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Taoist Energy Practices of Huashan Qigong for Radiant Living 2022Deng Ming-Dao – Taoist Energy Practices of Huashan Qigong for Radiant Living 2022

Harness the power of 10-part Huashan Qigong to achieve greater flexibility and strength, a greater range of motion, a sharper mind, and a longer life.

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Within you right now is an energy and vitality that can carry you into radiant old age — as it empowers you to live your best life, starting now.
You can access this powerful energy through the ancient wisdom of Huashan Qigong, from the Quanzhen Sect of the Taoist sacred mountain, according to philosopher and martial arts teacher Deng Ming-Dao.
The Taoists teach us that health and vitality isn’t a before-and-after picture that energetically unfolds in a straight line. Instead, you must recycle your own energy as it moves onward and upward like a spiral.
The Taoist’s priorities of health include creating more Qi and circulating your own energy…
Huashan Qigong empowers you to wind energy through your mind, body, and spirit in the shape of a spiral.
As you practice Huashan Qigong poses, you’ll neutralize and spread your energy out, bringing it back into harmony as you clear and secure each part of your mind, body, and spirit — unleashing energy and vitality in both movement and spirit.
Join Ming-Dao for a 7-module course where you’ll learn new Huashan Qigong postures each class — culminating in a 10-part set you can use for the rest of your life — to help you achieve greater flexibility, strength, and range of motion… and more effective circulation of Qi, as you circulate the energies of your body to live your longest, healthiest life.
Since 1975, Ming-Dao has trained in a variety of Chinese martial arts, focusing primarily on the styles of Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, and Baguazhang. He’s studied with the great teachers from Beijing, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and two Taoist mountains, Huashan and Wudangshan. Thousands of students from around the world have attended his many workshops to learn Chinese martial arts and Taoist wellness techniques
As you’ll discover, individual postures can address specific issues, while the regular practice of the entire 10-part Huashan Qigong set brings them together to begin your journey toward a long and healthy life.
In these seven sessions, you can build your own path that circles up to the height of longevity.

In this 7-module video training, you’ll:

  • Receive new Huashan Qigong postures each class, culminating in a 10-posture set — a path of radiant health and wellbeing that energetically spirals up to reach the heights of longevity
  • Recycle your own energy as you explore the Taoists’ philosophy that energy moves through your body in spirals
  • Improve your breathing, exchanging stale air for fresh air in large volumes to achieve relaxation
  • Cultivate grace and coordination as you incorporate the concept of yin and yang into your life
  • Refine twisting movements aimed directly at the lower abdomen — the source of our energy, according to the Taoists — to enhance vitality, cultivate more energy, and become more stable and balanced as you age
  • Energetically protect yourself from falls and broken bones
  • Explore how your metabolism is the transformation of your body’s substances, nutrition, and air into your own internal energy, your personal Qi — to maintain a healthy weight into old age
  • Move Qi through your body while driving the energy deep into your leg muscles, some of the largest muscles in your body — helping distribute your Qi throughout your body
  • Learn why the sage Laozi encourages everyone, regardless of gender, to discover the power of feminine energy within
The ancient practice of Qigong is based on intentional breathing to take in more air and help empty yourself completely of waste. The Taoists define Qi as not just your breath, but as all energy — born at the same time as the Universe itself.
You’ll learn how Qigong is often taught as a health exercise for the individual, yet there’s a much larger context that incorporates the good you’re doing in the world, your connection to nature, the unfolding of your life path, and much more.
Understanding this larger framework helps you connect to your personal why — the reason you’re cultivating this energy in your life.
Tao means flow and movement of the entire Universe. Ming-Dao will share how Huashan Qigong can help you improve your mind, body, and spirit so you can merge the Universe’s flow with the flow and trajectory of your own life…
During this illuminating online course, Ming-Dao will guide you to explore what it means to go downstream, taking your life in any direction you want, while staying in the middle of the Universe’s forces so they can support you.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Ming-Dao will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully harness the power of a 10-part Huashan Qigong set to refine your own energy into Qi — to achieve more flexibility and strength, a greater range of motion, a sharper mind, and a longer life.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Ming-Dao. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to harness the power of a 10-part Huashan Qigong set to refine your own energy into Qi — to achieve improved flexibility and strength, a greater range of motion, a sharper mind, and a longer life.

