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From: The desk of Jason Capital

Puerto Rico

February 2019

I call it the “ONE Skill $250,000 Blueprint”.

When most hear they could get rich online, they go, “No f*cking way”…

Maybe you feel that way too…

Yet several of my students have gotten rich online.

And even more are doing it RIGHT NOW.

In fact, as I’ll show you, every last one of the Top 100 Internet Millionaires makes millions today with the one skil driving this $250,000 blueprint…

But before I install this one skill into you, let’s be real for a sec:

If you’re gonna bank $250,000 with only one skill, it has to be…


This skill’s gotta be so lucrative, simple and proven that…

…anyone with heart could nail it down in a few weeks and start raking in dough almost immediately…

Let me ask you, if you were putting together the most badass skill EVER for getting rich… what would it look like?

  •  It would be PROVEN. Beyond belief. For example, every Top 100 Internet Millionaire would be using it right now to get rich. Which is exactly what they’re doing and why they’re not telling you about it…
  •  It would be EASY. Not “3 clicks and you’re rich” easy but easy enough that someone with no tech skill could start making money with it today. Oddly enough (and I hate admitting this because it sounds unbelievable), the One Skill Side Hustle requires only 3 mouse clicks on your end most of the time…
  •  It would be LUCRATIVE. There’s no point in me teaching you this skill if it’s not gonna level you up in life. One of my students cleared 6-figures last month with this one skill. Would $100,000 a month work for you?
  •  It would BUY TIME. As my recent article in Forbes stated, the One Skill Side Hustle is the highest-paying gig in the world per hour. Pro athletes won’t even be bringing in the kind of dough you could be making…

But most of all…

There’s ONE KEY PART to the most badass skill ever.

You have to be able to use it.

And 10 years ago, you couldn’t…

That’s why it was only the Top 100 Internet Millionaires who were getting rich with this…

But a new feature from Mark Zuckerberg just ruined their private profit-party, and opened up this incredible opportunity to rest of us…

For now, you literally only have to click 3 buttons with this skill…

And I’ll show you which 3 buttons those are with a Video Demo in a moment…

I’ll also show you how even my most “Average Joe” student is clearing well over $250,000 with this today…

And how you can replace rat race life with laptop life using the “One Skill $250,000 Blueprint” starting in as little as 7 days too…

I want you to see for yourself that YOU TOO CAN ride the “One Skill Side Hustle” wave to a life of First-Class Freedom starting today too…

But first, let me tell you what the Top 100 Internet Millionaires pray you never discover…


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Many read my guest column in Forbes, follow me on Instagram and watch me on YouTube…

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Everyday I write copy, coach and share my message to attract more students…

My goal is to help 1 million people replace rat race life with laptop life…

As a kid, I watched my parents argue about bills every week, it sucked… so I decided early on money would never be an issue in my life… can you imagine how great that would be?

And at only 24 years old I became a millionaire (I believe I am literally programmed to generate wealth on-command at this point)…

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But last year, sales were down and so was my money…

I was working twice as much to make the same amount…

I had $90,000 a month in employee payroll…

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And I was worried…had I lost my “Midas Touch”? Should I just give up? Leave the game forever?

Should I just retire on the few million I had set aside for a rainy day?

One day I was on a Skype Call with my friend Dan Lok (Dan is a living legend in sales)…

Out of the blue, Dan asked me, “Jason, how often do you do webinars?”

I tell him, “Never.”

There’s a long silence…

Fifteen seconds pass and he hasn’t said anything…

I wonder, is Dan gonna ghost on me like my money too?

But at that moment, Dan clears his throat and goes on a rant that would forever change my business…

“Jason, are you kidding me? You’ve made millions and millions online. How have you done it without doing webinars? I’ve built my 8-figure empire with webinars. Look around you: Every big Internet Millionaire you know does webinars, think about it…


Why not you? If you were to start doing webinars today, your whole business would double. And you’d get the Midas Touch back.”


