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Yes, diet is important, but no one wants to eat broccoli and chicken for the rest of their lives. They did not have to. Format File: [webrip 31MP4, 11PDF] File size: 920.56 MB

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Yes, diet is important, but no one wants to eat broccoli and chicken for the rest of their lives. They did not have to. Format File: [webrip 31MP4, 11PDF] File size: 920.56 MB

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Metabolic Effect – MET10

Metabolic Effect - MET10

Introducing Metabolic 10:
Serious Workouts That Make You Look Like An Athlete

“Can I ask you a question.” She says with a look of frustration & hope.

“I have been working out with my personal trainer for 18 months. When I hired her I told her I want to look like fit & muscular, like an athlete. It has been 3 months and I look no different. She says it’s my diet, but my diet is probably better than hers. And when I look around the gym I see the same people who have been there for years and they look exactly the same too. Why? How can all that exercise not make a dent in the way I look or they look?”

I had a simple answer for her. I said, “the reason is simple. If you want to look like an athlete you need to eat and train like one.”

She looked confused.

I continued, “what does your trainer and every other person who wants to look good do?”

She answered cautiously, “well we exercise more and try to eat less.”

“Exactly,” I said. “But athletes don’t do that”

“They Don’t?” She replied.

I explained to her that no athlete in his or her right mind would train for and compete in their sport while eating less. Athletes train hard and eat enough to fuel exercise and recover from it.

in other words, athletes NEVER eat less and exercise more.  They eat more because the exercise more. That is why they are both lean and muscular. Their exercise burns the fat and breaks down the muscle and the extra food they eat then goes to repairing muscle and building more of it.

So the secret to building a body that looks like an athlete, is to train and eat like one. That is the problem and the fix is that simple.
Why You Are Here

If you are here on this page I know you are someone who is serious about fitness. Serious, but probably frustrated too. I mean if you were getting the results you wanted from your workouts you would not be interested in a new one. Right?

Perhaps you are a weightlifter or do Crossfit? Maybe you are just your average fitness junky looking for the solution to the problem.

You know the problem. It is rarely mentioned and often glossed over by the workout gurus, health magazines and fitness blogs, but you see evidence of it every time you set food in the gym.

What’s The Problem?

Research tells us that 90% of the exercising public. People workout because they want to look better, plain and simple.

The problem? Workouts on the market today do a terrible job at helping make that happen.

Let me tell you a story about some past clients of mine to illustrate.

They were a couple and they were not couch potatoes. In fact, they were fairly active. Unlike most people, they loved to workout.

Here is their story…….
Tim And Teri

Tim is 38 and Teri just turned 33.

Teri attends a yoga class, or two, each week. She often does a few spin classes as well.

Tim lifts weights three or four times per week and hits a spin class with Teri on rare occasions.

Both look fine.  They are not fat by anyone’s standards, but they don’t exactly look like people who workout either.

Truth is, Tim would be happy if he lost a couple inches around his waist, tightened up his “man boobs,” and got some definition back in his arms.

Teri is no heavier than she was in college, but she is feeling saggy (her words, not mine).  She would love to look tight and tone again, like she did when she cheered in college.
Time To Get Serious

They decide they are going to step up their game. Tim joins a Crossfit center and Teri hires a personal trainer.

They each double their workout efforts putting in four to five workouts per week.

Tim finds himself in a workout he is unaccustomed to. He is hurling light weights around at quick speeds.
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One minute the workout has him slamming a ball on the ground, the next second he is swinging a gadget that looks like a cannonball with handles over his head.

Every once in awhile he pushes some real weights on barbells around, but mostly he is running back and forth non-stop with little overload on his muscles.

He seems to be constantly jumping off and on things. When he is not doing that he is trying to jump rope (or whipping himself as he explained to me). He is also doing a ton of rowing and running.

The workout gets him breathing hard and he definitely gets a good sweat going, but his body just does not feel the burn and strain his weightlifting used to deliver.
Her Workout

Teri’s workout looks a lot different.  Her workout consists of making her way slowly around the gym to various machines.

She isolates every area of her body.

One minute she is doing an inner thigh thing.  Then she does an outer thigh thing.

