Original price was: $599.00.Current price is: $195.00.

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  • This Course is available – Download immediately
  • Same author: Adam @ WPCrafter
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  • The quality exactly the same as salepage
  • Over +7000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.
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Course "Create Your Membership & Course Site with LifterLMS – Adam @ WPCrafter" is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.


LifterLMS is a free learning management system for WordPress. They also have paid extensions available to fund the development of the core plugin. It is also the LMS that I use on this website.

Key LifterLMS Features: 

  • Core Plugin Is Free
  • Beaver Builder & Divi Integration
  • Drag / Drop Course Builder
  • WooCommerce Integration

LifterLMS is great. The one thing that I think is insane is their pricing model. Yes I am complaining about pricing.

Truth be told, all you really need to buy is 1 payment gateway. The rest is completely optional.

But man, the price of their bundles. I just want to know what they are smoking to come up with this stuff. I think their community and user base would grow so much faster if they had realistic pricing.

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How To Create A Membership Website Using WordPress & LifterLMS

Now in this video I’m going to talk about memberships and creating course bundles that would be sold his memberships and how to sell your courses differently based upon if someone’s in the membership there’s a lot of powerful options here with regards to that so let’s just jump in there so here I am in the backend of the website we have this memberships section here now it’s not as big as courses obviously
his courses are your main content in your lessons and quizzes and all that kind of stuff and everything like that link together but memberships is totally different it’s a way of securing other content on your website to lock it behind a membership and also bundle courses together and you can also use it to an outside advertise like this but you can also use it to give special discounts to your members on certain courses so there’s lots of cool things you can do within I use memberships on my LifterLMS websites so let’s go ahead and click on memberships now we don’t have any memberships right now and if you go to the front of the website we actually created a membership index page but when I click on it it just says there’s no products found because we don’t have any memberships in here now in my completely honest and transparent opinion having a membership index page like this doesn’t make sense it makes sense for the courses rights you have this really nice organized way of listing out your courses so people can see everything you have but memberships usually is and that way I mean you could do that but you really probably can have one or maybe two different membership types on your website I guess it’s how you want to use it my point is you don’t have to have this membership index page you can use Elementor to create a beautiful membership sales page and we use the button element in Elementor and when someone clicks on that button we can just have them take him straight to the shopping cart and they can purchase it so they don’t have to go to an index page and then to a specific page for the membership we can send them from a beautiful sales page with maybe a pricing table we can send him boom straight on into the shopping cart if we want to and you’re gonna want to so anyways let’s go ahead and just create this membership real quick my click on add a membership and I’m going to call this membership I’m out of creativity today there is membership my membership whatever and just like on the courses and the lessons in all that we have this Yoast here at the top I don’t like that at the top so let’s just gonna move that down a bit so you notice this is going to look very similar to everything else we been doing in LifterLMS it’s nice that there’s this continuity so here we go we’ve got our membership and we have our options for the membership right here is a member’s description this is people that are members and here’s information for people that are not members I don’t do anything with either of these personally because I’m knocking to send people to this specific page because when it’s a membership you’re gonna want to put a little bit of design may have a really unique individual page for it and I don’t recommend going this route let’s go ahead and look these options so here’s our restrictions and right here this is saying if someone tries to access content that’s in a membership and they’re not a member what to do with them and typically you probably want to redirect them to may be a custom URL that says sorry you have to be in the membership to access the contents you can send them to a specific page if you’ve actually created that page or you can send them to the cells page you create to sell your membership or maybe a hybrid of that that’s is all sorry you know that content you have to have a membership but here’s all the benefits of the membership and you can just create a page in WordPress and make it look pretty with Elementor and send people to that page when that happens this display a message by Baxley never seen nor use this I wonder if this sends him to the page and then gives them some kind of pop up message I don’t know we have to check and test that option out here’s auto enrollment in what auto enrollment is is if someone enrolls or purchases this membership or you enroll them in the membership do you want to also enroll them in a bundle of courses and if you did right here you would just start adding those courses so if I click here if I wanted them auto enrolled and see that course I just created I can do that and I can click here again if I wanted them in this course automatically