I went to the beach in my backyard after Dan’s ass-kicking and listened to the waves for a while…

What if Dan was right? What if webinars were the answer to my crappy sales numbers? What if they could give me my “Midas Touch” back?

Here’s what I realized: What I was currently doing was NOT working.

You ever feel that way? Like everything you’re doing today is just not working?

And we all know the Albert Einstein quote:

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How could I keep doing the same stuff expecting more income?

I couldn’t. That’d be foolish. I had to try something new. I had to try webinars…

I locked myself in my home office and learned everything there was to learn about webinars…

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My girlfriend and dogs barely saw me…

I just knew if I could webinars to work, I could reach thousands more people, plus my income would explode again (and piss off my competitors again because they’d gotten way too friendly with me)…

But most of all, I hoped webinars would give me my money confidence back…

It wasn’t easy…

I felt lost for the first time in years…

I had so many questions…

How do you actually do a webinar? What tech is involved, if any? Do you use copywriting? Can you do a webinar from your home? What do I sell? For how much? What do I say? What if I run out of things to say? What if the audience doesn’t know who I am? Isn’t the webinar space too crowded already? But most of all…

Can I really do this?

I have a belief: Just jump out of the plane…and trust the parachute will open.

Every millionaire I know lives this same philosophy…

So I jumped head-first and on January 9th, 2018, I did my first webinar ever…

The tech part was the easiest, I paid a guy on Fiverr $10 to set up the whole thing for me…

But I barely knew what I was doing on the webinar…

It took me five minutes to find the “Turn Sound On” button…

People were already there…

There was no turning back…

So how’d it go?

Dude, it went so well I did a money dance…


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And as a result of that webinar, I helped 17 incredible people replace rat-race income with laptop income…

Since then, I’ve done over 100 webinars…

They’ve made millions and reached over 100,000 people…

Sometimes today, I can make over $75,000 in the afternoon doing a webinar…

And as a result of that webinar, I helped 17 incredible people replace rat-race income with laptop income…

Since then, I’ve done over 100 webinars…

They’ve made millions and reached over 100,000 people…

Sometimes today, I can make over $75,000 in the afternoon doing a webinar…

And as a result of that webinar, I helped 17 incredible people replace rat-race income with laptop income…

Since then, I’ve done over 100 webinars…

They’ve made millions and reached over 100,000 people…

Sometimes today, I can make over $75,000 in the afternoon doing a webinar…

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Webinars have become the focal point of my business…


Plus… webinars have given me my MONEY CONFIDENCE BACK…

I’m acting bigger, I’m thinking bigger, I’m on a mission and I haven’t felt this unstoppable in years…

Imagine that for you, right?

But looking back I realized the secret wasn’t webinars…

Because lots of people try webinars and fail…

It was the SKILL driving the webinars…

The One Skill Side Hustle…

And I’m gonna show you how you can learn this one skill in less than 3 weeks like my students …

It could make you an extra $250,000 on the side starting today like it has for them…

And it gives them more POWER in their life than ever before, I know for a fact it’ll do the same for you…

For now, you literally only have to click 3 buttons with this skill to legally “print money” too…

I’ll show you those 3 buttons in a Video Demo in a second…

But first let me show you what this skill is and why I know FOR A FACT it’s gonna drive you to a f*cking WEALTH PARADISE this year…


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Today Gary has over 10 million followers on social media and gets paid $150,000 to speak..

Imagine that: What if someone important handed you a check for $150,000…and in exchange, all you had to do was give a 60-minute talk?

And before you hit me with all the limiting beliefs why you could NEVER get paid to give a talk either…

Listen up:


Don’t believe me? Watch this clip of Gary Vee when he first started…

Was that clip impressive? Do you think Gary Vee could have gotten paid $150,000 an hour to talk back then?

Of course not…

Gary Vee has TRANSFORMED into a Power Speaker…


And contrary to what your friends and family tell you, it’s MUCH EASIER to become a Power Speaker than it is to build a whole online business…

I know this because I used to SUCK at speaking…


Can you believe that used to be me?

