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Purchase Joseph Matthews – Renegade Rapport courses at here with PRICE $250 $59

“Who Else Wants To Be Able To Meet A Girl And Get Her To Fall In Love With You… Before You Even TALK To Her?”

If You Have The Ability To Open Your Mouth, Speak, And Observe Others, It Doesn’t Matter What You Look Like – You Can Get Just As Many Women As Brad Pitt On His Best Day!

(This May Seem Like An Outlandish Claim, But In The Next 5 Minutes, I’m Going To Tell You How To Do Exactly That!)


Please Note: Rapport is the single, most important skill a man can have when generating powerful attraction in a woman.

What you are about to read is meant to educate you on how any man – no matter how he looks, how old he is, or how much money he has, can get a woman attracted to him.

This is a SCIENTIFIC PROCESS that anyone can do, time and time again, to get amazing results.

Read on to discover these amazing attraction-building secrets…


A Personal Message
From Joseph Mathews:

Dear Friend,

Let’s face the facts: Picking up women is HARD WORK.

After all – if it were easy, every guy would be doing it, right?

Worse than being hard work, it can be downright frustrating, scary, and emotionally scarring.

But WHAT IF it didn’t have to be like that?

What if: Meeting women didn’t have to be hard work?

What if: You could eliminate any possibility of rejection before you approach them?

What if: You didn’t have to be extroverted or outgoing and actually get women to come to you?

What if: You didn’t have to worry about your looks, age, or bank account size when attracting women?

What if: You didn’t have to try and learn complicated “routines” or “patterns” and attract women in a natural process that made it easy for women to become attracted to you?

And finally… WHAT IF I told you that was all possible?

Announcing The Answer To The Prayers Of Men Everywhere – The Phenomenal New Seduction Method Of Renegade Rapport!

Once in a while, something new will come along that makes all that came before it OBSOLETE.

When it comes to the art and science of meeting, dating, and attracting women, that something new is Renegade Rapport.

Let me explain to you WHY this system is so revolutionary…

Before Renegade Rapport:

Good looking guys had the advantage. Guys who turned to other seduction gurus were forced to learn long, complicated “routines” designed to entertain women in the hopes of getting them attracted to you. They were forced to try and “hypnotize” women with cheesy patterns to MAKE them like you. You had to spend lots of money to take them out on dates and get them to “like you.” You had to be someone other than yourself to try and “trick” the girl into sleeping with you.

After Renegade Rapport:

You are on a level playing field with guys who look like male models. You don’t need to memorize anything, or try and “trick” or “scam” women into liking you. You are now able to create powerful emotional connections with women that makes the attraction process something natural, fun, and easy. You can now actually “be yourself” and get results!

THAT is what makes Renegade Rapport so ground-breaking! Because it is a completely NEW way of looking at male/female interactions.

Here’s How It Works…

Make no mistake about it: “Rapport” isn’t just some fancy French word for “talking to someone.”

It’s much, much more than that!

It isn’t about memorizing a hypnotic NLP pattern and reciting it to a woman who will “magically” fall in love with you either.

Rapport is the process by which two people “click” together. It is what makes women comfortable with you, makes them like you, and most importantly – makes them attracted to you!

Understand that attraction is really a series of emotional responses. Rapport is the method through which these responses are triggered.


Good looking guys have the advantage of getting nonverbal rapport with women very quickly through their looks. That’s why attractive men have such an “easy” time getting girls (that’s not always true, but I’m sure it helps).

But guys who know how to gain verbal or nonverbal rapport with women, can EASILY and QUICKLY lead them to experience the same emotions with them, that they would experience with a guy twice as good looking.

In short: Rapport will lead to the same response and feelings of attraction that would occur even if you looked like Brad Pitt!

Except you don’t need money, fame, ripped abs, or anything else to make Rapport work.


Because – it’s entirely dependent on your INTERACTION with women. And trust me, ANYONE is capable of interacting with women!

Look, I’m not the best looking guy in the world. I’m a little over-weight, shave my head bald, and have the body of Tony Soprano.

