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Discover How You Can Become the Secret Weapon to Success for CEOs, Leaders & the World’s Highest Achievers

Internationally renowned transformative coach Michael Neill, who has coached CEOs, celebrities, royalty and other high-achieving individuals for over 25 years, invites you to discover his secrets to confidently coaching high-impact individuals to reach their next level, no matter how successful, famous, or wealthy they are.

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To coaches who are ready to create a bigger impact NOW…

Discover How You Can Become the Secret Weapon to Success for CEOs, Leaders & the World’s Highest Achievers

Internationally renowned transformative coach Michael Neill, who has coached CEOs, celebrities, royalty and other high-achieving individuals for over 25 years, invites you to discover his secrets to confidently coaching high-impact individuals to reach their next level, no matter how successful, famous, or wealthy they are.

Here’s a fact which could land you some high-paying clients.

Forbes has published a study by Stanford University and an executive coaching firm revealing that almost 66% of chief executives do not have a coach…

 And every one of those executives wishes they had one.

 Another article published by Harvard Business Review reported that two in five new chief executives fail within the first 18 months of the job due to insurmountable pressures they face.

It’s strikingly clear.

 There is a HUGE demand and need for transformative coaching to serve leaders and self-leaders passionate to impact the world and build their legacy.

This is not just limited to CEOs and C-level executives. Entrepreneurs, community leaders, celebrities, artists, athletes and other high-performing individuals also recognize the need of coaches to boost their performance and growth.

And if you’re here, the opportunity for you to become the coach who serves these high-impact individuals is ripe for the picking.

You might be wondering, where do I begin?

First, Let’s Investigate What CEOs, Leaders, And Other High-achieving Individuals Really Want From  A Coach

Perhaps you feel you’re not qualified to coach leaders, influencers, and high-impact individuals. You could be thinking:

  • How do I coach someone who’s probably more successful than me?
  • I don’t have the right executive coaching certifications… which qualification is even recognized or trustworthy?
  • Don’t I need corporate or relevant industry experience to coach C-level execs?
  • Do I have the right coaching skills and techniques for high-achievers?
  • What if I’m just not good enough or they think I’m a fraud?

It’s completely natural to have these fears and doubts. After all, we understand it can be very intimidating to serve high-impact, high-achieving individuals. It’s an entirely new level of gameplay.

But rest assured… You don’t have to worry about certifications, qualifications, industry experience, or magical techniques.

Because there is only one specific quality CEOs, leaders, and other high-achieving individuals actually want from you as a coach,  and that is…

The ‘X-Factor’ of Human Transformation

To understand the ‘X-Factor’ in a simple manner, let’s imagine there are two singers: Jane and Sarah.

Jane is highly qualified. She graduated from an elite music college. She can execute numerous singing techniques in various styles.

Sarah does not have these qualifications or formal training in singing techniques. Her passion for music, however, was her escape from a rough childhood. Singing is a self-expression that brings her heart unbridled joy.

When Jane gets on stage to sing, she is flawless. Nobody can fault her technique. However, her performance is so calculated and robotic; it just doesn’t connect with the audience.

When Sarah sings, she is completely immersed in the music. Not every note is perfect, but the audience is moved by her sheer expressiveness and there isn’t a dry eye in the crowd.

What Sarah has is the X-Factor.

The X-Factor is the ability to connect with a person through their craft deeply.

The same goes for the craft of coaching.

Even if you have the most elite training and qualifications in the world, even if you know every coaching technique there is to know on the planet, even if you’re the most experienced coach in your niche…

None of that matters if you cannot deeply connect with someone.

It’s this heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul connection which becomes the true catalyst of human transformation that unleashes any CEO, executive or leader to reach their deeper potential.

So how do you get this X-Factor to serve such high-impact individuals?


This Is What’s Holding You Back From Unleashing Your X-factor As A Coach

Learning coaching techniques and increasing yourself in knowledge is important and necessary for continual growth. However, there is a hidden danger to the path of seeking knowledge few dare to speak about.

The hidden danger is mistaking coaching techniques as the ability to connect with someone.

For a coach, this mistake manifests in a race to learn as many techniques as possible to become a better coach.

If you fall into this trap, you’ll be putting aside your innate intelligence which intuitively knows how to deeply connect with someone. 

Forgetting to tap into your innate intelligence will go against your artistry. Any technique can become a barrier between you and the spontaneous expression of the deeper intelligence and connection between two human beings.

Your coaching sessions can end up being robotic and calculated. There is no deep connection. And without deep connection, there is no profound transformation.

To unleash your X-Factor as a coach and develop your own signature style of coaching which doesn’t imitate anyone, you need to master the elements of transformative coaching.

