Original price was: $42.00.Current price is: $38.00.

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This certainly is a step-by-step guide that anyone can use. Even if you feel that you are new to personal development or the magical world of self-hypnosis, when you follow this programme, you can enter self-hypnosis easily, regularly and tune into the deeper, inner you and the magical world therein.

Purchase this course you will earn 38 Points worth of $3.80!


Buy Adam Eason – Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

This certainly is a step-by-step guide that anyone can use. Even if you feel that you are new to personal development or the magical world of self-hypnosis, when you follow this programme, you can enter self-hypnosis easily, regularly and tune into the deeper, inner you and the magical world therein.

Purchase Adam Eason – Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course courses at here with PRICE $42 $38

Adam Eason – Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course

Adam Eason - Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course

Well this is it, this is my baby…

This is my largest audio programme to date…

Ok, so I am going to show off, brag, boast, blow my own trumpet and tell you that his is the single most comprehensive guide to using self-hypnosis in the world today.

Whoa, that is some claim — so, let me substantiate it…

Following on from the work of my best-selling book, ‘The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis’, I wanted to build upon that and to bring you the ultimate, information-packed audio programme for learning and mastering self-hypnosis.

You’re intelligent enough to know that you may not have fully tapped into your true unconscious abilities, because let’s be honest here — very few people ever realise their full capacity, do they? Today though, you can learn how to use much more than you may have imagined possible, read on to find out how…
Announcing — ‘The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass’ is here for you!

As you can see, this programme is an amazing, unparalleled 23-volume set (and is growing regularly). There is nothing else like this in the world today for self-improvement via self-hypnosis.


Short YouTube Extract From Weekend Seminar

The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass includes just about everything and anything that I have used and learnt over the years, with my clients, across the world, and from a wide range of related fields.

The programme reveals cutting-edge tools, modern strategies, techniques and skills all combined with years of experience. There simply is nothing that comes close to this programme when you choose self-hypnosis to make powerful changes in your life.
Here is a taste of what you learn in the first 23 volumes of this comprehensive, information-packed audio programme:

