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Finally, the secret to creating massive success and happiness…

How 7 Powerful Minutes Can Transform Your Life!

  • It’s not “magic” – but it can bring you years of miracles.
  • It’s not “get rich quick” – but it can unleash torrents of cash.
  • It’s not “strategic” – but it can blast you to the top in business.
  • It’s not “determination” – but it can effortlessly make your dreams come true.

What’s the mysterious 7-minute secret that crushes negative thinking, dramatically boosts self-confidence, and clears the way to life-long happiness as easily as breathing?

Read on to find out.

Dear Frustrated Friend,

Seven powerful minutes can change your life.

Do you want to attract more money? Seven powerful minutes can help you create enormous piles of it.

Do you want to find the love of your life? Seven powerful minutes can deliver true love to your doorstep.

Do you want to be the top sales person, with mind-boggling successes over and over again?

Seven powerful minutes can bring you more riches and excitement than you ever imagined.

How is it possible for 7 powerful minutes to bring you so many incredible things? How is it possible to transform all of the stresses and frustrations of achieving your dreams in life into raging success in 7 fleeting minutes?

It’s unbelievably simple. These 7 powerful minutes are the basis for giving you everything… and I do mean EVERYTHING… you’ve ever wished for in your life.

Someone recently asked me how I have managed to achieve so much in such a short time. Without a moment’s hesitation, I replied, “EFFORTLESSLY!”

In fact, over the past several years, a staggering number of ordinary people… nice people just like you… have accomplished the most incredible things, earned mind-boggling amounts of money, finally found passionate love, had the most wondrous events unfold right before their amazed eyes, and zoomed to the top of their professions.

Frankly, their friends and family have been baffled as they’ve seen them bound past every single rough patch in their lives.

In fact, these savvy people now always find, even in the face of what they once perceived as “insurmountable” roadblocks… they can easily evaporate ANY negative circumstance… with 7 powerful minutes each day.

Since you’re reading this letter, I believe you are already much smarter than most people. A lot of them would have already moved on to a different website. But you’re still here, because you hear that small voice within – the one that whispers to you every single day.

The one that keeps you awake at night saying you were meant for something more than a run of the mill existence. In fact…

You Were Meant To Have An EXTRAORDINARY Life!

I’m Chris Payne, your guide to realising your deepest desires.

And I want you to know, there are phenomenal secrets of purest gold in this letter – secrets so incredibly powerful they can literally transform your life.

If you have the proper mindset, you’ll immediately recognise each and every secret as blindingly true.

And the first one is…

You Can Effortlessly Attract Everything You Desire Into Your Life

You see, even though natural talents, massive brains, first-class education, and being born with a silver spoon in your mouth would be very nice to have… not one of these ‘luck of the draw’ things guarantees your happiness and success. As a matter of fact, all of those things won’t get you past ‘Go’, if you don’t have the proper mindset. But once you do have the proper mindset, you will ALWAYS get everything you want… even if right now you think you are the most ordinary person on the planet.

Imagine for a moment, being able to achieve anything you want in life, and never feeling anything but blissfully secure and confident forever more.

With just 7 powerful minutes (3 or 4 in the morning, and 3 again in the evening) you can literally shift your whole reality… flip it on its ear from ‘difficult’ to amazing! Imagine seeing your entire life in a whole new way, from just 7 powerful minutes each day. Truly, you have to experience it for yourself. And once you do, you’ll never be the same again.

Perhaps you think this is an impossible dream, or a fantasy that could never become your reality. But nothing could be further from the truth. And today, I’m going to prove to you that it’s all within your reach… or more accurately… it’s all right between your ears.

You see, the hidden power of your mind is working all the time. FOR you… or AGAINST you. Your thoughts are either powerfully attracting WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT… or forcefully pushing away. There’s no in between or halfway. It’s what you might call a universal law.

And harnessing that power in your life is magical, astounding, and predictably reliable. Because it’s…

Guaranteed To Work As Effortlessly As The Sun Rises Each Morning

It’s so simple, it’s breathtaking. So simple, you might be tempted to shrug it off as impossible. And that would be the biggest mistake of your life. Why? Because your mind is the gateway to your dreams… you BECOME your focus.

Here’s what I mean…

Try this little experiment for the next 30 seconds. You’ll quickly prove to yourself how powerfully thinking about what you DON’T want to think about will make you think it even more!

Here we go…

Do NOT think of the Eiffel Tower jumping up down, bouncing from one leg to the other…

Hey! I thought I said do NOT think of it. Absolutely don’t even consider how silly this must look.

