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If you want to have the power to quickly and EASILY sleep with almost any woman you want…and the confidence that comes with it….then you want to keep reading..The most important thing for you to know is…

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“Who Else Wants To Learn The Fastest, Easiest, & Most Effective Way To Pick Up Girls In 2 Minutes Or Less WITHOUT Spending A Lot Of Time, Money Or Effort?”

If You Can Say “Hello” To A Supermarket Cashier…You Could Be Having Sex With 3 to 5 GIRLS A MONTH!

From: Paul Janka NEW YORK, NY

I’ve had sex with 200+ girls and I SWEAR—UNDER OATH—that I can show YOU how to DUPLICATE my success…

know that might be a little hard to believe.But you can be dating SEVERAL women every month too.…and if you really want—a few girls per WEEK!

How can I make such a promise?…because I’ve taught over 250,000 men how to approach a woman, get her number, and get her in bed QUICKLY—without spending a lot of time, money or effort.And now I’m going to show YOU.If you want to have the power to quickly and EASILY sleep with almost any woman you want…and the confidence that comes with it….then you want to keep reading..The most important thing for you to know is

I Used To Be TERRIBLE With Women

A few years ago, I had NO idea how to pick up women. When I spotted a cute girl on the street, I had no idea how to talk to her, much less get her NAKED.

And when I did try to pick up a woman, it was AWKWARD. Within seconds I could tell if she was giving me her number just because she felt BAD for me.

Although it wasn’t like I was a complete loser. I had a few relationships over the years, which were great—but I really had NO idea what I was capable of.

So I spent many nights going to bed ALONE and waking up in an EMPTY bed. I felt DISCONNECTED from women and I didn’t know what to do about it…

Then A Player Friend Took Me “Under His Wing”

So one day, a friend of mine from work started giving me a few tips. He was a true “player” and has slept with HUNDREDS of women.

And with the guidance of my “player” friend, I approached a LOT of women. And after THOUSANDS approaches, and failed pick ups, I started to “get it.”

I learned things like how long to talk to a woman you just met, when to call her, what to say to get a date, how to get her back to my place, etc.

The funny thing is… a lot of “getting laid” is about avoiding MISTAKES.

And after several YEARS of trial-and-error….

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I Discovered That Meeting Girls QUICKLY Was The Secret” To Dating A LOT More Women!

This was a HUGE epiphany for me.

After I started hitting on a lot of girls, I noticed that my most successful interactions (where the girl was really charmed) were the ones that happend QUICKLY.

If you hang around for too long and try to convince her that you’re a cool guy and that she should go out with you, you’re going to come off as needy and unattractive.

Once I realized this—my game EXPLODED!

I started having sex on a regular basis with extremely attractive women, models, actresses, you name it. And I wasn’t making a huge effort to meet these girls.

My technique became so efficient that I could pick up 20 girls in ONE AFTERNOON!

And after I perfected my system…

I Became A Legendary New York Pick-Up Artist Completely By Accident

When you start sleeping with a LOT of girls, people take notice.

I started getting a lot of phone calls from television producers and journalists, eager to run a sensational story. I was on Dr. Phil, the Today Show, and Fox News.

Here I am on Dr. Phil sharing a few “pick-up” tips…

In addition to the New York Post article, I was featured in Psychology Today and my advice has been syndicated across the Internet and featured in several magazines.


Guys Across The Country Started Emailing Me

After my appearance on Dr. Phil, I started to get HUNDREDS of emails and phone calls from guys around the country who wanted to learn MY secrets.

I started to realize that I wasn’t the only guy in the world who wanted to learn how to pick up women. I realized that almost EVERY guy wants to learn more.

So if you’re not already VERY successful with women, it’s NOT YOUR FAULT…

Why? Because guys are simply NEVER taught this kind of stuff, while women have MOUNTAINS of magazines, books, television shows and gossipy friends.

Plus, 99.999% of all men’s dating advice is DEAD WRONG.

In fact, many of the “tips” you’ve gotten about dating can actually make girls run the OTHER way. But many guys do NOTHING to improve their game. They think they should just “be natural” or whatever. Well, I don’t like to leave things to CHANCE.