And it wasn’t even that long ago…

But I sucked: I was afraid of what others thought of me, I was worried what they might say and I held back – I never said the things I truly wanted to say…

But today I’ve transformed into a Power Speaker…

Because Power Speakers are not born, they’re made…

You just need the tools that me and Gary Vee have…

Before you watch this last clip of me below, let me set the stage for you…

This was me on-stage at the High-Status Summit 2018 and I was pitching my mastermind coaching program…

But right at the crescendo of my pitch, something so bad happened that they almost had to call the fire marshall…

As you watch this, I want you to see how I’ve transformed as a Power Speaker…and how no matter what lemons you get hand while on stage or on a webinar, you can make lemonade with it…

See what I mean?


So if you weren’t born a Power Speaker, not a problem….

Because there’s simple tools that I’m gonna show you that will transform you into a Power Speaker too….

But what if you’re afraid of public speaking?

This is the biggest misconception in the game…

You’re not afraid, you’re EXCITED…

The idea of having screaming fans loving you TURNS YOU ON…

You want this, bad.

And you should.

Being a Power Speaker is f*cking amazing…

I even know one TV host who’s been on TV for 22 years now…

She says, “I worry if I’m NOT nervous before the cameras go on…”

Feeling excited to speak is the most natural thing in the world…

There’s a YouTube channel called “Ryan’s Toy Reviews”…

On it, a 7-year old named Ryan reviews new toys…

Ryan made $22 MILLION in 2018 with these videos…

He’s excited on every video too…

So if the idea of speaking gets you all excited, even ansy, you’re in GOOD, GOOD COMPANY…

Will you make $22 MILLION as a Power Speaker too?

I know 6 guys making more than that with webinars right now…

What’s amazing is how many of them you’d think were BORING and JUST PLAIN BAD AT TALKING…

This is another place where the “movie magic” in Hollywood kills you…

You know how movie stars seem so charismatic on-screen?

What you don’t know is they’re NOTHING LIKE THAT in real-life…

They have to shoot every scene dozens of times just to get one good take…

In fact, there’s a legend that Jackie Chan had to shoot one scene 2,901 times.

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Imagine that…

I don’t care how bad you think your voice or accent is…

Don’t you think you could get one good take after trying it 2,900 times too?

You don’t need to be be super-interesting or talented to become a Power Speaker…

You can do it RIGHT NOW if you wanted to…

And make thousands of dollars in an afternoon from your couch if you chose to like me and my students are…

And the best part is..


One day I was talking with my mentor Joel Marion…

Joel runs a $100 Million Dollar company and is the smartest entrepreneur I know…

I was telling him why I needed to wait a couple years to get more well-known before I started selling more stuff on video…

I was telling him why I needed to wait a couple years to get more well-known before I started selling more stuff on video…

He snapped at me, “Jason, waiting is what normal people with normal lives do, is that you? No, it is not. Besides…you don’t become a well-known expert then sell more on video…it’s being on video that MAKES YOU a well-known expert.”

The limiting beliefs holding me back were shattered…

And they’re probably holding you back too, for no good reason…

We don’t need to wait to become well-known experts to start PRINTING MONEY with video and webinars…

We BECOME WELL-KNOWN by doing videos and webinars and giving talks…

I’ve been doing this 11 years now and if there’s one thing I’ve learned about why this phenomenon is fact, here it is:

It’s because the platform gives you authority.


It’s like whoever has “the mic” has the power and cred…

And you can snatch the mic for yourself right now…

It’s literally waiting for you to take it…

And once you do, you’ll be amazed as random people just start listening to you and taking what you very seriously…

Sure, you’ll get some trolls and hecklers but there’s only a small minority…

Recent studies show less than 3% of YouTube comments are negative…

Your brain just tricks you into thinking it’s more because it’s better at remembering the negative things… (scientists call this phenomenon the “loss aversion bias”)…

The truth is we all get haters and hecklers…

But it’s just comments on a screen…

You can delete them or block them if you want too…

I don’t recommend that though because I’ve found…

Haters Make Me MONEY!

