Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $123.00.

In Stock

As I want to leave my legacy to you after more than 8 years in business, I want to ensure that you have access to this vital training before my surgery on June 24, 2019. This allows you to truly live the limitless life. 

Purchase this course you will earn 123 Points worth of $12.30!


Buy Lifetime Legacy Collection – Tiz Gambacorta Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

As I really want you to start building a legacy of your own, when you grab the “Lifetime Legacy Collection” By Midnight, Thursday, June 13th, 2019 New York Time, you will receive… (Worth $3,997)

[Retail Value: $3,997. Yours, FREE!]

As I want to leave my legacy to you after more than 8 years in business, I want to ensure that you have access to this vital training before my surgery on June 24, 2019. This allows you to truly live the limitless life.



How To Be Your Own Bank 

[You'll also be able to download thetraining, plus get the MP3 version so you can listento it in the car, at the gym, as you commute to  work, etc] 

Brian Fouts, Founder of the highly-respected Elevation Group:  This way you don’t just know how to make money, but also how to multiply it so that you get MONEY WORKING FOR YOU and generating passive income 24/7. 

You DON’T need…

  • To be super smart 
  • To be well-connected
  • To be entrepreneurial
  • To have a 7-figure income

…to make these strategies work for youwAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

If you’re sick and tired of Wall Street and BigBanks controlling your money, THIS IS FOR YOU. 



The Fastest And EASIEST Way To Go From ZERO to $1 MILLION

[You'll also be able to download thetraining, plus get the MP3 version so you can listento it in the car, at the gym, as you commute to  work, etc] 

Thanks to the power of webinars and online marketing. This blueprint has been perfected over the past 10 years by Steven Essa “The World’s #1  Webinar Expert” 

It’s even allowed him to take random seminar audience members and made for them from $2,000 to $22,000 in 90 minutes! 

Steven has grown over 30 profitable webbusinesses for himself and his clients who all had one thing in common… THIS BLUEPRINT! 



How To Grow a 200,000+ Subscribers YouTube Channel…for FREE! 

[You'll also be able to download thetraining, plus get the MP3 version so you can listento it in the car, at the gym, as you commute to  work, etc] 

You will learn about The "Tribe" Strategies to Attract Massive Followers to Give You Cash Every Time You record a video, podcast episode or send an email.

This allows you to create "die hard" followers who will say "YES" on any products and services you recommend them. 



Legendary Marketer, Tom Beal’s Trademark “Quiver of Clarity”

[You'll also be able to download thetraining, plus get the MP3 version so you can listento it in the car, at the gym, as you commute to  work, etc] 

You will learn The $10,000 in 30 Minutes productivity method. — This is the "KEY" concept you must use to literally go from making a few bucks an hour in a job or in your business, to making hundreds of dollars per hour (if not more).

After clients paid Tom 25,000 euros to attend aweek-long mastermind with Tom, they said that this training ALONE was worth the price they paid. 

All you need to do is to grab by "Lifetime Legacy Collection" By Midnight, Thursday, June 13th, 2019 New York Time below:

(This limited time offer will expire on June 16th, 2019 or as soon all 777 769 available licences have been claimed)

Nicknamed by the New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal "Europe’s Fastest Growing Digital Nomad Entrepreneur", I kneel in front of God Almighty and reluctantly confess:


And Why These 3 Words Could Lead You To Focus, Results And Ultimate Triumph As Your Online Empire Is Built For You

Keep reading as in the next 4 minutes 40 seconds, I reveal how one man's misfortune is YOUR opportunity.

But first…

An unwelcome private letter I received from my surgeon.

London, UK

It was Monday, January 21st 2019…


After spending weeks of being in a state of denial, I had to accept reality. And it was far from easy.

I don't know how to explain it. I guess the closest way would be:

Angry. Disappointed. Depressed. About to give up on life.

Yet, as you read this, around June 4th or shortly after, surgery hasn't taken place.

And this is what my survival rate looks like from the initial onset of this rare disease last year.

Doctors calculate the survival rate of this rare heart disease is worse than most forms of cancer.

In layman's terms, if left untreated there is a 50% chance I won't be able to make it past the following summer.

As if this on itself wasn't bad enough,

My own surgeon is mad at me

Instead of looking after my health, my surgeon barely speaks to me anymore.

Turns out, doctors don't like it when clients take charge. Weird.

Some would argue…

I am flirting with death as I deliver this message to you

I received this letter January 21, was recommended for surgery back in March 2019 but it's not happpening until a couple weeks from now.

I am delaying my surgery to get this out to you because it's that important.

Why would ANYONE want to do that?

See, I was one of the early adopters to use the Internet to market products (my dad's antique collection, to be exact).

Back in the days when dial-up connections and Microsoft Frontpage were still things. I registered my first domain (gambacorta.com) in 1995 I believe.

Since then, it's been quite a roller coaster ride. I certainly had my ups and downs, triumphs and defeats, BIG successes and BIG failures, friendships forged and broken…

I wouldn't trade any of them for anything else, as the upside is WAY MORE than the downside.

Since 2011 I was blessed to average…

Multiple six figures a year

Here are some of the results since back in 2011 when I was just getting started…

Fast forward to last year…

Businesses 1 and 2 (Forex and crypto currency)

Business 3: Internet marketing

In fact, not only am I potentially risking my life here…but also

I Am Being Forced To Say Goodbye To All My Business Assets For Good…

(and how it could make you a small fortune)

Accepting reality has been difficult over the 12 months. My body is forcing me to walk away from what I have spent the last 8 years working so hard to build. 

Systems that allowed me to financially retire at the age of 36 and live in some of the most exciting and beautiful places in the world.

Systems that allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people from all walks of life.

