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The Uncompromised Life home training quest with visionary hypnotherapist Marisa Peer guides you through the 8 essential mind shifts you need to rapidly awaken the Super Achiever in you – all through a remarkable process known as Transformational Hypnotherapy.

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The Uncompromised Life home training quest with visionary hypnotherapist Marisa Peer guides you through the 8 essential mind shifts you need to rapidly awaken the Super Achiever in you – all through a remarkable process known as Transformational Hypnotherapy.

Purchase Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life – Mindvalley courses at here with PRICE $399 $48

Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life – Mindvalley

Marisa Peer - Uncompromised Life - Mindvalley

Thanks to rapid advances in mind science, an empowering truth is now clear: no matter who we are or where we’re from, we are each born with the same neurological potential to match humanity’s top 1% of Super Achievers.

And so the only reason you may still struggle with self-doubt, limiting beliefs and unrealized success is because you simply haven’t been shown how to switch on that potential.

The Uncompromised Life home training quest with visionary hypnotherapist Marisa Peer guides you through the 8 essential mind shifts you need to rapidly awaken the Super Achiever in you – all through a remarkable process known as Transformational Hypnotherapy.

You’ll rewrite old paradigms of self-sabotage. Construct new models of reality. Unleash the shackles of your past. And retune your mind for uncompromised success in every area of your life. Just like the world’s most successful and fulfilled people.

This is the exact same process Marisa shares behind closed doors with her VIP clients, including Olympic athletes, Hollywood actors, multi-billion dollar CEOs and political leaders – now available for the first time ever to the Mindvalley community.

So how will this process of Transformational Hypnotherapy change your life? Let’s start at the beginning…
Marisa Peer
It Happens As You Fall Asleep At Night…

That’s when the sense of quiet desperation sinks in. The heaving dread. The realization that you’re not living up to the person you could and should be.

In moments like this, your heart pounds faster. And perhaps you feel like your own worst enemy, as you realize that your struggles with self-doubt, self-blame, and unworthiness are robbing you of the abundant success and joy you see others creating effortlessly.

But why do we hold ourselves in this way? Psychologists and philosophers have long questioned humanity’s penchant for self-sabotage – and thanks to modern neuroscience, we now know the answer:

Your Mind Is Programmed To Resist Success

The problem lies in our well-meaning reptilian brain: the part of our mind that’s programmed to reject the unfamiliar and trap us in our comfort zones – where less energy is spent and less risk is taken.

Which made perfect sense back when we were running for our lives from hungry saber-toothed tigers. But today, in an age where constant personal growth, self-experimentation, and new ways of thinking are critical to our success and happiness? Not so much.

The good news is, it’s entirely possible to erase that disempowering fight-or-flight response from your mind. And replace it with a subconscious magnetism for profound personal growth and excellence.

In fact, this is precisely what the world’s top Super Achievers do to perform at their peak; often without actually realizing what they’re doing. That’s where the Uncompromised Life Quest comes in: by guiding you through a powerful, easy-to-follow process that reverses your mind’s polarity in eight distinct ways, and draws success towards you instead of away from you.

The 8 Mind Shifts Of A Super Achiever

As numerous scientific studies show, the core Transformational Hypnotherapy process literally rewires your brain for peak performance – and has even shown promise as a treatment for depression, pain management, stress, and much more.

The process Marisa guides you through in the Quest focuses on deep and lasting change in your models of reality. Your entire neurological makeup undergoes a profound transformation – causing you to think, feel, and perceive on a whole new level.

Addictions, anxiety, and fear melt away. And, you’ll start achieving your goals with far less resistance – whether it’s earning an extraordinary income, being a rockstar in your business or career, or excelling in your personal relationships.
When You Join The Uncompromised Life Program:
1. You’ll Feel Deeply Connected To Your Mission

The world’s top performers often say they’re guided by a mission that’s bigger than them. When you connect with yours, you’ll have the focus and clarity to keep pushing forward.
2. Your Thought Processes Will Be Upgraded

Watch all your outdated, unwanted, and self-sabotaging thought paradigms vanish, as empowering beliefs, emotions, and models of reality take their place.
3. You’ll Manifest With Unstoppable Power

As your subconscious mind connects with your heart’s desires, you’ll find yourself manifesting the right people, situations, and opportunities into your life with surprising ease.
4. You’ll Thrive In The Unknown

