Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $56.00.

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Launch Your Blog Biz

The ultimate solution for starting and growing a blog to making over $1,000/month — without being a tech wizard or a scammy salesperson!

Purchase this course you will earn 56 Points worth of $5.60!


Buy Alex and Lauren – Launch Your Blog Biz 2020 Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Launch Your Blog Biz

The ultimate solution for starting and growing a blog to making over $1,000/month — without being a tech wizard or a scammy salesperson!

Purchase Alex and Lauren – Launch Your Blog Biz 2020 courses at here with PRICE $297 $56

Alex and Lauren - Launch Your Blog Biz 2020

Alex and Lauren – Launch Your Blog Biz 2020

Launch Your Blog Biz

The ultimate solution for starting and growing a blog to making over $1,000/month — without being a tech wizard or a scammy salesperson!

Our blogging career started out with a big FAT FAILURE…

Hey, y’all! We’re Alex and Lauren, and this is a photo from our first blog.

We started out no differently than probably most of you.

I, Lauren, was a CPA doing tax for an accounting firm and Alex was working full-time as a personal trainer, trading his hours for dollars.

We had big dreams of escaping the 9-5 and putting an end to limited vacation time and chasing weekends… of traveling the world before we were retired.

We started our first blog and worked nights and weekend on it — pouring our hearts into it.

The truth is that we had NO idea what we were doing when we first started, and our first blog failed — spectacularly — as a result.

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the truth.

Not everyone starts a blog the right way or becomes successful. In fact, the majority don’t…

We were SO excited for our first blog and we had tons of ideas and energy behind it, but we never felt like we were actually going anywhere.

We felt like we we just spinning our wheels and “hoping” it would work.

The worst part: We spent a LOT of money on software and other things that we didn’t need at the time.

Courses on courses. Webinars on webinars. Things other bloggers and entrepreneurs told us we that we had to have…

It’s not all doom and gloom though.

It was through these experiences and initial failures that we learned how to successfully launch a blog the RIGHT way.

But… Why did the first blog really fail??


We made every mistake in the book the first time around…



  1. We wasted time and money on the wrong things.

We spent days trying to design a logo that changed at least 5 more times in the following weeks. For a blog that ultimately failed…**face palm**

We didn’t know what we should focus on or what we should ignore. This led us to waste thousands of dollars AND hours on things we didn’t need!!!


  1. We didn’t properly learn how to use WordPress!

WordPress is the most powerful blogging platform out there, but we had NO idea what we were doing with it. Trying to make the simplest changes with our blog proved to be very difficult.

All we wanted was to create a beautiful blog and get our message out there. Is that too much to ask?


  1. We didn’t know how to easily write blog posts people loved.

We created the content that WE thought other people wanted to read. This led to our blog being entirely about ourselves — not our readers. We wasted hours and days writing blog posts and going over them again and again, trying to “get it right.”

It was only later on that we learned how to create content people loved.


  1. We didn’t know how to make money.

We had people showing up to read our blog, but we had no idea how to connect with our audience and make money.

Making money on the internet is daunting enough when you don’t know what you’re doing! And we had no clue!


  1. We got bad advice from wannabe “Gurus.”

We purchased quite a few “expert blogger” courses that never seemed to work. It felt like everyone else was just “lucky” and that we just didn’t have what it took.

The problem was that we were looking in the wrong places and we weren’t able to find the RIGHT people to learn from. People like us. Normal people.


But we turned this first failure around with our next blog…

From failure to two grown adults jumping up and down like school children…


So we abandoned the first blog we started. It was an epic failure.

And we started a completely new blog called Avocadu.

This time we were going to take all the mistakes we made originally and do it differently.

About 4 months in of trail and error something crazy happened.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

We were trying yet another way to make money with our blog.

We had been burned so many times up to this point.

But then everything changed…

We gave a new system a try…

One we made up.

We finally decided to trust ourselves, use our failures, and try something completely new


We finally did it! We proved that we could make some amount of money from our blog! Here are some screen shots from that month:

Amazon Associates: $85.62


Clickbank Marketplace: $87.20


While you might not think it’s much, that first income meant the world to us.

It was gas money. Grocery money. Money to pay for some of our blogging expenses.

After 4 months of blogging, we had made $0 and were getting discouraged.

We didn’t have much help or guidance. And the help we did have was the wrong kind. We were mostly winging it based on the jumbled amount of free information (95% of which completely wasted our time) that we found online.

