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Land at an Elite Consulting Firm… with the Most Comprehensive Case Interview Prep in the World.

2,037 questions across 209 consulting firms. Crowdsourced from over 500,000 members.

And trusted by over 1,000 aspiring consultants just like you. The WSO Consulting

Interview Prep Course has everything you’ll ever need to land the most coveted jobs.

Want to Ace Your Interview? 

First You Have to Crack the Code…

Management consulting is one of the most exclusive industries with some of the toughest interviews in the world. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

Not only does the industry promise huge salaries and great bonuses, but it’s also an environment where you develop amazing business skills that can lead you to the top business schools in the world… for smart, talented students, it's one of the most promising, well rounded career choices to build a lucrative long term career.

But getting in the door is much harder than you think

… because the management consulting industry can pick the best of the best and the secrets to getting in are guarded like Fort Knox.

Getting a Top Consulting job is not about acquiring the skills to DO the job… It’s about acquiring the skills to GET the job.

And these are NOT the same thing.

Because what most top consulting professionals will never tell you is that everything you’ve learned so far is practically useless when it comes to interviewing…

  • Technical knowledge you learned in your career center won’t cut it…

  • Great internships on your resume and a high GPA isn’t enough…

  • Great connections won’t get you the job you want…

  • And even many of those in highly respected target schools and MBA programs still don’t make the cut

Your interviewer’s job isn’t only to find the best candidates… It’s to weed out the worst. They’ll stress test you, confuse you and will do everything they can to quickly crack you so they can move onto the next eager professional in line.

  • They’ll evaluate your ability to walk through many types of case interviews…

  • Hit you with complex brain teasers designed to trick you

  • Test your knowledge of the industry and their firm

  • And they’ll tax your ability to function under pressure and think on your feet…

They’ll probe everything about you:

  • Your body language and voice tone…

  • Assess your character…

  • Judge your presentation skills and ability to stand by your convictions …

  • Your ability to both lead and follow…

  • And they’ll decide if you’re high status enough to make it at their firm…

Quite simply, consulting case interviews are extremely tricky if you don’t know how to navigate them.

The Only Way To Crack This Code Is To Learn It From  Those Who Have Walked Your Path Before.

The best way to learn anything is to simply follow in the footsteps of those who have done it successfully. And not just a few people, but thousands of interviewers, associates, engagement managers and consulting veterans who have successfully navigated this process and have gone on to lucrative careers across the top consulting firms.

Only then will you know all of the little tricks, secrets and shortcuts to acing your interview and beating your competition: the tens of thousands of other “rock stars” who are competing for your job.

And once you have this knowledge, what seemed like a gauntlet will be a walk in the park.

Where others are confused and intimidated, you’ll be calm, cool and collected.

When others are cramming at the last minute, you’ll be totally prepared for anything they can throw at you.

And when others are working in a dead end job or second tier consulting firm, you’ll be climbing the ladder at a top firm, earning well over 6 figures right off the bat.

But first, a word of warning…

Get Consulting Case Interview Prep Course – Wall Street Oasis, Only Price $44

FACT:Less Than 1% of Applicants Get a Top Consulting Job… 

… Only Those with an EDGE Get In.

That’s right. Out of every 1,000 applicants, less than 10 will get the job. The other 99% will wash out and never be heard from again.

That’s 6x lower than the acceptance rate at Harvard. You do the math.

Think it can’t be you? Think again. The top consulting firms have access to thousands of motivated students from the best schools in the world, technical geniuses and “rock stars”, all just like you… all beating down their door.

Most never get in.

Instead they end up left out in the cold, stuck working in a job with mediocre exit opps…

Dreaming of the top consulting gigs with the most interesting work…

Thinking maybe they should start their own business… or jump to a corporate finance gig to escape, even if it means less pay…

And yes, still living with roommates into their 30s to save money.

I’ve seen it more times than I can count.

And it’s all because they’re unprepared.

  • Many relied on their natural interview abilities but didn’t have the network or the behavioral skills to make it through…
  • Others had great pedigrees and connections but couldn’t solve the tricky brainteasers and stressful cases that come up in every interview…
  • Some even were Summa Cum Laude from the most prestigious universities in the country but found themselves forever looking in from the outside.

The Bottom Line is This:

To Land At A Top Consulting Firm, You Must Know Everything… 

… And That Means Going To The One Place That Has Everything.



The Insider’s Guide on How to Land the  Most Prestigious Jobs in Management Consulting…