No more hiding in your comfort zone – start welcoming and thriving in unfamiliar environments, meeting new people, and learning new skills as you explore the thrilling unknown.
5. You’ll Develop An Instinct For The Right Choices

Gain an intuitive ability to make the best decisions at the snap of a finger, even when you don’t know all the variables. Say goodbye to hesitation and second-guessing yourself.
6. You’ll Become Present & Grounded

Free yourself from the shackles of the past and the worries of the future, as you show up as the best version of you in the only time that truly matters: the present.
7. You’ll Live With Total Fulfillment & Zero Regrets

Dive into the world of total self-love where criticisms – both internal and external – no longer bother you. Instead, your whole being radiates with unshakeable love and acceptance.
8. You’ll Fearlessly Carve Your Own Path

Release the need to seek approval, and be fearless in your abilities as you move towards your own personal definition of extraordinary success and fulfillment.
Meet Your Transformational Hypnotherapist: Marisa Peer

Marisa Peer was once told she’d never be anything more than a nanny, because she didn’t have what it took to be successful. She wasn’t smart enough. She wasn’t confident enough. She wasn’t talented enough. But Marisa defied her critics – and rather than become a nanny, she went on to become a therapist and eventually the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist, as voted by Tatler magazine. Over the past 25 years, Marisa has coached an extensive client list of royalty, rockstars, Hollywood celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies.

Marisa’s approach is known as Transformational Hypnotherapy: a mind optimization science that completely transforms a person’s way of thinking and living, often in as little as one or two sessions. Through her work, Marisa has discovered there are eight unique mental thought models that only the world’s top 1% of Super Achievers possess – which anyone in the remaining 99% can adopt too, to create their own extraordinary success.

Since 2015, Marisa has helped implant these mental models into the consciousness of over 100,000 Mindvalley members through her famed Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions. Whether it’s during her popular Masterclasses, or during her many live appearances at events such as A-Fest, Mindvalley Reunion, and Mindvalley U, Marisa’s life-changing sessions enjoy consistently high ratings from her overjoyed attendees. The Uncompromised Life Quest is an excellent opportunity for you to experience her Transformational Hypnotherapy process for yourself – so you too can unblock your path to your potential as a Super Achiever.

As Seen On:

Marisa and her husband, seen here with Vishen, have been helping others break limiting beliefs for nearly 30 years.

Marisa and her husband, seen here with Vishen, have been helping others break limiting beliefs for nearly 30 years.
Marisa guiding an entire audience of 800 people through incredible breakthroughs.

Marisa guiding an entire audience of 800 people through incredible breakthroughs.
Marisa recently won several Stevie Awards including Woman of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, and the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Marisa recently won several Stevie Awards including Woman of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, and the Lifetime Achievement Award.

What Some Of The World’s Leading Figures Have Said About Marisa Peer

“You have to see what she can do in 5 minutes that people search for their whole lifetime.”

I work in the financial industry and no matter how much money my clients have, how great their life appears to be, if they don’t understand what Marisa Peer can pull out of someone in 5 minutes, they never feel successful or love their life. You have to see what she can do in 5 minutes that peo…
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Garrett Gunderson

Founder and Chief Wealth Architect at Wealth Factory, author of the New York Times bestseller “Killing Sacred Cows”

United States

“Marisa Peer has had a huge influence on our lives.”

Marisa Peer has had a huge influence on our lives. But it was only the beginning of MY story, because then I attended the session. And it works! It gives me the power and self-confidence. It has been lesson of my life, I will always remember the session. …
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Zuzana Bednarova

Director of Operations at Accelerate Sports. USA

United States

“What I experienced in that room with Marisa changed my life — in just minutes”

I don’t consider myself to be “woo-woo” or someone who is easily “swayed” into simply believing something works… But what I experienced in that room with Marisa changed my life — in just minutes. She helped me uncover a massive “block” that I realize now has been holding me back, and just…
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Ryan Levesque

CEO & #1 National Best-Selling Author of “ASK”​. Investor & Co-Founder Bucket.io

“Marisa Peer has an extraordinary skill at getting people to change.”

Marisa Peer has an extraordinary skill at getting people to change. Since she worked with me, my life and my footballing skills have changed dramatically and for the better….
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Jason Roberts

Premier league football player

United Kingdom

“Marisa is a fantastic therapist.”

