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  • I have taken 11 different businesses and 4 different sales careers, in 6 different business categories, and treated each one as a private, paying client, and created complete direct marketing/Magnetic Marketing Systems for each one, including all of the “power documents”: prospecting and sales letters, ads, postcards, and so on.

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $24.00.

    = 24 Points

    • Session #1: Replay Access Immediately After Registration
    • The only 5 Words You’ll Ever Need – To Get The Right Buying Prospects On Your List…
    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $94.00.

    = 94 Points

  • In case you’re not familiar with the term Continuity, it’s a fancy way of saying the word recurring or over and over. A Recurring Program in Internet Marketing is a program where you will get billed on a regular basis.

    Original price was: $112.00.Current price is: $22.00.

    = 22 Points

  • Chet Holmes DVD Set

    * Becoming a Marketing Master: Secrets of the Super Strategist and How to Build a Core Story

    * How to Build a Complete, Turnkey Virtual Sales Organization on Straight Commission

    * Best Buyer Strategy: The Fastest, Least Expensive Method to Double Sales

    Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $88.00.

    = 88 Points

  • Here’s What You’ll Get:

    • Authority Positioning Mastery = $2,000
    • Laser Targeting Perfect Clients = $1,797
    • Client Attraction Mastery = $1,797
    • Monetizing Existing Groups = $1,500
    Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $134.00.

    = 134 Points

    • 6 Funnel Templates
    • Help Center
    • [PRO] Mo​dule Access
    • 5 Advanced Funnel Automation Lessons
    • 15 Webinar Funnel Lessons
    • Intensive Strategy Call
    Original price was: $600.00.Current price is: $89.00.

    = 89 Points

  • An Offer is a Statement of the Transformation or Outcome that you cause to happen in your clients lives by delivering your service. It is NOT a Statement of your Service.

    Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $27.00.

    = 27 Points

  • Over 40 hours of recorded calls! Each of these recordings is over two hours long and is packed with valuable insight as students ask all kinds of questions and Mitch answers.

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $45.00.

    = 45 Points

  • To The Attention Of Local Marketing Consultants!!!

    Land 3-5 High Paying Clients Each Week Using

    Personal Trainer Chatbot Method

    Iner Chatbot Method – 1 00% DFY System

    is a composition of a proven client generation method and elements of a high converting funnel (1 00% DFY) that help you to generate high paying personal trainer clients who are ready to pay $500 -$1 500 plus a month for a simple service.

    Original price was: $168.00.Current price is: $47.00.

    = 47 Points

  • Now multiply that by 50 for real life: Which city should you live in? What job should you take? What about a side job? Where are we going out this Friday? When are you getting married?

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $43.00.

    = 43 Points

  • If you master what I teach here, you get to have your life back, again, and you’ll effectively be getting coaching from me without the high price that normally comes with hiring me.

    Nothing is held back from you in this course.

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $85.00.

    = 85 Points

  • The Titan Summit is a 4-day live event with Robin Sharma and his world-class faculty of thought leaders on epic performance, health and longevity, business mastery and global contribution.

    Original price was: $10,000.00.Current price is: $169.00.

    = 169 Points

  • “Amanda’s ISP course is such a gem. She has a knack for instruction and streamlined presentation.
    The templates are huge time savers and are pretty much priceless!
    Everything is actionable and logical.”
    “Amanda Genther has designed some of the most gorgeous, eye-catching, “I’ve gotta buy it right now” sales pages to ever strike the interwebs. Frankly, everything I’ve ever learned about sales page design comes from Amanda.”
    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $71.00.

    = 71 Points

  • You get 12 blueprint tools and exercises, each with an in-depth video tutorial and training lesson. Six of the blueprint tutorials help you build your digital product, and six of them help you build your marketing systems. You can dive into these templates and tools immediately after you register, and get to work building your product right away.

    Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $157.00.

    = 157 Points

  • This is a professionally filmed seminar – material from Personal Power, Unleash the Power Within, Date with Destiny, Wealth Mastery and Life Mastery – the core seminars of Mastery University.

    Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $60.00.

    = 60 Points

  • Think about it… A hundred measly bucks for all the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve poured into building your authority? That’s it?
    Top 2 Most Popular Ways to Build Authority Are…

    Original price was: $697.00.Current price is: $90.00.

    = 90 Points

  • This course will give you the exact step-by-step formula we used to close $30,000 of SMMA deals in the first 30 days of starting our Social Media Marketing Agency.

    While we both had no prior experience…

    Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $86.00.