Then she does a thing for the front of her arms and another for the back of her arms. She then does stuff to address her chest, back and legs.

She jokingly told me that her trainer once had her do “pinky curls” just to make sure she hit every body part.
The Results

I am going to tell you what happened here, but I bet you already know, don’t you? Not much happened.

Don’t get me wrong, Tim lost a few pounds. Unfortunately he also lost some of the hard won definition he had in his arms.

His waist measurement barely budged and his “man boobs” remained.

All of that and he was feeling exhausted, hungry as a rhinoceros and started having constant cravings for sweets and other high calorie foods.

Teri faired much worse.  She actually gained some weight and added a few inches to her legs.  Her jeans were now tighter in the thighs.

Her trainer told her it was muscle, and maybe it was, but that did not help Teri.

If she was going to have bigger legs she wanted them to be tighter, unfortunately they just increased in size and had no more tone than when she started.

As she said to me, “if my jeans are going to end up being tighter, than I want it to be through the butt, not the thighs, and I want those areas to look better, not just bigger!!”

She also told me that her level of fitness declined.

“My old workouts used to make me breathless,” She said.  These workouts literally felt like I barely breathed hard at all.”
A Simple Intervention

By the time these two came to see me I had been working in the world of body change for over twenty years.

I started personal training at the age of fifteen, believe it or not.  I would write off-season workout programs for the guys on my football team and even some of their moms.

By the time I was in college, getting my degree in biochemistry, I was personal training clients on the regular.

Later when I attended medical school, personal training was one of the major ways I supplemented my income.

After I finished my doctorate in functional medicine (a medical specialty where diet, exercise and natural remedies are prioritized over drugs), I continued to personal train.

I made fitness, specifically healthy body change, my life’s work.  I say body change, because weight loss is not really what makes the body “look good.”

Fat loss along with muscle gain, or at least maintenance, is what does that.

By the time I started working with Teri & Tim, I had written one best-seller, and had my second book on the way.

I had also already helped over a million people through my online  infomercial blockbuster workouts Metabolic Aftershock and Metabolic Prime.

I am not telling you all of this about me to brag. The knowledge I developed was VERY hard won. I am embarrassed to admit it, but in the beginning I had it all wrong.

Like most fit guys in their twenties I was a little full of myself, and more than a little ignorant coming up through the ranks.

The reason I figured out what needed to happen with Teri and Tim was through my own hard won experience– with clients yes– but more so with myself.  I will get to that story in just a second.

The point is, I knew exactly what needed to happen with Teri and Tim and I went to work making the adjustments immediately.
Simple Changes, Big Results

I know it is tempting to think I did something complicated and “sciency” with Teri and Tim, actually I didn’t.

Well, maybe I did toss some science in the mix, but it was not that complicated.

All I did was three things

I made two changes to their exercise regimes and then one tweak to their diet.

I moved Tim back to the heavy weight workouts, but kept the quick pace of his new workouts
I made Teri adjust the weight training she was doing by ditching the isolation moves and dramatically shortening her rest periods
I Gave them each a super simple diet consisting of just 10 foods.

What may shock you is that I did not have them exercise more.  I kept their workout sessions the same duration, except with the tweaks above.

I also did not give them any new fangled magical workout formula either. There were no “Bulgarian split-Tabatta, boo-boo intervals” 😉 …. or anything else like that.

Another surprising thing? The amount of time they spent at each workout actually decreased.

In addition, I did not pull the whole “abs are made in the kitchen gambit” on them either.

Yes, diet is important, but no one wants to eat broccoli and chicken for the rest of their lives. They did not have to.

I will get into more of the changes in a minute, but the results were just what I expected.

After three months they each lost about 5% body fat.

Yes, even Teri who is a women (females are notoriously slower losers than men).

As a matter of fact, she slightly edged Tim in her results.

Truth is, the workout system I gave them is particularly beneficial for women because it takes advantage of their natural ability to release large amounts of human growth hormone (HGH) from the right types of workouts.

Their weight did not change that much, but their body shape did.

Tim lost more than two inches in his waist and got his defined arms back.

Teri got her hourglass shape back, developed that nice leg crease that is the hallmark of a fit, female lower-body and developed a little bit of the booty she was wanting.

