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Attention! If You or someone You love is suffering from an autoimmune disorder than this will probably be the most important letter you will ever read

“Controversial Book That Stirred Medical Waters – 5-Step Protocol That Healed 1000s Worldwide”

Important Note: Not all autoimmune diseases are suitable for healing using this protocol, so before you continue reading, please check if your ailment is included in the list below.

If you can not find it on the alphabetical list, I am sorry but this page and the protocol will be of no help to you.

  • Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
  • Lichen planus
  • Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Agammaglobulinemia
  • Ligneous conjunctivitis
  • Alopecia areata
  • Linear IgA disease (LAD)
  • Amyloidosis
  • Lupus (SLE)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Lyme disease, chronic
  • Anti-GBM/Anti-TBM nephritis
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
  • Microscopic polyangiitis
  • Autoimmune angioedema
  • Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
  • Autoimmune aplastic anemia
  • Mooren’s ulcer
  • Autoimmune dysautonomia
  • Mucha-Habermann disease
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Autoimmune hyperlipidemia
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Autoimmune immunodeficiency
  • Myositis
  • Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)
  • Narcolepsy
  • Autoimmune myocarditis
  • Neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s)
  • Autoimmune pancreatitis
  • Neutropenia
  • Autoimmune retinopathy
  • Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
  • Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ATP)
  • Optic neuritis
  • Autoimmune thyroid disease
  • Palindromic rheumatism
  • Autoimmune urticaria
  • PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus)
  • Axonal & neuronal neuropathies
  • Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
  • Balo disease
  • Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
  • Behcet’s disease
  • Parry Romberg syndrome
  • Bullous pemphigoid
  • Parsonnage-Turner syndrome
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Pars planitis (peripheral uveitis)
  • Castleman disease
  • Pemphigus
  • Celiac disease
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Chagas disease
  • Perivenous encephalomyelitis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome**
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
  • POEMS syndrome
  • Chronic recurrent multifocal ostomyelitis (CRMO)
  • Polyarteritis nodosa
  • Churg-Strauss syndrome
  • Type I, II, & III autoimmune polyglandular syndromes
  • Cicatricial pemphigoid/benign mucosal pemphigoid
  • Type I, II, & III autoimmune
  • Cogans syndrome
  • polyglandular syndromes
  • Cold agglutinin disease
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Congenital heart block
  • Polymyositis
  • Coxsackie myocarditis
  • Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
  • CREST disease
  • Postpericardiotomy syndrome
  • Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
  • Progesterone dermatitis
  • Demyelinating neuropathies
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Psoriasis
  • Devic’s disease (neuromyelitis optica)
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Discoid lupus
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • Dressler’s syndrome
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis
  • Pure red cell aplasia
  • Eosinophilic fasciitis
  • Raynauds phenomenon
  • Eosinophilic fasciitis
  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
  • Erythema nodosum
  • Reiter’s syndrome
  • Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
  • Relapsing polychondritis
  • Evans syndrome
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Retroperitoneal fibrosis
  • Fibrosing alveolitis
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Schmidt syndrome
  • Goodpasture’s syndrome
  • Scleritis
  • Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA) see Wegener’s
  • Scleroderma
  • Graves’ disease
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Sperm & testicular autoimmunity
  • Hashimoto’s encephalitis
  • Stiff person syndrome
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE)
  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Susac’s syndrome
  • Henoch-Schonlein purpura
  • Sympathetic ophthalmia
  • Herpes gestationis
  • Takayasu’s arteritis
  • Hypogammaglobulinemia
  • Temporal arteritis/Giant cell arteritis
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
  • IgA nephropathy
  • Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
  • IgG4-related sclerosing disease
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Immunoregulatory lipoproteins
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Inclusion body myositis
  • Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD)
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Uveitis
  • Juvenile arthritis
  • Vasculitis
  • Kawasaki syndrome
  • Vesiculobullous dermatosis
  • Lambert-Eaton syndrome
  • Vitiligo
  • Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
  • Wegener’s granulomatosis (now termed Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA)

Get Autoimmunity Bible – Julia Liu, Only Price $22

Julia in her home, April 2014 by Julia Liu- Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and former autoimmune disease sufferer

Re: Healing Your Autoimmune Disease Naturally

Fellow autoimmunity sufferer,

My name is Julia, I am a proud mother of two, a professional health researcher and a former autoimmune disease sufferer. I have been damaged by my autoimmunity condition in some ways beyond repair. But I have beaten it and I’ve lived to write about it.

