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Being told I had to have a compulsory hysterectomy and possible bladder removal scary.

Sitting down with a bevy of doctors and experts at 26 weeks pregnant (a few weeks in to all the madness aka random extreme haemmoraghing) and having the conversation about what it would mean if I made it this many weeks … no this many … how about that many scary.

Purchase this course you will earn 63 Points worth of $6.30!


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4 Weeks. Brutal Upleveling. Not for the Faint-Hearted.

High-Level Inner Work for High-Level Motherfuckers

“Fuck this shit, I am SO done. I don’t even care how. I don’t give a single flying fuck about the details. This. changes. NOW.”

It was 2013, and I’d just come off the back of the scariest year of my life.

Think – relentlessly and continually, with no warning, losing massive amounts of blood out my vagina scary.

Being told I had to have a compulsory hysterectomy and possible bladder removal scary.

Sitting down with a bevy of doctors and experts at 26 weeks pregnant (a few weeks in to all the madness aka random extreme haemmoraghing) and having the conversation about what it would mean if I made it this many weeks … no this many … how about that many scary.

Hearing that, while there was no real threat to my baby (except for super early childbirth, duh), the condition I had left me with a noteworthy chance of dying during child loss. Due to all the blood loss that could happen, and how fast it would go if so, and how they couldn’t refill it fast enough. That sort of scary.

Coupled with living in hospital off and on most of the time after it all started, while trying to parent my then 3-year-old daughter and … run and grow an on its way to a million bucks a year business.

Wanna know the worst bit, or at least what felt worst of all through all of this, since I quite effectively managed to compartmentalize and separate myself emotionally from all of the above while I focused on manifesting like a MOTHERFUCKER …

The worst bit was the damn sales calls and the webinars!!

Every day, I’d sit there in my hospital bed, all hooked up to ALL the straps and traps (baby monitoring!), and I would do sales calls.

Every few days, I’d run webinars from the hospital cafeteria.

One time, I even ran one while having a cervical scan. Yep, that’s one where they stick the wozit up your hoo-ha. AND there were about 10 men in the room, since they all wanted to get a gander at my rare and unique situation.

(I don’t mean my vagina is a work of mystery and beauty, and rare amongst jewels, although obvs it IS … I’m talking about the rare condition I had :))

Let me tell you –

When your ‘home’ is a hospital and your having cervical scans every other day, you soon stop caring whether or not you’re mid-webinar when it’s time for one, and you just keep on going. A laptop balances nicely on a pregnant belly when your legs are spread and in the air!

Anyway, it was a heavy year that year. I think you get the picture, maybe too well. Haha.

I had what at the time was my biggest month ever (72k, cash received – I only ever talk in cash received btw, not projected), and it did feel good, but at the same time – man.

I was running on empty. The push was slowly but surely starting to feel like NOT alignment. And I wondered –

Did it really have to be this way?

Maybe you know the feeling 

When I look back now, I’m SO glad for that time, for everything that led up to it and even for all of the hospital bed hustle.

It saved me, it kept me focused and purposeful so that I wasn’t thinking about all the scary shit, but it served a purpose far beyond that as well –

It drove me to a breaking point.

An ‘enough is enough’ point, you know?

A point of no return, in which I finally had to acknowledge –

This is not working for me.

I can’t keep doing this.

Yeah, my income is impressive … and I’m on my way to a million dollar a year business … but at what cost, my SOUL?

There are certain times in life, I don’t have to tell you, when we’re thrown a set of cards that basically throw US up against a wall and into a position of NO LONGER BEING ABLE TO AVOID HONOURING OUR TRUTH.

In that hospital, after weeks and weeks of journaling, blogging, deep prayer and manifestation work around having a healthy baby and also NOT DYING, I came slowly but surely to a conclusion I had always known was coming.

Fuck. This. Shit.

I was DONE.

Done making money from not following soul.

Done trying so damn hard for every penny.

Done with the ONLY push approach to hustle, with being ‘successful’ because I worked harder and longer than anyone, and because I damn well pulled the rope in hand over fist no matter how bloody and torn my hands became in the process.

Done, most of all, with buying in to the idea that I had to do business – or life! – in a way that DID NOT FEEL LIKE FUCK YES.


You know?

