Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $38.00.

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TACFIT Warrior is based on actual mental and physical programs “Flow Coach” Scott Sonnon has used to train Israeli counter-terrorism, SEALs and secret service, American special ops personnel, bodyguards to the Italian Prime Minister, US federal agents, firemen, law enforcement agencies and MMA fighters.

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Create the body and life of your dreams, Master Fear forever, Turn stress into power. BLAST through your previous “personal bests” in EVERY arena of your life – as if they weren’t there!

TACFIT Warrior is based on actual mental and physical programs “Flow Coach” Scott Sonnon has used to train Israeli counter-terrorism, SEALs and secret service, American special ops personnel, bodyguards to the Italian Prime Minister, US federal agents, firemen, law enforcement agencies and MMA fighters.

For years you’ve seen books and courses about high-level sports psychology, hypnosis, visualization techniques that supposedly produce champions. Well, wouldn’t you like to have the PRECISE program Coach Sonnon used to win FOUR gold medals in Las Vegas, against competition ten years younger and 100 pounds heavier?

Don’t think the mental aspect is important: well, here’s a clue for you, a little hint, a secret Scott has NEVER admitted publicly until now:

During the ten months of intensive training for the World Martial Arts Games, Coach Sonnon only sparred TWICE.

That’s right. Look at his performance, and nobody would believe he wasn’t knocking heads every day. And the secret? Much of his combat preparation was mental. And we’re giving away all of the secrets that he and his sports psychology coach, Master Hypnotist Steven Barnes used to create this unique victory in this, TACFIT Warrior, the first complete Athletic/Tactical Body/Mind success system on the planet.

The Guys On The Front Lines In The War On Terror Are Using TACFIT techniques!

“Master Scott Sonnon, thank you for the honor of an amazing and unforgettable seminar for all of the fighters in our unit.”

— Major Bashan, Senior Instructor of Hand to Hand Combat, LOTAR Israeli Counter-Terrorism School, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Who else wants to train with the guy who whips the world’s elite warriors’ minds and bodies into shape?

Hi, my name is Scott Sonnon. For the last twenty years, my company TACFIT and I have brought you the most advanced and powerful fitness and martial arts products in the world. And we’re about to take the company…and you…to a whole new level.

This is something I’ve been working on for twenty years. Heck, thirty-five years, really, and you’ll understand what I mean by the time I’m done. It is the secret to full body-mind integration, what every martial art promises, but has rarely been delivered…not because people weren’t trying. Not because the truth wasn’t there. But because there was a gap between the cultural context that spawned the arts, and the American teachers expressing them. Languages don’t translate precisely, and so much was lost, even with the best of intentions.

But these disciplines have been traveling around the world long enough that we’ve developed home-grown masters, who have experienced in their bodies and lives the results we’ve been promised. And these masters know how to communicate these truths to us, here, for the 21st Century. And I am proud to be able to offer you, frankly, what you’ve always been looking for: the way to own your own heart, mind and body. The “Human Owner’s Manual” you should have been handed in kindergarten. A simple practice that will give you back more bang for your buck than anything you’ve ever tried. Not just fitness—but diving into the meaning of the word “fitness”: to be fit for the life you have chosen. Not just energy, but the knowledge of how to focus and channel that energy to accomplish the goals you select. Not just strength of body, but strength of heart: to master the fear and anxiety and stress that cripple us all, from the couch potato to the elite athlete, from the housewife to the Special Forces soldier. We’re moving to the next level now, pulling it all together, and I’m delighted to have you along for the ride.

I think that my entire life has been about perfecting what I’m about to show you. I first saw signs of it in my childhood and spent my whole life chasing down the truth. I was willing to travel halfway around the world to spend a single hour with a teacher who could help me. And what I found was so amazing that I knew that unless I could prove it, in every arena of my life, no one would believe it. Even I wouldn’t believe it and knew that I’d have no right to ask you to unless you saw the results. And I searched for the perfect test, the thing I could do that would prove to my satisfaction that the thing I had discovered as a child, and that the world had tried to beat out of me, was the truth.

