Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $142.00.

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But I started seeing all these promises about quadrupling your sales with Facebook ads, and it just made me roll my eyes. I don’t trust people who make these big promises… and then I found Claire. I could tell right away that she knew what she was talking about.

Purchase this course you will earn 142 Points worth of $14.20!


Buy Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

But I started seeing all these promises about quadrupling your sales with Facebook ads, and it just made me roll my eyes. I don’t trust people who make these big promises… and then I found Claire. I could tell right away that she knew what she was talking about.

Purchase Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 courses at here with PRICE $1497 $142

Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019

Claire Pelletreau 2020 - Absolute FB Ads 2019

It’s time to stop screwing around with Facebook ads (or avoiding them altogether).
You don’t need to be a math genius, an extroverted influencer or Zuckerberg himself to make Facebook & Instagram ads work for you.

Brutally honest newsflash for course creators, coaches + service providers
itching to grow their business online:
✓  Get more eyes on your digital courses & products

✓ Grow your email list with subscribers who l-o-v-e what you’re puttin’ down

✓ Turn those subscribers into SALES (and LOTS of ‘em) in your next launch or funnel…
If you’re ready to finally →
Let the gurus keep their complicated strategies and douchey tactics.

All you need is a simple, step-by-step approach to launch your profitable ad campaign: from strategy to testing (and everything in between).
Absolute FB Ads is your bullshit-free roadmap for creating strategic and effective ads that grow your online business…
Even if you’ve struggled to get results in the past (or feel so overwhelmed you don’t know where to begin).
“After learning from Claire, for the first time in my life, I felt that I truly understood Facebook ads.”
“Claire demystifies so much and is really good at making something complicated feel simple.

I recommend Claire’s course to everyone who takes my program because the way she teaches it is the most logical.
– Brooke Castillo, Founder of The Life Coach School
She makes me feel like I’m not dumb when it comes to Facebook ads… but confident and capable instead.”
Before you read on to get the details, let me be blunt →
I know you’ve heard the spiels from d-bags in rented Lamborghinis that Facebook ads are kind of A Big Deal™…
… especially if you’re on a mission to reach more people, reclaim your time and grow your revenue with digital products and online courses..
There’s just one big problem:
You’re not exactly sure how (or if it’s even possible)
to run Facebook & Instagram ads without losing money or wasting time you haven’t got.
Maybe you’ve already been burned big time by the fickle Facebook ads manager…
And you definitely aren’t alone if you’ve already wasted a couple hundred (or thousand) dollars on ads that didn’t bring home the bacon.
If you’ve heard the horror stories (or lived one yourself)…
Facebook ads can feel like buckling up for the world’s most expensive roller coaster ride.
The highs and lows are no joke →
Setting up the tech, tracking and testing for your ads feels more complicated than calculus, and you’re not quite sure if you even got it right…

There’s the rush of adrenaline (OK, anxiety) as you finally launch your ads and set them free in your audience’s newsfeed…

So you check your ads obsessively and hit the crushing realization that nobody’s clicking or converting — and you’re burning through cash FAST.

The next day, there’s a strange and unexplained uptick in your ads (yay!)…

But the people who do sign up end up costing you money…

And all those new subscribers turn out to be freebie vampires who never buy or engage.

Worst of all? You have no idea how to troubleshoot what the hell went wrong.
So you turn off your ads, cut your losses, and take a timeout until you can figure it out.
Or perhaps you’re suffering from a serious (and totally real) affliction known as “failure to launch”
You’re not sure exactly what to do with Facebook or Instagram ads, so you don’t do anything…

You’ve heard that if you’ve got a small budget then you shouldn’t even bother…

You’re convinced that you’re going to lose money on your ads, no matter how hard you try…

And the thought of balancing your budget, choosing the right audience and understanding where all your money went gives you a mammoth-sized migraine.
Because you keep putting Facebook ads off until you’ve got the time and patience and you need to learn them ← also known as “ain’t-nobody-got-time-for-that-itis”.
Finding your way through the Facebook landmines can feel like a full-time job…
And if you’ve ever found yourself cursing under your breath:
“I’m a smart person. Why the F&%! can’t I figure this shit out?!?”
… then join the freakin’ club.
“Frustrated. Confused. Pissed. Off. → All things I was feeling about Facebook ads before I took Claire’s course.
Claire had been surfacing in my life for a few months through various shared acquaintances and recommendations from friends. After listening to some of Claire’s podcasts and hearing more about her… I made the investment!