enrolled I can do that as well so I can add those here in after I was to save and publish this membership it’s going to move these to hear so you can visually see it is my fight which is do that right now so I’m hidden publish Emma to go back into that auto enrollment tab and you can see right here it will automatically enroll and you can retroactively enroll members in these particular courses so if you have a membership and you’re going to be adding courses as time goes by you can retroactively enroll members automatically into those courses or you can just remove it entirely honestly I don’t actually use this feature because I do have memberships that include all of my courses but if someone is not interested in taking all my courses I think why auto enroll them I rather set up a membership access plan where if there member they can enroll manually on their own but the cost of it is zero so I’m actually in a remove the auto enrollment to show you this in practice to buy the way so here we can set our pricing for this membership and it’s the same thing ridges can click on add an access plan and so I’ll just go ahead and fill this out okay so I’ve gone ahead and added some information here I’m going to call this all axis membership I’m an essay right here join the membership hoops I need to capitalize my T member I like to have everything be capitalized or follow the same method for everything I do so there we go and I’m going to sell this for 499 and it’s going to be every year and it’s going to be forever until they cancel it so every year they’ll get charged for 99 they will have access everything for life if you did want have a different price when someone starts the membership and then the renewal I think what you could do I haven’t tried this but I think what you can do is you could change this trial offer and you can instead of it being the way we traditionally think of trials we can do the reverse so say it’s going to be 999 to sign up and it’s going to renew it for 99 I think we can put 999 and were in a have that be the first year so what this  will do is it’ll give them access to the first year for 999 and that will be for the first year in then it will go down to 499 every year until they cancel I’m pretty sure it will work that way I haven’t actually explored that myself and that’s pretty much it here’s where you can manage people that are enrolled manually enroll people into the membership and all that so let me just slap in a quick featured image and let’s see uncle right here will pop that in its can show click on update and I now have a membership actually so if I go here and I click on refresh working to see a membership here but you could see just this page doesn’t scream join the membership and then when I click on it right here it doesn’t scream join the membership actually we gotta do something about this right here this whole trial are just the way it shows it right there so that’s what it looks like on those should the checkout page click on join the membership and here it is trial 99 they should actually change it so this isn’t trial but I’m sure if it’s a trial it’s not to cause any problems because it makes sense 999 for the first year for 99 per year after that that all makes sense so show you something really cool that you can do so I’m here and you can see I have this URL now this is the specific the link to take a visitor to the checkout for this membership offer so what you can do is you can actually copy this into your clipboard and use it on any button or any link anywhere on your website so I can go like this and now it’s in my clipboard and I can create a beautiful sales page and Elementor and I can use this in the link actually I should do that real quick not to get all sidetracked the lemming to show you what I mean and only take a couple minutes and thenafter I do that I’ll show you how to have special membership pricing on courses which should be fun some go to pages to click on add new and let’s just call this join the membership okay join the membership I’m in a go ahead and I’m then use Elementor so for my template many use about this full with no header or footer this is perfect for sales pages because it’s focus on the content on the page it’s not going to show the header in all of that kind of stuff in the footer someone go ahead and click on publish and then I’m a go ahead and click on edit with Elementor like this and it’s gonna pop me into Elementor but you’re not missing the header or the footer which is what I want is justice blanket canvas so I’m looking to make a page for you but I should add a video with some special cells page tutorial on how to create a beautiful sales page but I’m just can add a template to show you what I’m talking about let me try to find any of these that kind of look like they might fit for what I’m doing maybe this right here at the landing page let’s see here may be this right here this landing page for photography okay and I think I will choose this landing page will actually look at this right here at the pricing table that section kinda nice X’85 Go with this one so my click on this right here, click on insert so nothing to take this landing page and it’s going to tot toss it in here but I want to show you how we can use that specific the link and put it in to the button so here we are we’ve got this beautiful page chair of frequently asked questions and so say on this incentive view demo I’m going to click on it and change the link to that specific page where someone can purchase the membership so there you go I got that there and then right here this get it now button let’s just put it there as well also want to click on the button and since this is actually in the price table it’s not like a button really so I got to put that in maybe in the footer and here it is the footer link there we go and I want to save that and I think that’s the last place with that link okay so now when I click on this X and ice coded view page.