Learning how to pick up women is a skill. A skill that can be learned. And if you have the courage to work on your skills, the rewards can be ENORMOUS!

So I Packed EVERYTHING I Know  Into A Virtual Bootcamp” To Show Any Guy How To Quickly & Easily Meet Women

Like I said, becoming good with women is a SKILL. And with any skill, there are VERY SPECIFIC techniques that can help you get to where you want to be.

Not only is my system the FASTEST way to meet girls, it’s also the most EFFECTIVE because it’s been perfected over the course of THOUSANDS of interactions.

  • My techniques are the EASIEST because they’re simple.
  • My techniques get you results because they’re PROVEN to work.
  • My techniques allow you to meet girls ANYWHERE you go.
  • My techniques DON’T take a long time to learn.
  • My techniques let you date AS MANY girls as you want.

How can it be so effective?

Because I’ve thrown out absolutely EVERYTHING that doesn’t work—and I’ve narrowed my approach down to a few critical things you MUST do in order to get the girl.

It’s ABSOLUTELY step-by-step and NONE of it is theoretical.

So after being emailed by hundreds of guys, I decided to put together a comprehensive program to teach EVERYTHING I know. It’s called, “Secrets To Meeting Women.”

And this brand new online training will show you exactly how EASY it is to meet women on a consistent basis—WITHOUT spending a lot of time, money or effort.

This Virtual Bootcamp Contains “Field-Tested”  Secrets That You Won’t Learn Anywhere Else

I believe this program is the most effective, practical, useful dating advice that a guy can get his hands on. If you want to see real, tangible results with women, this is how to get it.

This program is a complete A-to-Z pick-up education.

It’s all delivered through my exclusive streaming video membership site and it contains all of my popular guides, audio lessons, in-field footage, and seminar videos.

You’ll get CONSISTENT “panty-dropping” results because it’s virtually FOOL-PROOF.

LISTEN: I GUARANTEE these techniques will work for you because they’ve worked for thousands of guys all around the world—of all ages, races, and personalities.

So if you’re not good with women, this program will make you better. And if you’re already decent, these secrets will break your bed in HALF.

You’ll be getting SO much action, your buddies will start begging YOU for tips…

Take A Look At What’s Inside

#1: My “Foundations” Manual – Attraction Formula (88 Pages)

Is extremely powerful reading, not just because of the techniques revealed, but because of the perspective you’ll gain. After you’ve gone through the book just once, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the kind of man who has outrageous success with women…

#2: Secrets To Successful Approaching (28 Audio Classes)

After you read the book, I recommend you dive into this audio program. It’s all about developing the skills necessary to meet women in a variety of day to day situations. You’ll learn EXACTLY what to say to make a strong impression and get her number.

 #3: Videos Of Actual Street Pick-Ups (24 HD In-Field Videos)

Then you’re going to get actual footage of me picking up women on the street! And when you watch these videos, my confidence will literally be passed on to you. You’ll see exactly how I approach, get her attention, make small talk, and secure the digits.

#4: “Beyond The Digits” Advanced Workshop (39 HD Seminar Videos)

This workshop contains the nitty-gritty little secrets that will allow you to get better, even faster. Everything will become clearer; you’ll understand why and how to use my system so that you can acheive what I did, probably even faster… leading you to mastery.