Their results were not jaw-dropping manufactured, infomercial before and afters, but their friends and family all registered a BIG difference.

They looked like a fit couple, the kind you see walking the beach or wooded trails during the summer.

They were happy and I was happy for them.
My Story

Before I get into the major influencing factors for Teri and Tim, I want to show you my results as well.

The first thing you should know about me is that I have been a lifter since the age of eleven.

I begged my father to let me lift with my two older brothers since I was seven years old.  He eventually relented and let me hit the weights by the time I hit eleven.

I stayed lean and fit right up until the age of 28 and then something pretty dramatic happened.

While I was a full time medical student, I also worked weekends as a bartender and personal trainer.

Starting Friday night I would work until four o’clock in the morning.

I would then sleep two hours and then work a twelve-hour personal training shift all day Saturday before going back to the bar for another 4am bedtime.

I would rest up as best I could and then go through a strenuous week of full-time classes before repeating that ferocious weekend schedule.

Have you ever had to get up after only an hour or two of sleep, or stayed up all night studying several nights in a row?

Well, I can tell you it is painful to the bones.

And I was training too. Back then the super intense metabolic conditioning workouts like Crossfit were all the rage.

I attacked these workout with gusto.
Damaged Metabolism

After living this schedule for nine months, and suffering the debilitating fatigue and unrelenting hunger and cravings that ensued, I went from a lean 215 pounds to close to 250 pounds!

And most of this weight came on in a 3 month period!! And it happened while I was exercising!!

I also diagnosed myself with hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue and a severe vitamin D deficiency.

For a time after that, I got my shit together and started taking care of myself.

I dropped my Friday night bartending shift and did what I needed to do to get healthy and lean again.

Fast forward several years later and I was back to late nights, crazy hours and a hectic schedule trying to run a clinic, write a book and build an online business.

Before I knew it I ballooned back up to 250 pounds and was feeling worse than ever.

I am not sure why I did not learn my lesson the first time, but this time, I just kept on working harder.

I had been learning and researching all about the paleo diet and hardcore metabolic conditioning and my business was becoming famous for these workouts.

Thinking I could out exercise, and out eat the problem, I started dieting harder than ever and working out even more. Guess what happened?

NOTHING!! In fact, worse than nothing. I was feeling worse and if I let up on my hectic regime even a little bit I gained fat.
The Workout Boomerang

I was doing everything right and I could not really make a dent in my weight.

One of the things that was most problematic is that the approach I was taking eventually always led to a binge of some sort.

As an example, I would get a burst of motivation (a welcome break from the mental fatigue and lethargy), and I would hit the gym hard!!

Then I would be completely wiped out and not be able to workout for days. My hunger and cravings also skyrocketed as a result.

It was like a boomerang.  The longer or more intense I worked out, the harder my metabolic boomerang would whip back against me.

After seeing this phenomena play out in patient after patient, I gave it a name. I have come to call this phenomenon “the workout boomerang!”

The lean body I once had was slipping further and further away the harder I tried.

I kept “eating clean” and I kept working out like crazy despite having little motivation and feeling like crap.

I went on thyroid medications and took a ton of supplements and herbs. None of it worked that well.

I could not lose the fat and the fatigue and brain fog were becoming unrelenting.

Have you ever felt so tired that it actually hurts?

Or slept an entire night and felt like you were half conscious the entire time?

It is miserable right? Well, that was me.
The Solution Was Staring Me In The Face

What’s funny is that by this point in my career I was known for getting people results.  I had already worked with many individuals just like Tim and Teri.

For some reason I had a mental block to using this approach on myself.

I thought it did not apply to me.

I thought, “I am different. I am a fitness guy. I know the right workouts to do and these are them.  Besides, I love my workouts.”

Maybe you can relate? We humans are funny creatures aren’t we?

We have this incredible ability to be objective and logical when it comes to others, but when we are dealing with ourselves we can often become delusional and irrational.

Even though I had worked with many others, in devising smarter ways to exercise I convinced myself the solution did not apply to me.

Finally, I relented and instituted the plan. And like my other clients dealing with the same issue, the fat started coming off and the muscle started coming back.