And I just wonder, don’t you – ?

Get Fuck This Shit – Katrina Ruth Programs , Only Price $67


If yeah?

Then yeah –

This may just be the wake up call and bulletproof coffee up the motherfucking ass that you KNOW you’ve been waiting for baby.

#TheBitchisBack, and this time?

She’s’a comin’ for you.

Introducing: FUCK. THIS. SHIT.

4 Weeks. BRUTAL* Upleveling. Not for the Faint-Hearted.

High-Level Inner Work for High-Level Motherfuckers

Did I say brutal?? I meant turbocharged, uh, rapid, uh, soul flow!


All of that 

Oh, and did I mention?

After I had my FUCK THIS SHIT moment – ahem, DECISION – which was a month or so after I left hospital, end of 2013, something amazing and yet not at all surprising took place.

  • My business?
  • My money?
  • My life?


Aka, blew up.

In the best and most expansive and most was ALWAYS waiting for me way.

Because I finally stopped ignoring what I KNEW was so not right for me, and I laid myself fully on the line for what I knew it had to be about.


Is what Fuck This Shit is about.

Ripping the damn bandaid.

And letting the real and most INSANELY powerful and unstoppable you out. In ALLLLLL her crazy glory.

How your at home study program will work: Trainings will be a mixture of videos, audios, worksheets, journal prompts and soul downloads from me to you.

What we will do: What it damn well takes

What you can expect: What you damn well need. With bells on.

Oh, what? You need more info? Weird … haha. Okay, fine!

(Not-so-side-note: some of you probably don’t need more info, ’cause you just know. Also fine! Scroll on down!)

Fuck This Shit, What is It?

Duh, it’s a movement, it’s a calling, it’s a freakin’ slap in the face with a cold fish, it’s a bucket of cold icy water thrown STRAIGHT at you when you just got your hair did, and it is ALL the oily-bulletproof coffee needed up your ass so that the shit can come OUT.

Which shit?

The shit you’ve been spinning to yourself.

“Oh, yeah, if I just keep pushing this here ole pile up the hill then SURELY it’ll stop smelling so bad soon enough, and SURELY the view and rewards will be plentiful and wonderful at the top?!”




But there you go, push push pushin’, and la-la-lahing your repetitive fucking out of tune song about how WORTH it it all is and how you don’t have a CHOIE so damn loudly that you can’t hear the screaming.

As one by one.

Every cell of hope snuffs its last breath.

And your soul.

Slowly dies.

THAT shit.

The shit in which you say to yourself –

“This is just how it has to be! This is just how it’s DONE! This is what ALL the cool kids are doing! If I just do this one more moving piece …

Perfect this bit over here …

Get better at that thing over there …

Learn to sell better!

Learn to brand myself like a PRO!

Get my FB Ads and Lead Gen game on!




Oh, that’s right pretty puppet. Dance, my lovely, dance!


That shit?




What else is FUCK THIS SHIT, you ask?

Well, it’s 4 weeks. WE SAID THAT ALREADY.

Sorry, I’m a little excited!!

BRUTAL, ahem, turbo-charged SOUL upleveling – NOT for the faint hearted!!

You know what I’m sick of??

I’m sick of all the talk about soul. And flow. And ‘manifesting what I want’.

Say what now?

Girl, I am ALL about soul, you know this. I believe EVERYTHING gets to be flow. And I damn straight know that manifestation of ANYTHING you desire is available to you and also will HAPPEN if you decide.

It’s how I do business | life | me.

It’s also PRECISELY how I miracle manifested my way out of that gnarly hospital situation, to where the (visible on scans and very real, btw!) situation just resolved ITSELF.

We’re talking about a placenta that had escaped out of my uterus.

And was concreted onto my bladdar.

And then, just –


I decided I was unavailable for ALL of that … and I handed it over (surrendered, also!) … and then I threw EVERYTHING at it, to understand, release and shift it.

It … and the subsequent healthy birth of my son Nathan, as well as non-death of me … was the greatest thing I have ever manifested.


And you refuse to be swayed.

So yeah –

I’m down for flow and soul and manifestation GOODNESS.

In fact –

That is CERTAINLY a big thing we get to dive in to here!