  • Neil Patel: One of the top influencers online, who gets 1.1 million monthly free visitors to his blog and runs advertising campaigns for Google themselves
  • Ryan Deiss: Pioneer and founder of a $500 million a year digital information business and the largest employer in Texas
  • Dan Pena: The "50 Billion Dollar Man"
  • James Altucher: Hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and podcaster. He founded more than 20 companies. He published 20 books, and contributor to publications including The Financial Times and The Huffington Post.
  • Yanik Silver: Legendary copywriter and one of the founders of online marketing as we know it today
  • Jairek Robbins: performance coach and motivational speaker and son of life coach, self-help author, and motivational speaker Tony Robbins
  • Frank Kern: The highest paid internet marketing consultant on the internet
  • Daven Michaels: The world's leading outsourcing expert and outsourcing services provider
  • Mike Filsaime: Responsible for hundreds of millions in online software sales and someone who made $9 in a single year
  • Jordan Belfort: The "Wolf of Wall Street"
  • Tom Beal: The "Mentor to Mentors" and highly respected Internet Marketing Veteran
  • Jessen James Chinnapan: Winner of the PSA International Public Speaking Awards multiple times
  • Andy Harrington: Award-winning international public speaker who shared the stage with President Bill Clinton, Sir Richard Branson and many more. and Sunday Times bestselling author.
  • Nick James: one of the UK's top event promoters featuring Ryan Deiss, Grant Cardone, Lord Sugar and many more.

Myself and some of my partners have been featured on…wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

Early on in my online business journey I moved to Cyprus to live with my girlfriend and spend many a hot (not so lazy) day enjoying the sun, sea and social life that comes with island living.

The money I made online there allowed me to buy real estate in London and add properties to my investment portfolio using the very same businesses I am about to share with you in a second.

My Toys

Imagine being in a country you love…

Enjoying the sun warming your face while you savour your first coffee of the day before leisurely heading into your comfortable home to prepare a slow breakfast on a Tuesday morning that you can enjoy with the newspaper at your own pace.

No more rushed morning showers and traffic jams. No more Big Boots Boss demanding paperwork before you've even sat down at your desk. 

No more "Reggie from Accounting" telling awful jokes and having to fake laugh your way to lunch, where you have to rush to finish it before your one hour of freedom is called off.  

No more shovelling in the last bit of sandwich without getting mustard on your jacket so you don't get told off in front of the new staff for being late and not setting an example to the team.

 Why I call "BS" on the industry

And you know what, 8 years ago when I started online, the 10,000 hour rule might have held true with learning how to run an online business. 

Back in the days, MAYBE, you could have signed up to a couple of programs and figured things out on your own.

Back then, there were fewer yet less muddied trainings and only a select handful of gooroos (who actually earned the title) that you could reach out to and get a response from.

Now, its like a tidal wave of people slapping you in the face with "do facebook ads", "social media marketing sucks", "email is where it's at", "emails are dead", "I've made millions, look at my private jet (that I rented for an hour's photoshoot)", "make ebay millions, without an ebay account", every time you open a new browser.


I get it. I've been in your shoes before

Do you ever just sit back, sore-necked and cranky after another day of drowning in the information quicksand that is the internet, and just think to yourself:

  • "Why is it so difficult to find the information I need to get things started?"
  • "How am I supposed to take all this info and actually apply it?" 
  • "Who am I supposed to trust? They all say different things" 
  • "Do I seriously need to do ALL these different things? There's not enough time in the day" 
  • "Hours of research and I'm still no closer to putting together the dots" 
  • "I wish I could have someone just tell me what I need to do" 
  • "If I had everything set up by now, I KNOW I could run it well and make profits from it"
  • Or simply as I like to summarize it: "WTF???"

There are thousands of people bombarding my inbox as I speak  with the same frustrations…

These are people just like you who are just looking for someone to chop though the weeds of misinformation and part the waves of overwhelm and show them the way…

So if you are still reading as this resonates with you, you may be asking yourself…

Is this for you?

If you've ever felt frustrated or overwhelmed, this is for you.

So, do me a quick favour and answer me this:

Would finding a way to eliminate countless hours of watching videos, trawling through contradicting websites and forums, attending multiple webinars and learning confusing new software in order to take your online business from,

"I wish I had one" to 

"Baby, I'm running this thing and it's raining dollars!"

Take you there?

And it's exactly why against medical advice and against my own health and self-interest frankly, I decided to postpone my surgery and share with you this important message because it could change everything for you.

"Sounds Great Tiz! Then… Why Are You Leaving It All?"

I wish it was because…

'I sold my company for untold millions and am now retiring in the Bahamas' or because I decided to "Take my life in a different direction…" 


Sadly none of that is true.

Let's rewind back a few months

Back in May last year whilst returning from visiting my good friend Enzo Wahlberg in Sweden I collapsed point blank at the airport. Someone picked me up off from the floor and a few bruises and a new pair of glasses aside, I got on the plane and felt fine.

Little did I know…

The doctor referred me to a "Cambridge-educated" cardiologist in Harley Street here in London. Several tests later and a few thousand British pounds later, he concluded

"Tiz, you're healthy as you can be – all clear" 

In June last year, I still didn't feel 100% and I happen to be in Latvia for some 'unpleasant' businesses (for those who were following me, you may remember how I was trying to recover $XXX,000 of my money from a failing bank over there).

After hiring some badass lawyers in town, as I am in Riga twiddling my thumbs waiting for the money to clear, I go see a local cardiologist for a second opinion.

Despite her broken English (and my non existent Russian or Latvian) she tells me

"Tiz, the doctor tested you for the wrong thing. You have to start all over again" 

In the meantime, business is booming and I am able to financially retire off my business passive income in July. 

In August I start getting stronger and stronger heart palpitations. I used to go to the gym 3 times a week and I am forced to end the class early a couple of times as I feel like I am about to faint. Medical tests are being repeated in the meantime. 

In September I start to feel more and more tired.

If you know me, you would know how I cannot wait to spring out of bed in the morning and start the day. I now struggle to wake up. I start taking more and more naps during the day. My caffeine intake keeps increasing.

In October the 2nd, a different cardiologist refers me for more in-depth examinations. 

On my return from Thailand on December 28 he breaks the news.

"Tiz, You Need Open Heart Surgery Urgently.

If You Don't You'll Probably Die In The Next 12 Months"

What The F…

I always knew I had a bit of a dodgy ticker, but never thought I would have such drastic issues with it so early on in life, at 36 years old.

I started going for countless tests, researched everything  I could about what procedures I could go with, what the implication of the procedure would be.

I wrote out a bucket list of things I wanted to do and places I wanted to visit before surgery, just in case I never got the chance again.

I was in Asia at the time, the surgeon calls me as soon as the results are in…

"Tiz, we need to operate on you as soon as possible"


Even if the surgery goes in the best possible imaginable way, things won't be the same as they are now (or as they were).

