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Imagine you are climbing the Spanish Steps in Rome…all 135 of them…with your family. You are almost to the top when your grandchildren say “race you to the top” and take off in a burst of giggles. You chase off after them and, in a burst of energy and to their astonishment, not only catch them but pass them…

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Eliminate the Pain and Agony of Getting Older while Dramatically Improving your Ability to do What you Love with this Quick and Easy At Home System That Makes You Feel 20 Years Younger

Get Follow-Along Instructions from the World’s Top Functional Fitness Experts for All Fifty to Seventy-Year-Old Men and Women

Special Report: The Shocking Statistic About Growing Old

From: Cody Sipe, PhD and Dan M. Ritchie, PhD,

You’re about to discover a shocking statistic that will change the way you think about your health and future.

But first, we want you to think ahead twenty years from now and imagine a life where you’ll be able to move carefree and have all the energy in the world to enjoy your favorite activities… all because you’ve stumbled upon the closest thing to the fountain of youth.

Imagine you are climbing the Spanish Steps in Rome…all 135 of them…with your family. You are almost to the top when your grandchildren say “race you to the top” and take off in a burst of giggles. You chase off after them and, in a burst of energy and to their astonishment, not only catch them but pass them. But, of course, as you near the top you slow down and let them win. Everyone laughs and high-fives and together take in the marvelous view of the Piazza di Spagna at the top. You get to mark that one off of the bucket list but more importantly you also get a special moment with your family that you can cherish forever.

Sounds great doesn’t it? What could be better? But what if you weren’t able to race up the stairs with your grandchildren because your body wasn’t fit and healthy enough. Because your joints ached. Because you just didn’t have the energy. Because you were too worried that you would fall and either hurt yourself or embarrass yourself. What if you had to walk so slowly and take so many breaks that the grandkids are no longer having any fun because they are too bored waiting on you? What if you couldn’t even climb the steps at all and had to wait at the bottom while the rest of your family created that special memory…without you?

Let’s face it, the aging process is not kind and it wants to sap our bodies of stamina and vitality so that we aren’t able to enjoy special moments like these. Plus we end up spending so much money taking care of our health needs that we no longer even have the money to travel and visit family like we want to. It gets too expensive and our bodies can’t handle it.

This brings me back to the shocking statistic we wanted to share with you BEFORE it’s too late.

The shocking finding, which appears in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, looked at data from more than 3,000 people covered by Medicare in 2002-2008 to gauge the impact of health care cost on seniors.

Researchers measured how much Medicare-eligible seniors had spent out of pocket on healthcare in their last five years alive, and looked at how those costs weighed on their total household income.

After crunching the numbers, the report found that during that time period, more than 75 percent of Medicare-eligible households spent at least $10,000 out of pocket on health care.

Spending for all participants during those last five years averaged $38,688, and for the remaining 25 percent, the average expense was even greater; they spent a whopping $101,791 out of pocket.

A quarter of participants also spent “more than their total household assets on healthcare,” according to the report.

In 2011, approximately 58% of people didn’t even seek treatment that they needed because it was too expensive, according to a survey done by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit research organization.
But why will you end up spending so much money on healthcare costs?…

Every Year You Are Losing Crucial Vitality

Functional ability is your ability to handle every day functions like going up and down stairs and picking up the TV remote off the floor. Things you may find easy now, but have no plans to keep it that way.

Without a strategic exercise plan, each year that you get older your functional ability decreases, making everyday activities like gardening, playing with grandchildren and even picking up a piece of paper off the floor much more difficult than it is now.

And unfortunately, this domino effect has a drastic impact on your energy levels. It’s how your body works. If your functional ability is minimal, your body has to work harder in order to do simple tasks.

This explains why your energy decreases as you age as well. Which brings me to the next question…

Twenty Years From Now, Do You Know for Certain You Will Have Enough Energy to Spend QUALITY Time with Your Family and Friends?

There are memories to be made with family reunions and vacations, as well as playing chasing games with your grandkids. There are people to help through volunteer efforts and charitable organizations you help with. There are loved ones to visit and take care of.

Your spirit says, “Yes”, but unfortunately, without a plan, your body won’t allow it.

Your friends and family will be making memories, but all you will be able to think about are your aches and pains that just seem to not ever go away, no matter what you have tried… including way-too-expensive medications.

You soon realize that your body is holding you back from enjoying life to the fullest. You are mentally there with your friends or family in the moment, but physically, you want to be in bed asleep. You know this isn’t the best way to live.

Of course, you also have the infamous “bucket list”, those amazing experiences that you’ve always dreamed about that are now within your grasp. Ask yourself… how much of my bucket list have I accomplished?

There are places you want to see and even more memories that you would like to make, but if you have to deal with aches and pains and lack energy you won’t be able to pursue them. You don’t want that.

What if there was a solution for people just like you… who aren’t looking for the latest “fat loss” craze or looking to become the greatest athlete on Earth?

