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What is DotcomSecrets?

  • It is NOT just another “how to” book on Internet Marketing.
  • It is NOT about getting more traffic to your website – yet these secrets will help you to get exponentially MORE traffic than you’ve ever experienced before.
  • It is NOT about increasing your conversion – yet these secrets will increase your conversion MORE than any headline tweak or split test ever could.   

DotcomSecrets is A SHORTCUT.   

Low traffic or conversions are symptoms of a much greater problem that’s a little harder to see (that’s the bad news), but a lot easier to fix (that’s the good news). 

Inside you will find the actual playbook we created after running thousands of tests and perfecting what works online. You now have access to all of the  processes, funnels and scripts that we used to scale companies online.  

Inside Of This FREE Book, Here Are A Few Of The Secrets That You'll Be Given For FREE…

  • Looking to increase your conversions by tweaking a headline? DON'T! Read this book instead and you'll discover how to beat any tweak or split test you could ever hope to make yourself… – pg. xv
  • The FIRST thing I tell all of my brand new high level clients to get them generating instant profits… PLUS: You'll get to peak behind the scenes to find out what I told one client when he started spending $116 to make $97 (HINT: It flies in the face of conventional wisdom…– pg. xvi
  • How one simple phone call to a 1-800 number in my local paper has generated me MILLIONS of dollars in cash… and led to my single greatest obsession in life… pg. 3
  • The "predictable" off-line method that direct response marketers have been using for YEARS to sell BILLIONS of dollars in products through tiny classified ads… (This step-by-step process not only works online BUT it's exactly what the Internet was built for!) – pg. 3 [Fig. 0.1]
  • The 5 major OLD MEDIA transitions that have made making money online EASIER. FASTER. AND BETTER THAN EVER! PLUS: Discover my 'secret' 5 pronged approach to selling more with NEW MEDIA outlets for much less moneythan you've ever spent on traditional marketing… – pg. 5 [Fig 0.3]
  • My 'naked eye' approach to solving the Online Marketing puzzle… and discover the fundamental difference between a $10,000 company and a $10,000,000 company… (HINT: It has to do with how much of the business you actually 'see'…) – pg. 6 [Fig. 0.4]
  • My 'secretWHO-WHERE-BAIT-RESULT formula technique that I use to turn miserable companies into cash pulling empires for their owners… (SIDENOTE: I typically charge $25,000 to clients to get access to this formula because it's worth that AND MORE! You get it instantly when you pick up this low cost book.– pg. 13
  • How to charge MORE for your product or service by building your business BACKWARDS with this one simple question… if you are tired of scraping the bottom of the barrel for customers and clients then you are going to LOVE thisone simple question you can ask yourself to start upping those prices! – pg. 18 
  • Want to learn how I sell my $25,000 Inner Circle program to people I've never met? What about my $10,000 Ignite program, want to see how I do that? Cool, because I want to show you how… PLUS: I'll show you how we put it all together into a $1,000,000 package… (Trust me… you can do this stuff too once you figure out how to use 'The Value Ladder' to make it happen…) – pg. 25 [Fig 2.3a]
  • Peak behind the scenes of a REAL LIFE CASE STUDY where I build out a full blown 'Value Ladder' for a struggling business… and use the results to start filling in the blanks for own business… – pg. 29
  • Why not offering the customers of my $5,000 program almost got me in hot water with one of the greatest marketers of our generation… PLUS: I'll share with you the most powerful 'secret' behind selling multiple 5 figure programs to the same people OVER AND OVER AGAIN! – pg. 30
  • The surprising truth behind the 'Value Ladder' vs. 'Sales Funnel' connection… – pg. 34
  • If you think you know what an effective sales funnel looks like… think again! I'll show you how I use advanced sales funnel techniques to literally 'squeeze' my dream customer out of a pile of traffic… if you've got a business being overrun by 'idiot' customers or clients then you NEED to see how I run my funnels…
    – pg. 36
  • Why I try to build my business so that I can spend MORE than my competitors…and why doing so means I'll own the market indefinitely… – pg. 37
  • How to run your sales funnel like a 'church' so that you can attract your ideal 'congregation'… (IN OTHER WORDS: I'll show you where to get people who ALREADY like what you're selling to travel through your funnel and into your high ticket offers…) – pg. 39
  • How I target my dream customers and create hyper-targeted messages by asking myself 3 simple questions that can be answered in less than two minutes and give me everything I need to start driving traffic to my funnels… – pg. 42
  • Why I LOVE 'Enquirer Interrupts'… and how to 'swipe' this effective technique to move your 'congregation' from lollygagging around to buying your stuff! – pg. 45 [Fig 4.2]
  • The shocking difference between: 'Traffic You Control' 'Traffic You Don't Control' and 'Traffic You Own'… (It matters. Big time.– pg. 48
  • How to 'Bullet Proof' your online business no matter what Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or any other website does… learn this simple truth about Online Business and you'll never have to worry about traffic again! – pg. 49
  • My top 5 favorite traffic sources… PLUS: I'll show the exact landing page that I send that earns me a positive ROI no matter which of the 5 I choose… AND: I'll show you what to do to make sure that you NEVER waste money on traffic (HINT: Don't spend money unless you are 100% sure you are gonna get something specific in return) – pg. 51 [Fig 5.2]
  • How to turn blog posts into 'Modified Squeeze Pages' without having to detract from the quality of your content or chase visitors away… (DO THIS and watch the most powerful traffic type available double, or even triple in size within your business…) – pg. 53
  • Why the 'Attractive Character' is the missing piece to your ability to make and close sales online… this is the greatest 'hidden' copywriting and sales secret I've ever come across… – pg. 58