I am a really big fan of Marisa, I’ve trained with Marisa, I’ve had personal therapy with Marisa and she has contributed to my books. I always acknowledge Marisa as being a massive influence on my life, which is why I signed up to her course. The last couple of days have been really quit…
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Anna Richardson

Presenter, television producer, writer and journalist

United Kingdom

“Marisa Get’s to the Root of the Issue”

“Marisa’s work is profoundly effective. She gets to the root of (the issue) and liberates you from it’s vice-like grip.”…
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British Music Icon & Multiple Award Winning Singer

What You’ll Learn
How Marisa Awakens Your Uncompromised Life

The Uncompromised Life Quest is an 8-week deep dive into your mind – and the thought patterns and models of reality that shape your life.

Every week, you’ll take part in interactive Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions – one for each of the eight mind shifts – that empower you through tutorials, hypnotic exercises, and Q&A sessions designed to unlock your fullest potential as a Super Achiever.

Each of these transformations triggers a meteoric upgrade on qualities like your confidence, self-esteem, career performance, relationships, self-belief, work ethic, and more: all stepping stones towards your uncompromised life.

It’s a liberating, mind-expanding experience that only takes 150 minutes of your time per week. And perhaps for the first time ever, it will open your eyes and guide you towards what you’re really capable of.
What Makes Uncompromised Life Unique
1. Cutting-Edge Transformational Hypnotherapy

Marisa has been working with the world’s top athletes, Hollywood celebrities, CEOs, political leaders and even members of the UK royal family for the past 30 years. They all seek her for one reason only: Marisa’s cutting-edge transformational hypnotherapy tools provide the shortest path to transformation. You get the same tools when you enroll in Uncompromised Life.
2. Designed For Deep Transformation In 8 Weeks

There are 8 transformations that when you undergo will put you on par with the world’s top achievers. And in this program, Marisa lets you experience those transformations week-by-week. The sessions are not mere lectures. They include actual transformational hypnotherapy sessions in every weekly module. By the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll actually feel immensely empowered.
3. Continue Your Transformation On Your Mobile

With the new Mindvalley app that’s available both for iOS and Android devices, you’ll be able to natively access this Quest on your smartphone. Which means, you no longer have to remember or bookmark URLs. And your Quest will be available offline if you need it. This is such an excellent way to turn your ordinary day into a transformational experience.
You Are Just 8 Transformations Away From The Best Version Of Yourself

In this Quest, you will go through all eight transformations and give you the structures you need to maintain them at all times. It’s eight modules. By the end of all eight, a best, most authentic version of you will emerge.

You’ll never feel the feeling of lack ever again.

And you’ll never ever compromise on your dreams.

Each module in this Quest is comprised of a main Uncompromised Life training session, hypnotic exercises, weekly assignments and recorded Q&A calls with Marisa to assist you in overcoming your blocks and challenges.

Rewriting Your Mind’s Programming

When we’re speaking of the mind, know that it’s multiple layers deep. In this first week, we’re going to overwrite old, ill-serving paradigms that exist in the deeper layers of your mind with new empowering models that fully align with your goals and desires.

Regaining Control Of Your Self-Image

Discover the two triggers of powerful mind control and how to effectively use them to transform your self-image and self-esteem. By the end of this week, you’ll have an unshakable attitude that helps you cut through unwanted distractions and focus on your priorities.

Getting Familiar With The Unfamiliar

Too many people settle for a comfort zone of mediocrity and familiarity, while avoiding the unknown due to a fear of failure or change. In this week, we’ll switch those roles so just like a Super Achiever, you’re perpetually excited to explore, grow, and challenge yourself.

Doing What Scares You First

Often, it’s the difficult tasks you procrastinate on that hold you back from your goals and dreams. Discover a simple perception shift that empowers and emotionally prepares you to get these tough tasks done first, so you can speed up your journey to success.

Taking Consistent Daily Actions

What if taking action towards your goals was as effortless as brushing your teeth every morning? Here you’ll discover a remarkably effective step-by-step process for creating success habits that stick with you consistently and with no conscious effort.

Delaying Gratification For Future Benefits

Super Achievers have no problem skipping that chocolate fudge cake, when they know their no-sugar goal will make them far happier in the long run. This is the concept of delayed gratification: and it’s what you’ll learn to master by the end of this week.

Realizing You Are Enough

Most people’s negative habits can be traced back to one thing: trying to fill the emptiness of not feeling enough. In this week, Marisa installs in you the primordial self-acceptance belief of “I’m enough”, allowing you to live in a constant state of self-love and assuredness.