Just to eliminate any doubts, before you go any further, claim your Free Report about the science behind the Norton Protocol.

This report will give you first-hand insight into the protocol so that you can make an informed decision.

It is a 25 page document packed with answers to all the questions that you might have.

It will give you an overview of the core principles and why the healing plans worked with 1000s worldwide and will probably be Your salvation, too.

Before I tell you anything about my story, take a moment to read through what other people have experienced with the Norton protocol and how they used it to regain their lives from the living hell of autoimmune disease.

These testimonials are completely unsolicited and used with the written consent of the people mentioned. It is just a couple of testimonials from over 450 I have in my database.

I hope some day you will be able to come back and share how you regained your health with the Norton protocol.

Ever since my illness and healing took place, I have completely devoted my life to autoimmunity research and sharing the knowledge of how I beat my illness and where I found my blessed salvation.

I am really glad that you stumbled upon this page because if you or someone you love is suffering from an autoimmune disease, what I have to share will most likely mean the difference between the debilitating life of pain and suffering and a normal healthy existence. So, please do not leave this page until you have learned what I have to share. Since 2008, this new system helped 1000s of people in 21 countries. And I have unambiguous proof of that.

I was born in 1970 in Paris to an American mother and French father, and I have lived in France all my life. While I was growing up nothing in the way I developed warned me about what was coming my way. Somewhat increased frequency of colds and flu-like symptoms now and then and nothing else.

Nothing that would stop me from enjoying my youth. Or so I thought. But what followed was…

My long gruesome battle with autoimmunity is probably much like your own

I was a 32 year old happy woman in a healthy relationship, when I woke one day to what felt like a monster chewing my insides – my kidneys especially. I cried like rain and I was rushed to the hospital. It was a sunny day in May 2002 when my life turned to a rollercoaster from hell.

At one moment I was a vibrant healthy woman with partying and love on her mind, in a healthy relationship and planning her marriage and honeymoon and in a couple of months I was a wreck. A wreck without a job, single and lonely, with my life centered around my pain.

Debilitating, excruciating pain

Let me share this – I can’t remember the details of my prom, I can’t remember my first kiss…but I can vividly remember every detail about the hot June day I was officially diagnosed with an autoimmune disease – lupus to be more precise. I remember the yellow chair in my doctor’s office. I remember the color of the walls. I remember my doctor’s glasses. I remember thinking how that particular pair made him look a bit like Woody Allen.

And I Remember It All Because The Battle With My Autoimmune Disorder Proved To Be The Most Important Battle Of My Life.

Then I began my 5 year long combat with my illness. As time went by I was increasingly frustrated with how little help I got from all my doctors.

My relationship was falling apart and I was heavily underperforming at work. So, soon I lost the man I thought was the life of my life at the time and I also lost my job. I had no money. No love. No health. I was finished. I kept thinking of ways to withdraw from people and most of my “friends” were OK with that, since everybody wants to be as far away from misery as possible. I was left to the support of my parents and 2 of my closest friends.

All I could ever think was that there must be someone or something out there that can help.

I Tried Everything!

And nothing worked for good. Some things helped only temporary before my disease would come back with a vengeance. I would flare up again before I knew it and soon even when I was feeling well I dreaded and was afraid that every next day might be the day when I get another flare.

I was so tired all the time that I was unable to walk a block. I got fat and the rash on my face soon kicked in. I tremble at the very thought of the time. I wished I was dead. And that is not a figure of speech – I truly and honestly wished I was dead. I had no quality of life, I was in pain all the time and I was just a burden to everyone around me.

What was there to live for?

