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Matt Artisan - Desire & Escalation Mastery1Matt Artisan – Desire & Escalation Mastery


Why do women crave sex with certain men while completely ignoring others? Nobody’s taught you this…

Our million-year evolution proves you have exactly what it takes to turn women on. Today, I’ll reveal what’s behind the red velvet rope – like I have for 1,000s of guys – to becoming a man that women want to sleep with.

  • Discover how you can naturally spark the sexual part of her brain (that allows you to score gorgeous 8s, 9s & 10s)…
  • Even if you don’t live in a penthouse, look like a GQ model, or are “well-endowed”…
  • And have tried everything – from sleazy pickup lines… bizarre “peacocking”… and even trying to pull off a bad boy persona.
  • Read on to uncover the most natural way to make women feel lust and desire for you – proven by science.

There are some men with the ability to sexually arouse women as if by some magical spell.

You know who I’m talking about – the ones who make women laugh at the stupidest jokes, blush at the cheesiest compliments, and get turned on like an outta’ control wildfire.

These guys can have nearly any woman they want… almost any night of the week.

What these men possess is available to every guy right now, because we were created to turn women on – even you.

But unfortunately, few men ever realize it.

Without it, it’s easy for women to completely ignore you.

You risk never meeting the women you fantasize about. Other men like yourself date hotter women because they know how to turn to women on.

You might even be the man she’s looking for, but she doesn’t see it when you’re talking to her.

It’s frustrating to feel like sex is impossible to get, especially when other guys make it look so easy.

When you possess this skill, the world opens its legs for you.

You discover exactly how to make women want you. They hit on you, text you first, and give you signals to do with them as you please.

You develop a confidence that makes you attractive in any situation. If you’re in a crowded coffee shop or even a raging night club, women see you as the man they want to go home with.

And you even become the guy people want to be around – attracting beautiful women, new friends, and complete strangers who can’t get enough of you.

The ability to harness your sexual power and turn women on gives you an unfair advantage that most men would kill for.

Forget everything you know about women, because today, I’m going to reveal how you can become a man that women want to sleep with…

Even if you’re shy, average looking, don’t have money, and haven’t been with a gorgeous woman before (or any women for that matter).

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

“Every Dating Coach & Their Mom Makes The Same Promise!”

(But They Forget The Most Important Part…)

The problem with most dating gurus is they try to conform you to a certain “style” that feels unnatural, or even doing stupid things to “free you” from your comfort zone… just to ultimately make a fool out of yourself.

They often regurgitate what everyone else teaches, without getting real-world experience themselves and without seeing it work with actual students.

They forget the most important part – how can I teach this so other students can replicate my results?

And that’s where our approach is different. It’s where I focused lots of my attention.

That’s why what I have for you today, although it may sound like everybody else, will give you that “aha!” moment to understanding a woman’s mind…

Bringing you closer to becoming the man who can pick and choose the women you want.

Before we go there, let me detour to introduce myself…

How A Shy Guitarist Terrified Of Hot Women Uncovered The “Secret” To An Astonishing Sex Life

Hey, my name is Matt Artisan, founder of The Attractive Man international dating company.

I’ve personally coached thousands of men in 40 different countries how to become the man that women want to be with.

When a good guy struggles to attract great women, I help them discover how to be the guy that wins her over – without using stupid, unethical tricks that feel sleazy.

I knew men around the world needed this, because I used to struggle with it too.

This is me 10 years ago. I played in a rock band that toured with Linkin Park.

Back then, getting girls was EASY.

The status I gained by touring with one of the greatest rock bands alive made girls want to sleep with me… and there was never a shortage of them.

Chilling out all day, rocking the stage at night, and sleeping with gorgeous women became like clockwork – I was living every guy’s dream.

But then the band broke up.

The moment this happened, I lost ALL of my “status” as a sex-worthy rock musician… and girls everywhere started to ignore me.

Girls used to come to me, but I wasn’t so lucky anymore… I was completely clueless about how to get girls. Without music, I didn’t think any girl would ever like me or my personality.

It really sucked, so I decided to focus on getting this dating part of my life handled.