When I was invited to fight at the World Martial Arts games in Las Vegas, I knew I’d found the challenge. No, it wasn’t a life and death confrontation—which would have been ideal, but Jodie put her foot down–but I was still putting my body, my reputation, and my family’s financial future on the line.

So here we go: For the first time I’m sharing the truth about how I went from being financially destitute to set for life. From being alone to finding and winning my soulmate. And from being retired from athletic competition due to physical and mental trauma, and coming back from Las Vegas with four gold medals, a silver, and a bronze.

And more importantly, I’m going to show you how you can have the same massive victory in YOUR life, once you begin to apply the secrets in TACFIT Warrior.

When I was a kid I seemed to be surrounded by insurmountable obstacles in all directions, getting the snot beaten out of me, told by teachers and doctors alike that I’d never amount to anything, that I should be on a vocational track because academics were beyond me, that let alone being an athlete, I’d be lucky to just to function physically, due to the number of physical and emotional problems I suffered.

But I had dreams, as all kids did. And I noticed that if I held tightly enough to those dreams—those VISUALIZATIONS, that accomplishing things became easier. Now, this isn’t some kind of spiritual mumbo-jumbo. This is part—PART of what has become well-understood sports psychology, Silva Mind Control and so forth, the programming of the mind through sensory representations of the desired end state.

But that was just the beginning. What I found was that if I held visual images during states of high energy, I bonded the high-energy state to the outcome and that from then on, if I thought about the goal, I got a little “Pop”, a little boost of energy that made it easier to accomplish things.

Later on, I read every self-improvement goal setting classic I could find, Think and Grow Rich, the Power of Positive Thinking, Psycho-Cybernetics, Unlimited Power…everything, and they all had pieces of the puzzle, great foundations, but I needed more. As I dug into the neurophysiology of high performance, the scientist part of my brain needed to have something to hang onto. I needed to be able to believe.

I have been to many seminars, Tony Robbins, Deepak, etc… Nothing… nothing has been as organic as this. For this stuff is the real stuff. No hype, no smoke and mirrors… just truth.

– Quentin Vaughan

Because between where we are and where the endpoint of the goal is fear. Fear that we cannot, must not, should not. Fear that in order to reach our goals we will have to become something…else. That the pain and work and effort it takes to accomplish something wonderful just isn’t worth it. Or isn’t within our capacity.

Well…dealing with this cocktail of emotions is bad enough if you’re talking about, oh, starting a business or public speaking. But if you’re getting into the ring against someone outweighing you by a hundred pounds, going into a flaming house to rescue children, or going into the caves of Tora Bora after Osama Bin Laden, you are going to encounter levels of internal resistance that have to be experienced to be believed. But our fight or flight response isn’t that picky. Phone calls from creditors, screaming children, and angry bosses or mates can trigger the same adrenal results as a saber-toothed tiger, and the results aren’t pretty.

This fear—let’s call it what it is—fear, stands between us and our goals. Yield to it, and you settle for a life of mediocrity. Unscramble that tangled sympathetic/parasympathetic response, and that hormone cascade suddenly becomes a flood of energy, energy that can be used to accomplish anything you want.

While training in Russia, I was exposed to exercises intended not just to strengthen the body, but transform special forces soldiers and cosmonauts so that their minds and bodies could not merely resist stress but actually utilize the cocktails of cortisol, norepinephrine and the rest as sheer power, disinhibiting the “brakes” on performance to allow them to perform almost superhuman feats.

From the beginning, TACFIT has been an attempt to organize those scattered pieces into a program for the average person. From Maximology to Body-Flow and Clubbells, to CST and onward, it was constant experimentation, integration, and re-invention, again and again, with that one goal: taking everything that I had created from childhood, everything I had learned in twenty-five years of blood and tears, everything discovered in a century of study at a cost of billions of rubles…and make it available to the average person.

Scott and Steve wove their work together, their own personal mastery blending into the process. I know that I will be processing this for a long time to come, for this is the path.

