Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $18.00.

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I spoke with Eric and he seemed very knowledgeable and confident in regards to solutioning my problem short term and providing a long term strategy to effectively decrease/eliminate the pain.

Purchase this course you will earn 18 Points worth of $1.80!


Buy Eric Wong – Bulletproof Back Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

I spoke with Eric and he seemed very knowledgeable and confident in regards to solutioning my problem short term and providing a long term strategy to effectively decrease/eliminate the pain.

Purchase Eric Wong – Bulletproof Back courses at here with PRICE $47 $18

Eric Wong – Bulletproof Back

Eric Wong - Bulletproof Back

ATTENTION! If You Have Back Pain That You Haven’t Been Able to Get Rid Of, Then This May Be the Most Important Letter You Ever Read…
Major Surgery Left Me With A 7-Inch Scar And
Over 10 Years Of Back Pain Until I Finally
Discovered How to BULLETPROOF My Back…
Since my discovery, I haven’t had a single, frustrating incident of back pain for over 4 years (and counting) and now I’m sharing everything I learned on this page in simple language to help you get rid of your back pain too…

watch this video first


From: Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS

To All Back Pain Sufferers,

Hey, this is Eric Wong and I’m a strength and conditioning coach who’s been helping people get fit and athletes get in peak shape for the past 10 years.

I want to start off by saying that everything you’re going to read on this page is true.

I know exactly what it’s like to be put out by back pain – to have to sit on the sidelines and watch life pass you by as you tend to your sore, aching back.

It’s frustrating missing out on the things you love because your back is stiff and hurts.

You’ve probably heard a lot of hype and outrageous claims about ‘miracle cures’, so I want to share the truth with you as I discovered it just over 4 years ago.

So let’s start from the top – here’s a pic of the scar that’s still leftover from a major operation I had over 14 years ago:


I know, not the prettiest sight, huh?

The initial surgery was SUPPOSED to be a relatively risk-free procedure…

But there were complications…

Blood wasn’t draining properly and was pooling, resulting in a hematoma…

In the middle of the night my parents and sister Fran drove me an hour from Hamilton to Toronto Sick Kids hospital for an emergency procedure.

I remember three things from this night:

The green Nike baseball cap I was wearing…
Throwing up while in the waiting room because of the pain…
And the worried look on my parent’s and sister’s faces when we were waiting in the hospital.

Maybe you’ve seen this look on faces of your family or friends when you’ve thrown your back…

The treatment was a success, and I was treated to days of recovery (and weird hallucinations while on morphine) in the hospital…

Unfortunately, the second surgery was more invasive than the first, as the doctors had to cut through fascia and muscle to get to the root of the problem.

Needless to say, I was left with a few biomechanical problems that made back pain a regular occurrence – despite the fact that I got back in great shape, worked out regularly and I was doing everything ‘right’…
Conventional Treatments Never Worked For Me, Either

When I first started having back pain, I visited my doctor.

3 minutes later, I walked out with a prescription for painkillers.

Sound familiar?

Luckily, even in high school, I understood that painkillers didn’t do anything for the problem, they only addressed the symptoms, so I chose to put up with the pain instead of pop the pills.

I kept up with sports and started lifting weights and my condition improved, but I still had pain that I felt I shouldn’t have and it made me miss out on the thing I’d loved the most – sports.
I Was Frustrated, Embarassed and Still in Pain

So I kept searching and decided to visit a chiropractor.

After the first visit, I left in more pain than I went in with, so I never went back.

Knowing what I know now, it was a good call.

I’m sure there are many good chiros out there, but this guy definitely wasn’t one of them.

If you’ve tried chiropractic, hopefully your experiences were positve.

Then, I tried massage…

Massage felt good, well, actually, massage hurt like heck…

But I did feel looser afterwards.

The thing is, I would still get back pain, so this was still just a band-aid solution, not the cure that I hoped for.

3 logos

I then finished high school and enrolled at the University of Waterloo where, as luck would have it, I studied under the top low back researcher in the world, Dr. Stuart McGill.