Here’s A Small Taste Of What You’ll Learn

  • How to engage any woman IMMEDIATELY, even if you don’t know what you’re going to say to her. Meet 10x more women when you know this secret!
  • The CORRECT way to pick up an attractive woman so that you make a good impression and increase the odds of getting her number.
  • What almost EVERY guy is doing WRONG when he goes out to the bar in hopes of meeting a woman on a Friday or Saturday night.
  • Learn to engage women who are “on the job.” Whether they’re secretaries, bartenders, or cops, win her over in an otherwise no “pick-up zone.”
  • How to quickly make her WILLING to meet you at your place. Once you master this, sex will come faster and easier with all the girls you meet.
  • What you should almost NEVER to say to a woman when you’re asking her for her phone number (if you do this it will SERIOUSLY damage her pride).
  • How to create an atmosphere that QUICKLY leads to sex (do this and she’ll practically be ripping YOUR clothes off)!
  • The BEST time to pick up a woman so she’ll be MUCH more receptive to chatting with you and giving out her phone number without thinking twice.
  • Learn to take the blinders off and meet 10x more women during your daily routine than you could EVER meet at a bar or nightclub.
  • How to master the “COLD STOP,” which means picking up a girl who you have no connection with, and bringing her into your sexual reality.
  • Develop “mojo” to charm ALMOST any woman, anywhere you go.
  • The secret to looking good has more to do with your FASHION SENSE than what you were born with. You’ll get fashion tips that will make women notice YOU!
  • How to develop a BULLET-PROOF personality that will allow you to pick up the hottest woman in the room without flinching.
  • My sure fire method for guaranteeing that even if a woman FLAKES out on a date—that I’m still getting some ACTION that night.
  • How to have fun, playful chat that makes women fall HARD for you.
  • When to follow up with a woman so that it feels natural. Follow up too soon and you’ll appear needy—too late and she’ll IGNORE you.
  • Learn SUBTLE dynamics of the pick up so that you’ll know exactly what she’s thinking and you can effortlessly number close WITHOUT REJECTION.
  • What to do when you get a woman back to your apartment so that she feels COMFORTABLE enough with you to take HER clothes off.
  • Discover how to create a SEXUAL connection quickly with a woman so that you don’t end up in the ambiguous and dreadful FRIEND-ZONE.
  • How to make the initial approach feel completely SPONTANEOUS. When you apply this secret technique, your pick ups will become smooth and effortless.
  • Learn to maintain EQUALITY in the relationship and allow it to play out under your terms so that you maintain balance and chemistry in the relationship.
  • The SECRET to feeling cool, calm and collected when you approach girls.
  • Get her to HAPPILY fork over her digits in UNDER 2 MINUTES. I’ll share some tips that will make her think about you all day after you get her number!
  • Learn to use the immediate environment to your benefit. Once you’ve mastered this, you’ll NEVER be at a loss for words, no matter where you are.
  • Hear real life STORIES of my successes AND FAILURES in pick up, including WILD situations I wouldn’t believe if I hadn’t see them with my own eyes.
  • And of course, a whole lot more…

Sex Dating & Relationships with Dr. Paul & Mr. Janka Dr. Paul & Paul Janka – Self-Help

Sex, Dating & Relationships with Dr Paul Dobransky M.D., a APA board-certified karaoke singing psychiatrist, and Paul Janka, a Harvard educated street-smart Manhattan playboy, bring you adventures of sex, dating and relationships with women to reveal the secret psychology and underground methods used in them.

Sex Dating & Relationships with Dr. Paul & Mr. Janka Dr. Paul & Paul Janka – Self-Help

Sex, Dating & Relationships with Dr Paul Dobransky M.D., a APA board-certified karaoke singing psychiatrist, and Paul Janka, a Harvard educated street-smart Manhattan playboy, bring you adventures of sex, dating and relationships with women to reveal the secret psychology and underground methods used in them.

Dating Skills Podcast with Paul Janka – Dating Skills Podcast Ep. 1 Productivity Applied to Your Dating LifePaul Janka Interviews Collection Download

Paul Janka – Conversational Control Download

Paul Janka Presents… “Conversational Control” The Art of Moving Any Conversation With  A Woman In the Direction of Sex!

That First Real Conversation With You

That’s right. As long as you don’t have terrible clothes or the worst body language in the world – most women will stay open to the possibility of sleeping with you… UNTIL they spend at least a few minutes talking to you.

Yet that first conversation is truly what I’d call a “do or die” moment:

You’re either going to get her thinking of (and ideally wanting) the possibility of sex – or not.

If you fail… if the conversation is purely platonic and doesn’t move in a sexual direction, it sets a precedent for the rest of your relationship with her. There’s usually no turning back from that point…

Think about it:

How Many Times Have YOU Messed Up That First Conversation?