But what I have had it up to HERE with is the bullshit HOKEY AND NOT VERY POKEY (I don’t know what that means, just go with it) nonsense that most people are unwittingly spouting out there.

Get Fuck This Shit – Katrina Ruth Programs , Only Price $67

Let’s be clear:

– Following your soul does not mean not doing the damn work you know you need to do

– Flow ain’t always comfortable

– And no, you’re not going to manifest jack SHIT by going on and on about how you’re gonna manifest it!!

What we are here to do, what it is TIME to do, what we absolutely MUST now do and indeed WILL do, is simple:

We gonna call in the power of the FUCK.THIS.SHIT. energy.

You’ve seen it.

You know it exists.


And it’s time to go get yours.



The Tearing Down: It’s time to take a Samurai sword of hardcore truth to the shit you’ve allowed to pile up, coat you and cloud you, push down your truth, and seduce you DOWN THE WRONG PATH.

– The business ‘systems’ that are not freakin’ systemised at all, and in fact drain your soul every time you even think of them.

– The fear-based hustle to try and get those sales through, make your launch work, eek out one more comment or like

– The constant jumping from thing to thing, idea to idea, biz or money-makin’ strategy that’s supposed to save you? It all needs to be torn down, but most of all:

It’s time to tear down the NOT in your power persona you’ve somehow allowed to seep through your every pore. You KNOW that it doesn’t matter what you do, if you’re not in the energy of being unstoppable, and ALL of you. Uncertainty, fear, ‘I hope’, ‘I’ll try’ … these things all show.

And now?

They get to go.

The Acknowledging of Truth, and Core: What this work is about, really, and most of all, is simple:

We need to bring you back to your core. The place that has always been inside of you. YOU know the one. Where you know that you know what you know, and nobody and nothing can shake you!!

You may or may not so far have found yourself showing up from this place in business, but I’ll tell ya … if you DON’T? It makes it REALLY freakin’ tough for any or all of the stuff you work so hard at putting in place to EVER work. You KNOW it’s an identity shift you need to go to the next level, but more than that –

You know it’s a shift in to being the damn warrior goddess you were always meant to be. Speaking of which –

Remembrance of What You’ve Always Known: your soul has a blueprint, did you know? You were coded for success long ago, do you realise? You literally have EVERYTHING YOU NEED INSIDE OF YOU in order to pave your way and build your damn empire to the heavens.

We are NOT supposed to enter in to business looking around at every one and every other thing outside of us, veering ever further away from following that inner guidance!! When it comes … when your explosion to the next level of income and impact is just DONE … you will look back and say ‘it’s because I finally gave in to what’s inside of me, and went all in’.

I’m here to help you access exactly that, and then I’m here to kick your ass so you DO it.

Purge: Bleeeughhhhh, but OH so good and needed. When we’re becoming the next iteration of our highest available self, there is ALWAYS a level of detoxification and release required. You can let this happen painfully slowly over a period of years, where it basically just feels like NOTHING IS EVER WORKING AND YOU ARE CONTINUALLY BOTH STUCK AND DOWN / DEMOTIVATED … or you can consciously go into the purge, and allow it.

This is spiritual, emotional, energetic release of the DEEPEST and fastest kind. It’s one of the things I am most gifted at, and intuitive around, and it’s from that place that we will go in-

You’ll learn the patterns, beliefs, cell and soul coding you’re running that does not SERVE you –

And I’ll show you how to get the damn virus out.

Yeah, it’ll be uncomfortable, and it’ll bring up your ‘stuff’. And? It will pave the way for you to connect even deeper to core, certainty, creativity, soul, truth. All the things that are SUPPOSED to be able to just come through you, so that you can be who you WOULD damn well be being without, well, all of that.

Integrity to the Dot Point: for soul work to work, there needs to be integrity to the dot point, about who you’re being, how you’re showing up, what you’re allowing, or not, across every area of your life.

This is not just about doing and being what and who you know you would be if IN integrity, it’s also about integrity to be the next level badass V.I.Fucking.P you know you’re meant to be, and refusing to accept anything LESS than that, EVER.

This is some of the most powerful work I do, and we’re going ALL in.

Shredding Business Bullshit: Slash slash slash! Slash slash slash slash slash! Slashy slash slash slash! ALLL the slashing! But this time we’re talking of the bullshit business BELIEFS, the conditioning, the patterning, the God damn limiting as well.

