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The NonJobs™ Revolution Is My BRAND-NEW Book To Teach You How To Do What You Love & Make A Great Living Doing It… So that you can have the FREEDOM to quit your job, travel the world and follow your passion.

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The NonJobs™ Revolution Is My BRAND-NEW Book To Teach You How To Do What You Love & Make A Great Living Doing It… So that you can have the FREEDOM to quit your job, travel the world and follow your passion.




We’re taught that the point of getting a job is to make money so we can buy shit we don’t need to impress people we don’t like. 

We’re taught that creativity, passion and HAPPINESS don’t matter. 

We’re taught that we’re supposed to climb the corporate ladder: Go to school, go to college, get a degree, get a job, get a better job, buy a house, get retirement funds, die.

But I say “F*@K THAT!”

You don’t have to participate in the corporate machine. You’re free to choose. 

(And it wasn’t always this way. There was a day when if you wanted to opt out of the system, they would burn you at the stake).

I’m going to ask you to make a choice today. Are you going to climb the corporate ladder (where you have an 80% chance of hating your job) or are you going to take a different path?

This different path is called a NonJob.



Back when I was making daily “Yo Elliott” videos on YouTube, I would receive thousands of questions every single month.

A staggering number of those questions went something like this:

  •    “Elliott, I’m studying for my college degree but the subject bores me to tears and I want to drop out. What should I do?”
  •    “Elliott, I’ve got stuck in a low-paying job and I want to leave. What should I do?”
  •    “Elliott, I really love health and fitness but I have a job in banking. My job is safe, reliable and it pays my bills… but it’s not my passion. What should I do?

These are all challenges I’ve experienced myself. 

I studied hospital administration while I was in college – I don’t remember a single class – so I understand how it is to study a subject you couldn’t care less about.

I got a corporate job working as a personal trainer but I was forced to leave when my boss began cracking down on how I had to train my clients, and how much money I could earn. 

I know the challenge of leaving a stable job behind so you can follow your true calling.

As difficult as it can be, My answer to all of these questions is the same: CREATE A NONJOB.


To use more pragmatic language, a NonJob is an online business entrepreneurial venture based around your passion and the things you love.

A NonJob involves creating books, services, products, webinars, and workshops around your passion.

The thing you’re passionate about doesn’t matter. It could be:

  •  Music
  •  Gardening
  •  Woodworking
  •  Astrology
  •  Skateboarding
  •  Farm animals
  •  Yoga
  •  Badminton
  •  Beekeeping
  •  Personal development
  •  Flyfishing
  •  Fitness



The NonJob Resume is very different from resumes needed to break into the basic corporate world,.

All you need is three things:

1. You Must Love Something

The first requirement for having a NonJob is that you LOVE something. 

You must have a PASSION. You must have a FIRE in your belly! There must be ENERGY flowing through you!

The thing you have passion for isn’t so important. Even at 38, my passions are still constantly changing just as your passions will evolve over time. 

But the starting point for a NonJob is to love something. 

And when you have something you love, EXPLORE IT. Read books. Take courses. (Most of the major universities allow you to take their classes online for FREE. You can sit there and study the course as though you spent $150,000 for it! You have zero excuses if you’re serious about building a NonJob).

NonJobs take a lot of work – especially in the beginning. But it’s your passion that will get you to bounce out of bed in the morning and do it.

2. You Must Share The Love

When you truly love something, you can’t help but share it with those around you.

Think about how it feels when you learn something new… For example, when you learn an amazing new Brazilian Jiu Jitsu move, read a piece of English literature that moves you to the point of tears, or a new woodworking technique. If you’re like me, the first thing you want to do is tell your friends about it!

We’re social creatures. We’re wired to want to share our passions with those around us. 

With the internet, this has never been more possible. 

There was a time that unless you were on Oprah, or had a book in Barnes and Nobles that you couldn’t share your knowledge and passion. 

Today, with the internet and social media, those lines of communication are wide open.

If you like talking, use your iphone to begin recording videos. 

If you like writing, begin writing about your passion and share it on social media.

When you do this, you’ll slowly but surely begin to attract an audience of loyal, raving fans who want to hear what you have to say. 

They’ll want to learn from you to hear your tips and strategies.

As you build your audience, you open yourself up to the third stage. 

3. You Must Receive The Love

When you’re building an audience, that’s when you can open the doors to getting paid. 

As an example, after making about 700 YouTube videos, I learned that I could get paid for running ads which played just before my videos. 