I could continue… but do you see for yourself what happens when you focus on something you do NOT want in your mind… or your life? Your brain has a ‘mind of its own’!

Look, you don’t have to be a scientific whizz kid to understand the simple facts about how your mind works. But what would happen if you discovered the secret that could instantly light the fuse on your explosive power within? What if you could harness the incredible power of your mind… effortlessly… reliably… and consistently… to flood your life with every exciting possibility you’ve always longed for?

And what if you could do it in only 7 powerful minutes a day? Think about what that would ultimately mean to your life.

In fact, that’s why this message is coming to you exactly at this particular moment. (You do know there are no coincidences, right?) Because now is the perfect time for you to focus your positive inner power, and see for yourself how easily you…

Become The Winner You Were Born To Be!

You can change your life in the blink of an eye… in just 7 tiny minutes a day. Because I’ve finally cracked the code on exactly how you can unleash the power of your mind. It’s so easy, ANYBODY can do it! It’s as simple as understanding a system that works over and over again.

I call it the Effort-Free Life System. And once you plug into your personal power in 7 powerful minutes a day, you’ll be amazed how easily you can…

  • Zero in with crystal clear focus to fulfil your secret desires whatever they may be… a bank account overflowing with cash… love drawn to you like a heat-seeking missile… the sugar-soft sands of a tropical holiday
  • Crumble your inner fortress of doubt, fear, and disappointment, and emerge victorious… free of self-defeating thoughts (and behaviours!) that chain you to the past, and keep you from claiming lasting prosperity
  • Banish the cruel tricks of your mind that constantly paralyse your ability to succeed (Hint: This is crucial to your success! Without it, you’ll unknowingly sabotage yourself at every turn!)
  • Plunge into the velvety sanctuary of lasting inner peace so profound, it sends shivers of delight rippling through your body

Get Effort-Free Life System – Chris Payne, Only Price $77

It’s So Incredibly Powerful, Your Mind Will Become A Lethal Weapon!

Negativity won’t stand a chance when you blast it to kingdom come without batting an eye. Love will fall to its knees before you… your competition will be left dumb-struck by the side of the road. When you laser onto your target with the power of your mind, you will be victorious.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a wild-at-heart 20-odd-year-old, or a kindly grandparent. It doesn’t matter if you’re a graduate of the school of hard knocks… or have an upper crust education. It doesn’t matter if you are fat, thin, bald, short, tall, or just flew in from Mars.

Your life can change effortlessly… almost magically, no matter what.

Maybe right now you see examples of others all around you who seem to have blazed a trail to success, and are basking in obvious prosperity. And perhaps you grit your teeth in frustration (maybe even anger!) thinking, “ Why should they get it all?”

That’s what Kenny Goodman from Manchester used to think too. Frankly, Kenny was just another average Joe, frittering away what little money he had. That is, until he blew the hinges off the door to his personal inner goldmine.

“Miraculous Results!”

“I’m living proof that anybody can get what they want in life amazingly fast, simply by following the Effort-Free breakthrough system. A little over a year ago I was completely messed up, wasting money partying every night to try and forget my frustrating job. I was doing so-so, earning about £35,000 a year. But I hated it, and felt that my life was going nowhere fast.

Thank God I stumbled into Chris who knew all about the Effort-Free course. We started talking, and in a few hours, I completely understood the Effort-Free Life System.

I was so excited, I began to use it right away.
The results have been nothing short of miraculous!

Picture: Chris, myself and our partners and I, Kenny ‘magically’ met Kate 2 weeks after learning the System.

In fact here’s what’s happened since April 2004…

1. My earnings have soared to an all time high… £400,000 within 18 months

2. I scrapped my old heap for a brand new BMW X5


3. I went from being a lonely loser to becoming engaged to the woman of my dreams… and I met her only 2 weeks after starting to use the System!

4. We’ve traded our tiny dark flat for a gorgeous new home.

My life has changed in more ways than I can possibly begin to list here.

Believe me, if a lazy geek like me can do this… you can too! I’m so grateful to Chris for sharing this system with me, I promised myself that I’d do whatever I could to help  spread the word about how tremendous this is.

Please Click on the white triangle to see and hear Kenny talk. (Duration: <1 min)


Discover The Explosive Possibilities

All Kenny did was spend 7 powerful minutes a day with the Effort-Free Life System. And here’s what happened…

He immediately went from feeling like a loser – to being on top of the world. And he’s not a genius with a mega-brain either. The explosive results… Kenny made a truckload of cold hard cash… and found love too!

