Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $33.00.

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If you can keep an open mind, and if you would like to outperform your competition, improve your marketing, increase your sales and profits, and get a much better return on your advertising dollars, then taking a few minutes to read this lengthy report may prove to be the most profitable 15 minutes of your entire week, month, or year.

Purchase this course you will earn 33 Points worth of $3.30!


Buy Six Figure Fitness Business Blueprint – Bedros Keuilian Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

What's Your Best Chance to Quickly Create a Six-Figure Income in the Fitness Industry?

From: Bedros Keuilian, the “hidden genius” behind many of the most successful names in the fitness business.

To: Fitness Business Professionals Serious about Cracking the $100,000 Income Barrier this year

Dear Serious Fitness Professional,

If you can keep an open mind, and if you would like to outperform your competition, improve your marketing, increase your sales and profits, and get a much better return on your advertising dollars, then taking a few minutes to read this lengthy report may prove to be the most profitable 15 minutes of your entire week, month, or year.

The information I’ll share right here and right now could literally transform your fitness business and your life as it has for me and many of my customers and coaching clients.

I’ll share my story and the real-life success stories of several fitness professionals I’ve helped build solid six-, and even seven-figure businesses they never dreamed they could create.

So grab a pencil or pen to take notes, turn off your cell phone, find a quiet place, and do whatever else you need to do to give me your undivided attention. Because if you’re as serious as I think you are about building a better, more profitable, and freedom based fitness business then I promise it will be worth the time you invest over the next few moments.

If you’re working too hard and not making as much money as you think you could be or should be from your fitness business, then let’s fix that today. You see not long ago I was in your shoes, struggling to get my fitness business off the ground and generating a consistent income.

It was frustrating. Like you, I was a fantastic trainer and I knew I could help people transform their bodies, improve their health and fitness, and help them live better and happier lives.

But it turned out that wasn’t enough. I made the BIG MISTAKE of thinking that all my knowledge about training would attract clients. And boy was I wrong!

I struggled and kept searching for the solution until one day I found it. My business didn’t change overnight but over time as I applied what I learned my business grew. I even opened four additional locations.

Over the years I have perfected a proven step-by-step system for creating a rock-solid fitness business that generates $100,000.00 or more each and every year like clockwork.

I’ve created proven systems for:

  • Generating a Flood of Leads to Grow Your Business Quickly
  • Converting Leads into Paying clients to Increase Your Income
  • Retaining Clients for as long as possible to Create Predictable Income
  • Getting Those clients to Happily Refer More Clients – So You Don’t Need to Spend as Much on Advertising
  • Reactivating “Lost Clients”
    (It’s “found money” and it’s a lot easier than you may think)
  • And Much More…

And that’s what I’m going to share with you in this message. We have a lot to cover so let’s get started, OK?

My name is Bedros Keuilian and before I share more details on the Six-Figure Fitness Business-Building Systems I have created, I think it will help if you hear my story.

It’s not my intention to brag – but if I were in your shoes I’d want to know more about you before I believed you could help me create my dream fitness business so I think it’s only fair to share how I went…

From Dumpster Diving to Multi-Millionaire…

These days I’m known as the “hidden genius” behind many of the most successful names and businesses in fitness and personal training.

In addition to being the founder and CEO of Hitech TrainerFitPro Newsletter, FitPro Magazine (three software technologies used by thousands of fitness professionals worldwide to get more clients and profits) I’m also the CEO of FIT BODY BOOT CAMP (now the fastest growing brand of fitness boot camps worldwide).

My consulting clients include independent trainers, six figure producing boot camps, top celebrity trainers featured on ABC and NBC, studios, and two of America’s largest personal training facilities – both earning over $20,000,000.00/year. And the list goes on…

I have been featured and quoted in industry publications like IDEA Fitness Journal, IHRSA Publications, Club Solutions Magazine, Personal Fitness Professional magazine, and several other national industry publications.

But it wasn't always pretty flowers, puppy dogs and candy sprinkles…

My father bribed our family’s way out of Armenia in 1980 where we arrived (legally) in California. At age 6, I helped put food on the table… by dumpster diving for expired food behind local supermarkets.

