Original price was: $899.00.Current price is: $89.00.

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Food and health are team sports; people gravitate toward the average of the people around them. For most, this is not good news. WildFitⓇ puts you in a small group that works together to complete the program and support each other throughout. This powerful framework helps our students get the best results possible.

Purchase this course you will earn 89 Points worth of $8.90!


Buy Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Food and health are team sports; people gravitate toward the average of the people around them. For most, this is not good news. WildFitⓇ puts you in a small group that works together to complete the program and support each other throughout. This powerful framework helps our students get the best results possible.

Purchase Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades courses at here with PRICE $899 $89

Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades

Mindvalley Quest - The WildFit Program - Eric Edmeades

If You’re Constantly Struggling With Your Weight & Health, You’re Not Alone…

Maybe you feel ‘stuck’ in your current body, no matter how much you diet or work out…
Maybe you feel your self-love and self-confidence taking a constant beating as a result…
Maybe you constantly give into unhealthy food cravings, instead of choosing what’s good for you…
And maybe you’re not even sure what food you should be enjoying, and what you should be avoiding.

If any of these describe you, know that your struggle ends here. Not through yet another crash diet or gruelling fitness plan…

But with WildFitⓇ: a groundbreaking health methodology that rapidly and permanently reshapes your health and body into their optimal state. Just as nature intended.
Eric Edmeades WildFit
Eric Edmeades
Wherever Your Health Is At Right Now, WildFitⓇ Gets You Where You Want & Need To Be.

If you’ve never been able to make and stick to better food choices…
… constantly giving into snacking, overeating, bad food disguised as healthy food, and drowning in a sea of conflicting information over what you really should eat…
WildFitⓇ will give you an effortless instinct for picking the right food.
If you’ve done everything you can to drop that stubborn excess weight…
… like crash dieting, working out, following that next food fad, then losing some weight and regaining it all just weeks or months after…
WildFitⓇ will finally make your ideal weight your default weight.
If you’ve struggled with your health for years on end…
… visiting countless physicians, wrestling with ailments like hypertension, lackluster energy, chronic acne, blocked sinuses, pain, inflammation and more…
WildFitⓇ will return you to your optimal health (even if pills, treatments, and medical procedures never could).

And if you’ve ever sabotaged yourself with self-defeating thoughts…
… like “being overweight and unhealthy runs in my family,” or “I don’t have the willpower or the strength to make a change,” or “it’s too late for me to make a change”…
WildFitⓇ will give you back your confidence. Your self-love. And your peace of mind.

But first, it’s crucial that you understand…
The Real Culprit Behind Your Health & Weight Struggles (It’s Not What You Think)
Healthy gut

All your life and everywhere you look, from the classroom, to television and magazines, to the grocery store, to your well-meaning parents and role models…

You’ve been force-fed the wrong information about food.

You’ve been trained to crave deadly chemicals and additives, so companies can get you hooked on their food and make more money.

You’ve been taught bad and obsolete nutritional science, because the people in power haven’t updated their knowledge.

And you’ve even been given healthy eating ‘solutions’ that just don’t work in the long run, so you can stay stuck in a never-ending (and profitable) cycle of weight loss and weight gain.

In other words: your relationship with food has been sabotaged – and it’s not your fault.

The good news is that with the right knowledge, you can undo this sabotage. And it starts with understanding…
The 5 Deadliest Health Myths You’ve Been Forced To Believe

What you’re about to discover is the hidden science of nutrition, its effect on our health, and why it’s been inaccessible in our society. Because while dieting and exercising are popular, they’re misinformed or incomplete approaches to the true path to healthy living. There are FIVE fundamental myths that society teaches us about food and diets. But thanks to Eric Edmeades’ discoveries in nutrition, you’re about to uncover the truth about these five myths.
Myth #1: Calorie In, Calorie Out

As a student of human evolution, WildFitⓇ founder Eric Edmeades observed something interesting about the African tribes he spent time with: they never dieted, yet had great muscle tone, amazing energy, and extraordinary fitness. This led him to realize that much of modern dietary wisdom is off the mark. Counting calories is meaningless, because the body just doesn’t work that way.
Myth #2: Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