Module 1: Building Youthful Energy — Restore Your Vital Energy With Postures 1 & 2 for Sexual Health & Pain Relief

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As your 7-module journey begins, Ming-Dao will share the philosophy behind the first two Huashan Qigong postures…
Posture 1: Restoring Spring will serve as the foundation for all the postures to come. It aids the absorption of fresh energy, expels toxins, regulates the organs, stimulates circulation of qi and blood, and builds vitality.
This posture uses body movements to facilitate your lungs’ processes, invites you to rapidly shake your body to loosen tight muscles, aids breathing, and helps dispel blockages to further enhance relaxation.
Posture 2: Vital Energy improves the health of sexual organs and sets your energy in motion. The hand movements drive the energy upward, then combine with the air you’re breathing to form Qi.
The next step is to move that Qi to benefit your entire being — resulting in better sexual health and a feeling of great wellbeing that moves renewed energy to every part of your body and mind.
In this session, you’ll discover Qigong postures to:
  • Build up your kidneys’ functioning and sexual health
  • Increase mobility, improve your range of motion, and strengthen your legs
  • Harness your body’s essence (jing) as the foundation for all other energy transformation
  • Increase elasticity in the muscles through building smooth movements
  • Address back pain and stiff hips

Module 2: Uniting Your Yin & Yang for Deeper Sleep & Optimistic Moods to Prevent & Address Mental and Neurological Issues

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Posture 3: The Eight Trigrams, is the foundation of the Yijing (Book of Changes), the ancient, classic Chinese divination text.
In this exercise, your hands move in shapes based on the yin-yang symbol.
As Ming-Dao will explain, yin and yang aren’t just concepts, they’re a template for movement.
You’ll use the yin yang symbol itself to guide your movements, coordinating the movements of your legs, body, and arms.
You’ll use the circle to rise higher and lower in height, moving energy from below to above and back again. You’ll shift where you stand, improving strength, mobility, and balance.
Ming-Dao will show you how to circulate energy, achieve grace and coordination, and incorporate the full idea of yin and yang into your life.
In this session, you’ll explore The Eight Trigrams so you can:
  • Treat and prevent insomnia, depression, dizziness, and headaches
  • Enhance alertness and coordination as you move your head
  • Coordinate circling your arms and turning your waist to promote joint mobility and circulation
  • Aid digestion

Module 3: Extending Qi to Every Limb to Resolve Tension & Restore Strength

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Ming-Dao will share the first exercises in this course that are inspired by the power of animals — Posture 4: The Peng Bird and Posture 5: The Turtle.
As you’ll discover, Posture 4 coordinates your hands with the rest of your body as you turn at the waist and connect your left and right sides.
Its twisting movements are aimed directly at the lower abdomen — the source of our energy, according to the Taoists. This posture holds the promise of enhanced vitality, more energy, and a feeling of stability.
Especially if you spend lots of time sitting, it’s important to activate the waist, hips, glutes, and legs. Posture 5 provides an excellent way to gain flexibility in the waist and low back while helping to improve stability.
The circling of the arms extends energy and aids breathing. The benefit of this posture is whole-body coordination, better circulation, easier breathing, and a sturdier stance.
The two new postures you’ll explore in this class are designed to:
  • Promote and gather kidney energy
  • Relieve tension in the low back and improve your balance
  • Move from the waist to improve your fluid movements in the arms and shoulders
  • Strengthen blood vessels to the brain
  • Make your muscles stronger and more pliable as you work your core
  • Move your arms with intention to expand your upper back and rib cage, and improve energy flow
  • Experience neck movements to relieve tension and energize the nervous system

Module 4: Twisting & Turning for Maximum Flexibility & Joy

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You’ll practice Posture 6: The Smiling Dragon, a fun and easy posture that encourages you to coil and twist like a dragon. By twisting, you massage your organs, alternately compressing and stretching them.
You’ll move your entire body as a single unit, maximizing flexibility as you renew your ties with nature.
As you stand on tiptoe and reach upward, you’ll stretch your entire body and boost your nervous system — resulting in better balance, livelier movement, and feelings of happiness.
As you explore Posture 7: The Swimming Frog, you’ll also stand on tiptoe to improve balance as you stretch your neck — to relieve shoulder tension and headaches, and counter stress.
Adapting the swimming motion of the frog is inspired by the myth of the Golden Toad, a popular feng shui charm for prosperity. The hand movements facilitate breathing and encourage greater volume of airflow. This posture fosters protection from falls, relief from stress, and greater vitality.
In this session, you’ll discover two new postures to:
  • Maximize flexibility and renew your ties with nature
  • Embrace whole-body movement, massaging your internal organs to improve digestion and metabolism
  • Incorporate smiling into your practice so you can feel more cheerful and optimistic
  • Improve the health of your legs as you boost circulation in the upper body
  • Stretch your neck to help with dizziness, stiffness, tremors in the hands, insomnia, and forgetfulness

