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Purchase Mina Firme – Love yourself, Love your life courses at here with PRICE $97 $28

When You Love Yourself…
Everything Else Falls Into Place
Do you struggle with…

  • Giving yourself the love you deserve?
  • Trusting yourself and others around you?
  • Feeling worthy of your own love or others?
  • Creating fulfilling relationships?
  • Experiences from a very traumatic and painful childhood?

If so I can give you the answer to all these problems and many more that haunt our own subconscious and manifest themselves in various ways during our daily lives.

“Dearest Mina
After an exhaustive 26 years of both studying and being the
recipient of, a multitude of healing modalities, I was blessed to find
you. You are the only person who has effected the changes I had always
known were possible.

You are truly gifted beyond my ability to express. For all that you are as a healer and a person I am sincerely grateful to you for restoring my life to me.”

With love, Bree

Love, Love, Love…

The most precious gift you can ever give yourself is self-love. Give
yourself permission to forgive and accept yourself right now… exactly
as you are.

You are already perfect, beautiful and special. Choose to see the world always through the eyes of divine love and remember to always be grateful no matter what’s happening in your life. You are the creator of your reality so choose to create from love.

Realize that the key to transformation is self-love. Because when you truly love yourself everything starts to fall in place.

“Mina thank you for being you; the most profound healer I have ever known!
I wanted to write to express just how grateful I am to you for transforming my life. It is both my privilege and my pleasure to have experienced the remarkable power of your healing gifts and abilities and I hope that everyone who is searching for real and extraordinary change is blessed to find you… “

Always with Love, Russell

Why Do We Struggle To Love Ourselves?
We are created from the thoughts inside our heads and the words and actions of others. Even the smallest negative comment can make our minds run wild and this is even more so during our childhood.

Most of us experience a lifetime of negativity whether it’s from the people around us or the media and society in general.

This creates a world of “stinking thinking” that easily brainwashes us into believing we’re not quite enough.

Even when we don’t feel that negative there is a ton of mental garbage stored away at the subconscious level just waiting to pollute our lives at any moment.

“Meeting Mina has taken me to the next level. It still hard to believe, that all these changes have taken place. I feel so much better within myself, more confident, happy, and more alive. No more stress or so many worries.

After my reading of past- lives, I could understand so much better situations in this life. Relationships and friendships make a lot more sense now. I’m also going through menopause, having hot flushes/sweats and not being able to sleep was one of my problems. Not any more, Mina has balance my hormones and it’s gone, the irritation that used to come with it is also gone. Thank you so much for your wonderful help, you are truly blessed.”

F.Grace, Sydney, Australia

Our Perception Creates Our Reality
Modern science tells us that our perception creates our reality. This means that what we have in our head and
heart is what we manifest in the world around us
  • If you don’t have the love you desire in life then you must first find love inside yourself
  • If you lack abundance then you must change the way you perceive money
  • If you struggle with health or weight then you must examine the perceptions of your body
When you learn to love yourself and shift the mental and emotional blocks you’re carrying with you then
this opens up your life to whole new levels of love, wealth and health as well.
“Mina is a loving and kind healer. After experiencing many years of neck/shoulder pain on and off I had
learnt how to live with it. However whilst Mina was doing a healing on me regarding another issue she had
intuitively picked up about my pain and identified a belief that was holding the condition in place. The healing was instant and to my amazement it has now been 6 months since the healing took place and I have not experienced neck pain. Thank you Mina for a great healing session!!”

Mary Boulus, Administrator/Receptionist

What Is Self-love?
Self-love is definitely not narcissism… it’s about loving yourself fully. It’s about believing that you’re able, capable and equipped with everything you need to live an amazing life.

It also means being so secure in yourself that you’ll never wish harm to others around you no matter what their beliefs may be. It’s often the times when we don’t feel good about ourselves that we lash out and try to hurt others around us. Then we also end up beating ourselves up for what we’ve done or said.

However when you truly love yourself then you view everything in the world with a great compassion and love as well.

“Dear Mina,

I can’t thank You enough for the healing session
yesterday – for the first time when I was approaching home
I could do so with my head held high and not feeling extreme
panic which is really such a relief.