Despite what the textbooks tell us, there is no daily recommended diet. Our bodies have evolved to eat annually. We go through different stages and require different foods in different seasons.
Myth #3: You Need A Personalized Diet

Human beings have not been differentiated long enough by evolution to have vastly different dietary requirements. And apart from special dietary needs in a minority of people, there are universal rules that apply to all humans regardless of race, origin, or culture: which is what we should be focusing on.
Myth #4: The Food Industry Wants To Make You Healthy

Every day, we’re encouraged to eat “healthy” food that is anything but. The food industry’s priority is not to nourish us – it’s to trigger cravings so we eat and buy more of their products. Knowing what’s really good for you, helps you see through these illusions.
Myth #5: You Must Exercise To Be Healthy

There is a stubborn belief in society that you can eat whatever you want, as long as you exercise – yet this is false. Exercise is great for health, but it’s nowhere near the biggest factor that determines your body’s shape and weight. In fact, modern science shows that 95% of your body shape is due to the food you eat and not exercise.

Now, the dieting industry (which is also part of the food industry) wants you to believe these myths so you will keep buying their products when the truth is…

Dieting does not work.

Exercise alone does not work.

Starving yourself does not work.

Instead, if you’re looking to…

Maintain an optimum body weight…
Slow down aging and eliminate illnesses…
Overcome debilitating pain…
Free yourself from unhealthy food cravings and emotional eating…
Regain your confidence and self-love…
And have more energy and vitality to live a full life with your loved ones…

It’s time to rethink your relationship with food.
Transform Your Body & Health With WildFitⓇ: A System That Changes Your Relationship With Food, Without Starvation Or Exhaustion

Beginning Monday, 6 July 2020

People create short-term changes in their eating habits every day.

It’s what’s commonly known as dieting.

But modern day dieting doesn’t work.

To create life-changing results that last, you need a simple system that changes your food beliefs, relationship, and habits FOR GOOD.

A powerful, effective and new health and fitness methodology that draws its inspiration from evolutionary and functional medicine and nutritional anthropology…

And uses behavioral psychology to create lasting change in your brain’s association with food including its response to the Six Human Hungers…

So that no amount of advertising dollars or social pressures will put you back on an unhealthy regimen ever again. EVER.

This system addresses the five primary reasons behind why you’ve always failed to achieve the changes your body so badly wants to make.

And in just 90 days, it guides you through an easy, step-by-step process to make permanent and lasting changes without ever feeling hungry and always having a feeling of abundant freedom.

Welcome to WildFitⓇ.

Andrejs, a 51 year old entrepreneur, planned to drop 5kg
but instead got off 12.5 kg.

Jacqueline Giurleo released 46 lbs, 89 inches,
and 4 dress sizes.
Why WildFitⓇ Is The Best Choice You Can Make For Your Weight & Wellbeing
Health Principles
01. The Principles for Lasting Health

WildFitⓇ is a Paleo-influenced health methodology that draws heavily from evolutionary history and modern-day hunter-gatherer communities. A key principle of WildFitⓇ is that ‘every living thing has a diet’ and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its health and longevity. These principles are known to have existed for at least 5-6 million years.
Behavioral Psychology
02. Powerful Behavioral Psychology

WildFitⓇ creator Eric Edmeades has been a professional speaker and executive business mentor for 2 decades. He is also an expert on lasting behavioral change, which is why WildFitⓇ is based on powerful behavioral psychology techniques that help you implement the changes you want, quickly and easily.
03. Microlearning For Even Your Busiest Days

The traditional way of taking programs is: you invest in a program, and study it by yourself in your own time for about 8-10 hours. The WildFitⓇ Program is hosted on Mindvalley’s Quest microlearning platform, so you experience the program along with hundreds of others under real-time guidance from Eric Edmeades’ team. You only need 10 minutes a day each day, for 90 days.
No Starvation
04. No Starvation And No Exercise

The WildfitⓇ Program is carefully designed so that you will NOT be hungry and there is no requirement to exercise. This program is about nutritional balance and getting your diet, energy levels and sleep on track so that, when you are ready, you will actually enjoy your exercise. You’ll not dread it like you used to.
Results In 90 Days
05. Designed For Results In 90 Days

