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How Hundreds Of Guys Like You Have Won The Hearts Of Beautiful Girlfriends

Dear friend,

An instant dream girlfriend.

An instant life partner and companion.

Let’s go all out here… with a young, feminine, sexually fun, and sweet hearted girl to boot!

An angel so perfect that you can’t HELP but to wife her up and have your babies with…

Sounds like hype, right?

I wouldn’t believe it either, if I hadn’t witnessed it hundreds of times over the past ten years.

Of course, I’m talking about the amazing results from my OLD program “Seduction Science”. The technology has moved way ahead since then…

You Only Need To Find
The RIGHT Girl

I’ll show you how to meet and date those beautiful, yet top-quality “hidden gem” girls.

Most guys just can’t see themselves meeting and bedding new women every week.

But it’s very possible, as my fellow Seduction Science students have proved over and over. If you want it, it’s out there.

But really, would it take a dozens of beautiful women to change your life? No!

You can be living all your dreams with ONE stunningly beautiful “soul mate” girl.

Think about it, you don’t need a lot of women to fulfill your sexual fantasies, make you happy, and complete you.

You just need that ONE special girl that’s your sexual match, that enjoys the same pursuits that you do, and rocks your world in bed.

The kind of girl that makes you FORGET all the other girls, that you makes you want to wife her up, and have your children with.

With THAT kind of woman you don’t need “seduction” or “game” or “dating”, because you just won’t f***ing care!!!

I’ve consulted thousands of guys since 2001 and I can tell you that we men all want the same thing… that Soul Mate girl you’re so crazy hot for that you have sex multiple times a day with her and you don’t have eyes for any other woman!

And for guys, Soul Mates Formula is a life-changing event. Here are a few of my favorite success stories:

Jason White of Flagtaff, Arizona, age 42.

A little over a year ago Jason hadn’t been laid in 3 years. Jason was getting depressed and masturbated to porn constantly. He had given up hope.

One night, Jason took home a drunken woman from a bar, but he found the sex empty. Worse, her body was flabby under the lights.

Then he used the S.M.F. Two months later, Jason met a beautiful young college girl, and a few months after molded her into his perfect sexual and emotional match. He’s since travelled Alaska with her and they have plans to get married.

Henry Savage from Tampa, Florida.

Short, older, and plain looking, yet Henry attracted a blonde medical student 16 years his junior.

He’s trained her to be the perfect “Mother to his children” with S.M.F. In addition, they’ve had two threesomes, one with a female friend of hers, and the other with a school teacher.

The Instant
Perfect Girlfriend

Okay, that’s a bit on an exaggeration… it’s not truly instant.

But there is no faster “Perfect 10”-getting method in the world than Soul Mate Formula’s 3 step process (keep reading on, I’ll tell you). And I will teach you exactly how to pull it off.

In fact, I’ll teach you THREE different ways to pull it off, the “aggressive”, the “passive”, and “the lazy” methods.

All you have to do is identify the girl you’re crushing on.

In short, you’ll have your chosen soul mate girlfriend quickly, with the kind deep connection and mutual attraction that most people take years to develop.

In fact, I’m going to reveal the exact 3 step formula in this letter, RIGHT NOW.

But first, here’s WHY the right girlfriend is SO important.

Why This Is The Most
Important Letter You’ll
Ever Read

You’ll surprise and shock your friends and family when you enter with a sweet, young girl hanging off your arm. But this isn’t about ego gratification.

Here’s why the right girlfriend means everything:

Reason #1
Hot Sex As Much As You Want,
Whenever You Want It

With a Soul Mates Girl you can cum inside her every day, multiple times a day, and you’ll be hot for her again and again. 

Say GOODBYE to the condoms and the fear of catching something, and say HELLO to barebacking her hot wet pussy as much as you want. NOTHING compares!

In comparison, masturbating alone to the net ultimately feels empty and unsatisfying. 

And trying to pick up girls for sexual flings (if you can manage it, and that’s a big IF) is a lot of logistical legwork, anxiety, rejection, and you need to wear condoms. And afterwards, you feel shitty and empty and you just want the girl OUT the door! 

