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Format: (9 ebooks – pdf’s)
File Size: 9.60 MB

Purchase Josh Carter – Holiday Belly Burn courses at here with PRICE $77 $22

How Much Weight Did You Gain
During The Holidays Last Year?
Here’s How *This Year* You Can Lose
That Same Amount (instead of gaining it)
You Get Everything: The Holiday Nutrition Plan, Sample Menu, Cheating Guide and “Do Anywhere” Workout Plan (for when you can’t make it to class), Unlimited Email Access, Videos and Weekly One-on-One coaching calls (Plus all the other bonus materials)


DID YOU KNOW: Some stats show Americans can gain from 8 to 13 pounds during the Holidays…
only to make yet another failed New Year’s Resolution to try to lose it. Now you have a new option…

So how much did you gain last year? And the year before? And the year before that?
So let’s say it was just 8 pounds. Wouldn’t you rather lose that weight during the holidays — from Thanksgiving to New Years — rather than gaining that same weight?

 width=Here’s another quick question for you:

Have you ever made one of those promises to yourself during the holidays that you weren’t going to gain a bunch of weight? That this year was gonna be different, and you would start reaching your goals BEFORE new years?

Have you ever started following a diet or workout program only to find that you didn’t have all the tools, knowledge, and motivation to do it alone…let alone tackle it during THE BIGGEST weight-gaining season of the year? 

Now all of a sudden your pledge to lose weight during the holidays turns into a just-don’t-gain-more-than-5-pounds battle…. a battle that you unfortunately seem to lose every single year.

You start out alright and try to “be good” at parties while begrudgingly and enviously staring at your friend that seems to be able to eat whatever she wants and never gain a pound.


Then you try to sneak in a couple extra laps around the block and maybe pop in one of those “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” DVD’s to burn off that second glass of egg nog that you “couldn’t resist”. 

And then worst of all, even after all of your sacrificing and suffering and attempting to “be good” until new years, you still end up fitting a bit more snugly in those jeans and finding any baggy sweatshirt or scarf in site to cover up the 8 pounds that you inevitably gained anyway. 

More importantly, you’ve wasted your time and 4 weeks later you STILL have no results…and you’re still:

 width=arrow 11 | eSy[GB] The same weight you were BEFORE the holidays…(or even 8 or 13 pounds extra)

arrow 11 | eSy[GB] Carrying around an even slower metabolism than you had a few weeks ago

arrow 11 | eSy[GB] Not fitting into any of your old clothes and quickly outgrowing the new ones

arrow 11 | eSy[GB] Just as frustrated and defeated as you have always been

 width= Desperate to lose the weight for good except now you are even further away from your goal

At least you can hide your holiday fat gain in your winter sweaters and big coats right?

But wait,

Why is losing weight over the holidays so friggen’ hard?!?

I feel your pain. I used to go through the same thing every holiday season!

Every Year That Same Vicious Cycle That Haunts You
Came Back to Haunt Me…

sad face | eSy[GB] The promises I would make to myself to maintain ultimate willpower this year… 

sad face | eSy[GB] The inevitable “fold” at a party where some treat or confection was irresistible…

sad face | eSy[GB] The splurge that led to another splurge…and another splurge…

sad face | eSy[GB] The weight gain that seemed to come on more ferociously and more quickly than any other time…

sad face | eSy[GB] The “I’ll do better Tomorrow.” promise. [broken]

sad face | eSy[GB] The feeling of HOPELESSNESS come New Year’s Resolution time when I was even further away from my goals..


That’s right. I have been where you are: Overweight, Miserable, and downright Scared out of my mind to keep getting heavier.

In fact, you can see in the picture above… It was right after one of those “jolly” holiday seasons that I reached my heaviest….letting myself balloon up to over 273lbs.

So what does this mean for you?

I know what you are going through because I have been there. And you do not have to waste the time I did doing absolutely everything wrong.

And that is why I know EXACTLY how to lead you to a leaner, fitter version of yourself– even during the time of year when most people GAIN a bunch of weight.

I can show you EXACTLY how to jump start your metabolism, strip off all those extra pounds, and shed inches in just 28 days.

First, Let Me Tell You How My
Holiday Belly Burn Came To Be…

It makes me laugh to think that a fried turkey, a guy in a “sweat suit”, and a mouthful of chocolate helped me create my most powerful program yet.