Imagine… you’re out with your friends. You’ve just met a woman – she’s exactly your type. Adorable face, hot body, fun personality. Sassy, cute, sexy. She’s got it all. You get excited and start talking to her…

Then it happens! One minute it’s going great, the next minute there’s an awkward silence filled by idle small talk. You begin to discuss “boring” things like your respective jobs, where you’re from, and so on.

It starts to feel more and more like a bland interview and then…

Next thing you know, she’s found an excuse to leave and go back to her friends. And you’re sitting there – all alone – thinking, “WTF just happened??!”

Don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there. I can’t tell you how many times guys have texted me – literally while they’re on a first date or meet-up with a girl – and asked:

“Help Paul! What the Hell Do I Say NOW?”

It might be THE most limiting problem for guys who want to raise their game, and begin dating and sleeping with more beautiful women.

You see, approaching can be challenging, but you do it enough and it gets easier…

Setting up dates requires finesse at first, but most guys get that pretty quickly…

Yet conversing with women – in a way that creates intense sexual attraction and desire – is unfortunately NOT natural to most guys.

It could be THE ONE SIMPLE THING that’s currently preventing you from getting beautiful women into your bed – or turning the right woman into your girlfriend…

Change the Way You Talk to Women,Immediately Transform Your Results

Let’s be honest. Not every guy is going to move to a big city and begin approaching thousands of women.

That’s what I did, but it’s not for everyone. I get that.

Yet every single guy on earth – no matter who you are or where you live – has at one time or another, found himself in a conversation with an attractive woman, and failed to take things to the next level.

Maybe it was a casual or accidental encounter at a bar – or perhaps she was the friend of someone you know. The bottom line is that you wanted her, but weren’t able to talk to her in a way that made her want YOU.

I know I’m being blunt, but it’s the truth. Like I said, we’ve all been there.

That’s one of the many reasons why – for the first time ever – I’m releasing a groundbreaking new interview-report called…

Conversational Control:The Art of Moving Any Conversation in the Direction of Sex

It’s built upon the fundamental premise that you MUST be able to have a casual conversation with an attractive woman – and steer it in a sexual direction

Otherwise, you’ll NEVER have the success (and sex) that you crave as a man.

Of course, the flip side is true – because once you master this simple skill – you’ll immediately become a strong sexual candidate in the eyes of any woman you speak with, no matter how hot she is.

(Keep in mind that 9’s and 10’s are even more demanding of a man’s conversational abilities… and less forgiving of his failings.)

That’s why I developed this process.

Because I was tired of working so hard to approach beautiful women all over New York, getting their numbers, setting up dates… only to fail miserably in creating strong sexual tension or desire during that first conversation.

Through years of intense trial and error, I developed a very specific set of parameters and guidelines that helped me (and ANY guy I showed them to) smoothly guide all my conversations in a sexual direction.

Best of all, I learned to do all this in a way that was natural, fun, and sexy to the women – not weird or creepy in any way.

Get Paul Janka Seduction Materials Collection ( DeluxeBundle) – Anonymous, Only Price $42

Countless Controversial Tips That Will Change the Way You Talk to Women – Forever

When you download your copy of Conversational Control TODAY – you’ll immediately begin uncovering powerful insights and tips you can use to make women think, talk and want sex – almost immediately.

