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The Bad Boy Blueprint is the done-for-you program that’s built to make women approach YOU…

And it makes getting laid, or getting the girlfriend you want, as easy as flipping a switch.

You’ll never need to “fake it,” because all you’re doing is activating the Inner Bad Boy inside of you…

And then you’ll use a simple set of tools and shortcuts to bypass her “logical mind” and tap into her deepest desires and cravings.

Purchase this course you will earn 23 Points worth of $2.30!


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The Astonishing, “Bad Boy” Seduction Secrets Of A Short, Broke Geek Who Discovered A Strange "Mind Hack" That Makes Hot Girls Chase You!


Hi, my name’s Jack and I used to get always stuck in the “Friend Zone”…if girls would even talk to me at all.

It was frustrating and painful, and I bet you know the pain I’m talking about…

The pain you feel when you don’t make your move on a girl you want to be with so bad, because you’re scared of screwing it up…

So you try to play it cool and act like a "Nice Guy"…

And if she doesn't blow you off right away, and you DO get her phone number or add her to your social media, one day she starts ignoring your messages…

Because now, she’s busy getting banged by some other dude.

Or howbout this – ever made “the big confession” to a girl?

You tell her how you feel…you admit you like her…

But instead of throwing her arms around you and saying she feels the same way, she says,

“I like you as a friend…”


“You’re such a sweet guy, I’m just not ready for a relationship.”

But deep-down, this is what she REALLY means…

“I Don’t Want To Hurt Your Feelings, But You Don’t Turn Me On And I Need To Be With A Real Man.”

Let’s face it. No girl wants to fuck “the boring Nice Guy…”

And I know, because I went through all of that, and worse…

In fact, in a moment I’m going to share the most humiliating, ball-crushing night of my life with you.

And it’s a good thing you’re here with me on this page…

Because I used to be an average, boring “nice guy” who women didn’t respect, until…

I Discovered How To Activate The “Bad Boy Edge” Inside Of Me And Make Women CRAVE Me. (It’s Inside Of YOU, Too…)

And now, instead of going to sleep with this…

I wake up to this.

She made me pancakes the next morning, and cleaned my dishes!

If I’d banged a girl that hot a year ago, I would have acted like some love-struck chump…

But now…I nail ‘em and move on to the next!

You no longer get hung up on girls once you've “activated your Bad Boy edge,” which you’ll know how to do in a moment…

Because you’re about to have women approaching you, chasing you, even fighting each other for the chance to go home with you.

The secret I’m going to give you is based on science and biology that’s been around for 100,000 years…

But this is the first and only time it’s been turned into a fail-proof, easy-to-use seduction system for guys like us.

Now, I don’t want to bore you with a bunch of science and psychology, but basically what happens is…

When You Activate your Bad Boy Edge, The Logical Part Of Her Female Brain Gets Switched Off.

That’s the part of her brain that tells her, “Eh, this guy’s not my type…I prefer tall guys, younger guys, six-pack abs, rich guys, blah blah…”

But because you activated your Bad Boy edge, she’s not thinking ANY of that!

The obsession part of her brain has taken over, and it’s telling her she NEEDS to be yours…

And she needs you NOW.

You’ve got her feeling uncontrollably horny and attracted to you and there’s nothing she can do about it.

What I’m about to show you is so insanely powerful, “pickup artists” who teach fake techniques are furious that this video is even online…

Because it makes their “routines” and “techniques” look as outdated and corny.

And who wants to memorize a bunch of complicated stuff to say? I’m lazy, I just wanted the shortcut to making girls want me…

And you’ll know this shortcut too, in just a moment…

But this website might be gone 24 hours from now, because it’s also sparking outrage from “feminazis” and Social Justice Warriors…

In fact, some “male feminist” on YouTube complained this is a form of female mind control and should be BANNED…

And some manhater on Facebook said it’s like “sexual hypnosis” and it makes women powerless to resist.


Get Badboy Blueprint by Dean Cortez, Only Price $27

What I’m Going To Show You Destroys All Of The “Fake News” You’ve Been Taught About Women And Attraction…

Because it’s based on hundreds of thousands of years of undeniable female biology and psychology…

And once you activate your Bad Boy edge, you’re giving her what she is programmed to CRAVE in a man.