For the most part, people already know (or think they know) what they should eat and what they should avoid eating to achieve their health goals; the problem is that they often fail to stick with them. They make exceptions and these exceptions slowly become the rule. The well-refined 90-day structure of WildFitⓇ Program, on the other hand, breaks most people’s conditioning long enough to deliver lasting change.
Group Coaching
06. Group Coaching and Teams

Food and health are team sports; people gravitate toward the average of the people around them. For most, this is not good news. WildFitⓇ puts you in a small group that works together to complete the program and support each other throughout. This powerful framework helps our students get the best results possible.
Six Human Hungers
07. Work With The 6 Human Hungers

Big food companies brainwashed us to believe that when we’re hungry we should snack on something – when in fact we might just be thirsty. In WildFitⓇ you’ll discover how to deal with the 6 Human Hungers (one of them is thirst) so you never binge or crave unhealthy foods ever again.
No Special Foods
08. You Don’t Need Any Special Supplements

Healthy organic food can sometimes cost a bit more, but there are no special shakes, supplements or anything else to purchase. We are fundamentally against diet programs that are designed to get you to pay extra for “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. Instead, every week, you gain a new awareness in your relationship with food. WildFitⓇ creates a fundamental change in your own body at a remarkable stick rate, and you are never obligated to buy anything from WildFitⓇ again.
Meet Eric Edmeades:
The Extraordinary Man Behind WildFitⓇ

Eric Edmeades is an international speaker, author and the architect of several highly effective and transformational seminars, workshops and retreats around the world.

Prior to this, he was a serial entrepreneur involved in several big businesses including the Lucasfilm spin-off, Kerner Optical and his first successful venture, The ITR Group, a supplier, integrator and maintainer of IT equipment.

In the world of evolutionary biology and nutritional anthropology, however, Eric was an accidental hero.

Suffering for most of his teens and early 20’s with severe allergies, sinus troubles, throat infections and acne, he was only weeks away from a surgery to take out his tonsils when a friend of his urged him to attend a personal transformation seminar. That seminar ended up not only *clearing up 10 years of chronic symptoms *but it changed everything he believed about health and food.

Since then it has been his life’s passion to help people wake up to the reality that, in terms of health, they are off course. And that the human and financial cost of our current way of life is far too great.

Eric created WildFitⓇ as an easy, structured and step-by-step system which anyone can use to attain basic physical fitness. And a long, healthy, enjoyable life.

As Seen On:

Eric got a medal from the Canadian Senate, for his work.

Eric Edmeades with the WildFit Team and the Hadza people of Tanzania

Eric was voted the top and most powerful speaker at A-Fest.
What You’ll Learn
9 Ways Eric’s WildFitⓇ Transforms You

While weight loss is an obvious side effect of a healthy balanced life, WildFitⓇ is not just another weight loss program: it’s a total health transformation. It’s a total health program. In just 90 days, WildFitⓇ students experience radical shifts in their energy, weight, self-confidence, and happiness.

The goal of WildfitⓇ is to exceed all your health goals and return you to the natural you.
That’s why we’re so confident that in the next 90 days, you will…
1. Wake Up Rejuvenated

When your energy is balanced, you calm your nervous and hormonal systems for better sleep cycles.
2. Stop Cravings, Enjoy Food

Your body won’t go into panic mode for more energy, so you can finally balance calories and kick cravings.
3. Energy For What Matters

Give your body more nutrients and get more energy to achieve the things you want in life.
4. Achieve Your TRUE Weight

With WildfitⓇ, healthy weight change is inevitable. Allow your body to go back to its natural, most optimized state.
5. Boost Your Intimacy

Two things affect our passion — hormonal imbalance and body temperature. The WildFitⓇ Program restores your most natural levels for a better libido.
6. Boost Your Metabolism

You’ll train your body to switch into the high fat-burning mode so you become lighter, have more energy, and actually want to exercise.
7. Enhance Your Mental Performance

Help your brain perform at its peak all the time. Many students realize they’re able to think faster, be more productive, and have a better memory.
8. Connect With Your Body

Gain an intuitive instinct for knowing what your body wants and needs at any given time, so you can feel and look amazing all the time.
9. Boost Your Confidence

WildFitⓇ will not only return you to your optimal shape, but also help you realize just how much control you have over your body and your life. You’ll never avoid mirrors again.
Case Studies
“In 90 days I released 46 lbs., 89 inches, and 4 dress sizes!”

