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Buy 3.4 Million Ecommerce Shopify Training – Faceboom Ads Academy – Robert V Nava Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

How You Can Create A VERY LARGE Cash Flow

Selling Online Starting From Absolute ZERO!!!

All You Need To Do Is Get Started TODAY. Join The Academy, Become Your Own Success Story.

Secure a Financial Free Future For Yourself And Your Family 

After promising my family that things would get better, they finally did when I learned what I now teach in FaceBOOM Ads Academy

Not Another Single-Strategy Course That Leaves You Hanging

You Are Given Several Strategies That Can Be Applied To Start Making Money From Any Ecommerce Product Campaign

Apply This Stuff To More Than Just Ecommerce Products

Once You Understand Facebook Ads For Ecommerce, You'll Find Ways To Use Them For All Of your Business Ideas

FREE ACCESS To DOZENS Of Ecommerce Trainings Included

Tighten up your ecommerce knowledge with TWO ecommerce training courses I'm throwing in for FREE if you purchase NOW

I Turned My Last $60 Into An 8-Figure Ecommerce Success

Simple Strategies Even A Caveman Can Do

A Getting Startegy That You Can Use For Every Campaign

Enjoy Making Money While You Watch The Sales Roll In

The Wrong Way

The Right way

When you join the Complete Traffic Academy, you’ll have access to the same secret to success thanks to my Crazy Simple, Easy To Apply, Repeatable System:

Hi, I'm Robert V. Nava.  A.K.A #MillionDollarFelon

When You Purchase FaceBOOM Ads Acedemy You Are Going To Learn The ONE THING That Took Me From Broke, Ex-Felon, College Student, To Generating Millions Of Dollars In Sales Online WITHOUT Prior Experience

  • Why 99% of eCommerce marketers are on the brink of a catastrophic downfall without even knowing it.
  • The easy way to avoid downfall and drive eCommerce traffic that’s reliable, life changing, and with the potential to span generations of your family.
  • How to receive over $10,000,000 in training and resources for over 65% off.

Now, We’re About To Reveal The One Thing You Can’t Afford To Miss:

You’ll learn a LOT of incredible stuff just by reading this page – so pay attention.

First, I would like to share an important lesson with you.

Why Relying On Untested Social Media Marketing To Reach Your Customers Is A DANGEROUS Pitfall For Your Business.

There is no doubt that you can generate traffic and build a customer base by creating untargeted ad campaigns on Facebook (and other social media) and drawing "cold clicks" to your website.

In fact, we’ve gotten the attention of millions of visitors this way, and so have our business partners and competition (we even teach it!)

But that doesn’t change the fact that this is NOT a sustainable marketing practice. It can cost you crucial funding, product sales and chip away at your time.

The truth of the matter is, it's very DANGEROUS territory…

And if you're relying exclusively on this model to drive traffic, you're setting yourself up for failure!

Maybe, in the back of your mind, you're already realizing that this method of finding traffic is unsustainable.

You can try targeting new groups and demographics for weeks and not see any increase in your conversion rate, or worse, you could start to see your conversions decrease…

That's why…

Your Market Strategy Must Shift, From Relying on Tired, Trial-By-Fire Advertisement Techniques To Building Laser-Targeted Ad Copy and Creating Your Own Audience!

Let me make sure we're in the same mindset about this. Can you Say Yesto any of the following?

Are your conversion rates lower than you'd like them to be?

Are you having trouble finding the best audience for your store?

Is it difficult for you to find a way to make your store resonate with your target demographic?

Do you want to build your own audience, instead of relying on existing, imperfect matches?

Of course you do.

To find real success, you MUST move beyond relying on cold traffic to fuel your business. It's an expensive, time consuming trial-by-error process.

It's time to laser-focus your selling technique.

If the thought of undertaking this sort of in-depth marketing plan seems too daunting – I understand.

If you have questions like, "how do ads even work?" or "how am I supposed to plan for this?" – I understand. And I couldn't be more excited to answer those questions for you, right now. 

Because MANY of this program's students have made money by starting from NOTHING.

NO connections. NO budget. NO experience planning, andNO IDEA how to make their business succeed.

AND they were still able to build a successful brand – some in as little as THE NEXT DAY.