But then one day as I was shopping in the local supermarket , everything changed. I met an old high school friend and as always I started talking about my suffering with my autoimmune condition. When she said, “Hey, I know a girl in Reims that had that thing and there is a man there who helped her. She’s all good now.”

I didn’t think much of it then, but she went on explaining that the man’s name is Herman Norton and that he’s an alternative medicine practitioner that specialized in autoimmune disorders his whole life. I was skeptic as I always am but I couldn’t live with the dilemma…

What If This Is The Thing That Gives My Life Back?

What If…?

I called her back that evening and got the phone number from the man in Reims. I scheduled an appointment for the first thing next week.

When Monday came, I was getting excited as before a job interview. I remember getting into that car to go on that first 2 hour drive to Reims. Little did I know it was a drive to freedom.

This web page is about spreading the TRUTH about autoimmune disease and the underlying causes. I want to tell you that you are not alone and I know exactly how you feel. I remember millions of thoughts and feelings mixing and tormenting me…and if you are suffering from any autoimmune disease sooner or later you will experience the same things as I did…

  • Excruciated by the pain that sucks out your soul until you become a shadow of a person you once were
  • Crucified and tormented by the worry that you’ll never get better as the hope dissolves with every day of awful suffering
  • Always tired and unable to walk a block
  • Never game for outdoors or able to plan having fun with you friends. You become a different person. Nobody understands and you can feel the judgment in the phone silences after you say that you are not coming to a dinner party, yard barbecue or a hike
  • Disfigured by a facial rash that kicks in sooner or later
  • Drained out by the insomnia and the night sweats, and
  • frustrated by the “elephant in the room” after I would wake my boyfriend up for the millionth time. He said nothing then, but you could see it in the brisk moves as he adjusted hid blanket trying to go back to sleep

But then I found Herman, my sweet Herman, man who spent his life healing people with various autoimmune disease, researching autoimmune disease and perfecting his holistic techniques through trial and error. Six months with Herman and I was free. No pain. No fatigue. No night sweats. No anxiety.

I was a healed soul and a healed body.

If you are still wondering what is an autoimmune disease, let me try and put this simple. It is a name for any disease that triggers a mysterious process of your body attacking its own tissue as if it was a foreign malicious agent.

The root cause of the class of diseases is officially unknown in conventional medicine. The doctors do not even attempt to hide that they know nothing about what is causing autoimmunity. These diseases usually progress fast and start scavenging the tissue of your organs and all the doctors do is try to deal with particular symptoms as they arise. Doing nothing to address the root causes. Nothing.

But you can let out a sigh of relief now and keep reading because autoimmunity is not such a mystery after all…

It is after my healing that I decided to follow his footsteps and do for other people what Herman did for me. I dedicated my years to autoimmune diseases and the people suffering around the world. I have developed what is now known as the Norton protocol.

This protocol is based on 26 years of Herman’s work and 2 years of my own work with thousands of people. It is now backed up with 28 years of continuous trial and error until controlled and precise procedures for a permanent eradication of autoimmune diseases were shaped. The Norton protocol is now recognized as a 100% guaranteed roadmap for autoimmunity freedom. The only one in existence.

It is a completely unique one of a kind 5-step system that people use worldwide to beat a number of conditions and stop the devastating pain that follows soon after the first symptoms.

The process resulted in the publishing of my eBook “Autoimmunity Bible & Norton Protocol”. This is the only comprehensive reference book with 261 pages of every single piece of information on autoimmune disorders you will ever need and a precise guide to the healing procedures in Norton protocol.

At The Moment, There Is No System In The World That Can Come Close To The Results Of The Norton Protocol. Period.

Allow me ask you this:

Are you tormented by the doubt and terrified of the things you read about this horrible disorder?

If you are, take a moment and go through this list of questions and answer each of them for yourself.

  • Are you constantly tired and have low energy?
  • Do you have unexplained pains in your joints?
  • Have you had sleeping issues?
  • Did you notice any kind of skin changes?
  • Are you anxious or nervous?

If you said “YES” to at least 2 of the above 5 questions, then I have some bad news and some good news.

