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“To everyone who’s ever wondered how a dummy — like me — can stumble into growth marketing, and make $16.800/month while living on a tropical island…

Let’s get this straight real quick…

I was not crushing it.

I was not on Techcrunch.
I was not on Hacker News.
I was not the Next Big Thing™.
I was not raising a next round of VC money, at a $10MM pre-money valuation.

I wasn’t going anywhere…

I was just one of the many invisible, inglorious startup founders working away on his laptop, while having little growth or excitement to show for it.

Heck, I wasn’t even in Silicon Valley, hanging out with the cool guys…

I was working on a (super) cool product, but it wasn’t growing particularly fast.

Getting customers was hard.

Of course I was making excuses all the time. The product wasn’t done yet (spoiler: it’s never done). Growth would happen next month, if I’d roll out feature X….

I thought growth wasn’t really “my thing”. I hated marketing & sales. Sales is something other people do… I just wanted to make this cool product.

Here’s a shortlist of the convenient excuses I used…

  1. My co-founder always did the selling. Never me… because I sucked at selling.
  2. I didn’t have any kind of qualifications in marketing, or anything like that…  so I must be bad as a marketer.
  3. I definitely didn’t know how to code, either.
  4. I absolutely sucked at sales…
  5. And I didn’t really have any connections to speak of, either

I can tell you one thing now…

Those excuses aren’t going to bring you anywhere. You’ll simply get wiped out by someone who is a killer at driving growth…

Somehow — miraculously — I managed to turn that pile of excuses into an amazing turnaround, which still amazes me as I write about it today…

I decided that 2016 was going to be the year I would learn growth marketing.

Soon after that I would draft up these little scrappy systems for building & growing startup businesses.

It wasn’t a success. It was just luck.

Just to give you an idea, here’s some of the results I saw:

  • A hacked-together early proof-of-concept for one of my businesses — Leansites — generated about 1.500 signups within days.
  • We got Growthcasts featured on SumoMe (owned by Noah Kagan) about how to “growth hack Reddit”
  • Eddy — a guy I worked with — managed to generate massive traffic hits, to the tune of 50k hits in a few days…. (which we then subsequently failed to convert, oops!)

Surprisingly, things you read about on Growthhackers.com… actually started to happen to me.  Haha!

And to be fair with you…

I remember actually sitting with 3 fellow entrepreneurs in a cafe, and sharing stories. Based on that conversation, we shaped up an idea on how more people could benefit from this, too.

We quickly slapped a landing page together, and posted it to Betalist. That was Growthcasts v0.1.

Guess what?

1.300 people signed up.

Most of them within hours of being published…

To let you in on a little secret: now I’ve actually got almost 10.000 people on the list. All because they want to learn the freaking systems.

And the good news is….   I’ll teach it.

But you should know: I’m not really a natural teacher. I’m just a regular guy.

I’m not that guru you were maybe looking for, with years of experience under his belt…

Actually, here’s all the stuff I DON’T have:

  • I don’t have 10+ years of experience in marketing
  • I don’t live in Silicon Valley (actually, I’ve never even visited the U.S. of A), or London or Amsterdam. I didn’t have the connections you might have.
  • I failed to finish university.
  • Before I moved to live on the tropical island of Bali I was living in a town of 30.000 people in the Netherlands, where most people study agriculture.
  • I’m 25 years old as I write this.
  • I don’t have any other ‘secret club’ I am part of, or anything like that…

The point is: chances are I wasn’t smarter / brighter / richer / better-connected than you.

Why does that matter?

Because I think it puts the whole ‘magic’ of growth hacking in perspective. There’s a lot of smoke around it, and every new guru on the block just blows up even more smoke.

The thing is… Growth is not all that complicated. It’s all very systematic. If a moron like me can do it, then chances are more people should at least give it a try

As for those systems…  I honestly thought I’d just gotten lucky.

If it hadn’t been for my friend Mark, I would have been convinced it was just luck.

If it wouldn’t have been Dennis — one of my first clients — that I was able to get to a 100% month-over-month growth rate, and survive from guaranteed failure.

Or for the other teams I worked with, where it was just all copy-paste to implement the same systems for them.