Now Facebook ads have become much more manageable. As an Operations Manager, I need to know enough about FB ads to serve my clients and this step-by-step, how-to-do-this-shit-guide is my secret weapon! My goal was to know what the hell I was doing and understand the process so I could tell my clients what worked and what didn’t. Any virtual assistant or OBM would benefit from the skills Claire teaches in Absolute FB Ads.

The Facebook group can feel intimidating at first, but when I posed a question in the group, Claire answered directly, which was impressive!

TL;DR: Facebook ads are Mount Everest and Claire’s course is my sherpa.

-Jessica Gulley-Ward, Owner of Juggling Logistics

While there’s no shortage of stories about people who retired their husband and moved to Fiji after a single campaign (excuse my exaggerated eye rolls please)…
It’d be pretty freakin’ sweet if Facebook ads could help you out with some normal people problems, too!
I’m talking about:

The unrelenting pressure to always be present on social media if you want to grow your audience and reach new customers (did somebody say FOMO?)

Constantly being on the brink of burnout as the sole driver of results in your business (and doing all the intensive work yourself, all the damn time)

Pushing beyond the encouraging but glacially sloooooow organic growth you’ve fought so hard for (without having to travel to conferences or spend hours networking one-to-one)…

And sure, you wouldn’t say no to a 7-figure launch or your own private island — but overwhelm and some lackluster results so far make it feel like you + FB just aren’t meant to be.
So if the idea of using Facebook ads to grow your biz makes your BS-detector light up like a Christmas tree…
“Sure, 7-figures would be nice… but right now I’m focused on transforming my labor of love into a self-sustaining business.”
Before Absolute FB Ads, growing my audience and managing my social media felt like a full-time job. I knew that I wanted Facebook ads to be part of my plan for growth, especially since so much of my organic traffic was already coming from Facebook.

But I started seeing all these promises about quadrupling your sales with Facebook ads, and it just made me roll my eyes. I don’t trust people who make these big promises… and then I found Claire. I could tell right away that she knew what she was talking about.

I don’t want to be building an email list to nowhere. I want to attract people who would be a good fit for my paid offers in the future, and Claire’s course helped me create a strategy around that.

It took me a couple of hours to put together my first campaign. Within 3 days, I was getting new subscribers for less than $1.75. It was kind of surreal to see all those notifications of people signing up for my list. It took me just two weeks to reach 100 subscribers, which felt like a lot because I started at just 16!

I love the support we receive inside the members-only group — because it means if I run into a problem, I don’t have to go digging through Facebook’s help articles that aren’t actually helpful. I’ve got more time to focus on creating great content instead.
Claire’s course has been a massive step towards more clarity: around what’s working, where to focus next, and what to improve versus what you’re nailing. Just do it!

-Sarah Cottrell, FormerLawyer.com
I didn’t want simple strategies that weren’t worth my dollars…but I trusted Claire because of all the in-depth blog posts she creates.

And good thing I did – because this course was really helpful. Like my little roadmap for a successful ad!

– Laura C George – Business Coach for Artists
Claire’s content is more in-depth, to the point, and practical. Yes! Finally – what I was looking for!

You can only YouTube a solution to your questions so many times. After a while, you just want a hand to guide you – and that’s what Claire’s course and FB group has done for me. If you’re serious about this – skip googling the answers and make the investment into yourself.

– Gigi Rogers, The Ambassador of Buzz at Puck’n Khaos
“I’ve tried some FB ads courses in the past – what a waste of money…they were vague and I was SO FREAKIN’ BORED!”
… I get it. (I really do.)
Because most of the people who enroll in Absolute FB Ads are every bit as skeptical as you:
“I was nervous to enroll in Absolute FB Ads because it so easily could have been stuff I already knew or could easily figure out.
The harsh truth is:
Most people never make a profit from their ads.
It’s deceptively easy to spend money on Facebook and Instagram, but the process of pulling a profit from your ads is anything but straightforward.
Especially if you’re struggling through:
Throwing digital spaghetti at the wall (and $ down the hole)
Not having a repeatable process you can trust
Fear of becoming a sleazy internet salesperson
If you don’t have a game plan before you give Facebook a single cent, you’re trapped in a guessing game that’s bound to cost you a lot of money.