Things like…

  • The “reverse funnel” principle (helps avoid the #1 mistake most guys make when they want to get women talking about sex)
  • How to be bold and take conversational risks WITHOUT fearing rejection…
  • 5 things you should NEVER mention… in ANY conversation, with any woman!
  • Sneaky-yet-hot ways to get a woman to talk about her past sexual experiences (plus,  how to have her unconsciously transfer those sexy feelings to you!)
  • The “surprise mistake”  made by 9 out of 10 guys, and how this can immediately kill the conversation…
  • The single biggest “aha” you can take away from shows like “Sex in the City” (follow this advice, and you’ll never be at a loss for words)…
  • The art of transitioning from “casual” to “personal” to “erotic” in the middle of any conversation…
  • Simple questions that help move her AWAY from thinking intellectually (which creates inhibition) – and toward specific emotions that make her feel sexier and more free…
  • The best way to recognize when a woman’s mental defenses go up – and what to do so that the conversation continues to progress in a sexual direction…
  • “SHUT UP AND LISTEN!” The best way to know when it’s better to let the woman do all the talking (and why most guys ignore this at their own peril)…
  • How to get her to tell kinky stories about her sluttiest sexual encounters (which often tell you exactly how quickly she’s willing to get physical with you!)
  • The one “harmless” conversational topic that always works with every woman, every time – without fail!
  • 5 magazines you can read for FREE – that give you a veritable goldmine of female-friendly conversation topics (and often make it EASY to transition into sharing erotic stories)…
  • How to get a woman to share very intimate things about her own body – in a non-threatening way (she’ll feel way more comfortable discussing her own sexual preferences and fantasies once you do this)
  • A simple 7-word question that causes women to feel sexual desire – almost immediately…
  • The “science” trick: How to make almost any topic – no matter how sexual – fair game to bring up during your first conversation with her…
  • The #1 limiting belief most guys have that slows their “speed to sex”…
  • The single best book for understanding female sexuality (this also happens to be a treasure trove of intensely erotic, yet fascinating topics you can use anytime)…
  • Why you do NOT have to ever answer her questions. (Respond to her questions this way and she’ll get amazingly turned on)…
  • And much, much more…

And that’s just the beginning. This report is literally OVER 50 PAGES of in-depth insights – where I’m interviewed by a renown dating expert named Tony.

It shows you, once and for all, how to STOP having stale, boring, anemic conversations that lead nowhere…

… and how to START having conversations that cause women to desperately yearn for the chance to be alone, intimate, and sexual with you.

There Is No Quicker
Way to Confidence

What if you knew that ANY time you talked to a woman… the conversation would result in her feeling sexually turned on – and eager to get romantic or physical with you?

How confident would you feel?

Would you hesitate to talk to that hottie in Starbucks if you knew that 20 minutes later she’d be ready to kiss you – or even come back to your place?

Of course you wouldn’t!

But unfortunately, one of the reasons why you hesitate is because you’re simply NOT confident in your ability to “talk women into the bedroom.”

Like most guys, you probably tend to talk the woman away from sex (and out of your life) – or you talk your way into the friend zone.

Understand this: Women are verbal creatures. Words are their weakness.

Any man – and I do mean ANY MAN – who can confidently wield the weapon of erotically-charged words and language… will inevitably be filled with confidence, because there’s nothing women respond to more intensely than the right words.

Why Pickup Lines and Memorized Routines Always Ultimately Fail

While your ability to use words within a conversation to move things in a sexual direction is crucial… it’s crucial to understand that memorized lines and routines will NEVER get you there.

It’s a fact: Every conversation is different.

And every woman wants a man who can respond boldly and spontaneously to the present moment.

A memorized line or routine might be useful once or twice out of every ten or twenty conversations – but chances are, it’s not the magical answer it was hyped up to be.

Besides, what happens when you run out of material?

On top of all this, women are very intuitively sensitive and can FEEL when you’re desperately clinging to memorized lines – rather than responding confidently to the real ebb and flow of the conversation.

It’s for this reason that I developed parameters and guiding principles to control the direction of my conversations with women – because these are tools that will help you adapt to any conversation and succeed… in a genuine way.

Think of it like verbal judo – you’ll be able to take whatever a woman sends your way and re-direct it back to her – in a fun, sexually-intriguing way.

And she’ll absolutely love you for it.

Possibly THE Most Important Seduction Skill

Casanova is considered by many to be the greatest seducer of all time.

Yet unlike actor Heath Ledger in the Hollywood version of his story – historians have discovered that the real Casanova was in fact short, ugly and balding.

His strength? WORDS. Put him in front of a woman, and he would quickly charm her and skillfully move all their conversations and interactions in a romantic (and often erotic) direction.

I see this happen all the time.

One of my best friends in New York – a guy named Jeff – was not the most wealthy or physically attractive guy – far from it.