Of what ‘they’ (which by the way could include your own fear mind!) have to say about the way you need to filter yourself, limit yourself, restrict yourself, hold yourself back and DO IT RIGHT.

You do know, yes, that in order to break through to the next level you NEED TO STOP HANDCUFFING THIS ONE? Fortunately I am a next level expert at helping you FULLY shed and shred not useful beliefs, patterns, mindset, all of it.

FLOW Automation, and Automated $$ Receiving: You KNOW you want that money flow, and automated receiving of $$$ in return for the work you’ve already done in the world! I believe that every piece of creativity or content we allow out gets to return itself to us over and over again … it’s like sending out a little soldier into battle (flow battle? dance flow? dance fighting? why not?!) who gets to just keep on working for us. Another way to look at it is that each program or piece of content you create should act as an employee of the business, and each employee DAMN straight should be making you money. Right? Right!

So because I not only believe this but also LIVE it (and also ’cause I love money flow … AND dance fighting, it’s one of my superpowers …) of course we are going to get this happening for you.

For real though: one of the only maybe ‘regrets’ I have in my business is that I didn’t know how simple it could be to automate money flow, and I held off on it for 6 FUCKING YEARS. We are not going to do that, for you. We are going to simplify. Connect it to soul. And set it the fuck up, so it works.

Relevant to this, a BIG part of the ongoing conversation we need to be having and WILL be is around this –

Turning Up the Money Dial: Do you know why I increase my income every single year?? Yeah, I do the work, duh. Of course. And I guess there are a lot of moving parts to that. But one of the BIGGEST ones which just works, is this:

I continually turn up the money dial. I know how to dial it up day by day and month by month, evermore everymore. Slowly, surely, steadily, ADJUSTING so that it is automatic and ‘just how it is’ to earn more, receive more, BE a more wealthy version of me.

  • This is mindset.
  • Soul shifts.
  • Cellular shifting.
  • All my fave stuff.
  • And you know you need it. ESPECIALLY if you’re already a ‘do the work-er’.

By the way –

Get Fuck This Shit – Katrina Ruth Programs , Only Price $67

Turning Up the RECEIVING Dial: We ain’t just here to turn up the money dial, it’s ALL around receiving.

  • Abundance and unlimited expansion in all areas.
  • Receiving not just of money, but love, support, energy, LIFE.
  • It’s mean to be this way …

In fact it is MEANT to be this:

Access to a New Normal: K, I know I say this a lot, but truly THIS is one of my favourite things to speak on, teach about, live by:

Accessing a new normal. Elevating your expectation and also result of what IS normal. Receiving and also playing at a higher level JUST BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE.

There is a certain way I am treated … my high-level clients and friends are treated … a ‘VIFP / first class’ way, yes, which is not about ASKING. It’s also not about force. It’s not about somehow ‘getting in front or ahead’. It’s simply about energy.

PEOPLE SEE YOU AS WHO YOU ARE ON THE INSIDE. People recognise me automatically as being someone who gets first class treatment, in all areas. It’s just how it is. In any / all service industries … in every area of business … in dating … EVERYWHERE. My ‘normal’ is I have the best, always. Zero exceptions. Because I created myself into being this person, very deliberately, very intently, I myself also fully expect it.

My lifestyle AND my income (plus all ’round receiving) has gone up as a reflection of me elevating my inner game.

I want to show you how I did that. And how you can too.

Programmed to Upgrade: What it says. Further to the above. Even deeper. Even MORE. You know that a kid doesn’t have to remember to learn how to evolve, right? They don’t get to 5 and go all ‘shit, I forgot to learn how to walk!’. For US, money and biz and life and self elevation is also meant to be automated. Next income level, next EVERYTHING level should.just.happen because of who you are!! So yes, we are going to do DEEP soul recoding, in so many ways.

Energetic Calling in of Clients, Community, SALES: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah! The way I do!

ALLLLLL the Saying Yes to Soul, Moment by Moment and Day by Day, The Energy of MONEY, SALES, and ALL AROUND LIFE YES – What Attracts it, What Repels It, How to Harness and BE the First: the continual and continually AWESOME process of doing what you know you’re meant to do –

Being who you know you’re meant to be –

Stepping up from SOUL –

And watching life step up accordingly.

