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4 Weeks Of The Most Extreme Life Bootcamp You Never Knew You Always Needed,

For The Leaders Who Are Ready To Lead, The Magic Makers Who Are Done With Hiding, And The Next Level You Who Knows It’s Time To Rev This Shit Up. This Is Where Life As It Was Meant To Be, Begins.

What is Called?

  • A movement.
  • A calling.
  • An answer.
  • A prayer.
  • A shift.
  • And now.


How does it work, how does it go down, what IS it?

  • A sweeping up and a gathering.
  • Energy increasing day by day.
  • A daily adjustment, a tuning in, a turning up of the dial.

Who is it for?

The leaders who are ready to now lead.

The magic makers born to create.

The chosen ones who are not choosing themselves.

The ones who are going at 10%,

When they know they were born to live full pelt, balls to the walls, running BREATHLESS and purposefully through life to create and call in and BE –

The best.

For the best who are done with their bullshit.

Done with their excuses.

Done with the never-ending same SAME-ness of it all, and know –

  • It's time.
  • It's time.
  • It's TIME.

How do we do this work?

A 360 assessment.

In which we assess the no-holds-barred reality of how you're living, across every area of your life.

  • To be the called one,
  • Who lives into the calling.
  • Life demands you be the best,
  • Of the best,
  • OF the best
  • Of all that you are.


This is NOT for the faint-hearted.

It's a stripping back, it is BRUTAL honesty, it is looking at yourself naked in the mirror and then holding your head up high and saying FUCK.



I was made for SO.




I am done.


Motherfucking DONE.

With mediocre.


Oh, you thought that stepping into your calling is simply about how you show up on the INTERNET, about pretty positioning and fancying up of a message built on a substance of a life that is a LIE?

No bitch.


This is BOOTCAMP for your LIFE.

Because stepping into your calling? Requires you to first step into YOU.

  • The next level you.
  • The brighter than bright you.
  • The FULL colour you.
  • The you who is unapologetically BETTER.


  • In her choices.
  • In her expectations.
  • In her demands.
  • In her standards.
  • In her BEING.

So when I say 360 assessment –

I mean 360 assessment.

  • Your patterns.
  • Your behaviours.
  • Your emotional fortitude.
  • Your choices in your relationships, what you accept and allow and what you also command.
  • Your body, the inside and out of it.
  • Your environment.
  • The way you honour yourself through your day,
  • And the way you don't.

For starters.

This WILL be confronting, it will be uncomfortable, it will bring up feelings of shame, guilt, self-recrimination, more.

And you will like it, because then?


Which leads us to what is next:

  • The mission.
  • The challenge.
  • The adventure.
  • The dare.

And the DAILY –

Doing of the damn work.

Did I mention this was bootcamp?

It's motherfreakin' bootcamp 

Every day, you'll receive your mission, your challenge, your adventure, your dare, delivered to you for for no-excuses implementation.


  • How you think
  • How you eat
  • How you move
  • How you attend to your environment
  • How you create
  • How you build inner strength
  • How you connect to your soul, and find the not-so-hidden answers to guide you forward
  • How you message
  • How you sell

Did you SAY you came here to be the best?


Did you MEAN it?

Because I gotta tell ya –

  • It LOOKS like you think there's time to fuck around.
  • It LOOKS as though you've bought into an idea that half-assed will lead to fuck yes.
  • It LOOKS,

As though you've been lying to yourself.

Running from yourself.

And ultimately – Hiding yourself,

From the world.

Because how on earth do you expect to ever BOLDLY go forth and claim all that is yours when you refuse to BE,

All that is required of you.

So yes –

We will be committing to intensity, we will be committing to growth, we will be committed to a DAILY stripping back, releasing, reconnecting, to the core of you, and we WILL be committing to doing the damn work.

Which work?

ALL the work, duh!

4 weeks.

ABSOLUTE determination.

RELENTLESS action-taking.

COMPLETE refusal to accept anything other than a standard of EXCELLENCE.


I will be guiding you on the specifics of ALL of this.

The thinking.

The connecting in.

The accessing of soul, and highest available self, and of the BLUEPRINT, with which you came.

The food.

