Original price was: $498.00.Current price is: $83.00.

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Like everyone else, usually I would pump out a new piece of content every week and I was lucky if I got a couple hundred readers. Every week I would work my ass off, most of the time getting no where.

Purchase this course you will earn 83 Points worth of $8.30!


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If you know how to use WordPress, then you can do this too.

It all started when I got this DM on Twitter from Noah Kagan…

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Most companies are doing content marketing wrong.

I was too.

Like everyone else, usually I would pump out a new piece of content every week and I was lucky if I got a couple hundred readers. Every week I would work my ass off, most of the time getting no where.

I had just written a new article for my agency blog (about Hubspot) to try and attract business owners who liked Hubspot.

Except this time I tried a new technique that a mentor told me about…


Just look at who started sharing and recommending my article…

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BTW, I did this with NO EMAIL LIST (and I'm not a celebrity)…

This article worked so well, even the CMO of Hubspot reached out to me to discuss how I could help them with marketing.

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I thought maybe I had just gotten “lucky” with this one piece of content. 

So I was determined to make my next piece of content for Noah at Sumo even better.

I researched and wrote the article, then Noah edited for accuracy. 

I then applied the exact same technique from before to Noah’s article as I did with the HubSpot one. 

The headline for this one was "8 Marketing Ideas from Inside a $50 Million Startup."

Here's how the promotion stats breakdown:

  • #1 Top Performing B2B Article In 7 Years
  • 2,700 Shares In The First 15 Days
  • Outperformed Noah’s Viral Giveaways

After 30 days I'd generated 28,292 website visitors to this ONE article on Noah's blog!

Here's a screenshot of his Google Analytics account to prove it…

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Noah was so happy with my results, he made me an offer I couldn't refuse…

Now I'm heading up his content marketing efforts and we have a team of guys executing my content marketing method.

The same method I'm telling you about today…

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I had found a reliable, repeatable, scalable system for making B2B content spread.

You might be thinking "the trick" is about SEO, but it's not.

We didn't do any keyword research, beg for backlinks, or optimize our LSI. 

Although, the cool part is that SEO is a natural side effect of what I'm doing. And what am I doing…

If you're hungry for a simple method that gets lots of clicks without SEO or without paying for clicks, then keep reading.

But first I have a confession…

I actually started out as a paid traffic guy. That original article was to attract companies who wanted me to drive paid traffic. Then after I saw how much free traffic I was getting – Well, let's just say I rarely login to FB ads anymore.

Let me ask you a question…

Is Facebook still changing the rules every week? And still shutting down accounts? Is Google still charging over $1 per click?

I'm not saying I NEVER use paid ads, just saying I don't need to pay for clicks anymore.

What I never understood about paid ads…

Get Content Marketing Masters – Justin Brooke, Only Price $87

Why Do Ad Networks Make It So Hard?

Does it even make sense why ad networks make it so hard to pay them for clicks.  Shouldn't they make it easier, not harder???

You almost need a college degree to figure out Google Ads.

Then there's all the rules…

Ad networks decide what headlines you can use. They decide they don't like your squeeze page.

It feels like ad networks have more rules than a library. 

Even worse, they add new rules almost every week! It's almost like everything that works good – they decide to ban it.

Which means you almost have to re-learn how to do marketing their way. You're forever at their mercy.

Then, if you get a great paid campaign going it might get shut down overnight. Sometimes you get shut down even if their own ad reviewers disapprove something by mistake.

Worst of all – YOU – have to prove why it was THEIR mistake.

That's if you're lucky enough to talk to anyone. God knows they make it hard to contact customer support.

I found another way, and thank god I did.

Get Content Marketing Masters of author Justin Brooke only  price 77$ 

Because of My New Traffic Skills, I Now Get To Do Awesome Stuff Like Hang Out In Jamaica

If I can do this, so can you…

Before I tell you what I do, let me share how I stumbled onto my method. First of all, just a couple years ago I was selling snow cones in Australia.

That's right… Snow Cones!

I was not a digital marketing expert. I was a break-dancing Aussie who sold carnival treats.

My claim to fame back home was selling over $1 million dollars worth of snow cones and donating over $100,000 of it back to kids athletic clubs.

And then I met Justin Brooke, he's a bonafide digital marketing expert. He has 13 years of experience, has spent tens of millions on ads, and thousands of customers.