But if I can use Rapport to get some incredible women to choose me over millions of other better looking guys here in LA – without a doubt the most image conscious city in the world – then it’s going to be insanely easy for YOU to get even better results!

Let me tell you why…

It Happened By Accident…

There was a time when I was stuck. I could meet women with no problem whatsoever! But getting beyond that was a tough issue.

And it would probably STILL be a tough issue, if it wasn’t for fate intervening.

See, one day a friend and I went out to a local bar. I was depressed, because I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong that was causing my success with women to be stunted.

My friend, on the other hand, is one of those “natural ladies men.” You know the type. He just seems to easily get women attracted to him – even though he’s a short, pudgy, bald guy!

So while we were out – I don’t know if it was because I was more aware of interaction with women at this moment in my life or what – but I began to watch intently as my natural friend started interacting with women at the bar.

And suddenly, I noticed exactly what he was doing that got women to look past all his physical limitations, and create powerful attraction within them!

But the crazy thing was – it was so simple to do!

I could have KICKED myself for not seeing it sooner. But once I did, it was like Neo in the movie The Matrix, seeing the code which made up his world for the first time.

I couldn’t believe it. I had just “cracked” the girl code! And with it came ultimate power with success with women.

I Wouldn’t Believe It Either – IF I Didn’t Get It To Work For Myself!

You know, normally I’d share with you some emails from students of my course telling you how great this new system is and how effective it can be.

But instead of sharing other people’s experience with you, I’m going to do something I almost NEVER do and share some personal successes of my own.

The reason for this is simple: I can give you more detail and insight into WHY this works with my own experiences, than I can with others who have used the system for their won success.

So I am going to share with you, in great detail, a few of my successes with women using the powerful methods you are about to learn…

Success #1: Violet, The Video Game Loving Stripper

So I was out one night with my friend Steve, and on a slow night in LA, the best thing to do is head to (what else?) a STRIP CLUB! It’s a good place just to kick back, relax, and see a few naked girls jiggle their junk for your amusement.

So we hit a local Spearmint Rhino, and I don’t know if it was just an off-night or something, but most of the girls in the place were COLD AS ICE. None were being very friendly, and all of them were trying to hustle money.

(And for those of you who’ve read my Stripper Manual, you know that the last thing you want to do is spend money on a Stripper!)

So as I was sitting at the bar with my buddy, I saw a very attractive blonde girl come walking by. Now, she wasn’t “super sexy,” but she had a great “girl next door” quality to her which I found very attractive.

I used my rapport techniques to get an idea of what her mindset was like, and as she came up to me, before she could open her mouth to say “Would you like a dance,” I looked at her and said:

“Oh. My. GOD! You are SO bored right now!”

She instantly stopped, blinked at me for a second, and then laughed. “How did you know? Is it that obvious?” she asked.

I smiled and responded: “Let me ask you – if you could be doing anything else right now, what would it be?”

“This is going to sound stupid,” she said, “But I’d be at home playing video games.”

I laughed. “What? You’re a hot chick! Hot chicks aren’t supposed to like video games!”

“I know, but I do!” she said.

We then spent the next two hours talking about our love of video games. But in addition to that, I started learning about her family, her interests, and her passions. By the time I left, she had given me her email address and MySpace homepage address.

Because I was able to build such strong connections with her using my Renegade Rapport techniques, a girl who probably would have usually flaked on me ended up responding to my email. We went out, and ended up hooking up on the first date.

And that’s one of the great things about my system: If you know how to use rapport, you can virtually EMLIMINATE flaking from women!


Success #2: Lauren, The Former Phone Sex Worker

I met Lauren innocently enough through an online dating site. She was one of the many hundreds of women I emailed in a fit of “online dating debauchery” I am like to go through when I’m too lazy to go out to the clubs.

We started emailing, and within the 3rd exchange, I was able to get her on the phone. When I did, I was surprised to find that she had, without a doubt, one of the SEXIEST voices I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing.

I complimented her on it and asked if she was a singer with a voice like that. She told me she did do some singing, but she was mostly looking to pursue a career in journalism. I used a few Rapport Techniques to build some comfort, and get her to agree to meet me.