The bad news is that new research shows that autoimmune disorders are much more frequent than previously thought. Many of the affected people have no symptoms, but when some of the above signs present themselves, it is rare that the culprit is other than a disturbance in the way our immune system works.

So, if you have 2 YESes then, statistically speaking, you are very likely to have an autoimmune disorder, and that’s the bad news.

The worse news is that in many of these conditions 10 year survival rates are gloomy!

The good news is that with the recent developments in the field and one shocking breakthrough in particular, autoimmunity is not a mystery any more. Hundreds of people are beating it every week and you can do it to, as long as you react on time and stop the vicious cycle of autoimmune toxicity in its track before it makes irreparable damage.

Autoimmune disease develops very fast and it is crucial that you react before you get to a stage where your only option is extremely risky surgery. Dealing with it without loosing a day, can mean the world of difference.

Have you ever had your doctor tell you something like:

“I don’t actually know what is causing your condition, but here’s a pill anyway…”

Well, let me tell you right now, it’s over with living in the dark of ignorance. It’s over with the hundreds of questions with no answers. It is now officially over with the randomness in the treatment of autoimmunity. Breakthrough in research have changed this once and for all.

One man who dedicated 26 years of his life to the research of abnormal immune reactions and the underlying culprits. A man who allowed me to regain control over my life and beat my disease. His name is Herman Norton and the protocol is based on his holistic groundbreaking methods.

I have been in complete remission for 2 years now and since then I was an eyewitness of literally thousands of people beating various autoimmune disease with the principles of the Norton protocol.

This Breakthrough System Is The Only System In Existence That Gives You The Power To:

  • For the first time ever, pinpoint the underlying causes of your condition and understand what is going on “behind the scenes”. When you do this, you can start addressing the triggers rather than the consequences. A huge majority of people who are affected by an autoimmune disease are doomed to live with it for the rest of their lives. You can now be among the few percent that regain control of their life after being diagnosed with this life-altering condition.
  • Heal your disease permanently. Once you learn about the overlooked chemical relationships that are causing your autoimmune disorder, you can start the healing and the re-balancing of your body. In this eBook I will show you how to do it in 5 simple and easy-to-follow steps obeying the 10 “holy” principles of the Norton protocol.
  • Eliminate the culprits of your pain completely within a couple of weeks. The triggers of your pain are precise chemical imbalances that can be influenced and altered. I could not believe the instant relief that I felt…
  • Heal your disease holistically. If you have tried different diets, potions and drugs that the conventional medicine recommends, you know by now that they simply don’t work or that they are a “quick fix” before your pain comes back with a vengeance. Trying this sort of treatments is like pouring water into a hollow bucket – IT JUST WON’T HOLD. No matter how many pills you pop, you get nowhere and you only get sicker, more tired and tormented. Why? Because you have not eliminated the triggers of the autoimmune response. You need a plan. A holistic approach that will eliminate all the underlying causes and pave your road to remission…
  • Heal your disease without the horrible side effects of conventional drugs. If you are a chronic sufferer then you probably know what I am talking about. It’s hard to say whether you feel worse because of the disease or the medicine that is supposed to cure it. The fatigue, the anxiety, the night sweats, the weight gain (I gained 40 pounds in 6 months), the depression…the list goes on and on…but with natural alternatives, you experience none of this. None.
    Heal your condition without dangerous surgery. Almost always you can avoid surgery and keep your kidneys if you react on time and stop this thing in its track. Surgery carries grave risks and I know 6 women that have been already scheduled for surgery that have reversed their disease following the Norton protocol. And one more thing, surgery does not address the underlying triggers either and that is why IT IS ALSO A TEMPORARY SOLUTION for the damage that was done.

But how can this be done?

By the end of this page I will prove to you beyond any doubt that any autoimmune disease is beatable if your provide your body with the right tools to address the underlying triggers and eliminate the factors that are making the healing impossible.

Let get very precise.

All Autoimmune Diseases Are Triggered On The Cellular Level.