It's the beginning of the end.

The truth is that I have serious heart  problems. 

I have to accept the reality that, in the best case scenario, the rest of my life won't be anywhere close to what it's been so far. And not in a good way.

And worst case scenario… well let's not go there.  

Maybe I will be fine. Maybe I won't.

This is the TRUE reason why I decided to give away every business, tool, script, resource, template, campaign, software and event contacts Rolodex that I have worked tirelessly to build over the last 8 years and that was responsible for me retiring financially at the age of 36 yrs. 

Literally, it's EVERY online revenue-generating asset I own. 

Why? There is a lot of uncertainty once I enter the operating theatre. I may not make it. I could make it, but in God knows what state. I may not be able to work anymore. 

Best case scenario, it will take 2-3 months for me to recover…

…if there are no complications.

No gimmicks here (I wish…)

My mission in the last 3 years been to leave a legacy and help people improve their sitations with the internet. 

What I have so far may be the only Legacy I am able to leave to this world.

And it’s a Legacy that’s been rewarding for me….

I have been named Europe’s Fastest Growing Digital Nomad Entrepreneur.  

My students have been able to escape the rat race and travel the world with their families.  

My legacy has even caught the attention of the mainstream media: 

And not only have I been able to help thousands of families create retirement income and become financially free…

But I’ve been fortunate enough to get paid very well for it. wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

Commissions like these come in like clockwork now.

And the good news is…. 

Autopilot income like this is very possible for you. 

I’ll show you how in just a minute. 

Because of the truth of the matter is…

I’ve been in your shoes before.  

I started building my legacy from scratch almost a decade ago now. 

So I know you have what it takes to do the same.

Speaking of starting from scratch… 

It’s especially good to be new to a business like this. 

Because you’ll be able to follow what I do step-by-step without overcomplicating the process. 

One of my students Chris Currie was brand new to internet marketing… 

He made $766.22 overnight with ZERO experience!

He simply followed the steps I laid out for him, and got immediate results. 

What if you had been in Chris’s shoes?

And you let me teach you the same strategy…. 

You could have made $766.22 overnight like Chris… wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

If you used the same method just once a week…

You would have $3,064.88 hitting your bank account every month. 

In fact, if you did this just once a week for a year, it would be an extra $36,778.56 in your pocket. 

That’s enough to pay off some nagging bills… 

And that’s a trip to Disney that your family is sure to never forget…

Another one of my students Josh has been able to finally break through and get results.

Just three weeks after my mentorship, he was able to get his first commission to come in. 

After he went to an event in Las Vegas, he knew he needed a coach.  

He found me and did his research to make sure I was the real deal. 

I was able to give him the tools, strategies, and steps to making money online. 

And he was able to go from complete newbie… 

To generating consistent commissions from his laptop. wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

Another one of my students June Sennon used to be a project manager in the Virgin Islands.

She would work long hours at her job to make $75,000 a year. 

I took her through an exercise and showed her a strategy to make money live…

And she was able to generate $400 overnight! 

That’s more than June would make in a week at her old office job. 

If June could make money, with a full time job in the Virgin Islands, why can’t you? 

She didn’t have any special “tech” knowledge. 

She isn’t famous and doesn’t have a huge following.

I just broke down the system step-by-step and gave that to her. 

Being new to this allows you to simply start taking action and see results coming in. 

A question I get a lot is: “Will this really work for me?” 

My answer? 

I get it. There are a lot of so-called “gurus” out there trying to sell you BS. 

This is exactly what I’ve put this collection together which I will show you shortly. 

I’ve helped students of all ages from all over the world. 

I am here to deliver you results in the most straightforward way possible. 

No BS. No fluff.  

Take my student Daniel Costa for instance.

He was extremely skeptical if I could really help him make money.

He would think and say things like : 

  • “Is this a Get Rich Quick scheme?”
  • “If this is so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it?” 
  • “What’s the catch?”

We addressed these things, he decided to put his skepticism aside and jump in.

And after working together for a short time…

Not only does Daniel see himself making $10,000 a month by the end of the year…

He started from scratch, and now he has the freedom and ability to retire, to spend more time with his family. 

Check out the kind of emails I’ve received over the years:wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

These all have come from people that were unsure if they could make money with me.

They’ve been burned before. 

They’ve tried different programs, different coaches, and tried all of the ways to make money online. 

But, like so many of my other students, they are finally breaking through and seeing real results. 

As you can see here, the skeptical students tend to actually make a pittance in comparison to students who jump right in and go all in: wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

Because once they see how others have done it, they take action. 

And as they see results, the money starts to come in like a snowball effect. 

And the best part is… 

You Don’t Need Any Special “Tech” or Knowledge!

I want to pass on my legacy to you.

This means that you’ll receive everything you’ll need in order to succeed. 

And to ensure that my legacy is carried out in the right way… 

I’ve made this as plug-and-play as possible. 

I’m peeling back the curtain and handing you every email, sales page, and script that has taken my 3 businesses from $0 – multiple six figures per year each! 

And there’s NO OTHER 'funnel', hack, conference or course you'll ever need to successfully run a six figure a year business from the comfort of your own home. 

Have a look at this: 

This is a peek at the emails you’ll be receiving. 

You’ll be able to use them WORD FOR WORD and make money with them. 

These emails are my secret sauce, the things I send out whenever I need an influx of cash.wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

Between my emails and funnels…

I have commissions like these coming in every day. 

And pretty soon, you can be too! 

A big piece of my business is the live component.

My workshops, seminars, and other events. 

And you’ll have everything you need to run them yourselves.  

From connections, to presentation slides, and everything in between. 

I’ve done all of the heavy lifting throughout my career so that you don’t have to. 

You can simply copy, paste, and profit.

And because you’ll be getting results so quickly… 

Your friends and family will see them too, and they’ll probably wonder how you’re doing it. 

To be quite frank, you’ll start to hear opinions from others, good and bad. 

But this is when you know you’re doing something right! 

All of the majorly successful entrepreneurs I know have had “haters” and people that doubted them. 

But because what I am about to share with you is so easy to use, you’ll be able to show them that this internet marketing thing actually WORKS. 

My student Chris Kiel struggled to make it all work online for years… 

His family wondered why he was just spinning his wheels. 

They wanted him to give up the dream and just spend more time with them. 