I try to turn every negative comment into a teaching lesson for my audience..

And because everyone deals with haters, this type of content connects better with my audience than almost any other…

I secretly wish for more haters and hecklers because I know they mean more cash in my pocket…

And thanks to Zuckerburg, doing a live webinar is easier than ever before…


Today you have options…

You can pay someone on Fiverr $10 to set the whole thing up for you (like I did on my first webinar)…

Or you can do what Tai Lopez does and just go “live” on Facebook or Instagram…

Mark Zuckerburg has lowered the barrier-to-entry to NOTHING…

If you had even a few of the Power Speaker tools, you could probably make $1,000 right now by going “live”…

Going “live” is now so easy anyone can do it…

I mean that… If you have kids, bring them to me, I’ll show them how to go “live” in 20 seconds…


This is SO REAL right now.

For you.

You’re literally one click away from becoming a Power Speaker who dominates every f*cking area of his life: Money, power, charisma and respect…

I’m so pumped about this because practically no one knows about it outside of the Top 100 Internet Millionaires…

And you don’t even need an audience right now to enjoy your new high-status career as a Power Speaker…

Watch this for proof and as you do, ask yourself, “How do I wanna make as a Power Speaker?”…

But now that you know you don’t even need an audience to DOMINATE as a Power Speaker…what if you have nothing to sell?

Well, that’s the easiest part of all..

Let me share a true story with you and I don’t say this to brag…

I just want you to see how finding things to sell that people actually want to buy from you is the easiest part of all…

Last October, I had a trip to Vegas planned…

But I didn’t wanna spend my own money in Vegas…


In the audio, I talked about my 5 favorite ways to increase your charisma…

Then I recorded a 5-minute video offering the “charisma audio” on my iPhone too…

I used my Power Speaker Video Sales Formula so I didn’t have to guess what to say…

Then I uploaded the video and in 24 hours…

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And went on to have one of the best Vegas weekends of my life…

Since I didn’t pay for it… my audience did!

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So you don’t need fancy equipment or weeks of time creating a product…

You can now create a product to sell in less than an hour…

Or if you want, you can just sell someone else’s product as a Power Speaker and get a fat commission for every unit you sell…

It’s called being an “affiliate”…

I made an extra $248,867.00 in 2018 just as an affiliate…

As a Power Speaker, the choice of “what to sell” will be yours…

And not only you WILL make bank as a Power Speaker…

But your whole life will transform…

This is gonna change how people look at you… how the opposite sex feels attracted to you… and best of all, how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror…

Of course, you could just go watch the thousands of webinars available online…

And scour the web for recordings of talks from the best Power Speakers on the planet…

And try and study what they’re doing… Or hope to figure out the tools they’re using behind-the-scenes to make such a powerful impact…

But by becoming a Power Speaker yourself, you can practically guarantee your videos and talks and webinars will convert viewers into so much money your doubters will literally spill their drink when they see you now.

You might only be a month…or even a week away…from generating thousands of dollars a day or more as a Power Speaker.

It’s happened time and time again for the tiny handful of Power Speakers I’ve trained.

And if you can get mentored on it too, there’s no doubt in my mind that it can do the same for you.


I’ve just “spilled the beans” and given you everything there is to know about the ONE Skill Side-Hustle used by all of the Top 100 Internet Millionaires…

And how you can make a $250,000 income on the side with it…starting today.

You could take the intel I’ve just handed to you…and figure everything out for yourself.

Sure, it would take hundreds of hours studying other Power Speakers… transcribing their webinars… trying to reverse-engineer the thousands of different videos and talks they publish every year…and perhaps making mistakes along the way.


You could get mentored personally by me and let me show you everything.

The choice is now yours to make.

Which brings me to the reason I’m writing you today.



The only speaking mentorship in the world that not only TRANSFORMS YOU into a Power Speaker and teaches you what the Top 100 Internet Mill

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Power Speaking Academy – Jason Capital
Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $139.00. Add to cart