Over the course of the next 20+ years I completed every diet, pill, product, program, that you could imagine, and each time thought I was doing the right thing, or what was ‘healthy’ for my body … until I learned the truth from WildfitⓇ. In 90 days I released 46 lbs., 89 inches, and 4 dress sizes! The groups, the coaching, the camaraderie, the support, all were bonuses in helping us to reach success.

— Jacqueline Giurleo
“I am amazed at how many foods that used to control my life I have now eliminated completely from my diet because of WildFit”

The WildfitⓇ program made it easy for me to make progress and set me up for success by making small changes week to week. Eric’s approach to tackle each of the 6 human hungers one by one helped to eliminate cravings that I could never control before.

— Wayne Radicke, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
“WildfitⓇ has changed my relationship with food”

WildfitⓇ has changed my relationship with food. I didn’t know anything about nutrition and I’ve never cooked before. That has changed drastically. Today I am aware of the best practices in nutrition and its importance. I started to enjoy cooking. My taste buds have changed. My eating habits have transformed. I’ve lost 6kg and I can finally fit into all of my clothes. It wasn’t just a 3 months programme. It was education for a lifetime.

— Maria Spark
“Today I am more flexible than I have been in years”

I always knew the importance of eating well and taking care of my body but for some reason I simply wasn’t doing it. I tried various diets and programs but it was not until WildFit that I really turned things around.Today I am more flexible and I feel much younger and the WildfitⓇ made the process really easy and long-lasting; I will never go back to the way things were.

— Sabine Rosen
“WildfitⓇ has been a quantum improvement in my life.”

I have a new sense of what foods taste good. I know I don’t have to eat sometimes. I can just wait. I am now nutritionally healthy. This is a huge change. I am now aware of what I eat and I’m in control of what I eat. I exercise now. I enjoy exercise now. I have added yoga to my Regime. I have released 25 pounds and look forward to getting stronger. I am no longer diabetic. My skin looks and feels great.

— Tim Gannon, USA
“Everyone of my health issues is completely gone, thanks to WildfitⓇ.”

I had a brain tumor that led me to gain 55 pounds in a short amount of time. I had successful surgery but the weight remained. I also, like Eric suffered from allergies to dust and cats. I also had severe and consistent bouts with sinus and mucous issues. Everyone of these issues is completely gone, thanks to WildFit.

— Craig
“Now I reached my health peak and more importantly I found my confidence.”

I added 30 pounds from my pregnancy two years ago. I lost 20 pounds from breastfeeding process. Then my weight reached plateau. WIth the help of WildfitⓇ, I broke through the plateau and loss another 10 pounds. Now I reached my health peak and more importantly I found my confidence back as a new mom.

— Meggie Song
“I thought I would never be able to stop eating sweets and chocolate”

I started the quest at 96 kg (211 lbs) and at the end I had released 15,5kg (34 lbs). So proud of myself! […] A lot of things have changed for me throughout the program. I used to have some allergies that no longer have, my skin looks healthier, a lot of my aches and pains are gone too! My mood has drastically improved and the everyday stresses don’t get to me as easily anymore.
“Bottomline is – it felt like coming home, especially for my body”

My wins: Lost 22 lbs, Lost 3 holes from the belt, Lost wrinkles next to my eyes, Need less sleep and get up easily in the morning (thanks also to Eric’s sleep/getting up hacks!), Pain in ankles in the morning almost vanished, Solid knowledge about “healthy eating” – before it was a diffuse idea, have a much more optimistic outlook on things.