What if there was a done-for-you solution that improved your functional ability and energy levels and was tailored to your abilities?

You just want a simple, step-by-step plan that you can incorporate into your life right now to:

  • Discover renewed energy that recaptures your youthfulness so that you can do the things you’re doing now… even BETTER
  • Improve your confidence in your physical abilities so you get much more out of life and can say “Yes”, instead of “no thanks”
  • Dramatically increase your stamina and endurance so you can finally play a full round of golf or work in the yard for hours without your body being stiff and sore later.
  • Reduce or even eliminate any discomfort so you can actually get on the floor to play with your grandkids (and then easily get up again!)
  • Have the peace of mind that you will be fit and healthy 10, 20 or even 30 years from now.
  • Be confident that you will have the physical ability to enjoy all the adventures and wonders you have yet to accomplish.

There is a solution that we’ll share with you. But first, let’s look at why you’re reading this important message.

Why Other Plans Have Failed You
(and How Much You’re Really Spending).

The truth behind expensive medication is that it’s simply a quick fix and it doesn’t get to the root of your potential problem. Medication simply “masks” your lack of functionality as well as your aches and pains and you end up depending on it.

In other words, if you stop taking the medication, you’ll continue to lack functionality and will continue to struggle with everyday activities as you age.

As you read in the study above, this becomes very expensive. Spending money on this medication means you don’t have the funds to do what you really want to do in life. But you don’t have a choice because if you don’t spend the money on your medication, your quality of life takes an immediate hit.

Now you’re probably thinking that exercise is a great option to avoid this as well as improve your health and it truly is!

But there is a downside…

The Programs On the Market Today
Were Not Made for People Like You.

Everything from infomercials to DVDs were created to make you sweat, but have no impact on what you’re trying to accomplish. You could take a walk on a hot summer day and sweat, but are you improving the quality of your life and will that impact your functional ability ten, fifteen, even twenty years from now?

No, of course not. You’re also not trying to improve your bench press, either right? This is why other programs have failed you. They are focused on simply making you grind out long, grueling sessions that leave you feeling defeated instead of invigorated.

Think about it… when was the last time you were on an exercise program and stuck with it? It’s hard to stick to something that doesn’t do anything for you. The truth is that many programs do produce results but for the wrong people. The programs didn’t have YOU in mind.

Also, think about this… who is always on the cover of these programs and what kind of models are representing the programs?

It’s always a man or woman clearly in their 20’s or 30’s with six-pack abs jumping around or doing some kind of crazy exercise using expensive equipment and gadgets.

You don’t want that and it’s why you were smart enough to not invest in it. You’ve gotten wiser with age and perhaps you would have invested in something like that twenty years ago, but not this time. You’ve been looking for something more in touch with your wants and needs.

This is Exactly What We’re All About… Helping People Just Like YOU Improve Your Quality of Life and Discover Brand New Energy You’ve Had All Along with a Simple Step-by-Step System.

Hi, we are Cody Sipe, PhD and Dan Ritchie, PhD and our expertise is helping people just like you achieve maximum function for the rest of your life. We are experts in functional longevity and we want to share with you the same amazing success we have had with thousands of clients.

We don’t train high-level athletes or even help 31-year old Moms train for a triathlon. Our passion is for people just like you who want to feel and look better and get a blueprint in order to have a better QUALITY of life well into their 60’s, 70’s and beyond.

Our unique and innovative training facility in Indiana is dedicated to baby boomers and we have helped thousands of people like you regain their youthful vitality and physical function.

We have invested thousands of dollars and spent countless hours into discovering what unlocks youthfulness and vitality at any age. What combats the aging process and maximizes your ability to continue doing what you love. What brings you a sense of purpose and a desire to do more. What helps you feel better when you wake up and when you fall asleep.

Through years of academic preparation, research, real-life application and teaching we have truly discovered what works for people just like you. We truly believe there is a fountain of youth in all of us and we are passionate about helping people discover it.

These are just a few of our inspiring stories from people we helped discover their fountain of youth:

Finally, we have the opportunity to bring the blueprint we use with our own clients directly to you.

Welcome to your Instant Life Upgrade… a system especially designed with YOU in mind because it’s what we do.

Included in your Never Grow Old Fitness Program:

The Never Grow
Old Fitness Manual

Inside this book we lay out the entire program including simple strategies you can implement immediately into your lifestyle to feel and look better. You’ll discover you don’t have to live in a gym or even go to one to see results.

You’ll discover the “7 Keys to Functional Training” and how you can use these 7 specific steps to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

You’ll also get plenty of pictures and descriptions of exercises, workout plans and more, but that’s just scratching the surface…

Follow-Along Exercise Videos Including:

  • Level 1 Beginners

These workouts are designed for anyone new to exercise or returning to exercise.

These foundational workouts are a great starting point for anyone at any level, whether you have not exercised for 20 years or are an avid exerciser there are movements in here for everyone.

