Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $80.00.

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How To Build A Client-Getting Funnel In The Next 30 Days And Have High Paying Copywriting Clients Chasing YOU… Even If You've Been Struggling To Land Clients For Years!

"Before taking this course, I had no direction at all. I didn’t know who I wanted to work with and I had no idea how to get freelance copywriting clients. Worst of all, I was charging way too low for the work and value I offered. After taking this course though, everything changed. Not only were clients starting to chase me… I was able to almost TRIPLE my email copywriting rates in just 2 weeks. Suffice to say, this was one of the best investments I’ve ever made." – Dean Green

Purchase this course you will earn 80 Points worth of $8.00!


Buy The Magnetic Freelancer – Danavir Sarria Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

How To Build A Client-Getting Funnel In The Next 30 Days And Have High Paying Copywriting Clients Chasing YOU… Even If You've Been Struggling To Land Clients For Years!

"Before taking this course, I had no direction at all. I didn’t know who I wanted to work with and I had no idea how to get freelance copywriting clients. Worst of all, I was charging way too low for the work and value I offered. After taking this course though, everything changed. Not only were clients starting to chase me… I was able to almost TRIPLE my email copywriting rates in just 2 weeks. Suffice to say, this was one of the best investments I’ve ever made." – Dean Green


Dear Friend,

What if you could get high-paying copywriting clients to chase YOU… whether you’re an experienced copywriter who’s struggling to land gigs… or even if you’re a noob who’s never been paid as a freelancer before?

Imagine what that would mean…

No more spending hours inside of job boards like Upwork, scrounging for clients who don’t appreciate you, and barely scraping by… 

Instead, you’ll be the one waking up to message after message from new clients chasing after you… potentially paying DOUBLE what you get paid now for the SAME work. 

The best part…with this much opportunity…

NEVER again will you have to go wake up every morning like a robot to go to a job you hate, talk to boss who doesn’t even really like you, and have to work long hours for little pay.

Finally, you can walk right up to your crappy boss and tell him right to his face you quit! 

You’re now your own boss.

And you can choose to work from anywhere in the world, at anytime you want, doing anything you want. 

You, A Highly Paid Freelance Copywriter?

Now, I can’t guarantee your results… a lot depends on how hard you work.

And I’m not saying I can turn you into a six-figure freelancer in the next six months either. While I HAVE been offered enough high paying gigs to earn 6 figures a year using the client-getting skills I’m about to reveal… it’s not my place to promise that…

BUT… if you take me up on my ONE-TIME offer today, I’ll do everything in my power to help you get higher paying clients in the next 30 days…

The good news is that you don’t have to be a master copywriter or marketer. With the same skills you have now, you can starting charging DOUBLE what you do now… or more… 

That’s because I’m going to teach you the exact step-by-step plan I use to bring high-paying clients to me pre-sold… without having to prospect… plus, it works even if you aren’t an experienced freelancer.

I’m also going to show you how to avoid all the mistakes I made doing things the hard way… chasing clients for over six years. 

Instead, you’re going to learn…

Russ Reynolds Went From Being Skeptical To Attracting Clients Worth 6 Figures EACH!

"Before taking Danavir's course, I was skeptical. 

I was already a 6-figure copywriter but there was one thing missing… I was good at getting referrals, repeat business, and hunting for new business. But I'd never been great at attracting business. 

Until now. 

After taking Danavir's course – and doing the work – I've begun to attract clients already. And what surprised me the most is the calibre of the prospects! These are the type of clients that can be worth 6-figures EACH to my business annually. Better yet, these prospects come to me virtually sold thanks to the strategies I got from Danavir's course. 

So, if you want to start attracting high quality clients, I'd grab this course and do the work as soon as you can."

The NEW Way To Get High Paying Copywriting Clients In The Next 30 Days

Most advice from freelance client-getting “experts” assume the world is the same it was 30, 20 or even just 10 years ago. It’s not. 

The old way of getting clients can still work, but it’s a steep, uphill battle. If you’re already struggling to get clients, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get passed this phase and be able turn your freelance work into a full time career.

The NEW way is different, because it follows one simple rule…

You get paid more for who you are rather than what you do.

This is a huge shift. 

