Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $53.00.

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This program is built around a set of EMOTIONAL TOOLS – for managing your emotions, and your Total 10’s emotions – so you can build a deep, lasting, powerful connection that can withstand the test of time.

Purchase this course you will earn 53 Points worth of $5.30!


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There’s ONE Thing That Every Woman Wants To Know When She Meets You – “Are You Mr. Right?”

If you are reading this letter right now, then a few things are probably true about you:

  1. You are already familiar with my powerful techniques for meeting women and creating attraction
  2. You want to learn MORE than just how to MEET women and get casual dates once in awhile
  3. You want to learn the most powerful and advanced methods for creating and sustaining a relationship with a “Total 10” woman

And if I’m RIGHT about those three things, then this program is going to take you to the next level…

“I Said I Would Never Do It…”

After 8 years of teaching success with women and dating, I’ve finally decided to do something that I once said would never happen…

You see, when I first started teaching dating advice to men, I made the decision to ONLY focus on dating advice.

No relationship advice. No marriage advice.


Well, after teaching men all over the world how to attract women, and after working with and coaching them on the art of attraction, I’ve come to a realization:

The most amazing women… the women that I call “Total 10s”… are a VERY different creature from an “average woman.”

And to ATTRACT a Total 10 in the first place… and then to KEEP her for the long-term… you must know a critical set of skills, techniques and methods.

If you don’t know these techniques and methods – to the point where they have become skills… then all the dating techniques in the world will essentially be useless to you when you meet one of these amazing women.

Let me say it again:

If you want to attract and then keep a Total 10 in a successful, fulfilling relationship, then you must learn and develop a NEW set of understandings and skills. If you don’t know these new skills, you might be able to get a date or two with a Total 10, but your chances with her long-term are essentially ZERO.

And, after having many, many men ask me to create a program with my best RELATIONSHIP insights – to solve this problem – I finally decided to fuse the best of my attraction techniques with the cutting-edge of relationship methods, and release the ultimate training for getting – and KEEPING – a Total 10 for the long-term.

Wait A Minute – What’s So Special About A Total 10, Anyway?

As I’m sure you already know, most women have NO PROBLEM meeting men.


The problem that women have is meeting the right man.

In fact, there’s a very specific term that women use to describe this “right” man.


In fact, this is so well-known that it’s almost stupid to say it.

But the real insight here isn’t that women are looking for “Mr. Right” – the realinsight here is that a “Total 10” woman is looking for a DIFFERENT Mr. Right than most other women.

Say What?

You heard me right.

A Total 10 is a different animal.

Sure, the techniques I’ve taught you can make any woman feel attraction.

And yes, they work just as well on attractive women as they do on every other woman.

But when it comes to turning ATTRACTION into a RELATIONSHIP… and when it comes to a TOTAL 10… the game CHANGES.



  1. Because a Total 10 has had a different set of experiences in her life. She has had all kinds of men who have shown interest in her. She’s seen it all. She’s heard it all.
  2. Most women have plenty of “options” when it comes to men – but a “Total 10” woman has at least TEN TIMES as many options.
  3. Women – in general – subconsciously create a “program” for what “Mr. Right” looks like… and a Total 10 has a very SPECIFIC idea of what Mr. Right looks like to her. And she’s picky.
  4. A Total 10 judges you FASTER, and has better RADAR than other women – because she’s been exposed to more high quality men.
  5. If you don’t know the “code” of a Total 10, then you’re probably going to get NERVOUS when you find one – and you’re going to be thrown off by her unique, selective attitude.

Now, each of these “puzzle pieces” is “no big deal” individually.

But when you put them together, you face a problem that most men have NO IDEA how to solve.

And this leads me to the WEIRDEST thing that I’ve probably ever said….

“Everything I’ve Taught You Before Is WRONG…”

Those were the words that came out of my mouth while I was filming my “Become Mr. Right” video training program.

And they weren’t easy to say. Trust me.

What could I have meant by that?

Could I REALLY have meant that over ten solid years of studying success with women and dating – and becoming the “guru” of attraction – was all based on a big MISTAKE?

To answer that question, I need to tell you a story.

Did you ever see that old movie “The Karate Kid?”

In the movie, the main character Daniel finds a beautiful girl that he likes, but he winds up getting beat up by the girl’s ex-boyfriend.

So he seeks out a mentor (Mr. Miyagi) to teach him karate – and to ultimately find the self- confidence he needs to get the girl of his dreams.

Well, the first day at Mr. Miyagi’s house doesn’t go exactly the way Daniel expected.

Mr. Miyagi has a collection of classic cars, and he shows Daniel how to wax the cars. One hand moves in a circle, then the other hand moves in a circle.


The next day, Daniel comes back, and Mr. Miyagi takes him outside to his yard, and tells him that his fence needs to be PAINTED.