He was teaching me how to start an online ad agency.

I told you I used to be a paid traffic guy!

Then Justin showed me a strategic way of doing content marketing. He was the mentor who gave me the technique that went viral.

A method that wasn't SEO and didn't need paid clicks either. 

He was showing me this, because it's how he got his clients. He was teaching me how to get clients too.

And then the clicks came flooding in. 

​And I wasn't paying a single cent for them.

From my first try, this method was… explosive. 

From August 2017 to August 2018, I've driven 1,942,129 visitors to our website. Of that only 223,331 was from paid clicks.

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If we take out paid clicks I've driven 1,718,798 page views – FOR FREE!

Without Paid Clicks, I Still Got 1,718,798 Visitors To Our Website

This wasn't just some fluke viral article that I wrote one time and got lucky.

This was over a whole year's time with a small bunch of articles. Which for the most part I didn't even write, I just researched.

You will be able to repeat my success with this content marketing method over and over.

It's reliable, consistent, free, and Google can't take it away!

It's working so well, that investors, CEOs, and CMOs are reaching out to me asking to do what I do for them…

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What Are You Doing That Works So Well?

Ok, let me explain what I did… 

Frankly, I do almost all the same stuff that paid traffic guys do, except for the paying for clicks part.

I still make a customer avatar.

You have to know your target. Without this it's like trying to navigate in a new city with no map.

I still write headlines, call to actions, build an email list, and post stuff to social media.

The BIGGEST differences are…

  • I don't have to ask permission from ad networks first
  • I can never get banned or shut down
  • I get all my clicks for free, instead of paying

Get Content Marketing Masters – Justin Brooke, Only Price $87

You Might Be Thinking What I Do Is SEO, But That's Not What I Do…

If you want to rank for keywords organically, then this works great without much effort.

*But it's not SEO.*

SEO is far too difficult, competitive, and still makes you at mercy from getting all your traffic taken away.

The only company who changes their rules more than Facebook, is Google!

  • You don't have to research low competition keywords.
  • You don't have to beg for links via email outreach.
  • You don't have to measure your keyword density.
  • You don't need a top secret private network of sites linking to yours.

Then how does it rank organically?

Because my method still gets you a lot of shares, clicks, backlinks, and time on page.

It does all that as a side effect.

Meaning it just happens.

Google loves all those things. They will rank your content favorably WITHOUT having to do "SEO."

The organic (SEO) traffic you'll get is a nice side benefit.

You'll get even much more traffic from other sources though.

And you won't be sitting around waiting for the Google gods to bless your page with #1 rankings. 

If you follow exactly as I say, then you'll get a majority of your clicks within the first 3 days.

Thousands of them…

Clicks Are Nice, But Did They Convert?

In the last 12 months, I've gained 133,435 leads.

But if we look at all time, it's over a quarter million emails collected!

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So yeah… It converts.

But what about sales?

We've added 1,070 new customers. Each paying a recurring monthly fee for our software product.

I don't have permission to show you revenue totals, but the little blue numbers are how many new customers came in that quarter…

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I'm just an ex-snow cone seller from Australia, if I can get 1,000 customers with this, so can you…

What Would 1,000 Recurring Customers Do For You?

If you sell SaaS products or membership sites…

  • For a $29/mo product it would be $29,000/mo
  • For a $99/mo product it would be $99,000/mo
  • For a $249/mo product it would be $249,000/mo

Or maybe you sell coaching/consulting instead…

  • At $100/hr you'd make $100,000
  • At $500/hr you'd make $500,000
  • At $1,000/hr you'd make $1,000,000

Or maybe you sell digital/physical products instead…

  • If you sell a $49 product you'd make $49,000
  • If you sell a $199 product you'd make $199,000
  • If you sell a $1,000 product you'd make $1,000,000

In every scenario, you'd definitely make back a lot more than the cost of buying my course today.

Even if you were at the lowest end, you'd make back your investment hundreds of times over.

Get Content Marketing Masters – Justin Brooke, Only Price $87



I've documented everything over the last year. I've created video tutorials, and case studies too. 

Content Marketing Masters is more than a course, it's a full content marketing system. You can take it for yourself, or plug in a team member.

Get Content Marketing Masters of author Justin Brooke only  price 77$ 

Here's what you'll learn inside…

Stage I – Module 1: For new businesses with no list, no brand name in the market, and a very small budget of $10/day.