But after I showed him how to actually create success in his business…

His family was totally supportive. 

Not only could he spend more time with them, he also had the financial means of foing whatever he wanted with them. 

Those dream vacations were finally possible… 

And a stress-free retirement was now realistic! 

Jan Ferit was super close to ending her entrepreneurial journey…

She’s had gone through many courses before coming across my strategies and was left thinking “What am I doing???” 

Her friends doubted her ability to actually have success. 

But I showed her how to put the pieces in place, and I can be doing the same thing with you shortly too.

And she finished the program knowing that it will impact "her life and her income forever" (her own words). 

Her friends are now her greatest cheerleaders. 

Your success with what I am going to share with you can not only earn the respect and admiration of those around youm but can also inspire them.

But here’s the bad news…. 

What if I'm not around anymore?

Let's be frank.

I may or may not come out on the other end of surgery.

If I do come out, God knows how and in what state that will be. I may not be able to work anymore.

Thankfully, over the last 3 years I was blessed to have an incredibly talented group of people join my team. Day by day, they learned everything I know to the point that the businesses can practically run themselves without me now. 

That's what's allowed me to travel the world for months consecutively over the last year (and you are going to get access to that system very shortly so you can do the same).

So Claire, Pavle, Judy and the rest of the team will be able to help you with any support you may need as you get these 3 Done For You businesses working for you and start building your own legacy (in fact, some of my high end clients don't even speak to me anymore – they just speak to Claire and Pavle).

So whilst there is a great support system in place should I not be around…

Time is not on our side

This is the reason why I have no choice but to make the tough decision to offer up everything I have as so that others can take what I have built and make it something even bigger.

So, with a heavy heart and great sadness, I am announcing…

Tiz Gambacorta's

"Lifetime Legacy Collection"

"I got my first check after 3 weeks working with Tiz. Tiz is your guy"Josh Van Tassel, USA

What am I going to get in the collection?

The Lifetime Legacy Collection consists of over 47 sales pages, 600 email campaigns, 28 premium products, webinar slides, audio files, banners, call scripts for $2k-$50k+ programs, broadcast messages, 20 books, and countless videos.

You will even get the live event training slide decks, videos and worksheets that have alone made me over 6 figures in the past year.

Basically, you will get EVERY tool, resource, funnel, script, product and even my to industry contacts that allowed me to build a multiple 6 figure a year business.

This means

You will get not only one, but THREE (3) "Done For You Businesses In a Box".

The Collection includes all of the above (and more) for THREE business.

– One in the Internet Marketing niche

– One in the Forex Investing niche

– One in the Cryptocurrency niche

It's the 3 businesses that I have been working tirelessly on for the last 8 years that allowed me to travel the world and buy a bunch of real estate at the same time.

Not only will you learn every nook and cranny of how to invest and trade the Forex and Crypto currency markets and start an affiliate marketing business, you will also have every insider marketing tools should you want to model these business models as your own business.

Plus you have full rights (Private Label PLR Rights) to the Forex and Investing products. Re-brand them, change the colours, add new voiceovers, bundle up offers. They are yours to do what you like with them. 

What am I going to receive?

  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 32 Done For You Funnels proven to have generated multiple six figures in revenue over the last 12 months. When I share my special passcode with you, you log in just like how you would log into your email account and they will be ready waiting for you to use (friends and family will be stunned into silence thinking you’ve put in a ton of hard work to build multiple sophisticated sales funnels from scratch, instead of the few clicks of a mouse it will really take – shh, it’s our little secret).(VALUE: $32,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 47 High-Converting Done For You Sales Letters (incl. upsells/downsells). Save yourself the thousands of dollars it costs to get expert copywriters to do this for you and go spend that money on a 5* luxury holiday instead. And hey, with the thousands of dollars you’ve saved (47-times over), you can even pay for your significant other to vacation with you. (VALUE: $47,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to Done For You Joint Venture Pages (one for for each niche): Forex, Crypto and Internet Marketing. Get other people to promote your products for you (use the same kind of pages that James Altucher and Frank Kern use to generate millions of dollars in sales without having to do the work yourself). (VALUE, $3,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 82+ Done For You JV Affiliate Swipe Files – leverage these swipes to immediately step into the market looking like a BOSS with proven, optimised, high-converting emails that will make JV partners desperate to send people to your offers for free. (VALUE: $4,900)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to over 2,555 Email Swipe Filesthat you can simply copy/paste to start promoting affiliate products so easily that your audience will think you are the best thing that ever happened to them and see you as an expert in your field from the get go (WARNING: these emails could easily be used to manipulate people so please promise that you'll use them ethically). (VALUE: $25,000)
  • You'll receive access to all 28 Premium Products, Including Private Label PLR Rights to 15 Forex and Investing Products You will own every product that I have ever created. PERIOD! Instead of spending the next 8 years building these products from scratch like I did, you can take all that time, money and effort and put it towards something more enjoyable – fancy dinners with friends, wine tasting trips to Europe, helicopter rides over Las Vegas… and still have change left in your pocket to hit the Casinos. (VALUE: 28,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 600+ Automated Email Sequences and Campaigns to use, edit and customise to build powerful and beautiful relationships with your audience in addition to promoting products (set them up once and let them make sales for you while you tee up on the golf course) (VALUE: $60,000+)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 3 Strategy Session Landing Pages, Confirmation pages, and Funnels that I used to close clients between $3,000 and $12,000 in 45 minutes. If you want to be a coach or consultant, it is vital that you have this in your back pocket for a steady stream of paying clients who see you as the Yoda in your field and are willing to pay top dollar for your time and attention. (VALUE: $6,000)
  • You'll also receive four 5-Figure Phone Call Closing Scripts I have been using over the last eight years to close clients at any of my $3,000, $10,000 and $12,000 per year coaching programs. (It's my secret weapon to eliminate first-time phone sales phobia and will showcase you to potential clients and customers alike as a confident communicator they will beg to listen to and learn from). (VALUE: $6,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights to two (2) Forex & Investing Webinar Series – open up powerpoint, start a screen recorder and read the scripts provided out loud as you flick through the slides. Boom, you have a webinar. Being recognised as an expert and helping others solve their problems just became easier than reading a bedtime story to a sleepy toddler. (1-2 hours to webinar ready) (Value $16,000)
  • You'll receive my $3,000 and $12,000 Per Year Coaching Program Scripts, Cheatsheets and More. This includes the material, the progression path and the exact strategies are used to close the sale. These two programs alone are responsible for six figures in sales per year and what allowed me to reinvest those profits into property. This alone could allow you to reinvest those profits into other large value assets like real estate or stocks – this program is how I was able to include high-end London properties to my portfolio and how you could too. (VALUE: $50,000)
  • You'll receive a Full Email Copywriting Homestudy Course turn cold email subscribers into raving-fan customers with email marketing. You cannot get this course anywhere else other than on this page. Become part of a select group of people who are able to see what is inside this course – except you won’t have joined at the $1,997 price tag others had to pay to access it. (VALUE: $1,997)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to every Interview I Have Ever Done from social media influencers to some of the top names in the Internet marketing and self-help industries, including top of the league affiliate marketers, e-commerce entrepreneurs, CEOs, New York Times bestselling authors, and much more. Take inspiration and advice from some names you may recognise: John Cornetta (GrooveKart), Ty Cohen, Daven Michaels (123 Employee), John Michael, Jessen James, Ken Krell, Greg Cesar, John Newtson (Financial Marketing Summit), Ryan Hamada, Van Oakes, James Schramko (Super Fast Business), Alex Brown, Earnest Epps, Nick Kho (Real Social Dynamics), Jami Stout (Financial Marketing Summit), Paul Hoffmann, and many more. (VALUE: $10,000)
  • You'll receive the Traffic Avalanche Blueprint I used to build a subscriber list of over 300,000 subscribers over the last 8 years so you can do the same. This includes free traffic methods, paid traffic methods plus underground social media marketing strategies, and much more. (Prepare to dominate your marketplace in a matter of weeks using just one of these methods) (VALUE: $12,000)
  • You'll also receive my Solo Ads Formula and Toolbox. My current personal Rolodex of contacts who have sent me the highest quality solo traffic this year to build a list who are engaged and ready to buy so you can go straight to the best sources. (Private information: do not share this with anyone) (VALUE: $9,000)
  • You'll also receive my Live Event Sales Copy, Webinars and Phone Scripts In a time where people struggle to even fill a free event, you will get every single nook, cranny, bell and whistle that I used to SELL-OUT in my last 3 live paid events which were ran both in the UK and the US (When my insurance company was telling me they wouldn’t cover my heart surgery, I pulled these bad boys out the drawer. It gave me a quick and substantial cash injection to cover me just in case I would need to pay out extremely large and unexpected medical expenses.) (VALUE: $50,000)
  • You'll own my Word by Word Training Slide Decks (including Private Label Rights) for the content I delivered over my three-day masterminds. Get ready to catapult yourself, your business to celebrity status as these apparently very "simple" live training sessions have been responsible for people buying high ticket coaching packages up to $50,000 a year.(VALUE: $50,000)
  • You'll also receive Case Studies of How I Routinely Close $50,000 a Year Clients. I have spent tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn from and consult with the top experts in the industry to come up with this blueprint. These case study blueprints can literally alter the course of your business and transform you into an elite brand or persona that potential clients demand to be associated with (even if you charge MORE than your competitors). (Value $100,000+)