A fling truly cannot compare to deep cumming inside your Soul Girl after some fiery wet sex, and connecting with her more deeply than ever before.

In fact, you won’t even care about other women, because with a sexually compatible woman you get the best wet sex you want, as much as you want, whenever you want it.

Reason #2:
Sharing Life Experiences
With A Beautiful Woman!

Maybe you like sports or watching movies. Or maybe you prefer traveling or hiking in nature. But whatever you enjoy, sharing your recreational passions with a beautiful woman makes them TEN times better!

What’s better than having a recreational playmate that you can SHARE your world with? Nothing!

Stay in bed. Have her grab a movie. Go outdoors together. Sharing is caring ?

When you have a woman to share your passions with, it’s just you and her, alone against the world.

When you have a beautiful girl prancing around the apartment in her lingerie nightie, ready to SHARE the day with you, THAT is what makes life worth living! THAT is what brings a man PEACE and HAPPINESS! (not to mention as many hot orgasms as you can handle!)

She enjoys your interests. She would make a fantastic mother to your children. And she completes you. With someone to share your recreational passions and the world with, that half that was missing is fulfilled.

Reason #3:
Build A Real Future!

A Soul Mates Girl is faithful and dedicated.

NO other man can get her. Only you. Because you have the keys to her heart… through the soul mate patterns that no other man can give her. And you refine her to love you and be the perfect soul mate partner.

A Soul Mates Girl understands you need your peace and quiet, a loving and pleasant woman, and a life free from drama. She understands you need to sit down and relax with no hassles after work and be taken care of. 

It’s ONLY that kind of girl that you can build a long-lasting future with.

Just imagine yourself 10 years from now; where do you pictureyourself to be? It all comes down to having the RIGHT woman to build a future with – your Soul Mates Girl.

I Know Exactly How
You Feel…

But you’re NOT with the girl you deserve.

You feel frustrated.

You feel ALONE.

The right girl for you feels out of reach or you simply don’t know where to find her. 

And even if you DID meet her, you’d probably just freeze up… and lose the opportunity to be happy forever.

Even if you’re being pro-active in the dating scene, I bet you’re just getting games and attitude from mediocre, spoiled women.

I know how you feel, because I’ve been there myself. 

That feeling of aloneness is hell. It’s the dying scream of your genes, thinking they’ll never pass on. And you’ll die alone, never fulfilling your potential.

It doesn’t matter how successful you are or how much money you make – without the right woman to share it with, life can feel meaningless.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for men to fall into a deep depression and just GIVE UP.

And when you DO finally meet a woman, and she’s not the right one, she gets fat, the sex dries up, and you’re TRAPPED in a crappy relationship. 

You end up divorced, broke, and broken. I’ve seen this happen SO many times it’s truly SCARY.

THAT is why I created Soul Mates Formula… so that NO MAN has to ever feel so terrible!

My Own Personal Story Of
Defeating The Odds…

Me, Jesse C.

Sedona, Arizona ’12

I bet you and I are a lot alike. I was in your same position in fact.

Back in high school, I would spend all day programming Sierra-like adventure video games on my computer… with a kick ass 486 33MHz processor! 

Star Trek uniforms and C++ code! Didn’t work on the girls ?

I watched Star Trek, The Next Generation for fun.

Needless to say, I crushed on every pretty girl in high school, admiring them from afar. But I was too nervous to ever talk to one. College was the same… and I still didn’t get laid!

“Fun” Fact: Yes, I was still a virgin into my early 20s… and it’s painful to admit that!

I was lonely… frustrated… and didn’t know what to do. I imagine you can feel the same pain I did. 

How I Stumbled Onto
THE Big Secret!
One of my girlfriends and I

After college, I got so frustrated that I began walking up to girls at the mall and asked them on dates. I painfully approached hundreds of women and tested everything, often to my great embarrassment…

And I still couldn’t get ONE date!!

Eventually, things “clicked” and I started getting laid. But just getting that base understanding of fast attraction took me a brutal 2 years to figure out.

