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“GET YOUR BALLS BACK… Learn To Supercharge The Masculine Confidence You Have NOW To Get Any Woman You Desire…”

Why Most Of The Dating Gurus Are Feeding You The ULTIMATE LIE Of Attraction – And How You Can Create Instant Natural Attraction With Women…


Have you tried to be the Nice Guy – the kind of man that women SAY they want – but you found out the hard way that women don't really want "nice"?

You know that women SHOULD be knocking down your door because of how well you'd treat them and all the great things you do for them, but you get no results – just frustration – and nowhere near the kind of sexual satisfaction you deserve.

You REFUSE to be a "jerk" because that's not who you really are… but the "nice guy" routine just leaves you stuck in the "Friends-Only Zone" over and over again. And now you're just plain lost, confused, and frustrated about what women want.

Does it seem like a "woman's world" and you're scrambling to get ONE GOOD ONE – and keep from going crazy at the same time? And why do other guys have all the luck with women?

The answer is simpler than you can imagine. Here's the cold, hard truth…

You Need To MAN UP…

Get your balls back – and make your ancestors PROUD of you.

If that stung a little, then you can bet your life what I just said was true.

You're about to learn something very important about why women run away from the "nice" guys and why they throw themselves all over the "jerks…"

AND you're also going to discover the ancient secret for TRUE lasting success with women that doesn't rely on creepy scripts, routines, or pickup lines.

You Have Alpha-Male Masculinity Flowing Through Your Blood RIGHT NOW That Comes From Prehistoric Times – And You Don't Even Know It.

Every one of your ancestors was a WINNER in the survival game or you wouldn't be here. They ALL had success with women… every one of them.

They had it easy though…their gender roles were much more clear. Men were expected to men and women were expected to be women.

Now it's all mixed up; women can have it all and they don't know what they want. They tell you one thing, respond to the opposite – and then she gets mad at you when you can't read her mind.

The problem is that you're marching to HER drummer… and her drummer sounds like a tin shed in a hailstorm… she couldn't make a beat you could follow if your life depended on it.

Let's Face It – Your Life Depends On Taking The Lead And Banging The Drum Of Life To YOUR Rhythm…

The good news is you're hard-wired to be the real man that women love…

The bad news is your wires are tangled, sparking, and short-circuiting.

I want to help you rewire yourself with 'electrifying' results.

"She's Losing Interest In Me… What Am I Doing Wrong?"

Have you ever had a woman lose her attraction and interest in you?

Maybe it was in the first few minutes of your conversation. Maybe it was on the first date. Maybe it was in the first few weeks…

But she slowly lost interest in you.

  • She stopped calling…
  • She stopped looking at you with the same fire in her eyes…
  • She stopped being playful…
  • She stopped being as affectionate…

I've had this feeling of losing a woman, and it's downright BRUTAL to your self-esteem.

The bad news is that you just can't get her back again when this happens, and you've probably found that out from experience.

The GOOD news is that you can stop it from ever happening again!

This Is How I Completely Screwed It Up For Myself…

Do you remember the first time you got "turned on" by a girl?

For me it was back when I was 14 years old. Her name was Jackie, and she was my goddess. Long, blonde hair. Tall.

The funny thing was that at first she didn't seem all that special. She was just another girl in the neighborhood.

One night we were all hanging out, goofing around, and it hit me like a bolt of lightning…

My eyes locked on hers, and for the first time in my life, I felt THAT sensation. You know the one I mean, right?

My breath got short all of a sudden. The fine hairs on the back of my neck jumped up, and I felt this tingling sensation in the middle of my body, passing through me like a shock wave.

And through the whole thing, I couldn't move a muscle. I was locked there, frozen. I had fallen for Jackie – hook, line, and sinker.

The next day, it was raining, so we skipped school together, and we ran around the neighborhood, hiding in places to stay out of the downpour. Jackie and I ran around all day long, hiding on people's porches and staring into each other's eyes, holding hands and hugging – and…

Here's The Pathetic Part Of My Story That You Won't Believe… Or, Maybe You WILL.

This is really embarrassing, but I'm going to tell you anyways: That whole day, Jackie and I never kissed.

Not even once.

You see, I had no idea what to do with her. I was this 14 year old "boy-man" all charged with sexual energy, and not a CLUE how to use it. I couldn't even make out with her.

And here's the part that kicked me right on my ass:

Jackie called me two days later and told me we should "just be friends."


I'm telling you, I was CRUSHED. I can still remember that burning pain in the center of my chest, and the hour I spent in my bedroom, sobbing into my pillow so no one would hear me. In fact, thinking about it now it still makes me feel sick to my stomach. I'm still kicking myself…!

In that one day she had become the most beautiful girl in the world to me, and she was all I wanted, but… I had NO IDEA how to take the lead and make her my girlfriend – AND to just DO what I knew I needed to do.

I got together with her friend Kristin a couple weeks later, and Kristin actually grabbed me and kissed me first to make sure I knew what I was supposed to do. (If she wasn't an aggressive girl, I might NEVER have figured it out.)

Ironically, Kristin was more of a man than I was.

It's Almost UNHEARD Of For A Man To Get The Kind Of Education He Needs To Be A MAN…

No one had ever schooled me or prepared me for the most important step I had to take in my life.

Not my mom, or my dad, or my friends, or anyone

I was ready to be a MAN, but there was no one to help me or guide me to take that next step. So I chickened out when it came time to show her that I was a MAN. I was humiliated and heartbroken that I had to learn how to Man-Up by losing my first girlfriend because I couldn't just DO what I was supposed to do.

Can you imagine yourself in that situation? Can you imagine how that felt knowing I had ruined it because I couldn't take the lead?

I hope you haven't had to go through that kind of agony, but I'll bet you can probably relate to that story.

You see, a lot of guys that grew up over the last 20 or 30 years also never got a chance to have a "rite of passage," the "initiation ritual" that told us when – and how – to become MEN.

In fact, it's a rare thing for guys to feel that they've grown out of being a boy and crossed over into the world of adult men.