    = 86 Points

  • Kallzu Ads Is Easily The Most Profitable and Most Successful Call Only Training Available Today.

    What Youre About To Get Produces Results For Others Too.

    The most comprehensive newbie friendly  Call Only Ads training on the planet.  So you can get successful Call Only campaign up and generating profits as FAST as possible.

    Original price was: $797.00.Current price is: $83.00.

    = 83 Points

  • There are seven components of my Integrated Conversion Campaign Training:

    -> The Psychological Persuasion Framework Formula: Exactly how to build an email conversion campaign that shows prospects that YOU are the right and ONLY person they should buy from. This psychological framework is critical for building engagement with prospects so they buy within 21 days – $3,000 value

    Original price was: $387.00.Current price is: $45.00.

    = 45 Points

  • I’ve been asked to create this extended workshop for years but always resisted. The closest I’ve come were the Rainmaking Seminars that lasted for a day and a half and were presented three times a year.

    But it’s time, because I want to codify all that I know about establishing, operating, and growing a consulting practice in one place.

    I’ve written scores of books, hundreds of articles and columns, and been interviewed regularly about my pioneering approaches to establishing buyer relationships, setting fees, creating irresistible proposals, and all the other elements that have made my own practice so effective.

    Original price was: $7,500.00.Current price is: $121.00.

    = 121 Points

  • Finding potential business partners can be done in less than one hour applying a joint venture fast track solution. The goal is to attract partners which will help your business grow and be profitable.

    The best solution is to seek out a joint venture fast track review by using valuable information from Dr. Glenn Livingston. Basic principles of creating joint ventures will need to be understood before starting a campaign.

    Joint Venture Types

    Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $26.00.

    = 26 Points

  • If you have the last three reports or any of the bonus reports, please up them so that we can have a complete record of this program from Jay.

    Because of the trouble that we have had in getting this program and its infrequent appearance on the net, it is being marked exclusive.

    Original price was: $457.00.Current price is: $26.00.

    = 26 Points

  • Course “Sales University – Jack Daly” is available, If no download link, Please wait 12 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email

    What does a proven Entrepreneur & CEO

    Original price was: $1,995.00.Current price is: $27.00.

    = 27 Points

  • And do it ethically without continuous product launches, without worrying about FB shutting ad accounts down, without being at the mercy of Google slapping you.

    Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $97.00.

    = 97 Points

  • I’m not tied down to any one geographical location, running a location-independent business online, and living my life this way has opened many doors to people and experiences I wouldn’t have back in my normal life, that I would have never dreamed I’d have.

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $54.00.

    = 54 Points

  • Build up your ad account the right way to drive consistent profitable results the right way including roundtable clinics to help you DIRECTLY.

    If fast-results in an intensive 2-day learning experience sounds good this is for you!

    Original price was: $2,000.00.Current price is: $189.00.

    = 189 Points

  • This training will include:

    – What type of products to brand
    – Where to find them
    – How to get your own branding put on them without a graphic designer

    Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $112.00.

    = 112 Points

  • Now you can finally put an end to these painful and embarrassing objections that are costing you sales and money:

    • ​“This sounds good, but let me think about it.”
    • ​“Your prices are too HIGH.”
    • ​“Let me run this by my partner before I can make a decision.”
    • ​“I’ll get back to you.”
    • ​“I need to do some research”
    Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $33.00.

    = 33 Points

  • I’ve helped bootstrap startups from zero to six-figures a year, doubled, tripled and even quadrupled the revenue of established businesses and broke two industry records with product launches. I have a track record of successful marketing campaigns for clients in the fitness industry, health industry, motorsport industry, permaculture industry, music industry and many other niches. I’ve built campaigns for celebrities, large corporations and many experts and “gurus”.

    Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $123.00.

    = 123 Points

  • The problem many people run into, is that after a procedure has been followed a few times, most people will not read it again.

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $43.00.

    = 43 Points

  • In these videos Steve Andreas works with an Iraq Vet for 9 hours, using NLP methods to transform her complex PTSD symptoms.

    You’ll see how to help someone resolve flashbacks, nightmares, rages, grief, perfectionism, anxiety, hypervigilance, and the internal critical voices that trigger many of these — as well as work with the impact of these problems on relationships at home and at work.

    Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $37.00.

    = 37 Points

  • Newer Reps get off to a faster start and Top Pros are reminded to get out of their comfort zones.

    • Discover the Secrets of the Super Sales Pros
    • Learn the Methods of the Master Motivators
    • Gain the Confidence of the Top Communicators
    • Discover the Nuances of the Great Negotiators
    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $94.00.

    = 94 Points

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