  • The most powerful way to increase your audience size. (Get hundreds of marketing qualified leads in one day. Even if no one has ever heard of you before!)
  • What’s a Keystone Content and how to research and write it for maximum market infiltration.
  • The #1 secret to build your email list FAST using nothing but your Keystone Content pieces.
  • How to distribute your Keystone Content and get your first 500 visitors while still on a budget.
  • The headline, intro, and promo formulas I used to get top industry influencers to share my content.
  • CASE STUDIES of 5 different business types who got thousands of free traffic. (With a handy swipe-file of their keystone content for your inspiration)

Stage II – Module 2: For small businesses that have been around. With a small list, a little brand recognition, and around a $100 daily budget.

  • How to make your keystone content go viral in your industry and get $100,000 worth of traffic for $100 a day. (With detailed spending plan)
  • The proven process for hiring your first content writers. (So you can grow without doing all the grunt work yourself.)
  • How to create "Viral Content Sales Funnels" and see ROI from your publishing efforts on day 1.
  • How to convert 1 out of 5 of your readers into subscribers and build your audience with our challenge. (Your first 500 loyal fans are waiting for you!)

Stage III – Module 3: For established businesses with decent sized lists, a team, and over $10,000 per month budget.

  • How to use the Ski Slope Strategy to build an unstoppable sales machine.
  • Planning your long-term content strategy. (Exactly where to click in the tools I use to get all the info you'll need to make decisions…)
  • The 3 content types I used to get millions of clicks, hundreds of thousands of leads, and over 1,000 sales.
  • How to create each content type, then deploy them to make the most sales without spending too much on traffic.
  • How to determine which type of “Black Diamond” content will get the most sales for your business type.
  • REAL LIFE EXAMPLE: The content strategy and site structure I designed for Sumo.com. (Over 500,000 clicks per month)

Plus, you'll get my instant delegation kit…

You don't want to be doing all the grunt work.

I'll show you how to rapidly replace yourself with my instant delegation kit. Use these checklists, spreadsheets, and swipes to get your team producing results for you.

Inside you're going to get…

  • One Page Summaries for every role in your new content marketing team (with KPI’s, benchmarks, and how-tos).
  • An exclusive "Day In The Life" video that shows you how my team works to deliver viral content on demand.
  • ONE simple spreadsheet to plan, manage, and track ALL your content.
  • The Content Launch Checklist I use every time I want people in my industry to talk about us. (With step-by-step instructions for every item, so you can outsource it).
  • Every template we give our writers so they can research and write viral content.
  • Exclusive access to my LIVE file of successful keystone content swipes. (The best articles I’ve ever written or seen are all here!)
  • Our Content Scaling Action Plan that sums up how to dominate your industry with content. (It has all the step-by-step action items of our entire scaling strategy!)
  • My top tools for content research, writing, editing, upgrades, and promotions. Plus info on what exactly I use them for, and how.
  • And more…

How Much Does It Cost To Buy Content Marketing Masters Today?

I considered licensing.

With licensing to one company at a time, I could charge $10,000 since this is a plug-and-play system.

$10,000 would be a bargain for the amount of traffic, leads, and sales my method produces.

Currently, I work for Sumo.com doing exactly what I teach in this course. And my boss would think $10,000 is a great price compared to what he's paid me so far.

I don't want to be doing phone sales and meetings to license this out though.

Instead I considered the normal "course launch" price of $2,000 – $5,000 like everyone else charges.

I could do a launch twice a year and do pretty well.

I felt like $2,000 puts it out of the hands of people like myself when I first started.

So I decided on only charging $498/year.

You're probably asking, "Why yearly?" and that's a great question. I'm committed to making this the best course on creating content that converts visitors into customers.

So, I'm constantly working to improve the course. When you sign up, you're not just getting access to a course that was created years ago and never updated. You're getting access to a course that gets updated multiple times per year. 

I've already updated two of the lessons this year and have a plan for 2 more bonuses. 

Even if all you sell is a $50 product, you'd only need to sell 10 of them to make your money back. And I've already shown you how this method generated over 1,000 customers for us.

Get Content Marketing Masters – Justin Brooke, Only Price $87

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Justin Brooke | eSy[GB]
Content Marketing Masters
Original price was: $498.00.Current price is: $83.00. Add to cart