Anybody can take the same simple steps that led Kenny to his dreams. You can do it too when you unleash the unstoppable power hidden within you… undiscovered… untapped… unappreciated by the rest of the world.

Because when you soak up the powerful techniques already used by thousands to transform their lives, it’s like a magical roadmap to anything you want in YOUR life.

As a matter of fact, even if you barely squeaked through at maths, you’ll quickly become an expert at reprogramming the world’s most powerful computer… your brain! Because…

Your Unique Inner Power Is Absolutely Unlimited!

It’s true! From the day you were born, your brain forms new learning connections at an amazing 3 BILLION per second! And nobody on the planet is using more than a fraction of their astounding potential. Tap into your inner power source and you can achieve anything!

But it’s much more than stuffing a ton of information into your starving brain. Unless you upgrade your powerful computer with “new software” to process input correctly, you’re going to stay stuck in the same familiar rut, year in and year out.

Because right now, your emotions, feelings and memories are dictating every aspect of your life. And I’d be willing to guess you’re still struggling to release the potential you know is crouched just below the surface… and that nobody else recognises.

Maybe you’re afraid you’ve already made too many mistakes, and it’s already too late. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Because no matter where your life has taken you until now…

When You Revolutionise Your Thinking, Everything You Want In Life Becomes Real And Possible

Ask yourself…

Where are you in life right now? Do others drool with envy over YOUR life? Or are you pea-green with envy about others? Are people amazed at how “lucky” you are? Or do you secretly wish others’ “luck” would rub off on you?

Do others admire your obvious success in love, work and lifestyle? Do they wonder how the heck you’ve made all the right moves so quickly? Or sadly, it is the other way around?

When you’re living an Effort-Free Life like the thousands of people I’ve shared the System with… people who have achieved incredible financial rewards and awesome success in their lives… you’ll be envied, admired and respected by almost everyone you come into contact with.

Why? Because when you inflame your desires with the Effort-Free Life System, you’ll have a one-way ticket to the top. Almost overnight, you’ll become a powerhouse of attraction to everything you desire in life – guaranteed.

After all…


Get Effort-Free Life System – Chris Payne, Only Price $77

Achieving EVERYTHING You Want Is Incredibly EASY… In Just 7 Effortless Minutes A Day!

Haven’t you struggled against the tide long enough? It drives me crazy to see people sleepwalking through life when I KNOW there’s an exciting transformation in them just BEGGING to be released!

Somewhere within you, the REAL you is SCREAMING for a chance at life. I can practically see you nodding “YES!” as you read this. You know how unfair life can be, and frankly, you deserve better! Maybe deep down inside, there’s even a part of you that sometimes wishes you could scrap it all and start all over again – this time living life on YOUR terms.

It’s Not Too Late To Turn Miserable Failure Into Massive Success!

You CAN have the life you’ve always dreamed of! Because there is more to you than meets the eye – you’re chock full of potential that’s been snoozing far too long. That’s precisely why the universe has pointed your inner compass here at this exact moment.

Imagine how thrilling your life will be when you…

  • Become a money magnet to attract wealth so you can finally live in that beach house you’ve always dreamed of, drive your ideal car, and buy anything you want, whenever you want!
  • Roll out the red carpet for the incredible opportunities that effortlessly fall into your lap, and swoop in like a Hollywood superstar to collect your “Academy Award” of success!
  • Suddenly get 100% cooperation from cranky, argumentative, or stubbornly negative people, even if they’ve told you “NO!” over and over again. You’ll swear you’ve discovered a bewitching magic spell!
  • Unleash the mind-boggling power of your subconscious to influence the behaviours and opinions of others, so they rush to do whatever you want them to do… eagerly, quickly, and completely!
  • Radiate confidence and power that embraces everyone you encounter. (Warning: They’ll be so stimulated by the “mental caress” you send their way, you might have to handle a sexy surge in your social life!)
  • Banish forever feeling intimidated by nasty bosses, rude co-workers, or snotty sales clerks when you disarm their destructive attitudes faster than a Ninja warrior in hyperdrive!
  • Evaporate hidden obstacles to your personal success as you magnify your untapped gifts and potential to a pinnacle of power. This “magical math” will multiply your successes faster than a monster computer!
  • Crystallise your thinking with laser beam focus to easily breathe life into your innermost desires. As surely as a stealth fighter locked on its target, your life will explode with miracles!
  • Feel vibrantly unstoppable with revitalised energy and optimum health so you play all day, dance the night away, and still make mad, passionate love till the wee small hours of the morning!