I went after tanned, young blondes. As you can see from my pasty white, flabby body, I dated girls “out of my league”

With time, I kept dating prettier girls, until I actually had a few “stunners”.

My friends started asking me what I did exactly. At first I was pretty reluctant, but I eventually decided to launch Seduction Science, because I didn’t want other guys to go through the same painful experience I did.

But What Really
Shocked Me …

… was that MOST guys had NO interest in cold approaching girls! They just wanted to get that hot “perfect soul mate” and jump into a relationship.

For years I disliked this mindset, believing you had to go through “the school of hard knocks” of endless rejections from girls with your elbows in the mud to learn “the game”.

That all changed when, after 10 years of testing attraction methods, I stumbled on a peculiar combination of simple techniques that pretty much guaranteed a guy to get the girl or love-crush of his choice to become his exclusive, faithful girlfriend.

I ended up scribbling the core formula on the backs of some napkins, like this one before staying up all night to type it down!

A Peculiar New Formula
That Changed Everything

I knew I was onto something BIG when I watched guy after guy – even fat guys, short guys, and old guys – almost instantly have a new girlfriend on their arm. And not “drunk bar girls” from pickup, but beautiful knock-outs of QUALITY.

The happiness that came with sharing their life experiences with a beautiful woman. 

The deep connection they felt.

The sexual pleasure of having as much sex and kissing as they wanted. 

With the right girl, it’s like you have a PURPOSE and someone to FIGHT FOR.

I saw some guys go from depressed, lonely messes to losing 10 years off their faces almost overnight… like they were REBORN. 

You deserve that happiness too.

Yes, you deserve to be happy. 

You deserve to have sex with a beautiful, lovely, and sweet girl. 

You deserve to leave a legacy and seed your progeny with a knock-out woman. 

And now I’m going to spell out the exact formula to make it happen fast and easily.

Can A “Silver Bullet”
For Instant Results
Really Exist?


Of course, if you want this, you’re going to need to WORK. It WON’T be easy.

Some guys will sleep instead of act. Some guys will watch television and procrastinate instead of implement my formula.

BUT if you simply DO what I’m telling you, then the rewards are beyond measure – an endless flood of sex, companionship, peace of mind, and happiness. 

And I’ll give you the tools to attract ANY girl or personal crush you have as your girlfriend and make her do what you want, no matter what your looks, or age, or income. Here’s how,

Key #1
Use The Pattern Language
of Soul Hearts

EVERY girl wants to meet her soul mate too, just as you do. 

NO woman wants to be “pumped and dumped” by smooth players that trick them into having sex. All girls, even the prettiest ones, are wired by millions of years of evolution to seek out a soul mate to deeply bond and connect with.

And by hijacking this backdoor script in her mind, you can make ANY girl you’re crushing on think that YOU are that man.

You just need to learn how to speak the pattern language of Soul Hearts that makes a woman think “The One” is actually YOU.

With the right language patterning, you’ll immediately have your crush’s interest. And then, intense attraction (usually within 20 minutes or less — yes, it’s almost SCARY how fast it happens).

It won’t matter if she’s your classmate, your co-worker, the girl next door, or a hot girl at a nightclub or at the mall… ALL women respond the same to this deeper patterning language as it taps directly into their deep desire to connect with a single man or protector.

Women have the scripts embedded, reinforced by popular culture and media like The Princess Bride.

Think of it as a trojan horse virus. The girl doesn’t realize what’s happening… she just starts to FEEL for you from her heart… until it’s too late and she’s chasing YOU, as you lean back and let her come into your arms.

Most importantly, she’ll be “locked into your heart”, because NO other man will have access to the same patterns you’ve imprinted in her. 

Here eyes will dilate huge when you tap inside.

In other words, your girl will be faithful and “cheat proof”, even if there are other “better” guys around. No other man will be able to get her, because only YOU will have the keys to her heart.

