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Buy Judith Orloff – Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power 2023 Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power 2023Judith Orloff – Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power 2023

Transform challenging emotions like anxiety, frustration, depression, and anger into uplifting, life-affirming ones — as you embrace more happiness, empathy, intuition, peace, and mastery over negativity.

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What does true emotional freedom look like — especially for empaths or other sensitive and caring people?

It means shifting your negative emotional patterns, embracing emotions as teachers, and viewing yourself and others through the lens of your heart.

It’s a personal and spiritual evolution that teaches you to listen to your deepest intuition, access the emotional healing energy of your heart — and awaken your body’s empathic healing wisdom.

Sadly, especially these days, it feels easier to focus on external factors and events. Many of us are living in our heads more than ever, making it difficult to connect with our emotions, and with other people. Empaths and sensitives may be suffering more than most, experiencing chronic sensory overload, anxiety, fear, anger, depression, or other difficult states and emotions.

Thankfully, we all have the ability to address these patterns and achieve profound emotional freedom. Join us for a 7-module course with Judith Orloff, MD — psychiatrist, empath, intuitive healer, and bestselling author who’s been called “the Godmother of the Empath Movement” — to start shifting your dynamics right away, ridding yourself of unproductive emotional patterns to become an empowered empath.

You’ll delve deeply into the four components of healing your emotions, which reveal how your biology, spirituality, energy, and psychology govern your emotional life.

Judith will share how emotions are your greatest teachers and the ultimate vehicles for transformation, enabling you to listen to your deepest intuition and access the healing energy of your heart.

As an empath or sensitive person, you’re on a spiritual journey and have special gifts to offer the world.

Judith will encourage you to remember how your intuition and sensitivities can be healing to yourself and the world. Your presence, sweetness, and tender appreciation for all of life are just some of the profound gifts you have to offer.

As both a conventional psychiatrist and an empath herself, Judith has powerful insights into how working with difficult emotions, rather than collapsing into them, is actually a spiritual practice that can empower your empathic self, and help you rise above fearful thoughts and emotions.

Are you ready to journey into a healthy, intuitively attuned life of inner calm and happiness? Over seven modules, Judith will equip you with powerful tools and practices she has developed through working with empaths for many years — to awaken your body’s empathic healing wisdom.

In this transformative online course, you’ll:

  • Empower your emotional life with the 4 major components of healing your emotions — biology, spirituality, energetic power, and psychology — to impact your emotional experience as an empath (or an otherwise sensitive, caring person)
  • Liberate yourself from negative emotions and transform your life
  • Overcome loneliness and attract nurturing connections using Judith’s 5 strategies
  • Learn how to set boundaries and protect yourself from social anxiety
  • Discover the dynamics of anger and master numerous strategies to overcome it with compassion
  • Discern the difference between the energy of your fear and other people’s fear — so you can reprogram your beliefs, shift your energy, and stop taking on the suffering of the world
  • Reinvent the way you think about your emotions — embracing them as your teachers, not tormentors
  • Use 4 powerful techniques for communicating with patience — to improve relationships and overcome obstacles
  • Explore the 4 emotional types — The Intellectual, The Empath, The Gusher, and The Rock — and how knowing them can help you heal, develop resilience, and navigate relationships
  • Tame your fear and other difficult emotions so they don’t dominate your thinking or actions
  • Participate in guided meditations and other experiential practices to connect with your inner self and spirit, relieve loneliness, build connection, and much more
  • Explore what “living in service to the heart” means and learn to apply it to your everyday life

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Dr. Orloff will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully tap into your empathic ability and embrace more happiness, empathy, intuition, peace, and mastery.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Dr. Orloff. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to ignite your intuitive power to heal and transform difficult emotions.

Module 1: The Foundation of Emotional Healing — 4 Secrets to Empower Your Emotional Life

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What is emotional healing? Do emotions affect empaths (including the emotional empath) and sensitive people differently than others? How can sensitive people stop absorbing the stress of the world so their empathic gifts can flourish?

In this opening module, Judith will share the four major components of emotions: their biology, spirituality, energetic power, and psychology.

Together, these components create an elegant portrait of your emotional self, as they reveal insights about how you operate that will help you heal.

Paying attention to each component will help you learn to transform negative emotions to positive ones, achieving a true integration of your empathic powers. Emotions are energy, and Dr. Orloff will show you how to make this alchemical shift.

You’ll discover the art of self-empathy as Judith leads you through a simple but potentially life-changing affirmation, “I’m sorry you were hurt.”