I was able to reduce, and then get off my thyroid meds. And I lost weight!
My workouts were working again.

Check out my before and after pictures below. The first set was taken a year a part and then the next set of three are the next 3 years in a row.

I have been using the Metabolic 10 system almost exclusively this entire time.

I am now 44 and I am in the best shape of my life.

So how do you start implementing this for yourself?

Well, I have the solution for you. The exact program I have used for myself and countless others.

But before I share it with you, let me tell you why it is so powerful and how I created it.
The 3 Don’ts of Exercise

The reason the Metabolic 10 system works so well is actually pretty simple.  It takes advantage of what we know about the hormonal effects of exercise.

You see, most people treat exercise like it is either a calorie burning thing or a muscle building thing.

What they don’t realize is that exercise is a hormonal stimulus. The way you exercise determines which hormones are released.

Most people want to “look like they fit,” right?  Well, to do that you need to burn fat while building, or at least maintaining, muscle.

The truth is, the body does not like to multitask. It either likes to be burning fat, and muscle (catabolism).  Or it likes to be building muscle, and fat (anabolism).

In order to do both you need to approach exercise differently.
Don’t Do #1: Breathless Workouts Only

This was the mistake Teri was making.

She was programmed to thinking her workouts needed to make her hot and sweaty and get her breathless.

She thought if the workout was not doing this than she was not burning calories and would not get results.

There is some truth to this, but getting breathless and hot and sweaty is not enough.

When you get breathless in a workout you will release the hormone adrenaline along with cortisol.  These hormones will definitely help you burn some fat during the workout.

The problem is they will also cause loss of muscle too if your not careful.

The other issue is that cortisol is notorious for causing cravings for calorie rich foods.

Many people do not realize their cardio habit is related to their cheesecake habit.

The body needs to have other hormones working for it to allow the benefits of adrenaline and cortisol to be accentuated while their detrimental effects are eliminated.

The hormones that do this are human growth hormone and testosterone. These hormones are released when you lift heavy weights and get the muscles burning.
Don’t Do #2: Heavy Weights Only

This was Tim’s problem.

He did not understand the Law of Metabolic Multitasking either.

He thought all he had to do was eat protein and lift weights.

Unlike Teri he did lift heavy and get his muscles burning, but he also never got his body breathless or sweating.

He was getting the testosterone effect, but he was not getting the adrenaline and calorie burning effect.

By pure chance Tim and Teri switched positions and started making the opposite mistakes.

Tim started out making mistake #2 and then he joined Crossfit and started making mistake #1

Teri was making mistake #1 and then she got a trainer and started making mistake #2

The change I made with them was essentially correcting both mistakes.

Metabolic 10 got Teri the weight training she needed, but also elevated the calorie burn and adrenaline response at the same time.

Metabolic 10 got Tim elevating the adrenaline and breathless response while giving him the weightlifting stimulus that was already working for him.

For me the system did something entirely different.  For me, Metabolic 10 was enough, but not too much.

I was overdoing it with super-intense fitness oriented programs.

The metabolism is sensitive to the stress of overtraining, and that was throwing my hormonal system out of whack.  That is why I kept pushing myself over the edge.

Metabolic 10 balanced this by giving me enough work, but not too much.

Don’t Do #3: Circus Workouts

Perhaps you have heard some of the advice I mentioned above?

Maybe someone told you that you should combine weights and cardio?

Or maybe the solution is to “lift weights faster,” meaning take shorter rests between sets.

These are not too far off from the truth.  In fact, this is great advice except for one thing; people turn these workouts into a circus act.

For some odd reason, people hear about mistake #1 and #2 above, and then try to correct them by throwing a bunch of random exercises together.

You’ll see them jumping from one thing to the next with no rhyme or reason.

One minute they are battling a big heavy rope on the ground. After that they quickly run over to a kettlebell and swing that a few times.  Then they jump up and down off of a box. There may be a sandbag or a sled thrown in too.

I mean why don’t you dress like a clown and juggle some heavy clubs someone set on fire too! I kid of course 😉

But seriously, If there is one secret to body change it is simple, full-body movements repeated again and again and again.