But the truth is: it’s working swimmingly well. And I’ll teach it how I did it…

In the rest of this page I will share with you — in excruciating detail — everything you need to know about that system of mine, which propelled me to massive success…

I just want you to know…

I’m not up here claiming to be any sort of super guru. 

We’re going to have to ‘keep it real’, because these systems are simple and straight-forward.

Now let’s check out what I’ve got for you… 

Introducing Growthcasts Elite… a 7-part framework to growth hacking mastery

You’ll get…

  • 56 video lessons (7+ hours, all HD quality)
  • 7 in-depth guides
  • 21 bonus resources  ::  swipe files and ready-to-use templates
  • Massive treasure vault of the best info on the web.

It’s a full program teaching you everything I know about growth marketing. It’s everything you’ll ever need to start earning top money as a growth consultant, or take your own startup to the stratosphere.

Here’s the deal…

I’ll give you access to everything I know about growth marketing and explosive product growth — in every format you could possibly want — and let you decide for 14 days if it’s worth anything at all. 

Traction System  |  module 1

Struggling to acquire users quickly and effectively?
In module 1 you’ll learn the basic 6-step framework needed to unlock virtually unlimited growth opportunities

Inside this module:

Video content (all HD quality)

  • Why channels strategy – 6:25min
  • Core constraints – 10:24min
  • Product/Channel-fit – 7:00min
  • Prioritise – 3:26min
  • Lean testing – 10:22min
  • Profitability – 8:42min
  • Scaling – 5:20min

BONUS content:

  • Channels Strategy Guide – pdf
  • Cheatsheet – pdf
  • Editable worksheet – pdf
  • Treasure Vault – web/online

What you’ll learn:

One of our most important jobs is driving traffic and warm leads into the system. That’s what this module is all about.

In the module you’ll learn:

  • How to identify the best traction channels for your specific business needs
  • The 25+ acquisition channels growth hackers can leverage to drive growth (and how te find even more, on your own…)
  • You’ll learn about the ‘power law of channels’, and how to use it effectively.
  • How ‘lean testing’ allows you to validate a potential growth engine, with minimal investment of effort & money — video #5
  • I show you what holds you back from fast scaling, and how to overcome those obstacles.
  • More than anything, you’ll learn how to confidently drive the acquisition efforts of your business…

“I thought this module was one of the most valuable ones in the entire course. REALLY liked this…!

Copywriting  |  module 2

Inside this module:

Video content (all HD quality)

  • Intro – 4:40min
  • Perspectives – 8:17min
  • Problem statements – 5:28min
  • Benefits vs. features – 8:14min
  • Peeling the Onion – 8:00min
  • Power Words – 6:13min
  • Swipe Files – 7:33min

BONUS content:

  • Copywriting Guide – pdf
  • Cheatsheet – pdf
  • ‘Peeling the Onion’ worksheet – pdf
  • Treasure Vault – web/online

What you’ll learn:

Not all writers are good marketers, but ALL great marketers are also great copywriters. In this module we lay down the essentials, while exploding your conversions.

In the module you’ll learn:

  • How to become a confident writer. Write twice as good, twice as fast.
  • Become a systematic copywriter, using proven frameworks and structures to do your heavy lifting.
  • The 80/20 of writing better copy for more sales: only 4 hacks you need to master, drive most of the results.
  • Get an extensive library with examples to swipe from. This means you can start copy-pasting, rather than laying the groundwork yourself.
  • I show you how to unlock your inner salesman. We don’t only work on your skills, but also your ‘inner game’ and mindset.
  • More than anything, you’ll be able to sell more online.

““Oh copywriting, how I’ve struggled with you in the past… After 5 years in digital marketing I feel like I’ve FINALLY ‘gotten’ this illustrous art. And I’ve got the growth numbers to prove it…”

Risk Roadmaps  |  module 3

Inside this module:

Video content (all HD quality)

  • Advanced Lean Startup – 3:09min
  • Startup Plan – 9:37min
  • Risk Roadmaps – 8:29min
  • Market risks – 8:11min
  • Product risks – 6:32min
  • Channel risks – 7:18min
  • Ignition risks – 9:28min
  • What MVPs are for – 10:13min
  • The Final Roadmap – 11:22min

BONUS content:

  • Risk Roadmap Guide – pdf
  • Cheatsheet (2x) – pdf
  • Editable worksheet – pdf
  • Treasure Vault – web/online

What you’ll learn:

Learn the high-level concepts that drive not 10% but 10x growth. Master the strategy level secrets to kick growth in overdrive and become a better entrepreneur.