You just want someone to make it easy for you — but with so many courses, tactics, and over-caffeinated gurus promising massive paydays with FB ads, it’s hard to know who to trust.

Maybe you’ve even managed to master the tech — but when you check and see that you’re losing money, you don’t know how to fix it (and when things go well, you have no idea how to do it again).

Without a framework to help you identify how to make ads work for you, you might as well be playing a blindfolded game of bingo.

Perhaps you’ve heard that you’ve gotta go big or go home with your Facebook ads budget… and it seems like the only people who succeed are over the top and so not your style.

It’s scary to think about spending huge wads of money on Facebook, and you’re a little worried about opening yourself up to criticism from the internet peanut gallery.

“Sometimes, it worked! But sometimes, Facebook would have changed everything and ads that worked before weren’t getting the same results. That’s where Claire’s Absolute FB Ads swooped in to save the day!

Our ads are now working like GANGBUSTERS. We are adding new leads to our business at less than $1.50 per opt-in and even more exciting we are getting a 4x ROI!

No longer was I crossing my fingers, hoping that I wasn’t throwing away thousands of dollars. With the strategies Claire has shared, our Facebook Ads have gone from a money pit to a money machine generating an extra $2K per week!”

– Racheal Cook, Creator of the Sweet Spot Strategy
“When I first started with Facebook ads, it was hit or miss… Now our ads are working like Gangbusters.
Maybe you’re just sick of the hit or miss insanity — and want some clarity about how to really make ads work for you, like Racheal:
If anything you’ve read above strikes a chord…

May I not-so-humbly introduce myself — and share an alternative to banging your head against the bright blue wall, becoming someone you’re not just to make a buck, or walking away from FB & Instagram ads altogether?

Hey! I’m Claire Pelletreau…
and I’m kinda weird.
But we’re not here to talk about my Spanish TV teen drama addiction today.

Because in a world of self-professed ad gurus and overcomplicated strategies, I’m deathly allergic to all the online marketing BS that wastes your time and squanders your money.
Instead? I’m determined to help you turn Facebook and Instagram ads into a simple, effective and doable part of your strategy for growing your business…

And most importantly — I want your ads to be ridiculously profitable, too.
As for me, I had my first Facebook ads love affair back in 2011, back when pretty much any picture of a cat would get insane results. Oh, those were the days…

Because all of a sudden, Facebook became pay to play, seemingly overnight… and they didn’t exactly make it easy to join the game.

It was stressful, confusing, and effin’ frustrating.

It took me many, many hours (just ask my very patient husband) of research, several years of testing what worked for my clients, and a whole lotta trial and error to master the ever-changing Ads Manager and Facebook ecosystem.
I’ve developed a simple process — and an entirely new way of thinking — that will get your FB & Instagram ads converting and actually moving the needle in your business.

No smoke n’ mirrors or blackhat tactics.

I’m not going to ask you to whip out your credit card to spend $15K on FB ads and cross your fingers it’ll turn into a sale…

And I definitely don’t want you to gamble your time on one-hit-wonder strategies that might work for internet gurus with thousands of raving fans and money to burn — but not for normal people like you and me.

The not-so-secret herbs and spices behind it all?
It’s a potent blend of…

A dead-easy game plan for navigating the tech, so you can bend Facebook’s Ads Manager to your will (just promise that you’ll use your newfound powers for good, not evil).

A simple strategy for finding and reaching your perfect people in the newsfeed (even if you’re worried Facebook & Instagram ads won’t work for you).

A battle-tested method for understanding your results and how to fix what isn’t working (your days of guessing and stressing are over, friend).

… all taught by someone who actually knows what they’re talking about and has made it her life’s mission to burn down all the BS surrounding Facebook and Instagram ads (that’s me, by the way.)

It’s the same process I’ve used to help your favorite online heavyweights nail their launches →
$30,600 in revenue, a 711% ROI and over $26,000 in profit in Laura’s pocket.
“I trust Claire. I love how straightforward she is, and there’s none of that B.S. you see with other Facebook Ad people.”