In this first module, you’ll learn:

  • The 4 emotional types — The Intellectual, The Empath, The Gusher, and The Rock — and how knowing them can help you heal, develop resilience, and navigate relationships
  • How to release the victim mentality and embrace the spiritual lessons of emotions
  • Ways to recognize the phenomenon of emotional contagion — and how both positive and negative emotions can spread like a virus across a room
  • How to develop self-empathy as a healing technique for difficult emotions
  • How to shift from your head into the larger healing realm of your heart and intuition
  • Ways to heal and embrace your wounded child — an initial step of emotional healing
  • Insight into the power of dreams for healing
  • Judith’s experiential meditation, How to Shift Out of the Suffering of the Mind to the Healing of the Heart

Module 2: Facing Fear & Building Courage

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Fear is the mother of all negative emotions from which loneliness, worry, anger, and the rest are spawned. Fear is such a potent negative emotion because we’re genetically cued to associate it with survival…

Unchecked fear has no end. Its energy will infinitely replicate like cancer if you let it. Understandably, we’re easily overwhelmed by fear until we learn to disengage from it and tame it.

In this module, Dr. Orloff will share how to face and demystify fear by exploring its four components — biology, spiritual lessons, energetic power, and psychology.

When you learn to recognize and work consciously with fear’s different aspects, you won’t see it as some haphazard force of nature that can seize you unaware.

Study fear closely, and allow courage to flow from what you learn.

Judith will help you stop absorbing fear from family members, friends, and other people — plus give you protection strategies so you won’t feel drained.

She’ll ask you to evaluate any fearful messages from your family of origin that you may be carrying around — so you can reclaim and heal your wounded inner child.

You’ll learn strategies to reprogram your thoughts and release the burden of negative messages.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Four questions to ask yourself to transform your fear
  • How to harness your biology to quiet fear — you’ll turn off stress hormones and activate endorphins
  • How to tell the difference between your fears and someone else’s
  • How to be brave in the most challenging circumstances
  • How to use your breath to release fear
  • A better understanding of healing dreams and nightmares
  • An experiential meditation — Dr. Orloff will guide you through how to lovingly release the energy of fear and ignite courage

Module 3: Facing Frustration & Disappointment — Building Patience

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Frustration happens. How do you deal with it?

You can drive yourself crazy, behave irritably, feel victimized, or try to force an outcome — all self-defeating reactions that alienate others and bring out the worst in you.

Or, you can learn to transform frustration with powerful patience, a great spiritual accomplishment. Patience doesn’t mean passivity or resignation, but strength… and maybe even action. As Dr. Orloff will explain, it’s an emotionally freeing practice of waiting, watching, and knowing when to act — or not to act.

In this module, she will share how disappointment is a form of frustration that occurs when your expectations are dashed.

As an empath, you must learn to patiently cope with disappointments in healthy ways. You’ll learn to release your tendency to be a “people pleaser” at the expense of your own needs.

Empaths often have a difficult time tolerating other people’s disappointment in them, but learning to tolerate disappointment is a sign of empowered emotional health.

Managing disappointment from an elusive state and feeling OK even when you don’t get what you want is the difference between being emotionally free or not. Practicing patience when faced with disappointments helps you achieve this.

We’ll also discuss Divine Timing and how to tune in to it — rather than straining against the pace of healing and trying to force it. You’ll learn that there’s your timetable, and there’s Spirit’s timetable.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to approach 4 common frustrations with patience
  • Healthy ways to take charge of a frustrating situation
  • What to do when you don’t get what you want, and how to survive rejection
  • Four rules for communicating with patience — and how to create the energy of patience at challenging times in your life
  • How to deal with frustration in relationships and tolerate other people’s disappointments
  • An experiential meditation, Inviting in the Grace of Patience During Frustrating Times

Module 4: Facing Loneliness & Depression — Building Connection & Hope

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Loneliness is a dis-ease of disconnection that keeps you emotionally isolated. This is especially true for empaths and sensitive people who absorb the feelings of others, and therefore try to insulate themselves from making connections.

Though it might overlap with depression, loneliness typically reflects a discontent with the quality of your relationships… whereas depression spills over into many other areas of life.

In this module, you’ll examine the anatomy of loneliness and learn strategies to build meaningful emotional connections.

Many of us are led to believe that finding Mr. or Ms. Right will eradicate loneliness, that an all-powerful other half will make us whole. But this notion isn’t true. You don’t have another half because you’re already whole.

Dr. Orloff will help you become aware of your many sides and integrate them for health and fulfillment. It’s an agenda of emotional healing, and no one else can do this for you.