I was the college dropout living out of a 1979 Toyota pick-up with a leaky camper shell. I failed at launching two businesses – losing over $55,000 in one them.

The third time was a charm… After three failed attempts at becoming an ACE certified personal trainer, I finally passed the certification test…then I became a personal trainer – and a fry cook at Disneyland.

Like I said earlier, I thought having national certificates and being an awesome trainer would be enough to fill my schedule with paying clients. And I was DEAD WRONG!

I didn’t know how to get enough clients to do personal training full time so I was the fry cook at Carnation Cafe in Disneyland. (Not exactly the calling I was looking for when I became certified).

After Disneyland, I was a personal trainer and a bouncer at a bar… I HATED being a bouncer…even though I have a lot of colorful stories to share from that experience… (again, not the calling I was looking for when I got certified).


Not too long after that a client turned me on to the AMAZING and POWERFUL world of direct response marketing and sales and my life changed forever.

Before long I started Premiere Resultspersonal training – a thriving one-on-one personal training center with over 250 active clients and annual earnings of over half a million dollars.

At this point, I had finally figured out the “Success Formula” and it made my life a whole lot better. I mean a WHOLE LOT better. I sold that business for a strong six figures (which is something you can only do if you have a successful business) and I now help tens of thousands of fitness experts to get more clients and help more people live happier, healthier lives.

I’m “in-the-trenches” day after day, running eight hugely profitable businesses…and more IMPORTANT to you is that I’m actively connected with over 430 fitness studios, boot camps and training center and intimately involved with their marketing, sales, and day to day business systems – So I know what’s working now and more importantly – what’s not. You’d be hard pressed to find any other fitness marketing “expert” who can TRUTHFULLY say the same.

These days I have found my true calling in life – coaching and consulting fitness professionals who want more clientsmore profits and more freedom to enjoy life. For me, life is about living your passion and finding your calling and there’s no other industry that I’d rather serve than the industry that changed my life… fitness.

I have coached hundreds of fitness entrepreneurs on how to not only survive in business but to completely DOMINATE their marketplace. Through my live events, workshops, coaching programs, and educational products I’ve helped thousands of fitness professionals realize their full business potential and in some cases become quite wealthy.

These days, nothing makes me happier than hearing a success story from a trainer who has used my systems, techniques and strategies to take their business to the next level.

I also run the fastest growing fitness boot camp franchise in America and host the annual Fitness Business Summit, the largest event of it’s kind with more six-figure earning fitness professionals per square foot than any other copy cat event of it’s kind.

So as you can see, I’m not some “muscle-head” who read a marketing book or attended a seminar last week and decided to teach all the “theories” I learned like some of the so-called “experts” out there who have either never built a fitness business or simply knock off my products, programs and workshops (poorly) and deliver a watered down version of what I teach.

I've routinely helped dozens upon dozens of fitness trainers create successful, Six-Figure, and multiple six figure Fitness Businesses.

I’ve helped struggling fitness professionals transform their businesses and lives and I’ve helped people just starting a fitness business quickly build a Six-Figure business from scratch so whatever situation you find yourself in, I’m confident I can help you IF you’re willing to do your part and take action on the tactics that I give you.

Don't Envy Successful Six-Figure Fitness Professionals…Become One

Word has gotten around about me and my successful students. More and more fitness professionals have been seeking me out and asking me to share my “secrets.” Frankly, I’m not sure I have any true “secrets,” but I do use some highly effective outside-the-box strategies that produce incredibly profitable results.

Like I said, I’ve personally owned highly successful personal training businesses. I’ve been in the trenches myself. And I’ve built and sold my businesses for massive profits – you can only do that when you’re successful and highly profitable.

I certainly don’t mean to brag… my intention is to impress upon you that I’ve been in the trenches, have proven results with not only my businesses but also with the businesses of my high level coaching and mentorship clients who routinely pay me over $20,000.00 each year to guide them to massive success.

It’s safe to say that over 90 coaching clients wouldn’t dish out $20,000 a year each if I weren’t able to constantly and consistently give them business boosting strategies that has taken them to massive success.