-Laura Belgray, Founder of Talking Shrimp
For every dollar Jasmine put into her ads, four more came back:
“I literally searched for a Facebook ad consultant for months; I interviewed more than ten different people and agencies to work with. I was frustrated and tired, but knew that I needed someone great to run my ads.

I actually found Claire while Googling “How do I find a Facebook ads manager” at 4 o’clock in the morning (and I’ve been in the game long enough to know that this isn’t something you just Google).

The very first time we worked together, we got a 400% ROI from my investment! It’s a huge relief to know my money’s in the most capable hands.”

– Jasmine Star, Social Media Expert and Business Strategist
… But you don’t need to be internet-famous or spend 56 hours a week inside the Ads Manager to make it happen.
These Absolute FB Ads students made shit happen in a matter of days after they hit “enroll”…
“Effective ads… in just a couple of days.”
Thanks to Claire, I was able to set up a couple of ads that have been really effective, all in a couple of days.

In just 2 months I’ve grown my email list by 1400 people (when it took me 2.5 years to reach 300 subscribers before I took the course).

My cost per registration for my webinar was just 43 cents. I also used Claire’s guidance to run ads to a quiz, and my leads are converting at 9 cents each.

It was so dead-easy to follow the steps. I never could have figured it out myself, but it felt really easy thanks to her.
– Carly Banks, Owner of Nourished Living
“I understand the methodology behind ads now… we made $13,000 and added 2300 new subscribers.”
Before I joined Absolute FB Ads, we didn’t run many ads (and when we did, I was usually losing money). I quickly realized that I couldn’t figure this out on my own.

When I joined the program, I was worried that the information would be over my head and I still wouldn’t have a clue about what to do… I shouldn’t have worried!

Today, we have spent less than $5,000 and grossed $13,000 from sales directly from the ad over a 45 day period. We have also gained approximately 2,300 email subscribers.
If you’re thinking about enrolling, stop pulling your hair out with FB ads and learn from someone who lives and breathes Facebook. I understand the methodology behind ads now instead of slapping them up and hoping for the best.”

-Kalyn Brooke, KB Creative Media, LLC
There’s so much value in the course that I didn’t expect… it’s the best business decision I’ve made all year. Just get your butt in there!
If you’re ready for a reality where:
FB ads are a simple, effective part of your marketing strategy
Your advertising costs go down, while your numbers go UP
You’re selling courses & GETTING PAID… consistently
You pump out ads with barely a thought. Or even hand off the implementation to your assistant or VA so you can get on with the work you love to do.
As you continue to master Facebook ads, you get better at targeting the right people AND the Facebook algorithm starts working to bring you better leads. Win-Win!
You’ve increased your cash flow WITHOUT spending all your profits on more contractors or throwing it down the Facebook hole on haphazard ad campaigns.
Then I’ve got good news for ya…
That’s EXACTLY what’s waiting for you inside Absolute FB Ads
Absolute Facebook Ads is so much more than an online course

It’s simple: I tell you exactly what you need to know to get started with running ads the right way — and begin making progress FAST.

It’s comprehensive: more detailed insights are waiting for you in the course when you’re ready to expand beyond the foundations.

It’s timeless: I regularly update the content based on what’s changing and what’s working with FB ads today.

I’ll show you how to think about setting up your Facebook ads in an entirely new way:
One that is more thoughtful, strategic and allows you to navigate the ads landscape with total confidence →
“Clear, step-by-step… and totally doable”
“Facebook ads can be daunting and there is a lot of confusing information out there on what works and what doesn’t.
Claire explains Facebook ads in a clear, step-by-step way that makes advertising on Facebook feel less overwhelming and totally doable.”

– Kathleen Shannon, Being Boss & Braid Creative
“No-BS approach… broken down into easy to follow steps”
“I was one of the first people to buy Absolute FB Ads and it was one of the best business moves I made! Not only did the class give me a Masters Degree in FB ads, it bolted on a highly valued service to my agency that continues today.

I had bought other ad courses in the past, but always felt like I wasted my money when the course was never updated to address the constant changes they make to Facebook.
Claire has that no-BS approach that I love and she really breaks everything down in easy to follow steps. I love Absolute FB ads and owe much of my success to Claire!”