Here's The Truly Shocking And Tragic Part Of Being A Man Today…

Most guys grew up feeling that it was BAD to enjoy or do anything that was "manly…"

In other words, we were brought up feeling that it was bad to be a MAN. Whether it was images on television or in the movies, "Masculine" has become something of a dirty word. I once said "macho" in front of a group of people and they looked at me as if I'd just yelled out the "F" word.

You want to hear something really crazy?

A friend of mine was taking his clothes to the laundry after dark, and he was walking behind a woman who was also taking her clothes to wash. She looked back at him over her shoulder several times, and he told me he felt guilty and ashamed that he was behind her.

Why? Because she was probably worried about him being a rapist.

He actually felt like he needed to apologize to her!

And he didn't do ANYTHING wrong. He just happened to be a MAN.

We men have actually been brought up with "Original Guilt" – the belief that we are born into this world with the responsibility to "make nice" for all the "wrongs" other men have done.

I think that's a load of crap…

Just as interesting, most guys – the ones who actually had a dad around when they were young – said that their dad was someone they never connected with. He either had bad emotional control (anger issues, sulky behavior), or he just wasn't able to reach out and support his sons like us.

Or, your mom & dad had so many of their own issues going on that you got ignored, and you never got any good male role models to learn from.

Why Did This Happen To You?

And How Do You Get Past It?

    • Maybe your dad was distant, or only there every other weekend – or gone most of the time…
    • Maybe he was home a lot, but he was "whipped…"
    • Maybe he was married to the only woman he'd ever been with, and he never learned how to show his masculinity to women…
    • Maybe you were taught that you needed to be "nice" – but he never told you how to be the Bad Boy they actually get with…
    • Maybe you were a shy kid, and your dad just never helped you out of your shell…
    • Or mabye you never even knew your dad at all

When you were a boy, you just needed understanding, patience, and direct guidance.

You needed other guys to show you how to just BE A MAN, even if it wasn't your dad showing you…

And instead you got MTV, dumb movies, and bad wussy song lyrics to learn from.

Some of us got too much hardcore "macho" advice that had no sensitivity at all, and we didn't learn how to CONNECT with women while still being a MAN. (Yes, it is possible to both connect with women and still be a masculine guy.)

Some of us got advice from moms who meant well, but only taught us that men hurt women, or they taught us subtly that we were bad and shameful. And there were a lot of great moms out there who just didn't have a clue how to teach a boy to be a man. After all, that's not really her job.

And no matter what anyone tells you…

A woman can never fully teach a boy how to be a REAL MAN…

Women mean well, but they end up teaching us to be too weak and wimpy to really attract women. They tell us to be a gentleman and to treat women "nice."

You know how things work out when you try to be too nice to a woman, or just seek her approval, right?

Isn't this the disappointed reaction you usually get when you try to buy your way into her heart?

In the end, you need to know all those secret lessons of manhood that you were never taught, but how can you learn what they are if you didn't have anyone to teach you?

Get Alpha Masculinity (No More Mr. Nice Guy) – Carlos Xuma, Only Price $47

It's A Woman's World Out There, And If You Don't Believe Me, Consider THIS…

Sorry to say, but society has swung WAY over to the other side and over-compensated.

Women are now the focal point of most of the media out there because most women do all the buying.

Think about these FACTS:

    • Women purchase or influence the purchase of 80% of all consumer goods, including stocks, computers and automobiles. *
    • Women make 83% of all consumer purchases and 80% of health care-related decisions in their households **
    • By 2010, women are expected to control $1 trillion, or 60% of the country's wealth, according to research conducted by BusinessWeek and Gallup. *

Unless you stick your head in the sand, the reality is staring you right in the face.

And of course, the advertising and media industry are going to play to the ones who control of the money…


I'm not being some angry "chauvinist pig" here. I love women and I love the fact that they've been able to get their justly deserved equality with men.

But in the process of building this new society of equality, we men got left behind. Without a safety line or a life-boat.

Here's The Tragic Mistake That Most Guys Make With Women – The One Mistake That You Might Be Doing And Making Things Even WORSE…

There's another problem you should know about, and it's a double-whammy for most guys.

We may not have had the best male role models growing up, and we might not have gotten all the lessons we wanted about being a man, but something else happened along the way that really changed the way women look at us…

We became NICE GUYS.

It seemed like the right thing to do. After all, isn't that what women say they want?

They tell us that they want a nice, sensitive guy.

Only we learned a different lesson when we got out in the real world and started dating women. When we were sensitive, she got turned off. When we were nice, we drove her away.

If you realize you're a "Nice Guy" and you know that it's not getting you any success with women, you might have tried to be the jerk – or the "bad boy."

The problem with this strategy is that a woman can always seem to sense who you really are underneath, so that didn't work, either. Besides, do you really want to be a jerk to be successful with women?

No, you don't.

And if we can't be the Nice Guy, and we don't want to be the "Jerk," what else is there?

Here's What You Need To Do To Hit The "Turbo-Charge" Nitrous Injection On Your Dating Life…

It's time for you to reclaim your masculinity.

Your birthright is to be the man you were born to be, without guilt or fear or anger or shame.

It's a woman's world, my friend, and you need to know the New Rules to being a MAN if you're going to survive out there.

Especially when it comes to meeting and attracting women, because you don't want to just survive – you want to THRIVE.

Women need us more than ever to get it together and MAN UP.

I sent out a survey asking over 750 guys like you what they needed to feel like a man. Do you know what most of their answers came down to?

  • They didn't feel like they could approach women…
  • They didn't feel like they could take any risks with women…
  • They didn't feel like they could deal with possible rejection from women…
  • They didn't feel like they could act on their masculine desires with women…
  • They didn't feel like they could "take it to the next level" with women…

The bottom line is that guys feel like they're struggling and fighting their own FEAR OF WOMEN – and fear of being a man – especially if it means scaring off or possibly getting a woman angry with him.

When I talked to women, they told me they're frustrated and tired of men that want their approval.

The final verdict?

Women just want men to be MEN – without apologies or permission!

And they want us to be this way in our relationships most of all.