The movement.

The breath.

The elevation of your entire PHYSIOLOGY.

The messaging.

The unleashing.

The creating.

The 'HOW' and also the SOUL, of sharing your crazy.

The turning of that innermost you into –





The getting your damn head out of the sand around money.

Around mindset.

Around creating WEALTH.


There's more –

The so-called balancing of relationships.

Self care.

Time for you.

Time for those you love.

Time for LIFE.

And the blending,

Of course,

Of ALL of it.

What we're talking about here, to become CALLED AND ALSO LIVING SAID CALLING, is addressing the every little bit

Every medium bit

And every BIG damn bit

Of how your day looks,

Of how you look,

Of how your business looks,

Of how your LIFE looks.

And of how you can fit it all in,

How to hold true to your VALUES, across every area as you do

So you can have it all




This will literally be the most intense 4 weeks you have EVER lived.

It will tear you down.

MELT you.

SHOCK you.

Challenge you beyond what you could imagine,

FREE you.

In just 4 weeks … (although it may certainly feel like 4 years, at times!) … you will be COMPLETELY REBORN,

From the soul out.


Into the warrior you came here to be.


Sorry NOT sorry, but this is not what it was meant to fucking be.

And if that's too much for you then GUESS WHAT, so am I, so leave, leave, LEAVE, and go back to your shadow life.

To the shadow people.

The non-playable ones, y'know?

They look pretty.

The fill space quite nicely.

They're …. useful.

To have around.

And have do things for us.


Don't join my program.

I can't help you.

I don't KNOW you.

And I don't wanna.

But if you're CALLED,

And you know what that actually means, you understand even a LITTLE of the responsibility that goes hand in hand with that,

And if you are READY,

To finally say yes to ALL of it.

And to be the ABSOLUTE.











Then say yes to Called.

Say yes to BOOTCAMP-in' with me.

Say yes to doing the damn work.

Say yes to stripping back the soft,




Which you've allowed to creep up all over and around you,

So Many Lies

No More Time Except?

To answer the damn call.

Oh and baby?

Just a little warning –

Living this way and being the best? It's KINDA FUCKING ADDICTIVE.

Not to mention you WILL end up hot as fuck, rich as fuck, orgasmically energised as fuck, and living a life that most don't even dare to dream of.


A lot of people look at me, or my clients, or really anyone who SHOWS UP fully for their business, their art, their life, and might think, wow –

This woman is super badass, she's so confident and she knows how to talk well and all of this sort of stuff, and 'I could never be like HER'.

Well, it's true that I and those like me DO show up badass, confident, ON, but that's because it's a choice. A daily choice, to put your 'shit' aside and do the work anyway. Of course it's also because plain and simple I've had a lot of PRACTICE at showing up, which does lead to being more polished, professional, on point.

But why have I had so much practice? Because I did the damn thing even when I didn’t know how and felt I wasn’t able to.

So, you know, where does it (being the person who shows up like THAT) really come from?

It comes from you put yourself out there long before you're ready. And you made it happen even when you feel like a complete fraud as well.

What other choice do you have, if you're serious about where you want to go?

For me to do that though, I had to put aside my own insecurities, and the fact that actually I’m not naturally confident, I’m not an extrovert at all and in fact anyone who knows me, knows I am the opposite of that. In fact people who meet me in person are usually like, "omg you’re so quiet and shy compared to how you are online!"

For me to be able to bring what's in me out and REALLY step into the true work that I’m here to do as a leader, as a magic maker, as a messenger, a writer, a revolutionary, as a badass fucking unapologetically extra woman, I had to get a little aggressive and pull this part of me out that was like ..

“what in the actual fuck have you been doing here? Like what is really happening here?”

Like I’ve said before – "you don’t know how", or it’s "the wrong phase of the fucking moon or something", too bad. Do you want the results or not?

In the end it’s very black and white. You’re either GOING to take action and you’re going to get there, or you’re going to stay ALL the way down with all the other jokers, living a life of bullshit.

Ask yourself – why is it that you imagine to yourself that in order to be this called and purpose driven amazing badass who’s doing his or her purpose work in the world, that you’ve ALREADY got to be confident, certain and badass all of the time?