I have assembled, figured out, tested, and proven, different, unusual, and unique strategies for easily, efficiently, and affordably obtaining and keeping more good cash-carrying clients than you can handle!

These strategies I’m willing to give you are virtually unknown to the fitness industry – and that means implementing them gives you a truly unfair advantage over your competitors and can generate more income than you’ve ever made before.

My story may sound hard to believe, and it may be even harder to believe YOU can duplicate my success and the success that I’ve helped my clients achieve – I don’t blame you for being skeptical.

It’s human nature to be…

Heck, I would be skeptical myself – and honestly I remember being skeptical about these strategies before I used them myself and saw first hand how they transformed me from a struggling fitness professional to the most in-demand business coach in the fitness industry.

I can tell you this… I didn’t get lucky. It was all through hard work, constant application of what I learned and a burning desire to be the best at what I do.

But it you’re willing to give me a chance, I may be the person to make an enormous difference in your success and in your life. The truth is…

There's Only 1 Reason Why I'm Any Different Than You…

Before you cast this off as a “lucky” success story, or “too good to be true,” I want you to know that I am no different than you. I don’t have Einstein intelligence or any special talents.

I am not sharing all this to “impress” you, but to impress upon you the incredible success I have experienced by applying my systems and strategies to my own fitness business. I’m not aware of anyone else revealing as much proven business building information as I am.

What is unique about my fitness marketing systems is that they not only generates new clients automatically and keeps them coming back over and over again which practically guarantees a steadily increasing income month after month and year after year.

Not only that, my Business Systems allow you to set up your business to be as hands-off as you want it to be. You don’t even have to be present if you don’t want to be – I can teach you how to automate and systemize your business so that your “job” is only to delegate and motivate.

Or you can only come in for a few hours a day or a few days a week. The choice is yours. I’ll give you the systems, process and blueprint and you choose the level of involvement you want in your fitness business.

You’ll have the freedom to set up your fitness business to fit your chosen lifestyle. After all, isn’t having the freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it one of the big reasons you started your own fitness business anyway?

I’ll show you how to make that dream a reality. I’ve done it myself and I continue to do it with the trainers who I coach, consult and mentor.

Before we go any further, let me be perfectly clear:

My Fitness Business System Isn’t Really For Everyone

I said any fitness professional could use my Fitness Business Blueprint to create a Six-Figure fitness business but that’s not entirely true. Let me explain.

Just because you have a fitness business doesn’t mean my system of getting more new clients, getting your existing clients to come back more often, buy more, and happily refer even more clients is for you.

I can save you some valuable time right now and you can stop reading the rest of this message if you are any of the following:

  • If you are not willing to change…
  • If you operate an awful fitness business that doesn’t deliver value and results…
  • If you would rather follow the herd and be like every other fitness business instead of implementing new and different strategies proven to produce real results…
  • If you have low self-esteem, lack confidence, and don’t believe you will ever be successful…
  • If you would rather run standard “image” ads that don’t generate enough leads…
  • If you are a whiner or complainer.

If you are not any of the above and you are a hard working fitness professional who wants a reliable system to help grow your business and profits, then this is perfect for you.

Best of all, I'm even willing to GUARANTEE my Fitness Business Blueprint System will generate results for you (as you'll soon see).

Now let me shift gears and ask you a few questions:

Question #1: Are you really making the money you’re worth in your fitness business?

Question #2: Would you like to put an end to the frustration of never having enough clients?

Question #3: Do you want to recapture the dream of having a super successful fitness business – working with motivated-to-buy clients, enjoying more freedom, controlling your destiny, and possessing a promising future?

Question #4: How much longer do you want to procrastinate, put off your success – thinking one day things will be better – one day you’ll have enough clients and one day you’ll feel financially secure and in control of your life?

When Will That “One-Day” Be?

If you’re serious about reaching that day sooner rather than later, let me show you…

How to Get More Really Good Clients In a Month Than You Currently Get All Year, With Half the Effort and Twice the Profit, With Much "Smarter", Cost Effective Marketing and Business Systems & Strategies…

Presumably you’re reading this message for one or more reasons. I think I have heard many of them already from other fitness business owners just like you.