Volume 1:
We start right at the beginning and you discover just what Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis actually are. You learn to differentiate between natural and intended hypnosis and discover that hypnosis and trance states occur in so many aspects of your life already. You develop some further understanding of the differences of the conscious and unconscious mind. There is also an explanation of all the terminology used throughout the programme serving as a beginning glossary.
Volume 2:
In this volume, we learn the true art of getting settled and prepared for self-hypnosis. You learn how to quieten your mind and silence your internal dialogue. You learn how to induce a hypnotic state with your breathing and how to engage fully in a moment. Then you progress onto creating the correct internal environment for the best receptivity of mind.
Volume 3:
Now you learn the full structure of a self-hypnosis session. You are run through the self-hypnosis model and get a strange illustration to make sure you remember it forever! Then you get an introduction to the language of self-hypnosis and how to optimise your results with its correct use. You receive some comprehensive guidelines to creating programmes for change in hypnosis and learn how to really supercharge your hypnosis with the correct use of hypnotic words.
Volume 4:
In this volume, you learn the art of mind mapping to advance your use of self-hypnosis. You learn the power of looping your suggestions in self-hypnosis and then the marvellous phenomenon that is quantum looping. Several techniques on how to deliver your programmes for change to your unconscious mind are demonstrated and you also learn about the simple use of affirmations in self-hypnosis.
Volume 5:
Now we get on to hypnotic techniques. We go through many wide and varied methods of getting into hypnosis. You are given a range of inductions (all of which are also included in the accompaying script book that comes with this audio programme). As well as the many example induction methods, you also learn the exciting benefits of instant hypnosis so that you can use hypnosis in an instant anywhere under any circumstances!
Volume 6:
In this volume you start to learn some advanced methodologies and applications of self-hypnosis. This includes a unique safe, controlled deep relaxation technique and methods for the ultimate relief of stress.
Volume 7:
Moving on to specific appliacations of your self-hypnosis, you learn how to use it for overcoming and reducing pain in a variety of circumstances. Here, you also learn the amazing and enchanting application of self-hypnosis that is time distortion. Yes indeed, you learn how you can alter your perception of time so that you can seemingly speed up time if things are boring, or slow things down if you want to enjoy more of the good stuff in life!
Volume 8:
The fascinating use of metaphor and metaphoric imagery is what you learn next. It has a wide variety of applications to apply to almost every and any aspect of your life and adds a truly new dimension to your self-hypnosis. You also learn how to use your self-hypnosis for achieving that natural high — yes indeed, you get to have some fun with self-hypnosis too!
Volume 9:
This volume focuses on specific habitual changes that can be made using self-hypnosis, including stopping smoking, reducing your weight, and creating wealth. Although these are the main focus, the techniques utilised within this volume can be adapted and applied to many other areas of habitual or behavioural change.
Volume 10:
This volume focuses on using self-hypnosis to enhance confidence, as well as learning how to use the full power of your unconscious mind for healing yourself in many different ways on many levels.
Volume 11:
In this volume, we really take things to another level. Now you really get up close and intimate with your unconscious mind because you are going to manifest your unconscious mind for direct communication. You are going to be able to create dialogue with your unconscious mind — as if your mind was a person or being. It is an amazing experience! Towards the end of this volume, you start to learn how to actually customise hypnosis for your own benefit and how to start abandoning the structure that you have learnt up to this point.
Volume 12:
Now we move on to using your self-hypnosis for boosting the functioning of your brain in a variety of different ways. In this volume, you learn how you can be making much more of your brain and tapping into more of its innate capabilities.
Volume 13:
Using NLP with self-hypnosis. That’s right, in this volume, you get to learn how to combine some of the fundamental aspects of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to your self-hypnosis. You learn how to apply meta-programmes, use representational systems and much more besides to make more of your brain functioning with self-hypnosis.
Volume 14:
You now discover how to use your self-hypnosis for your own accelerated learning. Within this, you also learn how to enhance your own creativity with self-hypnosis and a variety of methods to improve your memory too.
Volume 15:
This volume is dedicated to using self-hypnosis for advanced pain relief.
Volume 16:
This volume is dedicated to self-esteem enhancement. Though again, the techniques and skills learned can be applied to many other areas of your life.
Volume 17:
Now we move on to advanced techniques and strategies of a different kind. In this volume, you learn how to actually move your awareness inside your brain and connect with it to amplify metabolism, confidence, well-being happiness or anything else. You also learn how to sculpt and create your own image that your brain begins to believe is who you are and works to be that way. You also learn how to use self-hypnosis to cultivate dreaming and to create the remarkable phenomenon that is lucid dreaming.
Volume 18:
Next, you learn the skill of hypnotic encouragement to endorse and nurture your relationship with yourself. You’ll learn how to feel more alive and connected with the world around you. You also get an additional technique for creating natural anaesthesia, how to create and develop your own mentor circle inside of a self-hypnosis session, how to detox your mind and let go of mind viruses as well as how to bring your senses to life in a way that you may never have dreamed possible.
Volume 19:
We get a little more metaphysical in this volume and you learn how to manifest and attract with self-hypnosis. You’ll discover how to use self-hypnosis to harness one of nature’s most powerful forces — a vacuum. And you’ll also learn how to overcome any psychological barrier that may exist in your life.
Volume 20:
We enjoy some spiritual balancing of your chakras and learn how to balance them with self-hypnosis, you also learn how to have an out of body experience with hypnosis and expand your awareness and perception beyond your wildest dreams — this is really turning up the power with what you can do. You also learn how to tune into and open your heart as well as how to use certain sounds to enhance the results you get with your self-hypnosis.
Volume 21:
You now learn how to use your skills to be free of distractions and amazingly focused in any way you want to. You learn a very powerful way to programme your mind with the power of certain words — like you are in the library of your mind, you learn how to use self-hypnosis to cut old ties and learn to forgive and heal, then finally, we round this volume off with some clever techniques for overcoming allergies — though the skills learned can be applied to many other aspects of life.
Volume 22:
To begin with, you learn how to use self-hypnosis to communicate and learn from your feelings. That’s right, you get your feelings talking to you in trance! You also learn how to develop your own amazing hypnotic tablets, designed to deal with anything you want. You also get a fabulous methodology of how to open your mind to understand others more and finally, you learn how to use your self-hypnosis to receive a unique brand of warm motherly love.
Volume 23:
You get started on this volume with the truly mind blowing strategy of stripping the layers back to discover your true identity and real you. Then you learn how to use your self-hypnosis to live the life that you want — on your terms! You also learn how to turn tension nto relaxation and how to create a genuinely youthful mind and body.

Here is my promise to you:
I am continually adding more volumes of extra techniques and strategies to this audio programme, and, every time we release a new volume, as an owner of the programme, I promise that you will get all the new volumes free of charge automatically emailed to you as a download! This audio programme is continually evolving and you will get to keep at the cutting edge of your own personal development as I continually update you.
FACT: Only proven strategies are used in this programme

The further and further you read into this page, the more read me going on about how great I think it is, maybe the more you’ll get a sense of why I m doing so…
I love this stuff…
I have great fun with self-hypnosis…
It transformed my life and I love teaching it…

Ok, so I had better get more official for a moment… I am excited to tell you that ‘The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass’ deals only with PROVEN strategies from years of experience. Real-life seminars, research and case studies are what this programme is founded on. Any expert will agree that that is what your success should be based upon.