That's not how it works!

It’s a piece from inside of you that you bring out – and you need to consciously choose to bring it out. Perhaps by letting me kick your ass in my new program 'Called' 

Because no matter how far you climb, everyday you DO have to choose: which way am I going to go today? What am I going to do? Red pill or blue pill today, which is it?

I know which one I’m going to choose even though some days are harder than others.

This is what I'm here for:

To kick your ass and help you to find and fully REMEMBER who you are, and then become it.

Our work here in 'Called' is so different and so unique because this time we’re not just going in to uplevel business and to be the next level you in business or with money.

Yep we ARE doing that, but we're recognising that that is just ONE part of it.

We HAVE to also look at how you're creating a standard of excellence in ALL the different areas of your life.

And basically turn you into a superhuman machine as we do so!!



Body, inside and out




All of it at the standard YOU KNOW IT IS MEANT TO BE FOR YOU.

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Called, only price $95

Finally taking care of yourself.

Finally treating yourself like a person who has the CAPACITY, physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually to be their BEST in all areas.

Finally being in alignment, also, with what happens BEHIND the scenes, and in your LIFE, and how all of that really does of COURSE contribute to your business.

If you want to be a leader, a chosen one, who also chooses themselves … if you want to be the magic maker who you know you are …

Then you BETTER attend to business, and not just IN business, because it doesn’t work that way.

We’ve all seen entrepreneurs who have made money and whose lives are a complete mother fucking disaster! And by the way you can see that shit – it’s an energy, a glow.

I really think that for me to have created what I have in business and in life, while there’s been so many thing where I’ve taken action that I’m not proud of, and made choices that didn’t feel good, and not said yes to purpose –

Ultimately bit by bit In all different areas, I have been honest about what I needed to change and who I needed to become in all of these different areas.

It’s just not going to work if you’re showing up to the Internet and all .. "yeah live your dream life, live your purpose, follow soul, follow God", and then the camera goes off and you’re yelling at your kids and binging on chocolate and crying yourself to sleep at night –

That might be part of being human, but it’s also things we have choice over.

It’s about taking that choice and making a decision to step back and go –

“Wow, actually this is not ok. This is not in alignment with my values and my beliefs, and actually if I were to continue on this part and ‘succeed’ in business at what cost would it be? is that actually what I would call successful fulfilment? “

And let’s not forget that success and fulfilment, these things are really an emotion and a feeling, it’s not how many followers you have or how many likes, or how much money you have in the bank – it’s none of those things-

It’s asking yourself when you go to bed at night, do I feel I am living in accordance with my own values?

Can I hand on heart say – yes, I pressed play today and said yes to what I know I needed to say yes to! Part of that is saying NO to the things that aren’t a hell yes, being bold enough and strong enough internally to turn away from those things and make space for what is aligned to come in –

Whether it’s business and doing what you came here to do in the world and making the difference that you’re here to create!

Whether it’s business, your body, having an epic amazing relationship with who you’re meant to be with and making that work, all the different areas of life, either way, it always comes back to being willing to say NO to anything that’s not a hell yes – in order to make space for what IS a hell yes, to come through –

That’s probably one of the scariest things of all.

It’s quite easy to create a shadow business, a shadow life, home, relationship, and continue to tell yourself every day that this is enough, and it should be enough, you should be happy, and maybe one day I’ll magically end up with the life I know I was meant to create.

It won’t happen –

This will only happen if you’re willing to be truthful with yourself about where you’re not showing up and where you’re not pressing play. And where you are giving your energy and emotion to things that are not the right things.

It’s so important to understand that every moment you give your energy to something that is not purpose and from alignment and the truth of what you know is right for you, it’s literally what you’re creating your life.

And it’s creating the wrong life –

It’s not a matter of, let me just fill up all this space in my life till the right life comes along, nope you’ll miss out.

Just because you have a destiny doesn’t mean you’ll ever live it –

Just because you know you could be in that dream body and dream relationship, have the business, the house. Just because you know it’s all possible and available doesn’t mean any of it’s gonna happen.

The only way it will happen is if you make space for it!