These ad networks would send me checks – big checks – every single month. And I openly accept them, because the more money I earn, the more I can serve my community.

I write books like The NonJob Revolution, or the many fitness and health books and courses I’ve created and offer them to my community.

I deliver speeches and run events such as the Grow Stronger Experience and Grounding Camp. 

Here’s the beautiful thing: you can give 80% of your content away for FREE. However, you’ll always have 20% of your audience who want to pay you for your knowledge and expertise so that they can go deeper. 

This is the step that allows you to sleep well at night because you have enough money in your bank account to put a roof over your head and support your family.

Truthfully, receiving the love is the most difficult part of this for most people. You have a lot to learn about packaging your ideas, marketing your products and courses. 

However, the NonJob Revolution book will help you with this process. 


It’s easy to look at me now at the height of my success and think that I’m somehow different than you.

But it was just 7 years ago that I was $90,000 in debt, on the verge of bankruptcy and weighing only 180 pounds because I couldn’t hardly afford to feed myself. Did I mention I had a wife and four children during this hellish time?

I’m nobody special. I’m just a guy with a video camera, who has found something he loves and spent years studying it. 

I’m a guy who’s tried a lot of stuff, and figured out a few things which work. 

I’m no different than you, and I’m no smarter than you. Everything I’ve done, you can do too. 

But don’t take my word for it.



Building a NonJob is simple, but it’s not easy.

Truthfully, you have a lot to learn in the next 6-months.

You’ll have many nights where you’ll be up to 3am creating content for your subscribers, building your product and figuring out how to design a website. 

It’s an intense commitment. This is a game for GLADIATORS. 

However, if you commit to the process, I believe it’s possible for you to quit your job in the next 6 months. But it’s going to take a lot of work to get there. 

But as personal finance expert Dave Ramsey says “If you’ll do what no one else is willing to do now, you get to live the rest of your life like no one else”.

  •  Imagine being able to wake up at whatever time you want, getting to work WHEN you want from WHERE you want. 
  •  Imagine the security of a second paycheck coming in every single month like clockwork from your NonJob.
  •  Imagine being able to keep your job if that’s what you want to do, but knowing you can quit anytime you want because you’ve built your NonJob on the side. 

This is exactly what I want to show you how to do in the NonJob Revolution.





The NonJob Revolution E-Book / Audio Program


The problem for most would-be NonJobbers is they don't have enough Time,  Money, Clarity and Directionto get started on their path.

Many hope to achieve their dreams of financial independence, but fall short.  They spend weeks or months thinking, hoping, dreaming and wishing they could ground their ambition in actionable steps.  But before success reaches their door, they lose motivation and quit. 

The right way to get started on your path to NonJob success is to: 
1) Discover The Inspired Path (your passion)
2) Reprogram Your Mind For Success (squash negative thinking)

3) Follow A PROVEN MODEL For NonJob Excellence 

4) Rinse & Repeat — there is ZERO limit on how much you can earn as a NonJobber! 

As A NONJOB Revolutionary… you will gain crystal clarity and direction on your inspired path.  You will be CERTAIN that you are following your passion and on your way to mastery. 

As A NONJOB Revolutionary… you will have the confidence and conviction necessary to overcome all challenges standing between YOU, and the life of your dreams.  Revolutionaries require a WARRIORS MINDSET; you will be prepped and primed to dominate without distractions.  

As A NONJOB Revolutionary… you have The Handbook which shows you the blueprint to build success, and the map to your destination.  There is no victory, without a plan.  The NonJob Revolution program is a proven model for small business victory in The New World.  Avoid stepping on "landmines" that destroy your chances of victory…. this book shows you how. 

As A NONJOB Revolutionary… there are NO LIMITS to how much money, freedom and happiness you'll earn.  If you're willing to follow my lead, use my plans and execute with single-minded focus THE WORLD IS YOURS for the taking. 