I hear what you're thinking…

"This is too good to be true"

I get it.  

David Moeller, the CEO and founder of multi-million dollar software business CodeGuard thought the same.

He was SO freakin' sceptical that he actually boarded an intercontinental flight all the way from the US to Cyprus (where I was based at the time) to make sure I was the real deal.


Facts speak for themselves

After working with me and my approach to online marketing, he went on to sell the company for an undisclosed multi-million dollar amount to Comodo, one of the world’s largest internet security companieswAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

"Tiz, are you out of your mind???"

As if that wasn't enough, my own industry peers, partners and friends were calling me screaming on the phone in not so polite ways:

For crying out loud, man…

Here's what Tom Beal replied when I told him I may be doing something like this:

But I have a very good reason for doing this (and could help you instantly eliminate any overwhelm and frustration, in less time than it takes the neighbour kid to unscrew a jar of pickles).

Are you looking to finally crush your frustrations and feeling overwhelmed?

If you said "no", then I appreciate you and wish you all the best. Please stop reading and click away.

You can go back to YouTube and Facebook now and keep searching for the answers to build yourself the life you dream of. No hard feelings.  wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

If you said "YES", then buckle up, turn off your notifications, and

Pay close attention

Your life is about to change just like it did for Chris…

"I am confident I can earn at least £20,000 a month with this." – Chris Currie, 

Former actor and beginner online marketer, UK


You'll Own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 32 Done For You Funnels That Can Generate Instant Cash To Your Bank Account  (Value: $32,000)

That's right. 

A sales funnel is the backbone of any online business and with these done for you funnels you will be able to hit the ground running from day 1. These are the exact funnels that have allowed me to generate multiple six figures in revenue over the last 12 months.

Just download them, slap your name onto them and you're off to the races with a ready-to-rock set of sales funnels to start promoting.

– You can change the colours

– You can change the logo

– You can change the name

– You can change the images or the text

– You can modify the sales funnel any way that you want

– You can keep 100% of the profits that you make from each of the funnels you operate.

It's all yours to do with as you please.

You will just need to connect it to your bank account and shopping cart and you're ready to go. (We will even give you the shopping cart for free. Read on…)

Funnels that have been generating consistent results like these…


You'll Own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 47 High-Converting Done For You Sales Letters (incl. upsells/downsells) Which Converted Up To 12% Front End And Up To 55% On The Back End. (Value: $47,000)

If you are anything like me, you HATE writing sales copy. It takes a long time, a lot of skill and very, very few can do it well.

Plus there is a BIG difference between being able to write well and being able to Write Copy That SELLS!

With these proven-to-convert sales letters, you don't need to do any of the copywriting – it's just a matter of copy/paste.

Not to mention that copywriters are expensive (because they are damn good at what they do). See the kind of costs we are talking about for a single sales letter copy job:

So instead of paying around $1,000 – $5,000 (or more) per sales page, you're getting these high converting and proven sales pages which you can just add your name to and start making cash right away. 

Here's what you will get for each of the 3 businesses:wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]


You'll Own Private Label Rights (PLR) to Done For You Joint Venture Pages I Crafted To Attract Millions of FREE Visitors (Value: $3,000)

That's right. You're going to get all the JV affiliate pages I have personally used to collaborate with other top players in the forex, investing, crypto currency and online marketing niches (companies like the $1.5bn/year online publishing juggernaut Agora).