I spent the next decade of my life learning the hard way.

I’d go to malls and walk for hours just trying to muster the courage to talk to a girl. It always ended up awkward… but never as bad as you’d think.

After approaching tons of women, I started learning what to say and what not to say. My confidence started to grow. And my calendar started to fill up with hot dates.

Eventually, these dates led back to my place and… let’s say I’m never turning back!


From that point onwards, it became an obsession to understand what turns women on.

Now, I’ve dated hundreds of women: perfect 10 models, hot Spanish chicks, gorgeous Russians, sexy Asians, kinky college girls, and even women who don’t speak English…

And I stumbled upon a universal truth about how the female brain works when it comes to attraction. This completely blew the lid open and shattered everything I knew about women.

Thank god, because what I learned is the very thing that allows you – or any man – to score stunning women… even if you’ve never done it before.

It’s almost too simple, as you’ll soon see why.

The Ancient Million-Year-Old Discovery That Allows Average Guys To Score 8s, 9s & 10s

Some men I tell this story to call blasphemy.

But it’s not my opinion – it’s strong scientific evidence supported by the smartest people on the planet.

I’ll let my man Neil deGrasse Tyson, world-renowned scientist, fill you in:

“The theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a scientific fact.”

If we date back millions of years ago, we can find evidence that humans existed. They cared about 3 things:

  • Food
  • Survival
  • Sex

Sex wasn’t complicated back then. In fact, it was stupidly simple.

Women chose a male based on one thing… and if he could do it, she would have sex with him.

In fact, it had to be simple – because if it weren’t, then our male ancestors would’ve seriously struggled to turn women on and keep the human species alive.

Fast forward to today, we suddenly view ourselves as these “highly civilized” beings who have control over our sex drives…

But in reality, we’re still driven by the same “desires” that helped our ancestors survive. Meaning, we don’t control our sex drive – it controls us… especially women.

Completely average guys who understand this are easily scoring 8s, 9s and 10s, because they know what turned her on millions of years ago is what turns her on today.

We think we need looks, money and fancy things to make women want to sleep with us today… but we really don’t.

It all comes down to one thing:

Women Love A Man Who Seduces Her “Sex Brain”

There’s a part of the female brain that’s heavily programmed for sex.

When this part of the brain is activated, she gets horny and will likely choose a man to fulfill her “evolutionary desires.”

Her sex brain is activated by a few major chemicals, and those chemicals are released when a man does certain things.

For example, Dopamine is known as the “pleasure chemical”… this is released simply by talking about something slightly sexual in a conversation.

The “love drug” Oxytocin makes her feel attached to a man. This is activated when she feels safe with you, which is something most dating coaches never talk about.

And Serotonin makes her view you as a high-status man. There are tons of techniques for triggering a Serotonin rush in her brain, one of them being strong eye contact.

There are many ways to arouse her brain chemistry, but I’ll teach you only the best ways that have been proven to work for 1,000s of men, including myself…

Because this is what her sex brain responds to… and it’s shockingly simple.

In fact, everything you THINK you need to turn a woman on doesn’t actually matter.

Why You Don’t Have To Be Rich, Good Looking or “Well Endowed” To Make Her Crave You

Around this point, I still hear guys tell me why it would never work:

  • “She only goes after hot guys, not trolls like me.”
  • “I’m not rich! What girl would ever sleep with a broke dude?”
  • “But what if I don’t have a big d**k? It’s hopeless…”

Look, I completely get it. I too struggled with those same negative thoughts. I believed there was no way women would like me – I’m not your typical “alpha male”…

But then I started actually talking to women… what I discovered was incredible.

Everything we’ve been led to believe about women is a big fat lie.

Even women don’t know what I’m teaching you here… which makes it that much better for you to make them want you. Let me explain:

I’ve coached fat, short, and balding guys into scoring some of the hottest chicks in the club.

But I’ve also coached rich model-looking guys who drive fancy cars because they still struggled to meet women, even after getting everything “society” says you need.