So now we have to ask The Big Question:

Is It Possible For You To LEARN How To Be The Alpha Man?

What If You're In Your 20s, 30s, 40s… Even 50s?

The good news is YES, you can!

And it doesn't even have to be your dad that teaches you this stuff.

And it's actually easy to do once you have the right information and the right roadmap to follow.

I got lucky. I had a dad who was around most of the time until he divorced my mom when I was 16 years old. But I never actually connected with him the way a father should because of his anger and temper issues. Still, he was a good male role model.

Even in spite of this, I fell into the same trap of trying to please women instead of just being The MAN first. I was lucky that the original teachings of my dad were still in there, rattling around, waiting for me to remember them.

After I went through my personal "trial by fire," I finally realized how simple it was to get back in touch with being a masculine man.

Here Are The 4 Simple Steps I Used To Get My Balls Back And Regain My Masculine Power With Women…

1. I stopped taking advice from women on how to be a man. (IMPORTANT!)
2. I got as much advice and direction as I could from real MEN. 
This included all the stuff I remembered about my own father, and other good male role models I had met. I made these "initiated" guys my mentors…

3. I took all the information I had and created my own "blueprint" for masculinity.

4. I ollowed that blueprint – and improved it – every day until I had it perfected.

The funny thing was that I thought it would take years and years to make this happen, but the changes happened almost instantly – as soon as I could see exactly what it was I'd been doing wrong.

Now I feel it's time to pass this blueprint on to other guys out there who want to become a powerful, confident, Alpha MAN.

  • No more acting like Mr. Nice Guy…
  • No more pleasing women by kissing their butts or wussing out…
  • No more trying to avoid conflict, backing down, and walking away feeling hollow inside…
  • No more making excuses as to why I'm not living my full potential as a man…

The fact is that even if you had a good male role model, AND you got the lessons you should, it's still very easy to get sucked into the trap of driving yourself crazy trying to please women. The scary thing I realized many years later was that all women really want guys to do is to BE MEN without worrying about what a WOMAN thinks of it.

Let me say that last part again, because it's so important:

Be a MAN without worrying about what SHE thinks about it.

THAT, my friend, is what creates explosive chemistry and attraction with women!

The sooner you connect with your ancient Alpha Male – not the caveman but the man who takes charge – doesn't take shit, commands respect – and gets it, the easier and less confusing your life will become… and women will actually THANK you for it.

Understand Yourself – AND Women: Your Key To Consistent Success

Remember this: No matter what anyone says to you, being a masculine guy is a GOOD thing. It's NOTHING to be ashamed of.

  • Women want heroes…
  • Women want men who are leaders – who make things happen…
  • Women want Alpha Men.

I've discovered something. There are two kinds of women: 1) The ones who are attracted to "alpha," masculine qualities, and… 2) The women you do NOT want in your life.

That's pretty much it. If a woman can't appreciate you as a masculine MAN, she will be big trouble for you later on.

And these women are in a 90/10 ratio out there – only about 10% are the ones you need to avoid…

The sad thing is that when a man isn't fully a MAN, he can take one of the women in the 90% that is attracted to an Alpha Man and he winds up turning her into a bitter nag. He can make a quality woman so frustrated and unhappy that she simply turns into the kind of woman he doesn't want.

It took me years to discover the essential ingredients of being a REAL Alpha Male with women, but when I found the optimum mix, it was like discovering the winning recipe of ingredients.

In fact, when you understand how to avoid the behaviors that signal women the wrong way, and you regain control…

You Can Create A "Perfect Storm" Where Everything Comes Together And 'Clicks' In The Right Way – At The Right Time…

So what does it mean to be a "Man"?

You might find that you don't have a good answer for that question. I didn't know what it meant for years and years of my life. I thought I did, after watching a ton of James Bond movies and sports on TV, but I really only had a superficial understanding of what it meant to be a real man.

James Bond isn't enough.

Especially today, in a world that is much more focused on women in many ways.

In the past, for thousands and thousands of years, boys had a definite "coming of age" or "rite of passage" to becoming a mature man.

They were literally put through painful ceremonies to help them "graduate" from being a boy into being a man. Sometimes they were scarred, or beaten, or forced to endure days alone in the wilderness fighting to survive…

But you don't have to go through all that.

Guys Today Feel This Part Of Their Lives Is Missing – Like Their Male Power Has Been Amputated.

But most don't even know what it is because we didn't have any examples of how to become "initiated" into being men.

In the early part of the 1900s, it meant going to war and putting your life on the line for your country.

And somewhere after the fighting was over, we changed – and forgot the way we became men…

Dad went to work in the factory – or the corporation – leaving us at home with mom all day, instead of out in the fields or working and learning with him what it was to be a "man."

Then we went to school and learned mostly from women how to behave. We were taught to please the teacher (the women) The only place we were allowed to be "men" was in gym class.

That was one of the few places where we could play rough with each other…

I don't know about you, but the only rite of passage I got in gym class was being picked on and selected last for teams.

So now we're staying boys a lot longer than we should, and we're not learning what it is that women are really attracted to – the MANLY traits.

Your ALPHA masculinity.


A Unique Approach Makes It Easy To Find Your Masculine Confidence…

You see, when you have this masculine edge to your life, you'll instantly have access to the power source you need to do whatever you want to do.

When you're tapped into your masculinity, you will:

    • Know how to communicate to women on a GUT level that you are a MAN, and she should both desire you and respect you…
    • Know how to be "REAL" and genuine with a woman, without fear that you're going to be "caught" or slip up and ruin it with her…
    • Know the answers to the "small stuff" in dating that seems to trip you up all the time… like when to call, how many times to call, and what to say when you finally talk to her…
    • Know how to avoid feeling hurt or shamed by your interactions with women and turn every conversation into powerful, no-apology, confident banter…
    • You'll be able to finally let go of the Nice Guy that has been dogging you for years, killing attraction with women, and making you settle for less than you deserve…
    • Feel like you've conquered your fears and doubts about yourself and feel your value to women…
    • Feel like you can walk up to anyone and talk to them without the constant nagging fear of rejection and failure…
    • Get rid of your frustration that eats away at your confidence and your self-esteem – for good!
    • Stop feeling needy and dependent on other people's approval for your self worth – especially women…
    • Stop feeling angry and helpless and lost – unable to control your own life…
    • Break out of the trap that's holding you in the clutches of confusion and insecurity…
    • Stop feeling like you're letting yourself and women down when you can't get up the courage you need…
    • Stop feeling like the little boy that's nervous, insecure, and inadequate about himself…
    • No more panic, worry, or feeling powerless…


How To Be The Alpha Masculine Man – Let Out The REAL Man Inside You, AND Get The Women You Deserve…

If you were like me at this stage in your life, you sensed that there was something not quite right with your life.