All you need are the right steps and the right knowledge at your disposal.

And that's exactly what we're gonna give you…

Complete Traffic Academy Contains the A-Z training that you'll NEED to truly succeed with Google and Facebook Ads for Ecommerce. From the basics of introducing you to the platforms, to the more advanced stuff like evergreen campaigns and Google Shopping, we've got it all.

But Academy Slots ARE LIMITED.

We care about providing a quality experience to anyone that signs up, and that means that SPACE IS LIMITED. Grab your spot NOW, before the academy is full!


How To Build Your Marketing Profile, WITHOUT Breaking Your Budget.

You don't have to invest huge, thousand-dollar sums into plans that might not work. We're giving away every secret we have on creating effective social media campaigns, from the very basics on creating effective ads to the industry secrets on driving traffic that pays for itself.

If you've never sold with targeted ad copy before, don't worry about it. We'll get you up to speed so you always know what we're talking about, guaranteed.

How To Establish A Brand And Build Your Own Audience

It's the marketer's dream come true – well, sort-of. We'll show you how to create a brand beyond just the products you're selling, and build an audience for your products so every click is warm traffic.

A Constant Stream Of Case Studies

We're not just about showing you what we've done that works, we're dedicated to showing you why. These vetted case studies will provide up-to-date information on everything that's working in the industry right now – and everything that isn't.

Cutting-Edge Campaign Scaling Techniques

Think selling to an audience of 1,000 is the same as an audience of 1,000,000? We'll show you how to go beyond building a product, and how to move into building anempire.

Creating Long-Term Ads That Keep Paying

Creating viral, new content is important, but so is building content that you can fall back on – ad copy that can last you for months before needing a revisit. This program gives you the tools to create long-lasting tools to keep your store running indefinitely.

PLUS, You'll Get To See The Inner Workings Of My Own Stores!

If you've ever taken advice before this, you know that the how is just as important as thewhat. Finding tools can be difficult, but not impossible – but finding successful examples of how they've been used (the most important part of the process!) can be a daunting task.

You have to either beg existing businesses to let you see them behind the scenes, or you're stuck with trial-by-fire applications for yourself – just keep throwing things at a wall and seeing what sticks. With this adacemy, though, you don't need to worry about the results, because I'll share mine with you. These techniques aren't just cheap tricks to get into your wallet – I use them, they work, and I want to show you how they can work for you, too.

When you join Complete Traffic Academy today, you're getting an exclusive look at the inner workings of my own business – from the products to the ad copy to the development process. This includes my own hands-on approach to the techniques I'm going to be teaching!

We Start At The Top – You Get An Insider Look At How To Make Sense Of, And Create Social Media Campaigns

We're not gonna sugarcoat it – social media advertising can be a complex, terrifyingly daunting task. If you've never done it before, or you've never managed multiple successful campaigns across half a dozen platforms – we've got you covered. The first module of this course talks in-depth about making sense of Facebook ads and social media marketing. From the terminology to the planning process, we'll take you through from start to finish and make sure you're perfectly equipped to undertake any marketing task.

See My Personal Tips And Tricks For Writing Ad Copy That Doesn't Just Drive More Traffic, It Gets You More Sales – Guaranteed.

What goes into good ad copy? Before this course, you might've thought to yourself, "I can write ads myself – it'll be just as good as some commissioned copywriter!" And you're not wrong – anyone can write good advertisements, if they're trained. But without that training, you're just lost in the dark – throwing your ads out into the eyes of your customers, just trying to see what works. That's a process that will cost you a lot of time, and a lot of money.

We'll Show You How To Save Time And Money, WITHOUT Losing Out On Your Views Or Conversion Rate

If you've ever run an ad campaign on Facebook, you know that their bidding process is tricky and difficult to fully utilize. Don't worry about it! The third part of this course takes you in-depth on how to maximize  your advertising potential, generating views and conversions without breaking your budget.

By the time we're done, your ad will be set up in such a way that it's literally paying for itself!

PLUS, We'll Show You How To Find An Audience For Any Product.