Becoming Immune To Criticism

Unconstructive criticism, whether it’s from a boss, family member, or even yourself, can wreak havoc on your mind and vibrations. Discover how to become immune to it, while also turning yourself into a lightning rod for praise and constructive criticism that uplifts you.
Special Quest Feature:
4x Pre-Recorded Q&A Sessions With Marisa

Our biggest goal with Uncompromised Life is bring you as close as possible to a real-life coaching experience with Marisa. That’s why the Quest includes four intimate Q&A recordings with Marisa, where she answers the most common questions and concerns you may have as you progress through the eight-week journey.
What Students Say…

“I have finally taken the step to speak out more”

I would like to express my gratitude to Marisa Peer for her “Uncompromised Life” course. It has really addressed some of the core things that has been very heavy and “mental blocks” that has drawn me down for so many years. Some of it seems to just melt away,and there has been so many awarenesses with the hypnotherapy sessions. Important as well has been to recognize that I am actually already doing a lot of the things that she suggest, so it is more about stop being so hard on yourself and be willing to receive more. And I have finally taken the step to speak out more
Tove Engvall

“I’ve seen a number of positive changes in my life”

This was an outstanding course. So well done…with the trainings, broken out hypnosis session and then the separate Q&A. This format really gave me time to integrate each practical exercise. It was thoughtful and intentional and really provided an excellent experience. I’ve seen a number of positive changes in my life from Uncompromised Life. One is just being aware of concepts like “Do what I hate … first” and “Delay gratification AND give myself specific reward for my good performance.” There were a number of concepts in the program that seemed vaguely familiar, but then Marisa gave them a brilliant and powerful twist, plus tons of practical examples so they were easy to apply to my own life. SO, so good for living better, kinder and richer in my own skin.
Christy Sharafinski

“After taking this program great changes have happened in my life”

Last year I reached a dead end because “nothing worked for me”. After tons of books and seminars, I couldn’t make anything happen in my life, but I decided to give a try to Uncompromised Life program, and to my surprise after watching the first module, I felt that something shifted for the first time and for good.

The first thing I realized is that I created the belief “nothing works for me” and that was the de reason why nothing worked for me. Since taking the course, my mind has been helping me to attain and maintain my ideal body weight and body shape, effortlessly, something I struggled with for years. My mood has changed dramatically after I stopped telling my mind how crappy my life was. And just recently it helped me recover nearly $5k, I thought I would never see again, and everything thanks to Marisa and Mindvalley!
Ricardo Cortes Sanchez

“This program will make a massive difference to your life”

I completed the Uncompromised Life course and things were starting to come together a lot more personally and professionally. And I attribute this to the course.
The last 6 months haven’t been as great, so I decided to do the course again. […] Well, after the third day of listening to it, I was presented with an opportunity to double and even possibly triple my income from February next year (working one and half days a week). And I honestly believe that this opportunity came my way because I began rewiring my brain to open myself up to the opportunities around money.
Thank you so much Marisa Peer. Your course is brilliant and I have recommended it to many people already. Repeat the course over and over if you have to, because it will make a massive difference to your life.
Daniel Niemiec

Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform
The Mindvalley learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.
The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform

From philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.
A Shortcut To Deep Transformation

Now used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.
We’re All In This Together

The Mindvalley platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.
How The Quest App Works
1. You begin the Mindvalley Uncompromised Life Quest with the community on June 22, 2020

One community, one start date: we’ll move towards the finish line together, as we support and uplift each other every step of the way.
2. You receive guidance for 8 weeks

You’ll be in a supportive online community, you’re never alone.
3. You grow dramatically in just 15-20 minutes a day

20 minutes a day is all you need to watch your video lessons. This is then followed by your daily practice.

Join now
Incredible Transformation At An Unbelievable Price

What you’ll experience in this program is so transformational that the world will be a better place if more people had access to it.

For this program, you won’t pay the full $1,095 fees. To ensure maximum impact while still keeping the costs covered, you can get the Uncompromised Life for one payment of $449.
Get 4 FREE Transformational Hypnotherapy Audio Tracks
When You Join The Program

Play These Handpicked Audios In The Morning Or Before Bed To Enter A Wonderfully
Relaxed State Of Mind, And Switch On The Following Personal Transformations:
01 Greater Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem

Marisa’s #1 most popular session. Just press play, and smile as the dark veil of doubt and insecurity lifts, revealing a lighter, happier, and more positive you.
02 Attract A Loving, Lasting Relationship

Dissolve the mental blocks holding you back from finally meeting the partner of your dreams – or elevating your existing relationship with that special someone.
03 Perfect, Deep, Unbroken Sleep

When’s the last time you weren’t just a little tired? This audio primes your mind for a deeply relaxing time of rest, so you can live to the fullest in your waking hours.
04 Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking

Set your mind free from the most common fear in the world – so you’re no longer held back from speaking your truth, getting ahead in life, and making a bigger impact.

