Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Incorporating Jillian’s S.H.R.E.D. Method, Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED consists of 12 DVDs, a rotational calendar, a menu/meal plan and a fitness guide. These work together to enable you to lose weight quickly and safely, totally transform your body shape and improve your health and fitness in just 60 days.

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Incorporating Jillian’s S.H.R.E.D. Method, Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED consists of 12 DVDs, a rotational calendar, a menu/meal plan and a fitness guide. These work together to enable you to lose weight quickly and safely, totally transform your body shape and improve your health and fitness in just 60 days.

Purchase Jillian Michaels – BodyShred courses at here with PRICE $197 $42

Jillian Michaels – BodyShred

 Jillian Michaels - BodyShred

is a 60-day progressive program that will enable you to reach peak fitness safely, lose weight, lower your percentage of body fat and define your muscles by exercising for 35 minutes (including Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs), 6 days a week.

Designed so that each half-hour workout packs as much punch as an hour-long session, by working smarter you can cut your exercise time and still get into the best shape of your life.

Get Jillian Michaels – BodyShred download

As one would expect from a Jillian Michaels fitness program, the workouts aren’t easy, but if you put in the effort, you will be very pleased with the results BODYSHRED delivers.

In this Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED review, we will look at a general overview of the program. We will also look at a complete exercise list for each circuit, so you will know what to expect.

Table of Contents

Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Overview
Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Infomercial
Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED DVD Workouts
Month 1 Workout Schedule with Complete Exercise List
Fire Up (Cardio Workout):-
Workout 1 – Launch:-
Workout 2 – Rise:-
Workout 3 – Amplify:-
Workout 4 – Escalate:-
Month 2 Workout Schedule with Complete Exercise List
Ignite (Cardio Workout):-
Workout 5 – Conquer:-
Workout 6 – Triumph:-
Workout 7 – Zenith:-
Workout 8 – Apex:-
What Else is in Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Package?
Other Inclusions
Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Summary
Click this link to check out Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED on Amazon

Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Overview

Incorporating Jillian’s S.H.R.E.D. Method, Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED consists of 12 DVDs, a rotational calendar, a menu/meal plan and a fitness guide. These work together to enable you to lose weight quickly and safely, totally transform your body shape and improve your health and fitness in just 60 days.

If you’re familiar with some of Jillian’s other workouts, you will know her 3-2-1 interval workout method. This is also the basis of BODYSHRED. For those unfamiliar with the format, it consists of 3 minutes of strength training, followed by 2 minutes of cardio, then a 1-minute active recovery workout. Each of the three moves in the strength training segment lasts for 30 seconds and there are two circuits. The cardio comprises 2 moves, and there are two circuits. The active recovery segment consists of 30 seconds per move, with the focus being on the core.

In all, you will do 3 sets, with the first one being preceded by a Warm-Up. This varies from jumping rope to Jumping Jacks, to Toe Kicks or running in place. You will also be doing Cool-Down stretches at the end of each workout.

Some of the moves require the use of dumbbells. The weight recommended is between 3lbs and 8lbs, but if you’re accustomed to working with weights, you can go heavier.

On Mondays and Thursdays, the workouts in Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED focus on the so-called push muscles, these being the chest, shoulders, triceps, and quads.

On Tuesdays and Fridays, the workouts focus on the pull muscles, which are those of the back, along with the biceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

Wednesdays and Saturdays comprise a 30-minute cardio session.

Sunday is a rest day.
Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Infomercial

Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED DVD Workouts

In this part of Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED review, we will look at the workouts. Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED DVD

There are 8 strength/toning workouts in the program and two cardio workouts. Two bonus DVDs contain two more workouts, making 12 in all.

The titles of the main workouts are Launch, Rise, Amplify, Escalate, Conquer, Triumph, Zenith, and Apex. The cardio workouts are Fire Up and Ignite. The bonus DVDs are entitled Opus and Cast & Moves.

Keep reading for an overview of each of the DVDs.
Month 1 Workout Schedule with Complete Exercise List
Fire Up (Cardio Workout):-

Fire Up is a moderate-intensity cardio workout that is done twice a week for the first 30 days of the program. It is 31 minutes long, followed by a 4-minute cool-down stretch. There is no warm-up. The moves change every 30 seconds and there are 3 circuits, each of which consists of 9 exercises.