– Joseph Schwartz, CST

In 2002, I met an amazing guy named Steven Barnes. Now, Steven was already a world-renowned writer, New York Times bestseller, and a Master Hypnotist to boot. He’d lectured from UCLA to the Smithsonian Institute, and was former Kung Fu Columnist for Black Belt Magazine. He also had three black belts and was a yoga instructor, and those last two made him fall in love with CST instantly. Steve became both student and friend, earning a coaching credential under me. And he’s adventured: one memorably experience came when he and his daughter were charged by an elephant on the lip of Ngorogoro crater in Tanzania.

He said that this experience really helped him get in touch with his mortality, and swore he would spend the rest of his life passing on the knowledge that had helped him create the life of his childhood dreams. Steve became one of the forces encouraging me to simplify and turnkey. Partially under his urging, the breakthrough FlowFit program, reverse engineering and improving an ancient series of exercises called the Five Tibetans, came into being. It was one of the first RMAX products designed for the general public, and became a best seller.

The race was on. Together, we created the breakthrough Path workshop, our first attempt to bring together the physical and mental aspects of training, and with the feedback from those four workshops ent back into the lab, digging deeper. His friend and mentor Sufi Master Mushtaq Ali Ansari became a part of this process, sharing secrets that had never been exposed to the outside world. We overlayed ancient and modern techniques, saw where they agreed, and took that as the core, discarding the non-essential, testing this on our students and clients and ourselves, letting it blossom, and combining our knowledge to create a common language of experience and excellence.

A short-lived pastoral scene. From left to right: A Chagga tribesman guide, Steve’s gorgeous daughter Nicki, and an elephant hiding in the bushes, moments before it became five tons of pissed-off pachyderm.

Only if I felt in my heart that I would trust my own family, my own children, brothers and sisters with this information would I move forward, and when we thought we were ready, looked for the ultimate challenge of mind and heart and body, something that would once and for all burn away the impurities in the iron, and leave only the pure steel behind. The scientific method demands that you formulate a hypothesis about a given phenomena…and then formulate and perform an experiment to test that hypothesis.

The World Martial Arts Games would be that laboratory.

When I told Steve I wanted him to be my mental conditioning coach for the Games. He wanted to know why. Why did I want to take a risk like that? He needed to be sure it wasn’t just ego, or an attempt to reclaim past glory. I told him that I wanted to set an example for the world of what free people can accomplish. I wanted to be an ambassador of sportsmanship and possibility. And that I wanted, once in my life, to have the perfect fight, to dance in the midst of the whirlwind.

Steve paused, smiled and said: “Yes. That’s the right answer.” For ten months he coached me, working on my goals, my values, my beliefs, my emotions. Being certain I was aligned with my wife and my business partner, that everything was All Systems Go.

The plan was simple: to choose a single technique to focus on. I would visualize successfully using that technique against all opponents. Every other kick, punch or throw was just to set that technique up, to tire my opponents out so I could use it, to disrupt their rhythms so I could use it, to open lines of attack or shut theirs down.

If they defended against it, I would use their counters to take them down or knock them out. That single technique was the alpha and the omega. All roads led there, or led from there. This was the same method I’d used since childhood. It works for adults, and for children as well—Steve just used it to coach his six year old son to a string of judo victories!

But we needed more. The usefulness of a goal is connected to the degree that

  1. The goal is in alignment with our beliefs and values
  2. It is broken into bite-sized bits we can accomplish at the rate of just about 1% per week,
  3. The goal is anchored into the mind at the level of unconscious competence.

To burn those goals deep, deep into the brain you must couple them to high-energy states. Most “motivation seminars” do this by getting you to jump up and down, or scream and shout, or whatever lameness is in current vogue. CST does that by knowing exactly, precisely where in the sequence of exercise you are reaching the maximum state of mental, emotional, muscular and endocrinological stress, then coupling your desired result to THAT state, creating an unstoppable force. You have fear? We generate that fear, anxiety and stress before the session, and then use the magic of the Neuro Immuno Endocrine response to unscramble the fight or flight response so that you get the pure surging energy you need to destroy the obstacles in your way, take you through barriers of fatigue, anxiety, or an opponent twice your size…to victory.