But he was a master at using sexual suggestion during the course of his conversations with women.

And his results speak for themselves. Jeff literally put my own personal numbers to shame, having slept with well over 700 women in a span of just 5 years.

Unless he chose to, it was IMPOSSIBLE for him to have a non-sexual relationship with a woman.

Which brings up another critical benefit of this process:

Helps Keep You Out of the Friend Zone, Too

Obviously, there are many reasons why guys land in the friend zone.

But if you find that happening to you, the #1 reason could be that you simply TALK yourself into the friend zone.

As I mentioned above, most women will give you at least one conversation to demonstrate whether you are truly worthy of sex.

However… if – in that brief window of initial conversation – you do NOT get her to think, imagine or consider moving in a sexual direction with you…

… Chances are high you’ll be eliminated from sexual consideration – forever.

I know that’s harsh, but it’s true.

You simply MUST be able to suggest sex in a variety of ways while talking to a woman, otherwise you’ll just be labeled as just another “friend.”

The process that I illuminate for you in Conversational Control – if followed – makes it utterly impossible for a woman to ever see you in a non-sexual way.

Not Just Stimulation…But Sexual Direction

Notice that we have the word “control” in the title – can you guess why?

Simple: Because as the man you are the natural leader of the conversation and of the overall interaction with a woman.

And that’s true for any woman, no matter how hot or confident she is…

It is therefore YOUR responsibility to control the flow of the conversation and make sure that it moves toward sensuality, eroticism, and sex… otherwise it will go nowhere.

You see, even though ALL women LOVE the thrill of a sensual, erotically-charged conversation – especially one that’s filled with lots of flirting and sexual suggestion… they simply will NOT take it there.

That part is up to you.

Especially because…

Women Are Typically NOT in a Hurry to Have Sex!

As I’ve mentioned many times in the Attraction Formula and elsewhere – women are never in a rush to have sex.

This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, as sex carries greater risk for a woman. And she wants to be sure about a guy before gambling with the possibility of offspring with him.

Not only that, but there are often other benefits to waiting – since most men are conditioned to offer traditional courtship (dating, flowers, gifts, and so on) in the hope or anticipation of sex.

I’m guessing, however, that you’d rather NOT wait weeks or months to sleep with a woman.

And especially not if it could be done in one or two nights, right?

I’m the same way.

And so I developed the processes I reveal in Conversational Control to get women craving and willing to get sexual with me… as fast as humanly possible.

Of course, you could always do things like most guys do – suffer through a lot of rejection or failure without knowing how to truly create sexual attraction… go on lots of dates… maybe even court a woman for weeks or months with attention, gifts, and other things…

Only to have a guy who understands this process swoop in and sleep with her much more quickly.

How would you feel then?

And don’t think this is only for “players” and guys who want to sleep with a bunch of women. The truth is this…

Works in Pickup, Dating and Relationships

Admittedly, not every guy wants to approach women on the street – or even have the lifestyle of a pickup artist or “player” who sleeps with countless women. I totally understand. It can be exhausting at times…

Yet – even if you’re looking for your dream girl or soul mate – what if she appears someday and you’re unable to intrigue her or stimulate her on a sexual level?

Do you think she’ll stick around or consider you romantically?

Probably NOT.

Bottom line: Even if you NEVER ever approach lots of women or set out to live the lifestyle of a player – I can 100% guarantee:

1) You are probably going to meet women somewhere
2) You’re going to be interested in sleeping with at least some of them… and…
3) Those women will decide whether to sleep with you based on a conversation

Even once you’re actually IN a relationship – be it casual or a full-blown marriage – odds are you’re going to want sex from time to time, right?

Well if so, then you better be able to trigger a woman’s sexual thoughts and desires with the way that you speak to her… otherwise, you’re going to develop a very intimate relationship with your… (ahem)… hand. Seriously. 

Are You Going to Blow It With the Next Attractive Woman You Talk To – Again?

Think about the last time you were talking to an attractive woman – one that you wanted to sleep with. Did things go the way you wanted?

If not, I can assure you it was largely because of the way you spoke to her. Period.