To see it’s a perfect landing page it’s just showing them information specific about thisnow when I click on this you can see it’s can it take me to that same shopping cart and there it is selling the membership so I don’t have to do it through this ugly way where I have this membership page someone can click on it and then there’s all this information instead I have that beautiful new landing page that I created and what I did was I took the link right here where this sends you when you click on it and I just put that in any button that I wanted to put it in and so that’s how you can create beautiful pages for your courses that you’re selling your beautiful pages for your membership is all you need to do is put whatever info you want and then link them right here to the checkout page with it in their cart and that specific a link right here is going to give that to you so the same works for courses as a matter fact I click on courses and I click on this one right here there is a cost to it remember I click on take this course this is the specific link to just this course of some congested by that course so I wanted to show you how to do that so anyways let me just jump back into the dashboard and so you tell you how to set up some specific member pricing on courses so I’m a click on courses and let’s actually kind of already did it on this one but let me show you so here’s that one of the courses that doesn’t matter.

Scroll down to click on add access plan and this is going to be I think him to make this free for members and I’m in the name it members only on purpose so there’s like this exclusivity to it so let me fill out the rest okay let me show you some of these options here so I just put members only for the text I put take this course and then if I wanted to make this a free for members only a minute click on this checkbox and then what I want to do is this plan availability I don’t want anyone to get this for free only want my members to get this for free to change it from anyone to members only and then right here I’m going to choose the memberships not only have that one membership I created so this is the only option that I have but if I had other memberships on this site I can add those or choose those so what this is going to do it’s going allow anyone who is part of this membership to enroll in the course for free now if I wanted to I can have a special discounted price for members so instead of it being free I can uncheck that and I can put some unique special pricing for members and this is another way to have a value to your members know personally the way that I use this is I give members access to the courses for free as being part of the membership so I don’t have a lower price for members but it’s certainly up to you how you want to structure things so I’m going to roll with all of that I want to go ahead and click on updates and it’s gonna take a second update I’m in go ahead and click on courses and so now it was this one right here so now we have this members only price right members only membership pricing take this course so this is how you can give course bundles without auto enrolling these members in these courses and this is also how you can give members a discount so the best deal here’s a $40 well maybe members can get it for $15 this is how you would accomplish that as well so lastly there is a system if you wanted to restrict other areas of your website for members only there is a real easy way to do that so if I click on pages any page or post that you create you can control access to members only so if I wanted to say create a new page in a call this members downloads or something like that there it is I named this page members download page and I wanted some information here that’s only available to people that are actively enrolled in the membership if I scroll down here there’s an option as is membership access and if I turn it on then I can choose the members or the different membership plan of the folks that are going to have access to this and we know I only have that one membership so I can make this so the only people that can see this page are people that are in the membership so I typed the name of the membership it pops up I click the box I scroll up I click on publish and now this content is only accessible to people that are in the membership and if they’re not in the membership they will be redirected based upon what we configured so if I go back into the membership click on membership here there was these restriction options we said restricted access redirect what we can redirect them to that page we created to sell the membership right here join the membership and I can click on update so now if someone wants to see that page and they’re not part of the membership they’re going to get redirected let’s see if that works actually so I want to go ahead and click on members download page now appear at the top is the link to this page, copy it and I want to go right here and I’m in a pasted in and I don’t know because I’m logged in as admin it’s gonna let me see it but something tells me I’m knocking to be able to see it and it’s gonna redirect me some and hit enter and let’s see what happens boom took me to the sales page why because I’m not rolled into the membership if I was I could see that information so that’s how you can have a membership of course bundles and you can have other pages and posts that is just restricted to your members in the same work for post if I was to create a post I can pop in all my info and then scroll down here and I can restrict the access to it as well there’s a lot you can do with this membership feature I think it’s pretty awesome but we covered a lot of stuff in this video more than I thought weactually needed to but now you know how to create a membership you know how to bundle courses you know how to protect content in other locations of your website you know how to create a beautifully designed landing pages sell your membership and not use the kind of plain Jane boring looking LifterLMS generated page and you also learned that you can do the same thing for your courses in a makes a lot of sense for your courses to create a beautiful depending on the cost of the course create a beautiful selves page for it and you know how to link it directly into that shopping cart which is awesome as well so were actually getting to the end of this series I hope you’ve enjoyed it I’ve enjoyed making it for you we still have a couple more things that we need to cover

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Create Your Membership & Course Site with LifterLMS – Adam @ WPCrafter
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