– Angela Pointon, Chief Marketer at Hand Select Your Clients & President of 11outof11 Marketing Agency
The modules in Absolute FB Ads follow the exact process you’ll use to strategize, create, test, and optimize your ads.
No boring theory or fluffed-up video lessons.
Instead, you’ll work through the course while you set up your ads (and save yourself a lot of time and cashola in the process).
“In-depth and comprehensive, but quite easy-going”
I had done some Facebook ads before enrolling in Claire’s course, and I always felt that I was missing something. There just seemed to be so many options and I wasn’t sure what the right type of ad for my situation was.

Absolute FB Ads really cuts down what works and what doesn’t without overly simplifying things. It’s in-depth and comprehensive, but also quite easy-going.
It isn’t boring either, which it could have easily been. I went through the entire course materials once and then picked off it in small chunks as I was creating the ads.

– Rob Young, Dominate Web Media
Here’s how we’ll make it happen together:
Think your audience isn’t on Facebook or Instagram? With over 2 BILLION monthly active users, think again (unless you’re targeting Tibetan monks on a digital detox, of course). With some smart targeting strategies and a little elbow grease, we’ll find your perfect audience and get your offers in front of them!
Average time to complete and implement: about an hour to uncover some initial audiences to test if you’re getting started… and from there, you’ll be able to set up your ads and audiences in minutes.
Click Here to Check Out More Details
Your days of throwing spaghetti at the Facebook (or Instagram) wall are OVER, hermano. It’s time to develop a new way of thinking about your ads: one that is strategic, data-driven, and based on what actually works.
Average time to complete and implement: as long as it takes to finish your Americano
Click Here to Check Out More Details
I’ve seen too many people suffer because they rushed through setting up the pixel and tracking for their ads… or didn’t know how to do it properly!

Let’s do this once and do it right. (I promise I’m here to make it feel ridiculously easy.)
Average time to complete and implement: less than 60 minutes
Click Here to Check Out More Details
Now that you know who you want your ads to be seen by, it’s time to make sure they don’t scroll right past your ads and click on the nearest cat video instead.

The secret? It’s time to learn how to write engaging copy, design attention-grabbing images, and create curiosity-inducing videos… without having to hire expensive copywriters or designers before you’re ready.

Average time to complete and implement: An hour or two to learn the shortcuts… and about 60 minutes to create everything you need for your next campaign!
Click Here to Check Out More Details
If we haven’t met before: Hi, I’m Claire, and I LOVE talking about money. At the end of the day, we’re running Facebook ads to help you get paid.
Average time to complete and implement: less than 30 minutes
Click Here to Check Out More Details
Does the idea of getting into the Ads Manager and launching your ads give you a stress headache? Have no fear. I’ll show you how to bend the Ads Manager to your will and get your ads into your ideal customers’ news feeds at lightning speed.
Average time to complete and implement: about an hour
Click Here to Check Out More Details
This is where your money is made, my friend. I’ll make sure you know exactly which numbers to look at and in what order, plus how to scale or troubleshoot your ads depending on your results.
Average time to complete and implement: just under an hour!
Click Here to Check Out More Details
Bottom Line?
I refuse to let you be overwhelmed
by Facebook ads for one more second.
This course isn’t just about learning theory. I want you to be able to apply everything you learn directly to your business, right away. These worksheets will help you work through the process of honing in your ideal Facebook Ad strategy, ensuring it’s profitable, and then bringing it to life with minimal fuss.

And for all you technophobes, I’ll hold your hand through the more technical and confusing aspects of Facebook ads. For example, I’ll show you exactly how to use the Ad Manager to quickly scale your campaigns, the best ways to create stunning images on Canva, and how to create and save your audiences ahead of time, saving you one of the most hair-splitting headaches Facebook could ever produce.