You were like Neo in the "Matrix," knowing that something wasn't quite right, that there was something that you needed to find to complete the picture.

And there's also this sense that whatever this thing is that you're missing, if you get it you'll have a chance to get what all the advertisements and images of men promise us on TV and in the movies:

  • The success…
  • The wealth and prosperity…
  • The happiness and fulfillment…
  • And – probably most important – success with women.

There IS a common thread here.

You see, it's not that the rich guys get women because they've got money. (Yes, some women are predators and gold-diggers, but that's not the source of the appeal…)

No no no.

They got the money and the women because these men had become initiated – fully grown MEN with an understanding of how to fill in that aching void inside that leaves most other guys feeling depressed, drained of energy, and emasculated.

In other words, these men finally passed their own inner challenges and had a rite of passage to take them from extended boyhood to Alpha Manhood.

I've just put the final touches on a program that has been built from the ground up to guide you from wherever you are to the next stage. This is your personal guidebook for your personal Rite of Passage.

You'll also be able to finally let go of the Nice Guy that has been dogging you for years, killing attraction with women, and making you settle for less than you deserve.

It's Time To Take The Red Pill…

Yeah, I realize it's easy to wear out that Matrix metaphor, but I want you to realize that – just like Neo did in the movie – you can make a decision that will literally change the course of your life forever.

Someone famous once said that it's in the moments of decision that our destiny is forged.

In fact, the opportunity to seize that opportunity when it comes along is one of the skills a man MUST have to get a woman to feel deep emotional attraction for him.

State Of The Art Techniques For Attracting Women RIGHT NOW By Changing Your Bad Habits Into Molten Chemistry With Women…

What I did was to pull together all the information I'd learned over the years about what it takes to be a REAL MAN.

  • I got out all the books I'd read…
  • I re-listened to all the tapes I'd bought over the years…
  • I even spent a couple weeks emptying my head into my journal, remembering all those manhood lessons my dad taught me as a kid, and that I'd been taught by my relatives and the other mature guys in my life…

Then I went to all my male friends and asked them what they had learned about being a man. Specifically – what were the hardest lessons they learned that they'd want to pass along to guys to save them all the pain they went through…

Not the fluffy, New-Age, just-be-confident nonsense that you hear a lot about, either.

Look, I'm all about spirituality, but I hate getting advice that pumps me up but doesn't tell me what I have to do – specifically, step-by-step – to get me where I want to go.

I wanted a roadmap… but if you've ever followed a map, it's never the same, is it? When you're looking down from above, it all seems so simple: turn left here, right here, etc. When you're ON THE STREET, everything changes and looks different.

What you need is a street-level 3-D view of the terrain.

Complete with all the markers – so you know where you are and where you're going – AND you don't miss any turns along the way and wind up lost…

Alpha Masculinity – No More Mr. Nice Guy!