So we met up the next day at a little diner down the street from me. When Lauren arrived, I was surprised at how tall she was – she was as tall as me, with curly auburn hair, big dark eyes, and full lips. She actually looked a lot like Deborah Messing from “Will and Grace!”

We sat down for a drink, and started talking. I was doing a technique called “Matching and Mirroring,” where I was mimicking her body language to gain non-verbal rapport (something I go into detail about how to do in my course).

She was a little shy at first, but slowly began to open up to me. She was a single mother (something she had neglected to mention before) who had just broken up with a boyfriend who was a 40 year old guy trying to go to film school, whom she had supported for the last 2 years. (ouch!)

Eventually, she felt comfortable enough to reveal to me she used to work as a phone sex operator when she was younger. I began to joke with her about it and asked her for a few examples of what she used to do. We turned her “sexy phone voice” into a game, and the people at the tables around us were suddenly listening in as we roll played phone sex in the diner!

Over the course of the next two weeks, she’d call me up and perform “phone sex sessions.” Eventually, I asked “Laurie, this is great, but when am I gonna get the real thing?” Sure enough, that night she came over.

One of the beauties of the Renegade Rapport method is this: Women open up to you and form attraction in a very natural way. Whether it takes 2 hours or two weeks, the attraction only gets stronger when you use the methods right.


Success #3: Helen, The Beautiful LA Actress

I was out one night at a bar in Hollywood called Barney’s Beanery. This is a great spot for meeting women, and it was perfect for me to practice in.

One night, I spotted an incredibly hot blonde girl out on the patio. This is the type of girl who makes me weak in the knees!

Seriously, she was so hot, most guys in the bar were too afraid to talk to her!

Not only that, she was there with another guy, and a skinny brunette.

Just for fun, instead of doing my normal approach, I decided to practice my rapport skills. So I did a technique I like to call the “Jedi Mind Trick.” This is a process by which you get nonverbal rapport with a girl before you even TALK to her.

I wasn’t sure if I was performing this technique properly or not (I learned it from a very skilled NLP practitioner), but low and behold, the girl started to look my way. I smiled at her, she smiled back, and I took that opportunity to approach the group.

(And because I had already gained non-verbal rapport, the approach was easy and natural.)

I did your standard group theory approach, saying “Hi” to everyone, befriending the guy (he must have been a male model of some type. He was WAY better looking than me). I quickly got a read on the group and was able to isolate the blonde.

Once we were away from her friends, I began to use my rapport techniques to establish more connections and strengthen them.

When this happened, time literally seemed to fly by!

We were talking about everything, and it seemed like we had a great deal in common. She was a few years older than me, but we were both Virgos, born literally one day apart (I’m September 3rd, she was September 4th). We talked about TV shows, about Los Angeles, about her sick mother she was caring for, about her stunted career as an actress, and various other things.

As the bar started to close down, I asked if she wanted to join me at my place for a drink, since I didn’t live too far away. I offered to invite her friends as well, but the guy she was with had disappeared with her other friend, and as luck would have it, she had driven herself.

Because we had such strong rapport, she felt comfortable enough coming over to my place alone.

When we got to my apartment, we both sat on my couch and talked some more. I took this opportunity to start more rapport techniques to move into seduction. After about an hour, she asked for a “tour” of the place.

So I started showing her around, and of course, the tour ended in the bedroom. We ended up lying on the bed watching a rerun of Conan O’Brian I had on my TIVO, when suddenly she started getting naked.

We huddled under the covers and before long, it was on.

The whole thing was easy and natural, from the first meet, all the way into the bedroom. And this girl was a beautiful, blonde, LA actress! By all rights, the male-model dude she was at the bar with should have ended up going home with her! But it was me.

When I asked her about why she decided to take the plunge with me later on, she told me “You are just really cool. I totally felt comfortable with you. You made me feel good.”

And that, my friends, is where the real power of Renegade Rapport comes in. It makes the Seduction Process a NATURAL progression, rather than a forced interaction trying to fit into some type of “mold.”