Insanely helpful worksheets, calculators & quickie video tutorials to guide you each step of the way
My priority is to get you taking confident steps forward right now to unlock the potential of Facebook & Instagram ads in your business.
That’s why the lessons in this course are
primarily text and screenshot-based.
Heads up:
I’ve chosen this format for a reason:

I want you to quickly be able to work through the course content and take action, instead of getting lost in a 47-minute video tutorial to find which button you need to press or report to look at.
Most students breeze through the course in a couple of afternoons… and have their campaigns up and running in a matter of days (or even hours).
After that? You’ll be able to refer back to the course anytime you need to understand your results, troubleshoot what’s not working, and fine-tune your ads to get ‘em working for you.
“Incredibly informative and easy to jump into… we made $63,000 in just one week.”
“Before buying this course, I had a general sense of how to run Facebook ads, but I was too intimidated to use the more advanced features. With Absolute FB Ads, I had the course open in one window and the Ads Manager in another, putting an ad together step-by-step.

That ad helped me grow my list by more than 1600 new subscribers, and lots of those people ended up buying our coloring posters with very little marketing on my part.

A few months later, I spent about $2000 on a Facebook ad campaign to promote our new Advent coloring posters. The sales were WAY beyond what I expected, and a huge influx of those new customers was all coming from the ads! Our mailing list went from 5700 to 7300, and those Advent coloring posters sold like crazy. I was expecting about 300 orders, and we sold out at 675, bringing in $63,000 in just one week.

I’m so determined to help you get ads working for your business that I’ve included something else for you too…
Thanks for such a great course that was both incredibly informative and easy to jump into. I couldn’t have done it without you, Claire!

– Adam Walker Cleaveland, Illustrated Children’s Ministry
Get access to expert feedback on your campaigns
inside the Absolute FB Ads Support Group
Ongoing support is sadly an afterthought in so many Facebook ad courses… and that means you’re totally on your own if you get stuck or need help with a specific question while Facebook is spending your money.
I want you to have a place to discuss new updates and challenges you’re facing with your Facebook & Instagram ads… in real-time.
Plus, as you develop your skills, you’ll invariably venture into the land of more complex advertising tactics. You’ll have questions, and I want to be there to answer them for you.
The Absolute Support Group is a private group on Facebook EXCLUSIVELY for Absolute FB Ads customers. My team and I will be there to help answer questions, level up your strategy, and hold your hand through any changes to Facebook’s ever-evolving interface!

I think of this as the kind of support Facebook SHOULD have, but doesn’t.

This community is ONLY about Facebook ads. This isn’t a place to promote your blog or round up new clients. I like keeping the group FOCUSED so it doesn’t become overwhelming or cluttered with anything unnecessary. Just great information about how to fix Facebook ad problems and achieve greater levels of success.
Total value of the support you’ll receive as part of this course? At least $5000…
Especially when you consider what a profitable ad campaign can do for your visibility, reach, and your bottom line, like Sarah:
“Claire gave me the confidence I needed to get started… for every $1K we put into Facebook ads, we make $15K in revenue”
“Facebook ads are always changing. It’s hard to know if you’re doing it right, how much you should be spending and if you’re going to make it back.

So many questions – but Claire makes it easy to figure out AND she makes it fun.

Today, every $1K we put into Facebook ads, we make $15K in revenue. Claire gave me the confidence and guidance I need to get started. She is a great teacher and I highly recommend her!”

– Sarah Jones, Founder of Introverted Alpha
“Claire’s course is hands down the best out there. She delivers everything she says she will, and more.

Purchasing the course is only the beginning of the responsiveness and coaching that you will receive from Claire — something that I find to be rare with online courses.
“Purchasing the course is only the beginning of the responsiveness and coaching that you’ll receive from Claire”
I consider my knowledge of Facebook ads to be advanced, and even then I learned several new and valuable strategies and tools. I highly recommend purchasing Claire’s Absolute FB ads course. I’ve never been so happy to spend my money!”

– Vanessa Errecarte, Erreco Strategies
Here’s what people are saying about the support they receive inside Absolute FB Ads:
“One of the best investments I’ve made for my business… I regret not finding Claire sooner”
Before I signed up for Absolute FB Ads I was pretty confident in what I was doing, but I just wasn’t getting the results I needed. I was skeptical because this is not the first FB Ads course I’ve done, but the 30-day money-back guarantee and Claire’s really practical advice during her webinars made me think that this course may be different.

After going through the course, I feel like I have a plan, not to mention a better understanding of how my entire funnel will work. My favorite things about it are the clear and concise instructions. Other courses are so airy-fairy!