It doesn’t just make her feel “attracted to” you…

It doesn’t make her just want to fuck you tonight…

It makes her feel sexually obsessed with you. Her brain FORCES her to make a move on you…

Because her primal sex instincts are telling her: you are the masculine MAN she is supposed to mate with.

But you wanna know the best part?

When You Activate Your Edge And Make Her Obsessed With You, It’s Going To Be Totally “Stealth.”

Under the radar.

Invisible to the untrained eye.

Just use the simple “activation trick” I’m going to show you, then sit back and relax…

And she will approach YOU and want to earn YOUR attention and approval…

Because all she’s thinking about is getting your boner inside of her as soon as possible.

My student Spencer from Las Vegas activated his Bad Boy edge on his ex-girlfriend Stacey…

She’d dumped him for some meathead wanna-be UFC fighter…

Yet within minutes of Jeff using this trick, Stacey was messaging Jeff on Facebook, sending him naughty pics… (pic)

BEGGING to come see him so they could “try to work things out.”

So Spencer let her come over. Stacey gave him the most mind-blowing blow job of his life (and she used to HATE blowing him…)

And then, Jeff kicked her out!

He didn’t need to put up with her crap any more, now that he knew how to activate his edge and make girls chase him.

And besides, he’d been banging a waitress from his local Hooters restaurant…

She was texting Jeff too, because she wanted to come over later and do some very naughty things with him!

This works on girls who are normally “stuck up” or hard to approach…

And even girls who blew you off or dumped you in the past.

You’ll do this WITHOUT any risk of rejection…

Without you having to blow money on awkward first dates, or hanging out in bars or clubs and trying to hit on girls…

Without having to worry you’re not “handsome” enough…

And without worrying about what to say, or what to do next, because when you trigger this part of her “cavewoman brain” your success is AUTOMATIC.

But What I’m About To Show You Is NOT For Everyone.

Before we continue, I need you to agree to three ground rules, okay?


Rule #1: DO NOT use what I’m about to show you on a girl if she shows any signs of being mentally unstable…

Because once you activate your edge and switch her into “sexual obsession mode,” it will create insanely powerful cravings for you in a hidden area of her brain.

I learned this from a renegade biology professor who taught me a bunch of “female mind control” hacks, and I’ll tell you his weird story in a moment, but trust me…

You don’t want any crazy female stalkers in your life. So I urge you to only use this on girls who are fun and cool. Otherwise things can get out of control QUICKLY.

What I’m about to show you is really THAT powerful.

Rule #2: Be ready to BANG at any time.

I’m not gonna give you a “safe sex” lecture, bro…

I just need to remind you – you’re going to trigger primal sexual instincts that have been hard-wired into her female brain for over 100,000 years.

It doesn’t matter if you’re “not her type.” Her brain will tell her, her ideal sexual partner is YOU and she needs to fuck you before some other girl claims you!

So don’t be surprised when you’ve got multiple girls begging you to bang them in situations you’d never expect.

This is why you’ll want to start carrying some “protection” with you at all times.

And Rule #3, you must agree you will NOT share this with other men – unless they’re close friends who you can trust to use this responsibly.

This means NO sharing this with random people or on social media.

If you can agree to those three rules, cool. Let’s continue…

So You May Be Wondering, Who Am I And How Did A Former Sex-Starved “Nice Guy” Figure Out This Secret That Gets Virtually Any Girl To Want To Sexually Ravish You?

Like I said, I used to always lose out to jerks and “players”…

It got so bad, I blew all of my spare money on books and courses from “pickup artists” (PUAs).

But all I really wanted was a cool girlfriend, and eventually, I forgot about all of those phony “PUA routines” (which never really worked) and I met a girl named Kim.

We started dating. I fell in love. I was busting my ass, working two jobs to pay both of our bills…

When I found out she’d been screwing some wanna-be rapper behind my back…in our bed while I was working the graveyard shift at some all-night Mexican restaurant.