Which really, is what FUCK THIS SHIT is all about. Wouldn’t you say?!


Pre-work drops 8th March, and I am teaching everything you need to know about how I do my own inner work in order to be this person!!

  • How I aligned from being over 145k in debt to becoming a 6-figure, then multi-6, then 7-figure, multi-7 figure and now aligning to 8-figure entrepreneur!
  • How I have continually ‘turned up the money dial’
  • Exactly what I do to clear my own blocks, limiting beliefs, doubts
  • How I call in soulmate clients, on repeat, who sign themSELVES up to work with me!!
  • How I manifest for my CLIENTS to get such killer results
  • How I manifest having this body at 39 and as a Mum 
  • My exact daily journaling practice
  • The ‘all through the day’ inner work practices I have coded in to myself so that my mind is ALWAYS working for me even when I’m not thinking about it
  • The #1 tool I have used over and over again as part of my inner work to GUARANTEE GETTING THE EXACT SPECIFIC THINGS I WANT, not just money goals but also (for eg) my Multi-Million $ dream beach home, my 200k car, my ABS lol, manifestating out of a VERY serious pregnancy condition, becoming friends with people I fangirl on from around the world, and much more besides!
  • Plus ALL your questions answered!!

You also get access to all of the pre-work where I am teaching everything you need to know about how I do my own inner work in order to be this person!!

  • How I aligned from being over 145k in debt to becoming a 6-figure, then multi-6, then 7-figure, multi-7 figure and now aligning to 8-figure entrepreneur!
  • How I have continually ‘turned up the money dial’
  • Exactly what I do to clear my own blocks, limiting beliefs, doubts
  • How I call in soulmate clients, on repeat, who sign themSELVES up to work with me!!
  • How I manifest for my CLIENTS to get such killer results
  • How I manifest having this body at 39 and as a Mum 
  • My exact daily journaling practice
  • The ‘all through the day’ inner work practices I have coded in to myself so that my mind is ALWAYS working for me even when I’m not thinking about it
  • The #1 tool I have used over and over again as part of my inner work to GUARANTEE GETTING THE EXACT SPECIFIC THINGS I WANT, not just money goals but also (for eg) my Multi-Million $ dream beach home, my 200k car, my ABS lol, manifestating out of a VERY serious pregnancy condition, becoming friends with people I fangirl on from around the world, and much more besides!
  • Plus ALL your questions answered!!

You Still Here? Fuck That Shit!


At some point there’s gotta be a line drawn in the damn sand.

You know it’s time.

You KNOW it’s not gonna come from more strategy.

And you know I mean business when I say I WILL help you remember and reconnect to all that you always were and THEN.FULLY.BECOME IT.

This may be the most powerful work I’ve ever done …

Say yes to your soul, and the asskickery of your higher self, and join me, today.

It’s time to fuck that shit.

Make upleveling like a motherfucker your new normal.


Don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.


Don’t forget about the pre-work where I am teaching everything you need to know about how I do my own inner work in order to be this person!!

  • How I aligned from being over 145k in debt to becoming a 6-figure, then multi-6, then 7-figure, multi-7 figure and now aligning to 8-figure entrepreneur!
  • How I have continually ‘turned up the money dial’
  • Exactly what I do to clear my own blocks, limiting beliefs, doubts
  • How I call in soulmate clients, on repeat, who sign themSELVES up to work with me!!
  • How I manifest for my CLIENTS to get such killer results
  • How I manifest having this body at 39 and as a Mum 
  • My exact daily journaling practice
  • The ‘all through the day’ inner work practices I have coded in to myself so that my mind is ALWAYS working for me even when I’m not thinking about it
  • The #1 tool I have used over and over again as part of my inner work to GUARANTEE GETTING THE EXACT SPECIFIC THINGS I WANT, not just money goals but also (for eg) my Multi-Million $ dream beach home, my 200k car, my ABS lol, manifestating out of a VERY serious pregnancy condition, becoming friends with people I fangirl on from around the world, and much more besides!
  • Plus ALL your questions answered!!


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Fuck This Shit – Katrina Ruth Programs
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