  • How dating expert John Alanis made me millions of dollars after just one short hour long conversation… (HINT: It has nothing to do with dating and everything to do with the most important aspect of your business – people.) – pg. 59
  • How to attract more people into your business by being less 'likeable' and more 'authentic'… PLUS: I'll show one little trick for getting people to absolutely fall in love with you… BUT you must be forewarned, it requires believing in yourself and in what you are doing… pg. 65 
  • PLUS: Get all 4 of the 'AC Identities'… PLUS: Get all 7 of the 'AC Storylines' that I use in my business and the businesses of my clients to turn their mediocre sales into windfall profits… – pg. 67
  • Why I model 100% of my selling emails after day-time Soap Operas…. and you'll see firsthand how effective this 5 part email marketing strategy really is in driving sales (not matter what product or service is being sold…– pg. 73
  • The 'secret' behind 'open loop' email marketing to increase email opens and drive sales… (HINT: If you watch TV then you've seen this trick in action and already know it works…– pg. 74
  • Is your campaign not performing like you'd hoped? Check out my Top 5 'Variables of Success' to find out what your campaign is missing… (This works in any niche…) – pg. 102
  • The 4 simple questions to ask yourself to reverse-engineer ANY successful landing page… ask yourself these questions and create a landing page that converts… even if you suck at copywriting… – pg. 104
  • The 7 even simpler questions to ask yourself to reverse-engineer ANY successful ad ever… ask yourself these questions and you'll arm yourself with a lifetime of income possibilities… (HINTKnowing how to do this is like giving yourself a PhD in making money from nothing…– pg. 105
  • The distinct difference between a six-figure, seven-figure, and eight-figure business… (HINT: It has nothing to do with the products you sell, your traffic, your sales copy, or even your product launch method…– pg. 113
  • How to implement the little used NLP technique known as 'Pre-Framing' to increase your profits by as much 1,000%… (This technique is so powerful that MIT launched an aggressive study to find out why it worked so well…) – pg. 114
  • The Gene Schwartz technique for taking 'traffic temperature' and turning it into sales… – pg. 119 [Fig 10.2]
  • How to build a successful 'Pre-Frame Bridge'… and why the 'Holy Grail' of Internet Marketing is ONLY achievable when your business has one… PLUS: See over a half-a-dozen examples I use in my own business to create compelling 'Bridges' that help me sell 24/7 – pg. 121
  • How to add 'Hyper-active' buyers to your email list… and where to find them… – pg. 126
  • My 'Lego' method (AKA: The 23 Building Blocks Method) for building sales funnels and increasing conversions… if you can build a pirate ship with little plastic blocks then you can build a 7 figure sales funnel… pg. 130
  • Why we use simple 'one-page websites' to generate hundreds of thousands of pre-qualified leads… and you'll get to see a few examples of those sites in this little book… – pg. 139 [Fig 11.6]
  • How we rocked the Internet Marketing world by using a simple two-step form to add more value than anyone in our market had ever seen before… AND you'll get the INSIDE scoop on how it panned out for us… pg. 142 [Fig 11.8]
  • My Top 5 Methods for getting people to qualify themselves for your high end products and services… if you are tired of dealing with foot-dragging prospects then you NEED to implement at least ONE of FIVE of these Buyer Qualifying strategies that have made us MILLIONS and reduced the time we spend finding out who is actually going to buy… pg. 144
  • How to identify where your prospects are on the 'Product Awareness Continuumwithout having to lift a finger (I'll show you how to automate this entire process so that your prospect closes themselves on the sale while you work on other stuff…– pg. 151 [Fig 12.2]
  • The single factor that took me from $30,000/year to over $1,000,000/year in sales in less than 18 months… pg. 156
  • How to immediately implement the '100 visitor test' to test campaign viability BEFORE you unload a bunch of cash on your next project… PLUS: You'll I'll walk you through a real-life example with the actual numbers from a campaign I recently ran doing this… (This is going to save you SO MUCH money. You're welcome.) – pg. 156
  • Why The 5 minute 'Bump Test' can increase your conversions by as much as 33% on products and services that you are ALREADY selling… and you'll learn how the 'Bump Test' can give you 3x's the eyeballs to your other offers without having to change anything but the order your prospect sees your stuff… – pg. 160 [Fig. 13.1a]


And That's JUST The First 160 Pages…

You'll Also Get My Top 7 Favorite Sales Funnels… My Sales Scripts… And SO MUCH MORE!


Check Out What This Book Is Already Doing For Others…


Here's What To Do Next

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs ($7.95 US or $14.95 international).

Oh, and in case you're wondering…

There Is No Catch!

I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This Isn't One Of Them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" – and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this…

Well, there are actually a few reasons…

1. Its my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber.

2. Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses online selling supplements, physical products software, and more)… so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.

3. I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.

4. I'm kinda a show off… I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of people throwing out conversion numbers and their stats without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS… so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUE, show the actual stats and #'s behind what we do, and well… honestly, I just want you to think I'm cool. 🙂

Time Is Of The Essence…

Here's why…

We've only printed a few thousands copies of this book, and when they're gone… well, they're gone!  

If this page is still here, then the offer is live.  But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your shipping fee and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sound fair?

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Instant Traffic Hacks – Russel Brunson