I was ready to give up any hope of ever getting another girlfriend…

Until one night I was half-asleep on my couch, and there was a knock at my door…

And when I opened it, there was this stunningly hot goddess in my doorway.

“Hello, I am Anastasia,” she said with a smile that instantly caused a lump in my throat…and a bulge in my pants…

“Sorry to disturb but maybe I ask help from you…?”

On top of that FACE and that BODY, she had the hottest accent…

It turned out, she was my new next-door neighbor and her internet wasn’t working.

So I fixed her internet, and spent the next two hours helping her unpack and set up her apartment…while trying to hide my raging stiffy…

Those shorts she had on could have given a dead man a hard-on…

And this next part nearly made my boner BURST…

While I was unpacking one of her boxes, I discovered a pink vibrator.

More on the pink vibrator shortly…

Anyway, I stuck it one of her drawers and kept doing my “Nice Neighbor” routine…and Anastasia and I became friends.

She was from Slovakia. Her aunt had brought her over to America and she was working as a nanny for some family, taking care of their kids, and she didn’t know anyone else in our town.

Dream scenario, right?

So we started hanging out, and I showed her the town…

And everywhere we went, the other guys could NOT take their eyes off of my Slovakian super-babe.

I felt like a seven-foot-tall stud just walking around with her – even though we were just friends, for now…

And here’s the part that REALLY drove me insane…

At night, when I would lie in my bed fantasizing about Anastasia…I’d hear a buzzing noise on the other side of my wall.

Coming from her bedroom.

I’d hear her softly moaning…massaging that pink vibrator deep into her perfect sweet pussy…

Until she’d let out a SCREAM of pleasure…and then…silence, as she drifted off to sleep.

Hearing this every night was TORTURE!

And it went on for weeks…until I found out, next Friday was her birthday. So I worked up the courage to ask her to dinner…

Even though my stomach was doing backflips, and my voice made that embarrassing “squeaking” noise that happens when I’m super nervous.

Still, she said “yes” to my dinner invitation…

And I swore to myself, Friday would be the night!

The X-Rated Porno Movie Played Out In My Brain…

I’d take her to a romantic candlelit dinner, and confess my feelings to her…

She’d smile and plant a kiss on my lips and say “Jack, baby, I’m so happy you say this to me, I love you too…”

Then we’d go back to my place and have mind-blowing sex until the sun came up.

Well, at least that’s how I saw it play out in my mind…

I bought a brand-new outfit for our big night, got my hair styled, even spent 60 bucks on some fancy cologne…

So now we’re at dinner, polishing off our second bottle of wine…my head is buzzing and my palms are drenched with sweat…I’m about to blurt out my undying love for her…

When suddenly she grabs my hand and says, “Jack, tonight we dance! Take me to dance!”

Oh, Shit. I would have rather taken an uppercut from Mike Tyson than humiliate myself on a dance floor. But I had no choice but to play along…

So Now Picture This Scenario In Your Mind…

I’m on the dance floor with Anastasia, using the two moves I can pull off without looking like a complete spaz…

When some drunk chick crashes into me and spills her drink all over my new outfit!

I excuse myself to go wash up in the bathroom…

And when I come back…

Anastasia is GONE.

I frantically search the place, my heart pounding like a mom looking for her missing kid at the mall…

And then I see her.

Shooting pool, at the pool tables in back…

With some guy.

But once I got a good look at him, I figured I had nothing to worry about. He was just some old, dorky dude (or so it seemed…)

But Here’s The Craziest Part…

I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but in between shots at the pool table, he was saying things to Anastasia…

And she’d smile and laugh and give him looks like “ooh, you’re so naughty…”

Then he whispered something in her ear, and I could have sworn she blushed…this time, she playfully squeezed his arm…

There was no way she could have been INTO this guy.

She was just being friendly, I thought…being polite to the old creep, y’know?

Well, they finished their game…he handed her a business card, said a few parting words that made her blush and giggle AGAIN…and then he walked off.

I walked over to Anastasia and said, “So who was that guy?”

She showed me his card. He was a Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the local university.

I forgot about it and re-focused on my mission…

To make Anastasia mine.