  • Level 2 Advanced Beginners

Okay, now it is time to pick up the intensity and complexity a bit. These exercise routines will begin to challenge your balance and center of gravity more, as well as take the level of intensity to a more moderate pace.

  • Level 3 Intermediate

These are the workouts that really will begin to separate your functional ability from that of your peers. With workouts that are challenging and intense, you will use muscles and movements you may not have used in years, and breathe new life into your physical functional ability.

  • Level 4 Advanced

These workouts are not for the faint of heart. Please be sure you have mastered the intermediate level before attempting. These are the workouts that will train you to be prepared for any adventure you may want to tackle in life!

The Science Behind the Never Grow Old Fitness Program Videos
During this presentation Cody will quickly explain to you how this program works and the scientific evidence supporting it. This is not just some random program. It has been strategically created to achieve maximum benefit in the shortest amount of time. This presentation will help you better understand why you are doing what you are doing in the exercise program. Plus, you will learn the essential “7 Keys to Functional Training” that are the foundation of the program.

How to Get the Most Out of this Program Video
In this quick video you will learn the basic terminology, movements and equipment choices along with great tips and strategies that will fully prepare you for your first workout. Plus, we will help you figure out which level to start with and how to progress properly.

Dynamic Warm-up Videos
Inside these follow-along videos, Cody will walk you step-by-step through a proper warmup before an uplifting workout or even as an invigorating way to start your day.

Functional Flexibility Videos
Tight muscles? Stiff joints? Let Cody teach you a simple and proven formula on how to eliminate these problems within just a few weeks or less!

Forget about expensive gadgets and equipment. You’ll be able to do these powerful workouts virtually anywhere using very little equipment. In fact, all you will need is resistance tubing or dumbbells.

You won’t be alone, either. Dan and Cody will be there every rep of the way, with workouts specifically designed to make you feel younger, give you vibrant energy and finally help you do the things you’ve always wanted to do BETTER… even if it’s just wanting to spend more QUALITY time with your family and friends.

The best part?…

These specially-designed workouts can be tailored right to your abilities and only last about 20 minutes.

That’s part of the secret of our system. Studies have proven to us that shorter focused workouts actually COMBAT the aging process.


Finally, You Can Live Your Life on YOUR Terms

Imagine telling your grandkids “Yes” instead of “I’m not feeling up to it”. Imagine twenty years from now doing the things you love to do now only doing them even BETTER… all because you took action on a proven system that reverses the aging process.

Instead of investing thousands of dollars in medications that will only “mask” your obstacles, why not use this PROVEN step-by-step system that will last a lifetime so that you NEVER grow “old”?

After all, Dan and Cody have already invested thousands of dollars worth of time and education to figure out what works for people just like you. And from the success stories above, you’ve already seen how powerful this system is.

Within minutes, you can have instant access to unlocking your inner fountain of youth and live a vibrant, healthy life full of energy and passion.

How Much Money Are You Willing to
Waste to Improve Your Quality of Life?

Save thousands of dollars and the headaches of trying new programs from infomercials that weren’t designed with you in mind. (Just look at the covers and models).

We’re also not kidding about saving thousands, either. Imagine the medical bills you could avoid as you become a healthier version of yourself.

You won’t have to travel all the way to Indiana to train with us either. You’ll get instant access to us as your coaches and mentors as you go through the simple step-by-step system…

… all for less than ONE session with us at our facility.

Let’s work together, every step of the way to living the vibrant life you deserve for just a one-time investment of $20.00.

Within weeks, you’ll see a difference in everyday activities as you bullet-proof yourself for the future. You’ll quickly discover an energy you haven’t experienced before. We see it every day in our facility. Now you can, too.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee you’ll discover your inner fountain of youth, have more energy, become stronger and DRASTICALLY improve your quality of life.

If you don’t see a difference AND more importantly, FEEL a difference with our system, we will gladly let you keep the entire system and we’ll refund every penny of your investment.

You read that right. If you’re not thrilled with our system, then we don’t want your money. Give it a test drive for a full 60 days and if it’s not exactly what we said it would be, we will give you your money back… PERIOD.

It’s time to get working on that bucket list,
Cody Sipe
Dan Ritchie

P.S. This done-for-you step-by-step system is what you’ve been looking for to finally enjoy life again. You didn’t stumble on this page by chance. If you truly want to get more out of life, then invest in yourself and take action immediately with this proven system.

P.P.S. Remember – if you’re not 100% satisfied within a full 60 days with this system and you don’t discover your inner fountain of youth, then we’ll gladly refund your entire investment PLUS let you keep the system. That’s how much confidence we have in our philosophy after seeing thousands of people change their lives.

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Cody Sipe Dan Ritchie Functional Fitness Solution | eSy[GB]
Functional Fitness Solution – Cody Sipe & Dan Ritchie
Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $6.00. Add to cart