The 2 Elements Of Mastering Transformative Coaching

There are two elements to transformative coaching which consistently achieve deep connection and transformation for high-impact clients:

  1. The Science: There are no techniques here. It is simply just understanding the specific, reliable, scientific and universal principles of how human beings work.
  2. The Art: This is developed over time, and every individual expresses it differently. While copying other coaches’ techniques is a good part of the learning process initially, relying on them forever will hold you back from waking up to your infinite creative potential as a coach.

Up till now, many believed the “art of transformative coaching” cannot be learned or trained. Many people thought it’s either an exclusive quality only some personalities have or something you develop over time if you get lucky.

Today, we will meet the Master Coach who will bust all these myths: Michael Neill.

After over 25 years of coaching CEOs, celebrities, royalties, and other high-achieving individuals, Michael has discovered a structured path to develop your art — and unleash your “X-Factor” — as a coach. The path begins by deeply understanding the science of what makes humans tick, which guarantees a strong foundation for the art to spout off and evolve from there.

By simply being on this journey to deeply understand the science of how human transformation works, you’ll immediately level up your confidence and ability to serve high-impact clients such as CEOs, leaders, and influencers.

Without further ado, let’s meet the Master Coach who can put you on this path, right now.

Author Profile

About Michael Neill

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the best-selling author of five books including The Inside-Out Revolution and The Space Within. Michael is often described as the ‘coach’s coach,’ and commands extraordinary respect within his field.

He has spent over 25 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives. His books have been translated into 17 languages, and his public talks, retreats, and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and on six continents around the world.

Michael’s weekly radio show, Living from the Inside Out, has been a listener favorite on Hay House Radio for over a decade; and his TEDx talk, 'Why Aren't We Awesomer?', has been viewed by over 150,000 people around the world.

Now, Michael has put together the most powerful training based on his collective knowledge of the fundamental truths of human behavior. The transformative coaching principles taught in this course are designed especially to help coaches reach their own signature style of highest mastery to serve the influencers, leaders and legacy builders of the world.

This powerfully structured insight-based training on the universal scientific principles of human transformation is now available — exclusively here on Evercoach — as, “Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science of Coaching in the Modern World.”


What You’ll Learn

Introducing “Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science of Coaching in the Modern World”

Here are 9 powerful breakthroughs you’ll experience in this course:

01Learn the universal scientific principles of what really makes humans tick.

It’s surprising these principles aren’t more widely-known. Michael was at the top of the NLP field and had worked in the biggest New Age & psychology bookstore for years. He thought he knew everything there is to know about human behavior, yet he only discovered these principles after years of study and coaching.

Upon finding these universal scientific principles of human transformation, Michael shifted the way he approached coaching. He went from being known as the NLP “King of Techniques”, to developing his signature style of coaching using ZERO techniques – just transformative coaching that connects on the soul and cellular level.

02Experience insight-based learning which unleashes your infinite creative potential as a coach.

The reason these principles are so powerful is that they don’t limit you to follow an X-step process or remain confined in the limiting box of copying other coaches’ techniques. Instead of being told what to do, this insight-based training will lead you to the “aha’s” which develop your signature style, artistry, and unlimited potential as a coach.

03Tap into the driving force behind human potential.

Before Michael understood these principles, he suffered from suicidal depression for 7 years. Studying self-help techniques helped him learn how to cope with depression. For a long time, he dealt with high-functioning depression, believing it was the best he could achieve for his personality.

However, when he discovered the universal scientific principles of human transformation, he was able to transform from someone with high-functioning depression to becoming a genuinely happy person. When you find these for yourself and gain new insights, the transformation you can create for yourself — and high-impact individuals — will be simply phenomenal.

04Get better results with less effort and less stress.

Transformative coaching based on these universal scientific principles of human behavior has the potential to achieve in 2-3 days what coaching techniques need 3-6 months to reach. This is because you will have real understanding of how the mind works and how to unleash human potential from the innate intelligence source. Your clients won’t rely on techniques as crutches or complicate their transformation and growth by always needing the next technique to lean on.

05Listen at a deeper level you never thought possible.

When you understand these universal scientific principles of human transformation, you’ll be able to listen at a deeper level you never thought possible. This is not “active listening” where you simply paraphrase what your clients said to acknowledge you heard them. This is deep listening that moves your soul in a way they can sense and feel heard, even if you don’t say a single word. It’s the most powerful connection that can be achieved between two human beings.

06Assist high-impact clients to make significant breakthroughs in life, business, and relationships.

When you can listen at a deeper level than ever before, and when you know how human behavior works to tap into the driving force of human potential, you’ll be able to help high-impact clients make significant breakthroughs in every area of their lives.

07Grow your confidence and transformative coaching skills as you create a BIGGER impact.

You’ll discover it’s not certifications, qualifications, or years of experience that builds your confidence. The real source of your coaching confidence is being able to deeply connect with somebody at a level most authentic to their nature. Once you unleash this, the impact you can create will be bigger, faster, and easier.