And like You said it seems now it’s the next day I am feeling the
effects even more in a surprising way physically it’s as if my actual
movements are quicker and lighter it’s a very interesting feeling.
You truly have a wonderful gift Mina and are amazing. “

Thank you again,With gratitude, Zuzana

What Happens If You Don’t Learn To Love Yourself?
You will never learn to love another human being unless you first learn to love yourself. Sure you will still have relationships but they will not be the wonderful love story that you dream of and deserve.

It will also affect your ability to manifest your desires in this world. Money and health are so closely linked to how you feel about yourself that learning to love yourself will open new doors in these and many other areas.

Imagine a bunch of helium balloons tied together that are struggling to soar into the sky. Each balloon represents an area of your life that you’d love to improve and are consciously working on. Well consciously trying to improve one area (like your health, wealth or relationships) is like trying to undo one knot and letting that single balloon soar.

While learning to love yourself is untying the one master knot holding all the balloons together and letting them float away without anything holding them back.

That’s what happens when you truly learn to love yourself.

“Mina is a kind, caring and warm person. Every time I have session with her,
I feel much better. I had a very uncomfortable bloating for a long time, but after the first session, the problem was gone! I was amazed how quickly it worked.

Although the session is done over the phone, she can see through the state of my internal body as well as my emotional state and it really made me aware how emotion directly affects the body. As Mina was born psychic she has a wealth of knowledge on psychic/spiritual matters that comes from her firsthand experience since she was a child. I still have a lot to work on but it’s good to know that I have a good teacher.”

S.F. – Sydney, Australia

How Do I Know This?
It’s easy for anyone to write about self-love and try to make themselves out to be an expert. What sets me apart is that I’ve been struggling with self-love and speaking my truth all my life.

I was married for 20 years to a loving husband who was also very controlling. Because of this my self-confidence was very low and I never thought I’d have the strength to leave him. Thanks to learning to love myself I was able to finally leave with my 2 beautiful daughters even though I only had $200 in the bank.

Yet this was only the beginning of more hard times. For the first 6-7 months I had to be on welfare, relied on anti-depressants, couldn’t sleep and really believed I was going to die. However sometimes we have to go through the darkness to emerge into the light.

How My Life Changed Thanks To Learning
To Love Myself
Thanks to the self-love and energy work I have done my life has completely turned around and I now live a happy and healthy life that I love.

I’ve released a lot of limiting beliefs and I combined this with meditation and work on
myself every day. Yes it’s been a difficult journey
and at times I felt like giving up. During this
process I also discovered that I was abused as a
child however the work I was doing allowed
me to heal and forgive.

All this was the beginning of my awakening as a spiritual healer. It’s funny as just 6 years ago I would have run the other way when I heard anything about “spirit.”

And now I constantly embrace divine love and light while keeping my faith and trust in the

Universe. I regularly look around and see all the wonderful things in my life, say thank you, and bring the energy of gratitude back into the heart.
“A month ago I went through a difficult stage in my life. I felt lonely, depressed, could not reason properly and lived in constant anger as trying to justify the unfairness I felt towards my life, family and some friends.

I found out about Mina through a friend, who, knowing my constant instability recommend me to have a talk to her to see if she could somehow help me. My first appointment made me feel so much better!

Mina helps you understand life under a different perspective. She touches your inner soul as to transmit peace calm and harmony. My life has changed since I met Mina. I have been learning to deal better with stressful situations, to have more control in my life, to learn how to be always positive and believe more in myself.

I am so happy I gave myself a chance to consult with Mina, is a totally different experience with truly and authentic results.”

M.Jo – Business Owner, Sydney, Australia

How This Helps You…
People have seen great results with my healing work… especially around the areas of:
Going through this journey myself has given me a great sense of spiritual awareness and understanding that I bring to my clients. I can help guide you to big life changes including more prosperity and harmonious relationships (including the one with yourself).

These come from increased clarity of thought and huge releases of limiting beliefs. I’m also told that people feel less fearful, enjoy what life has to offer a lot more and are standing up for themselves by speaking their truth.