Take a minute and check off each of the statements below that apply to you:

 I am frustrated with how hard I have to work to make any kind of profit in my business. I wonder – shouldn't it be easier than this? The "old" advertising I've used successfully in the past just isn't working as well anymore.I can see the value of my business actually declining. I wonder if I will be able to sell it someday. My income has even grown, but it's still not translating into wealth and security for me and my family.My current clients are not referring new clients as often as I'd like leaving my facility empty or at least not quite as full as I'd like it to be.I hate the cheap "bait-n-switch" advertising gimmickry some of my competitors use to essentially cheat and deliberately confuse customers, and I desperately want to be successful without resorting to it.I'm frustrated with my income fluctuations, the "yo-yo" syndrome I've had to live with. One month things look OK, the next month I'm scrambling to make ends meet. Living life on the income "bungee cord" is taking its toll on me, my family, and my future.I feel out of control, putting out so many fires in my business, it's a miracle I have 5 minutes a day to produce results. It feels like I'm running faster and faster on the "fitness business treadmill," yet still going nowhere.I feel like I'll never get out from the mountain of busywork and problems. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for everything. If it doesn't end soon, I could burn out completely.I provide real service, I have real expertise, and I am a damn good trainer – but I admit you do NOT really understand "marketing" and I often feel like I'm reinventing the wheel, wasting money or doing things the hard way unnecessarily.I feel like I'm working longer hours and harder than I should have to, or want to only to see trainers with a fraction of my skills making more money than me. I'd like more time for my family or to play golf or whatever else I'd rather be doing. I want a Six-Figure income but I want a life too. Is it possible to have both?

Well, if you checked off one or more (maybe all) of these reasons, keep reading. If you know in your heart that you really deserve to make a lot more money and would like to know the “secret answers,” it starts with this realization:

Being Good at What You Do Is
Not Good Enough!

I cannot be gentle about this, even though I know you won’t like hearing it. This is the fundamental truth that can liberate you (like it did me) from laboring mightily for your dollars and settling for an “average” income.

It can empower you to truly TRANSFORM your fitness business into a very different, six-figure (or more) income business that will make your peers and competitors absolutely green with envy.

Here it is:

In today’s competitive fitness world, it’s not how much you know about the latest training methods, nor is it about having the nicest training facility – the single factor that determines the size of your bank account more so than any other is how effective you are at marketing your business.

You may feel that’s not fair or not the way it should be. You can fight it (and quite possibly go broke). Or you can embrace it as an opportunity, and take the necessary steps to become as good at marketing your fitness business as you are at training your clients.

The unhappy fact is that all the training knowledge in the world won’t pay the bills. If you canNOT affordably and efficiently attract a steady stream of good new clients and keep your current clients you may soon be out of business and working for someone else who can – or worse, you may end up working in a big box gym.

I don’t want to see you fall into that trap.

You need SYSTEMS to affordably generate new leads.

You need SYSTEMS to convert those leads into new clients.

You need SYSTEMS to retain those clients as long as possible.

You need SYSTEMS that make your current clients happy to refer their friends, family, and co-workers.

You need SYSTEMS to reactivate former clients.

You need SYSTEMS to run your business so you can focus on what’s important – attracting more clients.

And you need SYSTEMS designed specifically for your business…


I’ve rarely seen this subject mentioned in seminars, courses, or books for fitness professionals. But I can tell you, if you fail to implement proven SYSTEMS, you can forget about building and maintaining a six-figure (or more) income. Without SYSTEMS, you can expect to a tough road as a slave to your business for the rest of your life.

So what are SYSTEMS?

Marketing Systems are simple, yet proven ways of attracting new clients on auto-pilot. They are marketing promotions you “systematize” or use on an on-going basis, to AUTOMATICALLY prospect for you.

Business Systems are proven ways to run your business that don’t even require your presence. When you get the right people running your business, it is a smooth profit-generation machine that makes money while you relax, spend time with your family, go on vacation, or whatever else it is you like to do. That’s what owning a business should be like.

Systems Maximize Your Earnings and Give You Control of Your Business and Your Life

The key is consistency. SYSTEMS produce reliable consistent results. Not just occasionally. Every time. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year. Like clockwork.