How To Be A Man In A Woman's World

Revolutionary Rehab…

Get Alpha Masculinity (No More Mr. Nice Guy) – Carlos Xuma, Only Price $47

Here's What You Get In This Program…

  • It takes years and years of exposure to "real men" to learn by example – and it sometimes feels like what you THINK is manly doesn't match what women or society or the media tells you. If you didn't have a strong male role model in your life, you might feel that you're handicapped and blocked from ever figuring out what being "manly" actually is. I've discovered what the SPECIFIC and EXACT traits that women think of as "manly" are, and how you can start to develop them all…
  • Do you sometimes feel like your own sense of masculinity is like a hollow tree? At the first big wind, you'll just "blow over"? I'll explain the specific qualities that "fill in" your real foundation and masculine strength so that you don't have to feel "hollow" and "phony" with women… You'll be able to "walk the walk" without feeling like you have to put up a "false front" to anyone…
  • You've probably heard that there are two kinds of guys out there – the "Nice Guy" and the "Jerk." But even if the "Jerk" seems to get the women, and the "Nice Guy" finishes last, we know we don't want to be either of them. In this program, I'll explain how women see you, and how you achieve just the right balance of the right "Nice Guy" traits and change the "Jerk" ones so that you trigger IMMEDIATE attraction in women that they will not be able to resist… (Oh, and you never need to hurt anyone else's feelings to get this kind of masculine attractiveness!)
  • The secrets to controlling and managing your emotional state so that other people don't send you into a "tailspin" when they say things that catch you off-guard…
  • Guys everywhere want to know what the "right things" are to say to women, and we eventually learn that the "naturals" out there know what to say without planning it. The problem is how to let go of the "lines" and "routines" and just "be yourself." I'll show you how to stop worrying about "not knowing" what to say, and never feel scared that you're going to "run out" of interesting things to talk about ever again…
  • Disagreements and conflict are tough to handle if you've never been shown what to do. I'll cover 33 in-depth strategies for handling ANYONE who's foolish enough to become your enemy or give you a hard time – AND how to turn them into allies that will help you without them knowing
  • Do you feel like you hold back your personality to please people around you? Have you ever felt like you keep your personality on "mute" so that other people will like you and you won't turn them off? Or you hide your personality just to meet their expectations? There's a normal need to please – and there is an unhealthy and painful one that makes us slaves to what other people think and their opinions. I'll give you dozens of real-life techniques for getting rid of these "anxious to please" behaviors so you can become your own man…
  • A man wants to know he can take ACTION at the right time to make things happen – whether that's approaching women or taking things forward with a woman. Sometimes we feel paralyzed in our ability to act because we don't feel connected to our masculine POWER source. I'll explain how to get off your "but" and do what you know you need to do…
  • The 12 question simple exercise to recover your own history and sense of masculinity in your life…
  • 11 questions that will expose your "combat style" and how you deal with conflicts in life – and show you how to modify your own "kung-fu" so that you're more effective…
  • Take this 11 question evaluation to discover how you've been nursing your own pain in your life and burying resentments that poison your ability to connect with women – and everyone – in your life…
  • As men, we sometimes fall victim to distorted beliefs about our "value" in life. This 13 question quiz will expose your true feelings about your money, your work, and your attachment to possessions…
  • One of the hardest things to do is to make a change in your life – and then to make it STICK. In this program, I'm going to reveal my universal simple 4-step change program that will help you FAST FORWARD past years of therapy and effort to make long-term changes in your life…
  • The 12 parts to the "Nice Guy" script that we carry with us and use – without even realizing it…
  • As a former "Nice Guy," I discovered that a lot of the things I was doing weren't so "nice." One of the things I discovered was that I was always acting from a belief system that made me think "If what I'm doing isn't working, I'll just try harder." If you've ever found yourself acting this way, and not getting the results you wanted, I'll walk you through how you can drop the "try hard" act and just relax with people – and get ten times more results!
  • The 4 "Distractions" – the four ways that guys try to feel valuable and win approval from women…
  • The ONE primary source of Nice Guy behavior that immediately raises a Red Alert in a woman's mind and puts you into the "Just Friends" bucket… Not only this, but how we get caught up in this trap in the first place – and how we turn it off instead of getting suckered into the trap…
  • Ever find yourself hiding your flaws in the hope that this would make you more interesting and attractive to women? Then you need to know why this is the biggest mistake you can make when you're talking with a woman, and how it ruins your success – and why she wants the OPPOSITE
  • Of all the exercises and "therapy" work I've done, this one simple practice was what gave me the ability to finally break free of my neediness and lack of emotional control around women. I'll explain how it works and how you can implement it in your life in as little as 15 minutes
  • The deadly downward spiral of the "victim triangle" – the 4 ways we avoid "rocking" the boat in our lives and become scaredy cats, afraid to live our own lives…
  • The 6 core traits of masculinity… and the 7 qualities of a healthy relationship that will not sabotage your sense of masculinity
  • Men are taught that life is competitive, but competition leaves us feeling wounded and vulnerable – especially when you feel like you don't know how to compete with other guys out there. Here's how you can compete without having to risk your neck – or your reputation… and no one has to lose.
  • The 5 ways that you find it difficult to get what you want from women – and from your life…
  • The 27 Rules of the Recovering Nice Guy…
  • The 20 Minute Life Mission exercise – for finding your true calling in life, and how you know when you are on your Path…
  • How to effectively "read" people so that you surround yourself consistently with an "entourage" that supports you and makes you happy, including how to handle it when a friend – or someone you know and trust – betrays you…
  • How to balance caution and risk in your life so that you always come out ahead and never miss opportunities…
  • Guys always envy the man who everyone pays attention to and looks up to. Do you want to be "famous" and popular in your social circle – or even beyond? I'll give you my 10 steps – my personal guide for becoming well-known and famous in any social circle…
  • The 16 warning signs of the Nice Guy-itis – and the 13 indicators guys give away their "eager-to-please" behavior to others…
  • Do you find yourself idealizing women and putting them on pedestals? We know that women are wonderful, but when we carry this belief too far we lose our self-control around hot women. How to finally get chicks off the pedestal so you can stop feeling intimidated by hot women. I'll show you the 6 warning signs of "woman worship," and explain how this puts you on the "cycle of destruction" in your relationships with women…
  • The most important indication of masculinity in a man's life is his level of power over himself and his world. I will teach you over 40 ways you can increase your feeling of power and control in your life, including tips on how to get other people to help you with your goals, how to increase respect and honor, how to be a self-made man, and much much more…
  • How to overcome the difficult events in your life without losing emotional control – and come out ahead…
  • Nice Guys hate to risk making people angry with them. How to use "teasing" humor effectively – Guys with this skill who can have a little fun with people always seem to bring out the best in people. I'll show you how to "bust their chops" – and get away with it…
  • The most confident guys that get the girl always seem to stand out from the rest. I'll explain your step-by-step plan for you to stand out in a crowd…
  • Guys are taught not to trust their "intuition…" I'll show you how to tap into your "gut" instinct – and launch yourself ahead of the pack by using this rare gem of a skill…