You hold the intention and have faith, which is a choice by the way, it’s not something you get or earn, you choose it –

You choose to act from faith

You choose to be ok with being in the void and flying blind –

And THEN along with all those things, you choose to do the damn work, whatever that work is each day.

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Called, only price $95

This is exactly what Called is about.

Life bootcamp.

Of the highest and most aligned fucking order.

The way it damn well should be.

Claim your home study program now!

Click the button above to sign up to the home study program and save 30%!  Make a single upfront payment (best price) or on a payment plan for 4 weeks of the most insane life bootcamp you've ever experienced!


I just completed the pre-work bonus for CALLED – it's my training video for you on "This is How I Manifest"! Including the exact 8-step process I personally use to create and call in ANYTHING (from soul, of course!), and also what to do when it's not working. There's a very specific way in which I go about manifesting, and it gets better EVERY YEAR, well, ever minute really! This is the first time IN a year I have taught on manifesting, and I'm so excited to share with you!

It also makes a great reason of course to join Called now, and not wait till the final minute before we begin 

Oh, and of course you get the FULL bonus $497 High-Level Manifestation Intensive course for FREE as soon as you sign up! 


Sign up today and receive my ENTIRE  High-Level Manifestation Intensive free, and right away, to get you into the mindset and the NOW being of who you're meant to be in order to call in the ALL of it.

This is a $497 VERY detailed and deep-dive 4-week course, one of the most powerful and popular I have ever run actually, and with a ton of extras and bonuses, which you are getting as a FREE bonus when you join Called, because if there's one thing I want to MOST kick your ass on it's the INNER GAME of creating your life, FULLY, ON YOUR TERMS. THAT'S IT.

Are you READY?

I am SO excited for the work we're doing here! This is LIFE Bootcamp of the highest order! 4 weeks of asskickery from me, to you, on ALL of it.

  • Business.
  • Money.
  • Body.
  • Relationships.
  • Mindset.
  • Clearing your SHIT.
  • LIFE.

We about to sort out ALL yo' shit

And go deep into RAPID creation in every area, the creation of results the way you know they're meant to be!

Let the games begin, and let's not forget –

Life is Now. Press Play!

Kat x

PS. This is LIFE bootcamp girl, and we're going ALL the way in. You KNOW it's time.

This is for the leaders who are ready to now lead.

The magic makers born to create.

The chosen ones who are not choosing themselves.

The ones who are going at 10%,

When they know they were born to live full pelt, balls to the walls, running BREATHLESS and purposefully through life to create and call in and BE –

The best.

For the best who are done with their bullshit.

Done with their excuses.

Done with the never-ending same SAME-ness of it all, and know –

It's time.

It's time.

It's TIME.


Claim your home study program now!

Click the button above to sign up to the home study program and save 30%!  Make a single upfront payment (best price) or on a payment plan for 4 weeks of the most insane life bootcamp you've ever experienced!


I just completed the pre-work bonus for CALLED – it's my training video for you on "This is How I Manifest"! Including the exact 8-step process I personally use to create and call in ANYTHING (from soul, of course!), and also what to do when it's not working. There's a very specific way in which I go about manifesting, and it gets better EVERY YEAR, well, ever minute really! This is the first time IN a year I have taught on manifesting, and I'm so excited to share with you!

It also makes a great reason of course to join Called now, and not wait till the final minute before we begin 

Oh, and of course you get the FULL bonus $497 High-Level Manifestation Intensive course for FREE as soon as you sign up! 


Sign up today and receive my ENTIRE  High-Level Manifestation Intensive free, and right away, to get you into the mindset and the NOW being of who you're meant to be in order to call in the ALL of it.

This is a $497 VERY detailed and deep-dive 4-week course, one of the most powerful and popular I have ever run actually, and with a ton of extras and bonuses, which you are getting as a FREE bonus when you join Called, because if there's one thing I want to MOST kick your ass on it's the INNER GAME of creating your life, FULLY, ON YOUR TERMS. THAT'S IT.

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Called, only price $95

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Katrina Ruth Programs E28093 Called | eSy[GB]
Katrina Ruth Programs – Called
Original price was: $697.00.Current price is: $91.00. Add to cart