— Markus Beckmann
A Special Case Study From Vishen Lakhiani,
Founder and CEO of Mindvalley
“Results with NO change in Exercise and NO change in Calorie intake”

Below is an account of the eye-opening transformation experienced by Vishen Lakhiani in his own words.
Vishen Casestudy

“WildFit is the eating program based on Evolutionary Biology that I used to completely ‘hack’ my diet. Here are my before/after pics. Note: Key here is NO change in Exercise and NO change in Calorie intake.

All in just 2 months.

As you can see, prior to this I wasn’t overweight but I also didn’t have a body that I was proud to show off at a beach party. During the two months, I tried WildFit, I went from 22% body fat to 15% body fat – the normal accepted rate for a male.

It was unreal what it has done to my energy levels. I was sleeping better… I had more energy… Where I previously didn’t enjoy eating vegetables that much, I now can’t stop eating them… My alcohol consumption went down… My coffee intake went down… I didn’t have to completely cut off anything really. But I was naturally being healthy.

Prior to this, I tried all kinds of fitness products… I tried BeachBody products like P90X etc, but I found that 95% of your body shape has to do with the foods you eat. Not exercise.

Here’s the remarkable truth about the transformation: it happened easily, it happened fast and it happened with no change in exercise. I did not change my exercise routine at all. I always did about an hour of exercise a week. I did not change that. I also did not count calories or change my food intake at all. And I did not suffer at all. This was the most surprising thing about the WildFit Quest.

And I’ve tried many, many health and nutrition programs. Nothing has changed my body and my life… and everything else from my intimacy levels to my energy to my happiness levels… as much as WildFit.”

Vishen Lakhiani,

Founder and CEO, Mindvalley Inc.
Watch What Happened When WildFitⓇ Was Introduced to the Mindvalley Community

Gareth Davies lost 50.7 lbs.

Jason Campbell lost 26.4 lbs during WildFit.
Program Information
Get Fast, Lasting Results In The
Shortest Time Possible
Because Your Time Is Precious

WildFitⓇ is a 90-day real-time coaching program that guides you towards your best weight and health.

This program is not about saying, “Hey, you should eat more of this and less of that.”

There are no particular diets to follow; rather you’ll receive eye-opening nutritional information and powerful psychological tools to follow through on taking the right action.

The focus is on creating change from within you.

Because when you do something not because you ought to do it but because you want to do it, the results will feel completely natural and effortless to achieve.

At the end of the 90 days, you won’t even relate to some of the foods you’ve been eating all these years.

Each week you’ll receive new videos with instructions from Eric’s team on exactly what you should be paying attention to. In addition to the videos, you also receive information to support you in the journey including guides, recipes and other resources.
WildFitⓇ Program Overview
WildFit Product on Devices

Participants From All Over The World
completion rate
pounds lost
lives transformed
Wildfit customer worldmap
Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform
The Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform

From philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.
Deep Transformation That Builds Over Time

Now used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
Mindvalley community
We’re All In This Together

The Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.
How The Quest App Works
1. Begin with the community on 6 July 2020 or go at your own pace.

One community, one start date: we’ll move towards the finish line together, as we support and uplift each other every step of the way.
2. You receive guidance for 90 days

Your WildFit Program will have come with access to a supportive online community, a Community Manager who is committed to your Tribe, and a Certified WildFit Coach to help you each step of the way – You won’t have to go through this alone.
3. You grow dramatically in just 15-20 minutes a day

15-20 minutes a day is all you need to watch your video lessons and apply the practices.

Student Stories
The Transformations Speak For Themselves
“WildfitⓇ for me was just amazing journey”
Carol Benson

Mindvalley Master Certified Trainer
“You will get far more to help you live the best life”
Anita Sanchez

Best Selling Author, Consultant, Trainer and Executive Coach, USA
“It became part of our lifestyle of what we wanted to do”
Bobbi DePorter

President of the Quantum Learning Network
“You learn a lot about what food actually does to you”
Marie Diamond

Globally renowned Transformational Teacher, Leader, Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Feng Shui Master, Creator of Diamond Feng Shui, Diamond Dowsing and Inner Diamond Meditation Programs, USA
“It was a lot of fun”
Ken Honda

Bestselling Author of Self-Development Books in Japan, Japan
“I was running a new life”
Raymond Aaron

Canada’s most well known Real Estate Investor, Real Estate Coach and New York Times Bestselling author
“It brings you the confidence to live the life you want to live”
Veronica de Andres

Co-creator of movie FULL CONFIDENCE, Overcoming Fear with the Power of Love. Coach, International speaker and Co-author of Best Seller CONFIANZA TOTAL Ed Planeta, Argentina
Enroll Now
Our Commitment To Leading Edge Education At Prices That Everybody Can Afford

We believe that WildFitⓇ is so transformational for your body that it’ll be an utmost loss if you’d come all the way up to this moment and not give it a try.