So even though I’ve been giving you all my personal opinions and subjective claims here on this page, what all this also means is that I don’t really have to make any ‘claims’, because what you are going to learn here is proven, tested, trialled, examined and poked and prodded for effectiveness. It’s that simple.
How susceptible are you to Hypnosis? Take this test:

Answer these questions without thinking about the answers too much — just answer instinctively:

Do you daydream often?
Do You ever recall your dreams?
Do you like to be creative?
Are you often optimistic?
Are you of average or above-average intelligence?
Do you imagine yourself doing things or fantasize about doing things?
Are you often compassionate and empathise with the feelings of others?
When you imagine lying in the sun in your favourite place, can you imagine the warmth of the sun?

If you answered yes to 50% or more of these questions, then you are the perfect candidate to begin learning how to harness that potential within you and utilise it today.

What lunch walked. You’ll enjoy using this programme because you are the kind of person that is interested in reading this page (I mean, you read up to here, right?) and wanting to find out more about unlocking more of what lies deep within you as potential right now.
FREE: Advanced Self-Hypnosis Techniques eBook, exclusively yours today!

You probably already know, my best selling book ‘The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis: Harnessing the Power of your Unconscious Mind’ was only the beginning, and has been read by thousands all over the world in a variety of languages.

In addition to the many hours of audio tuition and specialist techniques you get with this programme, you also get my exclusive eBook, ‘Self-Hypnosis Masterclass — The Specialist Techniques’, which has over 50,000 words of pure specialist techniques for expanding your abilities with your self-hypnosis. You are going to be able to read and hear these techniques, thus learning them at different levels to get much more from your learning process.

Anyone can get really excited knowing that everything from that first book comprises just the early learning of this Masterclass programme.

Anyone is absolutely right to acknowledge that this is an awesome leap forward from self-hypnosis as it is usually known. That’s right, because I have included many, many further volumes of new advanced self-hypnosis techniques to take your self-hypnosis discoveries to a new level. And to reiterate an earlier point — you’ll get every new volume that I ever create in the future as a download.
Major breakthrough in your own personal development.

Never before has all of this cutting-edge research been put into one program. When you play your first MP3 download, you are going to be awestruck by what you learn and are then able to immediately apply to your life.

Let me give you an example; did you know that a new scientific breakthrough in gaining your unconscious mind’s compliance allows you to bring your communication methods out into the future? To imagine what it might be like to have achieved the goal that you want to achieve, regardless of whether this is a positive or negative thought process, just for having gone out into the future to imagine the end result?

Combine this with the enhancing phenomena of self-hypnosis, and you have a deeply powerful strategy for achieving your desires. This is only one tiny secret in the encyclopaedia that is ‘The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass’.

My next guarantee to you:
I absolutely guarantee that no-one has ever shared this information with you before!

You’ve heard of all kinds of modern techniques like the one I have just mentioned, I am sure of it, from the fields of NLP, personal development, human potential and emotional intelligence, and many others. What you’ve learned was, well, primary school material in comparison.

‘The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass’ reveals to you how to utilise many aspects of all these fields and more, in combination with your own ability to go into self-hypnosis to truly master your own brain.

The truth of the matter is that through continual learning and study in all these fields, and through years of successfully teaching self-hypnosis, I have researched and explored and pushed back the boundaries of how to utilise self-hypnosis, to truly harness the power of your unconscious mind.

STOP and realise how different life is going to be when you integrate all this information, knowledge and skill into your life.

I must confess; I have used these very techniques to enhance my business, my relationships and my own experience of life and I am excited to be able to share that with you now.

With ‘The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass’ audio programme, you can learn how to actually do these things immediately — even if you have no experience of self-hypnosis or any other type of self-improvement tool!
How The Secrets Of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass changes lives forever

You may be wondering, so here is a small sample of some of the wonderful things you are going to learn:

What hypnosis is and is not.
What self-hypnosis actually is and how you can use it to achieve your dreams.
How to use natural and intended trance states for more enjoyment.
Exploring and understanding your own conscious and unconscious minds.
The amazing skills of how to quieten your internal dialogue.
Many ways of how to relax any time and any place.
How you can use your breathing in different ways for different purposes.
You learn the unique, easy to apply Adam Eason model of Self-Hypnosis.
Introduction to the extraordinary and insightful language principles of self-hypnosis.
Simple and comprehensive guidelines for writing your own hypnotic programmes.
The most powerful and evocative words in self-hypnosis for your mind.
How to use looping within your internal hypnotic language.
The truly inspiring notion of using quantum looping in your every day life.
How to embed deep and profound changes to the unconscious mind.
How to get into beautifully deep and multi sensory hypnotic states.
Creating your own extremely powerful scripts that reflect your inner desires.
Learn how to enter hypnosis in an instant wherever you are.