Sometimes luck just runs your way and you get introduced to the right people at the right time…

I gained a wealth of knowledge that helped to drastically reduce the frequency and duration of my back pain…
I Was Never Content With Simply Improving My Back Pain

So the search continued…

back pain booksAfter attaining my Kinesiology degree, I saw this guy named Paul Chek, widely regarded as one of the top corrective exercise specialists in the world, speak at a fitness conference…

His presentation blew me away, so much so that over the next 2 years I spent another $10,000 + to learn from him…

One thing I’d learned was that investing money in my education was never a bad idea…

I gained even more practical knowledge that reduced the frequency of my pain even more, but I still had to deal with the frustration of having to deal with pain, stiffness and spasms from time to time.

I was quite happy with where my back was and it wasn’t until I started training high-level mixed martial arts fighters that I stumbled upon the final piece of the puzzle that has led to the last 4+ years of my life to be 100% pain-free.

So after tens of thousands of dollars, over 10 years of study,
training and observation, here’s what I discovered…
There’s 1 Cause For Most Cases of Back Pain

And that cause is REPETITIVE STRESS…

Your back doesn’t go because of a simple action like bending over to tie your shoes or play with your kids.

It’s an accumulation of stress from multiple different causes – a simple thing like bending over was just the straw that broke the donkey’s back, so to speak…

The key is to address all of the causes of stress on your spine and in doing so, you’ll finally be free from back pain…

Even if your back pain started from a major accident, fall, or stupid move (we’ve all done it at some point), to get back to 100%, you need to make sure there’s no excessive stresses going through your spine.

Unfortunately, with the spine – it’s not as simple as carpal tunnel in that you just take a break from typing since you use your back for everything that you do!

So let’s use a car analogy to see the different ways that repetitive stress causes back pain and what we need to do to address these issues to eliminate our pain…


Your spine is like the tires on your car and how fast they wear is directly related to the amount of stress put through them…

Let’s say you have a muscular imbalance where one hamstring is tighter than the other…

muscular imbalance

This will cause your tires to wear unevenly and wear out faster than if the wheels were aligned.

Once you align your body, forces will be evenly distributed through your body so no area wears out prematurely, so assessing and addressing your posture and muscular imbalances is crucial to freeing yourself from back pain.

Next, let’s say that at every stop, you floor it and squeal your tires…

movement pattern stress

When it comes to making your tires last, you’re driving WRONG…

Well the movement patterns that many people have during exercise, sport and their daily lives are WRONG and cause increased stress on the spine resulting in premature wear too.

Fix these movement patterns and you’ll remove a lot of the stress going through the system.

Now let’s say you totally neglect your car and keep your tires under or overinflated.

Tires at the wrong pressure will wear out quicker.

This is just like the people with back pain whose deep stabilizer muscles of the core have been shut off and no longer function properly to stabilize the core, forcing the spine to take more stress than it should.

Other muscles then compensate for the deep stabilizers that don’t work and they add even more stress to the spine.

Finally, imagine that you’re using old tires that have outdated and cheap rubber that doesn’t last…

This is just like those of you expecting a strong and stable core but who still do basic exercises while more advanced methods are available, such as Multidimensional core stability training, Dynamic core stability training and Challenge core stability training.

To summarize, address the following 4 factors and you’ll finally free yourself from back pain:

Muscular imbalances and postural dysfunction
Movement patterns in exercise, sport and daily life
Proper muscle recruitment and activation patterns
Advanced core stability training methods

After reading these concepts, you might be thinking to yourself, “This all sounds so simple, why haven’t I heard about this before?

If you are, I know what exactly how you feel!