If these are areas of your life you’d like to work on (and I believe they are for just about everyone who is aware) then I have put together a special package for you.

“Mina has helped me in all areas of my life physically, spiritually and emotionally. Physically I have been
struggle with bladder weakness which was overwhelming at times for about 5 years, then after doing some sessions with Mina , it has improved so much that I am stronger in that area.

Emotionally, Mina has helped improve my confidence and my ability to resolve issues with people learning to how too, managed difficult situations and people. My work and career has improved so much.

Spiritually, Mina has been an amazing mentor, she has been an constant source of support and helped me incredibility especially with my 3 year old daughter, teaching me to be aware of the importance of intuition for myself and passing this onto my daughter, Mina has supported my mothering skills, thank you so much Mina. “

Love & Light, Nic xx

The Love Yourself… Love Your Life Collection
I have put together a special collection of 12 healing meditations, activations and clearings.
All of them are infused with universal unconditional love energy and we also release any collective thinking you’re tied to by unplugging you from the matrix.

Simply put… you get results!

You’ll also have an option to work 1-on-1 with me if you like… read on to find out more.

1. Body Energy Clearing With The Love Vortex
The love vortex clears negativity, low vibrational energy thoughts, psychic attacks, psychic hooks, feelings, emotions and beliefs that may be in your energy field and are not yours or not there for your best and highest good. You’ll feel instantly refreshed and uplifted after this clearing and you’ll feel lighter as your vibration is raised.
2. Embracing Your Intuitive Self
With this guided meditation you will connect your conscious mind with your subconscious mind and back to true essence of who you are. This will help you to be more open to your subconscious mind and therefore be more aware of your beliefs systems and intuition.
3. Frozen In Time
This healing meditation has been created to release you from being stuck in the timeline. When we go through a lot of shock it’s common for some of our energy to stay behind. With this meditation we bring you back into the present again so you can start moving forward and we also we clear all loops in time.
During this meditation people go back to a feeling of lightness and experience a sense of freedom again (or for the first time).
4. Healing The Ego Aspect
Our egos have no concept of what love is so by allowing our egos to experience love we can let go of fear and start creating from love. During the meditation we release our ego of all obligations and needs to control you or your life so you can get back in the driver’s seat again.
With this session you can expect to let go of a lot of fear and feel a sense of empowerment.
5. Journey Into The Heart
In this mediation we bring all the different aspects of your being together and align them for your higher good. This includes your inner child, ego, emotional body, mental body, physical body, all energy bodies and higher self. This is a great tool to bring more awareness, joy and love into your life.
With this activation/alignment you’ll feel more intuitive and realize you are an infinite being that is always connected to source.
6. Releasing Subconscious Confusion
Our minds are like sponges and we absorb everything around us at the subconscious level… especially while we were growing up. Our subconscious mind often get confused with certain concepts because we are sending it mixed messages from our past experiences and this confusion creates a lot of limiting beliefs.
Do you know the difference between love and fear at the subconscious level? Self-love and vanity, compassion and pity? Clearing these will allow you to have a better understanding of your beliefs systems and you’ll begin to see yourself in a different light.
7. Healing Past Lives
This session will take you to a past life or lives that are impeding you to love yourself fully, to feel worthy of love and get connected to divine love. We eliminate cords, vows, contracts, spells, curses, promises, oaths, implants, agreements, trauma and shock while we download forgiveness and understanding.
With this session you experience a huge amount of release… especially at the soul level.
8. Activating Heart Chakra For Self-Love
The greatest gift you can give yourself is self-love. This activation will help you strengthening the heart chakra and give you a greater sense of self-love. We bring the divine emerald flame to dissolve all blocks in your heart while we align your sacred heart with your physical heart and heart of creation.
During this session you will download the frequencies of unconditional love for self, self-forgiveness and
9. Activating Your Base Chakra For Abundance & Prosperity
This activation will help strengthen the base chakra with the divine ruby flame and unlock energies, feelings and emotions that are not allowing you to bring into your life the abundance and prosperity you deserve.
10. Clearing Low Vibration Energy From your Home/ Office
We bring the love vortex to completely clear your home from all negativity, all low vibration energies and entities. We download a protective shield and bring the angels to keep your home safe and impervious to low energy.
11. Into The Womb- Healing The Inner Child
This journey will take from the moment of conception up to the moment of being born and then all the way to the present moment. We release feelings, emotions and energies
that don’t belong to you. You will learn the difference between your feelings / emotions / energies and the
ones of your parents.
We also clear your genetic line 30 generations back, release trauma / shock / emotional pain from childhood and cut toxic cords with your parents and your past. There is a huge amount of healing for the inner child in this session.
12. Detoxing Your Body
Detox your body from resentment, anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, self-blame, grudges, virus, bacteria and fungus. This session will help free you from low vibrational emotions, feelings and beliefs. It will also help you to create and maintain healthy boundaries with environment around you.
Plus Receive These Amazing Bonus
Sessions For Free
The Magic Pool – Love
This healing meditation will allow you to experience an instant feeling of peace and serenity. We take you on a guided mediation where you can experience feelings like self-love, self-forgiveness, joy, support, unconditional love, bliss, worthiness, love and gratitude.