You get consistent results when every activity in your business can be duplicated over and over to produce the same desired outcome.

Take 2 Fitness Businesses and compare them: Both have been in business for the same amount of time. Both have state-of-the-art facilities. And both are staffed with great trainers. On the surface, these two fitness businesses look identical – but that is not the case, not even close.

The first fitness business lives off one-time transactions. His “strategy” is to constantly get new clients and hope they keep coming back. He’s running ads in his local newspapers, on radio stations, and online trying to attract people to his facility.

He has no systems. He just keeps on advertising without any idea whatsoever which advertising is working and which is wasting money. As soon as one client leaves, he’s patiently waiting for a new one – sometimes for several days – unsure of where his next client will come from.

The second fitness business may have started out using the same mediocre client acquisition methods (although it wasn’t necessary), but this fitness professional quickly realized the importance of SYSTEMS to cultivate her client base.

Almost automatically, her SYSTEMS maintain constant personalized contact with every new person that comes in for a training session. Over the past few years she has built solid relationships with them. As a result, they buy more personal training sessions and refer their friends, family, and co-workers. And today THIS trainer is running a multiple six figure business.

Guess what? This little story about the two trainers is one that true and took place in 2010.

Now I have 3 Questions for you:

  1. Which fitness business do you think will be actively thriving and growing 5 years from today?
  2. Which fitness business do you think has created such an automatic, steady stream of customers it could actually be sold for a multiple of it’s earnings at some point (if that’s what she wanted to do)? And…
  3. Which fitness business would you rather own yourself?

You might be wondering: "Bedros, how did you learn these systems that you guarantee will produce extraordinary success?"

That’s a great question. Actually, I have been in the fitness business for over 15 years. Unfortunately, for the first five years I made the same mistakes in my fitness business that I see most fitness professionals making today.

They either look at how their competitors advertise and copy their ads (I call this “marketing incest” because after a while everyone’s advertising looks the same with ever decreasing results), or worse they hire someone else to do the marketing for them – someone who doesn’t understand their fitness business and practically runs their business into the ground.

OR, THEY DO THE UNTHINKABLE! They let some advertising “sales rep” from a radio, TV, or newspaper sell them advertising, believing their promises to attract new clients. I call this the “hail marry” attempt. Sadly, nine out of ten times this method fails.


I knew there had to be something better out there and I found that something better in the world of Direct Response Marketing. What I did was start studying the best Direct Response Marketers in the country. To date I’ve invested over $480,000 in my education.

I invested in everything I could find on the subject. It didn’t matter if I had to fly across the country or around the world, I did it and I relentlessly acquired every bit of direct response marketing knowledge I could find.

It’s a funny thing… because today I get to help the people who I learned the most from. It’s a good feeling.

What I learned was astounding, and through trial-and-error and testing, I developed the best SYSTEM ever created for fitness business owners. I call it The ULTIMATE Six-Figure Fitness Business Blueprint.

What I did was “CHANGE,” “INTEGRATE,” and “SYSTEMETIZE.” I’ve changed the game in the fitness industry. It will never be the same.

I’ve created and developed radical and effective ways to advertise for new clients and build long-lasting mutually beneficial relationships with them. These SYSTEMS produce a constant stream of traffic flowing into your business and turn these leads into paying clients who stay, pay, and refer.

You may be thinking, “Wait a minute, I’m not a marketing person. I can’t do that.” Don’t worry. I can turn you into a marketing whiz faster than you imagined possible with my easy-to-follow, paint-by-numbers, 1-2-3, A-B-C SYSTEMS.

And if you remember nothing else remember this: You are NOT in the fitness business. Your top priority is to market your fitness business. These may sound similar but they are radically different philosophies that make a profound difference in your business and your bank account.

People in the fitness business learn the latest training methods and thinking being great at what they do is enough. I wish it were, but it’s not. These are the fitness professionals that will struggle, falter, and fail. I’ve seen it happen all too many times.

On the other hand, those that understand they are marketers of their fitness business focus on what’s important – marketing, value creation and service.