The thing is, I never found any single resource or therapist who put every piece of the puzzle together in a way that I could understand and follow…

Plus, I’d never intended to put this program together…

But then I posted on my training blog about back pain and was overwhelmed with the number of athletes who were active and fit but still had back pain that prevented them from truly enjoying the sport they love…

It was then that I knew I had to put everything I’d learned over 10 years of dealing with back pain and searching for a cure in to an easy to follow, step-by-step program that to help you eliminate your pain for good and avoid all the wasted time and mistakes I made along the way…
Enter the Bulletproof Back System

bulletproof back system

back pain manualComponent #1: The Master Manual ($97 value)

This manual will cut through all of the myths and misconceptions that have been out there for years about back pain and get to the truth about what you need to know to get rid of back pain for good.

You’ll learn key concepts related to spine health, anatomy and function of the spine and you’ll discover exactly what you’re doing wrong that you must stop and what to do to start the healing process.

back pain assessment

Component #2: Assess & Address Guide
($147 value)

Here’s where you’ll go through a detailed questionnaire and battery of tests that will identify your condition and tell you the precise corrective measures to take to fix problems such as posture, muscular imbalances, flexibility, weakness and lack of endurance.

I charge $147 for a lifestyle history and physical assessment, so this is a real $147 value here.

back pain workout guide

Component #3: Training Guide ($320 value)

The Training Guide is composed of 4 distinct training phases that progress on one another so that you continue to develop your core strength and stability.

Each phase consists your Mobility and Developmental exercise program, which will teach you to recruit inhibited muscles, fix muscular imbalances, and increase flexibility and mobility, and your workouts, which will teach you proper movement patterns and bulletproof your back using advanced core stability training methods.

back pain exercise videos

Component #4: Online Video Exercise Library
($147 value)

Each and every assessment, stretch and exercise was shot in HD and contains invaluable technique and form details and they’re available to you online in high quality to watch, follow along with and refer back to over and over.

This is like getting 5 DVDs (1 assessment and corrective DVD and 4 workout DVDs)!

back pain quick start guide

Component #5: Quick Start Guide ($29 value)

So you’re ready to begin and you want to have 100% confidence that you’re doing everything right.

This guide will help you do just that, making sure that you don’t miss anything or do anything wrong and you get results as fast as possible.

NOTE: All components of the Bulletproof Back system are instantly available to you in digital format so you can get started eliminating your back pain right away. The manuals are in PDF format, which can be viewed using the free Adobe Reader on PC or Mac and the videos are in streaming FLV format, which can be viewed using the free Adobe Flash Player on PC or Mac.

You’ll get all 5 components of the Bulletproof
Back System, a $740 value, for only:


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Get Eric Wong – Bulletproof Back download

In addition to addressing each of 4 points covered above in an easy to follow way, I’ll also show you:

Why stretching the back when it hurts is the absolute WORST thing you can do and what to do instead to dramatically accelerate the healing process

The source of your back pain so that you know exactly what types of movements to do to get out of pain and what movements MUST STOP doing that are damaging your spine

The TRUE function of the core and how to safely and progressively train it to develop a ‘bulletproof’ back

Weird exercises that mimic the infant development process that will reset your central nervous system and wake up ‘dead’ muscles

How everything you’ve ever learned about ergonomics and proper sitting is DEAD WRONG and how to sit if you really want to eliminate your pain

Acute treatment options for the following conditions: sciatica, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis, stenosis (central and lateral), disc degneration and low back muscle sprain/strain

16 easy flexibility, muscular balance, core function and postural tests that will show you EXACTLY what you need to work on to get your body back in balance

4 progressive Mobility and Developmental routines that will improve the way you move and wake up muscles that thought you forgot about them

A 4-phase, 16-week exercise program to BULLETPROOF your back – each phase includes a Day 1 and Day 2 workout routine that requires around 40 minutes, 2-3 days per week. Each workout is super easy to follow – every exercise, rep, set and rest period is outlined so there’s no guesswork.

And honestly, we’re just getting started…
But Wait, DO NOT Invest in This Program
Until You Watch This 90 Second Video…

Living pain-free has allowed me to experience life without limitations…

I put this video out there not for marketing or making more money.

This is about your life and what it could be like.

I want you to experience the same freedom that I currently have and have had for the past 4 years, which is why I’ve created this program.

