Original price was: $549.00.Current price is: $66.00.

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There’s another child – desperately longing for the same love, care, encouragement, respect and comfort that you already give your children standing in front of you.

Purchase this course you will earn 66 Points worth of $6.60!


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There’s another child – desperately longing for the same love, care, encouragement, respect and comfort that you already give your children standing in front of you.

Purchase Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery courses at here with PRICE $549 $66

Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery

Dr. Shefali Tsabary - Conscious Parenting Mastery

Most parents do NOT realize this but… When you first become a parent, you never just have ONE child.

There’s another child – desperately longing for the same love, care, encouragement, respect and comfort that you already give your children standing in front of you.

That other child is you – your “Inner Child”.

You sacrifice everything to give your children a better childhood, education and life than you ever had growing up.

But have you neglected your own Inner Child in the process?

Were you even aware that you had an Inner Child that needs nurturing?

And here’s the greatest tragedy of it all:

The neglect you show to your Inner Child will eventually come full-circle.

And your children will inherit your same childhood insecurities, doubts and fears, which you’ve worked so hard to shield them from.

So ask yourself honestly (and this may be the most important question you’ll ever ask yourself about how you parent)…
Dr. Shefali
Are You Unconsciously Projecting Your Own Unmet
Childhood Needs On Your Children?

99% of parents today are ‘flying blind’.

We’re completely clueless about parenting.

And it’s not your fault.

You were told that being a good parent will come to you naturally.
They’ll say…
“You’ll know what to do when the time comes.”
Children learning to read

But don’t you find it crazy that raising your own children – the most important and challenging job we will ever undertake in life – should just be left to… ‘instincts’?

You wouldn’t start driving without first passing your driver’s license, would you?

Yet most parents never learn “how to parent”. So for many of us, we fall back on the only experience we have: How our parents raised us.

And if that fails, we turn to the endless stream of online articles for the newest and latest parenting advice that inevitably go out of fashion, or is contradicted by the next new article – leaving us even more exasperated and confused.

Conscious Parenting however, is not about rigid techniques or strategies.

It’s an entire philosophy that you can apply at every stage of your child’s development.
And it’s built around one crucial premise: Your child is NOT you.
He or she is an independent soul. A sovereign being whose only wish is to express their most authentic self and to reach their full potential.

And the greatest thing we can ever do as parents is to get to the core of who we are so we can show up ‘whole’ to our children and create a connection with your child that he or she secretly craves.

The Modern Parent VS The Conscious Parent

Many parents do not like hearing…

But the current model of parenting that many of us subscribe to today, is heavily based on correcting and controlling our children – because, after all, the parent knows best, right?

So we do all we can to steer and mould our children into what we, the parent, deem to be a ‘good child’.

May it be through disciplining, imposing rules, or even bribery.

And if all else fails, we resort to raising our voices and nagging.
Conscious Parenting flips this entire paradigm on its head.

Instead of viewing our children as these fragile beings that need to be ‘fixed’ and to be told what to do…

Conscious Parenting looks at nurturing an internal and external environment where your child is allowed to come to their own empowering conclusions and make the best decisions for themselves.

Instead of the typical unidirectional parent-child relationship, where the adult ‘bestows’ his or her wisdom on the helpless child…

Conscious Parenting revolves around a cyclical relationship where your child is as pivotal to YOUR emotional and spiritual transformation as you are to theirs.

For some of you, you may feel you’re already on the right path.

You may even be thinking:
“Are You Overestimating
How Conscious You Really Are?”

America’s most-cited living philosopher and leader on human consciousness and development Ken Wilber famously said that people tend to overestimate their ‘true level’ of consciousness.

Especially among those already immersed in personal growth.

A regular meditation practice and inner-work alone may be a good start.

But it’s not enough to untangle the vast web of hidden beliefs influencing the way you raise your children.

Working with Dr. Shefali, on the other hand, is like having a detective shine a spotlight into the deepest recesses of your unconscious mind.

So you come face-to-face with the childhood and parenting beliefs you never even knew you had.

It’s a skill she has honed for over 20 years.

As both a clinical psychologist with a thriving practice, and as a teacher and student of Vipassana meditation.

Bottom line: When your child’s growth and development is at stake, as Dr. Shefali says:
SuperReading is your Superpower

“You can never be too conscious.”