Module 5: Whole-Body Energy From Head to Toe to Stay Limber & Promote Circulation

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Together, the words heaven and earth create a poetic term for the entire universe.
According to the Yijing, heaven is the initiating force, and earth is the nurturing force.
Posture 8: Heaven Circles & Earth Circles, is about achieving integration within yourself and with the cosmos.
Ming-Dao will share how you can recycle your own energy — and how your metabolism is the transformation of your body substances, along with nutrition and air, into your own internal energy… your personal Qi.
As you practice the circular movements of Posture 8: Heaven Circles & Earth Circles, Ming-Dao will guide you to reflect on what heaven and earth bring you. As you reach up into the skies, you’ll spread out over the earth — to achieve better waist flexibility and a calm and efficient flow of energy within your body.
As Ming-Dao will explain, all of Taoism is about seeking truth in nature. If you can see yourself as part of heaven and earth, you can achieve harmony.
In this session, you’ll experience how the Heaven Circles & Earth Circles posture:
  • Aids waist and joint flexibility
  • Relieves stiffness in your back and hips
  • Promotes better circulation and breathing
  • Helps the heart and kidneys function more effectively
  • Harmonizes the energy in the Triple Warmer (chest, abdomen, and lower abdomen)
  • Alleviates dizziness and postural issues
  • Helps you feel more limber in the morning and restores circulation after sitting or working in a static position

Module 6: Opening Acupuncture Points & Meridians for Mobility & Vitality

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This module’s exercise, Posture 9, is called Ren Rings — after the triangular foot pattern that looks like the Chinese character ren, 人, which means person.
Chinese martial artists put great emphasis on leg strength. If one is strong, then walking, lifting, and a pain-free life are easy.
The Ren Rings posture focuses on specific acupuncture points in the body and requires you to move in five different directions. The complexity of this posture helps you focus on the flow of energy through the acupuncture meridian…
It can improve mobility and sharpen your mind, as you keep track of the directions in which you turn.
With Ming-Dao as your guide, you’ll move plenty of Qi through your body while driving the energy deep into your leg muscles — distributing Qi through your entire body.
In this session, you’ll explore how the Ren Rings posture:
  • Increases vitality, strengthens the legs, and teaches pivoting of stance
  • Helps waist and back flexibility, encourages shoulder mobility, aids the working of the lungs and heart, and stimulates nervous system
  • Moves energy, tonifies sexual energy, and improves the endocrine system
  • Relieves digestive discomfort and bloating

Module 7: Spreading Qi Over the Mountain to Relax Your Mind & Harmonize Your Energy

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The phoenix is a traditional symbol of the feminine — and represents the arrival of a great new order in the world.
Throughout the previous six sessions, Ming-Dao will have guided you to build energy as you learned to breathe deeply. You will have focused on both flexibility and strength during the previous nine postures..
Now in this final exercise, Posture 10: Phoenix Spreads Its Wings, you’ll move the energy to every part of the body — especially to the fingers, each of which has an acupuncture meridian.
As you reflect on the image of the phoenix, Ming-Dao will explain how the Daodejing (the sage Laozi’s Chinese classic text, written around 400 BC) emphasizes the valley spirit and the value of the female outlook…
Laozi encourages everyone, regardless of gender, to discover the power of feminine energy within.
Only the female gives birth, just as the phoenix signals rebirth and renewal. On this hopeful note, Ming-Dao will help you bring this 10-movement set to its conclusion, returning your energy to your lower abdomen for safekeeping.
In this final session, you’ll experience how the Phoenix Spreads Its Wings posture:
  • Relaxes the mind
  • Helps with stance and arm flexibility
  • Harmonizes all the energies in your body
  • Acts as a calming and neutralizing exercise to provide a powerful culmination of all the preceding movements

Proof Content

Taoist Energy | eSy[GB]Sale page: https://theshiftnetwork.com/course/30DMingDao01_22
Archive: https://archive.ph/H1rIP#selection-511.0-1709.65

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Deng Ming-Dao – Taoist Energy Practices of Huashan Qigong for Radiant Living 2022
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