We didn’t yet know it at the time, but this first $172.82 was shockingly life-altering. We had just figured out the first piece of the puzzle that eventually led us to becoming six-figure bloggers.

Because this is what happened next…

Our income started doubling EVERY MONTH for the next few months!

In February, we made $924 (a 525% increase!)

This was the month that we stumbled on how to use emails to sell affiliate products, and the first step to begin scaling our income.

In the following months, our income was not only increasing — but it was becoming CONSISTENT!

In March, we earned $2,353.

At this point, we would wake up every morning, hop out of bed, and run to check our email for sales.

And most days, we were making sales overnight while we were sleeping!

So, what happened?? Why was everything growing so quickly??

Well, the short answer is that we had just failure enough to make it work. We learned from all those mistakes.

And it only grew from there…


We took all the lessons we learned and built not just one but TWO successful blogs…


Our failures taught us how to launch Avocadu.com — the RIGHT way!

(We have tutorials that show you how to create a beautiful blog just like this!)

  • In the first month, we successfully launched and built our blog from scratch!
  • By the 3rd month, we had 300,000+ visitors and readers and had and quit our full-time jobs!
  • By the 6th month, we had made $17,163.98 with our blog!
  • By the end of the first year, we had made $103,467.98 blogging and started traveling the world!


And launched a third blog, Create and Go:

  • In the first month, we successfully launched and built our blog from scratch!
  • By the 3rd month, we had 30,000+ monthly visitors and had made our first course!
  • Currently… we are making over $50,000/month with this blog alone!


Because of these successes, we have been able to help so many people start a money-making blog…



I just started making money through my blog for the first time.


This is proof Lauren and Alex KNOW what they are talking about!

Their “Basic Trust Funnel Email Template” is worth the price of the whole course. I would have paid DOUBLE the price for the course for what you get on Day 5 in the template.”

– Pat, Create and Go Student

Meet Rachel, Hairstylist and Newbie Blogger!

“I had no idea how to use WordPress and I was very intimidated by that chore. I didn’t know how to create an article. I didn’t know what I would write about. I didn’t know what to do with the viewers that came to my website once I had them there. But I decided that I had to learn.”



Does any of the following resonate with you?


  1. You feel like something is missing in life.

Maybe you’re staring out the office window watching the sunny days pass by. Maybe you just want more time to spend with your kiddos at home. Or to travel the world before you’re 65 — when you’re young enough to really ENJOY IT. Or maybe you’re just tired of building someone else’s dream in the corporate world… That something more is called freedom to live the life that you desire.


  1. You love the idea of making money online but are feeling overwhelmed.

Everyone and their brother is pitching you a new get-rich-quick scheme. How do you sort through the phonies from the real guys? You’re likely swimming up to your eyeballs in bad information and have no idea who to listen to and where to start.


  1. You don’t know what to blog about or how to make money.

You weren’t born a “sales person” and don’t intuitively just get how that process works. None of this comes “naturally” to you like it must for everyone else. We’re here to tell you that you don’t have to be a magical unicorn sales guru to make money online. Far from it.


We GET it, y’all. We really do.

We were in your shoes just a hot second ago. Big dreams but no idea how to achieve them. CPA and personal trainer, remember? We were (and still are!) average joes. If we can do this, you can too!

Take a second to imagine…


You start your blogging career off with a HOT START!

You’re sizzling… you’re hot to touch… you’re on fire!

A fast start helps you build momentum and success breeds success. You don’t waste your time anymore trying to be a professional “value hunter” on the internet and get results FAST.


You are building the foundation for your blog to THRIVE.

These are the lessons you need to understand not only how to start and launch your blog but to take it to $1,000 per monthand beyond!


You are making your first $1,000/month from your blog.

Take a moment to imagine how that kind of money would impact your life. Like seriously, just pause for a second. That’s an extra $12,000 per year.


You learn all of this and more from six-figure bloggers who don’t just blog about business.

Our first six-figure blog, Avocadu.com, is our health and wellness blog that we have taken to earning over six figures in a year. We don’t just blog about business and blogging. Our courses contain the strategies that we have used successfully in multiple blog niches.

This is why our information WORKS.

It’s not just fluff to build up your ego, it’s results-based information that can change your life.

And we WANT to change your life…


And now, it’s your turn to finally build your blog the right want and make your first $1,000/month from your blog!


Launch Your Blog Biz

The ultimate solution for starting and growing your blog to making your first $1,000/month, without being a tech wizard or scammy sales person!