08Unlock the freedom to live your best life

Level up to serve high-impact people happy to pay you premium rates. Enjoy the financial and lifestyle freedom you’ve always dreamed of. Spend more time with your loved ones. Strike off your bucket list. Create more impact through philanthropic works. And passionately pursue every other way your heart and soul want to soar.

09Expand your creative potential and have loads of FUN!

Because you no longer have to copy other coaches’ techniques, you’ll have the creative freedom to make every single coaching session uniquely dynamic. You’ll have your signature style, develop your own techniques, and even know when to break the “rules.” In other words, no two sessions will ever be the same. You’ll never have to dread being caught in the “same old, same old” routine, and you’ll have loads of FUN while creating HUGE impact..

Program Information

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Experience In The 12-module Insight-based Training Video Course, “Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science Of Coaching In The Modern World.”


Module 1

Understanding Principles-Based Coaching

  • Understand the difference between coaching and consulting
  • Discover how insight-based learning is different to practice-based learning (and this can fundamentally shift the way you approach coaching)
  • How to define your job as a coach and your client’s role to co-create significant breakthroughs and impact
  • The “flashlight” and “mirror” principles of leading your clients to see their possible futures and unleash their infinite creative potential
  • The simplest coaching model in the world (it’s only two steps, but it’s profound)
  • Experiment: An exercise to listen at a deeper level you never thought possible

Module 2

The Power of Connection

  • The secret sauce of deeply connecting with someone… heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul
  • Understand the difference between great coaching and skilled coaching
  • Learn the different levels of connection between human beings: Surface Connection vs. Soul Connection
  • Experiment: 3 exercises to gain insights which unlock the power of connection
  • Experiment: Applying your ideas in the real world (and just watch what unfolds!)

Module 3

How Human Beings Actually Work

  • 3 fundamental principles and truths about how humans work and the universal scientific principles of human behavior and transformation
  • The inside-out understanding (IOU) which unleashes infinite freedom and creativity to how you operate in the world
  • How to address the top concerns of CEOs: VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity
  • The bad news and good news of how humans think (and the one thing you need to tap into to shape better thinking and greater transformation)
  • Understanding the true nature of thought and true nature of the mind
  • Experiment: Game-changing exercises for Thought, Mind & Consciousness

Module 4

Five Rules for Coaching in Business

  • Learn the 5 fundamental rules for coaching in business
  • Discover how to show up and respond to what shows up
  • Learn how to recognize whatever comes as one of 3 basic principles in disguise
  • The #1 mistake most coaches make that kills deep connection
  • Why transformative coaching has nothing to do with what you know
  • The only 2 things you need to help your clients see to spark the catalyst of transformation

Module 5

The Game of Business

  • The secret doorway to let your inner intelligence come through
  • The fundamental shift to achieve which will change the way your clients relate to their business and drive success
  • Experiment: A money exercise which reveals an astounding insight on the game of business
  • Experiment: A thought exercise that will change your client’s relationship to success and failure
  • The art of playing YOUR best game instead of imitating what other coaches do

Module 6

The Art of Leadership

  • How to apply the 3 fundamental principles in a business environment or company
  • The power of engagement to achieve significant business results
  • The 3 characteristics of commitment which brings to fruition game-changing ideas and powerful shifts
  • Experiment: 1 simple exercise to experience the power of engagement
  • Understanding separate realities and how leadership works from the inside-out
  • The 2 most important qualities of any endeavor in business you’ll need to guide your clients to have

Module 7

Decision Making

  • Experiment: Experience the unfolding of your innate intelligence
  • The fatal mistake most CEOs & leaders make when making important decisions (and how to help them avoid it)
  • A powerful insight to reduce the stress and pressure of having to make decisions
  • Case study: How Michael guided a client being headhunted by Google and Yahoo to make a decision
  • Understanding the game of making decisions to help your clients make no-brainer decisions, even under the most stressful or high-stake situations

Module 8

Problem Solving, Creativity & Innovation

  • The simplest yet most brilliant strategy to solve really big problems in business
  • A fresh perspective on how we think about problems to unleash creative problem solving and innovation
  • The true nature of the mind and how it works to achieve infinite creative potential
  • The “Big Nothing” vs. “Little Nothing” approach of allowing for breakthroughs
  • A Picasso insight to help your clients recognize their innate intelligence to solve problems

Module 9

Performance & Productivity

  • The real source of human performance and productivity (and how to tap into it)
  • Case study: How the inside-out approach helped a golfer improve his performance to win a tournament
  • How to leverage the mind’s psychological immune system to shift state of mind
  • The actual nature of productivity and how understanding this can boost performance and productivity
  • What the fabric of time is made of and how to ride on it to get “in the zone” and flow of optimal performance & productivity