The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest is designed to guide you through this challenging introspective process, and to empower you as conscious parents to create the ideal internal and external environments – so your children can thrive and fulfill their potential as their most authentic selves.

Oprah’s Favourite Author

Endorsed by Oprah as “revolutionary” and “life-changing”, Dr. Shefali has been a mainstay
on the primetime TV show making 7 appearances to date

Dr. Shefali endorsed by Oprah
“In the 30 years that I’ve been doing interviews, the best I’ve ever heard.

She’s absolutely revolutionary, and so evolved, that her ideas are really a paradigm shift that can change the world.”

How Dr. Shefali Permanently Shifted Vishen Lakhiani’s Views On Parenting

Comparison of Vishen’s bodyshape

Vishen Lakhiani is the founder of the world’s largest personal growth company, Mindvalley. He is also the author of the NY Times Bestseller ‘The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind’. He is one of the foremost leaders in the field of human development and founder of numerous brand names in the field of spirituality, consciousness and personal growth from the A-fest festival, to Mindvalley University to the Omvana App.

Vishen has experienced a profound awakening after interviewing Dr. Shefali on stage, in front of a live audience, at Mindvalley University, Tallinn in 2018. It’s then when he realised that he was missing out on an important chapter: parenting. Ever since he’s worked on his conscious parenting practice and this has had a positive impact on his relationship with his children.

“I thought I knew it all. I was the personal growth guy and my kids were doing good in school. But I didn’t realize how much I was still controlling them until I interviewed Dr. Shefali.

“This idea of conscious parenting was game-changing for me and it completely shifted the way I parent. These concepts made me uncomfortable at first, but they really helped create a better bond between me and my children.

“Now, what I would have labelled “bad behavior” from my children, disappeared. The shift was so dramatic, I cannot even recognize my old self as a parent.”
Vishen’s signature

CEO and Founder of Mindvalley
Meet Dr. Shefali Tsabary:
Your Conscious Parenting Expert

Endorsed by Oprah as “revolutionary” and “life-changing”, New York Times bestselling author and owning a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, New York, Dr. Shefali is the foremost expert in the field of conscious parenting.

Dr. Shefali’s journey into this radically new parenting paradigm arose from her own experience as a parent herself. Reacting irrationally to one of her then 3-year-old daughter’s tantrums, Dr. Shefali became deeply self-aware that her parenting frustrations was never about her child. Rather, it was about her own unmet childhood needs that she was unconsciously projected on her own daughter.

Get Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery download
This profound realization led her to dissect and challenge the more ‘controlling nature’ of traditional models of parenting – which, as soon discovered, often puts undue pressure on young children, robbing them of their confidence and autonomy.

Merging western psychology and eastern philosophy, Dr. Shefali espouses a more conscious approach to parenting that centres around honoring our children as sovereign beings, creating real connections with them, and most importantly, raising our own consciousness as parents.
Dr. Shefali Tsabary

As Seen On:

Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Dr. Shefali Tsabary mobile
Vishen Lakhiani credits Dr. Shefali’s work

Vishen Lakhiani credits Dr. Shefali’s work in conscious parenting for profoundly changing the way he parents today.
Dr. Shefali at Mindvalley University

Dr. Shefali teaches conscious parenting on some of the world’s most prominent stages including Mindvalley University.
What You’ll Learn
The 5 Transformational Skills of The Conscious Parent

Conventional parenting courses tend to focus on the child. And how to use rigid, one-size-fits-all tactics to coerce or “trick” a child into modelling a desired behaviour.

Conscious Parenting, on the other hand, is centered around the parent. And how to use powerful mental frameworks that allows you to meet the many parenting challenges we all face with compassion and empathy – at every stage of your child’s growth.