It’s an empowering meditation which will allow you to experience feelings that you’ve probably never felt before in such a pure form and it will help you to manifest your heart’s desires.

The Magic Pool – Abundance
In this mediation we jump into abundance, prosperity, inspiration, wealth, plenty, fortune, worthiness and gratitude. This is another empowering meditation that allows you to experience the pure emotions connected with abundance and see the world from the perspective of millionaires and billionaires.

You can use this meditation any time you want to experience more abundance in your life and it’s great for getting into peak state to ensure all your dreams come true.

The Magic Pool – Ideal Weight
We go back to the magic pool and experience feeling beautiful, feeling healthy, feeling slim, feeling safe, feeling loved, feeling motivated, feeling worthy and feeling grateful.

Many of my clients used to struggle to maintain their ideal weight because of the emotional blocks that are hidden deep in their subconscious mind. In this meditation you will experience all the positive emotions associated with your personal ideal weight which will help you to manifest the results you desire in your physical body.

Plus Work With Me Personally If You Desire?
The meditations and activations above cover a wide variety of issues and problems that my clients face. These allow you to make massive changes in your life in a very short space of time simply by sitting back and listening to the sessions.

However there is never a magic bullet that will fix your entire life in one fell swoop. That’s why I recommend you work your way through the sessions above and then book in a private session with me to eliminate the biggest blocks in your life.

This allows me to drill down into exactly what your biggest area of concern is and help you to receive the amazing results you desire. Hence I have added a second package that includes…

A personal 1 hour session with
me to work on whatever you
desire (normally $150)
“In just a few sessions Mina was able to pinpoint, the issues that were a battle in my life and we commenced the process of my personal healing. Although I am a ‘work in progress’ as I like to call it, Mina is there for me every step of the way.

Her kindness and generosity goes beyond a healer into a friendship that I now treasure and rely on. She was able to bring into my life a sense of peace that I had not felt in a long time.

Thank you Mina for your kind words, thoughts, healing and messages of love and peace. I don’t know what I would do without your support.”

Dalia Graca – Melbourne, Australia

Here’s What You Do Next
Simply select the package that best suits your needs below…
Package A
12 Meditations and Activations including…
  • Body Energy Clearing With The Love Vortex
  • Embracing Your Intuitive Self
  • Frozen In Time
  • Healing The Ego Aspect
  • Journey Into The Heart
  • Releasing Subconscious Confusion
  • Healing Past Lives
  • Activating Heart Chakra For Self-Love
  • Activating Your Base Chakra For Abundance & Prosperity
  • Clearing Low Vibration Energy From your Home/ Office
  • Into The Womb- Healing The Inner Child
  • Detoxing Your Body
Plus 3 Bonus Meditations…
  • The Magic Pool – Love
  • The Magic Pool – Abundance
  • The Magic Pool – Ideal Weight
Salepage: http://fromheartachetojoy.com/series6/special/Mina/
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/xnVlk

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Mina Firme - Love yourself
Mina Firme – Love yourself, Love your life
Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $28.00. Add to cart