Circuit 1: Behind Back Jacks, Jumping Rope, High Knee Runs, Butt Kick Runs, Fast Feet, Running Man, Skiers, Circle Runs, Mountain Climbers. Repeat the circuit.

Circuit 2: Crab Push Kicks, Burpees, Back Jacks, Jab Crosses, Chair Hops, Plank Jacks, Zig Zag Jumps, Hop Forward Jack Backs, Suicide Runs. Repeat the circuit.

Circuit 3: Speed Bags, Toe Taps, Lateral Knee Thrusters, Plank Thrusters, Crossover Jacks, Forward Knee Thrusters, Alternating Push Kicks, Cross Hops (right leg) and Cross Hops (left leg). Repeat the circuit.

Next, we will look at the Push and Pull workouts for month 1.
Workout 1 – Launch:-

Launch starts with a 3-minute intro from Jillian who gives a general overview of what to expect from the program. This is followed by a 34-minute Push session that is preceded by a 3-minute Warm-Up. There’s a 2-minute Cool-Down stretch at the conclusion of the session.

While the exercises are fairly simple and could be classed as intermediate level, the workout itself is, nevertheless, quite intense.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Uneven Push-Ups, Deep Squats, Forward Lunges, and Standing Lateral Raises & Reverse Lunges (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – High Knee Runs, Burpees. Repeat.
Core – Figure 4 Crunches.

Circuit 2:

Strength – Chaturanga (Tricep) Push-Ups, Tricep Dips, Surrender Lunges (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Jump Rope, Fast Feet. Repeat.
Core – Walk-Out Planks with Knee Hikes.

Circuit 3:

Strength – Chair Squats (with dumbbells), Plyometric Stationary Lunges, Crescent Tricep Kick-Backs. Repeat.
Cardio – Back Fly Jacks, Behind the Back Jacks. Repeat.
Core – Oblique Crunches.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Wide Push-Ups, Planks, Twisting Camels (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Duck and Rolls, Jab Crosses, Single Leg Jump Rope. Repeat.
Core – Bent Knee Wiper, Russian Twists (with one dumbbell).

Workout 2 – Rise:-

Rise is a 36-minute long workout that is preceded by a 3 1/2 minute Warm-Up and followed by a 3 1/2 minute Cool-Down stretch.

Quite challenging and fast-paced, I’d class it as an advanced-intermediate level workout.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Back Rows in Half Squat, Single Leg Deadlifts with Wide Rows, Weighted Good Mornings (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Butt Kick Runs, Mountain Climbers. Repeat.
Core – 2 Types of Flutter Kicks.

Circuit 2:

Strength – 3 Way Superman, Single-Leg Bridges with Lat Pull-Overs (with dumbbells), Reverse Planks. Repeat.
Cardio – Circle Runs, Running Man. Repeat.
Core – Sit-Up to Ab Hold, Bicycle Crunches.

Circuit 3:

Strength – Alternating Front Lunges with Bicep Curls, Side Lunges with Serving Biceps, Curtsy Lunges with Hammer Curls. Repeat.
Cardio – Lateral Knee Thrusts, Forward Knee Thrusts, Punching Planks. Repeat.
Core – Twisting Planks.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Deadlifts to Low Fly to V Fly, Crescent Rear Delt Flies, Renegade Rows. Repeat.
Cardio – Donkey Kicks, Speed Bags. Repeat.
Core – Standing Oblique Crunches.

Workout 3 – Amplify:-

Amplify is 34 1/2 minutes long. It includes a 3-minute Warm-Up and a 2 1/2 minute Cool-Down stretch.

In this workout, things kick up a notch or two. By the time you get about halfway through, if your shoulders, triceps, and lower body muscles could talk, they’d be pleading with you to stop.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Plyo Push-Ups, Static Squats with Shoulder Presses, Curtsy Lunges with Lateral Raises. Repeat.
Cardio – Jump Rope with Snap Kicks, Butt Kicks in Plank. Repeat.
Core – Rotating Crunches.