As you learn more about this remarkable audio programme, you may be amazed to know that all this is in the early basic study plan and includes a comprehensive workbook, plus two especially recorded hypnosis sessions by Adam Eason for you to practice the art of going into hypnosis. There is so much more to discover yet.

All of this is also delivered in a fast, dynamic and fun-filled manner that ensures you are going to enjoy the learning process too.
Wanted — People To Want To Make Their Dreams Reality

I am sure that you can see how much you can benefit from having these kind of skills, so let me give you another sample of some of the specific strategies that you discover within this programme:

How to use self-hypnosis to let go of stress.
How to attain ultimate relaxation through self-hypnosis.
How to apply hypnosis for time distortion — that’s right, speed things up and slow them down!
How to have better quality sleep.
How to stop smoking.
How to achieve and maintain your ideal size, shape and weight.
How to create an abundance of wealth in your life.
How to grow and develop your confidence.
How to initiate and tap into the body’s innate healing powers.
How to manifest the unconscious mind for direct communication.

“This Is The Most Powerful Personal Development Tool I have Used!”
This is what Melinda Bessett told me when she had finished listening to the Self-Hypnosis Masterclass. Melinda had used many different methods to try and get her life in the kind of shape she dreamed about and was over the moon with the results.

“This is like nothing else I have encountered in all my years. This is the best investment I have made. This actually really works! Thank you.”
Alan Greengold, Managing Director, Garlands, Birmingham, UK.

Combined also with my own brand of excitable levels of energy, I crack my own jokes, have a real good laugh when delivering this stuff and I am sure you’ll spot my passion for my work — I think that is another thing that makes this multi volume audio programme unique. For blow-your-socks-off personal development and self-hypnosis secrets and insights, start learning today!
Who Else Wants To Find A Way To Truly Use More Of Their Mind’s Resources?

Seven more ways of how to accelerate your brain’s capacity For fulfilment:
There is more! When you invest in this audio programme, you also learn how to:

Be more creative and bring your brain to a synapse popping climax of creativity.
Improve your memory and make it more fluid and rapid.
Utilise self-hypnosis for accelerated learning in all aspects of your life. Useful, eh?
Overcome procrastination: Just end it!
Update your beliefs: Let go of any limiting beliefs too.
Sky Rocket Your self-esteem: and take your confidence to new realms.
There is so much more besides!

Here Is What You Get When You Invest In This Audio Programme:

10 volumes of self-hypnosis training.
The self-hypnosis manual to accompany these volumes and aid your learning.
13 volumes of advanced methodologies and specialist techniques (making that a total of 23 volumes — that’s over 27 hours — of high octane, life-changing material!).
A comprehensive script book with a variety of self-hypnosis scripts that you can use and learn from.
An exhaustive and fun-filled 50,000 word ebook with all the specialist techniques detailed for you.
Unique, specially composed self-hypnosis training and deep trance practice audio track.
Additional safe, controlled hypnotic relaxation audio track to practice hypnotic relaxation.
My personal guarantee that you will receive every update that I ever add to this programme without further investment

Get Adam Eason – Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course download

There is so much here — you get a structured, ordered way to approach and benefit from it all. What are you waiting for?

As you have been discovering here on this page, this audio programme represents the culmination of years of experience and cutting-edge psychological technologies that provide a simply amazing programme for change.
The Easy Way To Use Self-Hypnosis

This certainly is a step-by-step guide that anyone can use. Even if you feel that you are new to personal development or the magical world of self-hypnosis, when you follow this programme, you can enter self-hypnosis easily, regularly and tune into the deeper, inner you and the magical world therein.

Here’s a fact for you:

Any man or woman can use this programme to enhance their life. You are ready for success aren’t you?

You are absolutely right to expect a programme like this to be simple to use and incorporate into your life. This programme has been designed so that some of the most complex and powerful strategies are easy to understand and so that anyone can learn how to use them with ease.

Purchase Adam Eason – Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course courses at here with PRICE $42 $38

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Adam Eason - Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course
Adam Eason – Secrets Of Self Hypnosis Masterclass Full Course
Original price was: $42.00.Current price is: $38.00. Add to cart