These things look good on paper to cross off an imaginary “mating” checklist…

But when it comes to triggering her “primal desires”, there’s a much deeper game being played.

Every man can master this game. And in just a moment, I’ll introduce you to a course that will help you become the star player.

Every man can master this game. And in just a moment, I’ll introduce you to a course that will help you become the star player.

What I’m about to show you is the most natural way to unlock the sexual attraction that you were born with.

I know how important it is to feel good while learning to meet, attract and sleep with women – both men and women hate when it feels forced and awkward, which is why typical “dating advice” fails.

If you’ve tried sleazy pickup lines, dressing in stupid clothes, and doing weird confidence-boosting exercises that make a fool out of yourself, then you’re not alone.

This is what amateur dating coaches teach their students, yet none of it works!

That’s why their students leave them and come to us.

I help good guys like yourself become attractive in a way that feels authentic to you. There’s no need to “change” yourself and try to act like someone you’re not… and that’s exactly what we show you.

If you’re inspired, then I want to introduce you to…

Desire & Escalation Mastery

The Advanced 6-Module Video Course That Helps You Become The Man Who Women Want To Sleep With

Desire & Escalation Mastery is a proven and field-tested outline for becoming a sexual, powerful man that turns women on and makes them want to be with you.

With 8 hours of expert video training, it dives into the primal female sex brain, the exact neurochemistry that causes a woman to feel turned on, how you can trigger her primal desires to make her want you, and specific methods for becoming a sexual man using your natural personality.

In fact, unlike most courses overloaded with +25 hours of content (who ever has time for that?) we decided to leave out all the useless, overcomplicated information… leaving you with only the most effective strategies for creating sexual attraction with women.

These are the only methods you’ll ever need to make a satisfying difference in your sex & dating life.

Here’s what you’ll discover inside the Desire & Escalation Mastery course:

Module 1: Triggering Primal Attraction

Learn how the female sex brain works, so you can gain confidence knowing exactly what turns women on. You will become clear on how to create deep romantic attraction, setting you apart from other frustrated chumps who feel hopeless with women.

Here’s a look at what’s inside:

  • Finally, learn what women really want in a sexual man.
  • ONE thing you must learn about yourself before you talk to another woman. If you don’t have this, she’ll look down on you like most unattractive, clueless men who struggle to meet women.
  • The simple, real, and TRUE definition of “confidence” that women look for in a man – this is the kind of confidence that make makes her want to be in an intimate relationship with you.
  • Advanced sensual attraction theory that explains why you can be short, small, skinny, fat, poor, or old… and still come off as an attractive, powerful man that women want to meet.
  • Revealed: The “Primal Attraction” equation that describes the perfect balance between being “nice” and being “powerful” (most men are too nice, soft and gentle… this will show you how to balance that out so women feel turned on to you, without being a jerk).

And so much more.

Module 2: Sexual Chemistry

Learn about the chemicals in the female brain that cause her to feel intense desire. This will give you a deeper grasp of female psychology and help you understand that women aren’t as complicated and tricky as you thought. These brain chemicals can be ethically influenced – in very natural and honest ways – to make women want you.

You’ll discover:

  • The scientifically proven chemical reaction that occurs in a woman’s brain when she meets a confident man (she has no control over these chemicals… while you have 100% control over what influences them).
  • Why Dopamine plays a critical role in female attraction – you’ll learn exactly how to cause a “Dopamine Dump” inside her brain so she starts smiling, laughing, and flirting with you more.
  • The #1 quality in a male that females link to sex (aka: because of her natural neurochemistry, if you can portray this ONE quality, you’ll trigger a deep desire that makes her want to be intimate with you.)
  • How to exude that powerful #1 quality in your own personality.
  • Unconventional advice most dating coaches DON’T teach their students… but will make women crave being around you, strangers love being in your presence, and will fill you with a level of confidence that can’t be shattered.

And a lot more.

Module 3: Rapid Seduction Formula

Learn how to portray yourself as a powerful, sexual man rather than a needy “nice guy”. This will give you a much higher chance at attracting women because you’ll immediately give off a sensual vibe. This is the key to leaving a first impression on a woman that makes her want you instead of being out in her friend zone.