Circuit 2:

Strength – Crossover Push-Ups, Tricep Dips with one Leg Extended, Dancing Crab. Repeat.
Cardio – Crab Kicks, Plank Jack Thrusters. Repeat.
Core – Sit-Ups into Side Planks (with dumbbells).

Circuit 3:

Strength – Chair Squat Hops, Sit to Kneel Surrenders with Camels (with dumbbells), Crow Push-Up into Flip Dog. Repeat,
Cardio – Speed Rope, Double Unders. Repeat.
Core – Twisting Planks.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Step Back Planks, Pop-Up Front Kicks, Jumping Lunges. Repeat.
Cardio – Front Kicks, Back Kicks, Skaters with Upper Cuts. Repeat.
Core – Alternating Taps, Sumo Touch Downs.

Workout 4 – Escalate:-

Escalate is a Pull workout that is 34 minutes long, including a 3-minute Warm-Up and 1 minute of Cool-Down stretches. An excellent workout, it is slightly less intense than Amplify.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Wide Rows in Crescent Lunges, Medium Rows in Stork, Planks with Flies (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Everest Climbers, Spread Eagle Burpees. Repeat.
Core – Standing Splits.

Circuit 2:

Strength – Supermans, Reverse Planks, Lat Pullovers. Repeat.
Cardio – Hanging Mountain Climbers, Single-Leg Burpees. Repeat.
Core – Bicycle Crunches with Vertical Scissors, Twisting Inchworms.

Circuit 3:

Strength – Rock and Roll Squats, Alternate Crossover Lunges with Curtsy Lunges, Reverse Squats with Bicep Curls (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Knee Thrust Burpees, Jump Jack Squats. Repeat.
Core – Side Plank Crunches.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Good Morning Presses (with dumbbells), Deadlifts with Upright Rows, Diagonal Lunges with Punches. Repeat.
Cardio – Lateral Burpees, Squat Jumps. Repeat.
Core – Ab Hold Taps, Dolphins.

This is the halfway point of the program. If you’ve been putting in the work, by now you will have dropped some pounds, decreased your body fat and improved your muscle tone, strength, stamina, and endurance.

The pace and workouts intensify further over the next 30 days. Read on to find out about the exercises you will be doing.

Month 2 Workout Schedule with Complete Exercise List
Ignite (Cardio Workout):-

Ignite is an intense, fast-paced advanced level workout. It is 30 1/2 minutes long, finishing with 2 1/2 minutes of cool-down stretches. The schedule is the same as in Fire Up, so you will be doing it twice a week for the second half of the program. As with Fire Up, Ignite does not have a Warm-Up.

Circuit 1: Jumping Jacks, Touch Down Squats, Everest Climbers, Rock Star Jumps, Jogging in Place, Cannonball Jumps, Skaters, Burpees, Speed Rope. Repeat.

Circuit 2: Alternating Front Snap Kicks, Punching Planks, Straight Leg Thrusters, Single Arm Burpees, Double Unders, Jump Jack Squats, Hanging Mountain Climbers, Butt Kicks, Long Jump Run Around. Repeat.

Circuit 3: Alternating Bear Kicks, Bear Crawls, Crab Kicks, Plie Hops, Jabs, Crosses and Upper Cuts, Lateral Burpees, Donkey Kicks, Plank Jacks, On the Spot Sprints. Repeat.

Following are the Push & Pull workouts for month 2.
Workout 5 – Conquer:-

Conquer is a very challenging workout. It is 34 1/2 minutes long and there is a 3-minute Warm-Up at the start and a 2-minute stretch Cool-Down at the end.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Toe Tap Push-Ups, Tricep Push-Ups to Goddess with a Press (with dumbbells on the second circuit), Push-Away Balance. Repeat.
Cardio – Plie Jumps, Running Plank Moguls. Repeat.
Core – Corkscrew Crunches, Rolling Plank Dips.

Circuit 2:

Strength – Bear with Front Kick Shoot Throughs, Squats with a Figure 8 Pass (with dumbbells), Pendulum Lunges with Halo Chops. Repeat.
Cardio – Jack Burpees, One Arm Plank Jacks. Repeat.
Core – Leg Climbers.