It doesn't matter what you're selling. whether it's jewelry, car stereos, Chinese imports or the canned souls of small animals, I am making you a guarantee, right now – there is a market for it. Most businesses don't fail because their product is bad. They fail because they haven't found the correct market. I'm going to show you how to make sure you always have the right market for your products, whether you're trying to start a multinational brand or you're selling your home woodworking projects online.

You Might Be Starting To Realize…

This Program Is The Real Deal.

Not just another scam.

Not just another "guru" promising results that they've never achieved.

These are my secrets and techniques, time-tested and proven to work.

Every tool and trick that I use in my own businesses, every day.

I'll walk you through every step of the process personally, and make sure that no matter your product, you will be able to find a market for it and draw in sales. 

This program is everything you've ever needed to succeed, and you'll see resultsimmediately.

You Can See Real Results In Your Sales In Two Days OR LESS.

This is what gets me up and GOING in the morning. The fact that this isn't just some trick or scheme that will only work once – once you start seeing results, you can keep using these techniques for months or years to come.

Some people get a rush from jumping out of an airplane, or riding a roller coaster. I get it from helping NORMAL PEOPLE succeed – the feeling of seeing someone's struggling business use my techniques, turn around and begin selling is nothing short of intoxicating.

Especially since, the fact of the matter is…

I've Seen The Same Overpromising, Tired Programs That You Have.


And when those promises get broken, over and over again, I know how frustrating it is. Heck, I've taken a couple of those programs, and just wondered to myself at the end "why did I pay for this?"

And I pride myself in being the EXACT OPPOSITE of those programs.

I pride myself on honesty. This isn't the first course that I've taught, and it isn't the first subject, either. But in every single one of my courses, I keep the promises that I make. How many other programs do you see dedicating themselves to honesty…

…and making themselves accountable for the results? That's what I'm doing. 

Because I Want To Show You What The Experience Is Like, When The People Who Make The Promises… Actually Fulfill Them.

It's a fantastic feeling, mutually – building a business into an empire, and seeing that business succeed using my techniques…

I can't wait for you to experience it for yourself.

And In The Spirit Of This Honesty, Let Me Be Honest About The Costs Of This Academy…

This Program Cost A Lot To Develop. Hundreds of hours went into creating and editing the content of our video courses, from building the material to editing it into something presentable.

We Spend Hours Focusing On You And Your Marketing Material, Each Week. Whenever I launch a new course, I try and keep it personal – a lot of back-and-forth between me, and my students. FaceBOOM is no exception, but time is a valuable commodity, these days.

Businesses Spend Thousands To Consult With Me And My Team. Despite that, I'm always trying to make my courses more accessible to the average person. Still – this information is valuable, and that means that it comes with a price tag.

Get 3.4 Million Ecommerce Shopify Training – Faceboom Ads Academy – Robert V Nava, Only Price 39$

The Results Pay For The Cost. The thing about selling a product or service is, you get what you pay for. If you pay for a $30 course, you're paying for $30 worth of content. If you pay $100 for content, you should expect to see $100 worth of results. Makes sense, right?

The System Has Been Proven. This isn't just a pipe-dream – I use these techniques myself, and they make me money. They will pay for this course, ten times over or more.

Like I've mentioned, I value honesty. And when you look at the costs and benefits of the FaceBOOM Ad Academy, I think you should be able to see right away why I'm holding this course at the price point that I am.

Because it's worth it. I'm not trying to overcharge you or get into your pocket here – these techniques are worth what I'm selling them for, and will still make your money back, a dozen times over or more.

That's Why, For A Limited Time, I'm Offering FaceBOOM Academy For Only $427. That $427 Gets You EVERYTHING, Including:

My Insider Tips On Building Easy Ad Campaigns, WITHOUT Breaking Your Budget.

If you're spending money on ads that aren't paying for themselves, you're doing it wrong.Get the insider's perspective on the techniques that work (and the ones that don't).

Proven Tips For Scaling Ad Campaigns.

Ad campaign scaling is the difference between a $1,000 profit and a $100,000 profit. I can show you how to turn a winning campaign into an Ecommerce empire.

A Variety Of Case Studies

What works for me will work for you, and I've got the data to prove it. I can show you what's working in the industry today, and how I've gotten to where I am because of it.