  • How you can cultivate and build your reputation and RESPECT in your social network for being a confident, stand-up guy – AND the 2 types of guys you want on your side – as well as the 2 kinds of guys you must not let into your social network at any costs!
  • Have you ever managed to land an attractive girlfriend, but then you find yourself changing your behavior later on to make things "go smoothly"? Even when you KNOW you shouldn't be doing it? I've devoted an entire 4-hour section of this program to showing you the path of handling your recovery from Nice Guy to Alpha Man with women…
  • How to maintain the "Separation of Angel and State" – How to avoid "over-sharing" information with your girl that lowers her attraction for you…
  • Have you ever had the experience of approaching a woman and her reacting with: "Are you kidding? Don't bother" written on her face? If you've felt this, than you know how painful it can be, and emasculating. But what was it that she sensed from you that made her react to you that way without you even saying a word? I'll explain these secret signals that guys give off that create this kind of shocking response from women…
  • We live in a complicated social climate – where men work with women all day long, and we see confusing messages about the right and wrong way to behave around women. Should you be more sexual, or are you risking a lawsuit? Should you keep your masculinity hidden – and then become neutered…? I'll explain how you handle the new social protocol…
  • Have you had limited experience with a woman, and now you feel like you're in a "catch-22" because you can't get more experience because women can sense that you're limited in experience? I'll explain how you can break this vicious cycle and create "animal" magnetism with women that breaks this pattern of pain…
  • As men, we think of ourselves as our physical bodies – but is that what women really equate with "masculinity"? I'll show you the ways that guys are focused on the wrong symbols of manhood, and how your physical body can be used to express your masculinity the right way, without having to become a bodybuilder. In fact, you'll learn why muscles are NOT what women are looking for in your physical presence…
  • Often we think that being a "man" is about being rich, driving a nice car, and so on… I'll teach you the 15 traits of the modern masculine man that women are looking for – and you won't need to buy a new car or take out a loan to impress her…
  • The 6 negative traits of the immature man that you must eliminate – what they are, how they look to women, and how to get rid of them so that she will respect you as an Alpha Man…
  • The 2 life-and-death questions EVERY man must ask himself in life – and the earlier the better. If you get these two questions wrong, or you ask the wrong one first, you'll probably continue to struggle with having women in your life… But once you learn what they are and how they work together, you'll have the advantage over 90% of the men out there…
  • The 3 stages of every man's "rite of passage" that he must go through to let go of being a boy and become a MAN, along with a step-by-step detailed plan for learning how to use these 3 steps in your life…
  • Take the 20 question quiz that will tell you whether you have lost your masculine focus for the "decoy" that a lot of guys mistake as manhood…
  • The ONE life-defining question that will clear your mind of all distractions and crystallize your life purpose so that you can put the engine of your life into high gear…
  • The 6 stages of an Alpha Man's lifeline – and how to know when you've matured through all 6 to the final goal of being a mature man that women want and other men respect…
  • Learn The 5 hidden signals of the "boy-man" – the guy that women avoid because he's not quite grown up…
  • The one key internal signal and feeling you must control and tame if you ever want to progress beyond the early stages of manhood, and to finally feel like you can stand up for yourself when you need to…
  • How to avoid the "whipped dog syndrome" that many guys accidentally fall into – and salvage your dignity and pride before you make this horrible mistake in your relationship with a woman…
  • The 3 Secret Keys of Alpha Masculinity – with examples, and how to take your masculinity to the next level by meeting the modern expectations for men – no more feeling like you're just imitating an old movie, you can BE sophisticated…
  • The 17 Elements of Chivalry to incorporate in your life and use to demonstrate your masculine power to women…
  • The 22 Secret Beliefs of the Confident Man – when you learn these, you will have affirmations that completely explain the mind set and lifestyle of a powerful and attractive man…
  • The 7 questions to ask yourself that will immediately clarify where you may have lost your direction or given up on your Alpha power in your life – and how to know when you've established the Alpha Rules in your life that will keep you on the path…
  • The ONE reason most guys "wuss out" and give in to women – and how this immediately kills her attraction for you – and how you can avoid this panic situation so that she keeps her respect for you, and you can avoid losing women to your own fears…
  • In the early part of getting to know a woman, guys make a very distinct mistake in their behavior that causes her to lose interest and disconnect from you – I'll explain what this is and how you overcome it so that you never make this rookie mistake with women ever again…
  • How modern society messes up your programming about what is "manly" and what is not, and how you're made to feel guilty just for being a man. I'll show you the ways that you can spot this negative influence, and never let it hurt your confidence with women again… (This is the one key element that will turn you from an average, struggling, needy guy into a "natural" with women…)
  • Do you ever feel like you're "hard wired" with some very faulty beliefs that sabotage you and trick you from the success you deserve with women? I believe that guys just need the chance to "reboot" their internal software so that they can break out of the bad programming and re-connect with their true sense of inner control and confidence. I'll also give you very specific and simple exercises that obliterate those limiting beliefs from your life so that you can feel the freedom of being a real man…
  • Have you ever tried to "put your foot down" with a woman only to have it backfire on you? You'll learn why most guys don't have the right understanding of how to set "boundaries" with women so that they are respected and not tested all the time. You'll also learn the key difference between "rules" and "conditions" with women, and which one you need to set if you want to keep her attracted to you…
  • Women are incredibly intuitive and effective at reading men's signals – and there's one signal that guys give off like an odor that tells her you're not a mature man yet. I'll teach you what it is, how it shows up in your life, and how to QUICKLY eliminate it from your behaviors so that she can see the best parts of you…
  • Most of the growth to go from a boy to a man is simply replacing one behavior or program in your head with another. Most guys can do this quickly and with no struggle – IF they knew what these behaviors were. I'll show you the common mental "viruses" – like the "Nice Guy Syndrome," Fear of Approaching Women, Fear of Failure AND Success – and how to quickly replace them with the right kind of thinking…
  • The one experience most men have never had in their lives, and how this one simple checkpoint has kept you from feeling fully alive in your own skin. I'll also coach you through the steps to really break through this limitation, because – fortunately – there are simple methods to break out of these old patterns – AND without falling back into them later on…
  • The 3 red flag "little boy" warning signals that immediately tell women that you are not ready or mature enough for her, and she can discover them in the first 90 seconds of a conversation – I'll show you what they are and how to flush them out of your system…
  • Most men know that women are not attracted to the "momma's boy" type, but we don't know how much is too much of a good relationship to have with our mom – AND how to talk about it with women so that it's a positive instead of a negative. I'll explain this problem COMPLETELY, and how you can wipe it right out. Most guys do this and without realizing that she's getting the WRONG idea about him…
  • My Secret Method to use so that you stop getting hung up on your mistakes and move on quickly to fixing them – no more feeling frustrated, or tripping over yourself again and again and again…