Now, imagine the next time you’re talking to a woman you’d love to be intimate with…

Think about how good it would feel to see her laughing, smiling… her eyes getting wider as she gets more and more turned on.

Maybe she starts to play with her hair… put on lip stick or lip gloss… or even touch with her hands or feet – unable to control the desire and attraction she’s feeling…

Would you feel confident in taking the next step with such a woman, knowing she was so clearly turned on and attracted to you?

Seriously, how easy would it be to take this women into a dark corner of the bar and begin making out with her – or to come up with a fun reason for her to come back to your place?

Now contrast this confident, exciting feeling with the intense pain that we’ve all experienced when a conversation goes totally flat.

No sexual tension, no excitement. Just awkward, boring silence or “interview-type” questions that only lead you further and further from sex…

Control Your Conversations or Fail – The Choice Is Yours

You can either develop the ability to speak with women using sexually suggestive, erotically-charged methods – or you can burn through endless opportunities with attractive women… only to end up alone and empty-handed.

I created Conversational Control after years of trial-and-error because I KNOW the pain of failing to create sexual tension with women… and because I realize that countless other guys are in the same boat.

And at just $19.95 – I’ve made it as affordable as possible. For about the price of a movie, popcorn and a Coke – you can literally (and forever) transform your ability to control the flow of your conversations with any woman you talk to…

The result? Women feel sexually stimulated, intrigued, even lustful while talking to you.

Just follow my instructions and:

– She will SEE you as a strong sexual candidate…

– She may even get so turned on that she makes the first move – by either touching or kissing you…

– And worst case, she’ll make it incredibly obvious (through her words and body language) that she’s turned on – and ready to get sexual.

With Conversational Control, you’ll get a proven process for guiding your conversations in a sexual direction – without ever seeming weird, creepy, awkward or risking rejection in any way.

Discarding all products centered around memorized lines and fake routines, this is the FIRST and ONLY tool that gives you the necessary skill to respond – spontaneously – to any conversation with any woman…

And move it in the direction YOU want.

If you’re serious about succeeding with women – and you’re ready to move ahead of the countless guys who are clueless about how this works…

Get Paul Janka Seduction Materials Collection ( DeluxeBundle) – Anonymous, Only Price $42

Then Conversational Control is for you.

What I’ve Learned After Approaching 10,000 Women On the Streets of New York City Many guys claim they know how to pick up women.

But most of their “advice” is anecdotal, it may have worked once or twice for them and they now proclaim their technique as “universal.”

I’ve spent YEARS of my life, approaching woman of all shapes, colors, and ages, on the streets of New York City. I know what works and what doesn’t.

For instance…

You shouldn’t look at a girl for more than two or three seconds before you approach her, otherwise you’ll creep her out. If you stand around looking at a distance for more than a second or two… she’ll think you lack balls (which you do).

Second, DON’T introduce yourself by name, or put out your hand, that’s not necessary. Don’t say “Hi, I’m Paul,” those are both lame. A better line would be, “did you see the car accident outside?”

An even better approach would be to tease her in a friendly way…

Avoid A “Business-Like” Vibe At All Costs!
Successful pick ups have nothing to do with being formal, like saying your name during a formal engagement, such as a business meeting.

The other thing is, don’t make the interaction last more than a minute or two, otherwise it will probably get awkward. If she offers email, let her go, cause she’s just trying to put a barrier between you.

A little contact before you say goodbye is good. You can even keep the conversation as you’re walking away. It should be very casual. Don’t trip her, push her, or spit at her. Don’t tell her she’s beautiful.

Don’t take her out to dinner or buy her lots of stuff. Don’t take her on an extended loop (like five dates). Indicate that your interest is of a sexual nature. Don’t let her think you’re her buddy. Don’t spend a lot of time or money.

I know a guy who’s been on six dates with a woman, and she still won’t come up to his place… Take your grandmother out for six dates, not a woman you’re trying to get physical with.

I tell you this because I want you to understand that what I’m saying is NOT theoretical. My advice works across the board, and not just with me…

My Techniques Have Been Proven “In The Field”
And Work For Any Guy In Any Situation
The techniques I’ve developed have been tested on thousands of women in New York, by me and two other guys who are extremely good with girls.