Later, I was driving us back to our apartment building…we were neighbors, remember…

I Was Dripping With Nervous Cold Sweat As We Walked Towards Her Door…

This was it, bro. The moment of truth…

I was waiting for me to invite me inside…

But she gave me a quick hug and said “Goodnight Jack, thank you, I sleep now.”

And there she left me. Standing out in the hallway with a throbbing case of blue balls.

But This Story Is About To Get A Million Times More Brutal…

Because a couple of hours later, I woke up to the sound of bed springs creaking and Anastasia shrieking next door…

“Take it easy with that vibrator,” I mumbled to myself. “You’re gonna hurt yourself…”

But then I heard GRUNTING.

And the voice of a MAN.

“Yeah, you love that fat cock, don’t you…”

And I heard Anastasia squeal, “Fuck me deeper baby! DEEPER!”

I’m ashamed of what I did next. But I was out of my mind with anger and shock…

I rushed out into the hall in my tightie-whities, banged on Anastasia’s door…

And she answered with a bedsheet wrapped around her naked body.

“Jack! What is problem?” she said…

“Uh, I heard some noises, I wanted to make sure you’re okay…”

And over her shoulder, I see that dorky old professor waddle out of her bedroom, bare-ass naked, going into her bathroom to take a leak.

It Felt Like A Ton Of Bricks Had Just Crashed Down On My Skull.

Anastasia shut the door in my face and I stumbled back to my room in a stunned daze.

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I was too upset and embarrassed to contact her after that.

This wasn’t my first crushing disappointment. My “Nice Guy” routine had gotten me screwed over by lots of guys who’d stolen the girls I liked…

But this time was different.

This time, I wanted answers.

The next day, I drove to the university and tracked down that bearded professor. “Dr. Dave,” they called him…

He was in the middle of giving a lecture, so I sat in the back and listened…

He specialized in Evolutionary Biology. He was rambling on about how no matter how our world has advanced, with the internet and smartphones and Facebook…

The “caveman” part of the human brain is still wired the same way it was thousands of years ago.

He said when we’re stimulated in certain ways, we still react automatically.

On instinct.

Especially when it comes to how men and women select their sexual partners.

I’ll save you all the science techno-babble he was spewing, because it comes down to this:

There Are “Biological Mating Triggers” That Make Men And Women Feel Instant Sexual Attraction…

And we don’t get attracted to girls for the same reasons they get attracted to us.

Want proof? Ok, as a guy, what do you notice first about a female?

Howbout big, firm, juicy breasts? Does that grab your attention when you see a girl?

Of course it does. You can’t help looking, right?

What about when a beautiful girl walks past, and you turn and look and she’s got a perfect, round bubble butt?

Howbout long, shiny hair? You notice that, too. We all do.

These things automatically trigger our “male caveman brains” to want to fuck…

Because these are signals that she is healthy and FERTILE.

Your caveman brain knows she’s a prime candidate to carry your seed. She can give you a healthy baby and carry on your genes.

Now, you aren’t consciously thinking you want to fill her up with your sperm…

Yet your brain locks in on these “signals” because we’re slaves to our evolutionary biology.

But When It Comes to Making Girls Get Instantly Horny For You, Attraction Works In A Different Way…

Because their brains aren’t wired to lock in on our physical qualities so much.

And there’s a loophole here…

A loophole you can use to make any girl want you.

There’s a Bad Boy part of you that you can activate to trigger obsession in a girl’s mind, and overwhelming sexual cravings for you…

And it has nothing to do with your looks, your money, or any of that other superficial bullshit that you THINK is a big deal.

I’m going to you how to instantly trigger these feelings of automatic obsession, in any girl, in a moment…

And it’s going to amaze you and radically change your life…but first – let me tell you what happened after Dr. Dave’s lecture.

I walked up to him and said…

“Hey listen, this is gonna sound weird, but last Friday night you hooked up with a girl named Anastasia. Remember, you were playing pool with her at Shenanigans?”

“Sorry. Doesn’t ring a bell,” he said, shrugging and looking down at his stack of test papers.