This time a 2 years ago, I was at a family function for the annual Thanksgiving shindig we do with the family.

Now my family isn’t your typical bunch…they live by our own rules. And this bunch of people LOVES food (who doesn’t). So when the holidays roll around, we don’t need an excuse to get together and eat, but sometimes we make one up anyway to do what we do best.

After the big feast filled with crazy food like fried turkey, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, corn bread souffle, green beans, brisket, and all the other random things you can imagine, it was time to eat dessert then sit back and shoot the breeze (plus they always play some whacky board games.)

While all this was going on, I loaded up my plate with a variety of desserts and sweets…. a little dab of this…a little bit of that. What can I say, I don’t eat dessert that often, so when I do I don’t mess around.

After my first bite of my aunt’s famous chocolate mousse, one of my cousins’ uncles (by marriage) came up to me and said:

 width=“You shouldn’t be eating that! Aren’t you supposed to be a personal trainer?!”

I smiled politely (even though I wanted to punch him for trying to tell me what I can and can’t eat).

I kept my calm and in between bites replied to him with:

“It’s my cheat meal.”

(You see, all of my fitness and nutrition programs entail a weekly cheat meal. There are a ton of HUGE benefits to intermittent calorie-overloads– both physiologically and psychologically– but that’s another subject altogether)

And he smugly replied with:

“A cheat meal? That’s just gonna get you FAT! And why are you trying to lose weight during the holidays anyway? You should just wait til’ January and get one of those sweat suit things and run it off like I do!”

Great idea (because secretly I want to follow this guy’s advice.)

Now at this point I knew it would be a waste of my energy and my oxygen to do anything other than smile and nod, so I refrained from trying to educate this guy about proper fitness and nutrition for fat loss.

But he did get the wheels in my head turning quite a bit…

You see, at the time we had just wrapped up our first 6 Week Body Transformation Contest where a National Health and Fitness Company sponsored 15 lucky folks to shed an INSANE amount of body fat in 6 weeks… and I facilitated the whole thing.

Check out some of the results we get…

 width= width= width= width=

(these are all clients I personally trained)

Not only had these amazing people TOTALLY transformed their bodies in 6 weeks, but they did it during Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, and any other eat-anything-you-want occasion you can think of. So it got me thinking…

If these folks could shed a TON of body fat in 6 weeks using my programs…and do it all during the holiday season…why couldn’t ANYONE do the same thing, see the same results, and still get to indulge in the holiday feasts and not feel like they were giving up all the holiday fun?

It was on! My quest to find a holiday weight loss solution was top priority, and the good news was that I had almost an entire year to figure it out.

So I tested….and tweaked…and experimented.

And what I came up with delivered even better results than I could have ever hoped for.

Not only was I able to design a program that fires up even the slowest of metabolisms, melts off body fat at warp speed, AND involves a weekly cheat meal where you can eat whatever you want once every 7 days….

I was able to super-charge the entire thing and produce the same results in just 4 weeks! I’m sure you can imagine my excitement.

And the Holiday Belly Burn Was Born….

Imagine results like these… in just 28 Days!


It’s called The Holiday Belly Burn and I have to say, it’s truly my most potent fat loss program to date.

But there is something
I have been keeping to myself…

 width= width=

We will be using the holiday feasts and parties to our metabolic advantage. That’s right, we will a little known metabolic trick to ignite your fat burning furnace 24/7.

How do we do that? It’s a secret!
(That I will share with you when you are one of the 15 to register below.)

<p “=”> width=

But before I tell you exactly what it is, let me ask you a couple questions to find out if it’s right for you. So, are you ready …

1240848155298205944thatsmyboy Simple Red Checkmark.svg.med | eSy[GB]Would you love to drop an INSANE amount of body fat in a very short amount of time?

1240848155298205944thatsmyboy Simple Red Checkmark.svg.med | eSy[GB] Are you ready to lose 4-8 inches off your waist?

1240848155298205944thatsmyboy Simple Red Checkmark.svg.med | eSy[GB] Would it excite you to literally have your clothes FALLING off of you?

1240848155298205944thatsmyboy Simple Red Checkmark.svg.med | eSy[GB] Are you prepared to completely change the way you look and feel?

1240848155298205944thatsmyboy Simple Red Checkmark.svg.med | eSy[GB] Are you ready to LOOK BETTER this New Years than you have in the last 5 (or 10)?