Here’s a look at what’s inside:

  • Three field-tested ways to start any conversation, no matter what situation you’re in – this is what I’ve discovered after 5 years of talking to thousands of women… and it’s all you’ll ever need.
  • Five attributes you must have when you introduce yourself to a woman (the “Look of Desire” will make her see you as powerful, attractive, and sexy… nearly every single time).
  • One amazing method all high-status men secretly know that turn women on like wild (THIS is the reason nice guys end up frustrated while other “assholes” get all the women).
  • The only 3 things women expect from men when going out at night (no, it’s not buying her and her friends a drink… but learning this will give you a greater chance of her friends letting her be alone with you).
  • Revealed: You will finally learn the mysterious art of “flirting” and how you can make it a natural part of your personality (flirting is a combination of a few simple things, and you’ll learn it here!)

Plus, module 3 also includes…

Daytime Approach Breakdowns

You will see the Rapid Seduction Formula in action during four very different examples with real women. We’ll show you not only the GOOD, but also the bad and how it can be improved (because not even we are perfect at this).

You will see:

  • How to never run out of things to say – no matter what you’re talking about.
  • The perfect example of what it looks like to take charge in a situation as a man (it’s really simple and women love when a man does this).
  • How to successfully approach a woman with her friend in a shopping store… without making it awkward or embarrassing yourself.

And tons more.

Module 4: Rapid Escalation

You’ll learn how to quickly create desire in a woman directly after meeting her. This will teach you how to take control of the interaction, so you don’t waste your time having boring conversations and “waiting” for the right moment.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to genuinely make her feel like you would never judge her sexual desires. This is a reason a lot of women won’t sleep with a guy; because they are afraid of judgment. You will create a judgment-free space where she can express and experience her desires openly.
  • What to do when you make a move and a woman rejects you (there is only 1 of 2 things you should do, both of which will make you more attractive in her eyes).
  • The insider truth on what makes some guys creepy, and other guys sexy… even though they say the same exact thing. You’ll learn how to say anything you want and make her love you for it.
  • Why you must ALWAYS go for the kiss on a date. Even if she rejects you, she’ll see you as a confident man who goes after what he wants… and this triggers a subtle primal attraction towards you.
  • Advanced: Master the art of sensual tension – how to create it, build it, play with it, tease her with it, and resolve it – so she swells with desire and can’t stop fantasizing about you.

Plus. much more.

Module 5: Texting & Dates

Learn the only method you’ll ever need to know so you don’t end up lost in a beautiful woman’s contacts. You’ll never again waste your time with text conversations that end up nowhere… but instead, lead her to meet up with you again for a first date.

You’ll also learn about what to say, what to do, and where to take a woman on a date. This will get rid of first-date jitters and bring out your natural confidence for her to experience.

You’ll get:

  • The perfect time to send the first text (this applies to any woman in any situation, and no, it’s not any of this “wait-three-days” B.S. that never works).
  • ONE thing you can do to guarantee she texts you back right away… before you even exchange numbers (this is more advanced, but this is also what separates you from most boring guys she’ll meet).
  • Six proven ways to actually build attraction and make a woman like you through texting.
  • Examples of the actual messages you should text a woman, and exactly what you should say if you want to come off as an attractive, confident man.
  • Top dating strategies when taking her out for the first time. Where do you take her? How long should you stay? Should it be fancy or casual? When is the best time to make a move?… all of these questions will be answered in this module.
  • How to never run out of things to talk about on a first date (this is actually based on a really fun game I like to play with every woman I meet… because it never fails).

In fact, in module 5 we’ve decided to include…

Instant Date Breakdowns

I break down the exact strategy I use to meet a beautiful woman, create real attraction & take her on an “instant date” in just minutes. This live camera footage is very powerful and demonstrates the effectiveness of the strategies taught in this module.