In this course, you’ll also discover:

  •   How to build a NonJob you love,  that brings in $4,000+ each and every month (that’s $50,000 per year!) and gives you the freedom to quit your day job if you wish.
  •  How to get on "The Inspired Path" when you're not sure what your passion is.  Most people never discover their passion in life because they've never been shown this path to fulfillment. 
  •   The 3 Pillars of your NonJob – how to use each pillar with step-by-step instructions for building your very own NonJob. 
  •  The 3 rituals I used to drag myself out of $90,000 of credit card debt and recondition my mind for absolute financial abundance. These rituals are easy to do, only take a few minutes each day and will reprogram your subconscious mind for ultimate success and fulfillment. 
  •  How To Become A MARKETING MASTER! Marketing is the tool by which you serve the world. It’s the skillset of taking people who have never heard of you, adding value to their lives and turning them into loyal, dedicated customers. No NonJob is possible without marketing mastery.
  •  How to build an audience of 10,000 or even 100,000 people who know, like and trust you. 
  •  How to build a tribe of raving fan customers who will buy every single product you put out (allowing you to make a fantastic living from your art).
  •  How to build your NonJob on the side – you don’t have to quit your job to build a NonJob. You can do it on the side for just a few hours per week.
  •  The 12 Most Important Lessons I’ve Personally Learned About Having a NonJob.  I've made mistakes (lots)… so you don't have to.  Navigate your path with ease, by following these 12 essential keys! 
  •  How to become a master PROBLEM SOLVER.  Building a NonJob isn’t about taking selfies and posting them on Instagram, its about helping people solve their biggest problems.  As an expert, this is your responsibility… as a NonJobber, this is your key to profits.  
  •  Where to begin your NonJob journey if you have NO IDEA what anyone would ever pay you to do.
  •  A behind-the-scenes look at the systems, processes and key performance indicators we use to build Strength Camp (my NonJob) from – $0 to $1,000,000 in less than one year. 
  •  STORYTELLING is the key to influence.  For thousands of years human-kind passed on knowledge and inspiration through stories.  Today we use social media to update our "stories" to keep fans engaged and sell products… but most "me-too" entrepreneurs are doing is ALL WRONG.  
  •  Why you should IGNORE EVERYONE, to build your dream business.  Your NonJob is as unique as your finger print, and it should reflect your individual likes, tastes and preferences.  This is the attitude I had when building Strength Camp (and 3 other NonJobs) over the last 10 years. 
  •  How to navigate your Inspired Path with focus, clarity and direction.  Most ADHD entrepreneurs are easily distracted… your Inspired Path will keep you moving forward with conviction. 
  •  Why you must learn to follow your heart rather than your brain on your NonJob journey.  As I say, on the inspired path courage trumps knowledge. 
  •  The 3 types of people you need around you when you’re on your inspired path : Angels, Mirrors and Crystal Balls. You’ll attract these 3 types of people on your journey, and each has something different to teach you.
  •  The 3 mantras I used to achieve “unexpected success”. These mantras will allow you to stop FORCING your way to success, and instead allow things to unfold perfectly and bring gifts into your life in ways that were even better than you could ever expected. With these mantras money, and friendships will flow into your life easily and effortlessly.
  •  How to destroy some of your character flaws and “eat your shadows”.  No matter how much success you have achieved in your life, there will always be room for inner growth.  If you have any character flaws or imbalances, they will eventually be exposed and you will have to deal with them – otherwise your NonJob will be doomed.
  •  How to write like a master copywriter, by following a simple 4-step formula.  Your words will have people taking out their credit cards on drove in order to buy your products and services. 
  • and much, much more…


The NonJob MASTERY Video Course (pt 1) 

"Simple Mental Reprogramming Rituals" 

There is NO lack of information and instruction on how to build a successful business available on the internet.  

The problem is NOT lack of "know-how" — the BIG PROBLEM is lack of "getting shit done". 

Most would-be NonJobbers get an idea for a business or inspiration to start something new, only to spend their days READING, RESEARCHING, THINKING, TALKING… and WASTING TIME! 

They get gassed up… and go nowhere. 

You MUST melt inner-resistance. 

It is only when you've aligned your THOUGHTS with your ACTIONS that resistance fades… and victory becomes possible.  

Your mindset and thought habits will determine your ability to do what needs to be done– whether you feel like it or not.   

WARNING: Most wanna-be entrepreneurs overlook this CRITICAL COMPONENT, and never achieve victory.  There is nothing weak or woo-woo about preparing your mind and soul for success… martial artists know this, military leaders know this, and successful business men know this.  Drop the resistance. There is nothing cool (or rational) about being slow-witted and broke. 