Still unsure if this Quest is right for you? You can try it for 10 days in full, backed by our Triple Satisfaction Mindvalley Guarantee when you enroll today.
You’re Protected By Mindvalley’s Unconditional 10-day Guarantee

When you’re buying a car, you can test drive it. When you’re buying a house, you can take a tour of it. We believe you should have the same peace of mind with your education too – so we’re giving you up to 10 risk-free days to try the Uncompromised Life Quest and see how it works for you.

And if you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply visit our Refund Page and fill a short form to get an instant refund. It’s that easy.

Why Join Today: Three Powerful Advantages Only Available Now

By becoming one of our students in Marisa Peer’s New Weekly Program on Mindvalley, “Uncompromised Life” you’ll get THREE Special Opportunities that Will Never Ever Be Available in the Future. Here’s What they are and Why…

1. Not 1, Not 2, Not 3 but FOUR Incredible Bonus Courses

See below at the order menu to learn about the FOUR additional sessions you’re getting from Marisa. These are four of the BIGGEST things people change using Hypnotherapy. They range from Confidence to Better Sleep to Public Speaking. Imagine what just better sleep can do to your life when applied? Each of these bonuses is worth as much as the entire Quest itself in terms of just how it can shift the quality of your life.

2. The Lowest Price This Will Ever Be Offered At

The usual price for a coaching program like this is $1,099 (Note that one-on-one sessions with Marisa alone are $3,000 per hour for her hypnotherapy services). However, for attendees of the Masterclass, and to get this into the hands of as many people as possible, we have dropped the price to only $349 – this is a $700 discount… when you order today.

Get Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life – Mindvalley download

Another reason for the $700 discount: we want to get your feedback and comments on the Quest and your results…so we’ve made the investment as low as possible. All we ask is that you email us (we’ll reach out to you) at the end of the program to share your story.

3. Our 14-day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee

We know this works – which is why Marisa Peer is Vishen’s personal Hypnotherapist (look for the story about her in his book). However, in the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the Quest 14 days from date of purchase, even if you just don’t like the color of the cover, please contact our support team for a prompt and courteous refund. Even after the first class starts – you can request a full and unconditional refund.
Join In The Uncompromised Life Quest Now And Get…
Included in this program

Lifetime access to the 8-week Uncompromised Life Quest with Marisa Peer, including:
8 Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions with Marisa
Pre-training audio and other supporting materials
4 recorded Q&A sessions with Marisa
An unconditional 10-day money back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free before deciding
Award-winning customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of
For an extra $50 you can choose to get a digital certificate to recognize your completion

Plus, Access To The Following Bonus Program:

4 FREE Transformational Hypnotherapy audios

Greater Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem
Attract a Loving, Lasting Relationship
Perfect, Deep, Unbroken Sleep
Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking

Or… Join Mindvalley Quest All Access

Enrolling in just one Quest can be life-changing but perpetual growth & learning is the key to a truly extraordinary life. Start creating yours with Mindvalley Quest All Access: a special subscription that gives you 12 months of unlimited access to our entire library of Quests for just $599.

You will get access to Uncompromised Life, along with our entire vault of 30+ Quests at a massive discount. This also includes upcoming Quests that will be added to your subscription.

Member-exclusive access to upcoming NEW Quests before anyone else.
Over $12,364 off your enrollment fees compared to their normal retail price, as you design your fully personalized education plan.
Ongoing access to all your Quest communities, so you can stay connected to amazing people on the same journey as you.
FREE Live Coaching Calls With Authors for upcoming Quests.
FREE Official Certifications for your Quests (when available) that you can print or display on your social networking profiles.
Premium student support: meaning priority access and faster responses from our award-winning customer support team.

Readmore: http://archive.is/uz4R4

Purchase Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life – Mindvalley courses at here with PRICE $399 $48

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Marisa Peer - Uncompromised Life - Mindvalley
Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life – Mindvalley
Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $48.00. Add to cart