  • Master ALL of the Concepts
  • Consulting firms aren’t looking for robots… they want to know that you understand the industry, that you can solve problems, handle stress, manage clients and are a fit for their firm… You’ll discover how to master all of these concepts – even if you only have a few days to prepare…
  • Build the Foundation
  • With 11 Detailed Exclusive Cases developed by a McKinsey Associate and 10+ hours of video so no matter what firm you are interviewing at, you won’t leave a single stone unturned and will be 100% prepared for anything they throw at you…
  • Master the Case Interview
  • With 20+ Hours of Additional Cases delivered in Video Format, you’ll discover exactly how to walk through your own cases with confidence… and be ready for on the spot cases to prove you’re cut out for management consulting
  • Build a High Impact Network
  • With 30+ Hours of video tutorials… for LinkedIn, Emailing and Cold Calling… so you can get 3x your response rate, land more interviews and get support from consulting professionals on the inside, even if you are not from the traditional background…
  • Research Specific Consulting Firms
  • You’ll have access to over 2,037 consulting interview questions across 200+ consulting firmsorganized by position, so you can focus your preparation on what matters most…
  • Prepare Quickly and Level Up
  • With Detailed Industry and Recruiting Overview, showing you exactly what you need to know in order to demonstrate a true passion for the industry… master the key concepts and stack your learning for maximum preparation in the shortest amount of time possible…
  • Get Exclusive Inside Info on 100+ Consulting Firms
  • With the WSO Company Database, you’ll get exclusive data on compensation, interviews and employee reviews for hundreds of firms… access over 2,000 interview insights… so you’ll know exactly which firms and positions are right for you…
  • See how consulting veterans have done it with the WSO Video Library
  • You’ll discover how professional consultants have answered the very same questions you’ll be asked with 40+ hours of consulting-specific videos… Watch detailed Q&A’s and sample cases… so you can see exactly what works and what doesn’t…



The WSO Consulting Case Interview Prep Course 2.0 takes you way beyond anything else. While othvvers claim to give you everything you need, the truth is they only cover a handful of the most common questions and have basic case samples from one type of firm. Even worse, they’re usually written by one guy who’s been out of consulting for years…

Hardly what we’d call “comprehensive”…

And there’s an even BIGGER problem with this approach:

It’s totally outdated.

Recruiting in management consulting is constantly changing. What worked even last year is no longer effective. Your interviewers are smart… and they’re constantly changing their questions and tactics for one reason: to put you under stress and see what you’re made of.

That’s why the WSO course is crowdsourced from thousands of currently practicing consulting professionals… people who live and breathe this industry – day in and day out… who can tell you what’s changing firsthand… and will keep you up-to-date on everything you need to ace the interview process and land that job.

And what you really need is this:

You Need to Know Everything

Other guides boast that they have “the most common" questions. We have hundreds of actual cases and thousands of actual questions in our database. WSO covers 2,037 questions across 209 consulting firms. Over 40 hours of consulting specific video… Sourced from thousands of data points… all so you can cover every base, prepare for any scenario… and walk into the room with total confidence

You Need Something that’s Crowdsourced and Validated

Other consulting prep guides look good, but the truth is most are written by one person with only one perspective telling what they think is "right" from their dated experience YEARS ago… The WSO Consulting Case Interview Prep Course was born straight from the source and is still updated every year: Crowdsourced for over a decade from over 100 million unique visitors and 500,000 members… with inside information from thousands of actual interviewers, associates and consulting veterans….and validated by over 1,000 aspiring consulting professionals just like you who have taken this course…

You Need to Learn How to Interview Not How to Memorize

To succeed you must do more than just memorize some case structures and polish your behavioral questions… You really need inside knowledge on the recruiting process, firm nuances and hidden recruiting tactics… Learn from our roster of thousands of actual interviewers, associates and consulting veterans, so you can nail the interview process with confidence.

You Must Project Total Confidence

Interviewers can smell fear from a mile away. Without the proper body language, the precise tone of voice and the right attitude, your interview could be over before it begins. We’ve surveyed hundreds of actual consultants to show you exactly how to act – and what you must avoid – so you can stand out from the crowd of wannabes and crush your competition…

How do I know this?

Because I’ve been down this path before…

My name is Patrick Curtis, and I’m the founder of Wall Street Oasis. Not that long ago, I was in your position. I had a stellar GPA from a prestigious school. I was confident, flying high and ready to ace my consulting interviews…

Except I didn’t.

During one of my first case interviews with McKinsey, I found out the harsh truth… I was blindsided by a series of tough estimation cases that tripped me up. I did ok, but it got even worse when the interview shifted to a more complex strategic case.

I could see that the interviewers weren't impressed.

I knew I was screwed… and I knew that my chance was gone….but I still had to sit there, sweating through my suit, red-faced while he dragged me through the ringer, taking all of my questions and asking them right back at me. I had no idea what to do…

This same scenario repeated again and again… And this doesn’t include the hundreds of times I got blown off by recruiters or outright rejected.

While the top students in my class were landing great consulting and investment banking gigs with huge bonus upside, I was one step away from the ultimate indignity: selling mortgages at a community bank and moving back in with my parents.

After months of failure, I finally decided to suck it up and take a hard look in the mirror. I realized I was totally out of my element and needed help. I went back and analyzed each one of my failures and reconstructed everything I’d done wrong.

And then I got a mentor… A consultant to take me under his wing and show me the ropes (he had made the successful jump into a top consulting firm from a semi-target school).

Finally, with his help, and after 50 hours of additional work over the following 3 weeks, I had one opportunities left with a top 5 consulting firm…

The work paid off. I landed the offer out of hundreds of applicants.