It’s no longer the case that the most skilled copywriter gets the job. It’s the one who markets themselves the best. 


Because once you’re KNOWN and trusted in your niche, it becomes an obvious choice to hire you. Even when there are hundreds of other copywriters who can do as good of a job or even better than you can…

The Key To Attracting High Paying Clients  Like Filings To A Magnet

Here’s the cool part:

In The Magnetic Freelancer, you'll learn how to market yourself better than your competitors — and get high-paying clients to chase you — in the next 30 days.

That’s right…

Your freelance copywriting business will be set up so you won’t have to compete with other freelancers, deal with cheap clients, or have to go through another month barely able to pay your bills ever again…

The only question is… how?

It’s called… 

“Inbound Marketing”

Here's how it works:

When you produce the right content in the right places and in the right times – I’ll show you how – potential clients will find you on their own. 

That means you won't be chasing clients like most people. Instead, the leads come to you… hence the term "Inbound".

Have you ever heard the term "like a moth to a flame?"

Think of "Inbound Marketing" like that… only your content is the flame… and your ideal client is the moth who becomes attracted to it. Nice!

The best part is your process for producing this content doesn’t have to be fancy either. Really…

Bringing in Clients Can Be As Simple As Making The Right Post On Your Facebook Timeline

Basically, once your potential clients read your content they start to become familiar with your expertise. Then, when they have a project they need completed, they come to you already sold. 

All you have to do is send them your payment link.

All of this means being able to double or even triple your rates, having clients chase you, and never having to go through another “feast or famine” period again even if you suck at selling yourself…

Again, you don’t have to be a master copywriter for this to work. In fact, you can do this with the same copy skills you have right now! 

Jay Makoni Tripled His Rates And Reached His First $2,000 Month As A Freelance Copywriter!

“"Before I took Danavir's course I was lost, had no idea what I was worth or just what the hell I was doing. 

He showed me how I could get clients, how I could position myself for better cilent and more importantly… how to "rethink" what my copy was worth (I essentially tripled my prices thanks to him and I'm set to raise them again in a couple of months).

Thanks to him I finally managed to achieve my first 2k month (quite a feet considering where I started)."

What You Will Have In 30 Days:

In The Magnetic Freelancer, you'll learn how to market yourself better than your competitors — and get high-paying clients to chase you — by building the client-getting funnel you see below in the next 30 days…

This is the exact marketing funnel multi-million dollar agencies use to attract high-ticket clients. It's also the same funnel I taught my past consulting clients who would then go on to triple their rates and attract higher quality and higher paying clients.

With that said, even if you find funnels complicated, you have nothing to worry about.

That's because I'm going to take you by the hand and show you how to build it from beginning to end, step-by-step, with ease. 

The best part?

Once you build it, you'll be able to use it again and again for as long as you want. That means high paying copywriting clients chasing after you for years!

Who Am I And Why Should You Trust Me?


Hi, my name is Danavir Sarria.

I'm the founder & CEO of CopyMonk. I've been featured in magazines like Entrepreneur & Forbes as well as sites like Problogger & SumoMe. I run one of the most popular copywriting groups in all of Facebook with 4,000 members and counting. My email list is filled with thousands of copywriters… 

And I was also once a struggling freelance copywriter…

I used to have “pricing battles” with clients who did everything they could to lower my already ridiculously low prices… this includes a 2-hour long fight over Facebook messenger with a client who yelled at me in an effort to cut my price from $50 per email to $30 per email, which was my price for 3 years before that conversation.

I was overworked.

I was underpaid.

And I was tired chasing after clients.

Fast forward to today and things are totally different…

I’m now the one that’s being chased and offered thousands of dollars for work.
Check out some of my most recent offers from clients…

  •     $5,000 to EDIT an existing sales letter in the MMO niche (yup!)
  •     $3,000 to EDIT a VSL for a new sales app launch
  •     $3,000 to EDIT 8 emails and the headlines of 3 landing pages
  •     $1,200/month to write 8 emails in the dating market
  •     $200 per email in the supplement niche

Pretty cool, huh?

Especially considering I was normally being paid a SMALL fraction of that for the exact same quality of work just last year.

So what changed?

Applying the "Inbound Marketing" funnel I'm going to teach you when grab The Magnetic Freelancer today.