Circuit 3:

Strength – Sit-Ups with a Chest Fly, One-Legged Squats (with one dumbbell), Ab Holds into Planks. Repeat.
Cardio – Sprints on the Spot, Suicides. Repeat.
Core – Side V-Crunches.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Reverse Lunges with Twists (with one dumbbell), Cyclone Squats (with dumbbells), Duck Walks. Repeat.
Cardio – Single-Leg Mountain Climbers, Switch Kicks. Repeat.
Core – Side Planks with a Twist.

Workout 6 – Triumph:-

Triumph is a 35-minute long Pull workout. Commencing with a 3-minute Warm-Up, it ends with a 3-minute Cool-Down stretch. Relatively advanced but definitely achievable, it is an excellent strength workout that works all of the body’s major muscle groups.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Deadlift to Bicep Curls to Overhead Presses, Stork with Hammers and Reverse Flies (with dumbbells), Stork Rows (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Single Arm Burpees, 180 Rotations. Repeat.
Core – Heel Tap to Shoulder Stand, Double Crunches.

Circuit 2:

Strength – Forward Lunges with Balance (with one dumbbell), Repeat Forward Lunge with Balance working other side and Lunge, Squat Plyos. Repeat.
Cardio – Single-Leg Hops, Long Jump Run Arounds, Repeat.
Core – Sit-Ups with Roll Backs, Windshield Wipers.

Circuit 3:

Strength – Lat Pulls with Butterfly Bridges (with dumbbells), Plank Variations (with dumbbells), Reverse Planks. Repeat.
Cardio – Cross Jack Punch Combos, Rock Star Knee Tuck Combos. Repeat.
Core – Boats with Toe Taps, Squirms.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Sledgehammer Squats (with one dumbbell), Squats with Clean and Press (with dumbbells), Side Lunges and Reverse Lunges with a Twist (with one dumbbell). Repeat.
Cardio – Mountain Climbers with Up/Down Combos, High Knee Runs with a Twist. Repeat.
Core – Side Planks with Rows (with one dumbbell).

Workout 7 – Zenith:-

Zenith is a 35-minute long Push workout. It is preceded by a 3-minute Warm-Up and it concludes with a 2-minute stretch to cool down.

Very advanced, in a 45-second introduction, Jillian says that she has to do the modified version of some exercises and recommends others do the same if the regular version is beyond their capability.

The workout comprises numerous challenging bodyweight exercises. These are interspersed with easier exercises, giving a brief respite from a workout that could otherwise be impossible to see through to the end.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Bow and Arrow Push-Ups, Diamond Push-Ups, Deep Squats (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Squat Jacks, Plank Moguls. Repeat.
Core – Bird Dogs, Heel Punchers.

Circuit 2:

Strength – Jack LaLanne Push-Ups, Downward Dog Push-Ups, Static Dragon with Front Presses (with one dumbbell). Repeat.
Cardio – Side Kicks, Knee Tucks. Repeat.
Core – Side Plank Reach Throughs.

Circuit 3:

Strength – Up-Dog Push-Ups, Sissy Squat to Side Crows, Static Lunges with Overhead Dumbbell Presses (with one dumbbell). Repeat.
Cardio – Standing Mountain Climbers, Star Jumps. Repeat.
Core – Alternating Jabs in Boat Pose, Boat to Hollow Man.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Single-Leg Rock & Roll Squats with Hops, One Leg Inch Worms, Scorpion Push-Ups to Grasshopper Push-Ups. Repeat.
Cardio – Bear Kicks, Ninja Jump Burpees. Repeat.
Core – Extended Planks, Dipping Ab Holds.

Workout 8 – Apex:-

Apex is a 35-minute long Pull Workout, with a 3-minute Warm-Up at the start and a 2-minute stretch Cool-Down at the end. An advanced level workout, be forewarned, it is exceptionally intense and challenging.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Alternate Crescent Lunges with Rows, Statue of Liberty (with one or two dumbbells), 3 Way Pendulum Lunges (with one dumbbell). Repeat.
Cardio – Split Jumps, Up and Overs. Repeat,
Core – Two types of V-Ups.