With this course, you will learn how to…

Easily Work WordPress and Design a Gorgeous Blog

We know how daunting WordPress can be. The comprehensive WordPress training in this course is geared towards non-techies and covers everything from setting up menus, creating categories for your blog posts, understanding plugins, how to add images to your blog posts, and all kinds of other settings and customizations.


Create Content People LOVE

Learn how to create incredible content with ease, find your writer’s voice, what to blog about, and get step-by-step help on your first 10 blog posts. We also teach you how to find great keywords and headlines for your content to ensure that you can attract the most readers to your content.


Get Tons of Readers to Your Blog (fo Free)

Getting quality readers to your blog can be expensive (Facebook, we’re looking at you!). Most new bloggers believe that all they have to do is write content and publish that content on social media to get visitors. There is SO much more than that, but we’re going to show you how to do this without ever having to pay for ads. We will show you how to get visitors to your blog from Pinterest, Google, and YouTube organically (aka for FREE).



Make Your First Income Blogging!

There are a lot of people who get readers to their blog but never actually make any money from it. This is because they usually don’t know how to get the right kind of reader to their posts who are actually looking to buy. We will teach you how to get readers who love spending money!


Make Money using Ads, Sponsored Posts, and Guest Posts

There is a lot of debate about whether or not to put ads on your blog. We’ll dive deeper into this, show you how to set them up and where to put them. We’ll also discuss some ways to diversify your income with other strategies like writing sponsored posts.


Build an Email List of Raving Fans

An email list is the single most important tool you will use as a blogger to connect with your audience and start earning an income. Learn how to set up your first email list, including what to write in those first few emails, and how to turn that welcome sequence into a sales funnel that sells products! You’ll learn how to start building trust with your readers from day 1.



“I’m finally experiencing what it feels like to actually make money while you sleep.

This is my dream come true, and I can’t wait to see things get even better once I learn everything there is to know about blogging so that I can make it my full-time business.

If you’re questioning whether or not you can make this work, you can! I came from knowing absolutely nothing about blogging, and here I am making money already, and it’s only been about 8 months!

– Kari, Create and Go Student

Meet Brooke Castropolous from Costa Rica!

Brooke said, “After I bought the course and watched the first video, I knew I had already got my money’s worth!” It took her just 4 weeks to build and launch her beautiful blog. “I can’t say enough good things about it.”


Here are a a few of the BEAUTIFUL blogs some our new bloggers have created with the course:

The course includes several different theme tutorials so that you can choose which theme is right for YOU and design it just how you want it!


“Their course cut my learning curve in half, literally. Without their course, it would have taken me far longer to put this blog together. There are so many things they mentioned in their course that I had no idea were even possible.

Before buying their course, I was walking blind, trying to figure out how to blog and just didn’t have any idea what I was doing…

– Michael, Create and Go Student

You’ll Also Get These Awesome Bonuses…


Bonus #1. Affiliate Programs and Marketplaces Round-Up ($97 Value)

Hunting for good affiliate programs, networks, and marketplaces is time-consuming and can be overwhelming at times. We’ve done some homework for you and compiled a list of some of the best affiliate networks and marketplaces as well as some great affiliate programs in various niches!


Bonus #2. Email Trust Funnel Templates ($297 Value)

The money really IS in the list. The email list, that is. These templates will guide you through creating your first email sales funnel designed to build trust with your audience and sell your first affiliate product!


Bonus #3. Community Support Group ($47/Month Value)

This course comes with access to a private community support group where you can chat with other members about what’s working, what’s not, other blogging strategies, and what steps you need to take next!


Lifetime Access and Updates

As we all know, the world of blogging is changing constantly. Software and technology become obsolete and pave the way for new ideas and strategies. We will update the course as needed and help you overcome any unforeseen hurdles that may arise (as they will!).

Course Curriculum

Launch Your Blog Biz
Introduction and Course Objectives

Support Group, Checklists, and Other Resources

Our Blogging Story (11:00)

Course Strategy, Objectives, and Expectations

How to Navigate This Course (7:23)

Honest Blogger Sh*t (39:07)

Blogging Mindset

The Ugly Truths of Blogging (12:40)

Poop to Profits (10:37)

Become the Expert (7:07)

Building a Brand (9:01)

Being a Business Owner (5:29)

Being a Problem Solver (4:33)

Success Leaves Clues (12:59)

Getting Started: Hosting, WordPress, and Initial Setup

Hosting Account and WordPress Setup (14:36)

Write Your First Post, Launch, and Set Up Domain Email (10:11)