Within two weeks, I had this consulting offer and one investment banking offer. I ultimately decided to jump to investment banking out of my undergrad, but that's another story…

The point is: this comprehensive course is the result of my tough consulting case interview experiences. With the help of our 500,000+ members and top management consultants on staff, we’ve created the only crowdsourced Consulting Interview Prep Course on the market. I know firsthand how hard it is to break into the consulting industry… and I also know what happens if you miss your window.

And with the help of our members – and of the thousands of industry veterans, associates and interviewers who have contributed to this guide – it’s my hope that you can avoid the pitfalls I experienced, land the job you want and catapult yourself to the lucrative career that’s waiting for you.


Get Consulting Case Interview Prep Course – Wall Street Oasis, Only Price $44



Acing the case interview portion is a critical part of giving yourself the best odds… You WILL be given at least one tough case – and your interviewers expect confident and detailed responses. This 188 page PDF is easily the most comprehensive guide on the market… We’ve got every base covered, so you’ll be prepared no matter what your interviewers throw at you or what type of firm you are interviewing at.

  • 188 page PDF guide sourced from 2,000+ consulting interview insights…
  • 6 most common types of cases …so you’ll be prepared for every scenario and immediately be able to identify the type of case that is being asked and how to approach it…
  • Case Math Overview including the 10 most common problems you need to be ready to tackle with ease… Rule of 72, Product Life Cycles, Elasticity, CLV and more…
  • Master the 5 Critical Tier I Frameworks and the 8 Tier II Frameworks that can help you structure almost any case so you can demonstrate the one skill your interviewers are looking for: the ability to solve difficult problems under pressure…
  • 7 Week detailed Plan of Action so you can make sure to budget enough time for maximum retention and performance…
  • Interviewers Guide… so your friends of relatives with limited experience can help you prepare with almost no knowledge of case interviews…
  • 150+ Interview Insight from 10 top consulting firms, including McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Oliver Wyman, Accenture, Deloitte and more… …so you can know what questions you are most likely to get based on the firm you are interviewing with…
  • 11 Challenging Cases Built by a McKinsey Associateexclusive to WSO with detailed explanations for a mock interviewer on how to lead a good practice case for you. What makes a good answer, bad answer and how to lead you with probing questions if you get stuck…
  • How to work with recruiters, so they are working with you, not against you…
  • And much, much more…


Want even more practice and template files? No problem. Most candidates don't focus enough on the crucial case interview that help your interviewers answer one critical question: “Do you have the consulting chops to cut it?” But… this isn’t something can you fake. You have to demonstrate it – not just by using frameworks, but by communicating clearly and using the right frameworks at the right time. The only way to make sure you are successful is to have realistic examples you can model your own case after. These Sample Cases Interviews will help you master this challenging part of your consulting interviews since they all come from actual consulting professionals doing the hiring. They Include:

  • 2 BCG Cases explained in depth, to make sure you understand how to frame them for BCG …
  • 3 Common McKinsey Round 1 Cases, in the healthcare, meat processing and grocery industries so you know how to approach a wide variety of industries…
  • M&A Case so that you'll understand how consultants approach roll-up and acquisition cases…
  • Detailed Pharma Case, so you'll be ready to ace the any pharma related cases thrown at you…
  • 5 Consulting Case Interview Advice Webinars:Detailed strategies on how to ace and approach consulting interviews at a variety of firms
  • Consulting Case: Tech go to market case – a unique type that can be tricky if you haven't seen it
  • ABC Film Studios Case: a case that has been given frequently at top 10 consulting firm interviews so you can be ready for it……
  • 10+ additional Consulting Cases with detailed template files and models so that you can get even more practice and direct advice from actual consulting professionals
  • And much, much more…


Want to get the job? First you have to get in the door. But without a great network, nobody will know who you are. Even if your resume is great, it will end up lost in the pile of wannabe’s, and your chances of landing even an informational interview will be almost zero. In this 71-page guide, we’ll reveal everything we know about the fine art of networking… so you can meet the people who can get you what you want most: the job.

  • 150+ Copy-and-Paste Questions for you to ask in an both informational and job interviews…
  • 15+ hours of videos with insider strategies for successful networking…
  • 14 Templates for LinkedIn, Email and Cold-Calling so you can easily build a rock-solid network, even if you hate meeting people face-to-face…
  • 3 Polished WSO Resume Templates, pulled straight from our famous Resume Review service. Each template is based on thousands of successful resumes/CV’s. Whether you’re an undergrad, an experienced applicant or have deal experience, you’ll have the pitch perfect Resume/CV…
  • The right way to network, so your resume is seen by those who matter – and not lost under a pile of wannabes…
  • 21 things you must STOP doing right now so you can avoid networking failure…
  • How to increase your cold email response rate 3x with our 8-step resume guide…
  • The 8 proven negotiating steps so you can secure the best offer…
  • Our plug-and-play template so you can nail the critical 90 Second Elevator Pitch…
  • How to land critical info interviews without ever meeting anyone in person…
  • 148 questions you can ask in your interviews so you can make a great impression – without sounding like a fraud…
  • And much, much more…

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Consulting Case Interview Prep Course Wall Street Oasis | eSy[GB]
Consulting Case Interview Prep Course – Wall Street Oasis
Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $40.00. Add to cart