For ten months Steve and I worked on this, with technologies ranging from Soviet Science to ancient yoga to martial mysteries and Sufi mysticism, demystified…all joined together with American pragmatism that would either lead me to victory or destroy everything I had built over three decades. If I was wiped out in Vegas it would be all over Youtube in minutes, viral videos that would be the fodder my enemies and competitors needed to tear me to pieces.

Brilliant combination of concepts. Putting psychological and physical work together this way has been very effective… could easily have been a 3-day seminar given the depth of the material. Beautiful, personal and compassionate presentation on the parts of Coach Sonnon and Steve Barnes

Kyle David Jones

Vegas was the challenge I had sought my entire life, the culmination of thirty years of education…ten months of daily sweat and blood…two days of gut-wrenching effort and anxiety…and afterwards, the peace and clarity I’d sought my entire life.

That grueling experience had burned away all doubts. Four Gold Medals. A Silver and a Bronze, against world-class competition ten years younger and a hundred pounds heavier.The system we now call TACFIT Warrior just flat worked.

I was willing to do that, to push myself that hard, to be 100% certain that I could come to you today and say that I bled so you wouldn’t have to. That Steve and I have found the door to the level of excellence martial artists, warriors and athletes have sought since the beginning of time, that all masters have spoken of but few could teach.

Whether you are a fighter, a police officer or a soldier…a schoolteacher, an athlete or a former couch potato…TACFIT Warrior is about creating the body you want, the aliveness you want, the energy you need…and then channeling it to create the life you deserve. To deal with Fear so that it will empower you rather than stop you. And do all of this in less than three hours a week.

This is how I went from…

Being retired due to injuries to being an International Champion
Being Mired in poverty to being set for life financially
Being alone and lonely to finding and marrying my Soul Mate

The time is now. This is what we’ve been building toward, the first step toward the future of TACFIT.


Scott Sonnon,
TACFIT Chief Director and Founder

I can’t say enough good things. For the first time in my life I feel hope that I can create the process that will allow me to be the man that I want to be.”

– Aaron M Stultz

Steven Barnes is uniquely powerful in helping others balance their physical and emotional arenas along a path of unifying purpose

– Gerald M. Levin, Former CEO, Time/Warner

Say Goodbye To Mere “Fitness” Programs —

That work for a while, and then are discarded. Why? Because you cannot become anything that doesn’t match your self image. Either you change your self-concept, or the most advanced training program or equipment will just sit in the closet.


Look at yourself in the mirror. You know how many times you’ve promised yourself to change. To improve your diet, get a new job, find a partner, quit smoking…whatever. And you know how fear and stress stop you every time.


Any program that promises to help you apply this energy, aliveness, and strength in the real world must also address your EMOTIONS. Your MENTAL focus. Do you think a fireman runs into a burning house because of the amount of cardio he did last week?

Do you think that a commando hauling his buddy out of a free-fire zone is a matter of how much he can deadlift?

Do you think Granny lifts the car off little Chuckie because she ate her Wheaties?

Training is either mind AND body…or it is useless, just pumping-up muscles that are basically, no more than wearing water balloons.

The master warrior has more than muscular strength, more than perception and more than “mere” skill. The master warrior knows how to tap into the Fight or Flight system–the Sympathetic Nervous system, to access the “freak strength” we get in emergencies. But training this way takes its toll–unless you not only have excellent biomechanical technique, you can tear your own body apart. And unless you can control the Parasympathetic nervous system the very stress of training–or life itself– can deny you the sound sleep you need to recover and adapt.
We’ve got your answer, right here: the TACFIT “Warrior Sleep” program, based on six thousand year old techniques practiced by warrior nobility to calm themselves before battle.

Accelerated recovery — in a crisis and in daily life — also plays into this goal. The RESET method employed in all TACFIT programs helps tactical operators recover their heart rate and breath up to 6X faster than a highly conditioned athlete. And as any skilled operator knows, the faster you recover the more often you can burst.

