re doing with the other 80% of your time, right? Hello scrolling social, sending and replying to emails, and tech troubleshooting …

Well, we’re going to show you how to flip the statistics and focus 80% of your time on 80% of your results instead, ahead of your next launch. We’ll show you exactly what to do to make more money by making the most of your time, and streamlining the way in which you do business.


Read that again. ? We believe that an entrepreneur’s energy is directly correlated to their success. Therefore, it’s the number one thing you should focus on. Easier said than done when running a business though, right?

Wrong. Now, whilst this is a course on selling out your launches, we’ll be showing you how to do so without burning out – we promise there’s a better way! Rest assured, we won’t be asking you to pull all-nighters, give up your weekends, or drink 19 cups of coffee a day in order to keep up here. Quite the opposite, in fact.


You’ll be amazed by what you can achieve when you stop playing to your weaknesses and start indexing on your strengths. There’s no one-size fits all approach to business and so this is not a one-size-fits-all course.

At each and every step of the way, we’ll be giving you options for how you want to carry out your launch. Whether you’re a social media pro who loves an IG story or whether you prefer to stay behind the camera and the scenes, you’ll pick and choose the strategies that play best to your zone of genius.


I could reach out and hand you an entire done-for-you file of how to start or scale your business right now… but if you don’t truly believe it’s possible for you, then you won’t invest your time and energy into making it happen.

Half of the work to be done here is having faith in yourself to show up and do the work and, being open to receiving what is available to you. Nothing stands between you and those massive goals you’re visualizing. You’re more than capable, you’re oh so ready and now it’s time to step aaall the way up.


Online Launch School is a 12-week program designed to walk you step by step through a successful launch of your online product or service.

It’s for you whether you’re just starting out or you’re re-launching something existing within your business.

We want to help you take the guesswork out of sold-out launches so that you can sign more clients, make more money and keep growing consistently month after month.


Structure your product or service in this module, so you’re incredibly clear about what you’re launching, at what price and most importantly: to whom.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • The full download of what your product or service is, specifically what it offers and what problems it solves.
  • The pricing structure of your product or service, based on a competitive market analysis.
  • How to get to know your ideal client inside-out and how to properly communicate the messaging of your marketing.


You know the value of what you’re selling, but how can you ensure your ideal client sees it too? In this module, you’ll not only dive…

deep into your ideal clients pain and power points, you’ll do actual testing too to see what resonates and what doesn’t.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • Understanding the pain and power points of your ideal client and how to create content that speaks straight to them.
  • ​How to test for product market and messaging fit, so that when you launch, you know you’re going to make sales.
  • A dialed in overview of your product market and messaging, once we are sure that there’s demand for your product or service and you’re communicating your message properly to the people demanding it.


Think of this module as your à la carte launch menu. You’ve formed the foundations and now there are multiple ways in which you can launch your…

product or service. We’ll show you all of your options and you’ll choose which platforms, elements and funnels work for you.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to set your launch goals.
  • Your full à la carte launch menu (AKA a pick and mix of launch goodies to help you piece together a launch that feels aligned with you and your strengths).
  • Developing your own launch brief based on your goals.
  • ​Mapping out your pre-launch tracker.


From sales pages to funnels and automations, we’ll be showing you how to create the elements you need for a successful launch start-to-finish in this module.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • What your launch funnel should look like start-to-finish.
  • The full tech stack you need to execute on your funnel (which is easier than you think… even if you’re the least techy person ever).
  • The templates and assets you need to make your launch run seamlessly front and back end.


You’re nearly good to go, but the success of your launch starts way before your launch. You want to spend time warming up your audience and providing valuable content that…

helps build the know, like and trust factor before you launch an offering.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • Your pre-launch content strategy.
  • Seeding your launch elements into your pre-launch content.
  • Generating an audience to sell to ahead of your launch (nope, you don’t need thousands of social media followers to sell-out your launch).


You’ve got everything you need set-up, now it’s time to plan your day-by-day play. This document is going to be your launch bible for this and every other launch you’ll ever…

do. You’ll be able to use this schedule to replicate successful launches for yourself… or give it to your team as you expand your business.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • What a day-by-day launch playbook looks like.
  • How to plan out a launch schedule that helps you achieve your revenue goals.
  • The most important things to cover when briefing your team ahead of your launch.


It’s here! Doors are open and you’re ready to have your biggest launch yet! In this module, we’ll be holding your hand through the process to make sure you feel super…

supported and clear on what you’re doing each day. Yep — it’s possible to hit all of your goals with ease and grace!

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to execute on your launch schedule without overwhelm.
  • Daily learnings, reflections and motivation to help you feel energized and clear.
  • Course correction tactics to make sure your launch stays on track with your goals.


Doors are closed, you’ve hit your launch goals and now it’s time to reflect. Your debrief is one of the most important parts of your launch, as you’ll learn what worked, what didn’t and…

 then you’ll playbook it for your next round.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to do a post-launch analysis and debrief (oh, and how to celebrate that you’ve just had your biggest launch yet).
  • Updating your launch playbook with your findings for your next launch.
  • How to ensure you keep your new clients happy.


Learn tips directly from our YouTube Strategist. (Wait until you see the epic things she’s accomplished with organic marketing on YouTube!)

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to set up your YouTube channel for sales success
  • Expert hacks from years of experience building businesses with YouTube
  • Everything you need to know to create sales with YouTube


Expert tips from our very own copywriter! Get insight into the same processes, techniques, and content writing hacks we use at BossBabe.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • What is conversion copy and how do you implement it?
  • What pieces of content you actually need
  • How to feel confident writing sales copy
  • ​How to create massive amounts of content with ease


Learn insider tips from the founder and director of the agency who runs our Facebook ad campaigns.

When you’re ready to scale your proven offers, this will be a huge resource to boost your paid traffic and conversions!

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to use Facebook Ads for your business
  • How to set up your Facebook Ads for success
  • How to run profitable Facebook Ads


Learn directly from BossBabe Co-Founder and COO, Danielle Canty!  She’s the absolute Queen of Strategy, Scaling & Integration

She’s the absolute Queen of Strategy, Scaling & Integration – and she’s been behind the scenes making BossBabe into a multi-million dollar brand with top-notch customer experience. This module is priceless!

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to create an incredible experience for your customers or clients
  • Expert tips from Danielle’s years as a serial entrepreneur and investor
  • The done-for-you customer service templates you need for your launch

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Unlock your full potential with Online Launch School – BossBabe courses. Our meticulously designed courses are intended to help you excel in your chosen field.

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Online Launch School - BossBabe
Online Launch School – BossBabe
Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $93.00. Add to cart