WordPress Tutorials and General Settings (40:11)

Installing Plugins + Basic Recommendations

Additional WordPress Setup (SSL, Security, and More)

Blog Themes and Design

WordPress Themes, Expectations, and Recommendations

Divi Theme (Best Paid Theme) (22:36)

Flash Theme (Best Free Theme)

Blog Design and Structure

Designing with Divi (30:25)

Blog Images (Adding, Resizing, and More) (11:06)

Branding and Logos (11:58)

Blog Content Strategy

What to Write About

Content Planning and Writing Tips (17:56)

Blog Post Structure and Basic SEO

Keyword Research and Headlines (15:14)

Setting Up Blog Legal Pages (36:00)

Thoughts on GDPR

Email Marketing Basics

Why Email Marketing is SO Important to Your Business (4:11)

The Basics + Overview Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing Services (36:57)

Switching to ConvertKit (from another provider) (5:01)

Setting Up Your Email Campaign and Strategy

Why Readers Subscribe + How to Create a Lead Magnet (16:49)

How and Where to Collect Emails (18:43)

Creating Landing Pages for Maximum Conversions (8:09)

How to Create Your First Form and Email Sequence (Welcome Sequence) (17:21)

Overview of a Basic Sales Trust Funnel (23:54)

Setting Up the Trust Funnel Template Automation in ConvertKit (15:43)

Email Content Strategy

Incorporating Broadcasts Into Your Email Marketing Strategy

Frequently Asked Questions About Emails and Funnels

Ads and Sponsored Posts

Ad Revenue: The Basics (9:54)

Top Ad Networks for Bloggers (8:40)

Sponsored Posts: The Basics + Resources to Get Started (11:12)

Basics of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing: The Basics (35:26)

Affiliate Links: Conversions, Cookies, Tracking, Getting Paid, Etc. (8:30)

Affiliate Disclaimers: Rules, Regulations, and Disclosures (12:07)

Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes to Avoid (17:12)

Creating Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy

What to Think About Before Getting Started

Where to Link Affiliate Products

How to Find Great Affiliate Products (20:39)

Bonuses, Limited-Time Sales, and Fostering Relationships to Scale

Monitoring and Maintaining Your Affiliate Strategies

Finding and Selling Affiliate Products

Getting Started with Amazon Associates (28:24)

Linking Amazon Products in Your Articles (17:01)

Selling Other Affiliate Products on Your Website (31:55)

Affiliate Programs and Marketplaces

Blog Traffic Basics

Traffic: Expectations and Where to Start (28:26)

Overview of Different Traffic Sources (12:24)

Social Sharing Icons

Using Google Analytics


What is Pinterest and How Does It Work? (4:22)

Account Setup and Rich Pins

Creating Viral Content on Pinterest (31:09)

Pinterest SEO (21:41)

Using Tailwind to Scale Your Traffic (29:21)

Using Group Boards for Collaboration (12:39)

Pinterest Best Practices (8:26)

How Pinterest Traffic Works

Pinning Tips, Guidelines, and Recommendations


YouTube: The Basics (10:48)

Setting Up Your YouTube Channel (12:42)

Optimizing for YouTube Search (12:22)

Other Tips for Succeeding with YT (11:28)


Google SEO Traffic: The Basics (23:00)

Backlinks and Guest Posting (12:46)

Optimizing Your Content for Google Search (20:14)

How to Get More Google Traffic to Your Blog with SEO (47:32)

Facebook Groups

Using FB Groups to Drive Traffic to Your Blog: The Basics (19:57)

Managing Your FB Group to Maximize Traffic & Conversions (35:12)

Starting a Successful FB Group and Getting People to Join (46:20)

Skills, Hacks, and Other Blogging Resources

Business Structure, Finances, and Taxes

How to Use Freelance Writing as a Side Hustle

Secrets to Growing an Instagram Account (10:00)

The Next Steps… Bonus Videos from Six-Figure Blogger

Blogging Sales Equation Simplified (14:40)

Identifying Your Target Customers (13:15)

Become an Affiliate for Create and Go

Become an Affiliate for Create and Go

Launch Your Blog Biz Images (for Affiliate Use)

Sales Page
Archive Page

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Unlock your full potential with Alex and Lauren – Launch Your Blog Biz 2020 courses. Our meticulously designed courses are intended to help you excel in your chosen field.

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Alex and Lauren - Launch Your Blog Biz 2020
Alex and Lauren – Launch Your Blog Biz 2020
Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $56.00. Add to cart