Note: Do NOT use this technology to plow through one night stands with every girl. Having women lock into your heart and then coldly dumping them is CRUEL and unethical!!Key #2

Trigger Her Limbic Brain’s
Sex Centers

Relying on lines and conversation will most often flat-out FAIL to get the best women.

Instead, you must touch her on a DEEPER level of sexual communication that a woman has NO CHOICE but to respond to!

The key to instant, intense sexual attraction is to understand where feelings of lust, desire, and attraction originate in the woman’s brain.

You see, the human brain has evolved over millions of years, through a series of stages.

The first and most primal part of the brain is the brain stem. Our brain stem controls various processes such as breathing, heartbeat, and the flight or fight response.

The second part of the brain, having evolved later, is the limbic brain.

The limbic brain controls compulsions such as lust, desire, and attraction. The Limbic brain is the female pleasure center because sexual stimuli that she experiences passes directly to it.

Lastly, the neo-cortex provides logic and thought, allowing for human speech, planning and critical judgment.

Neocortex Limbic brain
Language Nonverbal
Thoughts Feelings
Rational Instinctual
Judgment Sexual
Choice No choice
Conscious Unconscious

There’s no need to spit pickup lines, fancy patterns, or complicated pickup tactics, all of which must filter through the woman’s critical neo-cortex that filters language.

Instead, by tapping into the limbic brain directly, it compels a woman to respond on a far deeper level that has nothing to do with reason or words.

That’s how an average looking or short guy can create intense sexual attraction in even very beautiful woman; by invoking sexual responses from her limbic brain, her sexual control center, by using specific sequences of nonverbal cues.

The Shocking True
Story of Miranda

As a real-life example of the principle at work, take the true story of Miranda, a mystery woman who kept ongoing phone conversations with dozens of celebrities over 15 years.

Sting, Bob Dylan, Robert De Niro, Warren Beatty, Ted Kennedy, and Richard Gere all fell under the spell of her flirty, sexy, breathy v

The woman, who claimed on the phone to be a model named Miranda, turned out to really be a dumpy, overweight social worker from Louisiana.

Yet she was able to seduce these celebrity stars just with the sound of her voice alone.

Billy Joel was so smitten by this woman that he had never met, that he sent her a diamond-studded Rolex.

Of course, the nonverbal cues in this program are far more sophisticated, but the true story illustrates the point. 

Miranda bypassed the rational, thinking Neocortex of these powerful men, and triggered the underlying sex center found in the more primitive Limbic brain.

Using the same principles, you can turn any girl you’re crushing on into your girlfriend quickly and easily.

Key #3
Addict Her To You

There’s only one way to KEEP a beautiful women and have her deeply bond with you so that she’s yours forever: give her multiple orgasms, full-body orgasms, and screaming orgasms!

You need to become her sole source of sexual pleasure that she couldn’t ever hope to find in any other man. 

That’s how you make her intoxicated and addicted to YOU and only you.

Once she’s looking forward to all the exciting sex and intense orgasms, she will NEVER stray. Because it’s a RARE man that can give her that Level 10 pleasure. You will literally be worth your weight in gold to her.

In other words, being an exciting lover gives you incredible leverage in the relationship. You can set the terms of the relationship and have confidence that she’ll always come back for more. 

You see, every woman has TWO sides to her. She has the artificial woman she shows on the surface, and she has the natural woman she FEELS underneath. 

And once you know how to tap into the natural woman, the real, sexual woman underneath, she will be yours forever, no matter how good looking she is!

This program will show you exactly HOT to bring a pretty girl to this level as pleasure, consistently and reliably, as well as transform her into your perfect sexual partner… so that any woman you decide to choose becomes your “Perfect 10” in the bedroom.