I’m not a marketer and I just want to know what to do in simple everyday language! This course does just that. It breaks everything down without over-complicating and over-analyzing every single thing, but it still gives you guidance if things don’t work.

I feel like I have finally gotten my head around FB ads. It’s also so good to know that even though FB will keep changing, I will have Claire’s support in the private Facebook Group!

The instructions were SOOOO clear and SOO easy to follow and Claire’s relaxed and supportive personality really comes through in her writing. I generally don’t like reading instructions but I had no issues following the course.
This has turned out to be one of my best investments for my business. My only regret is that I didn’t find Claire sooner!!”

– Deborah Parsonage, Founder of dLife Photo School
PLUS I’m hooking you up with 2 more killer bonuses
to help you implement FAST…
BONUS #2: Expert eyes on your ads during monthly strategy calls ($2000 value)
You’ve got BIG goals in your business, right? What you may not know are all the ways that you can use Facebook ads to achieve them (and what to do if you’re stuck).

Each month, you can jump on a group call hosted by myself or one of my hand-picked Absolute Support Coaches. You’ll get to talk about your specific business and what you’re trying to accomplish, and we’ll give you personalized advice about how to combine Facebook ads with organic tactics so you can get there faster.

(If you can’t attend a live call, you can submit your questions in advance and catch the replay when it suits you!)
BONUS #3: A simple but effective ad strategy for launching your online course ($1000 value)
Understanding how to integrate Facebook ads into your launch strategy can be confusing, but I’ve got a 3-part method I use to launch highly-profitable Facebook ad campaigns for my 7 & 8-figure launch clients.

It’s not fancy or complicated. And I’ll show you implement the same strategies I use to help my clients make bank in your own launches — without the sky-high ad costs.
“Claire gives so generously on her Q&As. She does a deep dive when needed and gives a quick fix when possible.”
– Sarah Michelle Brown, Founder of Videos That Shine
“In the first 30 days of the course I got 158 new email opt-ins at an average of $4.14 per lead in a super crowded market.”
Now, not only am I getting about 100 new leads each week from Facebook, but I’ve actually learned to LOVE the process of creating and running ads. Never thought I would say that,

Purchase Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 courses at here with PRICE $1497 $142

Buy the Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 course at the best price at esy[GB]. Upon completing your purchase, you will gain immediate access to the downloads page. Here, you can download all associated files from your order. Additionally, we will send a download notification email to your provided email address.

Unlock your full potential with Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 courses. Our meticulously designed courses are intended to help you excel in your chosen field.

Why wait? Take the first step towards greatness by acquiring our Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 courses today. We offer a seamless and secure purchasing experience, ensuring your peace of mind. Rest assured that your financial information is safeguarded through our trusted payment gateways, Stripe and PayPal.

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PayPal, a globally recognized payment platform, adds an extra layer of security. With its buyer protection program, you can make your purchase with confidence. PayPal ensures that your financial details are safeguarded, allowing you to focus on your learning journey.

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  • Your identity is kept entirely confidential. We do not share your information with anyone. So, it is absolutely safe to buy the Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 course.
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  • All card numbers are encrypted using AES with a 256-bit key at rest. Transmitting card numbers occurs in a separate hosting environment and does not share or store any data.
How can this course be delivered?
  • After your successful payment this “Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 course”, Most of the products will come to you immediately. But for some products were posted for offer. Please wait for our response, it might take a few hours due to the time zone difference.
  • If this occurs, please be patient. Our technical department will process the link shortly after, and you will receive notifications directly via email. We appreciate your patience.
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
  • You will receive a download link in the invoice or YOUR ACCOUNT.
  • The course link is always accessible through your account. Simply log in to download the Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 course whenever you need it.
  • You only need to visit a single link, and you can get all the Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019 course content at once.
  • You can choose to learn online or download for better results, and you can study anywhere on any device. Please ensure that your system does not enter sleep mode during the download.
How Do I Track Order?
  • We promptly update the status of your order after your payment is completed. If, after 7 days, there is no download link, the system will automatically process a refund.
  • We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out via email us with any comments, questions and suggestions.
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Claire Pelletreau 2020 - Absolute FB Ads 2019
Claire Pelletreau 2020 – Absolute FB Ads 2019
Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $142.00. Add to cart