You will see:

  • Exactly how to meet a beautiful woman during the day – so you can see just how simple taking her on an “instant date” can be… without using sleazy lines or tactics.
  • What to say after “hello” so you can keep the conversation going – this will keep things really smooth between you and the woman.
  • The BIGGEST mistake most guys make that prevent them from getting dates with the women they want.
  • How to make women feel comfortable flirting with you by using a little-known technique called “Acknowledging The Reality”.
  • ONE simple question that shows you’re a high-status man (the guys who DON’T do this are the ones who get put into the friend zone).

And so much more.

Module 6: Next Steps Action Plan

Finally, we wrap up all the modules in Desire & Escalation Mastery and help you internalize everything we teach. This will help you become more natural instead of constantly thinking “what to do” or “what to say” next.

Through the Next Steps Action Plan, you’ll start enjoying the confidence that comes with becoming a sexually attractive man and the way women look at you differently.

After we created this course, we decided to throw in two extra modules that dive deeper into sexual attraction:

Bonus #1: Josiah Prise on Sexual Escalation

You’ll learn from The Attractive Man trainer, Josiah Prise, on advanced sexual escalation techniques when making a move on a woman. This will further your understanding of how to turn a woman on and move the interaction forward.

You will learn:

  • How to sexually escalate in the context of the situation you’re in (this is really important because every situation is different… Josiah reveals the exact way to sexually escalate, no matter what situation you’re in).
  • Why you don’t need to be next-level better than most men to get a beautiful woman’s attention – in fact, you’ll be surprised (and relieved) by the truth.
  • One super sexual game that women women love to play.

Bonus #2: Brian Begin on Being Grounded & Creating Sexual Tension

Lastly, you’ll learn the ultimate lessons on being a naturally sexual man from expert dating coach, Brian Begin. Brian’s advanced mastery on the topic of creating sexual tension and being a fearless man will all be revealed in this eye-opening module.

Here you’ll discover:

  • What it actually means to be a “natural” and how you can easily achieve this.
  • Why girls become giggly and flirty around men they’re attracted to. You can activate this in a woman with what Brian teaches you here.
  • Advanced spiritual wisdom on how you can inspire a woman to unleash her feminine sensual energy onto you… simply by being yourself (you can do this without using dating tactics, methods or pickup lines).
  • The harsh reality on why women choose bad boys over nice guys (hint: the shocking truth is bad boys are more honest than nice guys… all explained here.)
  • The #1 reason why most men are terrible with women.
  • Demonstration: You’ll see real examples of how a “natural” acts versus a man who struggles with women. Plus, you’ll learn the exact qualities that make someone appear to be a natural, and how you can easily replicate them in your own personality.

To wrap it up, you’re also going to receive:

  • +100 minutes of advanced demonstrations and infield footage – we’re not leaving you to figure out how this works on your own, which is why I included over +100 minutes of us showing you what these strategies look like in action.
  • The Desire & Escalation Mastery PDF Cheat Sheet – this is so you can reference the most important lessons from this course quickly without fast-forwarding through the video modules.
  • Downloadable MP3 audios so you can listen on your way to work, during your “downtime”, or just when you have a spare moment.

Your Instructor

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Matt Artisan

Matt Artisan is the leading expert in transforming the lives of men and empowering them to create authentic relationships. He was voted WORLD’s BEST NEW DATING COACH and since 2009 has personally coached men in over 40 different countries.

Course Curriculum

  • Here
  • Part 1: Triggering Primal Attraction
  • Part 2: Sexual Chemistry
  • Part 3: Rapid Seduction Formula
  • Part 3: Demonstrations
  • Part 3: Daytime Approach Breakdowns
  • Part 4: Rapid Escalation
  • Part 4: Demonstrations
  • Part 5: Texting & Dates
  • Part 5: Demonstrations
  • Part 5: Instant Date Breakdowns
  • Next Steps
  • Bonus: Josiah Prise On Sexual Escalation
  • Bonus: Brian Begin On Being Grounded & Creating Sexual Tension

Proof Content

Matt Artisan - Desire & Escalation Mastery2Sale Page: https://members.theattractiveman.com/p/desire-escalation-mastery
Archive: https://archive.ph/8k5Ht

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Matt Artisan – Desire & Escalation Mastery
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