In this 8-part video module, you’ll discover:

  •  The Three Mental Reprogramming Rituals I used to claw my way out of 90k worth of debt and build a million dollar business… all while raising my family of six.  (NOTHING will stand in your way when you've reprogrammed your mind for victory)  
  •  Why  AFFIRMATIONS  do not work for most people.  Discover the key to making affirmations work by using this little known mind-body technique. 
  •  How to "brainwash" yourself to victory.  Most people let the world (media, friends and family) brainwash them with negative thoughts that unconsciously hold you back.  TAKE BACK your power and re-wire your mind for victory. 
  •  Meditation is NOT as mystical as it sounds.  Discover a fun and simple meditation exercise that will clear your mind of stinkin' thinkin' and mental trash… in just 10 mins a day. 
  •  Visualize and anchor your mission deep into your nervous system, like a software upgrade.  When you follow my simple "mind matra" instructions… you'll taste, feel and SEE victory as clear as day! 
  •  And much more…

The NonJob MASTERY Video Course (pt 2) 

"The Advanced NonJob Ladder " 

The problem for today's entrepreneur is there is TOO MUCH information available on how to build your business and earn money online.  Most of what you read or learn from "online marketing gurus" is overcomplicated BS that leaves most people too confused to take action.

It seems no matter how much you learn, you'll always be a few steps short of victory. 

The fact is that PRINCIPLES are simple, time-tested, and reliable methods that guarantee success… for everyone, every time.  Principles don't need to be reinvented, upgraded or enhanced because they are based on truth.

New-fangled softwares and mind numbing marketing "tech talk" wastes your time, wastes your money and rarely yields the promised return on investment. 

The NonJob Ladder is THE TRUTH.

In this module of your NonJob Mastery Course you will master the simple, time-tested method I describe as The NonJob Ladder. 

The NonJob Ladder is based on the decades old principles of direct response marketing. I did not make up this method (but I did give it a cool name).  

Direct-response marketing, storytelling, and other timeless strategies have been around WAY longer than the internet. The men who pioneered these methods spent thousands of dollars testing their marketing though mailing (yes, snail mail with stamps), paid newspaper ads, and television commercials — all of which are super expensive to use.

Today the findings of their hard work, and and costly struggles lay the foundation of marketing principles we can deploy quickly and easily though the internet to reach our tribe and earn easy profits. 

The NonJob Ladder is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow system that you can easily implement into your business to make BUNDLES of cash.

Climbing up the ladder is a simple step-by-step process for earning more money, in less time than ever.   But you’ll NEED a DEEP understanding of each rung in order to successfully ascend your NonJob. It’s all there inside my Advanced NonJob Ladder Video Course.

Other things you’ll discover in this course are:

  •  The Revolutionary NonJob Ladder business model that will turn your passion into a Money-Making MACHINE
  •   Steps to become THE Problem Solving Expert that your tribe knows, likes and trusts.  Be the one people rush to when they need a product that offers the solution to their biggest problems. 
  •  4 Steps To Social Media Storytelling that will INSTANTLY connect you with your market, and lead them to take action… without you telling them what to do. 
  •  How to create and sell information products that your tribe will love — and puts money in your back account while you sleep. 
  •  Techniques to RAPIDLY become an AUTHORITY in your market (people don’t buy from anyone else)
  •  Secrets to developing ADVANCED OFFERS that are IRRESISTIBLE to your market.
  •  Build good will and influence with your customers to keep them ENGAGED and EAGER to purchase your BIG-TICKET OFFERS
  •  Common mistakes made by overzealous entrepreneurs and how to avoid them
  •   And much more…

Social Media Strategies… That Make Millions! 

Most entrepreneurs who use social media — ARE WASTING THEIR TIME (and losing money)

They think taking selfies and writing poetic posts will make them popular (it might), but they don't earn any money.  It's amazing how many hours they spend on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube "building their brand", but remaining broke.  — It's actually kinda sad. 

Social media is like any other tool for marketing… it either makes you money, or not.  More likes and followers don't put food on the table – only money can do that.  If the bottom line ain't increasing, then please STOP.

Social media, if used correctly, may be the easiest way to build value, make and offer and earn easy dollars ever.  I have over 10 years of experience using social media to make MILLIONS, and I want to show you how. 

In this course, you’ll discover:

  •  The common Social Media mistakes that cause you to make NO money (and how to avoid them)
  •   Four simple steps to creating OUTRAGEOUSLY EFFECTIVE Ads that people can’t help but act on.
  •  How to earn MILLIONS through simple and easy to make Social Media posts (without having millions of followers)
  •  The art of upselling and follow-up that allows you to create customers for LIFE who EAT up ALL of your offers. (and BEG for more)
  •  Proper ways to structure your Calls to Action so they become an IRRESISTIBLE money machine.
  •  An unconventional approach to Social Media that makes platforms work FOR YOU so you can make more money AND develop your image.
  •  Decade Old methods of marketing that are INSTANTLY applicable to today’s Social Media world (these are time-tested methods that are even MORE effective today than they were years ago)
  •  One NECESSARY tool to understanding your market so that you can generate ABSURD amounts of demand for YOUR products
  •  Principles of persuasion and influence that will make you SALES no matter the social platform.
  •  KILLER techniques to converting FIRST TIME VIEWERS into LIFETIME FOLLOWERS.
  •  And much more…


Whether you know it or not, every interaction you have with your market is a form of copywriting. 