I’m eager for you to celebrate these life transforming results! Because you’ll feel the difference from the very first day. It’s so stunningly simple, you’ll be electrified with excitement!

Because the lack of anything in your life is all in your mind. And your mind is an instrument of power. In the simplest possible terms, what you think becomes your reality.

Grounded in timeless universal law, quantum physics, and life-force energy – you “reap what you sow”. It’s not new, but it is continually forgotten. The amazing truth is, you can…

Join Other Top Achievers In The Winner’s Circle!

Just like a compass point magnetically finds true North…

If you want financial independence, you’ll attract the perfect opportunity to do what you love and make a bundle of money. You can even tell your boss to take a hike if you want!

If you yearn to lose weight, you’ll discover the proper mindset that automatically keeps the numbers on your scale dropping until you look as incredible on the outside as you feel in the inside.

If you want to date someone special, you’ll become instantly irresistible to your perfect partner, as easily and naturally as breathing.

You’ll finally demolish any perceived “roadblocks” that keep you from having what you want, no matter what’s been holding you back until now!

You’ll discover how to move forward in utter peacefulness and harmony so that others freely give you what you need. You’ll never again feel like you have to fight tooth and nail to get ahead in life.

Once you unleash your inner power, you will be able to get what you want and need from others, with uncanny predictability, whether it’s a sudden surge in your bank account, a lavish new home, or a smoking hot sex life.

Once you experience the Effort-Free Life System, you will experience utter clarity about your deepest desires – the master key that unlocks the door to what you want – even if right this very moment you are uncertain what that is.

Most importantly, you’ll deeply understand that all you really have is “NOW”, and that it’s never too late to enjoy a happy life. Because with the powerful secrets I am going to reveal to you, you’ll discover that you are just 7 powerful minutes away from the life of your dreams.

Quite simply…

It’s Your Turn To Luxuriate In A Life Shimmering With Possibility And Prosperity!

There’s no need to apologise for wanting to be successful. And there’s certainly no reason to be shy about embracing what you want. Because you deserve it!

Contrary to what the world would like you to believe, satisfying your desires is not selfish. You were born to be extraordinary… to live in Technicolour… not to settle for a watered down version of existence punctuated by frustration and disappointment.

You’ll soak up these truths as easily as a thirsty sponge… what you once thought were obstacles to your success vanish like a wisp of smoke in the wind. Your dreams will rush to greet you, and you’ll never be turned away from your natural desire to have whatever you want in life.

If you’re still reading this, chances are you are…

  • Seeking to finally break free from the chains of nagging doubts and crippling fears and willing to passionately embrace abundance…
  • Sincerely ready to have your potential recognised and blow the lid off to reveal who you really are deep inside…
  • Eager to leave ordinary in the dust, embrace all of your dreams (even the ones you haven’t dared to say out loud!), and zoom ahead to the life you so richly deserve…

And if you’re open to unlocking your mind, freeing your spirit, and luxuriating in the utter bliss of abundance the Universe has waiting just for you… if you’re willing to devote 7 powerful minutes a day to this spectacular purpose… you’ll love the Effort-Free Life System.

But I must warn you, this isn’t for everyone.

If you’re the type that thinks scoffing down a bag of chips will make you lose weight, a kindly Fairy Godmother will deliver your dreams with a wave of her pudgy hand, or the Good Ship Lollipop is about to set sail to the land of milk and honey… this isn’t for you.

If, on the other hand you’re ready to rock and roll…

All you need to do is be willing to place the first CD in your player, and press the “play” button – or listen to your MP3. And it all begins to happen.

I’ll be waiting for you there. I’ll take you by the hand and show you step-by-step the powerful life-changing secrets that will throw open the shadowed corners of your mind to attract everything you want from life.

It all starts instantly with the first CD when you…

Plug Into The Winning Mental Mindset That GUARANTEES You Will Get What You Want!

The Effort-Free Life System is a stunningly simple way to automatically reprogram your internal “computer”. Because no matter how many courses or seminars you show up at… no matter how many books you wade through… it’s an inside job.

The truth is that the biggest obstacles standing between you and getting what you want arethe limiting beliefs in your mind! And now there’s a way to easily recycle the toxic brain dump of garbage that’s been holding you back. It’s as easy and natural as breathing. And even better, it’s the magical way you used to naturally think as a child, before the world polluted your mind with misguided “grown up” realities!

As Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t.” It really is that simple once you tap into the breakthrough secrets that will free you forever.