Muscle stimulation through increased volume (i.e. the same muscle doing a lot of work) and progressive overload (increasing that work each workout) is the trick.

If you want to change your body, you need to stop the circus workouts that are more about entertainment, and focus instead on the simple workouts that actually deliver results.
Don’t Do #4 (The Bonus Factor): Food Fear

Nutrition today is more like politics and religion than science.

Teri and Tim were like most people.  They had all these beliefs about foods that were good and foods that were bad.

They were pretty extreme.  To them “sugar was toxic.” They thought “carbs caused cancer.” They had a bunch of other less than accurate beliefs as well.

I understood completely. I empathized with them.

After all, how is the average person suppose to make sense of nutrition nowadays with all the gurus, blogs, magazines and books spouting all kinds of info?

I simply gave them a new perspective.

I told them that nutrition is actually pretty simple.  Research shows that people eat the same 10 foods over and over again day in and day out.

That is the first insight they needed. They just needed a list of 10 highly nutritious foods that work for almost everyone.

The second major insight was that you can’t eliminate the foods you love.

If you love chocolate and then make it off limits, it is like saying don’t think of a pink elephant. Of course that is all you are going to think of, aren’t you?

Saying you are not going to eat chocolate, will completely avoid carbs or anything else like that actually makes you eat more of those very same things over the long-run.

The solution is to make sure one of your 10 foods is a food you love.

A food that satisfies your brain and takes the edge off. This way you can eat the foods that really work for you the rest of the time.

Complicating your diet will frustrate and confuse your ability to get results.

I taught Tim and Teri to stop seeing food as the enemy.

It is not about eating, or not eating, certain foods, but rather eating more of the foods that work for you.
Why It Works: The Bs & Hs, Overload
& Progressive resistance

There are three major reasons Metabolic 10 works better than anything else on the market to make you “look like you fit.”

The Bs & Hs: breathless, burning, heavy & heat. Each workout generates the mechanical muscle strain and metabolic stimulation required to elicit the hormonal response that creates a muscular lean body. Adrenaline & cortisol combined with testosterone and HGH torch body fat and help maintain muscle. Each Met 10 workout delivers this response.

Muscle Overload: It is the amount of work a muscle does that determines how it will respond. In exercise research this is known as workout volume (i.e. sets X reps X weight). Metabolic 10 uses ten core moves to make sure each major body-part gets the overload required to grow and tighten.

Progressive Resistance: From workout to workout, week to week and month to month the body needs to be challenged with ever greater loads and demands. The workouts in Metabolic 10 are programmed using a push/pull methodology so that you can tax your muscles the correct way while also making the body stronger, less injury prone and aiding faster recovery.

Time To Look Like You Fit

Every where you turn you see hot body’s on social media, TV, magazines, blogs and everywhere else. They tell you to do this or that workout so you will get the body you want.

If you try these workouts, you end up getting minor results in areas that are of minor concern.

Who wants to put all that effort into a workout program and then not even look the part?

That is the problem right there. The workouts you are doing are NOT making you look good because they are missing the key elements I described above.

This is why I developed the Metabolic 10 system. Let me tell you a little about the program.
What Is Metabolic 10?

Metabolic 10, or Met10 for short, is a complete A to Z workout system. I did not want to leave anything out of this program. It literally has everything you need.

10-Weeks of Workouts, 6 each week.
Instructional videos for each and every workout. 6 days a week for 12-weeks (10-weeks plus 2 weeks of testing).
High production, studio quality videos
Guided workout adjustments in each and every workout
Choose your cardio from running, rowing or calisthenics
Flexible enough to be done at a fully equipped gym, Crossfit box or your home
Minimal equipment required. Each workout gives instructions on how to complete it with nothing but dumbbells and a chair.
Regressions and default exercises given for every exercise and workout (infinitely scalable)
The exact weights to use with every exercise in every workout. No guessing
Guided warm-up and cooldown videos
A super-simple nutrition plan utilizing the 10 foods for fat loss. You don’t need to eat anything but these foods.
Personal online portal to access your workouts, record your scores and communicate with other participants.
And more……….

Metabolic 10 uses metabolic conditioning, a workout system that merges weights and cardiovascular training by reducing the rest between sets.