Here’s Why Renegade Rapport Works So Well…

Unlike most other courses meant to teach “seduction” out there, Renegade Rapport doesn’t rely on pre-written memorized routines.

It is about creating GENUINE emotional connections with women.

Because of this, you don’t need to memorize tons and tons of routines and patterns.

Because of this, you won’t run out of things to say and suffer through those dreaded “awkward silences.”

Because of this, you don’t need to spend lots of money on clothes or hair care products.

Because of this, you don’t need to drive a fancy car, or make lots of money.

Because of this, you don’t have to be an outgoing party dude.

But most of all, because of this, you don’t have to be male-model good looking!

Understand: Women are EMOTIONAL beings. They are way more in tune with their emotions than men are.

When you know how to create strong emotional bonds with women, you are able to actually INFLUENCE the emotions they feel.

And emotions are the core of seduction. This is where Renegade Rapport shines!

What if I were to tell you that you could target any woman you wanted, find out what emotions she’s feeling, match it so your approach happens in a smooth, “natural” way, and then lead her to experience incredible states of comfort and arousal that are all directed at YOU?

Well, THAT is exactly what I can deliver to you. And this system isn’t hard to do. If you can understand a few basic concepts, and are willing to apply them, then you can do it!

Listen, Renegade Rapport is meant to re-create, in a way that’s easy to do, the process that naturals use to attract women.

Once you understand this system, picking up girls will not only become easy, it will be INCREDIBLY fun!

Here’s What You’ll Learn In Renegade Rapport…

Inside this one-of-a-kind audio course, you’ll uncover powerful techniques for increasing your success with women that you never believed possible.

In this course alone, you’ll learn…

  • How to instantly create deep rapport with a woman within minutes when you first meet her (and in some cases, BEFORE you even meet her!).
  • How to quickly and easily initiate rapport with anyone you want.
  • How to establish rapport fast.
  • How to know if you really have rapport or not.
  • What to talk about with women exactly to build rapport.
  • How to “transition” into rapport, step by step.
  • How to keep rapport going throughout the encounter.
  • How to create rapport in a way that’s effortless and hard to detect.
  • How to create rapport without asking a lot of boring “interview” type questions.
  • How to create rapport – even if you’re painfully shy.
  • Why it’s just as easy to gain rapport with super-hot women as it is with average women?
  • How your environment affects rapport building – and how to avoid it’s pitfalls.
  • How to keep rapport with a woman you’ve been with for a long time, and even strengthen it if need be.
  • How you can actually use rapport to know what kind of a girl you are interacting with (this will help you spot “crazy bitches” from a mile away!).
  • How to use rapport to avoid the biggest frustration guys have when it comes to picking up women – Flaking!
  • How to gain rapport without coming off as needy or phony
  • How to use rapport to change a girl’s emotional state from a cold fish to one of intense lust and attraction.
  • Why you can’t have attraction without rapport.
  • How to move the interaction towards seduction once in rapport.
  • How to create rapport when you encounter a group, especially if one or more of them “challenge” you.
  • The exact mindset you should have when talking to a girl you’re interested in.
  • How to build strong rapport with a woman you feel is WAY out of your league.
  • How to build rapport without coming across as being a jerk.
  • How to “rebuild” rapport with women whom you had a failure in building rapport with before.
  • How to keep a woman interested in you while dating so that she doesn’t feel the need for male attention elsewhere.
  • How, and at what point, to shift the vibe to a sexual one when building rapport.
  • The stages of rapport a woman will go through, and the indicators for each.
  • How to initiate and build rapport anywhere – even in a loud and noisy bar or club.
  • The exact things women like to talk about when building rapport.
  • Getting past the initial “coldness” when dealing with women.
  • How to make someone feel like they’ve known you for a long time within a few minutes.
  • How to tell if you have rapport.
  • How to gain rapport without falling into the “Let’s Just Be Friends” category.
  • And much more…


Salepage: http://www.renegaderapport.com/
Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20071011033959/http://www.renegaderapport.com/

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Joseph Matthews - Renegade Rapport
Joseph Matthews – Renegade Rapport
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