These pages have crushed it in all 3 of these niches which is imperative when you consider that joint ventures affiliates can be the lifeblood of a online business in any niche.

All these pages have generated millions of Free visits to my product launches and helped me to build strong, reciprocal bonds with some of the heavy hitters in each of the three industries (and beyond). 

If you are ready for some Free powerhouse traffic to come your way, check out what you will receive:


You'll Own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 82+ Done For You JV Affiliate Swipe Files To Encourage Affiliates To Promote Your Products And Send You 131,977 Free Visitors (Or More) (Value: $4,900)

These email template swipe files make it incredibly simple for JV partners and affiliates to promote your offer and send Free traffic to your pages.

With these proven email templates, you can give your joint venture partners and affiliates all the tools and resources they need to promote your products to their audiences and make you sales.wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]

We're talking JV promo tools, JV recruitment letters, JV update templates, personal invites, Facebook Messenger invites, exclusive event invites, and much more. 

Plus, you will also receive dozens of banners you can modify and use as you wish. 

Basically, you will have everything you need to get partners to send free traffic to you and make you sales.


You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to Over 2,555 Email Swipe Files Generating Six Figures A Year For 8 Years Consistently (Value: $25,000)

I have been using these very same emails to promote affiliate products in all 3 niches (internet marketing, forex investing and cryptocurrencies) as a way to create an instant cash injection into my businesses when needed.

These email swipe files come with a copy and paste licence so that you can use them as they are or modify them as you wish. Some are even built (by design) to suit almost any offer in the respective marketplaces so you can use them over and over again for your different offers, products and promotions.

Check out some of the commissions these emails have generated…

Change the name to yours, replace the link and offers with which ever offer you want to promote – or promote the same ones I did to make the kind of money you see in the screenshots above – and consider these emails your online cash machine.


You'll Receive Access To All 28 Premium Products I Have Researched & Developed Over The Last 8 Years, Including Private Label PLR Rights to 15 Forex and Investing Products (Value: $28,000)

Are you ready for this? 

You are going to OWN every product that I have ever created. PERIOD!

These include products on affiliate marketing, traffic generation, lead generation, copywriting, email marketing, sales funnels, social media marketing, live events, forex trading, stock and options trading, crypto currency trading, and much more!

Plus you have full rights (Private Label PLR Rights) to the Forex and Investing products. Re-brand them, change the colours, add new voiceovers, bundle up offers. They are yours to do what you like with them.

You will also have Private Label Rights to broadcast the videos, run the events, and host the webinars – however you like.

This is 8 years worth of grind and pain taken off your shoulders. You may never have to ever create your own product with this library of goodies ready and prepped for you to learn from and sell to your audience.


You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 600+ Pre-Written Automated Email Sequences and Campaigns (Value: $60,000+)

YES, you read that correctly… 600+ emails all written out and ready to go.

Send them out one by one, or upload them all to an autoresponder of your choice where possible and let the system send out all these emails on your behalf. 

If you know how to copy and paste, within a few hours you could have a very sophisticated autoresponder follow up sequences that's proven to generate multiple six figures every year that's taken me 8 years to perfect. You get it within seconds.

Why are automated campaigns and email sequences important?

If you have ever heard people use the phrase "make money while you sleep",automated messages is where that all comes from.

Imagine being able to sell, promote, nurture and deliver products over and over again to multiple people all at the same time, while you are out having dinner with the family or going to the movies… or, indeed, sleeping.

The hard part of this is getting the emails written and organised in the first place. WIth this collection of email campaigns, you don't need to do any of the planning, strategy or copy for your emails. 

– Need to send out promotions? Done!

– Lead opted in? Welcomed!

– Someone's payment failed? Chased up!

– Webinar coming up? Reminded!

– Call missed? Appointment rescheduled!

– Product purchased? Delivered!


People have paid me as much as £10,864 (US$ 13,800) for a single 6-email campaign, you get 600 of such emails.

With 600+ emails, you may never need to write another email ever again. 


You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 3 "Quick Cash"High Ticket Sales Pages, Confirmation Pages, And More (Value: $6,000)

I used these very pages and funnels to close clients anywhere between $1,400 and $12,000 in 45 minutes. 

I like to call this my 'Gold-mining Collection' where the big nuggets are found. These will hunt down and highlight the people in your list who are willing and able to pay top dollar for your offer and service in a short amount of time.

You can modify these pages as you wish to personalise them to yourself, as well as use other tricks and hacks (like the call appointment emails that are also included) to ensure clients show up and on time to your appointments.

Designed to make people see you as the ultimate go-to person in your field – suitable for internet marketing, investing, or cryptocurrency niches – these high ticket sales pages have allowed me to take months off at a time from my business in order to travel the world and have fun. 


You'll Also Receive The Phone Call Scripts I Have Been Using To Successfully Close 5-Figure Clients In A Single Phone Call (Value: $6,000)

If you've ever wanted to make high ticket sales, but didn't know what to say on the phone to potential clients, I have you sorted.

If you are afraid of selling. If you are terrible on the phone, or anything similar…

I got you covered.

I hate selling. I hate picking up the phone. In fact, the only sales job I got, I got fired.

These are my personal high ticket phone call scripts I use every single time I have closed my highest paying coaching clients in all of the 3 "Done For You" businesses included in this Lifetime Legacy Collection. 

I swear by these scripts to the point that they allowed me to secure two 4-figure clients back to back in the space of 3 hours with a couple of phone calls (no other form of marketing has a higher conversion rate!).

Over the last eight years these scripts have allowed me to close clients at any of my $3,000, $10,000 and $12,000 per year coaching programs.


You'll Own Private Label Rights to Two Webinar Series in PowerPoint, MP4 and MP3 Format That I Used To Make Multiple Six Figures A Year In Automated Sales (Value: $16,000)

You're getting the PowerPoint presentation slides along with the word by word scripts, including Private Label Rights for my Forex & Investing webinars. So, you will know exactly what you should say for each slide. All you have to do is read the words on the screen, it's like child's play.

These free webinars have enabled me to close clients at anything between $1,000 and $10,000 a pop. 