You’ll be thrilled with how easy it is to…

Transform Your Daily Experiences From Hum-Drum To Amazing

With the Effort-Free Life System by your side, you’ll burn success into your mind for good! You’ll spring from your bed each morning on fire – fearless, crystal clear, and secure in the knowledge that you have the power and clarity to…

Attract Everything You’ve Always Wanted

Your doubts will vanish. Your worries will disappear. And your spirit will vibrate with deliciously tingling waves of magical excitement and gratitude.

For the first time, your eyes will be open to the miracles that surround you every day.You’ll feel a profound “knowing” deep inside you, beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before. And you’ll truly realise that you have what it takes to achieve your biggest dreams. What a miraculous feeling that will be! Because…

The Power To Transform Your Life Is As Easy As Breathing…

Here’s proof…

If you think you are somehow “different” and your mind can’t possibly be that powerful, consider this…

Even as you read this, your brain is central control, making sure your heart beats over 100,000 times a day. It continually pumps over 6,000 quarts of blood a day, through a complex roadmap of blood vessels that stretch over 60,000 miles throughout your body.

And it does all this without you ever having to consciously think about it!

Everything about you is a miracle, and there’s even more to come when you access the untapped resources inside you. All you need is a simple system to get there. It’s something anyone can do. But don’t just take my word for it, because…

It’s Meant To Be Experienced… And When You Do, You’ll Easily Prove It For Yourself… Try The Effort-Free Life System Today!

If you really want to transform your life, you’ve got to be willing to take action. Otherwise, you’ll keep muddling along exactly where you are now, and you’ll miss out on the real and lasting benefits of the System.

I’ve felt the incredible transforming power in my own life, and shared the joy of so many others who have as well. I want you to experience this too. Because sharing this has become my life’s mission. Together, we could literally change the world into heaven on earth. So I want you to try the Effort-Free Life System for 61 days.

Please listen to the entire program, including the bonus CDs. Give the amazing principles and strategies a real workout and test it for yourself. During your journey you will discover…

  • The single most important thing you must do to that will evaporate your stress, and how this one small shift in your thinking will flood your life with everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
  • One simple quality that will magically attract abundance into your life. It’s so stunningly powerful; I couldn’t sleep a wink until I’d shocked a hard working waitress with a £600 tip! (Hint: She let this shine through like an irresistible beacon!)
  • How, in 2 minutes flat, you’ll effortlessly dissolve negativity completely, and drench your life with miracles.
  • The single most crucial thing you must do before you can change your thinking to guarantee your success! (Hint: It’s such an easy “no-brainer”, you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it up to now!)
  • How to instantly melt away 3 “kiss of death” beliefs that will otherwise freeze you in your tracks, and stop you from succeeding before you even begin.
  • The tragically common roundabout view of the world that slams the door on abundance. Quick flip this bad habit on its head, and say hello to prosperity!
  • The rock solid foundation, where you must keep both feet firmly planted if you want to transform your dreams into reality.
  • How a dying man’s simple view of a blossom made millions see, and can still reach beyond the grave to help you bloom fully too.
  • The “one” resource you must have if you are ever to achieve your dreams! (This “shortcut-to-success” is crucial… if you don’t have it, you’re not going to get unstuck from your rut… and you’ll never realise the rich potential of your life!)
  • The most expensive 10-letter word that slithers through your life like a money-sucking snake, swallowing abundance and prosperity before they ever reach your door.
  • How the simple words of a brilliant Russian pianist can shine a spotlight on your success, and illuminate your path to prosperity.
  • How a clever woodsman’s tree-cutting contest will give you an “unfair advantage” in life, and have you smiling all the way to the bank!
  • The 2 surprising reasons that affirmations don’t work! You’ll never waste time mumbling meaningless phrases again when you get a load of this – instead you’ll be too busy counting your blessings every single day when you effortlessly plug into your full potential!
  • One easy habit that makes such an astonishing difference, it will “wrap its arms around you” like a long lost lover. You’ll hardly believe your eyes when you clearly see how miracles rush to embrace you everywhere you go! (Warning: This is habit forming… the more you feel the tingle of excitement, the more you’ll want to do it!)
  • How to get everything you want in life… without force, struggle, or unethical behaviour! (It’s something you already say every day. Just redirect this simple skill, and sit back while money, good fortune, and enduring love race to meet you effortlessly!)

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Effort Free Life System E28093 Chris Payne | eSy[GB]
Effort-Free Life System – Chris Payne
Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $73.00. Add to cart