You’ll also discuss meaning and lessons from a cosmic perspective. We come into this life alone and we leave it alone. You’ll learn the importance of befriending self and spirit. Judith will also teach you how to avoid being thrown off by other people’s beliefs and opinions.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The spiritual meaning of loneliness and connection
  • Strategies to increase the love hormone oxytocin
  • How empaths can find a balance of alone time and people time, and define their personal space
  • The role of animal companions in combating loneliness and building connection
  • Five strategies to overcome loneliness and attract nurturing connections
  • How to heal loneliness and isolation and develop a strong relationship with yourself
  • An experiential meditation to connect with your inner self and spirit to relieve loneliness and build connection

Module 5: Facing Anxiety & Worry — Building Inner Calm

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In today’s world, we’re constantly being barraged with new off-the-scale tensions — including the economy, climate change, and pandemics.

Compound them with personal concerns about everything from family to health to aging, and it’s no wonder there’s an epidemic of chronic anxiety disorders. This is especially true for sensitive souls who feel and absorb the woes of the world.

In this module, Dr. Orloff will guide you to explore the composition of anxiety and worry — and offer you strategies to transform them.

You’ll discover how to remain calm, despite the most egregious circumstances or worries. You’ll develop an inner calm that stays tried and true in any situation if you make honing it a priority.

Judith will also share ways to look at anxiety and worry from the witness state. You’ll learn to lovingly detach from a state of overwhelm, expand beyond it, and realize that you are larger than the feeling you’re experiencing and that everything will be OK. As you’ll explore, the witness state is an essential emotional healing tool for empaths!

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Four ways to reverse anxiety and create inner calm
  • Why you’re prone to anxiety as an empath, and how you can release it
  • The power of heart-centered meditation to decrease anxiety
  • How to recognize inherited anxiety that you’re carrying around from your parents
  • The importance of setting boundaries and protecting yourself from social anxiety
  • How to recognize whether you’re an inner slave driver or perfectionist — with strategies to combat these compulsions
  • An experiential meditation, Experience Letting Go of Worry & Building Inner Calm

Module 6: Facing Anger, Building Compassion — How to Release Grudges & Resentments

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We all experience anger, but it can be toxic to your system and damaging to your relationships unless it’s healthily communicated.

Expressing anger productively is a skillset many people struggle mastering, because anger can eat you alive, close your heart, or make you unable to think straight.

So in this module, you’ll explore the dynamics of anger and numerous techniques to overcome it with compassion. Dr. Orloff will share how to identify anger, then work through and release the feeling without being possessed by it, becoming a loose cannon, or alienating people.

Learning how to control your behavior in the face of angry emotions will improve all of your relationships — at home, at work, and anywhere. As Judith will share, expressing anger positively can be liberating on a personal level.

You’ll discover how you can feel and express healthy anger as an empath without becoming overwhelmed. Dr. Orloff will also walk you through how to set limits with a rageaholic person — and she’ll illuminate the difference between venting and dumping.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Four everyday tips to defuse anger and nurture compassion
  • How to cultivate the grace of forgiveness — what forgiveness means and how to achieve it
  • Why it’s so hard to release grudges and resentments — and why you must do it primarily for yourself
  • How to deal with bullying and cope with intrusions in your personal space
  • Rules to follow for compassionate communication
  • An experiential meditation, Releasing Resentments & Grudges

Module 7: Living in Service to the Heart — Re-Envisioning Your Life’s Path

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Emotional healing always starts with you. The more peace you enjoy, the more that energy ripples outward from you to everyone in your orbit.

Becoming liberated from the bondage of negativity lets you realize your tremendous value as an empathic, loving person. You’ll be more connected to your heart and also feel a communion with the entire human family. With this awareness, you can treat others as kindred spirits. Generosity and good will soon begin to seem natural.

In this closing module, Dr. Orloff will share a mantra to use during times of self-doubt: A golden compass always points to the heart. It’s the direction to emotional healing.

As Judith will explain, as an empath or sensitive person it’s important to remember that you’re on a spiritual journey and have unique gifts to offer the world.

Your intuition and sensitivities can be healing to you and the world. Your presence, sweetness, and tender appreciation for all of life are just some of the profound gifts you offer.

Empaths are the guardians of the Earth, especially in challenging times like these.

Dr. Orloff will guide you to reflect on your growth during the course. You’ll discern how far you’ve come and what next direction feels right to you.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Evaluate your growth over the course and identify how you’ll most benefit emotionally from your improving mental and spiritual health
  • Discuss next steps in your emotional healing
  • Explore what “living in service to the heart” means and how to apply it to everyday life
  • Discern your own special gifts and how to share them with the world
  • Feel empowered to light up the world with your empathy — and feel equipped with techniques to stop absorbing the suffering of others and the world
  • Move through an experiential meditation, How to Send the Entire Earth & All Humans Love, Hope & Courage

Sale page: https://theshiftnetwork.com/course/03JOrloff03_23
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/bB60A

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Judith Orloff – Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power 2023
Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $65.00. Add to cart