Building A Brand And Creating An Audience

The best marketing campaigns go beyond just selling a product. They build you a brand and a future. I've got a step-by-step guide on how to take your online store from a product focus, to a brand focus.

Build "Once And Done" Ad Campaigns

No ad campaign is perfect, but I can teach you to build lasting copy that you won't have to keep revisiting and targeting. It saves me time and money, and can do the same for you as well!

"And All That For $427? What's The Catch?"

The catch is that it's worth it. I'm not gonna BS you with any imaginary deals or try and sell you an idea that doesn't exist. The catch is, I could be charging double for this service and it would still pay for itself.

But I don't, because I want to get it into your hands. I'm charging enough to cover costs, and that's about it, because I care about your success in my program. I want to see you grow your own Ecommerce empire.

You're ready, aren't you?

Isn't it time that you took your website to the next step?

Click the button below and get your spot now.

Satisfy Your Craving For Success, and See What's Inside My Program Right Now.

If you've ever thought to yourself, "I can do better…"

If you've ever asked yourself why your products aren't converting…

If you're tired of spending money on ads, month after month…

Take the next step, and join the FaceBOOM Ad Academy.

My Commitment To Your Value

I've already told you about how my results have worked for me…

I've already shown you how my results have worked for others…

I've already shared my commitment to honesty with you…

But if you're still not convinced, here's my promise…

My Money-Back Guarantee

If you're STILL not convinced, and try out the program only to find out it's not what you're looking for…

If your ad conversions are only paying for themselves twice, instead of three times…

If you wanted to double your traffic, but only saw a 50% increase…

If, FOR ANY REASON, you decide that this program was not worth your money, you'll just have to tell us what is not working, then we will refund your purchase.

Because that's how committed I am…

Because that's how sure I am that my content will get results.

So Give This Course A Try NOW, While There Are Still Spots Available!

You have to either beg existing businesses to let you see them behind the scenes, or you're stuck with trial-by-fire applications for yourself – just keep throwing things at a wall and seeing what sticks. With this adacemy, though, you don't need to worry about the results, because I'll share mine with you. These techniques aren't just cheap tricks to get into your wallet – I use them, they work, and I want to show you how they can work for you, too.

When you join Complete Traffic Academy today, you're getting an exclusive look at the inner workings of my own business – from the products to the ad copy to the development process. This includes my own hands-on approach to the techniques I'm going to be teaching!

You've seen everything that this program includes – and it's a lot…

And I have more content that we couldn't fit into this page… (it's long enough as it is!)

You've seen my dedication to an honest program and technique…

To put it bluntly, I love this program.

That's why I spend so much time with my students, trying to make sure that everyone around me succeeds…

After all, I could easily split my time between my business and a vacation home, and you'd never know I was. I'd be fat, happy and rich, sitting at home and whittling away at my time and hobbies…

But I love working with people that don't yet share my knowledge, and helping them succeed. So I've poured my time, effort and resources into FaceBOOM, so I can help YOU succeed, in ways that you never have before…

You know, this program is all-inclusive when it comes to Facebook marketing.

Every single tool, resource and insight I have at my disposal, laid out for you to use in your own business.

Everything from my "start from scratch" beginner's guide, all the way to ensuring that you can go beyond just selling a product, and start to build a brand…

Think of me as your new marketing mastermind.

You'll never have to be left out, or be left wondering what actually works…

You're part of my class now, and that means that I want to see you succeed as much as you do.

And it even comes with a no-risk guarantee.

If you decide that you don't like my program, that my techniques are things you already knew, or that are somehow not working for you…

You'll have access to a full, no-questions-asked refund.

But you know that spaces are limited… that with a program this good, we'll only have a few spare seats before the class is filled up…

Because of the unprecedented level of support I give my students, I have to keep membership limited. This is to your benefit – it means more time working directly with me, and a more manageable course.

You know that these techniques could be worth millions to you…

And As You Know By Now… It's Your Turn.

Just click the button below, and claim your opportunity today…

I can't wait to start helping you.

Get 3.4 Million Ecommerce Shopify Training – Faceboom Ads Academy – Robert V Nava, Only Price 39$

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3.4 Million Ecommerce Shopify Training – Faceboom Ads Academy – Robert V Nava
Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $35.00. Add to cart