Circuit 2:

Strength – Wheel Push-Ups, Reverse Flies in Superman (with dumbbells), L-Sits with Hamstring Curls. Repeat.
Cardio – Donkey Kick Burpees, Cannon Ball Jumps. Repeat.
Core – V-Ups, Sit-Ups with Jabs (with dumbbells).

Circuit 3:

Strength – Planks, Rows, Flies and Lat Pulls (with one dumbbell), Static Squats with Wide Rows, Reverse Squats (with one or two dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Deep Squat Jumps, Side Lunge Touch-Downs. Repeat.
Core – Boat Sprawls, Bicycles in Boat.

Circuit 4:

Strength – Thrusters, Static Side Lunges with Concentration Curls, Extended Good Mornings (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Lunge Jacks and 3 Way Burpees. Repeat.
Core – Elevator Planks.

What Else is in Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Package?

Along with the DVDs outlined above, included in the Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED package are two bonus DVDs, one of which is entitled Opus. This is an intense, rapid-paced workout aimed at very advanced level exercisers.

Exercises include the following:

Opus is a 35-minute long workout which includes a 3 1/2 minute Warm-Up to start and a 2-minute Cool-Down stretch to finish.

Again, it is extremely advanced, so don’t be surprised if you have to do modified versions of many of the moves.

Circuit 1:

Strength – Push-Ups into Weighted Bird Dogs (with one dumbbell), Flying Storks, Pistol Squats. Repeat.
Cardio – Pike jumps, Springing Tripods. Repeat.
Core – Dragon Flags, Roller Boats (with dumbbells).

Circuit 2:

Strength – Superman to Aztec Push-Ups, Weighted Duck Walks (with dumbbells), Good Mornings (with dumbbells). Repeat.
Cardio – Kipping Burpees, Ninja Knee Tucks. Repeat.
Core – Extended One Arm Planks.

Circuit 3:

Strength – Chaturanga Crawlers, Shrimp Squats, One Arm Push-Ups. Repeat.
Cardio – Straight Leg Up and Overs, Donkey Kick Burpees. Repeat.
Core – Balancing Tiger.

Circuit 4:

Strength – LaLane Push-Ups to Crucifix Push-Ups, Static Presses in Superman (with dumbbells), Wheel Push-Ups. Repeat.
Cardio – Bears to Squats, Plank Shoot Throughs. Repeat.
Core – Plow to Shoulder Stand, Floating Planks.

The other bonus DVD, entitled Cast & Moves, will teach you the correct form for all of the moves, so you can get the most from the program and avoid injury.
Other Inclusions

Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED also includes the following fitness tools: Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED review

BODYSHRED Rotational Calendar

The BODYSHRED Rotational Calendar is a handy reference guide that will enable you to easily know where you are at with your workouts, with each of the day’s workouts outlined.

BODYSHRED Fitness Guide

The BODYSHRED Fitness Guide explains the science and methodology behind the Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED program. It also contains tips that will help you stay focused and prepare mentally for the fitness journey ahead.

BODYSHRED 60-Day Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Meal Plan contains food guidelines and schedules, a range of delicious, easy to prepare recipes plus dietary advice and pointers.
Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED Summary

Feedback for Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED has been extremely positive to date. The vast majority of reviewers love the program, saying it has enabled them to lose weight and improve their body shape.

Designed to promote optimal calorie and fat burning, the workouts are set out in a way that ensures your metabolism will be elevated not just during, but also long after your sessions are finished. According to Jillian, it’s not unusual for people who commit to this program to drop as much as 20 pounds in the first 30 days. And, with the workouts rotating to work different body areas, your muscles will have ample time to recover, develop tone and build strength between sessions.

If you’re looking for a challenging workout that will enable you to sculpt your muscles, decrease your body fat and lose weight, Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED fits the bill.

If you are new to exercise and looking for an effective fitness program for beginners, check out Jillian’s Beginner Shred. Click the previous link to read a review, or click here to read reviews of some of Jillian’s other popular workouts.

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Jillian Michaels - BodyShred
Jillian Michaels – BodyShred
Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00. Add to cart