First you brush upward, then you brush downward.

Paint the fence.

Daniel is obviously very upset by this, because he came to learn KARATE – not to wax cars and paint fences.

Well, after much frustration, Daniel finally speaks up and says he’s not going to stand for this. He wants to learn Karate, and that’s it.

Mr. Miyagi throws a punch at Daniel, and instead of getting hit, Daniel BLOCKS the punch with a motion he learned from waxing cars all day.

And then he blocks ANOTHER one with a motion he learned by painting the fence.

And in that moment, Daniel has an AWAKENING.

He realizes that the things he has been learning can be used for something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than he originally thought.

In that moment, Daniel had a TRANSFORMATION.

Now, the honest truth is that everything I’ve taught you ISN’T “wrong” – but if you meet a Total 10 woman, you hit it off with her, and you KEEP trying to use the techniques I’ve taught you after you’re in a long-term relationship with her, they will begin to backfire.

The things you’ve learned from me will go from being your greatest friend to your greatest enemy.

A relationship is a VERY different “beast” – it’s not the same thing as dating. Yes, there are elements that are similar… but it’s a different game.

Fortunately, there’s good news…

REALLY good news, in fact: 

The “Moves” You’ve Learned Can Be “Re-Channeled” Into A Powerful System To Keep The Woman Of Your Dreams For The Long-Term…

Just like Daniel learned how to take what he learned waxing cars and painting fences to ultimately beat his opponent… and get the girl of his dreams… YOU can learn to take what you’ve learned so far, and transform it all into a system for keeping the women that you REALLY want.

You’ll need to learn a few more theories, methods, and techniques… but when you’re finished, you’re going to have a sort of “magic power” to attract and keep a spectacular woman.

And most other guys won’t have ANY idea how you do it.

Become Mr. Right – The Ultimate Training For A Man Who Is Ready To Find – And KEEP – A Total 10

This new video training program is a new model. It’s a new way of seeing women and relationships. It’s a new REALITY.

And it will teach you the most powerful set of tools available to start, build, and sustain a powerful long-term relationship with the woman of your dreams.

This program is built around a set of EMOTIONAL TOOLS – for managing your emotions, and your Total 10’s emotions – so you can build a deep, lasting, powerful connection that can withstand the test of time.

When you’re trying to get a date with a woman, it’s all about ATTRACTION.

When you’re transitioning into having a successful relationship, it’s about connecting with her on an EMOTIONAL level – and knowing how to handle a few very key situations.

I’m going to teach you a new way to think about your life, a new way to see how a relationship fits into it, and a new set of powerful tools that you’ll be able to use to make sure your relationship STARTS STRONG, and STAYS STRONG.

Now, one of my programs wouldn’t be “complete” if I didn’t also JAM-PACK it with killer techniques as well… so let me give you an idea of some of the specific techniques and tools that ALSO come included…

Here’s what you’re going to learn inside:

  • The mindset that prevents guys who didn’t experience success with women early in life from experiencing MASSIVE success later on (Sure, you may be able to get a date or two with average women without learning this secret… but if you want to land a “10” this one is CRUCIAL)
  • The 3 things high quality women demand in a man that other women overlook
  • The things you must do if you want to be able to spark attraction in a top notch woman without having to rely on “techniques” (I’ll show you my proven way to not just attract women like the “naturals”, but actually become a natural yourself… and attract elite women without having to try or even think about it!)
  • How a woman can spot a “fraud”… and how she can spot a CATCH (Use this checklist to make sure she puts in you on her “wanted” list)
  • The deadly mistake that causes guys who are trying to become more successful with women to meet and date LESS women (If you’ve found that no matter how hard you study this stuff you still don’t seem to get results, it’s probably because you are making this hard to spot but easy to fix mistake)
  • A deceptively simple way to create a personal ad that instantly lets high quality women know that you are “in her league”
  • How to not just attract a super-high quality woman… but design your DREAM SCENARIO… whether that is dating multiple high quality women or just having your perfect life with your perfect girl
  • How to develop rapport with a woman quickly, so it feels natural for her to be around you. (this isn’t about a rapport “technique” – this is about how to REALLY connect with a woman on a deep level, something that nearly all “naturals” do instinctively)
  • The specific steps to create intimacy with a woman you really like (Here’s how to avoid the common blocks that stop most men from forming a deep connection with a woman so you effortlessly build a foundation for a greatrelationship)
  • Two questions to ask a woman that tell you INSTANTLY if she would be a good long-term match for you
  • Cognitive Biases – The 8 dangerous “mental blocks” you MUST overcome to not only attract a Total 10, but reach your full potential as a man (It’s taken me a long time to “crack the code” on this one… the amazing thing is just how quickly you’ll see your success with women increase as you eliminate these mental barriers one by one)
  • The 3 poison emotions that run most men’s lives – into the ground (These 3 emotions are especially harmful in relationships, and it’s important that you get a handle on them if you want to be able to attract and KEEP a quality woman. Here’s how…)
  • How to figure out your unique learning style – so you improve not only your skills with women, but gain the ability to learn ANY skill twice as fast
  • A powerful visualization exercise that trains you to “let go” and be more in the moment with women, so instead of tripping over words or struggling to come up with things to say, you’re cool, relaxed, and able to spark her attraction for you naturally (This one is truly a “game changer” – doing just this exercise alone will increase your success with women INSTANTLY and DRAMATICALLY… you’ll notice results the same night you learn it!)
  • How to handle a woman’s “emotional waves” – never fun, but it can be stress- free if you know this simple secret
  • How to keep your composure when a woman goes through EXTREME emotions (including crying). Here’s how to help her work through her emotions and make your relationship stronger by doing so
  • A woman knows when you’re relating to her emotionally… and when you’re not. Here’s a simple 3-step process you can use to connect with your woman on a deep emotional level, so that she FEELS that you are with her (This is something all women subconsciously look for when choosing a mate, so it’s important that you learn this one so you are ready when you meet a woman you are really into)
  • How to “clean up” every aspect of your life and create a positive aura around you that makes you stand out from other men
  • Each of us express and receive love through 5 specific “languages”. Here’s what they are and how to use them in your interactions with a “Total 10” to naturally make her fall in love with you
  • When you have a vision to contribute to the world beyond yourself, your life becomes more fulfilling – and you attract higher quality women. Here’s how to use your natural talents to find and contribute to a project that inspires you, enriches your life, and makes a positive impact on the world.
  • How to figure out what a woman’s “primary interest” is – the number one thing she looks for in a man – then show her that YOU possess that quality
  • Part of becoming Mr. Right is becoming a leader of yourself, your family, your social group, and your society. Here’s how to cultivate your “inner leader” and use this new quality to improve every aspect of your life… making yourselfincredibly attractive to women in the process
  • How to identify what you need to offer to attract a “Total 10” into your life (and how to naturally cultivate these qualities within yourself)
  • How to become a master of conflict so you remain calm no matter how much the people around you are freaking out (This quality lets every woman around you know that you are a LEADER that can be depended on in a crisis situation – a quality that all woman are pre- programmed to look for in a man)
  • YOU 2.0 – One of the biggest and MOST IMPORTANT things you are going to learn in this program is how to actualize yourself as a better human being. Attracting a “Total 10” is a nice goal… but I believe that improving YOURSELF is where the biggest rewards lay, and once you do this you’ll find that the “Total 10’s” come on their own. You’ll leave this program with a specific step-by- step, “can’t fail” plan for becoming the best YOU possible that – when followed – skyrockets your confidence to a level you never even thought to be possible…
  • The one thing you must do every day to keep a “Total 10” interested in you (hint: It’s simple, and easy – but if you don’t do it, she’ll lose interest – and you won’t even know why)
  • The secret to having a successful relationship with a woman who has adifferent personality type than you – whether you are the “free spirit” and she is the more “organized” type, or vice versa
  • A lesson from the most successful businesses of all time you can use to gain the respect and admiration of everyone around you… to the point where they are not only happy to introduce you to their attractive female friends, but insist on it!
  • How to help a woman you care about solve her problems and grow as a person
  • How to tell stories in a compelling way that practically FORCES people to listen (You can use this fascinating technique in all aspects of your life, whether you are trying to grab a woman’s attention, close a business deal, or move someone to take action)
  • Do you ever get that stressed out feeling of needing to constantly impress a woman when you are hanging out with her? Here’s an easy way to get yourself to RELAX when you’re around a woman you dig so your real personality shines through, and builds her attraction for you without you worrying about it!
  • Have you ever made a big mistake with a woman – like leaving a dumb message, calling at the wrong time, etc – that had you KICKING YOURSELF after? We all have, and unfortunately it usually happens when we’re dating a woman we really like. Here’s a way to step outside of a situation you find yourself in with a woman so you make the right LOGICAL decision and avoid scaring away a woman that could be perfect for you (This is the one I wish I would have known years ago!)
  • How to control your emotions when you are with a woman (Do this “in the moment” when you are feeling flustered to quickly regain your composureand make the right move)
  • How to handle it when a woman says you don’t understand her
  • And much, much more…

This is an entire “theory” and “practice” education that will give you all the tools you need to handle yourself in every situation with a Total 10 – and to turn a casual date into a long-term relationship.

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Become Mr Right David DeAngelo | eSy[GB]
Become Mr. Right – David DeAngelo
Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $53.00. Add to cart