Between the three of us, we’ve had sex with over 839 women. And that number goes up by double digits almost every week.

So when I say, “tested” I don’t mean that we’ve tried something out once. I’m talking about trying different approaches on THOUSANDS of women.

And the great thing about these techniques is that since they were verified by a group of guys, they are “universal” and will work for any guy, not matter his age, looks, income, or other variables.

There are other guys teaching “pick-up” that may be successful with women. But what they teach usually works only for them.

So when other guys say their techniques are “tested” or “proven” you might want to ask them how many girls their “theories” were tested on!

Guys that use my stuff get results because my system is “universal.”
“Beyond The Digits” Is 6 DVDs Packed With Practical Secrets To Meeting Women
Let’s be clear. I’ve put EVERYTHING I know about pick up into the program. I don’t anticipate ever doing another seminar like this again. I didn’t censor anything.

My player buddies wanted me to “hold some stuff back,” but I didn’t. It’s ALL here.

It’s 6 DVDs that are JAM packed with over 12 hours of footage. And It comes in a beautiful black case that will look great on your shelf.

You’ll learn things like…

The correct way to pick up an ATTRACTIVE woman so that you make a good impression and increase the odds of getting her number.

What almost EVERY guy is doing WRONG when he goes out to the bar in hopes of meeting a woman on a Friday or Saturday night.

A jealously-guarded secret that most “pick up artists” DON’T want you to know.

What NEVER to say to a woman when you’re asking her for her phone number (if you do this it will SERIOUSLY damage her pride).

How to quickly and easily create an ATMOSPHERE that is conducive to sex (do this and she’ll practically be ripping YOUR clothes off).

The absolute best TIME to pick up a woman (she’ll be MUCH more receptive to chatting with you and giving out her phone number).

How to end your lonely weekends (wouldn’t it be nice to have MULTIPLE women wanting to spend time with you so you’ll almost NEVER be alone?).

A secret phrase that TURNS WOMEN ON.

A place you can go that makes it easy to create an INTIMATE physical and emotional connection rather than an AWKWARD conversation.

Boost your confidence by learning how to manage rejection (and a way to make meeting women fun—even if you’re getting SHOT DOWN).

The most important thing to do when you’ve JUST met a woman you’d like to date. Ignore this and you’ll lose her FOREVER.

How to ELIMINATE approach anxiety so that you can comfortably talk to a woman anywhere without sounding needy or insecure.

The secret to looking good has more to do with your FASHION SENSE than what you were born with. You’ll learn tips on how to dress that will make women drool.

How to develop a bullet-proof exterior that will allow you to pick up the hottest woman in the room without flinching.

My sure fire method for making sure that even if a woman FLAKES out on a date—that I’m still getting some ACTION that night.

The SIMPLE question that you can ask a woman that will let you know if she’s available. TIP: Asking “are you single?” will OFFEND her.

How to have fun, playful chat that makes a woman feel at EASE around you.

How to follow up with a woman so that it feels natural. Follow up too soon and you’ll appear needy—too late and she’ll IGNORE you.

Learn SUBTLE dynamics of the pick up that will clue you in on what she’s thinking, so you can effortlessly number close without risking rejection.

How to develop a rock solid frame so you’ll never be thrown off guard during a difficult or challenging pick up situation.

What to do when you get a woman back to your apartment so that she feels COMFORTABLE enough with you to take her clothes OFF.

You’ll discover how to quickly create a SEXUAL connection with a woman so that you don’t end up in the ambiguous and dreadful FRIEND-ZONE.

How to become IRRESISTIBLE to women so you can stop sleeping alone.

Examples of how to pick up women in different VENUES, from the coffee shop, to the supermarket, to the shopping mall and beyond.

How to make your masculine qualities stand out.

Real life stories of my successes and failures in pick up, including WILD situations that I wouldn’t believe if I didn’t see them with my own eyes.

And a lot more…

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Paul Janka Seduction Materials Collection ( DeluxeBundle)
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