They focus on attracting new clients. Clients pay for your services and in business cash is king. Without cash you won’t stay in business for long. Without clients you won’t generate cash. And without SYSTEMS you’ll struggle to consistently attract new clients.

Keep in mind, NONE OF THIS IS THEORY OR JUST “IDEAS.” I have proven beyond any doubt, that my strategies can substantially increase the income of any fitness professional. (Read all the Success Stories on this page for PROOF).

What you probably don’t know is that for a while now, my fitness friends and coaching clients have been encouraging me to “peel back the curtain and reveal” how I have mastered, with speed and accuracy, how to build multiple highly successful fitness businesses – and how I have helped countless others quickly create their own thriving six-figure fitness studios and boot camp businesses.

Well, that’s exactly what I did with my new Six-Figure Fitness Business Blueprint. Over two days I and several of my best, most successful students and fitness friends delivered a step-by-step blueprint for building a rock-solid six-figure fitness business on a firm foundation including:

  • Proven Business Systems that remove much of the stress, worry, and hassle from your fitness business…
  • Operations Systems to keep your business running smoothly so you can focus on more important things…
  • Lead Generation Ideas to flood your business with prospective clients…
  • Conversion Tactics for turning those prospects into paying clients…
  • Retention Strategies to put an iron-cage around your clients so they don’t want to leave you…
  • Referral Generation Incentives that get current clients to refer their friends and family to you (this is a fantastic strategy for growing your business but few fitness professional fully understand the power of referral marketing)…
  • and Reactivation Strategies for getting “lost customers” to come back to you (most fitness professionals don’t even realize that “lost customers” are the third easiest customer to attract – and that means they’re missing out on an simple way to multiply their business with not much extra effort).

If you're NEW to the fitness industry (or have an existing business but are struggling to reach the $100,000 income plateau), this is THE "crash course" you want on how to quickly create a Six-Figure Fitness Business.

And experienced fitness professionals can use these 2 full days with MASTER Fitness Business Builders to review the fundamentals and to look at the LATEST strategies, tactics, and systems for growing your fitness business.

Here's just a sample of what you'll
discover in this groundbreaking training:

  • How to grow your fitness income regardless of competition or economic condition.
  • How to get your press release published in any newspaper for maximum publicity.
  • How to increase the number of clients you currently have.
  • How to create the ultimate postcard marketing campaign
  • How to increase the average size of sale per client.
  • How to avoid the three biggest marketing mistakes that will cost you thousands.
  • How to get any prospect to call for more information.
  • How to increase the number of times that clients buy from you.
  • How to create additional backend sales.
  • How to overcome buyer's resistance by following three easy steps.
  • How to create strategic alliances (with the right people) that automatically bring new business to your door.
  • How to create instant credibility and position yourself over your competition.
  • The 7 steps of the sales process that you MUST follow in order to close a deal.
  • How to craft a sales letter that pulls clients like magic.
  • The 5 words to say to uncover the REAL buyer's objection.
  • How to easily overcome the four most common buyer objections.
  • How to get local businesses to endorse you to their clients.
  • How to uncover multiple streams of income from your personal training business within 30 days.
  • How to give yourself a 50% raise while working 50% less.
  • How to avoid the biggest email/newsletter marketing mistakes.
  • How to never hear an objection – ever again.
  • How to stimulate referrals from clients and non-clients.
  • How to position yourself as the community fitness expert.
  • How to use a simple two step process to super charge your print ads.
  • Do away with billing and back-office problems forever.
  • Effectively structure your price plans to create more sales.
  • Create and offer budget friendly programs that virtually everyone can afford.
  • Structure a win/win pay plan for your personal training staff that will lead to more income for the entire team.
  • NEVER have to ask a client for payment again.
  • Purchase 'almost new’ equipment for 70% below retail.
  • Successfully apply the recurring payment model to your business.
  • Structure a 60-minute consultation that practically sells for you.
  • Get ready-to-use marketing material for almost free.
  • Create a fitness website that markets, sells and earns cash while you sleep.
  • Position yourself as the local fitness and weight loss authority.

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Six Figure Fitness Business Blueprint | eSy[GB]
Six Figure Fitness Business Blueprint – Bedros Keuilian
Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $33.00. Add to cart