When you’re on TACFIT Warrior you’ll be able to do more than the average guy, be more than the average guy, play harder and faster than anyone you know, and make it all look casual and easy. In addition you’ll have the mental and emotional focus to know EXACTLY what you need to do to overcome any challenge, what you need to do TODAY to create a result next year.

Create the body and life of your dreams…all you add is sweat!

TACFIT Warrior uses another TACFIT secret weapon: its unique training wave of periodization.

TACFIT Programs apply a unique specific rotation 4X7 or 7X4 training cycle, combined with 5 different training modalities for built-in injury prevention and rapid recovery — so you’re always “mission ready”, whether in the field or on the prowl.

For the health and fitness enthusiast it means access to true high intensity workouts, consistent peaking and personal bests, no more injuries to sideline your training, and no lost progress.
Your most important bottom line is to be injury and pain free. If you can’t have that, what the hell good is your fitness program?

  • Portability – for a fitness to be a lifestyle, you must be able to train “anywhere, at any time” It had to be BODYWEIGHT ONLY. If you have enough room to lay down and stand up, you can reap all the benefits.
  • Efficient – life is dynamic. Conditioning must be time-compressed to fit into a hectic schedule
  • Tactically Relevant — the conditioning program must contribute to (rather than compete with) tactical skills — no “exercise for exercise sake”!
  • Focus Driven–the program had to use a unique “energy coupling” system to implant goals and concepts during specific moments of hyper-imprintability, so that they would be AVAILABLE to the operator under high stress. Yeah, right: find bliss sitting cross-legged in a cave. Will that help you when a mugger swings a tire-iron at your head? When some #$%% cuts you off on the freeway? When you have to deal with a family emergency at three o’clock in the morning? If not, that meditation is USELESS.
  • Emotional clarity. Every human being experiences fear. What matters is how you deal with it, whether it motivates action or slams on the brakes. Every warrior culture in the world has coping strategies for this, some of them unbelievably effective…but none have ever been integrated into an exercise program available to the general public.

We made TACFIT Warrior efficient by limiting it to 20 minutes, And because of “stacking” technologies, that twenty minutes is equal to:

20 minutes of cardio PLUS
20 minutes of strength training PLUS
20 minutes of agility training PLUS
20 minutes of meditation and mental focus.

Each week, TACFIT Warrior incorporates:

  • High-Intensity Fat-Burning Circuits: each mission in the TACFIT Warrior toolkit can be completed in less than 30 minutes, and those 30 intense minutes melt fat faster than hours of cardio-style exercise.
  • Complex Skills Development that promotes “neurological sophistication”: time appears to slow down as you speed up, fine motor skills become more accurate, gross motor skills more efficient, you feel significantly less stress in a crisis, and even more so in daily life.
  • Real Tactical Applications: each exercise has been carefully programmed to forge the highest level of specific conditioning while building and reinforcing tactically relevant skill sets.
  • Injury-Proofing and Active Recovery: specific low-intensity mobility exercises accelerate your recovery from intense effort, prevent overtraining, and diminish the delayed muscle soreness typical of extreme exertion. This means less “down” time–you’re always ready to “go”!
  • Functional Muscle: Movement requires muscle. And nothing builds sleek, usable muscle like the exciting TACFIT Warrior array of exercises. That’s the secret to the physique of the special ops guys. They build GO MUSCLE not SHOW MUSCLE.
  • Deep “Warrior Sleep”: Designed to teach you EXACTLY how to shut down your mind and body at night to allow you to recover from a day of pressure. No more sleepless nights!
  • FIVE Different levels of skill–your whole unit, office, or family can do it at the same time, from Gramma to Grand Master…we’re ready for everyone, and you’ll be loaded for bear!

Whether you dream of training exactly like the world’s greatest warriors, or just want a mind capable of staring-down a three-foot razor blade, or a body that can work like a demon all week and still party on the weekend…TACFIT Warrior addresses both. For the very first time, ever. the mind/body secrets of the elite are presented in a simple, turn-key package…


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Tacfit Warrior Scott Sonnon | eSy[GB]
Tacfit Warrior – Scott Sonnon
Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $38.00. Add to cart