I will not get very nerdy here, don’t worry. I will just try and simplify how things work and why all those people (especially women) out there have no true chance of beating their condition with conventional methods. What I said above means that when addressing an autoimmune disease, conventional medicine misses 2 stages of the disease and then (again) addresses the symptoms rather then the triggers. The right way of addressing autoimmunity corrects the errors on the cellular level that lead to the disease flares, provides an environment for the lesions and dead cells to dissolve (only on substance in nature can do this and it is one of the corner stones of the Norton protocol) and takes steps to avoid this horror scenario from happening ever again.

Here, I want to share the most important corner stone of the Norton protocol. It is a change in what is called the Extracellular Matrix (ECM). It is not a new concept and as Herman told me, he based most of his work in the Norton protocol on the work of a genius scientist Dr. Alfred Pischinger, who was the chair of the University of Medicine in Graz, Austria from 1936 to 1945 and was the author of one of the most important books in establishing the recognition of complementary and holistic medicine – a book named “Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation – Basis for a Holistic Biological Medicine”.

Extracellular Matrix…WHAT??

Don’t worry, I’ll not bore you with expert terms and complicated theory. I will just give you the tools to start understanding.

Once you understand what is explained in detail in the “Autoimmunity Bible” it will be a rife-changing experience. It will be like a curtain suddenly being pulled down from your eyes.

Some things surrounding all this will shock you. But you’ll also be confused by how actually simple the solution is.

You will be among the few percent of people that actually KNOW.

So, what is the extracellular matrix?

The extracellular matrix is the defining feature of our connective tissue. It is the single most important feature our cells have when it comes to segregating tissue and regulating intercellular communication. It is not a part of the cell, but it consists of substances secreted by the resident cell in order to get the message over to another cell.

The Extracellular Matrix is our culprit

For many years, genetics has been the no. 1 explanation conventional medicine has to offer for autoimmunity development. But it does not explain why one child from a mother develops an autoimmune disease when the other five never get it. No, all autoimmune disease have a very distinctive course of development and now, for the first time ever, you can learn what is it about you that made you afflicted by an alteration in the immune

What Makes People With Autoimmunity So Different?

The answer lies in the disturbance in the Extracellular Matrix caused by a single trigger.

Pinpointing and eradicating this single culprit and allowing the rejuvenated, now alien-aggressive cells to do what they are meant for, works miracles. Period.

I’ll try not to snap to judgment whether the revolutionary breakthroughs made by this man’s scientific work have intentionally been overlooked in the treatment of autoimmunity, but I can say that Herman told me that before he started implementing what he learned from Dr PISCHINGER’s work and then adjusted it to patients suffering from a range of autoimmune disorders, he was just another alternative practitioner.

After he implemented the principles revolving around correcting the errors in the extracellular matrix and unclogging the environment in the matrix, he became a holistic practitioner that did for people with autoimmune disease what no one else could. Simply no one else. Every day I thank God I found out about him.

To my deep sorrow, Herman was taken heavily ill and passed away in September 2009. Good bless this gentle man, I know he’s in heaven. I simply know it with every cell in my body. Rest in peace, my dear Herman.

But what about the doctors? Do they know about this Groundbreaking Treatment?

I am a skeptic and have never been much of a “conspiracy theory” believer, but some facts that I learned over the years made me think again. In spite of the fact that the amount of money spent on autoimmunity research is ridiculously low, there are some great papers published in the last 10-15 years indicating that there is a direct connection between the extracellular matrix and autoimmune diseases and that the solution might be simple.

But, what happened? The research has been shut down and things left incomplete. Great example and undeniable proof of this are three studies. One of them is conducted in the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Koreaunder the working title “Comparison of histology and extracellular matrix between autoimmune and alcoholic chronic pancreatitis” and was conducted in 1996.

The second study was conducted at the Division of Nephrology, University Hospital Nijmegen, Nijmegen – Netherlands and was named “Significance of anti-nuclear and anti-extracellular matrix auto antibodies for albuminuria in murine lupus nephritis” and was conducted in 1996.

The third study was named “A Molecular Biologic Study of Extracellular Matrix Components During the Developm

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Autoimmunity Bible – Julia Liu
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