I could tell he was playing dumb, in case I was some jealous boyfriend. (Yeah, I wish…)

“She’s just a friend,” I assured him. “But to be honest, I was really into her…and then, she got really into you. I just want to know, how did you pull that off?”

Dr. Dave saw the pathetic look on my face and I guess he felt sorry for me, because he suggested we go out and grab a drink…

And that night, he gave me a crash-course in “female sexual activation” and even a strange form of mind control that you will NEVER find in any book about dating or pickup.

Dr. Dave had spent the last 24 years studying and teaching how

the human brain works…

Especially the FEMALE brain.

Not just for the love of science…

But also because Dr. Dave was a straight-up horndog and he wanted to get “the edge” over guys who were younger and better-looking than him. (Which was pretty much every guy.)

As the beers kept flowing, he filled my head with more “science talk” about biology and hormones and “ancient mating triggers”…

And as he kept talking, and giving examples, I realized it came down to one thing…

Women Are WIRED To Want Bad Boys.

Bad Boys display dominant behavior and show “cocky confidence…”

And the female brain is wired to see these guys as ideal sexual mates.

Back in the ancient days, men showed dominance through physical strength. Women needed our protection from barbarian hordes and saber-toothed tigers…

And they relied on us to go out and hunt and bring home food…

But today, you don’t need to do ANY of that to trigger the same feelings in girls. To make them feel attached to you…

Obsessed with you…

Even addicted to you!

That night, Dr. Horndog gave me a few live demonstrations…

He’d walk up to some young hottie and start the conversation with a few “trigger words” that targeted her “cavewoman brain”…

Then he’d slip in an innocent-sounding question, which would make her smile and blush, and reveal secrets about herself…

It was like within 30 seconds, he could have a girl hanging on his every word and trying to impress HIM, instead of the other way around.

After witnessing “The Dr. Dave Show” that night, I knew the knowledge he’d given me had immense potential.

As I went home, my head was spinning with the possibilities…

I was burning to know how to take his science and hone it. Refine it. Make it totally rejection-proof.

I had to fit the pieces of the puzzle together and figure out how to use this for myself.

For the next two days, I holed up in my apartment and scribbled down everything I could remember from what Dr. Dave told me.

Then I dug into my closet and went through all of the old “seduction” books and DVDs I’d bought back in the day. And I suddenly remembered…

Some of my favorite books were from the legendary dating coach Dean Cortez.

He used to talk a lot about “Bad Boys” and how girls couldn’t resist them.

I sent Dean an email, with the subject line “URGENT.”

I told him about Dr. Dave and included copies of all my notes.

To my surprise, an hour later, an email arrived from Dean Cortez. The subject line said: CONFIDENTIAL.

He told me he was pretty much retired from teaching “the game” these days, because he was in a relationship with some stunner…

But when he saw my notes, his mind was blown. (And when it comes to seduction, Dean has pretty much seen and done it all…)

“This stuff is brilliant,” he wrote to me, “and it scientifically backs up one thing I’ve been saying forever…”

“Women can’t resist Bad Boys.”

We all sorta know this already…

But Dean was able to sort through all the science and come up with even more powerful “trigger words” and even body language moves that took the science…

And combined it with brand-new tactics so that any guy can use them in the real world WITHOUT rejection.

He suggested we put this together into one, final “master class” program for his students, and it would be his last manifesto…

His final word on seduction.

The Bad Boy Blueprint.

The Bad Boy Blueprint is the done-for-you program that’s built to make women approach YOU…

And it makes getting laid, or getting the girlfriend you want, as easy as flipping a switch.

You’ll never need to “fake it,” because all you’re doing is activating the Inner Bad Boy inside of you…

And then you’ll use a simple set of tools and shortcuts to bypass her “logical mind” and tap into her deepest desires and cravings.

That’s the power of The Bad Boy Blueprint…

And the good news is, you can use it tonight.

You don’t need to wait for anything to get shipped to you in the mail. Just click the “Add To Cart” button below, and you’ll get immediate access to this complete program inside our Members Area.

You can view it instantly on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, and soak up all of these secrets right now.


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Badboy Blueprint by Dean Cortez
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