Here’s What You Get When You Join  “The Magnetic Freelancer” Today:

As soon as you join today, you'll get immediate access to a 4-module video course that will take you through every step of my Magnetic Freelancer method… so you can start attracting high-paying freelance clients almost immediately. Starting with…

Module #1: 

How To Stand Out From The Pack And Position  Yourself As A Highly Paid Copywriter

Do you want to discover how to double your rates overnight? The secret is in how you position yourself. That’s why in this module, I cover everything from how positioning works to how to actually do it so you NEVER have to worry about competitors or price shoppers again. With that said, here’s a taste of everything you’ll learn inside… 

•    "TOMA” – Why this 4 letter acronym is the difference between being a highly paid copywriter and a copywriter that struggles to pay his bills month after month 
Don’t know what niche to specialize in? I reveal 4 simple questions to ask yourself to nail it down fast 
•    Revealed! The 3 highest paying markets to be in if you're a freelance copywriter
•    Discover how to position yourself as a consultant so you can charge more for your work with the same skills your have now
•    Why you should NEVER call yourself a copywriter! (This is a huge mindshift, but it's the key to avoid being paid peanuts for you work ever again)
•   How to discover who your ideal client is (The type that are fun to work with, are easy to get results for, and that pay you tons of money!)

Module #2: 

How To Build A High-Converting, Client-Getting Website That Sells Your Services For You 24/7

If you want to be able to sell your copywriting services 24/7 with as little effort as possible, then you need a high-converting, client-getting website. The higher-converting it is, the easier it becomes to a highly paid copywriter where clients chase you. That's why in this module, I teach…

  • Discover how to turn your home page into a high-converting lead generating machine! (Only the top 1% of freelance copywriters know the secret behind an effective home page and now you will too)
  • How to create an about page that turns even cold traffic to potential clients who will want to hire you on the spot
  • Discover the EXACT structure to creating a services page that can turn traffic into paid clients while you sleep (It's inspired by a tried-and-true ecommerce tactic that 99% of freelance copywriters will never think about even trying)
  • How to qualify your new leads before you ever get on the phone with them so that you never waste your time with cheap clients
  • Revealed! The exact step-by-step plan to creating a page that will not only generate leads for you, but also make you the only obvious copywriter to hire!

Module #3: 

How To Create & Promote Content That Attracts High Quality Leads Practically Ready To Hire You

The key to building a highly profitable and sustainable copywriting business is to always have fresh leads coming in the door. In fact, there’s nothing more high quality leads can’t fix. That’s why inside this module, I teach… 

  • How to qualify your leads with "TOFU, MOFU, BOFU" so you only deal with the highest paying clients 
  • How to easily come up with content ideas that will attract your ideal client and position you as an expert before they ever reach out to you
  • Discover the 5 types of content proven to attract clients (Just focus on these 5 types of blog posts and you'll never have to worry about not having enough leads again).
  • Discover the simple 3-step content promotion plan guaranteed to help you attract the right clients even if you don't know exactly who they (This means ZERO prospecting needed)
  • Revealed! My personal content criteria that guarantee's high quality content that attracts thousands of unique visitors to my blog every single time I post

Module #4: 

How To Build A Funnel That Turns High Quality Leads Into High Paying Clients!

If you’ve always wondered how to actually convert leads into high paying clients, then this may just be the most valuable module you’ll ever get. Once you set this funnel up, you’ll start getting highly paid gigs on the regular. Inside of this module…

  • Discover the only 3 pillars to building a high profitable freelance copywriting business fast and with as little effort as possible
  • Discover the EXACT offer you should present to new potential clients that will help you close a higher percentage of leads into paying clients while setting you up for high paying projects (Hint: It's NOT copywriting)
  • How to get paid up to 5 figures PER client (This alone will completely change the way you pitch to clients again)
  • Discover the secret to building a sustainable business where you never have to worry about cash-flow ever again 
  • EXACTLY how to guarantee you collect the proof you need from your work so you can create compelling case studies that attract even more, high paying copywriting clients!


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The Magnetic Freelancer Danavir Sarria | eSy[GB]
The Magnetic Freelancer – Danavir Sarria
Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $80.00. Add to cart