Why Grown Men Have
Cried In My Arms…

“Jesse is just a normal fucking guy. Seriously. There is nothing superhuman about him. He’s just a normal dude. The normality about who he is and what he does is shocking and fucking inspiring. The only difference between you and him is his mindset and the experiences he has had. I truly feel now that anyone can learn these principles to get the girl he wants… it’s like picking up any other sport or performing art.”
– Rolph

“Jesse, immediately after listening to your program I was able to get with a girl that I had been chasing after for MONTHS using verbal game but couldn’t get her into bed, and now it’s done. It was like night and day how she reacted to me with the nonverbal cues… on one date we went from friends to lovers. I owe you like a million dollars for this.”
– Pete

“If you’re in this community and have not listened to Jesse yet, I’d highly recommend it. It’ll be worth it to save the time, energy, and money in the long run to have a master of this art to steer you in the right direction. I don’t even see the purpose of reading any more articles when I can spend my time internalizing a few principles that will lead to 90% of my results. It makes sense to work with Jesse if you want to get this taken care of effectively.”
– Sparx

But the reality is, most men go for YEARS leading sexless lives. 

And most of the guys who DO have girlfriends are with pretty *average* looking women. 

My buddy once told me, “It all feels the same when the lights are out.” That may be true, but I imagine you and I want something better for ourselves!

Even most of the supposed “professional pickup artists” are not exactly pulling hot girls. You’d be surprised how ugly most of the girls they pull are. Some of these guys are genuine sex addicts and just don’t care; but most either can’t meet a quality girl or can’t hold a quality girl down.

Most guys cope by falling into a fantasy world of movies, video games, and passive entertainment. Other guys throw themselves into their work. Other guys just make excuses, keeping the fantasy that they’ll “one day” meet a girl “once they’re rich” – and the years pass by, and suddenly they feel “too old”.

Most guys eventually “settle” with a mediocre girl that isn’t pretty, has tons of drama and emotional issues, or isn’t sexually compatible. A few years later, they get divorced (60% of all marriages end in divorce), the man is alone, and he loses half his life’s savings. 

Other men are in relationships out of convenience because he can’t get anyone better, even though he isn’t really happy.

Such is the fate of MOST men. Do you want to be one of them?

It’s NOT Your Fault

If the same has been true for you, it’s really not your fault. 

Forces beyond your control have conspired to ruin most women into being overweight, spoiled, or full of emotional and sexual hang-ups. The old standard of an admiring housewife that stays thin and attractive and takes the weight off her man’s shoulders (instead of creating more problems) has fallen to the wayside in our society.

There IS a solution. There ARE awesome girls to be had, and you can further TRAIN them to be your perfect sexual match and perfect life partner. I and my students have done it. And when you put in the work and plug in the formula, you can duplicate our results with consistency.

Here’s Just Some Of
What You’ll Learn….