So before you invest in the program, answer this question…

What do you want life to be like once you get your Bulletproof Back?

If you’ve got an answer that INSPIRES you, then I’m speaking to you as someone who was caught in the shackles of back pain for 10+ years to take action right now:


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Basically, with the Bulletproof Back system, I’ll be your professor and you’re about to enroll in a class where you’ll FINALLY learn exactly what you need to do to fix your back pain in a simple, step-by-step program.

You’ll get all 5 components of the Bulletproof Back System where you’ll learn all of this and more, a $740 value, for only $97.

I can’t wait to get this program into your hands, which is why I’m offering it at such a heavily discounted rate.o

That’s less than the cost of just 1 training session with me (or your standard gym trainer who got his certification in a single weekend).

It’s less than the cost of one of the over 2 dozen textbooks I studied during and after my university career that form an integral scientific basis for this program.

Or, if you decide to work with a chiro, physio, massage therapist, you’ve got at least 16 sessions ahead of you, which will be much more than what I’m asking for this complete program.

Plus, if you’re like me, you might not have the best luck in finding the right therapist and you’ll not only be wasting money but also your valuable time…

Time that would be better spent doing the things you love to do, but can’t because your back hurts.

Stop the pain right here, right now:


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Simply put, you can get your hands on a PROVEN system that will eliminate your back pain designed by not only an expert in the field but also someone who lived through over 10 years of back pain before finally eliminating it for good.
I want to help you take control.

The worst thing about back pain is never knowing when it’s going to go or what’s going to set it off.

If you want to understand not only why your back hurts, but also exactly what to do to get out of pain, the Bulletproof Back system is your answer to finally taking control of your back pain and your life.

On this page I’ve laid the process out for you in simple language that you can understand.

Do you want to continue hopping from therapist to therapist, or worse yet, go for surgery, or do you want a system that’s proven to work?


Youssef Went From Being Unable to Bend
Down To Being Able to Pick Up His Bride On
His Wedding Day And Get His Blue Belt In BJJ!


My name is Youssef Dimassi and I am a 25 year old currently working in Toronto as an IT professional. I live in Hamilton and commute on a daily basis using GO-Transit trains.

The 50min ride is very uncomfortable for my height, 6’2″, which has put a lot of strain on my back during the past 5 years. The severity of my pain hit a climax when I couldn’t bend down to pickup a simple object such as a chair or even a ball. It also affected my ability to complete Islamic prayers which require prostration.

I spoke with Eric and he seemed very knowledgeable and confident in regards to solutioning my problem short term and providing a long term strategy to effectively decrease/eliminate the pain.

After 2 months of work, I am now able to not only pray, comfortably sit on the train, and go about my day-to-day activities with no pain, but also have been doing free weight squats at the gym and getting great sleep.

I honestly never thought my back would be this strong and painless again and I look forward to picking up my bride on my wedding day 🙂

You’re a life saver Eric!


Youssef Dimassi

“But What if it Doesn’t Work for Me?”
guaranteeThen you get your money-back.
No questions asked.

I know from my own experience just how powerful this program is and what it will do for your back pain and more importantly your quality of life.

I also know that you’ve probably tried to get rid of your back pain for through therapy, medication, exercise, or gizmos and they’ve failed you.

That’s why I’m taking all the risk away by giving you my no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee

If at any point over the course of the next 60 days you’re not satisifed with your investment in the Bulletproof Back system, simply email me and I’ll give you a full refund.

I can make this guarantee because I know this program works.

Get it, test it for yourself and start feeling what it’s like to not have to worry about your back.

If you’re not happy for any reason, you get all of your money back. It’s that simple.

Now there’s NOTHING stopping you from getting started right now, wouldn’t you agree?

Readmore: http://archive.is/d900v

Purchase Eric Wong – Bulletproof Back courses at here with PRICE $47 $18

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Eric Wong - Bulletproof Back
Eric Wong – Bulletproof Back
Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $18.00. Add to cart