It starts with the pre-sell. In my webinar series you will see with your own eyes how audiences are primed and ready to buy before they even sign up for the free training.

Some of these webinars have been responsible for me going on to close two thirds of anyone I ever spoke with in a single interaction.wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]


You'll receive my $3,000 and $12,000 Per Year Coaching Program Scripts, Cheatsheets & More So You Can Have Clients Paying You Top Dollar For Minimal Work (Value: $50,000)

You can modify this coaching program as you wish, yes!

These are my flagship coaching programs I developed so that anyone who wanted to get more education, support or to level up their progress had the opportunity to work with me.

Check out the screenshot of some of the clients I made from these very same programs:

This includes the material, the progression path and the exact strategies are used to close these program sales. These two programs alone are responsible for six figures in sales per year


You'll receive a Full Email Copywriting Homestudy Course

This Is NOT Currently On Sale Anywhere (Value: $1,997)

This program shows you in every detail how to turn cold email subscribers into raving followers and eventually, customers with email marketing. 

Plus, it also shows how to automate this process so that you can forget about it and just let it run in the background. 

People paid $1,997 for this at the time it was available to buy.

This includes the material, the progression path and the exact strategies are used to close these program sales. These two programs alone are responsible for six figures in sales per year


You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to every Interview I Have Ever Done From Social Media Influencers To Some Top Names In The Internet Marketing, Investing, & Crypto Industries (Value: $10,000)

These interviews are a culmination of years of networking, mastermind event attendance, travelling, schmoozing on cruises.

They include converstations with top of the league affiliate marketers, e-commerce entrepreneurs, CEOs, New York Times bestselling authors, and much more. 

Here are some of the names you may recognise: 

John Cornetta (GrooveKart), Ty Cohen, Daven Michaels (123 Employee), John Michael, Jessen James, Ken Krell, Greg Cesar, John Newtson (Financial Marketing Summit), Ryan Hamada, Van Oakes, James Schramko (Super Fast Business), Alex Brown, Earnest Epps, Nick Kho (Real Social Dynamics), Jami Stout (Financial Marketing Summit), Paul Hoffmann, and many more…


You'll receive the Traffic Avalanche Blueprint I Used To Build A 300,000 Strong Subscriber List (Value: $12,000)

This includes free traffic methods, paid traffic methods plus underground social media marketing strategies, and much more.wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== | eSy[GB]


You'll Also Receive My Solo Ads Formula and Toolbox So You Only Get The Best Visitors to Your Website (Value: $9,000)

One of our top 2 biggest traffic sources has consistently been email traffic and solo ads. 

You will receive all the tools and resources, the Rolodex Facebook group URLs, and my personal Rolodex of contacts with my top and best performing solo ad traffic sources. 

I have generated over 50,000 email subscribers from solo ads alone in the last 12 months in the Internet marketing, self-improvement and investing niches. 90% of these subscribers were generated for free thanks to this formula and toolbox


You'll Also Receive My Live Event Sales Copy, Webinars and Phone Scripts So Always Know What to Say, When to Say It (Value: $50,000)

These scripts resulted in people paying £1,497 / $1,900 each plus travel and accommodation to attend three-day masterminds, multiple times.

In a time where people struggle to even fill a free event, you will get every single nook, cranny, bell and whistle that I used to SELL-OUT in my last 3 live ticketed events which were ran both in the UK and the US.


You'll Own My Word by Word Training Slide Decks (Including Private Label PLR rights) For My 3-Day Masterminds (Value: $50,000)

These apparently very "simple" live training sessions have been responsible for people raising their hand there and then in the room and buying high ticket coaching packages from anything between $3,000, $10,000 and $50,000 a year.


You'll also receive Case Studies of How I Routinely Close $50,000 a Year Clients (Value: $100,000)

I have spent tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars plus travel and accommodation (that's not even counting my time) to learn from and consult with the top experts in the industry to come up with this blueprint. 

You don't have to do any of this. 

You will get all these for free as well as the structure of my unfinished projects that will go on to generate over $3 million in the next couple of years. 

"Would You Like All This Served Up On A Silver Platter?"

This is way more stuff than you need to run an online business

This is basically all the things I have used to run 3 online business into the 6 figures and beyond EACH!

So while I retire from the industry, you could use this collection to retire from the 9-5 grind and shortcut a lot of the trial and error, grind, searching and testing that I have essentially done FOR you over the last 8 years and am handing over to you…

I have always said I want to leave a legacy… I didn't plan on it happening so soon but here we are…

So I am taking my heart giving out as a push for me to do exactly what I always set out to do from the start of my online journey… to leave a legacy and help others.  I've decided to offer my lifetime legacy collection for just $997 all in.

No hidden fees. No secret charges. 

That's less than $0.10 cents for every $100 I spent developing, testing, researching, optimising these products and I've been testing and optimising them for YEARS!They work.

For every product, there is a sales funnel, an email funnel, images, videos, scripts, documents, testimonials. You could take all this and literally have your own business (or 3!) up and running within a week

HINT: Each product that I have launched over the last 8 years has made me anything from $10,000 to $260,000. One of them even made me over $60,000 in just 3 days.

Are you ready?

Here's Exactly What Your Will Receive From Tiz Gambacorta's Lifetime Legacy Collection:

Let's recap on what you are getting especially as there were a lot of elements in this lifetime legacy collection. So here is what you will receive:

  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 32 Done For You Funnels proven to have generated multiple six figures in revenue over the last 12 months. When I share my special passcode with you, you log in just like how you would log into your email account and they will be ready waiting for you to use (friends and family will be stunned into silence thinking you’ve put in a ton of hard work to build multiple sophisticated sales funnels from scratch, instead of the few clicks of a mouse it will really take – shh, it’s our little secret).(VALUE: $32,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 47 High-Converting Done For You Sales Letters (incl. upsells/downsells). Save yourself the thousands of dollars it costs to get expert copywriters to do this for you and go spend that money on a 5* luxury holiday instead. And hey, with the thousands of dollars you’ve saved (47-times over), you can even pay for your significant other to vacation with you. (VALUE: $47,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to Done For You Joint Venture Pages (one for for each niche): Forex, Crypto and Internet Marketing. Get other people to promote your products for you (use the same kind of pages that James Altucher and Frank Kern use to generate millions of dollars in sales without having to do the work yourself). (VALUE, $3,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 82+ Done For You JV Affiliate Swipe Files – leverage these swipes to immediately step into the market looking like a BOSS with proven, optimised, high-converting emails that will make JV partners desperate to send people to your offers for free. (VALUE: $4,900)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to over 2,555 Email Swipe Filesthat you can simply copy/paste to start promoting affiliate products so easily that your audience will think you are the best thing that ever happened to them and see you as an expert in your field from the get go (WARNING: these emails could easily be used to manipulate people so please promise that you'll use them ethically). (VALUE: $25,000)
  • You'll receive access to all 28 Premium Products, Including Private Label PLR Rights to 15 Forex and Investing Products You will own every product that I have ever created. PERIOD! Instead of spending the next 8 years building these products from scratch like I did, you can take all that time, money and effort and put it towards something more enjoyable – fancy dinners with friends, wine tasting trips to Europe, helicopter rides over Las Vegas… and still have change left in your pocket to hit the Casinos. (VALUE: 28,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 600+ Automated Email Sequences and Campaigns to use, edit and customise to build powerful and beautiful relationships with your audience in addition to promoting products (set them up once and let them make sales for you while you tee up on the golf course) (VALUE: $60,000+)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to 3 Strategy Session Landing Pages, Confirmation pages, and Funnels that I used to close clients between $3,000 and $12,000 in 45 minutes. If you want to be a coach or consultant, it is vital that you have this in your back pocket for a steady stream of paying clients who see you as the Yoda in your field and are willing to pay top dollar for your time and attention. (VALUE: $6,000)
  • You'll also receive four 5-Figure Phone Call Closing Scripts I have been using over the last eight years to close clients at any of my $3,000, $10,000 and $12,000 per year coaching programs. (It's my secret weapon to eliminate first-time phone sales phobia and will showcase you to potential clients and customers alike as a confident communicator they will beg to listen to and learn from). (VALUE: $6,000)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights to two (2) Forex & Investing Webinar Series – open up powerpoint, start a screen recorder and read the scripts provided out loud as you flick through the slides. Boom, you have a webinar. Being recognised as an expert and helping others solve their problems just became easier than reading a bedtime story to a sleepy toddler. (1-2 hours to webinar ready) (Value $16,000)
  • You'll receive my $3,000 and $12,000 Per Year Coaching Program Scripts, Cheatsheets and More. This includes the material, the progression path and the exact strategies are used to close the sale. These two programs alone are responsible for six figures in sales per year and what allowed me to reinvest those profits into property. This alone could allow you to reinvest those profits into other large value assets like real estate or stocks – this program is how I was able to include high-end London properties to my portfolio and how you could too. (VALUE: $50,000)
  • You'll receive a Full Email Copywriting Homestudy Course turn cold email subscribers into raving-fan customers with email marketing. You cannot get this course anywhere else other than on this page. Become part of a select group of people who are able to see what is inside this course – except you won’t have joined at the $1,997 price tag others had to pay to access it. (VALUE: $1,997)
  • You'll own Private Label Rights (PLR) to every Interview I Have Ever Done from social media influencers to some of the top names in the Internet marketing and self-help industries, including top of the league affiliate marketers, e-commerce entrepreneurs, CEOs, New York Times bestselling authors, and much more. Take inspiration and advice from some names you may recognise: John Cornetta (GrooveKart), Ty Cohen, Daven Michaels (123 Employee), John Michael, Jessen James, Ken Krell, Greg Cesar, John Newtson (Financial Marketing Summit), Ryan Hamada, Van Oakes, James Schramko (Super Fast Business), Alex Brown, Earnest Epps, Nick Kho (Real Social Dynamics), Jami Stout (Financial Marketing Summit), Paul Hoffmann, and many more. (VALUE: $10,000)
  • You'll receive the Traffic Avalanche Blueprint I used to build a subscriber list of over 300,000 subscribers over the last 8 years so you can do the same. This includes free traffic methods, paid traffic methods plus underground social media marketing strategies, and much more. (Prepare to dominate your marketplace in a matter of weeks using just one of these methods) (VALUE: $12,000)
  • You'll also receive my Solo Ads Formula and Toolbox. My current personal Rolodex of contacts who have sent me the highest quality solo traffic this year to build a list who are engaged and ready to buy so you can go straight to the best sources. (Private information: do not share this with anyone) (VALUE: $9,000)
  • You'll also receive my Live Event Sales Copy, Webinars and Phone Scripts In a time where people struggle to even fill a free event, you will get every single nook, cranny, bell and whistle that I used to SELL-OUT in my last 3 live paid events which were ran both in the UK and the US (When my insurance company was telling me they wouldn’t cover my heart surgery, I pulled these bad boys out the drawer. It gave me a quick and substantial cash injection to cover me just in case I would need to pay out extremely large and unexpected medical expenses.) (VALUE: $50,000)
  • You'll own my Word by Word Training Slide Decks (including Private Label Rights) for the content I delivered over my three-day masterminds. Get ready to catapult yourself, your business to celebrity status as these apparently very "simple" live training sessions have been responsible for people buying high ticket coaching packages up to $50,000 a year.(VALUE: $50,000)
  • You'll also receive Case Studies of How I Routinely Close $50,000 a Year Clients. I have spent tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn from and consult with the top experts in the industry to come up with this blueprint. These case study blueprints can literally alter the course of your business and transform you into an elite brand or persona that potential clients demand to be associated with (even if you charge MORE than your competitors). (Value $100,000+)


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What Shipping Methods Are Available?
  • You will receive a download link in the invoice or YOUR ACCOUNT.
  • The course link is always accessible through your account. Simply log in to download the Lifetime Legacy Collection – Tiz Gambacorta course whenever you need it.
  • You only need to visit a single link, and you can get all the Lifetime Legacy Collection – Tiz Gambacorta course content at once.
  • You can choose to learn online or download for better results, and you can study anywhere on any device. Please ensure that your system does not enter sleep mode during the download.
How Do I Track Order?
  • We promptly update the status of your order after your payment is completed. If, after 7 days, there is no download link, the system will automatically process a refund.
  • We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out via email us with any comments, questions and suggestions.


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Tiz Gambacorta | eSy[GB]
Lifetime Legacy Collection – Tiz Gambacorta
Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $123.00. Add to cart