  • Have you ever had a conversation with a woman that went into "emotional territory," and you felt lost and out of control? The key to handling emotional conversations with women is to know how to express your feelings – and knowing that you should NEVER make this one critical mistake when a woman tries to play her emotional "wild card." I'll show you how to do both – handle your feelings the right way – every time, AND avoid that BIG mistake – AND I'll even give you the specific words to say to her…
  • Two things you must NEVER do in a stormy conversation with a woman if you want to make it out alive…
  • 6 Essential Rules to make sure that YOU are the one in control of the sex and that YOU hold the key to your own sexual satisfaction with women. If you miss these rules, every relationship you have with a woman will short-circuit and leave you in intense pain…
  • Arguing with women is like handling C4 explosives. Here's how you can avoid the nerve-wracking and painful process of losing arguments with women – and stop getting into them in the first place! Plus, I'll teach you the way to handle disagreements with the woman in your life so that you don't have to eat your pride and feel humiliated, AND your woman will respect you for handling things the way she wants. I'll even teach you the 3 ways to convince women to just "let it go…"
  • The one thing you can NEVER do when you talk to a woman or you will immediately tell her you are an insecure guy that she should avoid. If you pull this emotional trigger on her during a heated conversation, you will double the damage…
  • The 8 signals that you're in the presence of a mature Alpha Man that you can feel comfortable learning from… And the one BIG mistake you make with your guy friends that creates resentment and negative relationships with women…
  • Learn the secret of the Masculine Pyramid – the 4 essential qualities of full-grown men that you must develop. And how guys can easily slip up and flip these 4 switches OFF by showing the ugly side of their personality. These are the qualities that women are looking for first, and when she senses that you've got them, she'll be bragging to her girlfriends and family about you…
  • Why is it we have no problems approaching and talking to women we aren't attracted to – but the second a hot woman enters the room, you lose your head and get stuck for words…? In my "How to be Cool" segment, as well as others, I'll show you how to keep calm and cool with ANY woman you meet so that you can be consistent and effective in building attraction – and not lose her…
  • One of the most unexplained and powerful modern masculine skills is being a "Renaissance Man." Women LOVE this kind of guy, and the sophisticated kind of spell he casts on women. I'll explain what you need to do to be this kind of guy for her…
  • We know that women want a guy with purpose and drive in life, but what does this REALLY mean to her? And how does she know when you've got this "purpose and drive"? Well, I'll explain the key traits she's looking for, as well as how to to actually discover this fire and passion in your life
  • How to control your ego from running crazy and driving away women – and your friends
  • 7 Methods to create more awareness and 'presence' in your life – and get out of your head…
  • The 8 "Warrior Skills" for men – and I don't mean how to fight hand-to-hand – this is how you become the warrior in your own life to overcome all obstacles and challenges that come your way…
  • 32 Laws of Coolness – how to be, look, and feel cool – including my one simple trick to get people imitating you (like groupies) and letting you set their styles and trends…
  • 5 Little-known Steps to create "do or die" motivation in your life so that you can take action when you need to…
  • The 4 Key traits of the "Alpha Man" – and how these character traits will either communicate masculinity if you use them the right way, or wussy behavior if you use them the wrong way…
  • The big mistake "nice guys" make when trying to build attraction and rapport with women – and chances are you're making this error, too…
  • My priceless strategy for taking a conversation BACK into attraction-building when you've made the mistake of starting off too "nice…
  • The critical communication skill you need in relationships that will allow you to "see the future" and head off problems before they appear, or before your woman can make her own bad decision.
  • How women "reverse engineer" decisions that you won't find out about until it's too late – and how you can intercept these decisions easily and quickly to avoid the nasty surprises down the road that catch you off guard and leave you feeling exposed and emotionally betrayed…
  • My technique of "remembering future pain" to keep yourself from repeating mistakes with women and your relationships – and stop yourself from getting into a defensive posture where all you want to do is avoid the pain…
  • How women know how good you'll be in bed – what clues is she reading that tell her how good a lover you will be? Find out in this segment…
  • Should you be nice? A bad boy? Trying to please a woman? Learn how to balance the different roles that a woman expects from you so that you satisfy her every need, and when she feels these needs, you will be able to attract her on a skillful sexual level…
  • How to expand your ability and capacity for sexual pleasure with women by "swinging the pendulum" and opening up your masculine energy… AND how to increase a woman's sexual response to you so that she is aching to get physical with you – even while her clothes are still on – and you will raise the level of her intense erotic experience…
  • How to get intuitively masterful with a woman so that you can give her the most incredible physical experience she's ever had with a man…
  • A simple 2-minute exercise that will discover and destroy the most damaging blockade to your sexual power as a man, and learn how to become fully present with a woman…
  • The "3 places of expression" that tell everyone whether or not you're getting laid, and how you can reverse engineer…
  • How to know when NOT to use your "kino" or touching on a woman so that you don't freak her out or sabotage your chances with her…
  • The 2 CRITICAL elements of masculinity – what they are, and how women sense these from you, and how men can better develop them…
  • How you really need to handle your "girl friends" so that you don't destroy your chances to create physical attraction, and you establish your "wolf" desires…
  • The three stages of masculine growth – the key milestones on your path to greater manhood – and how you know when you've reached each one…
  • What fake vs. REAL masculinity actually is, and how we create an "unremarkable" life when we make this mistake and choose the wrong one…
  • The essence of the no apology lifestyle – and how men fall into the trap of losing their Alpha Foundation…
  • The Flinch and Backpedal – the two responses men have to women – how men react the wrong way to the presence of a woman – and the one response women want men to have around them…
  • How the technique of "blurting" can help you overcome your shyness and get you past your fears of going silent in a conversation…
  • The REAL reason that "pickup artist" techniques work – and it has nothing to do with your technique in any way…
  • The one thing you can say to a woman that will guarantee a response from women in any bar or club that will drop her defenses, engage her in conversation, and demonstrate your authentic masculinity…
  • What you should do in every conversation when you run out of things to say – and how saying this one thing can get you past your fear of the "uncomfortable silence" faster than learning any other technique or routine…
  • How you create the best masculine role model for yourself – even if you haven't had a father or strong male role model – and how you can get past all your childhood "issues" and finally let go of your negative past and escape "victim" thinking once and for all…
  • How men put themselves into the "friend zone" and fail to reveal our true personality and strengths – and how to unleash your full masculine energy without feeling over-exposed or defenseless…
  • The secret to the "Zan Method" and how he attracts women directly and NATURALLY with his simple spirited approach to creating attraction with women that build – the hidden difference between being a "pickup artist" and a "romance artist" – and guess which one attracts more women?
  • What a "no excuse" lifestyle really means – and how to recognize when you're violating this essential rule of masculinity – and the one "technique" that will stop you from making the same mistakes over and over again…
  • The simple secret to true physical contact ("kino") with women that ANY man can do to create rapport and connection in less than 30 seconds
  • And much MUCH more…!