But most entrepreneurs have left copywriting in the dust, not seeing the value in it.

But the ability to organize words into a post, sales letter, or sales video that influences, persuades, and most importantly SELLS has NEVER been more important to business.

And if you’re in business, and unaware of the principles of copywriting, you’re at a SEVERE disadvantage. 

You’re potentially missing out on THOUSANDS of dollars (probably even more than that).

To keep that from happening, I’ve created a Copywriting Crash Course (one-time offer ONLY).

In this course, you’ll discover:

  •  TIMELESS principles of writing influential Copy that CONVERTS
  •   How to craft a GREAT Message that your market will get behind and IMMEDIATELY support with their dollars (without being an English Major)
  •  The secret behind crafting words that INSTANTLY GRAB the attention of your market so that they stay for your ENTIRE offer (and buy, buy, buy)
  •  3 Simple methods to persuade your market act on your offers INSTANTLY
  •  How to RAPIDLY build trust and credibility so that your market will feel comfortable and secure buying from you.
  •  The Storybook method to telling your story so it relates to your market and creates HIGH DEMAND for your offer
  •  Key Emotions that NEED to be tapped into in order sell in MASSIVE quantities
  •  Classic copywriting techniques that convert on ANY platform (including video and social media)
  •  An easy to follow structure that creates HIGH converting copy quickly and easily (no headaches or writer’s block)
  •  ADVANCED principles for writing Ads that have been around for DECADES (and only get more effective with time)
  •  And much more…


Lots of wanna-be entrepreneurs find themselves in whirlwinds of FRUITLESS activity. 

They do stuff just to do stuff, and they're never really working towards anything. Days, months, and years go by and what have they achieved? NOTHING. 

Maybe they’ve jumped from project to project, unsure of what they truly want out of life. Maybe they have a clear vision for what they want, but haven’t taken the time to create tangible action steps that will help them achieve that vision. 

Or maybe they just can’t seem to commit to their business – instead falling victim to distractions like scrolling through social media or meeting friends for lunch. 

These “wantrepreneurs” WANT to be successful, BUT they don’t have the structure in place to complete the tasks they need for success to happen. In fact, they don’t even know what those tasks are. 

That’s why I HAD to create Elite Entrepreneur. I saw so many people struggling with problems that are easily fixable. 

I wanted to give upcoming business owners a structure and plan that’s easy to follow and basically GUARANTEES success. 

It’s the ANTIDOTE for entrepreneurs who can’t seem to get focused.

Inside of Elite Entrepreneur you’ll discover:

  •  How to develop a LASER-FOCUSED mindset like top-entrepreneurs that allows you to quickly and easily attain your most hard-to-reach goals.
  •   The best way to develop clear and easy action steps so you can make heaps of progress toward your goals each and every day.
  •  Common habits of the world’s most successful businessmen that will help you create massive amounts of tenacity and energy for acquiring everything you desire.
  •  A secret to success that Elon Musk uses to complete EVERY goal he sets.
  •  The BEST way to wake up in the morning to have a more productive day than you EVER have
  •  Keys to become process-oriented (the most successful people in history are process-oriented)
  •  Simple methods to stop procrastinating and start EXECUTING
  •  An easy exercise that ENSURES you’re staying on task and on track to reach your goals
  •  Tips that I learned sitting at a table of eight-figure entrepreneurs
  •  An EASY way to work less time while making MORE PROFIT
  •  And much more…


The NonJobs Revolution isn’t about building a multi-million dollar empire… but it will give you the skills and mindsets you need to get there. 

The NonJobs Revolution isn’t about making 7 or 8 figures per year… but it will give you the keys to unlocking all the abundance you desire and , and buying all the toys (like houses, cars and vacations) that you could ever want. 

The NonJobs Revolution isn’t about becoming internet famous… although it will help you to build a YouTube or social media following of 100,000+ by following your passion. 

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Non Jobs Revolution Premium – Elliott Hulse
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