In The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest, Dr. Shefali will guide you through 5 key transformational shifts that will help turn parenting from chaos to connection.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

From Projection …
Superimposing our own thoughts and beliefs on to your child.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

… To Pause
Allowing your child to express who they truly are.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

From Expectation…
Placing undue pressure, both consciously and unconsciously, on your child.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

… To Empathetic Engagement
Seeing the world from your child’s eyes in the present moment.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

From Judgment…
Labelling your child’s behavior as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or ‘positive’ or ‘negative’.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

… To Compassion
Accepting your child for who they are as an ever evolving being.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

From Reaction…
Letting yourself to reach and get triggered by your emotions.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

… To Feelings
Allowing yourself to observe and fully experience your emotions.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

From Correction…
Controlling and coercing your child’s behaviours.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

… To Connection
Nurturing the deep, meaningful bonds you and your children crave.
What Dr Shefali’s Students
Are Saying About Her Teachings

Hear what people are saying about Dr. Shefali’s teachings.
The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest 2020 Schedule

The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest will systematically shatter the illusions and myths of the traditional parenting model, while introducing you to a radically different paradigm that will help raise your levels of consciousness as a parent and nurture deep, meaningful connections with your children.

For 35 days, you join your conscious parenting expert Dr. Shefali in a series of in-depth daily lessons for just 20-30 minutes daily, designed to simulate a private consultation session with Dr. Shefali (which normally costs thousands of dollars and has a waiting list booked months in advance).

As a result, you’ll develop a powerful mental framework that will lead to your greatest awakening as a parent, heal your own childhood wounds, and give you the tools you need to allow your child to prosper in his or her most authentic self.

Whether you’re a parent to a toddler, young children, teenagers, or young adults who have recently left home, you’ll be able to effortlessly navigate through the many challenges of parenting where your child becomes as integral to your emotional and spiritual transformation as you are to them.

Enroll today to lock in your Masterclass discount, and begin this 35-day Quest with our global community. And remember, your experience is completely risk-free thanks to our 10-day money back guarantee.
Program Curriculum
Program Curriculum Conscious Parenting

Your journey begins by laying the groundwork for a new, more conscious approach to parenting. Here Dr. Shefali will shine a light on the current unconscious model of parenting as you take a deep introspective look at your own childhood patterns, and how they may be manifesting in your relationship with your child.

Highlights include:

Setting your sacred intention: use this 4-step exercise to get clear about how you wish to grow as a parent.
Disrupting the patterns we inherited from our parents: discover how your own upbringing may be influencing your current parenting style, and how you can free yourself from your parents’ expectations.
The myth of the parental instinct: embrace a new paradigm where conscious parenting is learned and cultivated so you can gradually connect with yourself and your children.
Transformative Skill 1 – Projection to Pause: learn how to stop yourself from projecting your own expectations on your children so they can learn how to step into their own authenticity.

Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform
The Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform

From philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.
Deep Transformation In Just 15 – 20 Minutes A Day

Now used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
Mindvalley community
We’re All In This Together

The Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.
How The Quest App Works
1. You begin the Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest with the community on March 2, 2020

One community, one start date: we’ll move towards the finish line together, as we support and uplift each other every step of the way.
2. You receive daily guidance for 35 days

From a supportive online community, to regular check-ins with your Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator on our private Facebook page – you’re never alone.
3. You grow dramatically in just 20 minutes a day

20 minutes a day is all you need to watch your video lessons and apply the practices.

What People Say About Dr. Shefali
“I have had tremendous growth through her [Dr.] teachings.”

Dr. Shefali has the gift of cutting through the noise to bring you the exact wisdom you need in your journey. I have had tremendous growth through her teachings. I have deeper connections with the ones I love and a deep purpose within myself.

Amy Mogck

Marketing Specialist

Manitou Springs, CO
“I was able to learn tools to connect with my daughter so that I was able to really see the love and the beauty my daughter is.”

Learning Dr. Shefali’s message of consciousness parenting has changed my family’s life. (…)I discussed my frustration with my daughter not attending school. However, what I learned was what was really lacking from my relationship with my daughter was connection.
I was able to learn tools to connect with my daughter so that I was able to really see the love and the beauty my daughter is. It has been a year since that day I stood on stage with Dr. Shefali and my daughter has blossomed in so many ways!

Cheryl Polsky

Conscious Parenting Coach & Children’s Social Worker

Los Angeles, California
“Her [Dr.] courses have taken me on a journey through the deconstruction of my repressed childhood trauma and social/familial conditioning”

Dr. Shefali re-ignited a fire in me. She delivered wisdom that spoke to my pain and my revival. Her courses have taken me on a journey through the deconstruction of my repressed childhood trauma and social/familial conditioning and back to a place of wholeness and love.