It is unique in that it does this with simple push and pull movements to keep you safe and amplify results.

The system is utterly unique because it uses a concept I developed through my years of personal training called Rest-Based Training (RBT for short).

RBT allows exercisers of all fitness levels to participate safely because they can rest whenever they want before resuming the workout.

RBT elevates the workout intensity while making the workout safer at the same time.

If you have never done this style of training all you need to remember is the phrasing “push until you can’t, rest until you can.”

The program uses mixed implements in the training (think kettlebells, Med balls, dumbbells, running, rowing and barbells).

However, it also makes things super simple by showing you how to complete each and every workout with nothing but dumbbells, your body and a chair or bench.

The system is built off 10 moves and 10 foods with the goal of building a body that “looks like it’s fit.”

This program is not about winning a fitness race, it’s about building a better looking, more functional and fit body.
Who is Metabolic 10 for?

Intermediate to advanced exercisers who want to be pushed to the next level in body change
Those wanting to accelerate fat loss
Those who don’t want to think about their workouts and want to see measurable progress.
Weightlifters who have ever wanted to try Crossfit style workouts
Crossfitters who want a little more muscle growth out of their workouts.
Lifters and runners both will find something familiar and something new in this system.
Anyone wanting a more fit looking, functional an healthy body
Anyone tired of the confusion in diet and exercise. Metabolic 10 is back to the basics while also delivering the most cutting edge training tools
Those wanting increased muscle mass, definition or tone

What equipment is needed?

While a fully equipped gym would be great, each workout is regressed to the least common denominator.

All that is really required is a set of dumbbells, your body and a chair.
Get Started With Metabolic 10

I know your probably eager to get started and want to know how much the program will cost.

This is where you are going to fall in love with me because the cost of this program is no where near what it used to run.

I remember when I was delivering these types of 12-week programs in person. We would run 5 workouts a week and each workout was twenty dollars.

For a 3 month program, you do the math.

12 weeks multiplied by 5 workouts a week is 60 workouts.

Now multiply 60 by twenty dollars per workout and you are talking $100 per week, $400 per month and $1200 for the entire program.

Given technology today the internet allows me to deliver my expertise to you at a fraction of the cost.

You are definitely not going to have to pay $1200.

You wont even pay $400, which actually would be a steal for a 3-month in-depth program like this.

The cost of Metabolic 10 is just three monthly payments of $49.97. That is essentially the cost of one week.

But you have another benefit. If you are one of the first 100 buyers of Metabolic 10, you will also get 10 group coaching calls with me directly. The last time I did a program where I was coaching the cost was $150 per month. You early actors pay just a fraction of that.
3 Payments of $49.97!!

But look, you don’t even have to commit to the program fully right now. I am actually going to let you try the entire system for thirty days; a full month.

If you don’t like it all you need to do is contact me prior to thirty days and my staff will give you a full, no questions asked refund.

I realize buying programs like this can sometimes be a little anxiety producing. After all, you have not even seen the program yet.

That is why I am doing this. I want you to trust that I am here to help you, not sell you.

These are the kinds of deals I like, a win-win among friends.
Time To Do Something Different

At this point you have a choice.  You can keep doing the same old tired and ineffective workouts and get the exact same frustrating results you have been getting, or you can try something new.

Look, things out there are not going to change.  You are still going to be getting new workouts, diets and systems pitched to you all day, every day.

They are going to continue pushing you the same song and dance.

But you know as well as I do, you cant keep doing the same things and expect different results.

Metabolic 10 is a chance for you to do something different.  Something that works. Something that can get you out of your workout rut and generate results again.

This is program will finally get you the fit body you have been trying to develop.

Metabolic 10 will make you “look like you fit.”

Thanks for hanging out with me. I cant wait to see you on the inside of the program.

Oh, and before you go…..here is a little sample workout directly out of the program for you…. so you can get an idea of how the program is delivered.

This is one of my favorite workouts, its called Neo.

See you inside Metabolic 10……..once you make your purchase you will get all the details on how to access the system.  Any questions?  Don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected].

Sincerely, Dr. Jade Teta

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Metabolic Effect - MET10
Metabolic Effect – MET10
Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $12.00. Add to cart