Module 10

Handling Pressure & Stress

  • From the sports arena to the business arena: How to handle pressure and stress
  • Injecting a fresh perspective on how we view high-pressure, high-stress situations or environments
  • Case study: Why understanding where pressure and stress come from is more important than trying to manage them
  • genuine source of confidence in human nature and how to coach your clients to embody it

Module 11

Life Beyond the Game

  • Understanding how to apply this approach to your own life and take your coaching to the next level
  • How to help executives and leaders not just improve their business performance, but also their happiness in all other areas of life
  • The secret in achieving work-life balance lies in understanding the difference between overwhelm and overload
  • Reflection: An exercise to gain insights on how to achieve a natural fulfillment
  • Why, in life, we’re not the pilot, we’re the plane (and what this means in how you channel and express your own life)

Module 12

Transformative Coaching in Action

  • Putting it all together so you can witness how it all works in practice
  • Multiple executive coaching demos so you can see how fast insights, breakthroughs, and transformation can unfold with this approach
  • Post-analysis review & commentary on each coaching demo tying together everything you've learned, so you know how to put this into practice with your clients

Enroll Now

Imagine The Dramatic Impact You Can Create

The majority of studies indicated that the executives who received transformative coaching valued the service between $100,000 to $1 million ROI.

Imagine having this kind of massive impact on your clients. Imagine getting a testimonial from a client saying, “Thank you. Because of you, I saved my business from bankruptcy, I didn’t have to lay off any staff, and I’m no longer so stressed out.”

Imagine your clients also thanking you for transforming their personal lives and relationships, because the insights you gave them unleashed their potential and happiness in every area of life.

How would that feel? 

Today, you have the opportunity to reach this level of fulfillment by learning from Michael the universal scientific principles of human transformation, so you’ll be on the path to coach the leaders, movers, and shakers of the world. 

Before today, having Michael as your coach could cost you anything between $3,000 – $75,000. Without a doubt, you’d make your return on investment. However, not everyone can manage this upfront cost.

And even if you had the money, Michael may not have the available time. He is in such high demand; he has to turn down a lot of people who need his coaching.

Today, all of that has changed.

With “Impacting Leaders” Michael has made available a unique insight-based training to unleash your infinite creative potential as a coach so you can powerfully serve high-impact individuals. And he’s making this available at a ridiculously low price for the actual value you’re getting.


Because like us, Michael wants to make it easy for passionate coaches like you to make an impact on the leaders, movers, and shakers of the world without struggling. We want to do this because we believe there are a lot of people out there with the potential to make the world a better, brighter place — and they need coaches like you to connect with them deeply and bring out their unlimited potential.

That’s why it’s not going to cost you anywhere near $75,000 or even half of Michael’s usual coaching fees. We could still easily charge $3,000 or $2,000 and give you lots of value, but we want to make it even more affordable than that.

Which is why we have made “Impacting Leaders” available at $695.

Just getting your first high-impact client and earning premium rates will pay for the course, multifold. And this path doesn’t just bring you that one-time client or revenue. We’re talking elevating your skills and confidence to serve one high-impact client after another, and grow your coaching business to levels you never imagined were possible.

How is “Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science of Coaching in the Modern World” different to other coaching programs?

01Specifically developed to raise your confidence and skills to coach high-impact individuals you previously thought you’re not “qualified” to coach

Ever had that thought, “Oh, I couldn’t coach that person.” Maybe you felt that way because that person was more successful, more intelligent, or wealthier than you. It’s easy to feel intimidated. Yet, every CEO, leader or high-achiever needs someone who can help them see the things they simply cannot see in their own world. And YOU can be that someone.

This course will raise your confidence and skills to become the coach CEOs, leaders and high-achievers need. The insights packed into this course prepare you to powerfully coach successful, high-impact individual, unleash their infinite creative potential and become their secret weapon for success.

02Unleashes your unlimited creative potential as a coach & signature style

You won’t be getting an X-step methodology or a toolbox of techniques. You won’t be told to imitate someone else’s process. This is fundamentally different to all of that. This is insight-based learning to develop your own signature style of mastery.

03You’ll take your own life to a different level of success and happiness too.

A lot of coaching programs are skills-based training. This means they teach you new techniques to add to your repertoire of tools. While this can improve how you coach others and grow your business, it may not have an impact on your own life.

This course is different because it focuses on giving you insights which elevate your own life, so you can develop the skills to transform others in the same way. As Michael put it in his own words, “You can’t be a life coach if you don’t have a life.” By changing YOU first, you’ll be able to create these shifts in others at a deeper transformative level than ever before.

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Impacting Leaders Michael Neill | eSy[GB]
Impacting Leaders – Michael Neill
Original price was: $695.00.Current price is: $87.00. Add to cart