And that’s all it takes to transform your life.

Typical tuition fees for a program of this caliber with guided real-time coaching elements over a period of 90 days… will run into several thousands.

But you can have this course, thanks to Eric’s kind generosity, for only $1,495.

Still, when you enroll today, you won’t even pay that much.

To ensure the maximum impact while still keeping the costs covered, Eric has agreed to lower the tuition and let you enroll in the WildFitⓇ Program for one payment of $899 only.

Remember, that’s a fraction of what people pay for a couple of visits to a specialist doctor. And you are not prescribed harmful drugs or temporary fixes.

You are making an investment toward lifelong happiness.
Would You Rather Spend $25,826 on Healthcare?

In 2016, the cost of healthcare for a typical American family of four is $25,826, according to the Milliman Medical Index (MMI).

That’s alarming.

Yes, this may be covered by your employer-sponsored health care plan if you have one…

… but the thing is… the cost is NOT the only concern.

Just think how much actual improvement in health does this $25,826 brings.

Usually none.

Because our modern healthcare system is broken. It’s focused on charging the patient to FIX the problem. Rather than teaching the patient to prevent the problem in the first place.

WildFitⓇ teaches you to PREVENT the problem. Thus saving hundreds of thousands in potential health costs in our students’ lives.
Don’t Decide Now — Just Try WildFitⓇ For 10 Days

There are countless ways in which WildFitⓇ can help you. From your energy levels to sleeping patterns to blood pressure levels to your BMI… everything stands to get transformed by it. The truth is, it’s impossible for you to NOT see results after doing WildFitⓇ.

That’s why we want to give you an opportunity to see the results first-hand without any risk. So you can join the WildfitⓇ Program and try the experience for the first 10 days risk-free.

Yes, that’s right.

You can start the Program on 6 July 2020 and go through all the training videos during the first 10 days. And you only then decide whether to keep the program or not.

And if you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply visit our Refund Page and your entire investment will be instantly refunded. It’s that easy.

So get started now. You have nothing to lose but a whole new world to gain.

Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Manager
Click The Add-To-Cart Button Below To Try WildFitⓇ Program Now
WildFit Product on Devices
Why Order Today: Three Powerful Advantages Only Available Now

By becoming a student of The WildFitⓇ Program” you’ll get FOUR special opportunities that will never ever be available in the future. Here’s what they are and why…
1. The Lowest Price This Will Ever Be Offered At

The usual price for a coaching program like this is $1,499 (Note that one-on-one sessions with Eric’s team starts at $5,000 per person). However, for attendees of the Masterclass, and to get this into the hands of as many people as possible, we have dropped the price to only $899 – this is a 39% discount… when you order today.

Another reason for the 39% discount: To continually improve your learning experience and ensure you undergo real, tangible transformation, we want to get your feedback and comments on the program and your results…so we’ve made the investment as low as possible. All we ask is that you email us (we’ll reach out to you) at the end of the program to share your story.
2. Join Hundreds Of Other Students on 6 July 2020 or go at your own pace

WildFitⓇ is sort of like an obstacle race where the obstacles are your eating habits and the programming about food you received growing up. That’s what makes it an incredibly effective program. However, *Eric Edmeades deeply cares about each and every student going through the WildFit Challenge. He wants to ensure every single student experiences true food freedom through WildFit. Don’t pass this chance to join hundreds of students from all over the world, and start your WildFit journey on 1st of June, 2020.
3. Our 10-Day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee

We know this works – Vishen himself had tried this WildfitⓇ Program and he experienced one of the most remarkable transformations in the 90 days. However, in the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the program, even if you just don’t like the color of the cover, Just fill in the refund for and you’ll be able to get a refund, so you can practically try this at no risk and get a full refund if this does not meet your full expectations.
Here’s everything you get when you enroll:

Complete 90-day program designed to return you to your most naturally healthy state.
Start the race to your fittest self on 6 July 2020 with hundreds of others.
18 Pre-Recorded group coachings calls answering the most common questions.
Recipes for delicious healthy meals
Community support and group mastermind with a vibrant group of like-minded students.
An unconditional 10-day money-back guarantee, so you can be sure this program is the perfect fit for you with no risk on your part.
And award-winning customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

WildFit Devices
Enroll Now
WildFit Program

Digital access with an unconditional 10-day money-back guarantee



Or pay in 3 installments of $349 each for a total of $1047»

*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
What Happens After You Order
Secure Checkout PageSecure Checkout Page

Click the Add to Cart above and you’ll be taken to a Secure Order Page.
Log into your accountLog into your account

Complete your Order and you’ll get an Email with your Login and Password
Enjoy your new programEnjoy your new program

Visit home.Mindvalley.com and login with the email you use to purchase the quest and access WildFit.
Frequently Asked Questions

Cultivate Better Health Habits
Cindy Sahlstrom
“My arthritis is gone and I can do all sorts of exercise”

I have had wonderful results. My arthritis is gone, I am walking everyday, going to strength classes and started hot yoga again! Yeah!
I also suffered from insomnia for almost 20 years and now I get close to 7 hours every. I wake refreshed and ready to take on the day! Thank you!
I have released 14 lbs and my shape has changed and I feel so much happier about my body.
I learnt that many things I ate were tied to my emotions. I have moved 2 items to the never food group which cause me digestive problems.
I appreciate the honest and candid responses from my team and the coaches responses. Eric you are an amazing coach and speaker.

Cindy Sahlstrom

Chuck Fletcher
“This is the kind of program that needs to be taught in schools.”

I lost 30 lbs! My allergies and sinus issues went away, my blood pressure is improved and being a diabetic, my blood insulin levels dropped. This is the kind of program that needs to be taught in schools to get

Purchase Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades courses at here with PRICE $899 $89

Buy the Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades course at the best price at esy[GB]. Upon completing your purchase, you will gain immediate access to the downloads page. Here, you can download all associated files from your order. Additionally, we will send a download notification email to your provided email address.

Unlock your full potential with Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades courses. Our meticulously designed courses are intended to help you excel in your chosen field.

Why wait? Take the first step towards greatness by acquiring our Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades courses today. We offer a seamless and secure purchasing experience, ensuring your peace of mind. Rest assured that your financial information is safeguarded through our trusted payment gateways, Stripe and PayPal.

Stripe, known for its robust security measures, provides a safe and reliable payment process. Your sensitive data remains confidential throughout the transaction thanks to its encrypted technology. Your purchase is fully protected.

PayPal, a globally recognized payment platform, adds an extra layer of security. With its buyer protection program, you can make your purchase with confidence. PayPal ensures that your financial details are safeguarded, allowing you to focus on your learning journey.

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  • Your identity is kept entirely confidential. We do not share your information with anyone. So, it is absolutely safe to buy the Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades course.
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  • All card numbers are encrypted using AES with a 256-bit key at rest. Transmitting card numbers occurs in a separate hosting environment and does not share or store any data.
How can this course be delivered?
  • After your successful payment this “Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades course”, Most of the products will come to you immediately. But for some products were posted for offer. Please wait for our response, it might take a few hours due to the time zone difference.
  • If this occurs, please be patient. Our technical department will process the link shortly after, and you will receive notifications directly via email. We appreciate your patience.
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  • We promptly update the status of your order after your payment is completed. If, after 7 days, there is no download link, the system will automatically process a refund.
  • We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out via email us with any comments, questions and suggestions.
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Mindvalley Quest - The WildFit Program - Eric Edmeades
Mindvalley Quest – The WildFit Program – Eric Edmeades
Original price was: $899.00.Current price is: $89.00. Add to cart