In the module you’ll learn:

  • Deep channels analysis, to hit hyper-growth faster
  • Intermediate and advanced lean startup strategies that form the bridge between conceptual thinking an execution.
  • Become a growth strategist, and make better business decisions that scale companies faster and in a more sustainable way.
  • Learn how to accelerate cycle speed to compress your time and get more done in the same amount of time.
  • Gain laser focus and more confidence, as you execute a step-by-step strategic plan.
  • More than anything, you’ll learn how to become a growth strategist, rather than going from trick to trick…

“This is what sets Growthcasts Elite apart from everything else (well, and the 5th module). Pieter shows how strategy is essential to having exceptional clarity and laser focus. This is my favorite track by far!!

Facebook Ads Engine  |  module 4

Inside this module:

Video content (all HD quality)

  • Meta Blueprint – 4:56min
  • Core constraints – 5:19min
  • Strategy and Structure – 6:02min
  • Advertising Copywriting – 9:15min
  • A/B testing – 13:32min
  • Profitability – 10:27min
  • Scaling – 8:46min

BONUS content:

  • Facebook Ads Engine Guide – pdf
  • Tools Cheatsheet – pdf
  • Ads swipe file – pdf
  • Treasure Vault – web/online

What you’ll learn:

In this module you learn the blueprint to an entire Growth Engine. We completely un-pack the framework, and show you how to assemble everything together into a lean and mean money-printing machine.

  • A detailed blueprint of the entire Facebook Ads blueprint. Learn which steps you need to take to unleash the power of the Facebook monster to drive fast and predictable growth.
  • Swipe files with effective & proven ads in virtually every startup industry: SaaS, eCommerce, corporate B2B, mobile apps & consumer products, agencies, etc. etc.
  • Frameworks on how to plot your financial models, so you can scale with confidence once you hit initial traction.
  • Most importantly… you’ll see the entire process of making a growth engine. Once you know how to make one growth engine, you can make any growth engine.

“Facebook and I have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes I love it, sometimes we fight. Finally I’ve been able to master the entire process, and get our campaigns to perform with a positive ROI. Thank you for that!

Lead Gen Engine  |  module 5

Inside this module:

Video content (all HD quality)

  • The Blueprint – 6:28min
  • SPAM Law – 8:57min
  • Finding the Source – 6:31min
  • Data Scraping – 6:39min
  • Finding anyone’s email – 8:04min
  • Outbound Outreach – 8:07min
  • Outsourcing & Automation – 10:35min

BONUS content:

  • Lead Gen Engine Guide – pdf
  • Emails swipe file – pdf
  • Tools Cheatsheet – pdf
  • Treasure Vault – web/online

What you’ll learn:

An exact step-by-step breakdown of the entire Lead Gen Engine blueprint, so you can work with great clarity and increased focus.

What you’ll get (amongst other things):

  • An extensive ‘Frequently asked questions’ section to troubleshoot potential roadblocks you might encounter
  • Learn essential growth hacking skills such as web scraping, email marketing essentials, and more..
  • A PDF swipe file with the very emails that we use in our own engines. These are the high-value emails that are proven to convert. Normally you’d pay a senior copywriter for this. Now you can just copy-paste (and modify to your liking).
  • HD quality videos showing exactly how web scraping is done. This is the hardest part of the engine, and the true cornerstone in this engine.
  • A lot of information on how to automate & outsource the entire engine (or parts of it) to scale efficiently and at incredibly low costs.

Sales Funnels  |  module 6

Inside this module:

Video content (all HD quality)

  • Intro: Sales Funnels – 9:40min
  • The Process – 10:46min
  • Webinar Funnel – 9:40min
  • Email Course Funnel – 5:47min
  • Product Demo Funnel – 8:31min
  • Freemium Funnel – 10:12min
  • Invitation or VIP Funnel – 6:54min
  • Sales Funnel Architect – 4:21min

BONUS content:

  • Hypnotic Sales Funnels Guide – pdf
  • Webinar Funnel Template</strong

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Growthcasts Elite – Pieter Moorman
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