  • How to choose your girl and use physical intrusion of intimate space to electrify sexual chemistry between you and her, in seconds!
  • How to modulate your voice in a secret way that makes women fall in love as soon as you start talking – no matter what you say.
  • Three secrets of specific body language to make a woman instantly comfortable and “let down her guard” with you.
  • How to get that potential soul mate girl to hug you and laugh within the first 60 seconds of meeting her – even if “she’s out of your league”!
  • How to eliminate the negative repulsion factor that women are biologically 100 times more sensitive to than men, and that most guys are giving off without even knowing it.
  • How to STACK and COMBINE sexual cues and attraction triggers to get a geometrical increase in the girl’s positive response to you.
  • How to make even pretty girls feel butterflies at a distance, and shut out any surrounding male competition.
  • The #1 method for triggering women’s sex hormones to release and amp up the sexual attraction in seconds WITHOUT the need to speak.
  • How to converse with her in soul mates imprinting that taps into her deep, ancient desire to have one man as her lover – and imprint that man as you.
  • How to tell ahead of time your long term compatibility potential with a girl (it’s important to bond and connect with the RIGHT girl for YOU).
  • How to make an aloof, seemingly cold girl to start asking about and calling YOU to get together.
  • The science behind chemicals like Phenylethylamine that accelerates sexual attraction and how to trigger its release in women reliably and consistently.
  • How to covertly touch a woman in casual conversation to make her hot… and how NOT to do it.
  • How to trigger sexual responses in women remotely to make them notice you and *without* “being conversational”.
  • A way to adjust your eyes when you look at a woman that gives her a “shock” of sexual attraction (this technique is a FREAKSHOW… but it WORKS)
  • A slight change to make in your voice when you first speak to a woman that will instantly cut the chances of her rejecting you in HALF.
  • A body language secret that you can use to communicate instant attraction simply by WALKING.
  • “Bad Body Language”… the mistakes most guys make that you’re going to want to AVOID at all costs (Once you hear the list, you’ll be saying “Ah Ha!” and eliminating these deal-killers immediately)
  • How to turn a shy, sexually inhibited “girl next door”, coworker, or neighbor into your sexually fun, compatible match.
  • How 99% of guys make this HUGE mistake that kills their chances to a Soul Mates relationship (and if you don’t know what this is, there’s a good chance you’re making it too)
  • The relationship frame that 99% of all men are unaware of, but tells a woman instantly whether or not you’re a “right for her”.
  • How you must reject and overcome the “bad programming” of society and enjoy the girl you were meant to have.
  • Exactly WHAT to do to PREVENT relationship problems with your Soul Girl, *without* spending years and thousands of dollars in therapy!
  • How to permanently fix incompatibilities with your Soul Girl and get them handled right the first time – so that her love for you always grows!
  • A clever way to “name” a woman that sends her into a highly sexual state immediately (this is definitely “controversial”… but it works!)
  • Why 70% of women cheat (and most likely this has happened to you too, even if you don’t know about) and how you can prevent it in your Soul Girl, and make her YOURS… forever.
  • An easy “forbidden” move use that works like gangbusters (this is powerful and NOT for+ one-night stands… this is ONLY for “10s” you want to create a powerful attachment with)
  • How to be a sexy MAN without stooping to being a “jerk” or “bad boy”.
  • As men, we all have sexual fantasies. Here’s how to make your Soul Girl embrace your sexual fantasies – no matter how kinky they are – and have a hot sex life together.
  • Why women will “mentally cheat” on you in bed with other men, unless you apply this ONE technique.
  • How to make your Soul Girl feel like she’s a real WOMAN with a real MAN… and not like a “nice guy” boy that risks getting cheated on!
  • How these invisible “anchors” are almost certainly “cold showering” your chances with a Soul Girl and what to do about them!
  • How to take a woman to 5, 10… or even 20 multiple orgasms.
  • How to transform any girl into your perfect sexual partner so that she becomes your “Perfect 10” in the bedroom.
  • The shocking statistics of what women claim they REALLY want… but in private NEVER tell their man.
  • Hot to use secret cues to trigger off a woman’s sex drive, even if she acts aloof and prudish.
  • How to turn around a bad response from a woman into a JOYFUL response (I personally use this all the time to eliminate any and all sexual rejection.)
  • How to make a potential Soul Girl OBEY your lead.
  • How to sexually “take” a woman the way she longs to be taken, and set off that “I must have this man NOW” feeling inside her.
  • How to bring your woman emotionally close to you so that she’ll never want to leave you, no matter how beautiful she is. And why most relationships FAIL because this is NOT done.
  • How to make an exceptionally pretty woman “let go” and fully surrender her sexual SOUL to you.
  • How to stop “posing” or acting like someone you’re not, and bring out your own unique identity so that a girl falls in love for the REAL you.
  • How to identify a woman’s unique sexual blocks, unlock them, and make a woman feel open to having sex with YOU and you alone.
  • How to “talk” in the bedroom using specific language structures… and why if you don’t do this, nearly every woman will think you’re a DUD no matter how good your “bedroom techniques” are.
  • The part of her mind NOT to engage under ANY circumstances or you WILL be rejected, and how to completely bypass it (I’ve screwed this up myself over a hundred times… and used to bang my head against the wall for this)
  • A SURE-FIRE method to accelerate a woman’s sexual responsiveness, even on a first date… so that she’s ready for “getting down” when you tell her (I use this technique myself on virtually EVERY woman I meet).
  • A fast and simple way to give your woman deeper mental orgasms without even physically touching her!
  • A peculiar orgasm-inducing sex technique (and exactly how I exploit it) that women secretly hop

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Jesse Charger – Soul Mates Formula
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