Make Your Relationships With Women Flow Like Water… And Build Them to LAST.

Think this stuff is just about "pickup"?

Think again.

I included hours and hours of audio and video in this program on how to create a lasting relationship with the woman of your dreams.

Guys everywhere find that after they master the early stages of learning how to attract women, they are still lacking the skills to turn into something that lasts, and then they're back out in the dating world again and again.

It's not just about approaching and attracting women, because if you don't learn how to create a powerful relationship with a quality woman when you find her, you'll wind up right back in the bar looking for another girlfriend and going through it all over again.

You're also going to learn:

– Is it a good thing to rescue women? I'll explain the 2 parts of the "rescuer" hazard – and how and why men fall victim to choosing women that become self-help projects – and how we can finally avoid them and find the quality women that are good right "out of the box" and stop attracting the women with all the baggage…

– The 5 types of women you must avoid at all costs, or you'll find yourself being pulled back into more immature behaviors…

– Learn how to handle the challenges of being The Man in a relationship with a strong woman – what to do when you struggle with your woman over dominance in the relationship – and what happens when you fail to maintain your masculinity…

– The Hidden "Breakpoint" in relationships – Learn about the crisis situations in your relationship where a woman expects you to "man up" and take it to the next level with your confidence and provider ability – and how she will react…

– The mistake guys make in relationships when you only complete one part of the "Alpha" role and ignore the rest…

– What "Currency" is in relationships – and how it becomes a manipulative tool that women can use to turn you into the "beta" guy and take the control of the relationship…

– Having a relationship with a woman is a lot like a complicated dance. This is how to see your relationship from the "big picture" and understand how to give your woman what she needs when she needs it so that you're never "stepping all over her toes"

– Understanding the true "model" of what a woman wants from a man for "romance" – and how it works – and how to understand the reasons women love "romantic comedies" – how to sweep a woman off her feet the right way…

– How a woman knows what a relationship with you will be like in the first minute of your approach…

– The power of rituals in your relationships – and how you create high-impact moments of "Alpha Power" with women that lets her know you are The Man, and she can let down her mask and feel safe being her feminine self…

– How to choose a relationship that is one woman – or MANY women – without having the woman fight you or give you problems – and how to avoid the most common problem guys have with casually dating many women that usually leaves them with NONE…

– The one question women are always asking in their head that you will never hear – and you must find a way to answer with your behavior…

– Have you ever had one of those "intense" affairs with a woman where you thought you found a great catch, and everything was perfect, and suddenly – BOOM – she backs off or disappears completely…? Here's why it happened, and how to never let a good woman get away again…

– One critical step you must take when you intend to make a woman your girlfriend or you'll never get her to really believe in the relationship with you…

– How to "protect" a woman in such a way that she intuitively feels that you are "the one" for her, and she'll stick by your side no matter what…

– The one question you will want to ask – BADLY – to satisfy your ego, but you should never need to ask with a woman if you want to KEEP her happy…

– The single most important law of relationships that you must NEVER violate with a woman if you want to keep her forever. And if you violate this rule, you'll create constant drama with your woman, and it will escalate out of your control…

– And MUCH much more…

Here Are The Contents:

1) Module 1: Introduction to Alpha Masculinity

2) Module 2: The Rules of Alpha Masculinity

3) Module 3: The Four Sides of the Alpha Pyramid, On Being an Alpha Man, No More Mr. Nice Guy

4) Module 4: Alpha Man Life Purpose, Alpha Man Life Lessons

5) Module 5: No More Mr. Nice Guy 2: Anxious to Please

6) Module 6: The Laws of Power for Alpha Men, How to Be Cool

7) Module 7: Alpha Rules of Conflict

8) Module 8: Samurai Alpha Man, Alpha Legend of the Alchemist, The Superior Alpha Man

9) BONUS Module 3: Video Seminar: Alpha Sexual Masculinity with Bryan Bayer 

10) BONUS Module 4: Video Seminar: Alpha Man Interview – Jeff H.

11) BONUS Module 5: Video Seminar: Zan Perrion – Natural Masculinity

12) BONUS Module 6: Audio Seminar: Adam Gilad – 7 Pillars of Masculinity

13) BONUS Module 7: Audio Seminar: Ray Brejcha – The 11 Commitments

14) BONUS Module 8: Audio Seminar: Scot McKay

15) BONUS Module 9: Audio Seminar: 5.0 Interview

16) BONUS 10: The Tao of Masculinity – Dr. Alex 

17) BONUS 11: Bad Boy Blueprint – Dean Cortez 

18) BONUS Module 1: Video Blitz Session 1: Evan

19) BONUS Module 2: Video Blitz Session 2: Joe


Let's face it, sometimes you just don't have the time to go back and listen through ALL the audio of a program to find the parts that were important to you.

You also don't always have the time to write down all the notes from things you hear – especially when you're listening in the car.

So I did it all for you. I sat down and listened to the whole program over and over and took all the notes that were important for you to review.

Now you'll have a complete ebook with all the main points of the program listed out for you, and to help you find those really powerful messages in the audio program.

21) BONUS: Unlimited support and updates for the life of the program…

From time to time, I like to make sure all the parts of the program are in the right order, and all the necessary exercises are included. Any future versions and updates of the Alpha Masculinity program will be sent to you – free of charge!

22) BONUS: Lance Mason & Carlos Xuma on Alpha Relationship Skills

Lance Mason from Pickup 101 reveals some of his most important skills for keeping a relationship with a quality woman when you meet her. The worst situation is to learn a bunch of skills for meeting women, but lose the "One" when she comes along. In this 60+ minute bonus exclusive seminar, you're going to discover some of the most important steps to get a woman to want to stay with you for as long as you want, without worrying about making the mistakes that turn women off and make them run…


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Alpha Masculinity (No More Mr. Nice Guy) – Carlos Xuma
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