(All In Only 28 Days?!?)
Before You Say Yes, Read This…

If you want on board you have to be serious and absolutely committed. Let me say that again:


Here is the thing, I am only going to accept the first 15 (qualified) people that apply. This is because the level of attention you will get requires a great deal of my time, and my trainers’ time.

So only 15.

You will be weighed in and completely measured at my facility by me prior to the start of the program. This includes “before” pictures.

resultspages | eSy[GB]
Client Success Stats

Dates, Schedule &
What You Are Getting Yourself Into

Start Date:
Monday, December 3rd
(early sign ups start Thanksgiving Day!)

Training Sessions:
You will have semi-private training sessions 3 x per week at the Carter Fitness Facility in West Hills. Classes last 30 minutes additional targeted cardio training will be performed 3 times per week. I know you are busy (who isn’t?), that’s why we have sessions starting at 6am and going until 8pm daily. We definitely have a time that will fit your schedule. 


Current Training Schedule:
Mon,Wed,Fri: 6am, 6:30am, 8am, 9:30am, 5:30pm, 6pm & 6:30pm

Tue & Thur: 6:00am, 9:30am & 6pm

Sat: 9:30am
(other times may also open up)

You will be given a full nutrition program at your weigh in. This will include a full program breakdown including food choices, calorie levels and supplementation recommendations (plus Holiday Cheating Guide).

Accountability and Coaching:
The coaching sessions will be scheduled weekly. The exact days and times will be provided during the program. You will be getting full-on accountability for the duration of the 4 weeks.

Secret Sauce:
 width=Just like McDonald’s I have a secret sauce. Well it is not really a sauce, but I do have secret fat loss techniques which I will be sharing with you during the course of the program. You will be receiving multiple emails per week from me personally with tips and techniques to enhance your fat loss. This will make what are usually times of extreme stress and overeating manageable and survivable (plus you’ll be leaner too!).

Here’s the Deal…

 hspace=You’re going to work your butt off for the next four weeks BUT your results are going to come super-fast and will be significant if you simply follow the program and do what I tell you.

The program is simple in its brilliance. You’ll come and workout with me and my trainers at least three days per week for four weeks, and eat the foods that I’ve outlined for you in the program. It’s probably the easiest nutrition plan I have created – just read it and eat it and the results will come.

And the eating program I give you will NOT be a starvation diet. I’m totally against starvation diets. It’s actually a decent amount of calories manipulated in a crafty way to help your body burn maximum fat and to retain muscle tone during the 28 days….

And you get to splurge on Thanksgiving…and Christmas… and Hanukkah…without guilt! (Logging your food is mandatory though.)

I’m pretty certain you will actually enjoy it.

Now here’s the best part of this whole thing…

Since this is the new & updated release of the Holiday Belly Burn, and since I’m only taking on a small group of 15 new clients for this program, I’ve priced it for anyone to afford.

There are 2 EZ Options…

1) The Local Option:
For those who live locally and will train at my private facility I’ve made it even easier by splitting it in two payments. The entire Holiday Belly Burn program is only 2 payments of $97 $77!

<p “=” align=”left”>2) The Virtual Training Option:
For those who DO NOT live locally, you can use the “Virtual Training” option. All nutrition plans and workouts are emailed directly to you! For you, the entire Holiday Belly Burn program is only one payment of $97 $77!

All of these options are LESS THAN HALF PRICE off my normal rate. At these low rates I am almost giving this program away!


You Get Everything: The Holiday Nutrition Plan, Sample Menu, Cheating Guide and “Do Anywhere” Workout Plan (for when you can’t make it to class), Unlimited Email Access, Videos and Weekly One-on-One coaching calls (Plus all the other bonus materials)

Like I said, the program “OFFICIALLY” starts this coming Monday, December 3rd (but when you register early, you also start early).

So if you want to be one of the first 15 people on the program and get a lot of fat burning and muscle toning done in only 28 days…and feel AMAZING in your own skin come 2012, then you need to lock in your spot for this Monday.

This is your chance to change your body in only 28 Day. All you have left to do is…

Salepage: http://holidaybellyburn.com/
Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20130613001017/http://holidaybellyburn.com/

Purchase Josh Carter – Holiday Belly Burn courses at here with PRICE $77 $22

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Josh Carter - Holiday Belly Burn
Josh Carter – Holiday Belly Burn
Original price was: $77.00.Current price is: $22.00. Add to cart