Clint Harman

Auto-CAD Designer

Huntington Beach, CA
“As a student of Dr. Shefali for years, her guidance and teachings have been instrumental in my own awakening and inner growth.”

As a student of Dr. Shefali for years, her guidance and teachings have been instrumental in my own awakening and inner growth. The relationships with my daughters have deepened, because I was able to strengthen the connection with myself. My life is filled with purpose now that I am speaking my truth and living my passion of supporting parents. Thank you Dr. Shefali!

Tia Fagan

Certified Conscious Parent Coach

Madison, Wisconsin
“I have not only been given new tools, but the power and courage to utilize them in my life.”

Dr.Shefali’s courses have been incredibly impactful for me because of the raw and relatable way she delivers the information. I have not only been given new tools, but the power and courage to utilize them in my life. My favorite part is that the material she imparts continues to percolate long after the course is over.

Melanie Whitney


Huntington Beach, CA
“Dr. Shefali helped me transform through one of the toughest experiences in my life.”

Dr. Shefali helped me transform through one of the toughest experiences in my life. She has a unique ability to pull us out of our muck, and liberate our true selves. It’s amazing to witness her work.

Ryan Sweet

D.C., B.C.A.O.

Washington State, USA
Our Commitment To Affordability

Our goal at Mindvalley is to evolve the global education system. And to spread transformational lifelong education to every person on every corner of the planet.

Because we believe in elevating the lives of billions and helping others rock their greatest lives, we’ve designed the Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest to elevate the way you raise your children at a more affordable price than you’ll find anywhere else.

Parents will spare no expense to ensure their children get the best opportunities to thrive. Between getting them into the best schools we can, Little League sign-ups, providing a whole, healthy diet, summer camp, saving up for college and more… Parents today are spending a small (but worthwhile) fortune on their children’s future – every single year.

But how often do we invest in ourselves to learn how to parent effectively? Think about it this way – Latest studies show that our schools only account for 30% of our child’s development. The other 70% is on us, the parent. So the best investment we could possibly make for our children is to invest in ourselves as parents.

Thankfully, it won’t cost you a fortune. Since this Quest happens online in a group setting (without sacrificing the personal touch, thanks to our immersive Quests platform) – we’ve been able to drive that cost way down for you.

And so this transformational experience won’t cost you $3,000, or $2,000 or even $1,000; but just a one-time investment of $549 to become a conscious parent. You won’t find this complete life shift for this price anywhere else.

You’re Protected By Mindvalley’s Unconditional 10-Day Guarantee

When you’re buying a car, you can test drive it. When you’re buying a house, you can take a tour of it. We believe you should have the same peace of mind with your education too – so we’re giving you up to 10 risk-free days to try The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest and see how it works for you.

And if you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply visit our Refund Page and fill a short form to get an instant refund. It’s that easy.

Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Manager
Special Masterclass Discount:
Get 52% Off When You Enroll By March 2, 2020

This discount is our way of thanking you for taking the time to join the Masterclass. And, it’s an incentive for you to take the next step towards mastering the art of conscious parenting.

Dr. Shefali is foremost expert in this new emerging field of conscious parenting – and this Quest is a life-changing opportunity for the Mindvalley community to apply her profound wisdom in our lives as parents.

That’s why we’re thrilled to begin the Quest with thousands of people on March 2, 2020. We hope you’ll join us.
Secure Your Spot In The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest on devices
Here’s everything you get when you enroll:

Unlimited access to Dr. Shefali’s 35-day Quest, Conscious Parenting Mastery at a generous 48% off
Begin your journey with thousands of others on March 2, 2020, as you support and uplift each other towards the finish line.
Access to a Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator to guide you and optimize your experience before, during, and after the Quest.
Access to a private Facebook group, where you’ll join thousands of parents from all over the world, who will support you in your daily conscious parenting practice.
For an extra $50, you can opt for a printable digital Mindvalley Certificate of Completion to recognize your Quest graduation.
Try it out and If you don’t think this is for you just visit mindvalley.com/refund and fill the 3-minute Self-Service Refund Form to give yourself a refund.

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Purchase Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery courses at here with PRICE $549 $66

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Dr. Shefali Tsabary - Conscious Parenting Mastery
Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery
Original price was: $549.00.Current price is: $66.00. Add to cart